3rd Periodical Test in TLE H.E. VI 2019 2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Third Quarterly Test in TLE-HOME ECONOMICS VI

NAME: __________________________________DATE: ________________ SCORE: _________

GRADE & SECTION: ________________________ TEACHER:______________________________

Direction: Read the following situations then select the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is considered as the main resource of the family?

a. car b. house c. money d. lot
2. Out of family resources, what are considered as the most used by the family.
a. time, energy and money c. recreational center and transport facilities
b. skills, attitude and knowledge d. water, electricity and hospitals
3. It refers to the monetary payment received by family members for the goods and services
a. income b. expenses c. resources d. profit
4. What do you call the money paid by the family for goods and services that they get?
a. income b. expenses c. resources d. profit
5. Which of the following is the first rule for making a good plan in allocating budget for your family?
a. Expenses must be doubled of your household income.
b. Income must be greater than household expenses.
c. Income must be lesser than household expenses.
d. Income must be equal to household expenses.
6. It refers to the income of a retired member of the family.
a. wage or salary b. commission c. pension d. royalty and copyright
7. These are human and non-human qualities or elements that are used to meet the needs and
wants of each family member.
a. goals b. decision c. resources d. values
8. What do we call the additional income for a family member who has written a book, composed a
song, or invented a thing.
a. wage or salary b. commission c. pension d. royalty and copyright
9. The following are services as source of family income EXCEPT____________.
a. free servants c. free gift check
b. free transport d. free medical facilities
10. Reyes family’s budget is P20,000.00 a month. If they allot 30% of their budget for their food,
how much money will they spend?
a. P6,750 b. P6,500 c. P6,000 d. P6,250
11. What do we call the allocation of budget for the family who attends personal events like
birthdays, anniversaries and wedding.
a. savings b. clothing c. shelter d. social obligation
12. Transportation, water bills, electricity, insurances and house rentals are examples of what kind of
a. fixed expenses b. flexible expenses c. family’s expenses d. irregular expenses
13. Which of the following belongs to measuring tool in sewing household linen?
a. pin cushion b. sewing needles c. tape measure d. fabric
14. Grandmother collects the dressmaker’s pins she used in sewing your uniform. Where will she put
the pins and needles that are not in used?
a. seam ripper b. pin cushion c. piece of cloth d. sewing box
15. How should we take good care of our shears and scissors?
a. wash it after use c. apply some oil on it occasionally
b. remove the screw if not in use d. soak in a cold water before us
16. Shears and scissors should be handled correctly. Which of the following is NOT a proper way of
using them?
a. blades are closed when not in used c. when sharing, hold to the pointed end
b. handle must be toward the receiver d. leave it on the table after use
17. In preparing a project plan for household linen, Melody includes the following
a. Objectives of doing the project c. Materials needed and procedure to follow
b. Description of the project to be done d. The amount of the machine to be
18. Which of the following belong to fabric household good intended for daily use such as bedding,
tablecloths and towels or even altar cloths used in church?
a. Linen b. Satin c. Wool d. None of the three choices
19. Pupils were asked to prepare a project plan for a pillow case. All of the following are parts of the
plan EXCEPT one. What is this?
a. name of the project c. materials and tools
b. objectives d. finished product
20. Greg is preparing his project in Home Economics about sewing household linen. In order to have
a nice output of his project, he will make a _____ first before actual fabric sewing.
a. Pattern of the project c. A Box to be used in packaging
b. Design of the project d. A plastic cover
21. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of having sewing tools and equipment in good working
a. it disturbs others because of borrowing tools c. it can save time and make things easier
b. it is very convenient to the one working d. it makes output in a good condition
22. After making your pillow cases, one of the problems is how to sell the finish product. What is the
newest technique to be used?
a. Advertise it on magazine c. Have a TV commercial
b. Advertise it on newspaper d. Post it on facebook
23. Why creativity in making a label is important in promoting a product?
a. To attract costumer to buy the product. c. To get awards only
b. For display purpose only. d. Because you like it only.
24. Quality is important in a product. Why?
a. Customers like to buy expensive product.
b. Customers like to buy cheap product.
c. Customers like to buy product that last longer.
d. Customers like to buy product with affordable price and with high quality.
25. As you watch the advertisement from the television, endorsers do it in a most creative way. Why
do you think so?
a. It may cause high price to the product.
b. It can promote the endorser especially actors and actresses.
c. It can promote the TV stations.
d. It helps to encourage viewers to buy the product.
26. In starting a business, planning is important. What is a valid reason for this?
a. To gain a market after doing the product.
b. To avoid failure to your business.
c. To know what to do after finishing the product.
d. All responses are correct.
27. What makes your product saleable?
a. Triple the price with the capital c. Low price even without profit
b. Affordable price but with profit d. High price
28. In sewing or making pillow cases and in selling them, there are different concerns to consider.
Which of the following is the correct answer?
a. Materials needed and Cost of Capital c. Target Consumer
b. Designs and Marketing Strategy d. All of the responses given
29. It serves as the container of the product and the focus was on the ability to protect the product.
a. package b. label c. record d. brand name
30. People tend to preserve fruit especially if they are in season. Which of the following is NOT a
a. to prevent spoilage b. to lengthen the shelf life of the food
c. to multiply microorganisms present in the d. to augment family income
31. Ripe santol fruits were scattered in Gary’s garden. They cannot sell them in the market because
they live in a remote area. What should they do in order to prevent spoilage or wastage?
a. make some santol candies
b. distribute them to their neighbors
c. sell them in the market and spend more for their transportation
d. throw them in the compost pit
32. This method of food preservation goes back to the Egyptians wherein there is a removal of
moisture or water in food. It is also the most ancient method of food preservation known to
a. salting b. drying c. freezing d. canning
33. To start making preserved food, the following are factors to be considered in choosing and
preparing the right ingredients EXCEPT one.
a. sort out ingredients to determine blemished and presence of insects
b. wash by putting them in running water
c. chooses unripe or overripe main ingredients
d. peel fruits into desired shapes and sizes
34. How can we be sure on the measurement of ingredients needed in preserving food?
a. chop and cut the ingredients then put them in the container
b. use weighing scale and measuring cups
c. use plastic bags in measuring them
d. cook the ingredients first before measuring
35. Anna is washing camias fruits to be used in his candied camias. She washes them in running
water and drain them. What utensil to be used to drain the fruits she washed?
a. colander b. measuring cup c. pans d. food
36. This tool is used to measure accurately how long the processing of a certain food.
a. Scale b. Timer c. Food brush d. Jelly bag
37. This is a method of food preservation that turns the food into solid state at very low temperature.
a. drying b. freezing c. salting d. smoking
38. My younger sister brought a pair of kitchen scissors, chopping knife and vegetable peeler for their
cooking activity in school. What kind of tool did she bring?
a. cutting tools b. mixing tools c. weighing tools d. measuring tools
39. Which of the following is not a mixing tool?
a. wooden spoon b. tongs c. peeler d. turner
40. In preparing simple recipes of food preservation, which of the following one must to consider or
to prepare?
a. Ingredients only c. Kitchen tools and Utensils only
b. Procedure only d. Ingredients, procedure, kitchen tools and
41. Packaging materials for preserves should be creative, attractive, durable and nonhazardous.
Which of the following DOES NOT show a good packaging material?
a. packaging materials should be easy to dispose
b. use colorful wrappers, painted fabrics on top of jars
c. use roll bags in selling jams and jellies
d. damage containers can used to preserved food
42. Labels provide important information about the preserved food products. Which of the following
is not included in the label?
a. name or brand of the product
b. weight and list of ingredients
c. address of the producer
d. name of tools and equipment used
43. Mr.Aquino’s marketing strategy is by promoting his preserved food products in exhibits and
bazaars. What do you think is the best strategy he will use in selling his products?
a. social media b. product display c. internet marketing d. print
44. Packaging of processed items is one of the factors to consider. What is it importance of
a. To become popular c. To impress people
b. To increase sales and profit d. To last longer the product
45. Which is the formula to compute for profit or gains?
a. Total Income – Total Expenses= Net Profit c. Net Profit – Total Expenses = Total
b. Total Expenses - Total Income =Net Profit d. Net Profit – Total Income = Total
46. Production costs, marketing, transportation, utilities such as water, electricity, LPG and others are
included in _____.
A. Total Income C. Net Profit
B. Total Expenses D. Net Proceeds
47. Mary don’t have enough money and time to advertise your processed product, which of the
following is a possible way to advertise?
A. Through newspaper C. Event sponsorship
B. Online technology D. Through Flyers
48. In making camote chips, how will we assess the quality of this?
a. By considering its crispiness and taste only.
b. By looking at the packaging.
c. The price is affordable to consumers.
d. Good packaging, better taste, affordable and nutritious.
For item 49-50, refer to the given table below and answer the given questions.

Record of the daily sales of Mendoza family

October 23, 2018 3 packs of yema P50.00/pack P60.00/pack

____49. How much is their profit per pack of yema?

a. P10.00 b. P15.00 c. P20.00 d. P5.00
____50. How much is their total profit in selling the 3 packs of yema?
a. P20.00 b. P25.00 c. P30.00 d. P35.00
S.Y. 2019 - 2020
1. c 26. d
2. a 27. b
3. a 28. d
4. b 29. a
5. b 30. c
6. c 31. a
7. c 32. b
8. d 33. c
9. d 34. b
10. c 35. a
11. d 36. b
12. a 37. b
13. c 38. a
14. b 39. c
15. c 40. d
16. c 41. d
17. d 42. d
18. a 43. b
19. d 44. d
20. a 45. b
21. a 46. b
22. d 47. d
23. a 48. d
24. d 49. a
25. d 50. c

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