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The module 1 of the Career Guidance Program aims to help Grade 12 students in
relating the results of the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) in choosing a
curriculum exit, determining preferred life and career based on chosen curriculum exit and
appreciating the chosen life, career, and curriculum exit based on one’s interests and
personality type. The first day was conducted on ____________ and module 1 was covered
during the day.
Module 1 was entitled “Entering the Exits”, and was facilitated by ______for XII-ABM
Ford, during their last period, 1:45-2:00 pm. The discussion of module 1 started off with a
prayer, led by one of the students. The facilitator asked us to arrange the chairs to start off our
first activity entitled, “The Senior High Career Party” which is the motivation. After that, she
told us to dance while the music plays. When the music stopped, we were told to find a partner
and share our answers for the first sharing and so on. Many of us were very noisy but we were
able to share to our partners the required answers for the four sharing during the activity.
Then for the main activity, we observed that there are four doors in the four corners of
our classroom which represents the four curriculum exits of Senior High School namely:
Employment, Entrepreneurship, Higher Education and Middle-Level Skills Development and the
Gallery of careers showing the areas of occupational interests on the wall. We were told to
bring out the results of our NCAE and answered the first activity sheet named “My
Occupational Interests which is based on the results of our NCAE. It helped us reflect on what
career to choose as we were guided by the results of the NCAE and what interests us at the
moment. Then, we were told to choose between the four doors and accomplish the activities
behind it. The class shared their overall thoughts about the activity.
The facilitator then started the lecture. She explained how the National Career
Assessment Examination aims to provide guidance to individual learners for their future
educational and career choices. It also provides the basis for profiling learners’ aptitude in the
four Senior High School tracks. She also discussed the three domains namely General Scholastic
Aptitude (GSA), Occupational Interest Inventory (OII), and Aptitude for Senior High School Track
that are being measured in the NCAE. Also, the results of NCAE provided a profile chart of the
students’ occupational inclinations and preferences through the identified cluster occupations.
She emphasized how helping us, the learners, make career decisions has been so
important to know our identity and profession in the future.
Then, she discussed the next part of the lecture which are the four curriculum exits of
Senior High School. She told us that since we are of legal age, we can start working immediately
or study further more. We can also start our own business, as the skills of an entrepreneur is
taught to us. We can also apply in TESDA for Middle-Level Skills Development. Each exit was
discussed to us clearly.
The facilitator then asked the class to answer the activities attached to the module.
Then she reminded us about the reflection in our journals and answered the evaluation at the
end of the module.

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