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This story begins when Mael’s fall asleep on the pandanus mat. He still dreaming

when his mother were calling for him. His mother finds him and punished him for not

release the cow in the morning. Mael could not tolerate the punishment and accidently

kicked his mother. His mother feeling really angry and curse him. Mael ran away from

home. After that, he release the cow from shed. He take the cow to riverbank and

washed them. He then lay in the shed of a mengkudu tree by the clear stream. He

closed his eye and fall into deep slumber.

Mael blinked his eyes. School children were back from school. He hid in the

bush. Suddenly, he heard the sound of distant laughter. He knew it was his friends. He

wishes he can be like them. He remembered the night he broached the subject with his

father. His father said he can’t afford to send Mael to school. The laughter becomes

louder as he can see Kadir and Mamat talking. He also can see Jumat trailing Sutijah

and teased her. Mael was enrage. Then, the joyous voice diminished. Mael then

wondered aimlessly. Time passed by. He led his cows into the shed. Mael headed

slowly for the paddy-fields. He sat on the bund musing.

He then walked slowly home and climbed the stairs carefully. He opened the

door. Suddenly, he felt a rough hand pulling his hair. He shocked and frightened. His

father yelled in fierce tone. His father smacked Mael repeatedly and pitilessly. He also

banged Mael head against the wall. Mael managed to free himself and charged at his
father. His father managed to get hold of him and forced him against the wall. The old

man then left him alone. Mael crawled to his sleeping place and entertained the idea of

running away. Mael could not hold back his tears.

Minah woke up worried. She could hear her son crying. Minah rose cautiously

and lit the kerosene lamp. She walked carefully towards Mael and she could see tears

on the boy’s cheeks. She remembered that Mael had not eaten the whole day and

went to the kitchen. Mael dreamed Sutijah cycling home but Jumat approached her.

Meanwhile, Minah placed a plate of rice beside Mael. Sutijah screamed in fear when

Jumat tries to embrace her. Minah extended her hand gently to wake Mael up.

Suddenly, Mael kicked the air. Minah was taken aback. Sutijah tried to free herself.

Mael rushed out and shout “go away pig, or I’ll kill u”. Minah was dumbfounded. She

ran to the kitchen and leaned against the bamboo panel. Then, her tears slowly

dripping down.


This story is mainly about Mael. He is Minah and father son. He is really afraid of

his father. This can be seen in page 154 “ just wait till your father gets home! , Mael

was scared stiff when he heard mothers threat”. Besides that, Mael also compares his

father with the cruel and mighty kings of the past as can be seen in the same


Mael also like to day dreaming as in the page157 “ school children were probably

back from school. He hid in the bush and sat day dreaming”. In addition, Mael also hope

to study in school. This can be seen in page 158 in the dialog between father and son.

Mael also is very sensitive as in page 162 “ she realized that beneath the calm exterior

was a sensitive child”.

Mael also like Sutijah. This can be seen from page 153. “ he hoped that the bird

would be proof of his true and eternal love”.


Meanwhile, in the supporting characters, there is Sutijah, Minah and father.

Sutijah is the daughter of the village headman. This can be seen from page 157. “

Sutijah is the daughter of the village headman” . Sutijah also very cute. In page 157

there is passage that prove it. “ and cute little Sutijah served them bean porridge as


The second supporting characters is Minah. Minah is Mael’s mother as can be

seen in passage “ Mael opened his eyes and blinked at his fierce mother”. She is

middle-aged. This can be seen in passage “ he was faster than the lean middle-aged

woman”. She is also very hot tempered. This can be seen in passage “ you good-for-

nothing! You’re still asleep, huh? Oh my…!” . Aside from that, she is also very kind as

in passage “ she went to kitchen, Minah placed a plate of plain rice beside Mael”.

Mael’s father is also one of the supporting characters. He is strong and bulky as

in passage “ Mael compared his strong and bulky father with the cruel and mighty kings

of the past” . He is also poor as he can’t afford to school his son.



There are many time setting in this short stories. First, in the morning. This setting is

when Mael is still asleep in his hut. “ Mael lay prone; his body was stiff and taut. He banged his

hands on the small pandanus mat”.

Second, after the school children back from school. This setting is when Mael was hid in

the bush. “ the bright sun shined fiercely. School children were probably back from school. He

hid in the bush and sat day dreaming”. This setting also when he heard his friend laughtered. “

the sound of distant laughter brought Mael back to reality. He knew it was his friend who were


Lastly, at night. This setting is when he tell his father he want to school. “he remembered

the night he broached the subject with his father” . Beside, this is also when Mael was headed

to the paddy-fields. “it was getting dark. Birds had returned to their nests for the night. Mael

headed slowly for the paddy-fields”. This setting also when he walked home slowly. “ it was very

late at night and the early dew had started to fall. Mael walked slowly home”

AT KITCHEN.This is where Minah get firewood which he threw at Mael.

 “ Minah went into the kitchen and came out again carrying several
sticks of firewood in her arms”

o This is where Mael release his cows and also led his cow into
 “Mael headed for the cow shed, released his two huge cows and
dragged them to the stream behind the hut”


o There are cashew in that area which Mael headed.
 “Mael walked about barefooted. He headed for the cashew at the
edge of the paddy-field”.

o This where Mael dragged his cow and washed them
 “Mael headed for the cow shed, released his two huge cows and
dragged them to the stream behind the hut. He washed them and
later tied them on the bank where the grass was abundant and


o This is where Mael lay in
 “ Mael lay in the shed of a mengkudu tree by the clear stream.”

o This is where he hid while waiting Sutijah
 ““ the bright sun shined fiercely. School children were probably
back from school. He hid in the bush and sat day dreaming”

o This is where he was yelled and punished

The main theme of these story is about aspiration, hoping and dream. The story

is about Mael who want to go to school but his parent cannot afford it. This is

prove in the passage “ how strongly he cherished this wish to attend school. But

he was frustrated. He could not afford it “

He always hopes that he can go to school with his friend. He also want so much

to carry book under his arm. He is also wants to protect Sutijah when back from

school. “ he wanted so much to carry books under his arm. He wished he could

take care of Sutijah when she returned from school and protect her from the

uncouth and naughty boys. He dreamt that one day he would go to school with

his classmate.” This show how much he dream to go to school and being with his



The story begin with Mael falls asleep on the small pandanus mat. He dreaming about

Sutijah. Then his mother, Minah shouting at him for still asleep at that time. She wants

him to work. Then Mael accidently kicked Minah. He was shocked and so was Minah.

Minah then cursed his own son and punished him. Mael run from house


Mael released the cow from shed. He hid in bush and daydreaming. He remind back

when he broached about school with his father. His father say that they can’t afford it.

Suddently, he heard laughter. He see Kadir and Mamat talking and laughing. He wish

he can be like them. He then wordered aimlessly. Time passed by . He went to

riverbank and fetch his cows.


Mael walked slowly home. Suddently, he felt a rough hand pulling his hair. He

frightened. His father yelled at him . His father also smacked him repeatedly and

pitilessly. Mael manage to free himself and then charged at his father. His father
manage to get hold of him and forced him against the wall. His father then left him

alone. Then, Mael crawled to his sleeping place .


Mael entertained the idea of running away for quite a while. Mael could not hold back

his tears. Minah woke up worried . She could hear her son crying. Minah rose

cautiously and lit the kerosene lamp. She walked carefully towards Mael and she could

see tears on the boy’s cheeks. She remembered that Mael had not eaten the whole day

and went to the kitchen. Mael dreamed Sutijah cycling home but jumat approached her.

Meanwhile, Minah placed a plate of rice beside Mael. Sutijah screamed in fear when

Jumat tries to embrace her. In the real world, Minah extended her hand gently to wake

mael up.


Suddenly, Mael kicked the air. Minah was taken aback. Sutijah tried to free herself.

Mael rushed out and shout “ go away pig , or i’ll kill u”. Minah was dumbfounded. She

ran to the kitchen and leaned against the bamboo panel. Then, her tears slowly dripping


There are so many moral values that we can extract from this short stories. Firstly,

kindness. This is prove by Mael’s mother, Minah. Although Minah is very angry, hot

tempered, fierce and many more, in the end, she was very caring to his son. When she

realize her son had not eaten the whole day, she went to the kitchen and place a plate

of rice beside Mael. This show how kind and caring a mother is. This can be seen in

page 162.

Beside that, another moral value is hardworking. Although Mael is only little child but he

had known the true hardship in life. And that what thought him to be hardworking in life.

For example, he always help his father took care and washed the cows. He also

together with his father and the village folks constructed the road. This is shown in page

156 and 157.


Short stories

surf on 30.8.2010

short stories

surf on 30.8.2010

short stories

surf on 30.8.2010

short stories

surf on 30.8.2010

Thanks to god and for all people that help me because I finally manage to

complete my assignment before the deadline. I am really grateful to first and foremost,

my parents for their guidance and encouragement along the time I complete this


Acknowledgement is also to my lecturer Mr. Vespanathan for the valuable inputs,

guidance, and cooperation that he give during the time I complete this assignment.
I am also immensely in debt to my dear friends for the guidance and strategic

support which they give to me by cooperate in helping me collect the information and

method to do the assignment. May god bless you all.

Last but not least, I hope that this coursework that I researched on can bring

benefit to all that read it.


Firstly, when I receive this coursework, I am very curious and dumbfounded

because I don’t know a single thing about the topic. But after many explanations, I am

very happy with the task because I can gain a lot of knowledge.

I have learn so many thing from this project. This is included what is loans mean,

how I can use the loans , what type of loans and many more. This will surely help me

when I’ll work later on.

To speak the truth, at first, I do not know how I can do this assignment. This is

because I am really lack of informations about this topic, but in time of need, my friends
came help. We searched for the informations in internet, in bank also and many more.

And this is also what make it is enjoyable to do this project.

Now after I finally done this task, I have known a lot about the fact that I never

think about before. This task really gives me much information that very useful in my


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