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Complete the following dialog with your own words.

Then,practice it with your friend
Mawar : Did you succeed in the drama audition?

Gunawan : Yes, i did.

Mawar : (1)_________________________! You've finally made it.

Gunawan : (2)_________________________. My dream comes true. I am so happy.

Mawar : (3)_________________________. You are so talented. Anyway,what character will you


Gunawan : I will be a friend of the main character.

Mawar : (4)_________________________! It is a good step for your future career.

Gunawan : That's true. I will do my best.

Mawar : (5)_________________________.

Gunawan : Thanks.

Work in pairs.
Create dialogs based on the following situations.
Then, perform the dialogs.
1. Your brother was accepted in a reputable university. You congratulate him.

2. Your aunt is celebrating her wedding. You congratulate her and her couple.

3. Your friend received bronze medal in an archery Championship. You congratulate him/her.

4. Your friend has been selected to represent your school in a national jamboree. You congratulate

5. Acompany has advertised its product on your friend's channel. You congratulate him/her.
Let's play scissors,rock and paper.
1. Work in pairs.

2. Write at least five people's achievement or succes on small pieces of paper, for example: one's
grafuation, one's victory in a contest, one's new house, one's job promotionamd one's wedding.

3. Roll the paper so that you read them.

4. Play scissors, rock and paper. The winner will take a rolled paper and open it. Show it to your
partner and the he/she will congratulate you. Respond to it accordingly.

5. Play scissors, rock and Paper again. The next winner will do the similar activity as the previous
one. Continue the activity to all rolled papers.

Read the following congratulations cards.
Work in groups of four or five.
Discusses the following questions based on the cards in activity 14.
Make a conclusion.
Share your conclusion with the class.
1. Who writes the cards?

2. Who receives the cards?

3. Why do they send the cards?

4. What occasions are the cards given?

5. What are the congratulations expressions written in the cards?

Work in groups of four or five.
Do the following instructions.
1. Find at least five congratulations cards for different occasions from the internet, books or other

2. Using a presentation program in your computer, arrange the cards attractively.

3. Present your work in class.

4. A volunteer collects the congratulations cards in one file.

5. Distribute the file to all students, to study.

Short Functional Text

Congratulations card

A congratulations card is made to congratulate a person on his/her achievement or succes. People

usually make congratulations cards as interesting as possible. In writting a congratulations cards, mention
the following:

 the name of the receiver,

 the name of the congratulations expressions, and

 the name of sender.

Complete the following congratulations cards with the correct words from the boxes.
Card 1

• hard work • glad • career

• succes. • wish •graduation


Congratulations on your (1)__________!

Your (2)_____________ lead you to (3)______________as the best student.

I am proud of you.

(4)______________ you achieve the best (5)_____________ in the future!

Card 2
• beneficial • achievement • achieve

• good luck • victory • congratulations

To: Nirmala

Your (1)_______________ always shines.

I am glad for your (2)_____________ in the application makers competition.


Hope your innovation will be (4)____________ for all mankind.



Write congratulations cards based on the following situations.
1. Your aunt delivers a new baby.

2. Your friend opens a new online shop.

3. Your brother receives an overseas scholarship.

4. Your father has been promoted as manager.

5. Your friend was selected to be a master of ceremony in a student festival

Listen and repeat.
Then, practice the dialog with your friends.
Mawar : Hi, Arya.

Arya : Hi, Mawar. Please come in and have a seat.

Mawar : Thanks. What are you doing?

Arya : I am making car miniatures from cans. Look at this one. I've completed one.

Mawar : Wow! That's cool.

Arya : Thanks.

Mawar : This is a really nice car miniature! How creative you are, Arya!

Arya : Thank you. Initially, I just want to recycle the cans to reduce rubbish.

Mawar : Yeah! We should care for our environment. Anyway, will you sell them?

Arya : Yes, I will. I will sell them via my social media.

Mawar : That's great! I hope they will be sold out.

Arya : Thanks. I hope so.

Mawar : Oh, Arya. I come here to take the bottles which you offered yesterday.

Arya : Oh, let me take them.

Mawar : Sure.

Arya : Here they are.

Mawar : Thank you very much.

Arya : Well, if you need my help to make the vertical garden from the bottles, just call me.

Mawar : Sure. That's very kind of you. Well, i have to leave now. See you.

Arya : O.K. see you.

Work in pairs.
Discuss the following questions.
Share your work with the class.
1. To whom have you ever complimented?

2. Why did you compliment him/her?

3. What did you say to compliment him/her?

4. How did you express it?

5. How did he/she respond to your compliment?

Learning Material


Complimenting Others

We compliment other people to apprciate or praise them. We can say " Wow! That's cool.!" , "
What a nice car miniature! " To compliment. We can say " Thank you." To respond to the compliment.

Here are expressions we can say to compliment others and the suitable responses.

Listen to the dialogs.
Complete the table based on the dialogs.

Complimeting Responding

 What an excllen mak  Thank you

 How, is really wonderful  Thanks

 How lovelly your garden is  Do you think so? Thanks

 You are really talentd at paintig  Thanks

 Well, im speechiess. I havent seen such a  Npr hae i

wonder before

Work in pairs.
Create and perform dialogs based on the following situations.

1. Your friend has played the guitar beautifully on the stage, You compliment him / her.

2. You are visiting your friend's new house. You compliment his / her house.

3. You have read your friend's short story, You compliment his / her short story

4. Your friend has a new badminton racket. You compliment it.

5. Your sister could solve her problem wisely. You compliment her.
Let's play scissors, rock and paper.

1. Work in pairs.

2. Play the scissors, rock and paper game.

3. The winner chooses one of the situations provided below. He / She creates an expression of
compliant based on the situation. The partner responds to the expression.

4. Do the scissors, rock and paper again. Continue doing that with all the situations provided below.

Go around the class.
Compliment your friends.

Work in groups of four or five.
Make a short movie about congratulating and complimenting others.
Present your movie at the class.

Self Reflection
Write about your experience learning this chapter.
Write about your feeling, how you learned, what you liked and did'nt like, etc.

My New Words
Write new words and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter.

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
A. Listening section

1. A. He attend a dance competition.

B. He was the runner up of a dance contest.

C. He was the winner of a dance competition.

D. He was placed third in a dance competition.

E. He was selected to be one of the judges of a dance competition.

2. A. Develop his talent.

B. Learn how to dance.

C. Teach the girl to dance.

D. Harga hold a dance competition.

E. Attend other competitions.

3. A. The girl's way to take overcome fear.

B. The condition of the girl's health.

C. Blood transfusion for the girl.

D. The girl's wish to attend a blood donor event.

E. The girl's participation for blood donor.

4. A. Sick.

B. Afraid.

C. Gloomy.

D. Pleased.

E. Fascinated.
5. A. The girl's victory.

B. The girl's bravery.

C. The girl's health.

D. The girl's encouragement.

E. The girl's hard work.

This is the end of the listening section

B. Reading Section
The following dialog is for questions 6 to 8.
Mawar : Congratulations on your success for holding the bazaar! You did manage it very well.

Rama : Thank you. It was a teamwork. My team did a great job.

Mawar : That's true and you was a good leader for them.

Rama : Thanks. Anyway, do you have any suggestion so that we can have a better bazaar next time?

Mawar : I think you can invite more sellers so that it will be merrier.

Rama : That's a good idea. Thank you very much

Mawar : No big deal.

6. Why does Mawar congratulate Rama?

A. Rama could manage his time well.

B. Rama has achieved success as a seller.

C. Rama has became the best seller in a bazaar

D. Rama was appointed as a leader in an event.

E. Rama and his team has succeeded holding a bazaar.

7. What does Rama look like?

A. Kind.

B. Patient.

C. Patient.

D. Responsible.

E. Independent.
8. Rama says, "Thanks."

He expresses gratitude to respond Mawar's


A. Favor

B. Invitation

C. suggestion

D. compliment

E. congratulations

The following dialog is for questions 9 to 11.

Rahmi : Hi, Sinta. How are things going?

Sinta : Hi, Rahmi. Very good, and you?

Rahmi : I'm feeling great today. How was your weekend with your family in Batu?

Sinta : Excellent! We had a lovely time there. You should have come with us.

Rahmi : Really? Hey, what a beautiful skirt you are wearing! It matches your blouse.

Sinta : Thanks a lot. My sister bought it for me last month.

Rahmi : It's wonderful.

Sinta : Anyway, Rahmi, can I ask you something?

Rahmi : Sure. What is it?

Sinta :Have you finished writing the book we discussed two months ago?

Rahmi : Yes. Come to my room. Look at this. What do you think?

Sinta : Terrific! I like the cover. Let me sce the for contents. This book is excellent. You really
did a great job.

Rahmi : Thanks a lot. You've inspired me to do this.

Sinta : Your publisher should distribute it to all bookstores.

Rahmi : Yes, you're right. The publisher will do it for me.

Sinta : Well, that's great! I am proud of you, Rahmi. By the way, I've got to go now. Have a nice

Rahmi : You, too.

9. What is Rahmi's achievement?

A. She has made a beautiful dress.

B. She has designed a book cover.

C. She has written an interesting book.

D. She has published the best seller book.

E. She could distribute books to all The Danu bookstores.

10. Sinta says, "Terrific!" What does she compliment for?

A. Rahmi.

B. Rahmi's book.

C. Rahmi's dress.

D. Rahmi's sister

E. Rahmi's vacation.

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