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Functional Specification Document


Description : Bank Reconciliation Report

Development Details

Specification Id <Development id>

- Repeat Order Check for Quantity, Nature of Reference Order(Normal
Order), Date of Reference Order (< 2 Years + 10 days), No Change in
terms and conditions maintained as text
- PR mandatory (based on PO Document Type)
- SSI & Proprietory information/control based on external material group
Short Description of of materials used in each line item
development - Updation of field (TBD) for differentiating,- SSI, NSIC, GOV, SRM, etc
- If Acc assignment in entered as A in PO then material is mandatory.
- SD/BG custom fields -requirement indication
- Additional REFERENCE field require in standard purchase order.
- Water draft format require for non-release purchase order.
- DGS&D contract reference details (For header text)
Business Process (BPML
Sangam_FMA-07.01_FI_BL_Manage Bank Accounting_Version No.0.6
BBP Reference Manage Bank Accounting

Development Type Report

Functional Consultant - IBM Vrishali Choudhari

Core-Team Representative

This document is considered Air India confidential and intellectual proprietary information. The information contained
herein may not be disclosed or distributed without Air India’s or IBM’s prior approval. Any person using this document is
responsible for ensuring that the copy is current.

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Author Vrishali Choudhari Date Created:

Signature and Date
Functional Team Lead Pattabhi Jayraman Approved:
Signature and Date
Technical Team Lead Avinash Sawant Approved:
Core Team Signature and Date
representative Approved:
Signature and Date
IBM Project Manager Sidhartha Shankar Approved:

7 = Posting Incomplete
2= statement saved

Standard behavior:
Once statement is saved with closing balance it cannot be cannot be changed. : That means you cannot add
the transaction later.

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Document Change Control
Date Description Version Created / Modified By Remarks
16/11/2012 Bank Statement Report 1.0 Vrishali Initial
Changes are made to exclude
Bank Statement Report 1.1 Vrishali Bank Error Items ( Posting Rule
Currency check introduced. If the
House bank and Account Currency
18.01.2013 Bank Statement Report 1.2 Vrishali is “INR” then consider Local
Currency Field (DMBTR) if the it is
not “INR” then display (WRBTR)
Logic for generating PDF file of
27.02.2013 Bank Statement Report 1.3 Vrishali
the out put is introduced.

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1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose of the document........................................................................................4
2 OVERVIEW................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Key business requirements.......................................................................................4
2.2 High level Process overview.....................................................................................4
3 DETAILS................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Detailed Processing Logic........................................................................................ 4
3.2 Selection Screen................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Report/Form Layout.............................................................................................. 5
3.4 Data Mapping Requirements for Conversion...................................................................5
3.5 Exception handling and Error messages........................................................................5
3.6 Dependencies...................................................................................................... 5
3.7 Constraints......................................................................................................... 5
3.8 Scheduling Requirements for Interfaces.......................................................................5
3.9 Special Requirements, Test Specification and test scenarios/cases.......................................6
3.10 Attachments....................................................................................................... 6

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1.1 Purpose of the document

The purpose of this document is to document any SAP code modification or additional processing logic
requirements to further enhance the standard SAP delivered functionality. This document once approved by
the appropriate authorities as mentioned in section “Document Control”, it forms the basis of Technical
specification and the development work by the Development team.


2.1 Key business requirements

1. To provide a summary report giving details about the difference in Bank Statement Balance and
Bank Book Balance.

Bank Reconciliation Report - Citibank, Newyork Collection A/C 36872986 Dated 31.12.2012
Particulars Amount Amount
Balance as per Company Book : (A) XXX
Less : (B)
Cheques Deposited but not Cleared by Bank :( 2213015001 ) XXX
Debited by Bank but yet to enter in Company Book : XXX XXX
Add : ( C )
Cheques Issued but not yet Cleared : ( 2213015002 ) XXX
Credited by Bank but yet to enter in Company Book : XXX XXX
Balance As per Bank Statement:(D) [ A-B+C ] XXX

Balance As per Bank Statement: (E) XXX

Difference : [ D-E ] XXX

2.2 High level Process overview

<Attach process flow chart and system architecture showing all the concerned systems if required>


3.1 Detailed Processing Logic

Input Screen:
Co Code (T001-BUKRS): (With F4 Functionality) {Required Field}
House Bank (T012K-HBKID): (With F4 Functionality. Should populate only those House Banks
configured for given Co Code) {Required Entry}
Account ID (T012K-HKTID): (With F4 Functionality. Should populate only those account Ids configured
for given House Bank) {Required Entry}
Statement Date (FEBKO-AZDAT): (Pop up Calendar) {Required Field}
Fiscal Year (FEBEP-GJAHR) : {Required Field}


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1. Deriving the value “Balance as per Company Book : (A)”
1.Go to table T012K
Co Code: As given in input parameter
House Bank: As given in input parameter
Account ID: As given in input parameter
Fetch value of field “HKONT”

2.Fetching the values from Table BSIS

A. Go to table T012K
Where Co Code = As given in input parameter
House Bank: As given in the input parameter
Account ID: As given in the input parameter
Pick up the value of field T012K= WAERS
If it T012K- WAERS = T001- WAERS
Consider the value of DMTR else WRBTR.
B. Go to BSIS table.
Co Code: As given in input parameter
GL Account: As derived in step 1 above.
Add 1 to GL account derived in step 1
Add 2 to GL Account derived in step 2.
Take all 3 accounts
Posting Date: Less than or equal to statement date given in the input parameter.

Add the values of Field WRBTR / DMBTR. If the value of field SHKZG is “S”, then consider the
amount as Positive else negative.

2. Deriving the values of Cheques Deposited but not Cleared by Bank :[B]
1.Go to table T012K
Co Code: As given in input parameter
House Bank: As given in input parameter
Account ID: As given in input parameter
Fetch value of field “HKONT”

2.Fetching the values from Table BSIS

A. Go to table T012K
Where Co Code = As given in input parameter
House Bank: As given in the input parameter
Account ID: As given in the input parameter
Pick up the value of field T012K= WAERS
If it T012K- WAERS = T001- WAERS
Consider the value of DMTR else WRBTR.
B. Go to BSIS table.
Co Code: As given in input parameter
GL Account: As derived in step 1 above.
Add 1 to GL account derived in step 1
Posting Date: Less than or equal to statement date given in the input parameter.

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Add the values of Field WRBTR / DMBTR. If the value of field SHKZG is “S”, then consider the
amount as Positive else negative.

3. Deriving the values of Cheques Isuued but not Cleared by Bank :[C]
1. Go to table T012K
Co Code: As given in input parameter
House Bank: As given in input parameter
Account ID: As given in input parameter
Fetch value of field “HKONT”

2. Fetching the values from Table BSIS

A. Go to table T012K
Where Co Code = As given in input parameter
House Bank: As given in the input parameter
Account ID: As given in the input parameter
Pick up the value of field T012K= WAERS
If it T012K- WAERS = T001- WAERS
Consider the value of DMTR else WRBTR.
B. Go to BSIS table.
Co Code: As given in input parameter
GL Account: As derived in step 1 above.
Add 2 to GL account derived in step 1
Posting Date: Less than or equal to statement date given in the input parameter.

Add the values of Field WRBTR / DMBTR. If the value of field SHKZG is “S”, then consider the
amount as Positive else negative.

4. Deriving the values of Debited [B] / Credited [C] by Bank but yet to enter in Company Book

Step 1: Go To table FEBKO

Application Id (ANWND) : “0001”
Co Code (BUKRS) : (As given in Input parameter)
House Bank (HBKID) : (As given in Input parameter)
Account ID (HKTID) : (As Given in Input parameter)
Posting status (ASTAT) : “7”
System will give the list of bank statements uploaded for the given bank on that date.

Fetch values of Field KUKEY (Short Key)

Step 2: Go to Table FEBEP

Short key (KUKEY): value of field “KUKEY” fetched in step 1 above.
Line items cpl(EPERL) = Blank ( Always)
Posting rule (VGINT) # “AIEX” (to exclude wrong bank debits / credits. User has to manually
change the rule for such items to AIEX)

List of line items will be displayed.

If Transaction (VGMAN) = “CHOU”

Display under heading Debit by Bank yet to enter in Bank Book
Value date(VALUT) Amount*(KWBTR) Check No(CHECT) Text(SGTXT)

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If Transaction (VGMAN) = “CHIN”
Display under heading Credit by Bank yet to enter in Bank Book
Value date Amount* Check No Text

*Consider the amount as negative if it D/C indicator is “S” in FEBEP table else consider the amount
*Total of Amount column should be displayed in the inner column without sign as shown in the

5. Balance As per Bank Statement:(D) [ A-B+C ]

Sum the values derived above for A and C derived above and subtract the value of B and display
against "Balance As per Bank Statement :( D)”

6. Balance As per Bank Statement: (E)

Go to table FEBKO
Where :
Application ID(ANWND) = “0001”
Co Code (BUKRS): As given in input parameters
House Bank (HBKID): As given in input parameter
Account ID (HKTID): As given in input parameter
Statement Status (ASTAT) # “2”
List of statements displayed
Pick up the latest statement
Display the value of Ending Bal Amt (ESBTR) : If ESVOZ = “S” consider the amount as negative
else positive.
If FEBKO does not return any entry check BSIS table
Go to Table T012K
Where Co Code: As given in input parameter
House Bank: As given in the input parameter
Account ID: As given in the input parameter
Pick up the value of HKONT
Go to BSIS Table
Where Co Code: As given in the input parameter
GL Account: As derived form T012K table above.
Posting Date: Less than or equal to Statement date as given in input parameter
Document Type(BLART) : “UE”

List of line items will be displayed.

Sum the DMBTR (If T012K- WAERS = T001- WAERS) else WRBTR. If Posting Key = “40” consider
the amount as positive else negative.

7. Difference [D-E]

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Display the difference between values of D minus E here.

Summary :
Bank Reconciliation Report ______*4__________________Dated __*5________
Particulars Amount *1 Amount *1
Balance as per Company Book : (A) XXX
Less : (B)
Cheques Deposited but not Cleared by Bank :( *2 ) XXX
Debited by Bank but yet to enter in Company Book : XXX XXX
Add : ( C )
Cheques Issued but not yet Cleared : ( *3 ) XXX
Credited by Bank but yet to enter in Company Book : XXX XXX
Balance As per Bank Statement:(D) [ A-B+C ] XXX

Balance As per Bank Statement: (E) XXX

Difference : [ D-E ] XXX

Notes: *1 : Display the Currency of House Bank ( T012K- WAERS )

*2 Display Incoming Bank Sub Account (T012K-HKONT+1)
*3 Display Outgoing Bank Sub Account (T012K-HKONT+2)
*4 Display Name of Bank Account ID (T012K- TEXT1)
*5 Display the Statement date entered on input screen

8. Automatic Generation of PDF File and storing on the C: of the User

Program should create the PDF file of the above output and store it in the C: of the user in folder
BRS_Report. The name of the file should be CoCodeHouseBankAccountID_Date_Timestamp

Where Co Code: As given in input parameter

House Bank: As given in input parameter
Account ID: As given in input parameter
Date: System Date
Time Stamp: System Time.

3.2 Selection Screen

<NA >

Other Field Attributes

3.3 Report/Form Layout


3.4 Data Mapping Requirements for Conversion


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Source System Target System Conversion Conversion Rules Validation
Table-Field Table-Field Type (Direct
mapping, Logic,

[Direct  One to one mapping; Logic  derived value from one or more source fields; Table  One-to-One
and Many-to-One mapping based on table below; Constant  Does not depend on source data]

3.5 Exception handling and Error messages

Mentioned in step 3.1

3.6 Dependencies

3.7 Constraints
<Discuss all the constraints or the limitations if any for this development>

3.8 Scheduling Requirements for Interfaces

<Specify whether jobs should run during off-peak hours, frequency, manual or automatic start.
Dependencies, etc>

3.9 Special Requirements, Test Specification and test scenarios/cases

<This portion of the document is used to identify any special requirements to be tested and to plan the
testing. All the testing specifications, test scenarios and test cases should be included in this section>

3.10 Attachments

<Any Specific attachments related to data mapping, legacy files ,screens or references files >

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