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Date: 16.11.2017
Teacher: Cîcu Mirabela
Institution: Școala Gimnazială nr. 2 Tilecuș
Level: IInd grade
Time: 50 min.
Number of students: 17
Object: English Language
Type of lesson: introducing new vocabulary

Objectives: - to reinforce and revise rooms in the house

- to reinforce and revise vocabulary related to human body,
numbers, colours
- to introduce and practise names of presents
- to practise saying the age
- to give pupils confidence in their ability to use the English
- to develop communicative abilities

General competences:
1. Understanding simple oral messages
2. Expressing simple oral messages in everyday communication
3. Understanding written and simple messages
Specific competences
1.1 Giving and adequate reaction to greetings and to a simple and short question/
instruction clearly and slowly spoken, followed by teacher’s gestures
1.2 Recognising names of objects from the surrounding area, in short and clear
1.3 Showing interest towards the global meaning of films and songs for children
in a foreign language
2.1 Reproducing simple information/songs/ short poems with the help of the
3.1. Showing interest for decoding some simple written messages from the
surrounding area
Teaching aids:
 pictures
 worksheets
 pictures
 laptop
 projector

 Speaking
 listening

 Teacher – Whole class
 Teacher – Student
 Student – student
 Student – Teacher

Class management:
 Individual
 Whole class

Anticipated problems:
 there will be explanations in Romanian when needed

Materials used: cards, pictures, blackboard

1. Activity 1: Warm up
Aim: to set the right atmosphere
Time: 2′
Procedure: Greetings, introductory conversation
Interaction: T→Ps, frontal
Skills: Speaking
(ABC song)

2. Activity 2: Lead in
Aim: to introduce Ss to the theme of the lesson by revising rooms from the house,
family members, numbers etc
Time: 10’
Procedure: Ss have to place objects in the corresponding room in the house,
recognise numbers, family members, baby animals
Interaction: whole class, T-S
Skills: speaking
(Tie my shoe poem)

3. Activity 3: vocabulary drills

Aim: activate known vocabulary words and introduce new ones
(robot, computer, tv, lamp, clock)

Time: 20 min
Procedure: T plays a video on the laptop. T explains Ss what they are going to
study through the lesson (they are learning only some names of presents,
expressing the age). T elicits Ss to repeat new words using flashcards. Pupils
repeat in choral drill and individually after the teacher.
Interaction: frontal, whole class
Skills: speaking, listening
(Head, shoulders, knees and toes song)

4. Activity 4: Practise through colouring worksheet

Aim: to get Ss use more complex vocabulary structures like: what colour is the
lamp? Etc
Procedure: T shows Ss flashcards where Ss have to say the object and its colour.
First, T gives them several examples and then encourages Ss to answer
themselves. T gives each pupil a colouring worksheet with a robot, lamp, etc.
Interaction: frontal, individual
Skills: speaking, writing

5. Activity 5: matching exercise

Aim: to engage students in listening activities
Time: 10 min
Procedure: T gives Ss worksheets with children and their age, which Ss have to
match while listening. T explains the task. Ss solve the worksheet.
Interaction: S-S
Skills: listening

6. Feedback and homework

Aim: to praise Ss’ work and gives a worksheet as a homework
Time:2 min
Procedure: T encourages the pupils, gives the homework.
Interaction: T-Ps, T-P

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