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1 abandon 放纵:constraint;放纵:unrestrainedly;放弃:withdraw;停止做某事:put an end to

2 abash 使尴尬,使羞愧:self-confidence,embarrass
3 abate 减轻(程度或者强度):reduce,degree,intensity;减少(数量),降低(价值):reduce,amount,value
4 abbreviate v.缩写,缩短:briefer
5 abdicate v.正式放弃(权力、责任):throne
6 aberrant adj.异常的,非常规的:deviating
7 abet v.帮助,怂恿:assist or support;v.鼓励:encourage
8 abeyance n.终止,搁置:inactivity
9 abhor vt.深恶痛绝,极度厌恶:extreme repugnance
10 abide  
11 abject adj.无精打采的:spiritless;adj.(地位、身份)悲惨、凄凉的:low state;adj.卑微的,讨好的:humble
12 abjure v.发誓放弃:rejecting,abandoning;v.抵制避免:resist
13 ablution  
14 abnegate 否认:deny,renounce;投降,放弃,交出(权力等):surrender,relinquish
15 abolish  
16 abominate 憎恶:abhor
17 aboveboard 无欺诈的,光明正大的:free from,deceit or duplicity
18 abrade 磨损,精神上的折磨:wear away, by friction
19 abreast 并排地:in line;熟知的:knowledge of recent developments
20 abridge 缩短,缩小:shorten;在不改变本意的条件下删减词语,缩写:shorten
21 abrogate 官方的正式废除:annul;无视(某事的)存在:nonexistent
22 abscission  
23 abscond 偷偷离开:depart secretly
24 absenteeism  
专制的:unconstrained; 无限的 unqualified; 完美的,纯净不惨杂的:free from imperfection, mixture; 不容置疑的,确
25 absolute 凿的:unquestionable
26 absolve 使无罪,解除责任:free from, guilt, exculpate
27 absorb  
28 abstain 自我克制,主动戒绝:refrain, by one’s own choice
29 abstemious (吃喝等)有节制的,节俭的:restraint, food or alcohol, sparing
30 abstract 做总结,概括:abstract, summarize; 使分心:away, attention
31 abstruse 难以理解的:recondite
32 absurd 不合理的:unreasonable
33 abundant 大量的: great plenty
34 abuse 辱骂,抨击:condemn or vilify; 不正当的或不合理使用的:wrong or improper use; 过分过量使用的:use excessively
35 abusive  
36 abut 邻接,毗邻:adjacent
37 abysmal 极低的,极可怜的:immeasurably low; (程度)很深的,极端的:immeasurably great
38 academic  
39 accede 赞成:approval, consent; 就任,就职:come into an office
40 accelerate 加速:faster; 使提前发生:earlier; 变大,变多:greater
41 accentuate 强调
42 access  
43 accessible 可以达到的:within easy reach; 可以理解的:understood; 能够获得的:get
44 accessory 辅助的,附属的:secondary, supplementary, subordinate; 帮凶:one, wrongdoing
45 acclaim 称赞:public acknowledgment or admiration;赞扬,赞颂:approval
46 acclimate 使适应:to change (something) so as to make it suitable
47 accolade 同意,赞赏:approval; 赞扬:praise
48 accommodate 提供所需(例如服务、借贷、寄宿):provide; 改变以适应新情况、新场景:make, suitable;使和谐:free of conflicts
49 accommodating  
50 accompany  
51 accomplice  
52 accomplish 实现,完成:completion
53 accord 一致:consistency;相符合,相一致:in harmony;授予,给予:to grant or give
54 accost 以挑衅的形式搭讪:challenging or aggressive way
55 accountability  
56 accrete 逐渐增长:grow, gradually
57 accrue  
58 accumulate 逐渐增长:increase gradually
59 accurate  
60 accuse  
61 acerbic (心情、心境或者语调)尖酸的:wit, cause hurt feelings
62 acknowledge 承认:admit
63 acme 顶点,极点:highest; 最佳典范:most perfect type
64 acolyte  
65 acorn  
66 acoustic  
67 acquaint  
68 acquiesce 勉强同意;默许:accept, tacitly or passively
69 acquired  
70 acquisitive 贪婪的:desirous
71 acquit  
72 acquittal  
73 acrid 辛辣的,刺鼻的:harsh, taste, odor; 刻薄的:wit, cause hurt feelings
74 acrimony  
75 acrobat  
76 acrophobia  
77 acuity  
78 acumen 不同寻常的洞察力和鉴别力:exceptional discernment and judgment
79 acute 敏锐的:keen discernment; 严重的,急性的:immediate attention; (程度、影响)极强的:extreme
80 adage  
81 adamant 固执的,不可动摇的:unshakable, unyielding, inflexible
82 adaptable  
83 addendum  
84 addict 沉溺,上瘾:surrender, obsessively; 对某事上瘾的人:habitual liking
85 additive  
86 address  
87 adept  
88 adequate  
89 adhere 依附,粘着:stick; 服从,遵守:according to the commands; 坚定地支持:steadfast support
90 adherent  
91 adhesive  
92 adjacent  
93 adjourn 延期,休会:suspend;
94 adjunct 附属物,非必需部分:not essentially a part
95 adjust  
96 admire  
97 admission  
98 admonish 建议:give advice; 责备:reprove gently
99 adobe  
100 adolescent  
101 adore 喜爱,因···感到愉悦:pleasure; 宠爱:tenderness
102 adorn  
103 adroit  
104 adulate 极度谄媚:praise too much
105 adumbrate 部分地或有保留地揭露:disclose; 预示着:give a slight indication
106 advent  
107 adventitious 外来的,后天的,非内在的:not inherent or innate
108 adverse  
109 advertise  
110 advisable  
111 advocate 支持,提倡:support
112 aegis  
113 aerate  
114 aerial  
115 aesthete  
116 aesthetic  
117 affable 和蔼的,温和的:ease, friendliness
118 affectation 虚伪,做作:not natural, not genuinely felt
119 affected  
120 affidavit  
121 affiliate  
122 affinity 喜欢,倾向:attraction
123 affirm 声称...为真,肯定...属实:valid or confirmed
124 affix 粘合:attach physically
125 afflict  
126 affluent 富裕的:sufficient
127 affordable  
128 affront  
129 agenda  
130 agglomerate  
131 aggrandize 增加、提高(力量、财富、地位、声誉)等:enhance
132 aggravate 加重,恶化:worse, serious, severe
133 aggregate 集合体:units or parts, associated; 集合,聚焦:collect or gather
134 aggression  
135 aggressive 好斗的:attack; 强有力的,强烈的:forcefulness
136 aggressor  
137 aggrieve 使苦恼,使悲痛:pain, trouble, distress
138 agile  
139 agitate 煽动,激起:arouse; 使不安:trouble the mind, disturb
140 agnostic  
141 agog 极度感兴趣的:urgent desire or interest
142 agony  
143 agrarian  
144 agreeable 令人愉悦的:pleasing to the mind or senses;随和的:easygoing and pleasing manner;相一致:in harmony
145 agronomy  
146 ail  
147 airborne  
148 airtight 无瑕疵的:no, flaw; 密封的,不透气的:impermeable to air
149 alabaster  
150 alacrity 反应迅速,乐意,欣然
151 albeit  
152 alchemy  
153 alcove  
154 alert  
155 alias  
156 alibi 不在场的证明,托辞,借口:excuse
157 alienate 使...疏远:unfriendly, hostile,indifferent;转让,让渡:convey or transfer
158 align 使排成一行:line; 调准,校准:adjust
159 alimentary  
160 alkali  
161 allay 减轻:subdue, reduce, intensity or severity
162 allege  
163 allegiance 忠诚:devotion or loyalty
164 allegory  
165 allergic  
166 alleviate 缓和,减轻:relieve, lessen
167 allocate  
168 allowance  
169 allude 间接提到:indirectly
170 alluring  
171 aloft 在空中:in flight
172 aloof 孤高的,不合群的:distant
173 alphabetical  
174 alter  
175 alternate  
176 altruism 利他主义:unselfish
177 aluminium  
178 amalgam  
179 amalgamate 合并,混合:combine, unified, unite
180 amass  
181 amateur  
182 ambidextrous  
183 ambiguous 有多种理解方式的,不确定的:more than one, doubt, uncertain
184 ambivalent (尤指感情、态度)矛盾的:opposing feelings
185 amble 漫步,闲逛:walk slowly, leisurely, stroll
186 ambush  
187 ameliorate 改善,改进:become better, improve
188 amenable  
189 amend  
190 amenity  
191 amiable  
192 amicable  
193 amity  
194 amnesia  
195 amnesty  
196 amorphous  
197 amortize  
198 amphibian  
199 ample  
200 amplify  
201 amplitude  
202 amulet  
203 amuse  
204 anachronistic 时代错误:chronologically misplaced
205 anaerobic  
206 anagram  
207 analgesia  
208 analgesic  
209 analogy  
210 analyze  
211 anarchy  
212 anathema  
213 anatomical  
214 ancestor  
215 ancestry  
216 anchor  
217 ancillary  
218 anecdote  
219 anemia  
220 anguish  
221 angular  
222 anhydrous  
223 animate  
224 animosity  
225 animus  
226 annals  
227 annexation  
228 annihilate  
229 annotate 给...作注解:commentary or explanatory notes
230 announce  
231 annoy  
232 annul  
233 anomaly  
234 anonymity  
235 anorexia  
236 antagonize  
237 Antarctic  
238 antecedent  
239 antediluvian  
240 antenna  
241 anterior  
242 anthem  
243 anthology  
244 anthropologist  
245 antibiotic  
246 antibody  
247 antic  
248 anticipate  
249 antidote  
250 antihistamine  
251 antipathy 厌恶,反感:aversion, dislike;令人反感的事物:objection of aversion
252 antique  
253 antiseptic  
254 antithesis  
255 anvil  
256 aorta  
257 apex  
258 aphorism  
259 aplomb 沉着的
260 apocalyptic  
261 apocrypha  
262 apocryphal  
263 apogee  
264 apologize  
265 apoplectic  
266 apostasy  
267 apostate  
268 apostrophe  
269 apothecary  
270 appall  
271 apparatus  
272 apparel  
273 apparition 鬼魂,幽灵:ghostly figure
274 appeal  
275 appease  
276 appellation  
277 appetite  
278 appetizer  
279 appetizing  
280 applaud  
281 applause  
282 applicable 可用的,可行的:put to use;相关的,有光的:having to do with;合适的,恰当的:meeting the requirements
283 applicant  
284 appoint  
285 apposite  
286 appraise  
287 appreciable  
288 appreciate  
289 apprehend  
290 apprentice  
291 apprise  
292 approach  
293 approbation  
294 appropriate  
295 approximate  
296 apron  
297 apropos  
298 apt  
299 aptitude  
300 aquatic  
301 arabesque  
302 arable 适合耕作的:growing of crops
303 arbiter  
专横的,独断专行的:force one's will on others;独裁的,拥有无限权力的:without interference by others;缺乏计划
304 arbitrary 的,随意的:lacking a definite plan
305 arbitrate  
306 arboreal  
307 arboretum  
308 arcane (语言)晦涩的,隐晦的:veiled, uncertain;深奥的,难以理解的:difficult to understand
309 arch  
310 archaeology  
311 archetype  
312 archipelago  
313 architect  
314 archive  
315 arctic  
316 ardent  
317 arena  
318 argot  
319 aria  
320 arid 干燥的:little or no precipitation;无趣的,无聊的:lack of interest
321 aristocracy  
322 armada  
323 armistice  
324 armory  
325 aroma  
326 array 排列,阵列:arrangement;排列,摆放:arrange or display;装饰,装修:dress or decorate
327 arrest  
328 arresting  
329 arrhythmic  
330 arrogant  
331 arrogate  
332 arsenal  
333 arson  
334 artery  
335 arthritis  
336 articulate  
337 artifact  
338 artifice  
339 artificial  
340 artistry  
341 artless  
342 ascendancy  
343 ascetic  
344 ascribe  
345 aseptic  
346 aspect  
347 aspen  
348 asperity  
349 aspersion  
350 asphyxiate  
351 aspiration  
352 aspire  
353 assail 抨击,严厉批评:criticize harshly;攻击,猛攻:violent action against
354 assault  
355 assay  
356 assemble  
357 assent  
358 assert  
359 assertive  
360 assess  
361 assessment  
362 asset  
363 assiduous  
364 assimilate  
365 associate  
366 assorted  
367 assuage  
368 assume  
369 assumption  
370 assure  
371 asterisk  
372 asteroid  
373 asthma  
374 astound  
375 astray  
376 astringent  
377 astrolabe  
378 astrology  
379 astronomical  
380 astute  
381 asunder  
382 asylum  
383 asymmetric  
384 athletics  
385 atonal  
386 atrocious  
387 atrophy 萎缩,衰退:waste away
388 attach  
389 attain  
390 attenuate 降低(数量、力量、价值):lessen
391 attest 证实,为...作证:give evidence
392 attic  
393 attorney  
394 attribute  
395 attune 使协调,使和谐:into harmony
396 auction  
大胆的,(但往往)愚勇的:fearlessly, recklessly; 蔑视(法律、礼节)的,无礼的:contemptuous of law; 乐于冒险
397 audacious 的:take risks; 大胆创新的:verve
398 audible  
399 augment  
400 augur 预言家:predicts; 出现好兆头:signs of, successful outcome; 预言:tell, beforehand
401 august 威严的,严重的:formal and serious or reserved manner;盛大的,令人印象深刻的:large and impressive
402 auspices  
403 auspicious 好兆头的:toward a happy outcome
404 austere 朴素的,朴实无华的:simple;严肃的,令人生畏的:stern and cold
405 authentic 真实的,非仿造的:exactly; 准确的,相符的:original
406 authoritarian  
407 autobiography  
408 autocrat  
409 autonomy 政治上的独立:self-governing; 自我主导的自由,(尤其是)精神独立:independence
410 auxiliary  
411 available  
412 avalanche  
413 avarice 贪财,贪婪:insatiable
414 avenge  
415 aver 声称为真:state, forcefully; (态度强硬而明确地)声明:state clearly
416 averse  
417 aversion 非常讨厌,极厌恶:dislike; 令人厌恶的事物:someone that is hated
418 avert  
419 aviary  
420 avid 急切渴望的:enthusiasm; 贪婪(钱财)的:eager, for material possessions
421 avoid  
422 avow  
423 awe 敬畏:dread, veneration, wonder
424 awe-inspiring  
缺乏灵活性和技巧的:lacking dexterity; (处理问题)缺乏手段和智谋的:a lack of skill and tact; 臃肿笨拙的,不优
425 awkward 雅的:lacking ease; 令人尴尬的:embarrassment; (因过大或过重设计问题)难以操作的:difficult to use
426 awl  
427 awning 雨篷,遮阳篷:shelter
428 awry 弯曲的,扭曲的:turned, twisted; 走样的(地),出差错的(地):off, course
429 axiom  
430 axis  
431 axle  
432 babble 发出含糊无意义的嘟囔声,胡乱说:utter, meaningless; 闲聊:rambling conversation
433 backdrop  
434 backhanded 间接的,含沙射影的,虚情假意的:indirect
435 bacterium  
436 badge  
437 badger 不断纠缠或骚扰:harass, persistently
438 badinage 打趣,善意的玩笑:banter
439 bail  
440 bait 逗弄,激怒:persecute, exasperate; 引诱:lead away; 诱饵:something, luring
441 bale 痛苦,悲哀:sorrow
442 baleful 有害的:harmful; 凶兆的,凶恶的:evil; 致命的:causing death
443 balk 阻碍:check, obstacle; 不愿接受,拒绝:unwillingness
444 ballad (由简单诗节和叠句组成的)民歌:poem
445 ballast  
446 ballerina  
447 balloon 迅速增加:increase
448 ballot  
449 balm 香油,止痛膏,安慰物:sweet-smelling oil, soothe; 香气:pleasant smell
450 balmy  
451 ban  
452 banal 非原创的,陈腐的:trite
453 band  
454 bandage  
455 bane 祸根:ruin; 有害物质:kill or injure a living thing
456 banish 驱逐出境:leave, country; 赶出:force out
457 banister  
458 bankrupt  
459 banquet  
460 banter 幽默、打趣的(地)谈话:humored
461 bar  
462 barb 尖锐而严厉的批评:critical
463 barbarous 野蛮的,凶残的:mercilessly; 未开化的:uncivilized
464 barbecue  
465 bard  
466 bare  
467 barefaced 公然的,厚颜无耻的:brazen
468 bargain 协议:agreement; 讨价还价:negotiate
469 barge  
470 bark  
471 barn  
472 barometer  
473 baroque 装饰华丽的,过分雕琢的,复杂的:extravagance, complexity, flamboyance; (程度上)过分的:beyond, limit
弹幕:curtain; 有压倒之势的、集中倾泻的(如言语):overwhelming, outpouring; (同时)袭来:attack with,
474 barrage overwhelming outpouring
475 barren 不育的:incapable, producing; 不产生结果的,无效的:no results; 贫瘠的:deficient; 极度匮乏的:lacking
476 barricade 障碍物:obstruction, rampart; 用障碍物阻止通过:prevent access
477 barrier  
478 barter 以物换物:trade, without
479 base  
480 bask 休息,悠然自得:lie or relax
481 baste  
482 batch 一批次的量:unit; 一小群人:small number of persons
483 bathetic 平凡的,陈腐的:commonplaceness
484 baton  
485 battalion  
486 bauxite  
487 bawdy 下流的,猥亵的:indecent
488 bazaar  
489 beacon  
490 beam  
491 bearing  
492 beat  
493 bedeck 装饰,点缀:make more attractive
494 bedlam  
495 befuddlement  
496 begrudge  
497 beholder  
498 behoove 对...有利:necessary, proper, advantageous
499 belabor (当众)严厉批评:criticize; 就···作过度的说明,喋喋不休:explain, excessively
500 belated  
501 beleaguer 包围,围攻:to surround; 使困扰,使烦恼,使消沉:trouble
错误的描述,误述:picture falsely; 证明···为假:false, wrong; 掩饰:shut off from view; 与···相对立,与···相矛盾:
502 belie counter
503 belittle  
504 bellicose  
505 belligerence 好斗,好战:aggressive or truculent
506 bellwether 领导者,带头人:lead
507 bench  
508 bend  
509 benediction  
510 benefactor  
511 benevolent  
512 benign 好心的,仁慈的:kindness, gentleness; 无害的:not causing
513 benison  
514 bent  
515 bequeath  
516 bequest  
517 berate (长时间)严厉指责:scold, vehemently, at length
518 bereft  
519 beset 使苦恼,骚扰:cause persistent suffering;攻击,袭击:set upon
520 besiege  
521 besmirch 弄脏,弄污:make dirty; 诽谤,玷污:detract from the honor
522 bestial  
523 bestow  
524 betray  
525 betroth  
526 beverage  
527 bewilder  
528 bewildering  
529 bibliography  
530 bibliophile  
531 bicker  
532 bid  
533 bifurcate (使)分成两支:two branches
534 bigot 固执己见者,有偏见的人:obstinately devoted
535 bile  
536 bilingual  
537 bilk  
538 billowy  
539 bin  
540 biosphere  
541 biped  
542 bit  
543 bizarre  
544 blade  
545 blanch  
546 bland 味道平淡的,不刺激的:soothing; 无趣的:dull; 温和的,和蔼的:not harsh
547 blandishment 甜言蜜语,讨某人好话:coax, cajole
548 blasphemy  
爆炸:explosion; 一阵猛烈的强风:gust; 巨响:loud, sound; 炸裂,爆破:cause to break open;斥责,抨击:criticize
549 blast harshly
550 blatant 大声喧哗的:noisy; (让人生厌地)惹人注目的:noticeable
551 blazon 使知名:make known openly; 修饰,装扮:make more attractive
552 bleach  
553 bleak  
554 blemish 缺点,污点:imperfection; 损害,玷污:reduce
555 blight (使)枯萎:affect; 损害:impair
556 bliss 极度快乐:ecstasy; 极乐世界:place of perfect happiness
557 blithe 愉快高兴的:happy lighthearted; 无忧无虑的,漫不经心的:freedom from worries
558 blizzard  
559 blockade  
560 blockage  
561 blooming  
562 blotch  
563 blowhard  
564 blue  
565 blueprint 蓝图,详细计划:architects’ plans; 事先计划:work out, in advance
566 blunder 过失:error, mistake; 在···方面犯了很愚蠢且通常很严重的错误,糟蹋:make a stupid, error; 蹒跚:unsteadily
567 blunt 使变钝:less sharp; 减弱(力度等):weaken in strength or feeling; 直率的:direct, brief
568 blur (使)变得朦胧,(使)变得不清楚:vague; 使不易理解:unclear to the understanding
569 blurb  
570 blurt 突然说出,冲动地说:abruptly
571 blush  
572 bluster 狂妄自大地大声说:loudly arrogant; 大声吹嘘,恐吓:loudly; 喧闹的状态:noisy
573 blustering  
574 boast  
575 bodyguard  
576 bog  
577 boggle (因为怀疑、恐惧)犹豫:hesitate; 笨拙地做:unskillful way
578 bogus 伪造的,假冒的:being such in appearance only;虚伪的,做作的:lacking, spontaneous quality
579 boisterous 喧嚷的,吵闹的:noisily
580 bolster 支撑(物):provide support;鼓励、使有精力:boost
581 bolt  
582 bombast 夸大的言辞:pompous
583 bondage  
584 bonnet  
585 boom  
586 boon 恩惠,福利:benefit; 喜欢集体活动的:enjoy the company of others
587 boor 粗鲁的人,不敏感的人:rude
588 boost  
589 bootless 无用的:useless
590 bore 令人讨厌的人或事物:causes boredom;使厌倦,使厌烦:make weary
591 boredom  
592 botany  
593 boulder  
594 bouquet  
595 bourgeois  
596 bout  
597 boycott 联合抵制,拒绝参与:concerted refusal
598 brace  
599 bracelet  
600 bracing 令人振奋的,给人带来活力的:giving strength
601 bracket  
602 brag  
603 braggadocio  
604 braggart  
605 braid  
606 brake 刹车:less rapid
607 brandish (带有威胁性地)挥舞:shake menacingly
608 brash 愚勇的,鲁莽的:foolishly adventurous; 缺乏判断力的,不明智的:poor judgment
609 brassy 厚脸皮的,不知羞耻的:rude boldness; 华而不实地炫耀:showy
610 brat  
611 bravado 假装勇敢:pretense; 虚张声势:swaggering
612 bravura 优秀演技(的):brilliant
613 brawl  
614 brazen 蛮横大胆的,厚颜无耻的:contemptuous boldness; 大胆自信地去面对或从事:bold self-assurance
615 breach (对伦理、法律准则的)破坏:breaking, moral or legal code; 违背:fail to keep
616 breadth  
617 breed  
618 bribe 贿赂,收买:give, money
619 bricklayer  
620 bridle 限制
621 brink  
622 brisk 充满生机的,有活力的:activity; (言辞或方式)尖刻辛辣的,刻薄的:keen or sharp
623 bristle 怒不可遏,咆哮:anger; 供应充足,充满:copiously
624 brittle 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的:broken; 不热心的,不真心的:lacking in friendliness
625 broach 开启,启封:open; 提出讨论:present
626 brochure  
627 broker  
628 bromide 陈词滥调:hackneyed
629 brood  
630 brook 忍受,容许:tolerate; 小溪流:creek
631 browbeat 恐吓:intimidate
632 bruise  
633 bruit (未经证实地)散播(消息):make, the subject of common talk
634 brunt  
635 brusque  
636 brutal  
637 buck 阻止,反对:refuse assent; 转移,交接:shift possession
638 bucket  
639 bucolic  
640 bud  
641 budge (使)改变立场或态度:alter a position; 停止抵抗,屈服:cease resistance
642 budget  
643 buffoon  
644 bulb  
凸起:protuberant; 比赛中的优势地位:more favorable condition; 暴涨,突增,在数目或数量上突然而且是临时性的
645 bulge 增加:sudden, usually temporary increase; 充满:copiously supplied
646 bulk  
647 bully 欺凌弱小者:intimidating manner; 最好的,最棒的:best
648 bumptious 专横傲慢的,自以为是的:superiority
649 bungle 办遭,失败:work clumsily
650 buoy 使充满勇气和力量,使振作:courage or strength
651 buoyant 有浮力的:floating; 心情好的:good mood or disposition
652 bureaucracy  
653 burgeon 迅速成长扩大,蓬勃发展:grow, rapidly, flourish
654 burial  
655 burlesque 夸张滑稽地模仿以嘲弄他人的文学艺术作品,恶搞:make fun of
656 burnish 擦亮,磨光:make smooth or glossy
657 bust  
658 butt  
659 buttress 扶墙:supporting, wall building; 为···提供支撑的证据或者信息:provide evidence or information for
660 byline  
661 byproduct  
662 bystander  
663 byzantine 错综复杂的:complicated, secretive, interrelated
664 cabal  
665 cabinet  
666 cache 囤货,藏货:supply; 隐藏:hiding
667 cacophony 刺耳的声音:inharmonious sound
668 cadet  
669 cadge 乞讨,乞求:beg
670 cajole 哄骗:wheedle
671 calamity 大灾难:disastrous event
672 calcium  
673 calculated 经过计算(成败得失)的,经过深思熟虑的:reckoning or estimating
674 calculating  
675 calculus  
676 caldron  
677 calibrate 调整,使标准化:standardize; (根据标准)精确测量:measure precisely
678 calipers  
679 calligraphy (优美的)书法:elegant handwriting
680 callous 无同情心的,冷漠的:unfeeling
681 callow 不老练的,不成熟的:lacking, experience
682 calorie  
683 calumniate 诽谤,造谣,中伤:false statements
684 calumny  
685 cameo 栩栩如生的描绘,简洁生动的描述或刻画:brief, vivid portrayal; 客串:brief but dramatic appearance
686 camouflage 伪装,伪装手段:deceive, hide
687 campaign  
688 canary  
689 candid  
690 candidacy  
691 candor 坦率,直率,诚挚:honest, sincere
692 cane  
693 canine  
694 canny 精明的,聪明的:careful and shrewed
695 canon 准则,标准:standard, criterion; 真经,正典:authentic
696 canonical  
697 canopy  
698 cant  
699 cantankerous  
700 canto  
701 canvas  
仔细检查,详尽讨论:examine carefully or discuss thoroughly; 游说,去(一个地区)的各处或找到(个人)来拉选
702 canvass 票或订单:solicits votes or orders
703 canyon  
704 cape  
705 capillary  
706 capitulate 投降,默许:give all resistance
707 caprice 一时冲动的决定:impulsive change; 反复无常,善变:change, impulsively
708 capricious  
709 capsule  
710 caption  
711 captious 吹毛求疵的,爱挑毛病的:stress faults and raise objections
712 captivate 吸引:attract
713 capture  
714 carafe  
715 carapace  
716 carbohydrate  
717 carcinogen  
718 cardinal 主要的,非常重要的:foremost importance, paramount
719 cardiologist  
720 caress  
721 careworn 忧心忡忡的,焦虑的:grief, anxiety
722 cargo  
723 caricature 用讽刺歪曲等手法的夸张,漫画,讽刺画:exaggeration; 嘲笑性模仿或夸张:copy, exaggerate
724 carnivorous  
725 carol  
726 carouse 畅饮,狂欢作乐:drink, freely
727 carp 对小事吹毛求疵,挑剔,表现不满:peevish criticism, objections, express dissatisfaction, tiresomely
728 carpenter  
729 carrion  
730 cartographer  
731 carve 雕刻:three-dimensional representation; (通过长期不懈努力)开创,开拓:produce or bring about
732 cast 演员,演员阵容:a set of characters; 选派(演员):assign, actor; 提出:give off; 抛弃:get rid of
733 caste  
734 castigate 强烈(公开)指责:criticize; 惩罚:penalty
735 casual  
736 casualty  
737 cataclysm  
738 catalyst  
739 catastrophe 大灾难:tragedy; 彻底的失败:utter failure
740 categorical 没有例外的,无条件限制的,绝对的:without, qualification, absolute
741 cater  
742 caterpillar  
743 catharsis  
744 cathedral  
745 catholic 普遍的,包容的:not limited or specialized
746 caucus  
747 caulk  
748 causal  
749 caustic 腐蚀性的:destroying, eating away; 挖苦讽刺的,刻薄的:incisive sarcasm
750 cauterize  
751 cavalier  
752 cavalry  
753 caveat 警告,告诫:warning of a specific limitation
754 cavern  
755 cavil 挑剔,吹毛求疵:quibble
756 cavity  
757 cavort 欢快地蹦跳或行走,雀跃:sprightly
758 cede (根据条约)放弃,割让:surrender possession of
759 celebrated  
760 celebrity  
761 celestial  
762 cellar  
763 cello  
764 cement 粘合,粘合剂:uniting, binding
765 censor 审查并删除不良的东西:examine, delete
766 census 人口普查:survey, population
767 centaur  
768 centigrade  
769 centralization  
770 centurion  
771 ceramic  
772 cereal  
773 cerebral  
774 ceremonious 讲究礼节的,庄重的:careful attention to set forms
775 ceremony  
776 certainty  
777 certification  
778 certitude 确定无疑:certain
779 cessation 终止,暂停:stopping of a process
780 cession  
781 chafe  
782 chaff 开玩笑:make jokes
783 chagrin 沮丧,懊恼:mind
784 chalice  
785 chameleon 变色龙,善变的人:changes or adopts opinions
786 champion 支持:support
787 championship  
788 chancellor  
789 chandelier  
790 chant  
791 chaos 混乱:disorder, confusion
792 chapel  
793 char  
794 characteristic  
795 characterization  
796 characterize  
797 charade 装模作样:intended to deceive; 动作字谜:represented in pantomime
798 charisma 魅力,吸引力:charm
799 charity  
800 charlatan 骗子,装懂的人:fraudulent
801 charm  
802 charter  
803 chary 非常谨慎的:cautious
804 chase 镂雕(金属)以装饰:decorate; 驱赶:force out
805 chasm 分歧,(意见、利益或忠诚上)明显差异:pronounced difference
806 chaste  
807 chastise  
808 chauvinistic 盲目爱国的:excessive favoritism
809 check 使突然停止,阻止:arrest, abruptly; 同意,一致:agreement
810 chef  
811 cherubic 天使般可爱的:rosy
812 chicanery 诡计多端的,欺骗:deception
813 chide 责备:scold mildly
814 chimera  
815 chip  
816 chipmunk  
817 chisel  
818 chivalrous 有骑士风度的,(尤指对女性)彬彬有礼的:gracious courtesy and high-minded consideration
819 choice  
820 choir  
821 choke  
822 choleric 易怒的,暴躁的:angered; 生气的:anger, irate
823 chord 与···和谐一致,符合:accord, agree
824 choreography  
825 chorus  
826 chromatic 彩色的:colors
827 chromosome  
828 chronic 经常发生的,复发的:frequent recurrence;习惯性的,不可能改变的:not likely, change
829 chrysanthemum  
830 chuckle  
831 churl 粗野的人:rude, boorish; 吝啬鬼:mean, stingy
832 cinder  
833 cipher 无影响或无价值的人:no importance, influence; 计算(价值):determine, mathematical operations; 密码:conceal
834 circuit  
835 circuitous 迂回的,不直接的:not, forthright, direct; 冗长的:more, necessary
836 circulate  
837 circumference  
838 circumlocution 绕圈子说话:unnecessarily, indirect, evasion; 冗长:too many
839 circumscribe 限制:limit; 包围,围绕:surround
840 circumstantial  
841 circumvent 躲避,不遵从:avoid, comply
842 cistern  
843 cite  
844 civil  
845 civilian  
846 civility 彬彬有礼:courteous, politeness
847 claim 要求(权利):ask for, right; 断言:state as a fact; 剥夺生命:deprive, life; 权利:right
848 clairvoyance  
849 clam  
850 clamor 喧闹;喧哗,噪声:loud, inharmonious
851 clamp  
852 clandestine 隐藏的,秘密的:secret, illicit, improper
853 clannish  
854 clarify  
855 clash  
856 clasp 紧握:holding
857 classify  
858 clause  
859 clay  
860 cleft  
861 clemency  
862 clement 宽容的,善良的:tolerant, kind; 气候温和的:neither, high, low
863 climax  
864 clinch  
865 cling 粘结,粘合:physical sticking;紧贴;坚持:adhere
866 clinical  
867 clip  
868 clipper  
869 clique  
870 clog 阻碍物:something, movement, progress difficult; 阻碍:difficulty; 堵塞:prevent, through
871 cloister  
872 closet  
873 clot 密集的一群:a number of things, a unit; 堵塞:prevent, through, filling with something; 凝结:jelly
874 cloture  
875 cloudburst 突然的一场暴雨:sudden copious rainfall
876 clout 权力,影响力:influence
877 clown  
878 cloying 甜得发腻的,感情用事的:sweet, sentimental
879 clumsy 笨拙的:lacking, nimbleness, lack, skill; 不文雅的:lacking, grace, inability, graceful; 不精致的:roughly
880 cluster  
881 coagulant  
882 coagulate (使)凝结,(使)变稠:coherent, clot
883 coalesce 合并,融合:whole, fuse
884 coalition  
粗糙的,表面不平整的:not smooth;(声音)刺耳的,粗声粗气的:rough in tone;粗俗的:lacking refinement;
885 coarse (质量)低劣的:inferior quality
886 coarsen  
887 coax 哄骗:pleading, flattery, cajole
888 cob  
889 cobbler  
890 cocoon  
891 coda 终曲:concluding passage
892 coddle  
893 code  
894 codify  
895 coerce (以武力)强制:force, threat
896 coercion  
897 coeval 同时代的,同龄的:equal age
898 cogent 令人信服的:convincing; 相关的:pertinent
899 cogitate  
900 cognizance  
901 cognizant 知道的,意识到的:aware
902 cohabit  
903 coherent  
904 cohesion  
905 cohesive 有粘性的;有凝聚力的:cohesion or coherence
906 coincide  
907 colander  
908 cold-blooded  
909 collaborate 合作:work jointly
910 collage  
911 collapse 突然倒塌或收缩:fall, shrink; 完全耗尽体力:depletion, energy, strength; 失败:unsuccessful
912 collar  
913 collate  
914 collateral  
915 collected  
916 collection  
917 collision  
918 colloquial  
919 colloquium  
920 collude 串通,共谋(做坏事):together secretly, fraudulent, deceitful, conspire
921 colon  
922 colonize  
923 colonnade  
924 colony  
925 coloration  
926 colossal 巨大的:size, degree, immense
927 colossus  
928 coltish 不守纪律的:not subjected, discipline; 爱开玩笑的:joking, teasing
929 coma 昏迷,深度无知觉:profound unconsciousness; 迟钝,冷漠:sluggishness
930 comatose  
931 combat  
932 combustible 可燃的:igniting; 容易激动的:easily excited
933 comedienne  
934 comely 漂亮的,吸引人的:pleasing, wholesome, attractive
935 comic  
936 comity 友好,社会和谐:friendly, harmony
937 comma  
938 commemorate  
939 commence  
940 commencement 开始:beginning; 毕业典礼:conferring
941 commensurate 同样大小的:equal; 相称的,相当的:proportionate
942 commentary  
943 commingle 充分混合:blend
944 commission  
945 commit  
946 committed 忠诚的,忠实的:loyal
947 commodious 宽敞舒适的:spacious
948 commodity  
949 commonplace  
950 commonwealth  
951 commotion 骚乱:disturbance
952 communal  
953 commune  
954 communicate  
955 commute  
956 compact  
957 companion  
958 comparison  
959 compartment  
960 compass  
961 compassion  
962 compatible 一致的,能共存的:in harmony
963 compatriot  
964 compel  
965 compelling 极具说服力的:persuade;迫切的,紧迫的:immediate attention
966 compendium 摘要:summary, abstract; 目录,各种各样的列表或集合:list, collection
967 compensate  
968 competence  
969 compile  
970 complacency 自满,无忧患意识:self-satisfaction, unawareness of trouble
971 complaisance 愿意顺从,讨好,彬彬有礼:comply, affability
972 complaisant  
973 complementary 互补的:supplying each other's
974 compliant 顺从的:submissive
975 complicate 使复杂化:complex or difficult
976 compliment 称赞,恭维:praise; 敬意,免费赠送的礼物:respectful
977 component  
978 compose 使镇定:calm; 组成,构成:form, constitute
979 composed  
980 compost  
981 composure  
982 compound 混合物:something composed;混合的:consisting;混合:together;扩大,增多:greater;和解:agree
983 comprehend 理解,了解:grasp;包括,包含:contain or hold within
984 comprehensible  
985 comprehensive  
986 compress 压缩(体积):reduce size, volume
987 compromise 妥协:concessions;使危险:danger
988 compulsion  
989 compunction 焦虑,内疚,良心不安:anxiety, guilt
990 concatenate 连结,混合:bring together
991 concave 凹的:curved
992 conceal 隐藏,隐瞒:prevent disclosure
993 concede 承认:grant;停止抵抗:cease resistance
994 conceit  
995 conceive  
996 concentrate 集中:focus;浓缩:less dilute;聚集:together
997 conception  
998 concerto  
999 concession  
1000 conciliate 平息,抚慰:lessen the anger;调解:compatible, reconcile
1001 conciliatory  
1002 concise 简洁的:brevity
1003 conclave  
1004 conclusive  
1005 concomitant  
1006 concord 一致,和睦:harmony, agreement
1007 concrete 实体的,实在的:matter;事实性的,明确的:in fact
1008 concur 同意:agreement;同一时间发生、存在:same time;团结合作:joint
1009 concussion  
1010 condemn 谴责(...为不道德的、邪恶的):declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil
1011 condense  
1012 condescend  
1013 condone 宽恕;忽视:forgive
1014 conducive 有益的,有促进作用的:promote
1015 conduct  
1016 conduit  
1017 cone  
1018 confection  
1019 confederacy  
1020 confer  
1021 conference  
1022 confess  
1023 confide  
1024 confidence  
1025 confidential  
1026 configuration  
1027 confine 禁闭,监禁:imprison;限制:limits
1028 confirm  
1029 confiscate  
1030 conflagration 大火:large destructive fire;武装冲突:armed violent struggle
1031 conflate 混合:turn into a single mass
1032 conflict  
1033 conformist  
1034 confound 使困惑:uncertainty;无法区分,混淆:fail to differentiate;证明为假,证伪:false
1035 confront 直接对抗,直面:face to face
1036 congeal 凝固,固化:solid state
1037 congenial 和善的,友好的:agreement;令人愉悦的:giving pleasure
1038 congest  
1039 conglomerate  
1040 congregate  
1041 congruent 和谐一致的:in agreement;全等的:coinciding
1042 congruous  
1043 conifer  
揣测的结果:conclusion by surmise;猜测,估计(大小、数量等):decide without actual measurement;(没有依据
1044 conjecture 地)认为:form an opinion
1045 conjoin  
1046 conjunction  
1047 conjure 请求,恳求:entreat earnestly;在脑海中浮现,想起:form a mental picture
1048 connive 暗中合作,共谋:cooperate secretly;纵容:假装忽视或并未采取措施阻止错误:pretend ignorance ought to oppose
1049 connoisseur 鉴赏家(尤指艺术领域):with discrimination, appreciation;专家:high level of knowledge
1050 connotation  
1051 conquer  
1052 conquest  
1053 conscience  
1054 conscientious 仔细的,一丝不苟的:involving great care;有良心的,正直的:governed by conscience
1055 conscript  
1056 consensus 一致同意:general agreement
1057 consent 同意:approval
1058 consequence 结果:produced by cause;重要性,价值:importance
1059 consequential  
1060 conservative 守旧的,不愿改变的:oppose change;不招摇的,低调的:not showy;谨慎小心的:close attentiveness
1061 conservatory 温室:greenhouse;艺术学院:school arts
1062 conserve 保存,避免浪费:keep avoid wasteful
1063 considerable (数量上)可观(而值得注意)的:large;值得考虑的,重要的:significant
1064 consign 转交,转移(给他人):control of another
1065 consistent  
1066 console 安慰,慰藉:alleviate, comfort
1067 consolidate 使联合,统一:join together;加固,使安全:make firm
1068 consolidation  
1069 consonant 和谐一致的:in agreement
1070 conspicuous 显而易见的;吸引人的:obvious
1071 conspire  
1072 constant  
1073 constellation  
1074 consternation 惊愕,恐慌,恐惧:paralyzing dismay
1075 constituent  
1076 constitute 指派,任命:appoint;构成:make up
1077 constitution  
1078 constitutional  
1079 constrain 限制:restriction;使人屈服于(压力、感情)等:give in to pressure
1080 constraint  
1081 constrict 压缩,压紧:binding or squeezing
1082 construct 建造,建立:form;创造,相出:create imagination
1083 construe  
1084 consul  
1085 consummate 专业的,有造诣的:extremely skilled;无纰漏的,完美的:perfect;最高档次的,最大规模的:highest degree
1086 contact  
1087 contagious 传染的:communicate;(情绪等)唤起共鸣的:exciting a similar feeling
1088 contain  
1089 containment  
1090 contaminate 污染,感染:stain
1091 contemplate 沉思,仔细考虑:consider
1092 contempt 蔑视,鄙视:unworthy of one's concern or respect
1093 contemptible  
1094 contemptuous  
1095 contend 竞争,争夺:strive or vie in contest;声明,声称:state as a fact
1096 content 使满足:appease;主题:major subject of interest;内容,内涵:idea that is conveyed
1097 contented  
1098 contention  
1099 contentious 引起争论的:argumentative;好争论的,好战的:tendency quarrels
1100 contest  
1101 context  
1102 contiguous 接壤的,相邻的:sharing an edge
1103 continent  
1104 contingent  
1105 contort 扭曲:twist
1106 contraband  
1107 contract 契约,合同:binding agreement;收缩:reduce size;感染疾病:become affected
1108 contradict 否认,反驳;与...相矛盾:contrary
1109 contrast  
1110 contravene 违反,反对:violate, oppose
1111 contrite (因为有罪孽或过错而感到)后悔悲痛的:showing remorse
1112 contrive  
1113 contrived 不自然的,刻意的:lacking spontaneous quality
1114 control  
1115 controversial  
1116 controvert  
1117 contumacious 不服从的,倔强的:disobedient
1118 conundrum 无法解决的问题,迷:insoluble, dilemma
1119 convalesce 渐渐康复,渐愈:recover gradually
1120 convalescent  
1121 convenience 便利,方便:fitness suitability
1122 conventional  
1123 converge 汇集,交汇于一点:move toward one
1124 convergent  
1125 conversant 熟悉的:familiar
1126 converse  
1127 convert 被改变宗教信仰的人:converted;使改变信仰:bring over from brief;改变,转化:alter
1128 convertible  
1129 convey 运输:transport;传递,交流:communicate
1130 convict  
1131 conviction 深信,确信:being convinced;证明有罪:proved guilty
1132 convince  
1133 convivial  
1134 conviviality  
1135 convoke 召集开会:bring together
1136 convoluted 复杂的,费解的:complicated
1137 convulse  
1138 convulsion 痉挛(强烈的、无法控制的肌肉收缩):involuntary contraction;骚乱:disturbance
1139 coop 监禁,困于…之中:confine
1140 cooperate  
1141 coordinate  
1142 copious 丰富的,大量的:abundant
1143 cord  
1144 core  
1145 cornucopia 大量:overflowing
1146 coronation 加冕,加冕礼:crowning
1147 corporate  
1148 corporeal 肉体的:not spiritual;有形的,实体的:not immaterial
1149 corpuscle  
1150 corral  
1151 correspondent  
1152 corroborate 用证据或权威证实:support with evidence;为…提供证据,支持:provide evidence
1153 corrode  
1154 corrosive 腐蚀性的:destroy slowly;讽刺性的:sarcastic;
1155 corrugate  
1156 corrupt  
1157 cosmic  
1158 cosmopolitan 有世界性眼光的,包容的:worldwide
1159 cosmopolitanism  
1160 cosmos  
1161 cosset 宠爱:pamper
1162 costume  
1163 coterie  
1164 coterminous  
1165 cougar  
1166 countenance 容忍:put up with;赞成,推崇:favorable opinion;沉着,冷静:evenness
1167 counteract  
1168 counterbalance  
1169 counterfeit 仿制的,假冒的:imitation;仿制:fraudulent replica;伪装成:false appearance
1170 countermand 取消,撤销:revoke
1171 counterpart (地位、功能)对等的人或物:same function or characteristics
1172 counterproductive 反效果的,阻碍预期目标的:not producing desired goal
1173 coup  
1174 court 追求,献殷勤:seek affections
1175 covenant  
1176 covert 隐蔽的,秘密的:not shown;隐秘庇护所:avoid others
1177 covet  
1178 cow 恐吓,威胁:frighten
1179 coward  
1180 cower 畏缩:cringe
1181 coy 故作羞涩的:flirtatiously shy or modest;不愿与人交往的,内向的:tending to avoid people
1182 cozen 诱骗:mislead
1183 crab  
1184 crabbed  
1185 crack  
1186 craft  
1187 cram  
1188 cramp  
1189 cranky  
1190 crass 粗俗的,愚钝的:unrefined
1191 crate  
1192 crater  
1193 cravat  
1194 craven 非常懦弱的,因胆小而遭人鄙视的:lacking courage
1195 craving  
1196 crayon  
1197 crease 折痕:folding
1198 credence 坚信:firm brief
1199 credible 可信,值得信赖的:worthy of being accepted
1200 credit 信任,信赖:mental conviction of the truth;表扬,赞扬:acknowledgment or admiration
1201 credulous 轻信的,易受骗的:gullible
1202 creek 小溪,小河:smaller
1203 creep 缓慢地行进:slowly;匍匐前进:body close to the ground
1204 crescendo (声音)渐强:gradual increase;(渐强之后到达的)顶峰:peak
1205 crest 顶部,浪尖,山顶
1206 crestfallen 垂头丧气的,沮丧的:depressed
1207 cringe  
1208 cringing  
1209 criteria  
1210 criterion  
1211 critic  
1212 critical  
1213 critique  
1214 croak  
1215 crochet  
1216 crockery  
1217 cronyism 任人唯亲的,对好朋友的偏袒:favoritism friends
1218 crook 使弯曲:away from a straight line
1219 cross  
1220 crouch 蹲伏:lower stance
1221 crucial 非常重要的,决定性的:extremely significant
1222 crudity  
1223 crumb  
1224 crumble  
1225 crumple 弄皱:bend;(因外力挤压而)垮塌:fall down
1226 crusade  
1227 crust  
1228 crutch 支撑,支柱:supports
1229 crux 中点,关键点:critical point
1230 cryptic 秘密的:secret;含义模糊的:ambiguous meaning;超出理解能力的:beyond one’s powers to know
1231 cub  
1232 cubicle  
1233 cue  
1234 cuisine  
1235 culinary  
1236 culmination  
1237 culpable 该受谴责的,有罪的:deserving blame
1238 cult  
1239 cultivate 提升,加强:improve;种植,培养:promote growth
1240 cultivated  
1241 cumbersome 笨重的,难处理的:difficult to handle
1242 cumulus  
1243 cunning 狡猾的:artful deceptiveness;(手工)灵巧的:skillful;欺诈,欺骗:practice of misleading
1244 cupidity  
1245 curator  
1246 curb  
1247 curdle  
1248 curmudgeon 脾气坏的、爱抱怨的人:irritable and complaining
1249 curriculum  
1250 cursory 匆忙的,不注意细节的:excessive or careless speed
1251 curt 言词简略的,直接(以至显得粗鲁)的:direct, brief, and potentially rude;言简意赅的:convey much information
1252 curtail 缩短,削减:less in extent or duration
1253 cushion  
1254 custodian  
1255 custody  
1256 customary  
1257 cuticle  
1258 cutlery  
1259 cyclical  
1260 cyclone  
1261 cylinder  
1262 cynic 愤世嫉俗者:selfishness
1263 cypress  
1264 cytology  
1265 dabble 涉猎,对…浅尝辄止:superficially
1266 daft 神经错乱的:abnormal, sick state of mind;不明智的:lack of good sense or judgment
1267 dagger  
1268 daguerreotype  
1269 dainty  
1270 dally 虚度时光:doing nothing;玩乐:amusement;慢吞吞,磨磨蹭蹭:slowly
1271 damp  
1272 damped  
1273 dampen (特指稍稍地)弄湿:wet;抑制,压抑(感情、精力等),泼冷水:diminish the feeling, activity or vigor
1274 dandy 纨绔子弟,爱打扮的人:appearance;最佳的,最好的:very best kind
1275 dapper 衣冠整洁的:strikingly neat and trim
1276 dappled 有斑点的,花的:marked with small spots, mottled, spotted;色彩斑斓的:two or more colors
1277 daredevil 大胆鲁莽的(人):foolishly;不考虑后果的:a lack of concern for the consequence
1278 dart 突然移动,猛冲,狂奔:suddenly;公开侮辱:intended to hurt another’s feelings
1279 daunt 使胆怯,吓到:to lessen the courage
1280 dawdle 闲荡,虚度光阴:spend time idly;拖拖拉拉:slowly
1281 deaden  
1282 deadlock 僵局:a state of inaction or neutralization;使陷入僵局,使停顿:to a deadlock
1283 deadpan 无趣的,无生气的,不活泼的:impassively
1284 dealing  
1285 dearth 供应不足:inadequate
1286 debacle 溃败:complete failure
1287 debark (使)下船(飞机、车等);卸(客、货):unload, from a ship or an airplane
1288 debase 贬低,贬损:lower standing
1289 debate  
1290 debilitate 使衰弱:impair strength
1291 debouch  
1292 debrief  
1293 debris 废墟:discarded, useless material
1294 debunk 揭穿…的真面目:true nature;证明…为假:false
1295 debut 初次登台,出道:first appearance
1296 decadence 衰落,颓废:deterioration, decline
1297 deceit  
1298 decency  
1299 deception  
1300 decibel  
1301 deciduous  
1302 decimate  
1303 decipher 破译:interpret;对…有清晰的想法,理解,解读:clear idea
1304 declaim  
1305 declamation  
1306 decline  
1307 decode 解码:change into ordinary language;对…有清晰的想法,理解,解读:clear idea
1308 decompose  
1309 decomposition  
1310 decorate  
1311 decorum 礼仪,得体:appropriateness, propriety
1312 decrepit 虚弱的,衰老的,破旧的:weakened
1313 decry 强烈反对,否定:strong disapproval
1314 dedication  
1315 deduce  
1316 deduct  
1317 deductive  
1318 deed  
1319 deface  
1320 default 不履行义务,玩忽职守:nonperformance
1321 defeatist  
1322 defect  
1323 defendant  
1324 defense  
1325 defer 推迟,延期:postpone;遵从:respect
1326 deference 尊崇,顺从:yield to
1327 deferential  
1328 defiance  
1329 deficiency 缺乏,不足:inadequate
1330 deficit  
1331 defile (山间)小道:a narrow passage;亵渎:treat with great disrespect;使腐坏,污损:make unfit for use
1332 definitive  
1333 deflated  
1334 deflect 使偏斜,使转向:turn aside from a straight course
1335 defoliator  
1336 defraud  
1337 deft 灵巧的,熟练的:skill
1338 defuse 抚慰,减轻:make less tense
1339 defy 反抗,违抗:go against
1340 degradation  
1341 dehydrate 去除水分,使干燥:remove water;使失去活力:deprive of vitality
1342 deify 把…当作神来崇拜:offer honor or respect to;过分喜爱:love or admire;尊敬,尊崇:high status or value to
1343 deign (不情愿地)屈尊,俯就:condescend reluctantly
1344 dejected  
1345 delectable  
1346 delegate 代理人,代表:representative for another;移交(权力,任务等):possession or safekeeping of another
1347 deleterious 有害的:harmful
1348 deliberate 深思熟虑的:careful
1349 delicacy (外貌、结构等)精致,极度兴奋,发狂:fineness
1350 delicate  
1351 delimit  
1352 delineate 勾勒,用线条描绘:by drawn or painted lines;描写,描绘:describe,portray
1353 delinquency  
1354 delinquent  
1355 delirious  
1356 delirium 精神错乱;极度兴奋,发狂:mental disturbance confused
1357 delta  
1358 delude  
1359 deluge 大暴雨:drenching rain;大量:great flow
1360 delusion 错觉,妄想:false
1361 delve 探究,钻研:detailed search for information
1362 demagogue 蛊惑民心的政客:leader false claims
1363 demand  
1364 demean  
1365 demise  
1366 demography  
1367 demolish  
1368 demolition 破坏,毁坏:destroying
(通过证据)证明,表明:make clear using examples;使明白易懂:make plain or understandable;表现,表露:
1369 demonstrate make known
1370 demonstrative  
1371 demoralize 使士气低落:dishearten;贬低,使堕落:lower in character
1372 demote 降职,降级:a lower grade
1373 demotic 通俗的,大众化的:common
1374 demur 表示异议,反对:opposition, objection;犹豫:doubt acceptability qualm
1375 demystify  
1376 den  
1377 denigrate 诋毁,污蔑:scornfully
1378 denizen  
1379 denomination  
1380 denote  
1381 denouement (小说的)结局:final resolution
1382 denounce 公开指责:public or formal disapproval;宣称…道德上错误、可耻:morally wrong
1383 dent 凹陷,凹痕:depression;(数量,程度上)削弱:make smaller
1384 denture  
1385 denude 脱去,使赤裸:bare
1386 depict  
1387 deplete 耗尽,使衰竭:make complete use
1388 deplore 哀悼:sorrow
1389 deport  
1390 depose 宣誓作证:testify;废黜,罢免:remove from a throne;摆放:arrange
1391 deposition  
1392 depraved  
1393 depravity 道德败坏:immoral, harmful or offensive
1394 deprecate 不喜欢:unfavorable opinion;贬低,轻视:express scornfully;降低…的重要性,使低调:play down
1395 depreciate 贬低…的价值:lower value;轻视:lower estimation, esteem
1396 depressed 不开心的,情绪不高的,消沉的:unhappiness;生活境况悲催的:healthful environment
1397 depression  
1398 deprivation 匮乏:privation
1399 deputy  
1400 deracinate 根除:pull out
1401 derelict 玩忽职守的,不认真的:lacking duty, carelessly;被社会遗弃的人:social misfit
1402 dereliction  
1403 deride 嘲弄,嘲笑:contemptuous mirth
1404 derivation  
1405 derivative 非原创的:originality
1406 dermatologist  
1407 derogate  
1408 descendant 后代:deriving directly from
1409 descent  
1410 descry  
1411 desecrate 亵渎,玷污:treat shamefully
1412 desert  
1413 desiccate 使(食物)脱水以保存,使干燥:drying;使缺乏活力:deprive vitality
1414 designation  
1415 desirable  
1416 desperate 绝望的:no hope
1417 despicable 令人鄙视的:loathing and disgust;不荣耀的,不得体的:not honor
1418 despise 极其不喜欢的:dislike strongly
1419 despot  
1420 destitution  
1421 desultory 无计划的,无目的的:lacking plan;令人失望的:disappointing
1422 detach 使分离:separate
1423 detached  
1424 detain 拘留,扣留:hold, keep
1425 detection  
1426 deter 吓住,威慑:prevent, discourage
1427 detergent  
1428 deteriorate  
1429 detest  
1430 detonation  
1431 detour 偏离正常标准:away from standard;改变方向或者路线,绕道:change direction
1432 detraction  
1433 detrimental  
1434 detritus 废品,碎屑,遗骸:product disintegration, destruction, debris
1435 devastate  
1436 deviant  
1437 deviate  
1438 deviation  
1439 devious  
1440 devise  
1441 devoid  
1442 devoted 投入的,忠诚的:loyalty, devotion;示爱的,恩爱的:love
1443 devotee  
1444 devotional  
1445 devour  
1446 devout (对于宗教)虔诚的:devoted to religion;忠诚的:allegiance
1447 dexterity  
1448 dexterous 动作灵活的:ready, skilled;头脑灵活的:mentally adroit, skillful
1449 diabetes  
1450 diabolical  
1451 diagnose  
1452 diagonal  
1453 diagram  
1454 dialect  
1455 diameter  
1456 diaphanous 模糊的;非实在的:vague insubstantial;(质地精致得)几乎透明的:transparent, translucent
1457 diatribe 长篇抨击性演讲:long scolding;挖苦,讽刺的指责:ironic, satirical
1458 dictate 指令,命令:command;(仗着地位,权力)下令:request
1459 didactic 喜欢说教的:teach
1460 die  
1461 die-hard  
1462 diffident 不自信的:lack self-confidence;内向的:reserved
1463 diffuse 啰嗦的:verbose;不集中的,扩散的:not concentrated;扩展,散开:extend, scatter
1464 digestion  
1465 digit  
1466 dignity  
1467 digress 脱离主题:turn aside main subject
1468 dilapidate (使)荒废:ruin
1469 dilapidated  
1470 dilate (使)膨胀,扩大:enlarge, expand, wide;详细表达:more fully greater detail
1471 dilatory 拖延的,磨蹭的:cause delay procrastination
1472 dilemma  
1473 dilettante 业余爱好者(对艺术或知识领域涉猎浅薄者)/缺乏专业技术的:superficial interest/lacking expert skill
1474 diligence  
1475 dilute 稀释/经稀释的:concentrated/low strength, concentration;削弱:diminish strength, flavor, brilliance
1476 dim  
1477 dimension  
1478 diminution  
1479 dimple  
1480 din 喧闹声,嘈杂声:loud noise;重复,使人厌烦地反复灌输:again
1481 dingy 昏暗的;肮脏的:darkened, dirty
1482 diplomatic 使用策略的,机智的:tact
1483 dire 不吉利的,不详的:calamity;可怕的,恐怖的:fear;迫切的:immediate, urgent;悲惨的:lacking cheer
1484 dirge 挽歌:solemn, mournful music
1485 disabuse 打消错误念头,纠正:free from error, fallacy, misconception
1486 disaffect  
1487 disagreeable  
1488 disarm 解除武装:reduce armed forces;使息怒,平息,抚慰:lessen;使无害:harmless
1489 disarray 混乱,无秩序:lack order;使混乱:undo order, arrangement
1490 disaster  
1491 disbar  
1492 disburse  
1493 discard  
1494 discern 识别,辨别差异:perceive, detect
1495 discernible  
1496 discerning  
1497 discharge 解雇:dismiss;释放:free;不承担责任:freeing obligation, responsibility
1498 disciple 信徒,追随者:follower
1499 discipline  
1500 disclaim  
1501 disclose  
1502 discography  
1503 discombobulate 使不安,使混乱:upset, confuse
1504 discombobulated  
1505 discomfit 使尴尬:embarrassment;阻碍:prevent
1506 discompose 使不安:disturb composure, perturb;使混乱:undo order, arrangement
1507 disconcert 使不安:disturb
1508 discord 意见不一致,不和谐:lack agreement, harmony
1509 discount  
1510 discourse  
1511 discredit 羞耻,使丧失名誉:damage reputation, disgrace;怀疑,不相信:not true, real
1512 discreet (言行)谨慎的:good judgment and restraint;不易察觉的:not readily seen or noticed
1513 discrepancy (在事实和宣称之间的)差异或矛盾:divergence, disagreement
1514 discrete 离散的,不连续的:separate
1515 discretion 谨慎:discreet, circumspection;自制,节制:checking
1516 discretionary 自主决定的:one’s own discretion
1517 discriminate 区分:perceive distinguishing, recognize;歧视:difference
1518 discriminatory  
1519 discursive (谈话内容)杂乱的:without order
1520 disdain 轻视,鄙视:scorn
1521 disembodied  
1522 disenchant 使清醒:free from illusion
1523 disengage 分开,使脱离:set free, entanglement
1524 disentangle  
1525 disfigure  
1526 disfranchise  
1527 disgorge 呕吐出:discharge, vomit;被迫放弃:give up
1528 disgruntle 使发怒,使不满意:discontented;使疏远,使不友好 unfriendly
1529 disguise 伪装(防止被认出):prevent recognition;隐藏,掩饰:secret shut off
1530 disgust  
1531 disillusion  
1532 disinfect 消毒,使无菌:free from infection
1533 disinfectant  
1534 disinter (从墓地里)掘出:take out
1535 disinterested 公正的,无偏见的:free from selfish, unbiased;没有兴趣的:lack interest, concern
1536 disjunction  
1537 disjunctive 分离的:breaks disunity
1538 dislocate  
1539 dislodge  
1540 dismal  
1541 dismantle 分解,分拆:pieces, destroy integrity
1542 dismay 使失去勇气:lose courage;使不安,使焦虑:trouble, uneasy
1543 disparage 贬低;轻蔑地说:lower, disrespectful
1544 disparate 迥然不同的:distinct, different dissimilar
1545 dispassionate 客观公正的,不易被情绪或偏见影响的:unaffected
1546 dispatch 迅速:promptness;发送,派遣:one place to another;使死亡:deprive life;获胜,胜过…:victory
1547 dispel  
1548 dispensable  
1549 dispense  
1550 disperse  
1551 displace  
1552 disposable  
1553 disposal  
1554 dispose 使倾向于:tendency incline;处理掉(与 of 连用,dispose of):get rid of, throw out;有序地布置:orderly
1555 disposed  
1556 disposition  
1557 disproof  
1558 disprove 反驳,证明为假:prove to be false
1559 dispute  
1560 disregard 漠视,不关注:no attention;缺乏兴趣,缺乏关心:interest concern
1561 disrepute  
1562 disrupt  
1563 disruptive  
1564 dissect 仔细分析:examine, analyze minute;切成片(尤其是为了解剖研究):cut apart separate
1565 dissemble 用假象隐藏真相,掩饰:false
1566 disseminate 散播,传播:spread, promulgate
1567 dissent 持异议,不同意:differ;反对正统:departure accepted;不和谐:lack harmony
1568 dissertation  
1569 dissident  
1570 dissimulate  
1571 dissipate 驱散:drive away, disperse;浪费:wastefully, squander;放纵:indulge, intemperate
1572 dissociation  
1573 dissolute 放荡的,无节制的:restraint, indulging
1574 dissolve 溶解融化:solution;解散:break into parts, disintegrate;驱散;(使)消失:cease visible;废除,撤销:end
1575 dissonant  
1576 dissuade 劝阻,反对:deter persuasion, exhortation
1577 distant  
1578 distend (使)膨胀:expand
1579 distension  
1580 distill 对…用蒸馏法提高纯度:increase, purify;(使)渗出;(使)滴下:fall drops
1581 distinct  
1582 distinction  
1583 distinctive 完全不同的:not of the same kind;特征性的,典型的:serving to identify
1584 distinguished  
1585 distort 扭曲,歪曲:twist
1586 distract 转移(注意力),使分心:draw, direct different;使焦虑,使不安:trouble, uneasy;疯狂的:insane, mad
1587 distracted  
1588 distraught 精神狂乱的,极疯狂的:agitated, insane
1589 distress  
1590 distribute  
1591 district  
1592 ditty  
1593 diurnal 白天发生或行动的:daytime;每天的:every day;期刊:publication at regular intervals
1594 diva  
1595 diver  
1596 diverge 改变方向:change;(使)分叉,散开:different directions central;分歧:different, differ;离题:depart from
1597 diverse  
1598 diversity 多样性:variety, multiformity;分歧,不同点:different
1599 divert 使转向:turn, deflect;使消遣:agreeably;使分心:draw something else
1600 divest  
1601 divestiture 剥夺:taking away
1602 divine  
1603 divulge 泄露(秘密):known confidence, secret
1604 docile  
1605 doctrinaire 教条主义的,照本宣科的:strongly held opinions
1606 doctrine  
1607 document  
1608 dodder 蹒跚,颤巍巍地行进:progress unsteadily
1609 dodge 躲避:avoid
1610 doff 脱下:take off, remove
1611 dogged 坚持的,坚决的:continuing, slackening, yielding];固执的,任性的:sticking to
1612 doggerel  
1613 dogma 教条,信条:doctrine stated authoritatively
1614 dogmatism  
1615 doldrums 低迷,中断:inactivity;情绪不佳:low spirits
1616 doleful  
1617 dolorous 忧伤的:misery, grief
1618 dolt 笨蛋:stupid
1619 domain  
1620 dome  
1621 domesticate  
1622 domicile 住所,住宅:residence;为…提供住处:provide domicile
1623 dominant 处于支配地位的:controlling others;(基因)显性的:genetic dominance
1624 dominate  
1625 donate  
1626 donor 捐赠人,给体:donates
1627 doodle (无目的)地乱涂乱画:aimlessly;漫无目的地打发时光:aimless activity
1628 dormant 静止的,不活跃的:inactivity;(动物)冬眠的:suspended
1629 dorsal  
1630 dose  
1631 dossier  
1632 dote  
1633 doting  
1634 dour 闷闷不乐的,死气沉沉的:gloomy;严厉的:harsh
1635 douse 熄灭:put out;弄湿:wet
1636 down  
1637 downplay 轻描淡写:,不予重视:minimize significance
1638 downpour 倾盆大雨:heavy rain
1639 down-to-earth  
1640 doyen 有经验的人,资深人士:knowledge experience;(加入时间较长的)高级会员:senior member
1641 drab 单调的,无聊的:dullness and monotony
1642 draconian 极其残酷的,十分严厉的:harsh
1643 draft  
1644 draftsmanship  
1645 drain  
1646 drainage  
1647 drastic  
1648 drawbridge  
1649 drawl 慢吞吞地说:speak slowly
1650 dreary 单调乏味的:nothing cheer;令人不悦的:causing unhappiness
1651 dregs  
1652 drench 使湿透,浸透:wet thoroughly
1653 drill  
1654 drivel 胡言乱语:meaningless;胡言乱语,说傻话:talk stupidity
1655 drizzle (下)细小、轻柔、似雾的雨,毛毛雨:misty rain
1656 drizzly  
1657 droll 古怪有趣的,离奇可笑的:amusingly odd
低沉单调地说;嗡嗡地叫:talk monotonous;(昆虫振翅般)单调嗡嗡的声音:monotonous sound;混日子:doing
1658 drone nothing
1659 droop  
1660 droplet  
1661 dross  
1662 drought  
1663 drove  
1664 drudgery 苦工;单调、卑贱或无趣的工作:tedious work
1665 dual  
充满不定性的,值得怀疑的:uncertainty, questionable;(对事实等)持怀疑态度的:not feeling sure;迟疑不决
1666 dubious 的,不愿行动的:slow to begin because of doubts
1667 duckling  
1668 duct  
1669 duel  
1670 duet  
1671 dull  
1672 dummy  
1673 dune  
1674 dupe 复制品,复制:exactly like something else;易受骗的人:easily deceived;欺骗:deceive
1675 duplicitous  
1676 duplicity 欺骗,口是心非:deceptiveness
1677 duration  
1678 duress  
1679 dutiful  
1680 dwarf  
1681 dwelling  
1682 dwindle 逐渐减少:gradually less
1683 dynamic 有力量的,有活力的:productive activity
1684 dynamo  
1685 dyslexia  
1686 dyspeptic 脾气坏的:bad-tempered;消化不良的:dyspepsia
1687 earnest 严肃认真的:serious
1688 earplug  
1689 earring  
1690 earshot 听力所及的范围:range hear
1691 earsplitting 震耳欲聋的:distressingly loud
1692 earthly  
1693 earthy  
1694 easel  
1695 eavesdrop 偷听:listen secretly
1696 ebb  
1697 ebullience  
1698 eccentric 行为出格的,不循规蹈矩的:deviating conventional
1699 eclectic 混合的,多元化的:from various sources
1700 eclecticism  
1701 ecologist  
1702 economical  
1703 ecstasy 无法自控的情绪:beyond self-control;狂喜:intense joy
1704 ecstatic  
1705 eddy  
1706 edifice 大厦;大建筑物:massive structure;基础,基本结构:basic form
1707 edify  
1708 efface 擦掉,抹去;使不明显:make indistinct
1709 effervesce 冒泡:bubble;兴奋,热情洋溢:high spirits
1710 effete 衰弱的,衰落的:depleted;缺乏信念的,懦弱的:lacking strength of will
1711 efficacy  
1712 effluvia  
1713 effrontery 厚颜无耻,放肆大胆:disregard, courtesy
1714 effulgent 光辉灿烂的:resplendent
1715 egalitarian 平等主义的:promoting equal rights
1716 egocentric  
1717 egotist  
1718 egregious  
1719 egress  
1720 elaborate 详细的,复杂的:complexity;详细阐述:in detail
1721 elaboration  
1722 elated  
1723 elbow  
1724 elegy 哀歌(诗),挽歌(诗):expressing sorrow
1725 elementary  
1726 elephantine 巨大的:enormous size;笨拙的:clumsy
1727 elevate (在道德、智力、文化水平上)提升:improve;使兴奋:raise spirits
1728 elicit 激起,唤起:bring out
1729 eligible  
1730 eliminate  
1731 elite  
1732 ellipsis  
1733 elliptical 含糊不清的:obscurity;椭圆的:ellipse
1734 elocution  
1735 elongate  
1736 eloquence  
1737 elucidate 阐明:make lucid
1738 elude 躲闪,躲避:avoid adroitly;使无法理解,使困惑:escape the perception
1739 elusive  
1740 emaciate 使消瘦,使衰弱:become thin;削弱:feeble
1741 emanate  
1742 emancipate 解放,解除束缚:free
1743 embargo 贸易禁止令:prohibition on commerce
1744 embarrass 使尴尬:experience distress;阻挠,制造障碍:create difficulty
1745 embed 嵌入:enclose
1746 embellish  
1747 embezzlement  
1748 emblematic  
1749 embody  
1750 embolden 鼓励,使大胆:instill courage
1751 emboss 以浮雕效果妆点,装饰:ornament with raised work
1752 embrace 乐于接受:willingly, eagerly;保围:surround
1753 embroider (时常伴有夸张和想象内容地)详细说明:give elaborate account
1754 emend  
1755 emergency  
1756 emigrate 移民,移居海外:leave
1757 eminence  
1758 eminent 杰出:above others
1759 emissary  
1760 emit  
1761 emollient 起缓和作用的:less intense
1762 emote  
1763 empathy  
1764 emphatic  
1765 empirical  
1766 empiricism  
1767 empower  
1768 empyreal  
1769 emulate 效仿并努力超越:excel through imitation
1770 emulsify  
1771 enact 制定或颁布(法律):establish
1772 enamel 涂亮漆;使具有光滑或亮泽的表面:give a glossy surface;用亮丽的表面装饰:adorn
1773 enamored 迷恋的,热爱的:intense or excessive love
1774 encapsulate  
1775 enchant  
1776 enclosure  
1777 encomiast  
1778 encomium 赞颂之词:praise
1779 encompass 组成,包含:include;包围:envelop
1780 encounter  
1781 encroach  
1782 encumber 阻碍,妨碍:impede;给…增添负担:place burden
1783 encyclopedia  
1784 endearing  
1785 endemic 地方性的:to a particular region
1786 endorse 公开支持,推崇:express approval
1787 endow  
1788 endure  
1789 enduring  
1790 enervate 使衰弱:weaken;使麻木:deprive of emotional vitality
1791 enfeeble  
1792 enfetter  
1793 enflame  
1794 engaged  
1795 engaging  
1796 engender 引起,使发展:cause;产生,出现:come into existence
1797 engrave  
1798 engross 使全神贯注:occupy exclusively
1799 engulf  
1800 enhance  
1801 enjoin  
1802 enlighten 使知道,启发:inform, instruct;(在道德或精神上)进行教育:provide moral understanding
1803 enlightening  
1804 enlist  
1805 enliven  
1806 enmesh  
1807 enmity 敌意:mutual hatred
1808 ennui 倦怠;缺乏兴趣:listlessness, lack of interest
1809 enormity  
1810 enormous  
1811 enrage  
1812 enrapture  
1813 ensconce 安置:settle securely;隐藏:hiding
1814 ensemble 合唱,合奏曲:two or move vocalists
1815 ensign  
1816 ensue 紧随其后:afterward
1817 ensure  
1818 entail  
1819 entangle 使卷入,使纠缠:twist confused mass;使变复杂或困难:complex or difficult
1820 enterprise  
1821 enthralling  
1822 entice 诱使:tempt, lure
1823 entirety  
1824 entitle  
1825 entity  
1826 entrance 进入权,进入许可:means of entering or participation;使入迷:wonder, enchantment
1827 entreat 恳求:plead persuade, ask urgently
1828 entreaty  
1829 entr¨¦e  
1830 entrepreneur  
1831 entrust  
1832 entry  
1833 enumerate  
1834 enunciate 清晰地说:articulate;公开宣布,宣称:openly or publicity
1835 environ  
1836 envision  
1837 enzyme  
1838 epaulet  
1839 ephemeral 短暂的:very short time
1840 epic 宏大的,超凡脱俗的:surpassing the usual
1841 epicure 美食家:discriminating tastes
1842 epidemic  
1843 epidermis  
1844 epigram 机智的短诗,警句:short witty
1845 epilogue 文学作品的结局:concluding section literary;戏剧的收场白:final scene of a paly
1846 episodic  
1847 epitaph  
1848 epithet 外号,绰号:descriptive name
1849 epitome  
1850 epitomize 摘要,概括:short statement, main points;代表,体现,是…的典型范例:represent a typical example of
1851 epoch  
1852 equable (脾气、性情)温和的:serene
1853 equanimity  
1854 equate  
1855 equation  
1856 equator  
1857 equilibrium 均势,平衡:opposing forces are equal;(感情上的)平静:evenness of emotions
1858 equine  
1859 equity 不偏不倚,公平:lack of favoritism
1860 equivalent 等价的,相等的:equal
1861 equivocate (带有欺骗目的地)模棱两可地说,说谎话:equivocal
1862 eradicate  
1863 erase  
1864 erasure  
1865 erect  
1866 err  
1867 errand  
1868 erratic 善变的:not constant;异常的,不同寻常的:different from the ordinary
1869 ersatz  
1870 erstwhile  
1871 erudite 博学的:learned
1872 erupt  
1873 escalate (使)(战争等)升级,扩大:increase
1874 escapism  
1875 eschew 刻意避开;戒绝:avoid
1876 esophagus  
1877 esoteric 深奥难懂的:difficult to understand;少数人知道的:not known by the general
1878 espionage  
1879 espousal  
1880 espouse 支持;拥护:support;与…结婚:marriage, marry
1881 espy  
1882 essential  
1883 estimable 值得尊敬的:admirable
1884 estranged  
1885 etch 蚀刻;留下深刻印象,铭记:produce a vivid impression
1886 etching  
1887 eternal 永恒的:infinite duration, everlasting, perpetual
轻巧精致的:lightness, highly refined, delicate;天国的:heaven;非物质的,精神(上)的:spiritual, not composed
1888 ethereal of matter
1889 ethics 道德规范:governing conduct
1890 ethnic  
1891 ethnology  
1892 ethos 道德准则:code of good conduct
1893 etiquette  
1894 etymology  
1895 eulogistic  
1896 eulogize 称赞,颂扬:speak in high praise of
1897 eulogy  
1898 euphemism 婉言,委婉的说法:inoffensive expression
1899 euphonious 悦耳的:pleasing
1900 euphoria 感觉极其愉快:overwhelming usually pleasurable
1901 evacuate 撤空:empty or remove;撤退:remove
1902 evade  
1903 evaluation  
1904 evanescent 逐渐消失的,短暂的:vanish
1905 evaporate  
1906 evasion  
1907 evasive 难以发现,捕捉,分离的;含糊其辞的:equivocal
1908 even  
1909 evenhanded  
1910 evict 赶出,逐出:expel
1911 evince 表明:make known
1912 evocative  
1913 evoke 唤起,引发:call up
1914 evolve  
1915 ewe  
1916 ewer  
1917 exacerbate 使加剧,使恶化:severe
1918 exact  
1919 exacting 严格的,苛求的:rigorous;费时间心思的:requiring time, effort, attention
1920 exactitude  
1921 exaggerate  
1922 exalt 提升,提拔:raise;赞扬:praise
1923 exaltation  
1924 exasperate 激怒:excite
1925 excavate 挖掘,挖空:dig out
1926 exceed  
1927 exceptional 例外的,特别的,非凡的:uncommon, extraordinary
1928 excess  
1929 excise  
1930 excitability  
1931 exclaim  
1932 exclamation  
1933 exclude  
1934 exclusive  
1935 excoriate 严厉批评:criticize harshly publicly
1936 excrete 排泄:discharge
1937 exculpate 声明无罪;开脱,使无罪:clear fault guilt
1938 excursion  
1939 excursive 离题的;散漫的:passing
1940 execrable  
1941 execrate 谴责:morally wrong or evil;痛恨:dislike strongly
1942 execute  
1943 exemplary 榜样的,值得效仿的:being a pattern, imitated;作为警告的:warning
1944 exemplify  
1945 exempt 使免除:release liability
1946 exert  
1947 exhale  
1948 exhaust 耗尽:consume entirely, complete use of;筋疲力尽:wear out
1949 exhaustive  
1950 exhilarate 使高兴;使兴奋:cheerful, excited
1951 exhilaration  
1952 exhort 敦促,力劝:urge strong
1953 exigent 紧急的:immediate
1954 existential  
1955 exodus 大批离去:departure
1956 exonerate 免除责备:free from blame
1957 exorbitant 过度的:exceeding the customary or appropriate limits
1958 exorcise 除去:ger rid of
1959 exotic 外来的,不同寻常的:unusual
1960 expand  
1961 expansive 广阔的:great expanse;健谈的,外向的:open, talkative, effusive
1962 expediency  
1963 expedient  
1964 expeditious  
1965 expel  
1966 expend  
1967 expenditure  
1968 expertise  
1969 expiate 赎罪,纠正:extinguish the guilt
1970 expiration  
1971 expire 断气,死亡:die;到期:come to an end
1972 explicate 解释,说明:detailed explanation
1973 explicit 表达清晰的:fully revealed or expressed;成熟的,完全形成的:fully developed
1974 exploit 英雄行为:notable act;最大程度地利用:employ
1975 explosive  
1976 exponent 倡导者,支持者:advocates;实践者,典型代表:full realization
1977 exponentially  
1978 exposition  
1979 expository  
1980 expostulate  
1981 exposure  
1982 expound  
1983 expressly  
1984 expunge  
1985 expurgate 净化(书等),删去(不当处):remove
1986 exquisite 程度强烈的:extreme;精致精巧的:refined taste
1987 extant 现存的:not destroyed, extinct
1988 extemporaneous  
1989 extemporize 即兴表现:without prior preparation
1990 extend  
1991 extenuate 减轻罪过:lessen the seriousness
1992 exterminate 根除,消灭:killing off
1993 externalize  
1994 extinct 灭绝的:no longer existing
1995 extinguish 熄灭:put out;终止:bring to a complete end
1996 extirpation  
1997 extol 赞美;吹捧:praise
1998 extort 勒索:force, intimidation
1999 extract 用力拔出:take out
2000 extraneous 无关的:no relevance;非主要因素的:not essential
2001 extrapolate (通过逻辑)判断:form an opinion through reasoning
2002 extravagance  
2003 extremist  
2004 extricable  
2005 extricate 使解脱,救出:free entanglement
2006 extrovert  
2007 exuberance  
2008 exuberant 非常高兴的,热情洋溢的:joyously, unrestrained;大量的,充分的:abundance
2009 exude 分泌,流出:flow forth
2010 exult 感到欢喜:rejoice
2011 fabric  
2012 fabricate 捏造:make up;搭建,组建,打造:bring into being by combining
2013 facade  
2014 facet  
2015 facetious 喜欢开玩笑的,轻浮的:joking
2016 facile 表面的,浅尝辄止的:lack of depth;容易的,唾手可得的:easily accomplished
2017 facilitate 使变容易,促进:make easy
2018 facilities  
2019 faction 派系:a party that is often contentious
2020 factorable  
2021 factotum  
2022 factual  
2023 faculty  
2024 fad (短暂的)流行,时尚:popular for a short time
2025 faddish  
2026 fade  
2027 falcon  
2028 fallacious 谬误的,不合逻辑的:containing fallacy;欺骗性的:tending to deceive
2029 fallacy  
2030 fallibility  
2031 fallible 可能出错的:erroneous
2032 fallow 休耕的:untilled;闲置的:not being in a state of use
2033 falsehood 谎言:untrue, made in order to deceive
2034 falter 蹒跚:walk unsteadily;犹豫踌躇:unsteady in purpose or action
2035 familiarity  
2036 famine  
2037 famish  
2038 fanatic 狂热者:unreasoning enthusiasm;狂热的;盲信的:intense uncritical devotion
2039 fang  
2040 fantasy 幻想:imaginative fiction;产生幻想:form a mental picture
2041 farce (带有嘲讽元素的)滑稽戏:broadly satirical comedy;闹剧:ridiculous
2042 farewell  
2043 far-reaching  
绝食,斋戒:abstaining from food;快速的:quick;忠诚的:firm in one’s allegiance;稳固的,难以拆卸的:firmly
2044 fast positioned
2045 fasten  
2046 fastidious 挑剔的,极仔细的,追求完美的:meticulous attention to detail
2047 fastness  
2048 fatal  
2049 fathom 测量(深度):measure the depth;彻底理解,弄懂:come to understand
2050 fatigue 疲惫:weariness or exhaustion;(让人厌倦的)苦差事:causes weariness
2051 fatten  
2052 fatuity  
2053 fatuous 愚笨的,昏庸的:foolish
2054 faucet  
2055 fault  
2056 faultfinder 吹毛求疵的人:petty criticism
2057 favorable 赞许的:expressing approval;有利的:promote
2058 fawn 阿谀奉承:seek favor by flattery
2059 faze 打扰,使尴尬:disturb the composure
2060 feasible  
2061 feat  
2062 feature  
2063 feckless 无成果的,没有价值的:having no worth;粗心不负责任的:careless
2064 fecundity  
2065 feeble 衰弱的:lacking in strength
2066 feign 制造假象,装出…的样子:give a false appearance
2067 feigned  
2068 feint  
2069 felicitous  
2070 fell  
2071 felon  
2072 felony 重罪:grave crimes
2073 feminist  
2074 fender 缓存装置:cushioning device
2075 feral 野生的:not domesticated;动物性的:nature of a lower animal
2076 ferment  
2077 fern  
2078 ferret  
2079 ferrous  
2080 fertile  
2081 fertilize 使肥沃,使多产:make fertile
2082 fertilizer  
2083 fervid 酷热的:high temperature;热情的:great passion
2084 fervor 热情,狂热:great warmth
2085 fester 感染,溃烂,腐烂:corrupt
2086 festive  
2087 fetid 恶臭的:offensive smell
2088 fetter 枷锁,限制:limits one’s freedom;束缚:restrain from motion
2089 fetus  
2090 feud  
2091 fiasco 大失败:complete failure
2092 fiat  
2093 fickle 易变的:likely to change;不忠诚的:not true in one’s allegiance
2094 fictitious 虚构的:not real
2095 fidget  
2096 fig  
2097 figment 虚构的事物,幻觉:made up
2098 figurative 比喻的:denoting another
2099 figurehead  
2100 figurine 小雕塑:small statue
2101 file  
2102 filibuster 拖延议事:for the purpose of delaying legislative action
2103 filigree  
2104 filings  
2105 filly  
2106 filter 过滤:pass through a filter;去除杂质:remove impurities
2107 filth  
2108 finale 终场,结局:closing part
2109 finesse 娴熟技巧:skill;精心策划:plan out with subtle skill;(巧妙地)躲避:keep away from
2110 finicky 过分讲究的,挑剔的:extremely meticulous
2111 finite  
2112 firearm  
2113 firefly  
2114 fiscal  
2115 fissure  
2116 fixate  
2117 flaccid 不结实的,松弛的:lacking firmness
2118 flag 旗帜,象征:symbol;变得衰弱:become feeble
2119 flagging  
2120 flaggy  
2121 flail  
2122 flak  
2123 flamboyant 艳丽夺目的,炫耀的,充满装饰的:strikingly elaborate
2124 flammable  
2125 flange  
2126 flare  
2127 flask  
2128 flatcar  
2129 flatten  
2130 flatter 拍马屁,奉承,讨好:praise excessively;自我感觉良好:think highly of;使显得更漂亮:show advantageously
2131 flaw 瑕疵,缺点:imperfection;降低,破坏,使不完美:reduce perfection
2132 flax  
2133 fledge  
2134 fledgling 新生:starting out in a field
2135 fleeting 稍纵即逝的,短暂的:for short time
2136 flexible 灵活的,可变的:readily changed;易受影响的:susceptible to influence
2137 flight  
2138 flimsy  
2139 flinch 畏缩;退缩:draw back
2140 flint  
2141 flip  
2142 flirt 调情:behave amorously;无规则地快速运动:make irregular movements
2143 flit 快速或突然地经过:pass quickly
2144 flock 人群,兽群:creatures massed together;聚集,集体行动:travel in a flock
2145 floodgate  
2146 flora  
2147 florid 辞藻华丽的,花哨的:fancy expressions;装饰华丽的:elaborately decorated
2148 flounder 笨拙地行动,挣扎:act clumsily
2149 flourish 茂盛,繁荣:achieve success;装饰:ornamentation
2150 flout 嘲弄性不理会,蔑视:treat with disregard
2151 fluctuate 波动,无规则地变动:shift back and forth
2152 fluffy  
2153 fluke  
2154 fluorescent  
2155 flush (肤色)健康红润的:healthy reddish;富有的:money in abundance;大量的:abundance;冲洗:pour liquid
2156 flustered  
2157 flutter  
2158 fluvial  
2159 flux  
2160 foible 小缺点:minor flaw
2161 foil 挫败:prevent from being successful
2162 fold  
2163 folder  
2164 foliage  
2165 folklore  
2166 folly  
2167 foment 助长,煽动:promote the growth
2168 foodstuff  
2169 foolproof 十分简单以至于不会失败的:leave no opportunity for error, misuse or failure
2170 foppish  
2171 forage 寻找:search
2172 forager  
2173 forbearance 克制,忍耐:tolerance and restraint;友好仁慈的态度:kind, gentle or compassionate treatment
2174 forbid  
2175 forbidding  
2176 ford  
2177 forebode 预示,预兆:show signs
2178 forecast  
2179 foreknowledge  
2180 forerunner  
2181 foreshadow  
2182 foresight  
2183 forestall 预先阻止:prevent beforehand
2184 forestry  
2185 forfeit 罚金:punishment
2186 forge  
2187 forger  
2188 forgery  
2189 forgo  
2190 formality  
2191 formation  
2192 formidable 令人害怕的:causing fear;艰难的:requiring effort
2193 formula  
2194 forsake 彻底放弃,抛弃:renounce
2195 forte  
直率的,说话率真的:free in expressing opinions;直接的,不绕弯子的:free from ambiguity or evasiveness:going
2196 forthright straight to the point
2197 fortify 加固,鼓励:give physical strength;做好心理准备:prepare mentally
2198 fortitude  
2199 fortuitous  
2200 forum  
2201 forward  
2202 fosse  
2203 fossilize  
2204 foster 促进,鼓励,培养:help the growth;养育:bring to maturity
2205 foul  
2206 founder 建立者:one establishes;完败:fail utterly;沉没:become submerged
2207 four-poster  
2208 foyer  
2209 fracas 争吵,吵闹:physical dispute, noisy fight
2210 fraction  
2211 fractious  
2212 fracture 破裂:breaking;打碎,破坏:separate into pieces
2213 fragile 易碎的:broken;易受伤的,脆弱的:easily injured
2214 fragment  
2215 fragrance  
2216 fragrant  
2217 frail 虚弱的:weak;(意志)薄弱的:weak;(希望)渺茫的:slight
2218 frantic  
2219 fraud  
2220 fraudulent 欺诈的:fraud
2221 fraught 充满的:full;令人忧虑的:emotional distress
2222 freckle  
2223 freelancer  
2224 freight  
2225 frenetic  
2226 frenzy 疯狂,狂怒:mental agitation
2227 frequency  
2228 frequent 时常拜访:often;时常发生的,重复再现的:short intervals
2229 fresco  
2230 fret  
2231 friable 易碎的:easily crumbled
2232 friction 摩擦:rubbing;冲突,不和:clashing;
2233 frieze  
2234 frigid 严寒的:cold;冷漠的:lacking warmth
2235 frigidity  
2236 fringe 边缘:border;与…接壤,位于…的边缘:be adjacent
2237 frisky  
2238 frivolous 轻浮的:unbecoming levity;不重要的:little importance
2239 frond  
2240 frothy 用轻薄材料制作的:light;(内容等)快乐轻佻、不严肃的:gaily frivolous
2241 frugal 节约的:economy
2242 fruition  
2243 frustrate 挫败,阻挠:prevent;使沮丧:lessen the courage
2244 fulcrum  
2245 fulfil  
2246 full-blown  
2247 full-bodied 重要的:importance;味道浓烈的:richness flavor
2248 full-fledged  
2249 fulminate 大声斥责:thunderous denunciation
2250 fulsome  
2251 fumble 笨拙地做:awkward attempts;(无意识的)失误:departure from truth
2252 fume  
2253 fumigate  
2254 functional  
2255 functionary  
2256 fundamental  
2257 fungi  
2258 fungicide  
2259 furnace  
2260 furor 喧闹,狂怒,激动,狂热:intense excitement
2261 furrow  
2262 furtive 鬼鬼祟祟的;秘密的:stealth
2263 fusillade  
2264 fusion  
2265 fuss  
2266 fussy 谨慎的:involving great care;过分雕琢的:excessively decorated;挑剔的:hard to please
2267 fusty 过时的:old-fashioned;腐臭的:stale odors
2268 futile 无效的,无用的:ineffective;不严肃的:lacking in seriousness
2269 futility  
2270 gadfly 刺激物:provocative stimulus;令人反感的人:annoys
2271 gadget  
2272 gaffe (社交上)失礼,失态:social blunder;明显的错误,错误判断:blatant mistake
2273 gaggle  
2274 gainsay 否认:declare false;反对:oppose
2275 gait  
2276 galaxy  
2277 gall (使)焦躁,激怒:irritate;深深的敌意:ill will;大胆,无耻:boldness
2278 gallant 英勇的:brave, chivalrous;高贵的,慷慨的:dignified and generous
2279 galley  
2280 gallon  
2281 galvanize (好似用电击)刺激:stimulate excite
2282 gamble 赌博,孤注一掷:bet;(使)受到威胁,冒险:in danger
2283 gambol 欢跳,雀跃:playfully
2284 gangway  
2285 gape  
2286 garble 曲解,篡改,混淆(以至使无法理解):distort misleading;筛选,除杂:remove
2287 garbled  
2288 gardenia  
2289 gargantuan 巨大的:tremendous;
2290 gargoyle  
2291 garish 过于鲜艳的,过于张扬的:strident color
2292 garment 衣服:clothing
2293 garner  
2294 garnish  
2295 garrulity  
2296 garrulous 啰嗦的,话多得令人厌烦的:tiresomely, talkative
2297 gaseous  
2298 gash 深长的伤口或切口:deep cut;砍伤,切开:make gash
2299 gasification 气化:gas;
2300 gaucherie  
2301 gaudy 俗丽的:excessively showy
2302 gauge 测量标准:measurement standard;判定:determine
2303 gavel  
2304 gaze  
2305 gazetteer  
2306 gear 调整(以配合):adjust
2307 gem  
2308 gene  
2309 genealogy  
2310 generality  
2311 generalize  
2312 generate  
2313 generation  
2314 generator  
2315 generic  
2316 generosity  
2317 genesis  
2318 genetic  
2319 genetics  
2320 genial 和蔼亲切的:easygoing;友好的,热心的:kindly feeling;温暖的:neither too high nor too low
2321 genome  
2322 genre  
2323 genteel 有教养的,不粗俗的:free from vulgarity
2324 gentle  
2325 gentry  
2326 genuine  
2327 genus  
2328 geometrician  
2329 germ  
2330 germane 有关的,适当的:relevant
2331 germicide  
2332 germinate 发芽:begin to grow;出现:come into being
2333 gerontocracy  
2334 gerontology  
2335 gerrymander  
2336 gesture  
2337 geyser  
2338 gibe 嘲弄:taunting words
2339 giddy 轻率不严肃的:lacking in seriousness;喜悦的:elated
2340 giggle  
2341 gild (带欺骗性地)修改,润色:deceptively attractive
2342 gimmick  
2343 ginger  
2344 gingerly  
2345 girder  
2346 girth  
2347 gist 要点:main point
2348 glacial 极冷的:extremely cold;冷漠的,无感情的:devoid of warmth
2349 glade  
2350 gladiator 角斗士:engaged fight death;参与打斗或辩论的人:engaging in controversy
2351 glance  
2352 glare  
2353 glaze 给…上釉,妆点:coat glaze;使平滑:glossy surface
2354 glean  
流利圆滑的(常含有不真诚或欺诈的成分),油腔滑调的:fluency insincere deceitful;缺乏深度的,肤浅的:
2355 glib lacking depth
2356 glide 轻松地行动,轻松地通过:smoothly, continuously, effortlessly
2357 glimmer  
2358 glisten 闪光:shine sparkling
2359 glitch 小故障:minor malfunction
2360 gloat 幸灾乐祸,自鸣得意:self-satisfaction
2361 gloom  
2362 gloomy 黯淡无光的:without light;忧郁的:low spirits
简短解释:brief explanation, obscure;(欺骗性的)光鲜外表:attractive appearance;敷衍潦草做事(甚至忽略):
2363 gloss too lightly;开脱(罪名):less bad
2364 glossary  
2365 glossy 平滑的,有光泽的:smooth surface
2366 glow  
2367 glower 怒目而视:stare with anger
2368 glowing  
2369 glucose  
2370 glut 使过量,使充满:beyond capacity
2371 glutinous 胶状的粘的:glue
2372 gluttonous  
2373 gnarled  
2374 gnaw  
2375 goad 刺激,驱使,激发:incite rouse
2376 gobble 狼吞虎咽:eat greedily
2377 goblet  
2378 goldbrick 逃避工作和责任:shirk responsibilities
2379 goodwill  
2380 gospel  
2381 gossamer 虚无缥缈的东西:insubstantial;轻薄的,薄弱的:light
2382 gouge  
2383 gourmand 嗜食者,大胃王:excessively fond of eating
2384 gourmet 美食家:connoisseur food
2385 grace  
2386 gracious  
2387 gradation  
2388 graduated  
2389 graft 移植,移接:implant surgically
2390 grain  
2391 grandeur* 宏伟,壮丽:grand
2392 grandiose* 自命不凡的,浮夸的:grandeur;宏大的:greatness
2393 grandstand* 为了给人留下印象而表演,哗众取宠:impress
2394 granite  
2395 grant  
2396 graphic  
2397 graphite  
2398 grasping  
2399 grate 刮擦(以发出刺耳的声音):rasping;骚扰,惹恼:irritate
2400 grateful  
2401 gratification  
2402 gratify 使满足:desired please
2403 grating  
2404 gratitude  
2405 gratuitous 无根据的,无理由的:unwarranted;无报酬的,免费的:without return;多余的:not needed
2406 gratuity  
2407 grave  
2408 gravel  
2409 gravitational  
2410 gravity  
2411 graze  
2412 grease  
2413 green 无经验的:deficient experience
2414 greenhouse  
2415 gregarious 爱社交的:enjoy the company;群居的:group with others
2416 gregariousness  
2417 grief  
2418 grievance  
2419 grieve (使)感到悲伤:deep sadness
2420 grievous  
2421 grill  
2422 grim  
2423 grimace 因痛苦而面部扭曲,(作)怪相,(作)鬼脸:contortion pain, disgust or disapproval
2424 grin 咧嘴笑,咧嘴笑着表示:express an emotion
2425 grind  
2426 gripe 抱怨:dissatisfaction;(通过连续让人讨厌的举动)激怒,惹怒:disturb
2427 gripping  
2428 grisly 令人反感的,令人恐惧的:repugnance
2429 gristle  
2430 grit (面对困难时所表现出来的)毅力:endure pain or hardship
2431 groan  
2432 groom  
2433 groove 享受,极其满意,过得快活:take pleasure in
2434 grope  
2435 gross  
2436 grotto  
2437 grouch  
2438 grounded  
2439 group  
2440 grouse  
2441 grove  
2442 grovel 卑躬屈膝:draw back, fearful submission
2443 grueling 费时间花心思的:requiring
2444 grumble (尤指低声地)抱怨,埋怨:complain
2445 guarantee  
2446 guffaw  
2447 guile 狡猾,狡诈:misleading
2448 guileless  
2449 guillotine  
2450 guilt 自责,悔恨:wrongdoing
2451 guilty  
2452 guise  
2453 gullible 易受骗的,易被利用的:cheated
2454 gulp  
2455 gum  
2456 guru  
2457 gush (使)大量涌出:great volume;(使)情感强烈外溢:exaggerated display
2458 gusher  
2459 gust 情感爆发:sudden intense expression
2460 gustation  
2461 gustatory  
2462 gutter  
2463 guy  
2464 guzzle 狂饮:drink greedily
2465 gyrate  
2466 habitat  
2467 habituate  
2468 hack 雇佣文人:writer commercial;乱砍;开辟:irregular blows;成功完成:skillfully or efficiently;忍受:put up with
2469 hackneyed 陈腐的,缺乏创新的:lacking freshness originality
2470 hail  
2471 halcyon 宁静的,平静的:free from;繁荣的,丰富的:affluent
2472 hale 强壮的,健壮的:free from infirmity or illness;拖,拉:cause to follow
2473 halfhearted 不感兴趣的,不热情的:lacking heart
2474 hallmark 典型的特征:conspicuous feature
2475 hallow 尊敬,把…视为神圣:respect
2476 hallowed  
2477 hallucination 错觉:false idea
2478 halo  
2479 halting  
2480 hammer 屡次重申:repeated
2481 hamper 阻碍:restrict the movement, impede
2482 handle  
2483 hangar  
2484 hangdog 伤心的,沮丧的:sad, dejected
2485 hankering  
2486 haphazard 无秩序的,无目标的:lack of plan, order or direction
2487 harangue (发表)长篇大论:long pompous
2488 harass 烦扰:irritate persistently;耗尽…的体力:use up
2489 harbinger 预言者:presages
2490 harbor 提供住处,隐匿:provide habitat;心怀,牢记:keep in one’s mind
2491 harden  
2492 hardheaded  
2493 hardy 顽强的:able to withstand;愿意冒风险的:willing to take risks
2494 harmony  
2495 harness 利用:utilize
2496 harp  
2497 harpsichord  
2498 harridan  
2499 harrow 折磨,使苦恼:distress torment
2500 harrowing  
2501 harry 不断烦扰,骚扰:distress, harass
2502 harsh 粗糙的,不具有美感的:coarse rough disagreeable sense;严厉的:exacting
2503 harshly  
2504 hasten 促进:speed-up, accelerate
2505 hasty 轻率的:superficial excessive or careless speed
2506 hatch  
2507 haughty  
2508 haunt 常去拜访:frequent;不断地想起,萦绕心头:obsess
2509 hauteur 傲慢,自大:arrogance
2510 haven 安全的地方:place of safety
2511 havoc 大混乱:out of order;大范围破坏:nonexistent unsound or useless
2512 hawk  
2513 hazard  
2514 hazardous  
2515 headlong 鲁莽的:without deliberation
2516 headstrong  
2517 headway  
2518 heal  
2519 hearken 倾听,关注:attention
2520 hearten 给予鼓励,鼓舞:give strength courage, encourage
2521 heartrending 令人心碎的:sorrow distress
2522 heavy-handedness  
2523 heckle 起哄,使难堪:harass
2524 hectic  
2525 hector  
2526 hedge  
2527 hedonist  
2528 heed  
2529 hegemony 霸权,统治权:preponderant authority
2530 heinous 可憎的,十恶不赦的:hatefully
2531 heir  
2532 heirloom  
2533 helmet  
2534 hem  
2535 hemisphere  
2536 hemophilia  
2537 hemorrhage  
2538 hemostat  
2539 herbaceous  
2540 herbicide  
2541 herbivorous  
2542 herd  
2543 hereditary  
2544 heresy 异教,和普遍观点相悖的说话:controversial or unorthodox opinion
2545 heretic  
2546 heretical 异教的,异端邪说的:departure standards
2547 hermetic 深奥的:abstruseness
2548 hermit  
2549 herpetologist  
2550 heterodox 非正统的,异端的:unorthodox opinions
2551 heterogeneous  
2552 hew 遵守:confirm, hold to something firmly;支持:steadfast support
2553 hexagon  
2554 hiatus  
2555 hibernate  
2556 hide  
2557 hidebound 死板的,极度保守的:tending to favor
2558 hideous 非常丑陋的:ugly
2559 hie 匆匆忙忙:hasten
2560 hierarchy  
2561 hieroglyph  
2562 hieroglyphic  
2563 highbrow  
2564 hike (使)上涨:rise up to a higher place or position
2565 hilarious 非常好笑的:extremely funny
2566 hinder  
2567 hinge  
2568 hirsute  
2569 hiss  
2570 histology  
2571 histrionic 戏剧的,演员的:relating to actors
2572 hitherto  
2573 hive 忙碌之地:activity;储备,积累:store up
2574 hoard 贮藏,秘藏:keep hidden
2575 hoary 极老的:extremely old
2576 hoax 欺骗:cause to believe untrue
2577 hodgepodge 大杂烩:mixture dissimilar
2578 hoe  
2579 hoist  
2580 hold  
2581 holster  
2582 homage 尊敬,敬意:respect
2583 homeostasis  
2584 homiletics  
2585 homogeneity  
2586 homogeneous  
2587 homogenize 使统一化:make agree single established standard
2588 hone 磨快:sharpen
2589 honorarium  
2590 hoodwink 欺骗:deceptive
2591 hoof  
2592 hoop  
2593 horizontal  
2594 hormone  
2595 horn  
2596 horrific  
2597 hortative 鼓励的:exhortation
2598 horticulture  
2599 hospitable  
2600 hostile  
2601 hostility  
2602 hovel 茅屋:small wretched dirty
2603 hover  
2604 hub  
2605 hubris 狂妄自大:exaggerated pride, self-confidence
2606 huckster  
2607 hue  
2608 hulk  
2609 hull  
2610 humane  
2611 humble 谦逊的:meekness, modesty;顺从的,谦卑的:humility or unseemly submissiveness
2612 humdrum 千篇一律,单调:lack of variety;无聊的,乏味的:lacking excitement
2613 humid  
2614 humidity  
2615 humiliate 羞辱,使丧失尊严:to a lower position
2616 humility 谦卑,谦逊:absence of any feeling s better
2617 humor 幽默,令人发笑的事物:comical or amusing;迎合,迁就:comply with
2618 hunch  
2619 hurdle  
2620 hurl  
2621 hurricane 飓风:a violent rotating storm;飓风般的事物,引起动荡的事物:resembling a hurricane
2622 husband 节俭,勤俭持家:use economically
2623 husbandry  
2624 hush  
2625 husk (果类或谷物的)外壳:outer covering;剥去:remove
2626 husky (尤指声音)沙哑的,粗糙的:rough;高大威猛的:muscular
2627 hybrid 杂交品种,混合品种:mixed origin;杂交的:parents of different races
2628 hydrant  
2629 hydrate  
2630 hymn 赞歌,赞美诗:song of praise;赞美:proclaim the glory
2631 hyperactivity  
2632 hyperbole 夸张:exaggeration used for emphasis
2633 hypertension  
2634 hyphen  
2635 hypnotic 催眠的:cause sleep
2636 hypocrite  
2637 hypocritical 虚伪的:not being what one appears to be
2638 hypotenuse  
2639 hypothesis  
2640 hypothetical 假设,前提条件:starting point;假定的:assumption speculation
2641 hysteria  
2642 icicle  
2643 icon  
2644 iconoclast 特立独行的人:not conform accepted standards
2645 ideology  
2646 idiom  
2647 idle 闲置的,未使用的:not turned to use;懒散的:lazy;懒散度日,无所事事:without working
2648 idolater  
2649 idyll 无忧无虑的生活:carefree episode
2650 igneous  
2651 ignite 点燃:set fire to;激起,唤起(感情):arouse the passions
2652 ignoble  
2653 ignominious  
2654 ignominy 耻辱:lost the esteem
2655 ignorant  
2656 illegal  
2657 illegitimate  
2658 illicit  
2659 illiterate  
2660 illuminate 照明:make shining;阐明:make plain;启迪,启发:spiritual understanding
2661 illuminati 智者:enlightened;精英:best of a class
2662 illusion  
2663 illusive  
2664 illusory 幻觉的,虚幻的:illusion
2665 illustrate  
2666 imbibe 喝水,摄取水分:take in liquid
2667 imbroglio 困境,复杂的局面:complicated situation;纷争:angry expression of differing opinions
2668 imbue  
2669 imitation 仿制品:like something else
2670 imitative  
2671 immaculate 干净的,纯净的:free from dirt;完美的,没有任何错误的:without fault
2672 immanent 内在的:innermost
2673 immemorial 古老的:from the distant past
2674 immense  
2675 immensity  
2676 immerse  
2677 imminent  
2678 immolate  
不易被感染的,有免疫力的:having resistance to infection;不受影响的:not affected by influence;不受约束的,免
2679 immune 除的:not subject to an obligation
2680 immunity  
2681 immunize  
2682 immure 监禁,禁闭;使闭门不出:confine
2683 imp  
2684 impact  
2685 impair  
2686 impale  
2687 impalpable  
2688 impart  
2689 impartial  
2690 impasse  
2691 impassioned  
2692 impassive 冷漠的,无感情的:no sign of feeling
2693 impeach  
2694 impeccable 无罪的:free from sin;无暇的,无可挑剔的:free from fault
2695 impecunious 贫穷的:no money
2696 impede 妨碍,阻碍:slow the progress of
2697 impediment  
2698 impel  
2699 impending 即将发生的:soon to take place
2700 impenetrable 不可渗透的,不可穿透的:impossible to get through;难以理解的:incapable of being comprehended
2701 impenitent 不悔悟的:not regretful
命令:must be obeyed;命令的,强制性的:forcing one’s compliance;迫切的:needing immediate attention;必要
2702 imperative 的:impossible to do without
2703 imperial 帝国的,帝王的:empire;巨大的,令人惊叹的:impressive in size
2704 imperious 爱发号施令的:ordering people;傲慢的,专横呃:arrogantly domineering;迫切的:compelling
2705 impermanent  
2706 impermeable  
2707 impersonate  
2708 impertinence  
2709 imperturbable 沉着冷静的,淡定的:extreme calm
不可渗透的,不可穿透的:not allowing entrance;不能被破坏的:not capable of being damaged;不为所动的:not
2710 impervious capable of being affected
2711 impetuous 冲动的,性急的,轻率的:impulsive vehemence;剧烈的,猛烈的:violence of movement
2712 impetus  
2713 impinge  
2714 implant  
2715 implausible  
2716 implement 工具:device;执行,实施:carry out
2717 implicate  
2718 implication  
2719 implicit 不言而喻的,心照不宣的:understood though unexpressed;无疑问的,无保留的:without doubt
2720 implode (使)剧烈收缩,(使)坍塌,(使)内爆:collapse inward
2721 implore  
2722 impolitic  
2723 imponderable  
2724 import  
2725 importune 宏伟壮丽的:impressive
2726 impose  
2727 imposing 恳求,迫切请求:urgent manner
2728 impostor 冒充者:assumes false identity
2729 imposture  
2730 impoverish  
2731 impregnable  
2732 impresario  
2733 impressed  
2734 impression  
2735 impressionable  
2736 imprint  
2737 impromptu 即席的表演:done extemporaneously;即席的,即兴的:without previous preparation
2738 improvident  
2739 improvise 即兴而作:perform with little or no preparation
2740 imprudent 不明智的:lacking good judgment
2741 impudent 放肆大胆的,无礼的:boldness or disregard
2742 impugn 责难,攻击,抨击:attack as false
2743 impuissance 无权,虚弱:lack of power
2744 impulse  
2745 impunity 免责,免受处罚:freedom from punishment
2746 inadvertence  
2747 inalienable 不可剥夺的,不能让与的:cannot be transferred
2748 inane 空洞的:lacking significance
2749 inanimate 无生命的:not living
2750 inappreciable  
2751 inaugural  
2752 inaugurate 使就职:induct into an office;开始:begin
2753 inborn  
2754 incandescence  
2755 incantation  
2756 incarcerate  
2757 incarnate 化身的,人性化的:bodily nature and form;使(思想、理论)具体,体现:constitute an embodiment
2758 incendiary 煽动者:person who stirs up;煽动性的:tending to inflame
2759 incense 芳香:pleasant smell;激怒:extremely angry
2760 incentive 刺激,诱因:incites
2761 inception 开端,开始:beginning
2762 incessant 无间断的:without interruption
2763 inch 少量,很短的距离:small degree;(使)慢慢移动:move slowly
2764 inchoate 新生的,才开始的:early stage;未完全成型的:imperfectly formed
2765 incidence  
2766 incinerate 将…烧成灰烬:burn to ashes
2767 incipient 起初的,初现的:beginning to come into being
2768 incise  
2769 incision  
2770 incisive  
2771 incite 煽动,激起:provoke
2772 inclement (天气等)恶劣的:lacking mildness;无情的,残酷的:unmerciful
2773 inclusive  
2774 incogitant 考虑不周到的,不体谅的:inconsiderate
2775 incommensurate  
2776 incompatible  
2777 incompetent  
2778 incongruity  
2779 inconsequential 不合逻辑的:not following good reasoning;不重要的:no significance
2780 inconstancy  
2781 incontrovertible 无可争议的:not open to question
2782 incorporate  
2783 incorrigible 不可救药的,积习难改的:incapable of being corrected;无法管制的:impossible to control
2784 incorruptible  
2785 incredulity  
2786 increment  
2787 incriminate 归罪于:accuse of a crime
2788 incubate  
2789 incubation  
2790 incubator  
2791 incubus  
2792 inculcate  
2793 inculpate 归罪于:incriminate
2794 incumbent 义不容辞的,必须的:obligation duty
2795 incur  
2796 indebted  
2797 indecipherable  
2798 indecisive  
2799 indefatigable  
2800 indelible (印记等)无法擦除的:impossible to remove;无法忘怀的:not easily forgotten
2801 indemnify  
2802 indemnity (损害、伤害等的)保险赔偿:compensation
2803 indent  
2804 indenture  
2805 indicate  
2806 indict 起诉,控告:accuse
2807 indifferent 公平的:impartiality;(质量、档次等)中规中矩的,一般的:average;不感兴趣的,冷漠的:lack of interest
2808 indigence  
2809 indigenous 土产的,本地的:originating;与生俱来的,先天的:innermost nature
2810 indigent 贫穷的:lacking money
2811 indignant  
2812 indignation  
2813 indignity  
2814 indispensability  
2815 individual  
2816 indoctrinate 教育,灌输思想:instruct
2817 indolent 懒惰的:averse to activity
2818 indubitable  
2819 induce  
2820 induct  
2821 induction  
2822 indulge  
铁石心肠的,冷酷无情的:a lack of sympathy;使变硬:physically firm;使习惯于(如艰苦或尴尬之境况):
2823 indurate withstand physical hardship
2824 industrious 勤勉的:diligent
2825 ineffable 难以表达的:incapable expressed
2826 ineffectual  
2827 inelasticity  
2828 ineluctable 无法逃避的,必然的:not to be avoided
2829 inept 愚笨的,荒谬的:lack of judgment;不恰当的,不合时宜的:not appropriate;不称职的,无能力的:incompetent
2830 ineptitude  
2831 inequity  
2832 inert (人)懒惰缺乏活力的;(物品)惰性的:sluggish, deficient
2833 inertia  
2834 inexhaustible  
2835 inexorable 无法劝阻的,不为所动的:not persuaded
2836 inexplicable  
2837 infant  
2838 infantry  
2839 infatuation  
2840 infection  
2841 infelicitous 不愉快的,不幸的:unfortunate;不恰当的,不合时宜的:not appropriate
2842 infelicity  
2843 infer  
2844 inferior  
2845 inferno 大火:fire;地狱:resembles hell
2846 infest  
2847 infiltrate 秘密潜入:enter surreptitiously
2848 infinitesimal  
2849 infinity  
2850 infirm 虚弱的:weak in body;不果断的,优柔寡断的:lacking firmness of will
2851 inflame 点燃,燃烧:set on fire;使加剧:more violent
2852 inflamed  
2853 inflate  
2854 inflict  
2855 influx 涌入:coming in
2856 informed  
2857 infraction 违背,违反:failure to uphold the requirements
2858 infringe  
2859 infuriate 激怒:make furious
2860 infuse 灌输,使…充满:fill;鼓舞:inspire
2861 ingenious 聪明的,有创造才能的:resourceful, cleverness
2862 ing¨¦nue  
2863 ingenuity 独创性,创新性:inventive
2864 ingenuous 天真纯朴的:lacking cunning;坦白的:straightforward
2865 ingest 摄入,咽下:take into body
2866 ingestion  
2867 ingrained 本质的,根深蒂固的:firmly established
2868 ingrate  
2869 ingratiate  
2870 ingratiating 讨人喜欢的:winning favor;逢迎的,意在奉承的:gain favor
2871 ingredient  
2872 inhabit  
2873 inhabitant  
2874 inherit  
2875 inhumane  
2876 inimical 带有敌意的:hostility;危及某人利益的,不利的:opposed to interests
2877 inimitable 无法效仿的,独特的:not imitated
2878 iniquitous  
2879 iniquity 邪恶,不公正:immorality, injustice
2880 initial  
2881 initiate 创造,发动促进:cause beginning;刚入门的新手:person initiation
2882 initiative  
2883 injection  
2884 injunction  
2885 injurious  
2886 inkling 轻微暗示,小提示:slight indication;略知:vague notion
2887 innate nil
2888 innocence nil
2889 innocuous 无害的:no injury;乏味的,不会引起敌意的:not arouse
2890 innovative 创新性的:introducing innovations
2891 innuendo nil
2892 inoculate nil
2893 inordinate nil
2894 inquiry nil
2895 inquisitive 过分好奇的:inordinately curious
2896 inroad nil
2897 insatiable nil
2898 inscribe nil
2899 inscrutable nil
2900 insecticide nil
2901 insensate nil
2902 insentient 无感觉的,无知觉的:lacking perception;一知半解的,略懂的:not having a deep understanding
2903 insider nil
2904 insidious nil
2905 insignia nil
2906 insincerity nil
2907 insinuate nil
2908 insipid (食品)清淡无味的:lacking favor;平淡的,无聊的:lacking interest
2909 insolent 粗野的,无礼的:rude
2910 insoluble nil
2911 insolvency nil
2912 insomnia nil
2913 insouciant 无忧虑的,不在乎的:free from concern
2914 inspection nil
2915 inspiration nil
2916 inspired nil
2917 install nil
2918 instantaneous nil
2919 instate 任命:establish rank
2920 instigate 煽动,激起:urge forward, stir up
2921 instill 慢慢滴入:enter;灌输:impart
2922 instinctive nil
2923 institute 创立,制定:establish;机构:organization
2924 institution nil
2925 institutionalized nil
2926 instructive nil
2927 instrumental nil
2928 instrumentalist nil
2929 insular (观念、想法等)孤立狭隘的:narrow provincial viewpoint
2930 insularity nil
2931 insulate 使绝缘,使隔离:detached situation
2932 insulin nil
2933 insurgent 叛乱分子:opposes authority
2934 insurrection nil
2935 intact nil
2936 intangible 无法感知的,无形的:capable perceived
2937 integral 构成整体所必需的:essential;完整的:not lacking any part
2938 integrate nil
2939 integrity 正直:adherence moral;完整性:being whole
2940 intellect nil
2941 intellectual nil
2942 intelligible 可理解的:being understood
2943 intensify 加强,激化:make intense
2944 intent nil
2945 intentional nil
2946 inter 埋葬:place in grave
2947 interaction nil
2948 intercede nil
2949 intercept nil
2950 intercessor 调停者:mediates
2951 interchangeable nil
2952 interdict 禁止:forbid;阻止:stop, seize or interrupt
2953 interference nil
2954 interim 中间过渡时期,间隔:time between event;暂时的:for the time being
2955 interjection nil
2956 interlock 连锁,连结:joined closely
2957 interlocking nil
2958 interlude nil
2959 intermediary nil
2960 interminable 无尽头的:no end
2961 intermingle nil
2962 intermission nil
2963 intermittent 间歇的,断断续续的:not continuous;不定期的:lacking regularity
2964 intern nil
2965 internecine nil
2966 interplay nil
2967 interpolate nil
2968 interpose nil
2969 interregnum 过渡期:break
2970 interrogate 质问,审问:question formally
2971 interrogative nil
2972 interrupt nil
2973 intersect nil
2974 intersperse nil
2975 intertwine nil
2976 intervene nil
有紧密联系的,亲密无间的:close association;不为人知的:not known;密友:person who has a strong liking;迂
2977 intimate 回地交流,间接地沟通:communicate indirectly
2978 intimidate 威吓:frighten
2979 intoxicate nil
2980 intractable nil
2981 intransigent 不妥协的,固执的:refusal to compromise
2982 intrepid 无畏的:resolute fearlessness
2983 intricacy nil
2984 intricate nil
2985 intrigue 阴谋:a secret plan;激起…的兴趣:arouse curiosity
2986 introspective nil
2987 intrude nil
2988 intuition nil
2989 intuitive 直觉的:by intuition
2990 inundate 淹没:cover with flood
2991 inured nil
2992 invade nil
2993 invective 侮辱性的:characterized by insult
2994 inveigh 激烈抗议,表示强烈不满:protest vehemently
2995 inveigle 诱骗:win over by coaxing
2996 inventory 存货清单:list all goods;(包含要点的)简介:short statement
2997 inverse nil
2998 invert nil
2999 invertebrate nil
3000 investigate nil
3001 inveterate 积习的:firmly established
3002 invidious 惹人反感的:cause discontent;羡慕嫉妒恨的:resentment of another’s possessions
3003 invigorate 使精神,使强壮,鼓舞激励:impart vigor
3004 invigorating nil
3005 inviolable nil
3006 invoke 实施:put into effect;产生,造成:be the cause
3007 involuntary nil
3008 invulnerable nil
3009 iodine nil
3010 iota nil
3011 irascible 易怒的:easily provoked anger
3012 irate 极其愤怒的:extremely angry
3013 ire nil
3014 iridescent 五颜六色的:lustrous colors
3015 irk 令人烦恼的事物:source of irritation;使烦恼,使厌倦:irritating
3016 irksome nil
3017 ironclad 非常坚固的,坚不可摧的:unbreakable
3018 ironic nil
3019 irony nil
3020 irradicable 不能根除的:impossible destroy
3021 irreconcilable nil
3022 irredeemable nil
3023 irreducible (数)不可约分的:incapable factored
3024 irremediable nil
3025 irrepressible nil
3026 irrevocable nil
3027 irrigate 灌溉:supply water;冲洗:flush
3028 irritable nil
3029 irritate 刺激,惹恼:provoke anger
3030 isolate nil
3031 issue (有争议的)话题,议题:matter that is in dispute;发布(期刊)等:produce and release;(使)流出:flow out
3032 isthmus nil
3033 itinerant nil
3034 itinerary nil
3035 ivory nil
3036 jabber 快而不清楚地说:talk rapidly, indistinctly
3037 jade nil
3038 jaded 疲惫的:depleted in strength;厌倦的,没兴趣没热情的:patience exhausted
3039 jagged nil
3040 jamb nil
3041 jar nil
3042 jargon 行业术语:specialized or technical language
3043 jarring 刺耳的:discordant;震惊的:strong emotional reaction
3044 jaundice (因嫉妒或厌世而产生的)偏见:bias
3045 jaunt nil
3046 jaunty 轻快呃,活泼的:sprightly
3047 jazz nil
3048 jealousy nil
3049 jeer nil
3050 jejune 无趣乏味的:not interesting;幼稚的:annoying qualities children
3051 jerk nil
3052 jeopardize nil
3053 jeopardy 危险: risk, danger
3054 jest 轻浮的态度,戏谑:frivolous
3055 jettison 丢弃,投弃:cast
3056 jibe 意见一致:agree
3057 jigsaw nil
3058 jingoism nil
3059 jockey nil
3060 jocular 搞笑的,欢乐的:joking, playful
3061 jocund 欢快的,高兴的:sprightly lighthearted
3062 jog 慢跑:movement exercise;唤起:rouse
3063 jolt 突然移动:move sudden;惊吓:unpleasant surprise
3064 jot 简要记录:write briefly
3065 jovial 愉快的:good-mannered, jollity, conviviality
3066 jubilation nil
3067 judicial nil
3068 judicious 明智的,慎重的:judgment prudent
3069 juggernaut 无法阻挡的力量的,摧毁一切的强大力量:overwhelming force
3070 jumble nil
3071 junction nil
3072 justifiable nil
3073 justification nil
3074 justify 证明...的合理性,为...辩解:prove to be just, right
3075 juvenile nil
3076 juxtapose nil
3077 kaleidoscope nil
3078 kangaroo nil
3079 ken 视野范围:vision;知道,了解(人或物):know
3080 kennel nil
3081 kernel nil
3082 kidnap 绑架勒索:detain unlawful force
3083 kidney nil
3084 killjoy nil
3085 kin nil
3086 kindle 点燃:set fire, ignite
3087 kinetic nil
3088 knack 诀窍,聪明的做法:clever
3089 knave nil
3090 knead 揉捏,塑造:shape by folding
3091 knit 编织(纱线):interlacing yarn with needles;连接,联系:join closely
3092 knotty 多结的,复杂的,困难的:full of difficulties complications
3093 know-how nil
3094 kudos 名望,名声:fame;夸奖,赞扬:acclaim or praise
3095 labile 易变的,不稳定的:unstable
3096 labored nil
3097 labyrinth nil
3098 lace nil
3099 lacerate 使非常痛苦:cause pain
3100 lachrymose 催人泪下的,悲伤的:mournful
3101 lackadaisical nil
3102 lackluster 黯淡无光泽的:lacking brightness
3103 laconic 简洁(以至于显得粗鲁或难以理解的):minimum of words, concise
3104 lactic nil
3105 lag 最终的,最后的:following all others;缓慢行走:slowness;萎靡,失去活力:lose bodily strength
3106 lair nil
3107 laity nil
3108 lambaste 严厉斥责:scold sharply
3109 lament 悼词:composition grief;抱怨:resentment;为…哀悼,表达痛苦或遗憾:express sorrow
3110 lampoon 讽刺:harsh satire
3111 lance 长矛,标枪:long straight handle and sharp head or blade;刺穿,刺破:penetrate
3112 lancet nil
3113 landfill nil
3114 landlocked nil
3115 landmark nil
3116 landslide nil
3117 languid 没精打采的,虚弱的:lacking energy
3118 languish 变得衰弱:become feeble
3119 languor 懒惰:inertness;衰弱:weakness, weariness
3120 lank 细长瘦弱的:long lean;不僵硬的,柔软松弛的:limp, not stiff
3121 lap nil
3122 lapse 小过失:slight error;结束,终止:end
3123 larder nil
3124 largess nil
3125 lark nil
3126 larva nil
3127 lash 击打:hard strike;猛击,撞击:strike with force;捆扎:bind
3128 lassitude 乏力,没精打采:diminished energy
3129 lasso nil
3130 lasting nil
3131 latency nil
3132 latent 潜在的,不活跃的:potential, not evident
3133 lateral nil
3134 latitude (行动或言论)自由:freedom
3135 lattice nil
3136 laud nil
3137 lava nil
3138 lave nil
3139 lavish 奢侈的,大量的,无节制的:extravagance and profusion;挥霍,浪费:give readily carelessly
3140 laxative nil
3141 leak nil
3142 leakage nil
3143 lease nil
3144 leaven 在…中加入轻松、活泼或变更的因素:mingle permeate
3145 lectern nil
3146 ledger nil
3147 leer 一瞥,斜眼看:sidelong
3148 leery 怀疑的,不信任的:suspicious
3149 legacy 遗产:handed down ancestor
3150 legend 传奇,传说:popular myth;图例:explanatory list map
3151 legerdemain nil
3152 legion 大量的人,(尤指)军团:large body of men;大量的:numerous
3153 legislate nil
3154 legitimate nil
3155 leisureliness nil
3156 leniency nil
3157 lenient 宽大仁慈的:merciful
3158 lethal 非常有害的,致命的:extremely harmful
3159 lethargic 没精打采的,行动迟缓的:sluggish
3160 lethargy nil
3161 levee nil
3162 levelheaded 明智的:sensible
3163 lever nil
3164 levity 轻浮:frivolity
3165 levy nil
3166 lexicographer nil
3167 liability 责任:liable;障碍,不利条件:creates difficulty
3168 liaison nil
3169 libel nil
3170 liberality nil
3171 liberate nil
3172 libertine 放荡不羁者:without moral restraint
3173 liberty nil
3174 libretto nil
3175 license 许可,认可:approval;自由:move freely;放荡:disregard for standards;准许,授权使用:permit or authorize
3176 licentious 放荡的,性欲强的:lacking restraints
3177 lien nil
3178 ligneous nil
3179 liken 显示相似,把…比作:show as similar
3180 limb nil
3181 limber 可塑的,柔软的:flexible
3182 limerick nil
3183 limestone nil
3184 limn nil
3185 limousine nil
3186 limp 柔软的,松散的:lacking firm;软弱的,没有精神的:lacking strength;跛行,艰难地行走:haltingly or unsteadily
3187 limpid 透明清澈的:transparent clearness;镇定的,淡定的:free from agitation
3188 lineage nil
3189 linen nil
3190 linger 磨蹭,闲荡:proceed slowly
3191 linguistics nil
3192 lionize 追捧,把...捧为名人:celebrity
3193 liquefy nil
3194 liquid nil
3195 liquidate nil
3196 lissome 柔软的:easily bent;敏捷的,轻盈的:move with ease
3197 list (使)倾斜:at an angle
3198 listless nil
3199 literal nil
3200 literate nil
3201 literati nil
3202 lithe 敏捷的,轻盈的:grace;柔软的:easily bent
3203 litigant nil
3204 litigation nil
3205 litter nil
3206 loaf nil
3207 loathe 厌恶:dislike
3208 lobby nil
3209 lobe nil
3210 locale nil
3211 locomotion nil
3212 locomotive nil
3213 locus nil
3214 lode nil
3215 lofty 崇高的:elevated;高的:rising;自大的:superiority
3216 log nil
3217 logistics nil
3218 loll 懒洋洋地行动:lazy;偷懒,打发时间:doing nothing
3219 longevity nil
3220 longing nil
3221 long-winded nil
3222 loom nil
3223 loon nil
3224 loop nil
3225 loophole nil
3226 loosen nil
3227 lope nil
3228 lopsided 歪的,倾斜的:leaning;不平衡的,不协调的:lacking in balance
3229 loquacious 话多的:excessive talk
3230 lot nil
3231 lottery nil
3232 lounge nil
3233 loutish 粗鲁的:awkward, stupid and boorish
3234 low nil
3235 loyal nil
3236 lubricant nil
3237 lubricate 使润滑:reduce friction
3238 lucid 有光亮的:suffused with light;神志清楚的:full use of one’s mind;表达清晰的,简单易懂的:easily understood
3239 lucrative nil
3240 ludicrous 荒唐的,可笑的:derisive laughter
3241 lug nil
3242 lukewarm nil
3243 lull 相对平静时期,间隙:momentary halt;使镇静,使安心:free from distress
3244 lullaby 催眠曲:song lull sleep;使镇静,使安心:free from distress
3245 lumber 木材:tree logs;笨拙地行动:clumsiness;使负担(从而拖累):burden
3246 lumberjack nil
3247 lumen nil
3248 luminary 杰出人物:eminence
3249 lump nil
3250 lunar nil
3251 lunatic nil
3252 lurch 蹒跚:swaying
3253 lurid 恐怖的:令人反感的:causing revulsion;面色苍白的,病态的:pale in appearance
3254 lurk 潜伏:lie in wait
3255 lush 茂盛呃:vigorously;多产的:producing abundantly;(声音、味道)优美的,令人愉悦的:appealing
3256 lust nil
3257 lustrous 有光泽的:shiny
3258 luxuriant nil
3259 luxurious 豪华的:wealth and comfort;奢侈的:excessive gratification
3260 luxury nil
3261 lyric (可以哼唱的)小曲:musical composition;如诗歌般流畅优美的:suggestive of poetry or music
3262 macabre 恐怖的:horror of death
3263 macerate 浸泡(以软化):soaking or steeping
3264 machination 诡计:scheming or crafty action
3265 maculated nil
3266 madrigal nil
3267 maelstrom 漩涡:violent whirlpool;混乱、动荡的局势:turbulent
3268 magenta nil
3269 magisterial nil
3270 magnanimity nil
3271 magnanimous nil
3272 magnate nil
3273 magnificent 壮丽的:strikingly impressive
3274 magnify nil
3275 magnitude 重要,重大:greatness in significance;巨大:greatness in size
3276 magpie nil
3277 maintenance nil
3278 maize nil
3279 majestic nil
3280 maladroit 笨拙的:lack of nimbleness
3281 malaise 不舒服:bodily discomfort
3282 malapropism nil
3283 malcontent 不满分子:opposition;不满的:dissatisfied
3284 malevolent 恶意的,恶毒的:vicious ill will, spite,hatred
3285 malfeasance nil
3286 malfunction nil
3287 malicious 恶意的:deliberately harmful
3288 malign 恶意的:cause suffering;诽谤:utter injuriously
3289 malinger 装病以逃避工作:pretend illness
3290 malleable 可塑的:capable of being shaped;易控制的:capable of being controlled
3291 malpractice nil
3292 mammoth nil
3293 mandate nil
3294 mandatory 强制的:forcing compliance
3295 mangle 损毁,使伤残:injury;弄砸:ruin
3296 mania 热衷,狂热:intense enthusiasm
3297 manifest 显然的,明显易懂:understanding;显现,显露:make evident
3298 manifesto nil
3299 manifold nil
3300 manipulate 巧妙操作:skillful;巧妙处理,暗中操控:deviously
3301 manipulative nil
3302 mannered 不自然的,做作的:artificial
3303 mansion nil
3304 mantle nil
3305 manumit 解放(奴隶):release from slavery
3306 manure nil
3307 manuscript 手稿:written by hand
3308 maple nil
3309 mar 污点,坏点:spoils the appearance;破坏,削弱:impair
3310 marble nil
3311 mare nil
3312 margarine nil
3313 margin nil
3314 marine nil
3315 marionette nil
3316 marital nil
3317 maritime nil
3318 marked nil
3319 maroon nil
3320 marsh 沼泽,湿地:wet
3321 marshal nil
3322 marsupial nil
3323 martial nil
3324 martyr nil
3325 marvel 令人惊奇的事物:surprise, admiration or wonder;(因为壮观、美丽等而)表示惊讶:feel amazement
3326 mash 捣碎:pulpy mass
3327 mask nil
3328 mason nil
3329 masquerade 面具,伪装:display insincere;伪装,掩饰:disguise
3330 massacre nil
3331 massive nil
3332 mast nil
3333 masticate nil
3334 mate nil
3335 materialize nil
3336 maternal nil
3337 matrix nil
3338 mattress nil
3339 mature nil
3340 maudlin 过于感伤的:tearfully sentimental
3341 maul nil
3342 mauve nil
3343 maven 专家:experienced
3344 maverick 特立独行之人:does not conform;标新立异的,不合常规的:deviating
3345 mawkish 过度伤感的:sentimental
3346 maximize nil
3347 maze nil
3348 meager 贫乏的:deficient
3349 mean 卑贱的:ignoble;吝啬的:sharing little;打算,怀有目的:purpose or goal;意味着:convey, show or indicate
3350 meander 闲逛,漫步:aimlessly and idly
3351 measly 少得可怜的,微不足道的:small
3352 measured 深思熟虑的,审慎的:calculated
3353 mechanical nil
3354 mechanics nil
3355 mechanism nil
3356 medal nil
3357 meddle 干涉,管闲事:intrude
3358 meddlesome nil
3359 mediate 调解,调停:bring about an agreement
3360 medieval nil
3361 mediocrity nil
3362 meditate 思索,沉思:focus
3363 medium nil
3364 medley 大杂烩,混合物:mixture
3365 meek 谦恭的:humility;顺从的:submissive
3366 meet 合适的:very proper
3367 melancholy nil
3368 meld nil
3369 mellifluous (曲调)优美的:smooth and sweet
3370 melodrama nil
3371 melon nil
3372 membrane nil
3373 memoir nil
3374 memorial nil
3375 menace 威胁,使处于危险:intention to harm
3376 mend nil
3377 mendacious 撒谎的,虚假的:lies
3378 mendicant nil
3379 menthol nil
3380 mentor nil
3381 mercantile nil
3382 mercenary (外国军队的)雇佣军:soldier hired;唯利是图的,贪婪的:monetary or material gain
3383 mercurial (情绪)善变的:changeableness of mood
3384 meretricious 艳俗的,俗气的:vulgar manner
3385 merit nil
3386 merited 应得的,理所应当的:what is called for
3387 meritorious nil
3388 mesa nil
3389 mesh 诱捕:catch
3390 metabolism nil
3391 metamorphose (使)变形:change
3392 metaphor nil
3393 metaphysics nil
3394 mete nil
3395 meteoric 流星般迅速而短暂的:brevity
3396 methodical 井然有序的,有条理的:systematic order
3397 meticulous 极为谨慎的:extreme or excessive care
3398 metrical nil
3399 metropolis nil
3400 metropolitan nil
3401 mettle 勇气:strength of spirit;毅力,耐力:stamina
3402 mettlesome nil
3403 microbe nil
3404 microorganism nil
3405 microscopic nil
3406 miff 使恼怒:annoyed
3407 mighty nil
3408 migratory 迁移的:moving from one region to another
3409 milestone nil
3410 militia nil
3411 milk 榨取(财富、信息等):coerce profit
3412 mill nil
3413 mime 模仿:model
3414 mimic nil
3415 minaret nil
3416 minatory 带来威胁的,有凶兆的:a sign of evil
3417 mince 切碎:small pieces;小步走:short steps
3418 mingle mingle:social;混合,结合:mix
3419 miniature nil
3420 minimize 将…减到最少:reduce to smallest;刻意低估:underestimate;表示鄙夷:scornfully low opinion
3421 minion nil
3422 minnow nil
3423 mint 巨额:abundant amount;无损坏的:unmarred
3424 minuet nil
3425 minuscule nil
3426 minutes nil
3427 minutia 次要的细节,小事:minor detail
3428 miracle nil
3429 mirage 海市蜃楼,幻想:illusory
3430 mire 困境:difficult situation;使陷入困境,拖后腿:hold back
3431 mirth 欢乐,欢笑:gladness laughter
3432 misanthrope nil
3433 mischievous 调皮的,淘气的:naughty teasing;有害的:causing harm
3434 miscreant 恶棍,罪犯:behaves criminally
3435 miser nil
3436 miserly 吝啬的:penuriousness
3437 misgiving 担忧,忧虑:doubt
3438 misinform nil
3439 misnomer nil
3440 misperceive nil
3441 misrepresent 误传,篡改:give misleading representation
3442 misshapen nil
3443 missile nil
3444 mite 微小的东西,很少的钱:small object
3445 mitigate 减轻痛苦,使缓和:less severe
3446 mitten nil
3447 mnemonics nil
3448 moan nil
3449 moat nil
3450 mobile 可移动的:capable moving;可变的:changeable
3451 mobility nil
3452 mock nil
3453 mode nil
3454 modest nil
3455 modicum 少量:small portion
3456 modify nil
3457 modish nil
3458 modulate nil
3459 mogul nil
3460 molar nil
3461 mold nil
3462 molding nil
3463 moldy nil
3464 molecule nil
3465 mollify 平息,抚慰,缓和:calm
3466 mollycoddle 宠爱,溺爱:excessive indulgence
3467 molt 脱(羽、皮等):shed feathers
3468 molten nil
3469 moment nil
3470 momentous 极重要的:utmost importance
3471 momentum 动力;冲力;势头:impetus
3472 monarch 君主,帝王:rules;巨头,大亨:person of rank, power, or influence
3473 monarchy nil
3474 monetary nil
3475 mongrel 杂种的,混血儿的:mixed origin
3476 monochromatic 单色的:one color;单调无味的:lacking variety
3477 monochrome nil
3478 monocle nil
3479 monogamy nil
3480 monolithic nil
3481 monologue 独白:by one actor
3482 monomania nil
3483 monopoly nil
3484 monotonous (声音)单调的:unvarying tone;清一色的,无聊的:tediously unvarying
3485 monotony nil
3486 monsoon nil
3487 montage nil
3488 monumental nil
3489 morale nil
3490 moralistic nil
3491 moratorium 延期,暂缓施行:suspension
3492 morbid 疾病的,疾病所致的:by disease;(思想性格)变态的:unwholesome thoughts
3493 mordant 尖酸刻薄的:biting caustic
3494 mores nil
3495 moribund 即将结束的,垂死的:approaching death;即将过时:obsolete
3496 morose 忧郁的:sullen, gloomy
3497 morsel nil
3498 mortality nil
3499 mortar nil
3500 mortgage nil
3501 mortification nil
3502 mortify nil
3503 mortuary nil
3504 mosaic 综合物,马赛克般的东西:collection
3505 mosque 清真寺:worship Muslim
3506 mosquito nil
3507 mote nil
3508 motif nil
3509 motility nil
3510 motley 混杂的,富于变化的:variety
3511 mottled nil
3512 motto 座右铭:guiding principle
3513 mountainous nil
3514 mourn nil
3515 mournful 悲伤的:expressing sorrow
3516 movement 运动:moving
3517 muffle 使消声:deaden the sound
3518 mulish 固执的:obstinate
3519 multiple nil
3520 multiplicity nil
3521 multiply nil
3522 mumble 说话含糊:utter confused
3523 mundane 尘世的,世俗化的:relating to world;平凡的:commonplaces
3524 municipality nil
3525 munificence nil
3526 munition nil
3527 mural nil
3528 murky 黯淡的,昏暗的:without light;模糊的,晦涩的:lacking clarity
3529 murmur 小声的话语:low sound;低声抱怨,发牢骚:grumble
3530 muse nil
3531 musicologist nil
3532 musket nil
3533 muster nil
3534 mutate (使)改变,(使)变异:undergo mutation
3535 mute 不说话的,缄默的:refraining from speech;使颜色,音调等柔和:soften;减弱声音:muffle the sound
3536 muted nil
3537 mutineer nil
3538 mutter 低声抱怨:murmur complainingly
3539 myopia nil
3540 myopic 缺乏远见的,缺乏辨别能力的:lack of foresight
3541 myriad 无限的,大量的:indefinite number
3542 mystic nil
3543 nadir 最低点:lowest point
3544 nag nil
3545 naive nil
3546 narcissism 自恋:admiration of oneself
3547 narcissist nil
3548 narcotic nil
3549 narrative nil
3550 nascent 新生的:recently come into existence
3551 natal nil
3552 natty 整洁的,时髦的:tidy
3553 nausea nil
3554 nauseate (使)厌恶,(使)作呕:cause disgust
3555 nautical 航海的:on water
3556 navigate nil
3557 naysay 拒绝,否认:oppose, deny
3558 nebulous 模糊的:indistinct
3559 needle nil
3560 needlework nil
3561 needy 贫穷的:impoverished
3562 nefarious 极坏的,邪恶的:wicked
3563 negate nil
3564 negation 否定:opposite
3565 negligence nil
3566 negotiable nil
3567 negotiate 商量,谈判:by mutual agreement;谋划:plan out
3568 neolithic nil
3569 neologism nil
3570 neophyte 初学者,新手:beginner
3571 nepotism nil
3572 nerve (坚强的)意志,勇气:power of endurance;给予勇气,鼓励:give courage
3573 nettle 惹怒:arouse anger
3574 neurology nil
3575 neutralize 中和:acid undergo neutralization;破坏,使无效:make inoperative or ineffective
3576 neutron nil
3577 nexus 连结:connection;核心,最重要的地带:greatest importance
3578 nib nil
3579 nibble 小口咬:small bites
3580 nice nil
3581 nick nil
3582 nightmare nil
3583 nil 不存在,零:nothing
3584 nip 少量:small amount;小口吃喝:in small amounts
3585 nitpick 吹毛求疵:criticize
3586 nocturnal 夜间的:in the night;夜间活动的:active at night
3587 noisome 有害的,有毒的:harmful;恶臭的:offensive smell;非常令人厌恶的:objectionable
3588 nomad 游牧的;居无定所的人:no fixed residence
3589 nomadic nil
3590 nominal 不重要的:unimportant;名义上的:something in name
3591 nominate nil
3592 nonchalance nil
3593 noncommittal nil
3594 nonentity 不重要的人:little consequence;虚构的东西:created no objective reality
3595 nonflammable nil
3596 nonplus 使迷惑,使困窘:perplex
3597 nonporous nil
3598 nonradioactive nil
3599 nonsensical nil
3600 nonthreatening nil
3601 nonviable nil
3602 norm nil
3603 nostalgia 思乡之情:homesick;怀旧,怀念:sentimental yearning for return
3604 nostrum nil
3605 notable nil
3606 notch 刻痕:cut;通过努力获得:obtain
3607 notorious nil
3608 nourish 养育,培养:provide with food;培养,促进:help with growth
3609 nova nil
3610 novelty nil
3611 novice 新手,初学者:new
3612 noxious 有害的,有毒的:harmful, injurious to health;产生强烈厌恶的:causing intense displeasure
3613 nuance 细微的差异:subtle distinction
3614 nubile nil
3615 nucleate nil
3616 nucleus nil
3617 nudge 用肘推以引起注意:push elbow;说服某人做某事:persuade
3618 nugatory 无关紧要的:consequence, inconsequential
3619 nullify nil
3620 numb 失去感觉的:devoid of sensation;麻木的,无感情的:devoid of emotion
3621 numerous nil
3622 numismatist nil
3623 nurture 提供营养:nourishment;培育,培养:provide with understanding
3624 nutrient nil
3625 nutrition nil
3626 oafishness nil
3627 oak nil
3628 oasis nil
3629 oath 誓言:formal promise
3630 obdurate 固执的:resistant influences;冷酷无情的:lack of sympathy
3631 obedient 服从的,顺从的:submissive authority
3632 obeisance 敬礼,尊重:respect, submission
3633 obese nil
3634 obfuscate 使困惑,使模糊:confused, opaque
3635 obituary nil
3636 objection nil
3637 objective nil
3638 obligation nil
3639 obligatory 强制性的:compulsory;(见得多以至于)无聊的:dull
3640 oblige nil
3641 obliging 乐于助人的:do favors
3642 oblique 斜的:inclined or twisted
3643 obliterate 除去:remove
3644 oblivious 不知道的,不知情的:lacking awareness, not informed
3645 obloquy 谩骂,诽谤:abusively language;恶名,耻辱:lost the esteem
3646 obnoxious nil
3647 obscure 含义模糊的:not clearly, veiled, uncertain meaning;平凡的,不知名的:famous;使模糊:indistinct
3648 obscurity nil
3649 obsequious 谄媚的,奴性的:fawning attentiveness
3650 observatory nil
3651 obsess 迷住的,使困扰:haunt
3652 obsolete 过时的,被淘汰的:no longer useful
3653 obstacle nil
3654 obstinacy nil
3655 obstinate 固执的:in spite of persuasion;难以减轻或治愈的:mot easily subdued
3656 obstreperous 难驾驭的,任性的:unruly;吵闹的:loud and insistent cries
3657 obstruct 妨碍,给…制造困难:impede, create difficulty;阻挡:prevent passage
3658 obtainable nil
3659 obtuse 愚钝的:absorb ideas readily
3660 obverse nil
3661 obviate 排除,使不必要:unnecessary
3662 obvious nil
3663 occlude nil
3664 occult 难以理解的:not easily apprehended, mysterious;使隐藏或神秘:keep secret
3665 occupation nil
3666 occurrence nil
3667 octogenarian nil
3668 odds nil
3669 ode nil
3670 odious nil
3671 odium 憎恶,讨厌:strong dislike
3672 odometer nil
3673 odyssey nil
3674 offbeat 不平常的:different from generally found
3675 offence  
3676 offend nil
3677 offensive nil
3678 offhand 即兴的,没有准备的:without preparation
3679 officious 多管闲事的:thrusting oneself
3680 offish 冷淡的:aloof
3681 off-key 不寻常的,不合适的:out of accord with
3682 offset nil
3683 offspring nil
3684 offstage nil
3685 ogle nil
3686 ointment nil
3687 olfaction nil
3688 oligarchy nil
3689 omelet nil
3690 ominous 凶兆的:omen, evil
3691 omit nil
3692 omnipotent nil
3693 omnipresent nil
3694 omniscient 无所不知的:complete knowledge
3695 onerous 费时间花心思的:requiring much time, effort
3696 onset 攻击,进攻:attack, assault;起始,开始:begins
3697 opacity nil
3698 opalescence nil
3699 opaque 不透光的:impenetrable by light, neither transparent translucent;晦涩的:obscure
3700 operative nil
3701 operetta nil
3702 opine 表达观点;想,认为:express opinions
3703 opinionated nil
3704 opponent nil
3705 opportune 合适的,恰当的:convenient
3706 oppose nil
3707 oppress nil
3708 opprobrious 辱骂的:reproach;臭名昭著的,令人鄙视的:infamous
3709 optimism nil
3710 optimist nil
3711 optimum nil
3712 optional nil
3713 opulent nil
3714 oracle nil
3715 oration (颇有野心、自高自大的)演说:high-flown or pompous manner
3716 oratorio nil
3717 oratory nil
3718 orchard nil
3719 orchestra nil
3720 ordain nil
3721 ordeal 严峻的考验:severe trial
3722 ordinance nil
3723 ordnance nil
3724 ore nil
3725 organism nil
3726 orient 使确定方向,使熟悉或适应:determine position, make familiar
3727 original 创新的:creative, inventive;最初的,最早的:before
3728 originality nil
3729 ornate nil
3730 ornithologist nil
3731 ornithology nil
3732 orthodontics nil
3733 orthodox 传统的:established form, custom, or rules
3734 oscillate 振动,摇晃:swing;犹豫,变化:vary
3735 osmosis nil
3736 osseous nil
3737 ossify (使)硬化,(使)僵化:hardened, conventional, opposed to change
3738 ostensible 表面上的,佯装的:appearing to be true
3739 ostentation nil
3740 ostracism nil
3741 ostracize 驱逐:exclude
3742 ostrich nil
3743 other-directed nil
3744 otter nil
3745 oust 免职:remove from;驱逐:drive out
3746 outgoing 友好的,外向的:extroverted
3747 outgrowth 结果,后果:traceable to a cause
3748 outlandish 古怪的,奇异的:out of the ordinary, bizarre
3749 outlet nil
3750 outline nil
3751 outmaneuver 以谋略取胜:overcome
3752 outmoded 过时的,废弃的:no longer usable
3753 outrage nil
3754 outset 开端,开始:beginning
3755 outshine nil
3756 outskirts nil
3757 outspoken nil
3758 outstrip nil
3759 outwit 瞒骗,以智取胜:surpass cunning
3760 ovation nil
3761 overbearing 专横傲慢的:arrogant;压倒一切的,(在力量或重要性上)势不可挡的;支配的,显著的:overwhelming in power
3762 overdose nil
3763 overdue nil
3764 overexposure nil
3765 overflow nil
3766 overhaul nil
3767 overlap (与…)部分重叠:same area
3768 overlook nil
3769 overpowering nil
3770 overreach nil
3771 override 不顾:set aside
3772 overriding nil
3773 overrule nil
3774 oversee nil
3775 overshadow 使变黯淡:make dark, dim;(在重要性上)超越,超过:exceed in importance
3776 overstate nil
3777 overt 明显的,公开的:open
3778 overthrow nil
3779 overture 前言:introductory, preclude;序曲:introduction opera
3780 overturn nil
3781 overwhelm 淹没:cover;(感情上、精神上)使无所适从,使难以忍受:subject to mental stress
3782 overwrought 十分激动的,非常不安的:agitation;(装饰、文风等)过分华丽的:excessively decorated
3783 owl nil
3784 oxidize nil
3785 pacifist nil
3786 pacify 使平静,安慰:ease the anger
3787 pack nil
3788 packed nil
3789 pact nil
3790 padding 夸张,废话:go beyond the facts
3791 paean 欢乐颂:joyous song praise
3792 pagan nil
3793 pageant nil
3794 painkiller nil
3795 painstaking 煞费苦心的:diligent care
3796 palate nil
3797 palatial 宫殿般奢华的:ornateness
3798 palette nil
3799 pall 失去兴趣:interest attraction
3800 palliate 平息,减轻:less severe intense
3801 palliative nil
3802 pallid 无生气的,缺乏活力的:lacking radiance vitality;苍白无血色的:pale
3803 palmy 繁荣的:prosperity
3804 palpable 摸得到的:capable touched;明显的,易觉察的:obvious
3805 palpitate nil
3806 palter 欺骗,讨价还价:insincerely deceitfully
3807 paltry 无价值的,微不足道的:importance;让人厌恶的,让人鄙视的:loathing and disgust
3808 pamphlet nil
3809 pan 严厉批评:harsh criticism
3810 panacea 万能药,万灵药:remedy for all ills
3811 panache 炫耀:flamboyance
3812 pancreas nil
3813 pandemic 大范围流行的:widespread
3814 pandemonium 喧嚣,骚动:noise
3815 panegyric 赞颂之词,颂文:eulogistic
3816 panel nil
3817 pang nil
3818 panic nil
3819 panorama nil
3820 panther nil
3821 pantomime nil
3822 pantry nil
3823 papyrus nil
3824 parable 寓言:teach a basic truth
3825 parabola nil
3826 paradigm 典范,模范:pattern
3827 paradox 表面矛盾实际可能正确的话,悖论:opposed to commonsense
3828 paragon 优秀模范:example;把…比作,显示相似:compare
3829 parallel nil
3830 parallelism nil
3831 parameter nil
3832 paramount 最重要的:chief importance
3833 paranoia nil
3834 paranoid 多疑的,对他人极端恐惧和怀疑的:extreme fear of distrust
3835 paraphrase 转述,意译,改写;in different words
3836 parasite nil
3837 parch 炽,烤,烤干:dry
3838 pare nil
3839 pariah 被排斥或鄙视的人:despised or rejected
3840 parity 相称,同等,平等:being equal
3841 parka nil
3842 parlance nil
3843 parody (以嘲笑原作作者的)模仿作品:imitated for ridicule;模仿(以嘲弄):copy to make fun
3844 paroxysm (感情、动作的)突发:outburst;(政治、社会领域呃)大动荡:disturbance
3845 parquet nil
3846 parry nil
3847 parse nil
3848 parsimony nil
3849 partial 偏袒的,偏爱的:biased;部分的,不完整的:lacking
3850 partiality nil
3851 particular nil
3852 particularize 详述:give details
3853 partisan 跟随者,信徒:follows;(狂热。坚定的)拥护者,支持者:excessively devoted;偏袒的:one side
3854 partition 分割,划分:dividing
3855 passionate nil
3856 passive nil
3857 pastel nil
3858 pasteurize nil
3859 pastiche (带嘲讽的)模仿:imitates with satirical intent;大杂烩:hodgepodge
3860 pastoral nil
3861 pastry nil
3862 patch nil
3863 patent 显而易见的,明显的:readily visible
3864 pathogen nil
3865 pathology nil
3866 patina 外表:superficial;(由内而外散发的)氛围,气场:appearance or aura
3867 patrician 贵族,名门望族:high birth;贵族的,地位高的:high birth
3868 patrimony nil
3869 patriot 爱国者:loves country
3870 patriotism nil
3871 patronage nil
3872 patronize 赞助:provide aid;以高人一等的态度对待:treat haughtily
3873 paucity 少量,缺乏:dearth
3874 paunchy 大腹便便的,大肚子的:potbelly
3875 pauper nil
3876 peak nil
3877 pecan nil
3878 peccadillo nil
3879 peck 大量:considerable amount;(不情愿地)小口咬:in small bites
3880 pedagogue 教育者,老师:give formal instruction
3881 pedagogy nil
3882 pedal nil
3883 pedant 书呆子,墨守成规之人:formal rules
3884 pedestal nil
3885 pedestrian 行人:traveling on foot;平庸无奇的,令人厌倦的:causing weariness
3886 pediatrics nil
3887 peel 剥去...的皮:strip off;脱去(衣服等):take off clothes
3888 peer 同等地位的人,同辈:equal;好奇地凝视:look
3889 peerless nil
3890 peeve 打扰,惹恼:disturb
3891 peevish nil
3892 pejorative 轻蔑的,贬低的:disparaging
3893 pelf nil
3894 pell-mell nil
3895 pellucid 透明的:admitting light;清晰明确的,易懂的:clear
3896 pen 监狱:confinement;关押,监禁:close
3897 penalize nil
3898 penalty (对罪行的)处罚:punishment
3899 penance nil
3900 penchant 嗜好,迷恋:strong inclination
3901 pending nil
3902 pendulum nil
3903 penetrate nil
3904 peninsula nil
3905 penitent 悔过的:regretful
3906 pennant nil
3907 penultimate nil
3908 penury 贫穷:dearth;吝啬,节俭:frugality
3909 perambulate nil
3910 perception nil
3911 perch nil
3912 percussionist nil
3913 peregrination nil
3914 peremptory 不容反抗的:not allowing contradiction;爱发号施令的:ordering people;傲慢的:feeling of superiority
3915 perennial nil
3916 perfervid 非常热情的:exaggerated emotion
3917 perfidious nil
3918 perfidy 不忠,背信弃义:disloyalty
3919 perforate 打孔,穿透:make a hole
3920 perfunctory 例行公事的,敷衍的:superficially;不感兴趣的:lacking in interest
3921 peril nil
3922 perilous 危险的:potential loss or injury
3923 perimeter nil
3924 periodical nil
3925 peripatetic 巡游的,四处游历的:place to place
3926 peripheral 外围的:boundary or periphery;辅助性的:supply
3927 periphery nil
3928 periscope nil
3929 perish 死亡,消亡:cease to exist
3930 perishing nil
3931 perjure nil
3932 perjury nil
3933 perky nil
3934 permanent 永恒的:continuing or enduring, forever
3935 permeable 可渗透的:penetrated
3936 permeate nil
3937 permissive nil
3938 pernicious 有害的:injurious
3939 perpendicular nil
3940 perpetual 永恒的,不断的:continuing forever
3941 perpetuate nil
3942 perquisite 额外的好处:given in addition
3943 persecute 迫害,折磨:cause suffering
3944 persiflage 打趣:teasing
3945 personable 风度翩翩的,吸引人的:attractive
3946 personification nil
3947 personnel nil
3948 perspective nil
3949 perspicacious 极敏锐的,有洞察力的:penetrating mental discernment
3950 perspicuity 清晰明了的:clearness and lucidity
3951 perspicuous nil
3952 perspire nil
3953 pertain 有关联的:have a relation
3954 pertinacious 顽固的,固执地坚持的:sticking
3955 pertinent 相关的,恰当的:relevance
3956 peruse 细读:examine with great care
3957 pervade 弥漫,充满:throughout
3958 pervious nil
3959 pessimism nil
3960 pest nil
3961 pester nil
3962 pesticide nil
3963 pestilent nil
3964 pestle nil
3965 petal nil
3966 petition 请愿,正式的申请,申请书:supplication or request;(尤指正式地)请求:,make a request
3967 petitioner nil
3968 petrify 使僵化,使失去活力:become stiff
3969 petroglyph nil
3970 petroleum nil
3971 petrology nil
3972 petty 细微的,不重要的:small importance
3973 petulance nil
3974 petulant 易怒的,爱发脾气的:easily irritated
3975 phantom nil
3976 pharmaceutical nil
3977 phenomena nil
3978 phenomenal 不寻常的,非凡的:out of the ordinary
3979 philanthropic 博爱的,为他人着想的:welfare of others
3980 philatelist nil
3981 philately nil
3982 philistine 市侩(注重物质而鄙视智慧或艺术的人):guided by materialism
3983 phlegmatic 冷静的,无感情的,淡漠的:calm, sluggish temperament
3984 phoenix nil
3985 phonetic nil
3986 photosynthesis nil
3987 physiological nil
3988 piano nil
3989 pictorial nil
3990 piddling 微不足道的:trifling or trivial
3991 pied nil
3992 pierce nil
3993 piercing nil
3994 pigment 颜料:color;给…上颜色:color
3995 pilgrim nil
3996 pillar 柱子:support;(物质、精神等方面的)支柱:support
3997 pillory 当众嘲弄:public contempt
3998 pilot 领航员,飞行员:steer a ship;初步性的,试验性的:tentative model;带领通过:lead
3999 pinch nil
4000 pine 渴望,奢望:yearn;因渴望而憔悴:lose vigor
4001 pinnacle 顶峰:highest point
4002 pinpoint 非常精确的:extreme precision;精确定位或确认:identify with precision
4003 pious (信仰上)虔诚的:devotion to divine worship;忠诚的:firm in one's allegiance
4004 piquant 辛辣开胃的:pungent taste;令人振奋的:provocative
4005 pique 使愤怒:arouse anger;激起,刺激:excite or arouse
4006 pirate 盗版,盗用:without actual right;海岛:robber seas
4007 pirouette nil
4008 pistol nil
4009 pitch nil
4010 pitcher nil
4011 pitfall 陷阱:capture and hold animals;(不易察觉的)危害:hidden danger
4012 pith nil
4013 pithiness nil
4014 pithy 精练的,简洁的:brief
4015 pitiful nil
4016 pittance 少量津贴:small portion
4017 placate (通过让步以)平息抚慰:lessen the anger
4018 placebo 安慰性的事物:used to appease or reassure
4019 placid 宁静的,风平浪静的:free from storms;冷静的,淡定的:free from agitation
4020 plagiarism nil
4021 plagiarize 剽窃,抄袭:steal ideas
4022 plague nil
4023 plain nil
4024 plaintiff nil
4025 plaintive nil
4026 plait nil
4027 plane nil
4028 plangent 轰鸣的:loud sound;凄凉的,哀伤的:plaintive
4029 plankton nil
4030 plaster nil
4031 plateau 高原:raised above;稳定时期,平台期:stable level
4032 platitude 陈词滥调:banal statement;缺乏原创性:lack of originality
4033 platonic nil
4034 plaudit nil
4035 plausible 看似有理的:superficially reasonable
4036 plead nil
4037 pleat 打褶:fold
4038 pledge nil
4039 plenitude nil
4040 plethora 过量,过剩:excess
4041 pliable 易弯曲的,柔软的:supple;易受影响的,温顺的:easily influenced
4042 pliant 易弯曲的:easily bent;顺从的:yielding
4043 plight 困境:unfortunate
4044 plinth nil
4045 plod 沉重缓慢地走:walk heavily
4046 plot nil
4047 plough nil
4048 ploy nil
4049 pluck 敢于面对困难的勇气:courage;弹奏(弦乐):strings pulling releasing
4050 plumb 测深度:measure the depth;垂直的:vertical;仔细深入地检查;探索,探究:examine deeply
4051 plumber nil
4052 plume nil
4053 plummet 突然下降:decline suddenly
4054 plunder nil
4055 plunge 突然下降:descend suddenly;插入,刺入:penetrate
4056 plush (味道等)浓郁的:abundance quality;奢华的,豪华的:notably luxurious
4057 plutocracy nil
4058 pod nil
4059 podiatrist nil
4060 podium nil
4061 poignant nil
4062 poise nil
4063 poisonous nil
4064 poke nil
4065 polar nil
4066 polarity nil
4067 polarize 使分开对立,使两极分化:break into opposing
4068 polemic 争执:argument
4069 polemical nil
4070 polish nil
4071 poll nil
4072 pollen nil
4073 pollinate nil
4074 pollster nil
4075 pomposity nil
4076 pompous 浮夸的:ornate;傲慢的:self-importance
4077 poncho nil
4078 ponder nil
4079 ponderable 有价值的,值得考虑的:considerable
4080 ponderous 沉重的:great weight;沉闷无聊的:unpleasantly dull
4081 pontifical nil
4082 pontificate 傲慢地说或做:speak pompous
4083 populace nil
4084 populous nil
4085 porcelain nil
4086 porcupine nil
4087 pore 仔细浏览,仔细研究:read or study attentively
4088 porous 多孔可渗透的:admitting liquid
4089 portentous 预兆性的,凶兆的:sign of evil;勾起兴趣的,令人遐想的:eliciting amazement
4090 portfolio nil
4091 portray nil
4092 pose nil
4093 poseur 故作姿态的,不真诚的人:affected insincere
4094 posit 假定,断定:affirm
4095 posse nil
4096 possessed nil
4097 poster nil
4098 postpone nil
4099 postulate 前提条件:starting point;假定为真:assume true
4100 posture 姿势,姿态:way of holding the body;故作姿态,装模作样:pretended attitude
4101 potable 饮品,尤指有酒精饮料:beverage;适于饮用的:suitable for drinking
4102 potation nil
4103 potentate 有权势的人:has the power
4104 potential nil
4105 potentiate 激活,加强:more active
4106 potpourri nil
4107 pottery nil
4108 pout (尤指撅嘴或板着脸)表示不悦:show displeasure
4109 practitioner 职业人士:profession
4110 pragmatic 实用主义的,务实的:practical approach
4111 prank nil
4112 prate 闲聊,空谈:talk idly
4113 preach 传道,布道:sermon
4114 preamble nil
4115 precarious 危险的,不稳定的:lacking security, stability;可疑的,不明确的:uncertain
4116 precede nil
4117 precept nil
4118 precipice 悬崖峭壁:steep
4119 precipitant nil
4120 precipitate 匆忙的:careless speed;促使,导致:cause to happen
4121 precipitation 沉积物,尤指降水:deposit, rain, snow;仓促:disorderly speed
4122 pr¨¦cis  
4123 precise nil
4124 preclude 预先阻止:make impossible in advance;排斥:exclude
4125 precocious nil
4126 precursor 先驱者,先导:precedes
4127 predator nil
4128 predecessor 前任,先辈:previously occupied
4129 predestine 预先注定:in advance
4130 predicament nil
4131 predilection 爱好,偏袒:disposition favor
4132 predisposition nil
4133 predominant nil
4134 predominate nil
4135 preeminent 优秀的,重要的:paramount
4136 preempt 预先占有:seize, before others;替换:replace
4137 preen 整理(羽毛):smooth feathers;打扮修饰:dress oneself elaborate;自满:take pride
4138 preface 序言:preliminary statement
4139 pregnant 重要的,意味深长的:full of meaning;怀孕的:containing offspring
4140 prehistoric nil
4141 prejudice nil
4142 preliminary nil
4143 preliterate nil
4144 prelude nil
4145 premature nil
4146 premeditate 预先考虑:consider beforehand
4147 premeditated nil
4148 premiere nil
4149 premise nil
4150 premium nil
4151 premonition nil
4152 preoccupation 非常关系,全神贯注:extreme concern
4153 preponderate nil
4154 preposition nil
4155 preposterous 荒谬的,不符合常理的:contrary common sense
4156 prerequisite 先决条件,前提:necessary to an end
4157 prerogative 特权,权力:right, power, privilege
4158 presage 征兆:sign or warning;预示,预言:predict
4159 prescience 预知,先见:knowledge before
4160 prescribe nil
4161 prescription 规定,传统的规矩:rule
4162 presentation nil
4163 presenter nil
4164 preservative 防腐剂:protect against decay
4165 preside nil
4166 press nil
4167 pressing nil
4168 prestige 声望,威望:respect
4169 prestigious nil
4170 presume nil
4171 presumption nil
4172 presupposition nil
4173 pretend nil
4174 pretension nil
4175 pretentious nil
4176 preternatural 超乎寻常:surpassing usual
4177 pretext nil
4178 prevail 盛行,战胜:greater in strength
4179 prevaricate 支吾其词,撒谎:evade truth
4180 preview nil
4181 previous nil
4182 prey nil
4183 prim nil
4184 primate nil
4185 prime nil
4186 primp 精心打扮:adorn finicky
4187 principal 主要的,重要的:highest importance, rank
4188 principle nil
4189 priority nil
4190 pristine 纯净的,质朴的,未被文明腐蚀的:pure, free from dirt or decay
4191 privation 缺乏,穷困:lack
4192 privilege nil
4193 probe 深入调查:penetrating investigation
4194 probity 正直:moral standards
4195 proboscis nil
4196 proceeds nil
4197 procession nil
4198 proclaim 宣告,使...公之于众:declare publicly
4199 procrastinate (因为懒散)拖延:put off laziness
4200 proctor nil
4201 procure 获得,取得:get possession
4202 prod 促使…行动:persuade
4203 prodigal 挥霍的:spendthrift;败家子:spends freely
4204 prodigious 巨大的:great in size;惊人的,了不起的:astonishment
4205 prodigy nil
4206 produce nil
4207 productivity nil
4208 profane 亵渎:treat abuse, irreverence, contempt;滥用:bad or improper use
4209 proffer 献出,提供:offer
4210 proficient 熟练的,精通的:advanced competence
4211 profile nil
4212 profiteer nil
4213 profligate 挥金如土的,挥霍的:wasteful;败家子:spends money freely;堕落的人:below the normal moral standard
4214 profound nil
4215 profuse nil
4216 progeny nil
4217 prognosis nil
4218 prohibitive 禁止的,阻止的:prohibit, restrain;(价格高得)抑制购买的:purchase
4219 projectile nil
4220 projection nil
4221 projector nil
4222 proliferate 快速繁殖;激增:grow or multiply by rapidly offspring
4223 prolific nil
4224 prolix 啰嗦的,冗长的:excessive length
4225 prolixity nil
4226 prologue 序言:preface
4227 prolong 延长,拖延:lengthen
4228 promenade nil
4229 prominent nil
4230 promote nil
4231 prompt nil
4232 promulgate 校对:find errors and mark corrections
4233 prone nil
4234 pronounced nil
4235 prop nil
4236 propagate 繁殖:increase;传播,宣传:spread out
4237 propel nil
4238 propensity 倾向,癖好:inclination
4239 prophecy nil
4240 prophet nil
4241 prophetic 预言的,预示的:foretelling
4242 propitiate 抚慰,劝解:appease
4243 propitious 吉祥的:favorably happy outcome
4244 proposal nil
4245 proposition nil
4246 proprietary 所有权:ownership;私营的:privately owned
4247 propriety 礼节:conformity socially acceptable;适当,得体:suitable or fitting
4248 propulsion nil
4249 prosaic 单调的,常见的:normal course of events
4250 proscribe 禁止,排斥:forbid
4251 prose nil
4252 prosecute nil
4253 prosecution 实行,执行:doing
4254 proselytize (使)改变信仰:change religious faith
4255 prospect 探查,勘探:go into discovery;期待,期望的事物:looking forward to
4256 prosperity nil
4257 prosperous 成功的,繁盛的:vigorous growth, well-being
4258 prostrate 平躺(的),使平躺:lying flat;衰弱的,使衰竭:weakness
4259 protagonist nil
4260 protean 善变的;多才多艺的:diversity, variety, versatile
4261 protest nil
4262 protocol 正确的礼仪规范:correct conduct
4263 prototype 原型:original model
4264 protract 延长,拖长:lengthen, prolong
4265 protuberant 隆起的,凸出的:thrusting out
4266 provenance nil
4267 provender nil
4268 provident 节俭的:frugal, economical;有远见的:awareness for the future
4269 providential 天意的,幸运(的):divine intervention
4270 provincial 狭隘(的):limited perspective
4271 provision nil
4272 provisional 临时的:temporary
4273 provisory 有附带条件的;临时的:conditional
4274 provocation nil
4275 prowess 英勇,勇敢:superior, courage
4276 prowl 潜行于,巡游以猎取食物,徘徊:roam through search of prey
4277 proximate nil
4278 prude 过分正经的人:一个过分关心自己是否得体、谦逊、或正确的人:greatly concerned seemly behavior and morally
4279 prudent 过分守礼的:prudery
4280 prudish 明智的:wisdom, judiciousness, wise;小心谨慎的,审慎的:circumspection
4281 prune 梅干:plum dried;修剪;修正
4282 pry 刺探,打听:inquire closely, curiously;
4283 pseudonym 假名,笔名:fictitious
4284 psyche nil
4285 psychology 心理学:science mental process and behavior;心理战术:subtle tactical action influence
4286 publicize nil
4287 pucker 撇(嘴),(使)收缩:contracted
4288 puckish 淘气的,顽皮的:mischievous, impish
4289 puddle nil
4290 puerile 幼稚的,不成熟的:immature
4291 pugilism nil
4292 pugilist nil
4293 pugnacious nil
4294 puissance 权力:power
4295 puissant nil
4296 pulchritude 美丽:beauty
4297 pullet nil
4298 pulley nil
4299 pulp nil
4300 pulse nil
4301 pulverize 将…研磨成粉;将…彻底摧毁:complete end
4302 pun 双关语:humorous
4303 punch nil
4304 punctilious 注意细节的,一丝不苟的:attentive details
4305 puncture nil
4306 pundit 权威人士,专家:opinions authoritative
4307 pungent 辛辣的,讽刺的:use of wit cause hurt feelings
4308 puny 微小的,弱小的:inferior size, weak
4309 purchase nil
4310 purgative nil
4311 purgatory nil
4312 purge nil
4313 purify nil
4314 purity 纯净;纯洁,纯在:clean, morally pure
4315 purlieu 常去的地方:socializing;临近的地区:adjoining region
4316 purloin 偷窃:steal
4317 purported nil
4318 pursue nil
4319 purvey (大量)供给,供应:supply
4320 pusillanimous 懦弱的,胆小得令人鄙视的:timidity
4321 pylon nil
4322 pyre nil
4323 quack 骗子医生,江湖郎中:pretender
4324 quaff 大口地喝:drink heartily
4325 quail 胆怯,畏缩:fear, cower
4326 quaint nil
4327 qualified nil
4328 qualms nil
4329 quandary 困惑,窘境:perplexity, doubt
4330 quantum nil
4331 quarantine 隔离:isolation
4332 quarry 采石场:stone is obtained;目标,猎物:pursuit
4333 quartet nil
4334 quash 镇压,阻止:put a stop to
4335 quaver 发颤音:quivering voice
4336 quay nil
4337 quell 压制:suppress;使平静,使安静:pacify
4338 quench 熄灭:put out;使满足:put a complete end to
4339 querulous 抱怨的,爱发牢骚的:complaining
4340 quest nil
4341 queue nil
4342 quibble 吹毛求疵:criticize, cavil;牵强之词:微不足道的差别或不切中要点的异议,小反对:minor objection
4343 quiescent 平静的,静止的:quiet, inactive
4344 quill nil
4345 quirk nil
4346 quisling nil
4347 quiver nil
4348 quixotic 不切实际的,空想的:more by ideals than by reality
4349 quota 配额,限额:proportional
4350 quote nil
4351 quotidian 每日的,平凡的:commonplace
4352 rabble 混乱的人群;暴民;下层群众:disorganized crowd of people
4353 rabid 狂热的,不冷静的:fanatical
4354 rabies nil
4355 raconteur nil
4356 racy 活泼生动的:vigorous
4357 radius nil
4358 raffish 低俗的:crudeness
4359 raffle 垃圾,废物:discarded, useless
4360 rafter nil
4361 rag nil
4362 ragged 衣衫褴褛的:threadbare clothes;凹凸不平的,不光滑的:not smooth
4363 raid nil
4364 rail 猛骂,猛烈抨击:revile or scold
4365 raisin nil
4366 rakish 放荡的,行为不检的:lowered moral character
4367 rally nil
4368 ram nil
4369 ramble 漫步,漫游:move aimlessly;漫谈,长篇大论(并经常离题)地说或写:without a topic
4370 rambunctious 喧闹的,骚乱的:noisy
4371 ramify nil
4372 rampage nil
4373 rampant (植物)生长茂盛的:growing thickly;猖獗的,不受限制的:occurring without restraint
4374 rampart nil
4375 ramshackle 摇摇欲坠的:ready to collapse
4376 rancid nil
4377 rancor 敌意,深仇:ill will
4378 random 随机的,随意的:lacking pattern
4379 ranger nil
4380 rankle 激怒:cause anger
4381 ransom nil
4382 rant (尤指长时间的)训斥,责骂:angry scolding;怒吼:noisy, angry or violent manner
4383 rapacious 食量大的,贪食的:huge appetite;过度贪婪的:covetous
4384 rapids nil
4385 rapport 和睦,友好:friendly relationship
4386 rapprochement nil
4387 rapt 狂喜的,狂热的:pleasurable emotion;全神贯注的:deeply absorbed
4388 rarefaction nil
4389 raspy 声音刺耳的:harsh;容易生气的:easily irritated
4390 ratification nil
4391 ratiocination 推理:thought processes
4392 ration 定额供应量,配给量:amount allotted;按比例分配:share or portion
4393 rational 合乎逻辑的:logical;理性的:based on reasoning
4394 rattle nil
4395 raucous nil
4396 ravage nil
4397 rave 狂热赞扬:exaggerated display of affection;(发疯般的)怒吼:talk as if in delirium
4398 ravel 解开,松开:separate strands;阐明:clarity by separating;使纠缠,使复杂化:tangle
4399 ravenous 食量大的,贪食的;贪婪的:huge appetite
4400 ravishing nil
4401 raze 摧毁,粉碎:destroy completely
4402 razor nil
4403 reactant nil
4404 reactionary 反对改革的,极保守的:opposition to progress
4405 readily nil
4406 ready nil
4407 reagent nil
4408 realign nil
4409 realm nil
4410 ream nil
4411 reap 收割,收获:receive
4412 rebate nil
4413 rebellious nil
4414 rebuff 严词拒绝:reject
4415 rebuke nil
4416 rebus nil
4417 rebuttal nil
4418 recalcitrant 顽抗的,不顺从的:resistance defiance
4419 recall nil
4420 recant 撤回,放弃,改变:withdraw a statement
4421 recantation nil
4422 recapitulate nil
4423 recast nil
4424 recede nil
4425 receipt nil
4426 receptacle nil
4427 receptive nil
4428 recess nil
4429 recession nil
(基因等)隐性的,由隐性基因控制的:does not produce a characteristic effect when present with a dominant allele;
4430 recessive 内向的,内敛的:not comfortable around people
4431 recipe nil
4432 recipient nil
4433 reciprocal nil
4434 reciprocate 往复运动:forward and backward;报答,回报:return
4435 recital nil
4436 reclaim nil
4437 recluse 隐士:lives away;隐居的,不爱社交的:withdrawal from society
4438 recoil 退却,畏缩:shrink back
4439 recollection nil
4440 recombine nil
4441 recompense nil
4442 reconcile 使和解,协调:harmony
4443 recondite 深奥的,难解的:difficult to comprehend
4444 reconnaissance nil
4445 reconstitute 重建,(尤其是通过加水)使复原:restore by adding water
4446 recourse nil
4447 recruit nil
4448 rectangle nil
4449 rectify nil
4450 rectitude 正直:moral integrity
4451 recumbent 躺着的:lying down
4452 recuperate 恢复(健康或力量),康复:recover health
4453 redeem 实践,履行(诺言等):required;改过自新:make better
4454 redemptive nil
4455 redirect nil
4456 redistribution nil
4457 redolent 芳香的:fragrance
4458 redoubtable 杰出的,值得尊敬的:worthy of respect;可怕的:arousing fear
4459 redress nil
4460 redundancy nil
4461 redundant 多余的,冗余的:exceeding necessary
4462 reed nil
4463 reek nil
4464 reel 感到眩晕:from being twirled around;蹒跚地走路:swaying from side to side
4465 refectory nil
4466 referee 仲裁者;裁判员:impartially resolves a dispute;(就纠纷或争论)给出意见:give an opinion
4467 refinery nil
4468 reflect 反射:change direction;反映,显露:make manifest;思考:think seriously
4469 refraction nil
4470 refractory 倔强的,不顺从的:resisting control
4471 refrain nil
4472 refresh nil
4473 refugee nil
4474 refulgent 辉煌的,灿烂的:shinning radiantly
4475 refurbish nil
4476 refute 否认:declare not to be true;证明为假,证伪:prove wrong
4477 regale nil
4478 regime nil
4479 regress 后退:back;退化,恶化:worse
4480 regressive nil
4481 regulate nil
4482 rehabilitate 使复原,使康复:restore to healthy condition;(使)洗心革面:better in character
4483 rehearsal 排练,彩排:practicing in preparation
4484 rehearse nil
4485 reign 统治权:right to command;占统治地位或盛行:be predominant
4486 reimburse nil
4487 rein 抑制,限制:keeping within certain boundaries;抑制,控制:keep from exceeding
4488 reinforce nil
4489 reinstate nil
4490 reiterate 重申:state again
4491 rejoice 欣喜,喜悦:feel joy
4492 rejuvenate nil
4493 relapse 故态复萌,再犯:fall back
4494 relate nil
4495 relaxation nil
4496 release 排放:give off;释放,使获得自由:set free;解雇:let go from office
4497 relegate nil
4498 relent nil
4499 relenting nil
4500 relentless 残酷的,无情的:no abatement or severity;固执的,不肯妥协的:yielding in one’s purpose
4501 reliance nil
4502 relic nil
4503 relieved nil
4504 relinquish 放弃(职位,权力等):give up;移交,交出:give control or possession
喜好,偏好:appreciation or liking;(愿望达成时的)高兴,满足感:when wishes are met;享受,喜欢:take
4505 relish pleasure
4506 remainder nil
4507 remains nil
4508 reminder nil
4509 reminisce nil
4510 remiss 疏忽的,不留心的:carelessness
4511 remnant 残余,剩余物:left over
4512 remorse 懊悔,悔恨:bitter regret
4513 remove nil
4514 remunerative nil
4515 rend 撕裂,猛拉:tear or split apart
4516 render nil
4517 rendering nil
4518 rendezvous nil
4519 renegade 背教者,叛徒:rejects allegiance
4520 renege 放弃,摒弃:formally reject
4521 renounce (正式地)放弃:give up;宣布与…决裂:refuse to follow
4522 renovate 修复,维修:restore;使重获新生,使焕然一新:bring back to life
4523 renown nil
4524 rent nil
4525 reparable nil
4526 reparation nil
4527 repartee 机智的回答:witty response;打趣,善意的玩笑:good-natured teasing
4528 repatriate 遣返:return to country
4529 repeal 撤销,废除(法律等):rescind or annul;宣布与…决裂:refuse to recognize
4530 repel 抵制:fight against;使厌恶:cause aversion
4531 repellent nil
4532 repercussion nil
4533 repertoire (技术、设备或原料等的)详单:complete list
4534 repine 抱怨、表达不满:express discontent;渴望:long for
4535 replenish 补充:fill again
4536 replete 彻底吃饱了的:appetite completely satisfied;充满…的,富于…的:possessing great numbers
4537 reportorial nil
(劳作后的)休息:state of resting;平静,宁静:freedom from storm;休息:take a rest;放置,交给他人:
4538 repose safekeeping or another
4539 reprehend 谴责,责难,批评:express unfavorable opinion
4540 reprehensible nil
4541 repressed nil
4542 reprieve 对...暂缓处刑,免罪:postpone or cancel punishment;维持...的运行:prevent from being closed
4543 reprimand nil
4544 reprisal nil
4545 reprise nil
4546 reproach 令人羞愧的事物,耻辱:causes shame;批评,责备:express criticism
堕落者,道德败坏的人:unprincipled person;堕落的,放荡的:morally corrupt;谴责,痛斥:condemn strongly;
4547 reprobate 拒绝,不提供:unwilling to grant
4548 reproof 批评,反对:criticism
4549 reprove 温和地责备,警告:scold gently;不欣赏,不喜欢:unfavorable opinion
4550 reptile nil
4551 reptilian nil
4552 repudiate 否认:declare not to be true;拒绝接受:unwillingness to accept
4553 repugnance nil
4554 repugnant 令人厌恶的:arousing aversion;不和谐的,不协调的:not harmony
4555 repulse 使厌恶,排斥:reject with denial
4556 repulsion nil
4557 reputation nil
4558 repute (尤指好的)名声,名誉:good reputation
4559 request nil
4560 requisite 必需品:something necessary;必不可少的,必备的:necessary
4561 requite 酬谢,报答:make repayment;报仇:punish in kind
4562 rescind 废除,取消:make void
4563 rescission nil
4564 rescue nil
4565 resent nil
4566 resentment nil
4567 reserve nil
4568 reside nil
4569 resident nil
4570 residual 剩余的,残存的:residue
4571 residue 剩余物:remains
4572 resignation nil
4573 resigned nil
4574 resilience 弹力:resume original shape;恢复能力:ability to recover quickly
4575 resilient nil
4576 resonant (声音)洪亮的,共鸣的:strong in tone
4577 resort nil
4578 resound nil
4579 resourceful 有创造力的,机智的:act imaginatively
4580 respiration nil
4581 respite 间歇,休息:rest
4582 resplendent 华丽辉煌的:brilliantly
4583 respondent nil
4584 response nil
4585 responsive 反应的,敏感的:quick to respond
4586 responsiveness nil
4587 restitution 补偿,赔偿:for some injury
4588 restive 急躁的,忧虑的:impatience, uneasiness;难以管束的:resisting control
4589 restiveness nil
4590 restless 不平静的:lack of quite
4591 restore nil
4592 restored nil
4593 restrain 限制,控制:limit, restrict
4594 restraint nil
4595 resume nil
4596 resurgence 复兴:restoration
4597 resurrect 使重生,使复苏:bring back to life
4598 resuscitate 使复活,使苏醒:restore consciousness
4599 retail nil
4600 retain nil
4601 retainer 家仆:service
4602 retaliate 报复,反击:pay back
4603 retaliation nil
4604 retard 减速,延迟:cause slowly
4605 reticent 沉默不语的:inclined to be silent;不愿意的:slow to begin
4606 retinue 随行人员:group of retainers
4607 retiring nil
4608 retort (尤指机智的)回应,回答:quick, witty reply
4609 retouch 润饰,改进:improve
4610 retrace nil
4611 retract 收回,否认:take back
4612 retreat nil
4613 retrench 削减开支:curtail expenses
4614 retribution 报酬,报应:reward or punishment
4615 retrieve 寻回,找回:get back again
4616 revealing nil
4617 revelation nil
4618 revelry 狂乐,喧闹的作乐:noisy partying
4619 revenge 报复,复仇:retaliating;为...复仇:retaliating in kind
4620 revenue nil
4621 reverberate 回荡,回响:continue or be repeated sound waves
4622 revere (尤指对神的)尊崇,尊敬:respect
4623 reverie nil
4624 reverse nil
4625 revert nil
4626 revile nil
4627 revise 更改,修正:improve
4628 revitalize nil
4629 revive 恢复意识:return to consciousness;再获新生:active again
4630 revolt 使厌恶,使反感:fill with disgust;反叛:renounce allegiance
4631 revue nil
4632 reward nil
4633 rewarding nil
4634 rhetoric nil
4635 rhinestone nil
4636 rhubarb nil
4637 rhyme nil
4638 rhythmic nil
4639 rib nil
4640 ribald (举止、言语)下流粗鄙的:vulgar
4641 rickety 不稳的:lacking stability
4642 riddle nil
4643 rider 骑马的人:rides;(议案的)附加条款:appended
4644 ridge nil
4645 ridicule 嘲笑:make fun
4646 rife nil
4647 rifle nil
4648 rift 丰富的,普遍的:great numbers
4649 rig nil
4650 rigid nil
4651 rigor nil
4652 rile 分裂,不和:break friendly;使开裂:break
4653 rind nil
4654 ringlet nil
4655 riot 使成熟,变成熟:make ripe
4656 riotous nil
4657 ripen 刺激,惹怒:make agitated
4658 ripple nil
4659 rite 喧闹,暴乱:public violence
4660 ritual nil
4661 rival nil
4662 rivalry nil
4663 rive 惯例,仪式:prescribed form
4664 riven nil
4665 rivet nil
4666 riveting 撕开:tear apart
4667 rivulet 吸引人的,极迷人的:absorbing engrossing
4668 robe nil
4669 robust 精力充沛的,强壮的,健康的:full of strength
4670 roe nil
4671 roil 搅浑,使混乱:stir up;激怒:displease
4672 rookie 新兵;新生;菜鸟:recruit
4673 roster 值勤表,花名册:list of personnel
4674 rostrum 讲坛,演讲坛:stage speaking
4675 rotate nil
4676 rotten nil
4677 roughen nil
4678 royalty 皇家身份:regal character;版税;专利权税:payment
4679 rubicund 红润的,健康的:healthy rosiness
4680 rudder nil
4681 rudimentary 初始的,未发展的:earliest development;最根本的,基础的:first principles
4682 rue 后悔,遗憾:feeling of regret
4683 ruffian nil
4684 ruffle 皱褶,褶裥花边:strip edge;使粗糙:destroy smoothness;扰乱,打扰:disturb
4685 ruminant nil
4686 rumple 使皱,弄皱:form creases;打乱,使不整齐:undo the proper order
4687 rung nil
4688 runic 神秘的:mysterious
4689 rupture 打破;打碎,破裂:part
4690 rural nil
4691 ruse 诡计:subterfuge
4692 rustic 乡下人,头脑简单的人:awkward or simple person;乡村的:open areas with few buildings;粗俗的:lacking polish
4693 ruthlessness nil
4694 sabotage 妨害,破坏:hinder a cause;从事破坏活动,阻止:practice sabotage
4695 saboteur nil
4696 saccharin nil
4697 sacred nil
4698 sacrifice nil
4699 sacrilege 亵渎圣物:profanation sacred
4700 sacrilegious nil
4701 sadden nil
4702 saddle 使某人担负:load
4703 safeguard 保护措施:prevent accident;保护:make safe
4704 sagacious nil
4705 sage 智者:wisdom
4706 saintly nil
4707 salient 显著的,最突出的:conspicuously
4708 saliva nil
4709 salmon nil
4710 salubrious 有益健康的:promoting health
4711 salutary 有益健康的:promoting health;有利的,利好的:promoting well-being
4712 salutation 致敬,打招呼(表示欢迎和礼貌):greeting;赞扬:praise
4713 salute nil
4714 salvage (从灾难中)抢救:save from loss
4715 salve 减轻:缓解:assuage
4716 sampler nil
4717 sanctify 使神圣,将...敬为神:make holy
4718 sanctimonious 假装虔诚的:hypocritically pious
4719 sanction 批准,同意,许可:make valid;制裁:coercive measure
4720 sandal nil
4721 sane nil
4722 sanguine 乐观的,确信的:free from doubt;面色红润的:healthy reddish
4723 sanity nil
4724 sap 削弱:weaken energy vitality;健康,活力:active strength
4725 sapient 聪明的,有洞察力的:deep understanding, intelligent
4726 sapphire nil
4727 sarcastic nil
4728 sartorial 裁缝匠的,裁缝的:clothes
4729 sash nil
4730 sate 使饱足,充分满足:satisfy fully
4731 satiated nil
4732 satire 讽刺诗,讽刺文学:literary ridicule
4733 satirize 讽刺:ridicule
4734 saturate 使饱和,浸透:wet thoroughly
4735 saturnine 忧郁的,阴沉的:lacking in cheer;讽刺的:sardonic
4736 saunter 闲逛,漫步:by foot
4737 savage nil
4738 savant 博学之士,学者:learning
老练,机智:knowledge actually doing;明确了解:clear idea of;有见识的,精明能干的:practical cleverness or
4739 savvy judgment
4740 sawdust nil
4741 scabbard nil
4742 scad nil
4743 scaffold nil
4744 scalding nil
4745 scale nil
4746 scalpel nil
4747 scandal nil
4748 scant 不足的,缺乏的:scarcely
4749 scarcity nil
4750 scarf nil
4751 scathing 尖酸刻薄的:cause hurt feelings
4752 scatter nil
4753 scenario nil
4754 schematic nil
4755 schematize nil
4756 scheme nil
4757 schism 不一致:lack of agreement
4758 school nil
4759 scion 子孙:descendant
4760 scissor nil
4761 scoff 嘲笑:derision, mock;狼吞虎咽:eat greedily
4762 scoop nil
4763 scope nil
4764 scorch 炙烤,烘干:burn, make dry
4765 score nil
4766 scorn 轻蔑,鄙视,不屑:reject contemptible
4767 scorpion nil
4768 scotch 停止:put an end to
4769 scourge 祸害:source of harm
4770 scowl 皱眉(表现出不高兴):expression displeasure
4771 scrap 废料,废物:discarded or useless;抛弃:get rid of;终止,放弃原计划:put an end to
4772 scrappy 好斗的,好吵架的:aggressive
4773 scrawl 乱涂,潦草地写:write carelessly
4774 screw nil
4775 screwdriver nil
4776 scribble 潦草地书写,乱写:meaningless
4777 script nil
4778 scripture nil
4779 scroll nil
4780 scrub nil
4781 scruple (良心上的)不安:uneasy feeling about the rightness
4782 scrutable 可以理解的:understood comprehensible
4783 scrutinize 仔细检查:observe great care
4784 scuff (使)磨损:roughened by wear;脚步拖沓:move heavily
4785 sculpt nil
4786 scurrilous 说粗话的:vulgar
4787 scurry nil
4788 scurvy 下流的,让人鄙视的:contemptible
4789 scythe nil
4790 seam nil
4791 seamy 肮脏的,堕落的:sordid, base
4792 sear nil
4793 seasoned nil
4794 seasoning nil
4795 secede 脱离,拖出(组织、团体、联盟等):withdraw from an organization
4796 secrete 隐藏:conceal;分泌:generate
4797 secretive nil
4798 secular 世俗的,尘世的:worldly or temporal
4799 secure nil
4800 securities nil
4801 sedate 淡定的,安静的:free from agitation
4802 sedative nil
4803 sedentary 固定不动的:not migratory
4804 sediment nil
4805 sedulity nil
4806 sedulous 勤奋认真的:careful perseverance
4807 seedling nil
4808 seemly 得体的,遵守礼节的:following the established traditions
4809 seep nil
4810 seethe nil
4811 segment 分割;部分:separate
4812 seine nil
4813 seismic nil
4814 semblance nil
4815 seminal 有发展性的:contributing later development;创新的:creative
4816 seminary nil
4817 sensation 感觉,知觉:sense;轰动事件:intense interest
4818 sensible nil
4819 sensitive 敏感的:susceptible
4820 sensitivity nil
4821 sensitization nil
4822 sentient nil
4823 sentiment nil
4824 sentinel 哨兵,看守:watches over
4825 separate nil
4826 septic 腐败的,感染的:putrefaction
4827 sepulchral 阴沉的,丧葬的:lacking in cheer
4828 sequential nil
4829 sequester 使隔离,分离:segregate;使隐退:seclusion
4830 seraphic nil
4831 sere 干枯的,凋萎的:dried, withered
4832 serene 安静的:free from uproar;稳重的,镇静的:unaffected, calm
4833 serial nil
4834 sermon 布道,说教:public speech moral
4835 serrated nil
4836 serried 密集的:little space
4837 serviceable nil
4838 servile 低下的,卑屈的:submissive, abject
4839 servitude nil
4840 setback nil
4841 settle nil
4842 settled nil
4843 sever nil
4844 severe 严厉的,要求严格的:exacting standards;难以承受的,艰难的:difficult to endure
4845 sewer nil
4846 sextant nil
4847 shackle 束缚:restrictions;限制,阻碍:create difficulty
4848 shale nil
4849 sham 欺瞒:deceitfulness;掩饰,假装:present a false appearance;虚假的:fake
4850 shambles nil
4851 shard nil
4852 shattered nil
4853 shavings nil
4854 shear nil
4855 sheath nil
4856 sheathe nil
4857 shed nil
4858 sheer nil
4859 shell nil
4860 shelter nil
4861 shelve nil
4862 sheriff nil
4863 shield nil
4864 shiftiness nil
4865 shiftless 胸无大志的,懒惰的:lacking ambition
4866 shingle nil
4867 shipshape 井然有序的:order
4868 shirk 逃避,规避:keep away from
4869 shoal 浅的:little depth
4870 shoddy nil
4871 shoot nil
4872 shoplift nil
4873 shopworn 陈旧的:worn-out
4874 shoulder nil
4875 shove nil
4876 shrewd 精明的,机敏的:cleverness or judgment;刺骨的,强烈的:discomfort
4877 shriek nil
4878 shrine nil
4879 shrink draw back;表示出不情愿,犹豫:hesitate
隐蔽物,可起隐蔽、保护或屏护作用的物体:conceals, protects, screens;将...从视线中隔离,遮蔽:shut off from
4880 shroud sight
4881 shrub nil
4882 shrug 轻视,忽略:dismiss;脱下(衣物等):rid
4883 shuck nil
4884 shudder nil
4885 shun 避开,避免:keep away
4886 shunt nil
4887 sibilant nil
4888 sibling nil
4889 sibyl nil
4890 sidereal nil
4891 sideshow nil
4892 sidestep (通过逃避而)不遵守:avoid having to comply with
4893 siege nil
4894 sift nil
4895 signal (在重要性、成就方面)非同寻常的:standing above;给出信号:direct or notify
4896 significant nil
4897 signify nil
4898 sill nil
4899 silt nil
4900 silversmith nil
4901 simper nil
4902 simpleton (缺乏常识的)笨蛋:lacking in common sense
4903 simulate 假装,模仿:take on the appearance;模拟:create a representation
4904 simultaneous nil
4905 sincere 真诚的,不做作的:without pretense
4906 sinecure 美差:requires little or no work
4907 sinew 活力,力量:vigorous strength
4908 singe 轻微烧焦:burn superficially
4909 singularity nil
4910 sinuous 蜿蜒的,迂回的:irregular curves
4911 sip (尤指小口地)喝:swallow in liquid form
4912 siren nil
4913 skeleton 骨架,框架:structural framework
4914 sketchy nil
4915 skew nil
4916 skewer nil
4917 skiff nil
4918 skillet nil
4919 skim nil
4920 skimp 缺乏的,不足的:less plentiful;节省花费,吝啬:give insufficient funds
4921 skinflint nil
4922 skirmish 小冲突,争论:minor
4923 skirt 界限,边界:marks the outer limit;绕行,避开:go around
4924 skit nil
4925 skyscraper nil
4926 slab nil
4927 slack 松弛的:not tightly fastened;疏忽的,大意的:failing to give proper care
4928 slacken* nil
4929 slag nil
4930 slake 使满足:satisfy
4931 slander nil
4932 slanderous nil
(看待问题、思考的)角度,看法:way of looking;倾斜的:slanting direction;歪曲(事实等):create a wrong
4933 slant impression
4934 slate 列入名单,计划,安排:put on a list
4935 slaughter nil
4936 sleigh nil
4937 slew 大量,许多:large amount
4938 slice nil
4939 slick nil
不重要的:deficient in weight;轻微的:small in degree;轻蔑,看不起:treat with disdain;忽略,疏忽:fail to give
4940 slight proper attention
4941 slippage nil
4942 slippery 光滑的:slide;隐秘的:acting in secret;意义不明确的:not precise in meaning
4943 slipshod 粗心的,随意的:indifference to exactness, precision, and accuracy
4944 slither nil
4945 sliver nil
4946 sloppy 邋遢的,不整洁的:lacking neatness;混乱的:lacking in order
4947 slot nil
4948 sloth 怠惰,懒惰:disinclination to action
4949 slouch 懒人:lazy person;缓慢行走:move slowly
4950 slough nil
4951 sluggard 懒人:lazy person
4952 sluice nil
4953 slumber 睡着:sleep
4954 slur 耻辱:mark of guilt;含糊地发音:indistinctly;疏忽,忽略:without due, consideration
4955 slurp nil
4956 sly 狡猾的:clever or cunning;隐秘的,偷偷的:acting in secret
4957 smarmy 虚情假意的,过分恭维的:hypocritically
4958 smart 反应敏捷的,聪颖的:sharp quick thought;整洁的:strikingly neat;感到疼痛,感到痛苦:suffer acutely
4959 smattering 浅薄的知识:superficial knowledge;少量:small amount
4960 smear nil
4961 smirk (自鸣得意地)笑:offensively self-satisfied
4962 smooth nil
4963 smother 使窒息:killed by lack of air;抑制(表达,说出),压制:refrain
4964 smudge nil
4965 smug 自大的,自鸣得意的:opinion of oneself;整洁的,有序的:good order
4966 smuggle nil
4967 snare 无法逃脱的困境:catches and holds;捕捉:capture by
4968 snarl 纠缠,纠结:twist;咆哮,怒吼:to anger
4969 snatch nil
4970 sneaking nil
4971 sneer (轻蔑地)嘲笑:scornful
4972 snide nil
4973 snip nil
4974 snitch nil
4975 snobbish 谄上傲下的,自大的:offensive air of superiority
4976 snowdrift nil
4977 snub 轻视,不理睬:contempt or neglect
4978 snug nil
4979 soak 使...湿透:make thoroughly wet
4980 soar nil
4981 sober 严肃的:serious-looking;节制的:restraint;有理有据的:sound reasoning
4982 sobriety nil
4983 sock nil
4984 sod nil
4985 sodden 湿透的:penetrated by water;使...湿透:wet thoroughly
4986 soggy nil
4987 soil nil
4988 solace 安慰:comfort in sorrow;安慰,安抚:console
4989 solder 连接,联合:unite
4990 solemn nil
4991 solemnity 庄严,严肃:solemn
4992 solicit nil
4993 solicitous 为他人操心的,体谅他人的:happiness of others;迫切的,渴望的:urgent desire
4994 solicitude nil
4995 solidarity nil
4996 solidify nil
4997 solitary nil
4998 solitude 孤独,避世:being alone
4999 solo nil
5000 soluble nil
5001 solvent 有偿付能力的:able to pay debts;溶剂:another substance is dissolved
5002 somatic 肉体的:of the body
5003 somber 昏暗的,无光的:shaded;悲伤的,不愉快的:lacking in cheer
5004 sonata nil
5005 sonnet 十四行诗:14-line verse form
5006 soot nil
5007 soothe 带来慰藉,安慰:bring comfort;使镇静,使安心:free from distress;弱化,缓解:less severe
5008 sop 安慰物:placate or soothe;贿赂,回扣:improperly influence a person's conduct;浸湿,湿透:wet thoroughly
5009 sophism 假推理,诡辩:deceptive argumentation
5010 sophisticated 精明的,老于世故的:worldly knowledge or refinement;复杂的:complex
5011 sophistication nil
5012 sophistry nil
5013 soporific 催眠的药剂,安眠药:induces sleep;催眠的:cause sleep;慵懒的,困倦的:sleepiness or lethargy
5014 sopping nil
5015 sorcery nil
5016 sordid 肮脏的,不干净的:not clean;卑鄙的:baseness
5017 souvenir nil
5018 sovereign nil
5019 sovereignty nil
5020 sow nil
5021 spackle nil
5022 span nil
5023 spank nil
5024 sparing 节俭的,节约的:careful restraint;不足的,缺乏的:less plentiful
5025 spark nil
5026 sparring nil
5027 sparse 稀疏的,稀少的:less plentiful
5028 spartan 简朴的,节约的:simplicity
5029 spat (小的)争吵:quarrel
5030 spate 突发的洪水:sudden flood;大量:large number
5031 spatial nil
5032 spatula nil
5033 spawn nil
5034 spear nil
5035 specialize nil
5036 specifics nil
5037 specimen nil
5038 specious 似是而非的,欺骗性的:false look of truth
5039 speck 小点,少量:small amount
5040 spectacular nil
5041 spectator 观众,目击者,旁观者:watches
5042 specter nil
5043 spectral nil
5044 spectrum nil
5045 speculate 推测,揣测:take to be true;投机倒买:from market fluctuations
5046 speculative nil
5047 spell nil
5048 spendthrift 挥霍家,败家子:spends improvidently;挥霍的,不节俭的:spending money freely
5049 spike nil
5050 spin nil
5051 spindly 细长纤弱的:frail or flimsy
5052 spineless nil
5053 spiny 多刺的:spines;棘手的,麻烦的:requiring exceptional skill
5054 spire nil
5055 spiritual nil
5056 spite nil
5057 spleen 怒气,怨恨:anger or ill will
5058 splendor nil
5059 splice 接合,叠接:unite
5060 splint nil
5061 split nil
5062 splurge nil
5063 spoil nil
5064 spoke nil
5065 spongy nil
5066 spontaneity nil
5067 spontaneous 自发的,不经思索的:without apparent thought
5068 spoof 轻松幽默的模仿,小恶搞:exaggerates for comic effect;诱骗,诱使相信:believe what is true
5069 sporadic 偶尔的,零星发生的:not often occurring
5070 sport nil
5071 sprain nil
5072 sprawling nil
5073 sprig nil
5074 sprightly 活泼的,充满活力的:full of vitality
5075 sprout nil
5076 spruce nil
5077 spur 刺激物:arouses action;支撑物:holds up;刺激,激励:incite
5078 spurious 假的,伪造的:lacking authenticity
5079 squabble 口角,小争吵:quarrel
5080 squalid 污秽的,肮脏的:dirty;道德败坏的:repulsive
5081 squall (通常伴随雨或雪的)风暴,暴风雪,暴风雨:violent windstorm;尖叫:scream
5082 squalor nil
5083 squander 使分散:apart;浪费:spend wastefully
5084 square nil
5085 squash nil
5086 squat 又矮又胖的:broad in build, short in stature
5087 squeeze nil
5088 squelch 压制,镇压(运动):stop by force;击溃,使无言以对:put down or silence
5089 squint 斜视,睥睨:glances sideways
5090 squirrel nil
5091 staccato nil
5092 stagnant nil
5093 staid nil
5094 stain nil
5095 stake nil
5096 stale nil
5097 stalemate nil
5098 stalk nil
5099 stall nil
5100 stalwart 无所畏惧的:no fear;(体魄等)强健的:strength vigor;坚定的:firm, resolute
5101 stammer 口吃,结巴:speak with pauses
5102 stamp nil
5103 stance nil
5104 stanch nil
5105 stanza nil
5106 staple nil
5107 starchy nil
5108 stark nil
5109 startle 使吓一跳,使大吃一惊:frighten or surprise
5110 stasis 平衡,停滞:balance
5111 static 静态的;停滞的:lack of movement;无改变的:little change
5112 stationary nil
5113 statuary nil
5114 stature 高度,身高:height;才干,水平:quality, status
5115 status nil
5116 statute nil
5117 statutory nil
5118 steadfast 坚定的,忠诚的:firm in belief
5119 stealth 秘密行动:proceeding furtively;秘密的:not to attract attention
5120 steep 浸泡:make wet;陡峭的:approaching perpendicular;过分的,过高的:beyond limit
5121 steer nil
5122 stellar nil
5123 stem nil
5124 stench 臭气,恶臭:foul odor
5125 stencil nil
5126 stentorian 声音洪亮的:loud
5127 stereotype 成见,老套的理念:conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified opinion
5128 sterile 贫瘠的:not productive;无菌的:free from bacteria
5129 sterilize nil
5130 stern nil
5131 stethoscope nil
5132 stickler 坚持细节的人,一丝不苟的人:insist on exactness
僵硬的,无法弯曲的:lacking suppleness;(在社交场合)缺乏优雅的,不自在的:lacking social grace;过分的,
5133 stiff 过高的:beyond limit;艰苦的,费力的:requiring effort
5134 stifle 抑制(声音、呼吸等);阻止,扼杀:hold back
5135 stigma 耻辱,污名:mark of shame
5136 stigmatize 使蒙上污名:disgraceful or ignominious
5137 stilted nil
5138 stimulant nil
5139 stimulus nil
5140 sting nil
5141 stinginess nil
5142 stingy 小气的,吝啬的:unwilling;极少量的:less plentiful
5143 stint 吝惜,节省:be frugal
5144 stipple (雕刻时)点刻,用点标记:mark with small spots
5145 stipulate 规定,特定要求:specify agreement
5146 stipulation nil
5147 stir nil
5148 stitch 突然剧痛:sharp unpleasant sensation
5149 stock 库存,储备:inventory;普通的,常备的:commonly used
5150 stockade 栅栏,围栏:enclosure;监狱:confinement
5151 stocky nil
5152 stodgy 平庸的,乏味的:dull;非常守旧的:old-fashioned
5153 stoic 隐忍的,冷静的:unaffected by pleasure or pain
5154 stoke 添加燃料:supply fuel;增大,促进:make greater
5155 stolid 无动于衷的,感情麻木的:little emotion
5156 stomach 容忍:bear
5157 stonewall 拒绝(合作),阻挠:uncooperative, obstructive
5158 stout nil
5159 stowaway nil
5160 straightforward nil
5161 strand 绳,线之一股:single filament;遗弃,使置之困境:leave in a unfavorable place
5162 stranded nil
5163 stratagem 谋略,策略:deceiving
5164 stratify 将...分成各种等级:divide into classes
5165 stratum nil
5166 stray 漫无目的:lacking purpose;离群,迷途,偏离:move away, deviate
5167 streak nil
5168 stream nil
5169 stretch nil
5170 strew nil
5171 striate 加条纹:mark with striations
5172 striated nil
5173 stricture 责难,批评:criticism
5174 stride 迈大步走:long steps
5175 strident 刺耳的:harsh sound
5176 strife nil
5177 striking nil
5178 stringent 紧绷的:tight;严格的:marked by rigor
5179 strip 脱衣,剥去:remove clothing
5180 strive nil
5181 stroke nil
5182 stroll nil
5183 strut 趾高气昂地走:walk pompous;支柱,压杆 strengthen a framework
5184 stubborn nil
5185 studied nil
5186 stuffy nil
5187 stultify 使无效,抑制:render futile
5188 stunning nil
5189 stunt 阻碍(成长):hinder growth
5190 stupor 迟钝,麻痹,无知觉:suspended sense
5191 sturdy 强健的,结实的:strengthen
5192 stutter nil
5193 stygian 极阴暗的:extremely dark
5194 stylus nil
5195 stymie 阻碍:present an obstacle
5196 subdue 使顺从;征服:conquer
5197 subdued nil
5198 subject 臣民,受支配的人:under authority;取决于(其他因素)的:under the influence
5199 subjective nil
5200 subjugate 征服,镇压:bring under control;剥夺...的自由:make subservient
5201 sublime 崇高的,庄严的:high moral;(因为杰出、尊贵、美丽等而)令人惊叹的:inspire awe
5202 subliminal 下意识的,潜在意识的:below perception
5203 submission nil
5204 submit nil
5205 suborn nil
5206 subpoena nil
5207 subsequent nil
5208 subside 下陷,下沉,减弱:tend downward
5209 subsidiary 次要的:secondary importance;起辅助作用的:aid, support
5210 subsidy 补助金,津贴:monetary support
5211 subsistence nil
5212 substance nil
5213 substantial 物质的:having substance;有重大意义的:considerable in importance
5214 substantiate 证实:support with proof;使实体化:give material
5215 substantive 本质的,关键的:relating to the essence
5216 substitute 取代者,替代品:takes the place of another;取代,替代:take the place of
5217 subsume nil
5218 subterfuge 诡计:deception to conceal
5219 subterranean nil
5220 subtle 微妙的,难以感知的:difficult perceive;巧妙的,间接或带有欺骗性的:clever deceptive means
5221 subtract nil
5222 subversive nil
5223 subvert 颠覆:overturn
5224 succinct 简明的,简洁的:clear, precise
5225 succor 救援,援助:aid
5226 succumb 屈服:yield to superior strength;死亡:death
5227 suffice nil
5228 sufficient nil
5229 suffocate 使窒息:deprive of oxygen
5230 suffrage nil
5231 suffragist nil
5232 suffuse (色彩等)弥漫,染遍,充满:spread through
5233 suitcase nil
5234 sulky nil
5235 sullen 闷闷不乐的:lacking in cheer
5236 sultry nil
5237 summarily nil
5238 summary 摘要:abstract;就地的,立即的:on the spot
5239 summation nil
5240 summon 召集,召唤:call together;传唤(出庭、出席):command to appear in court
5241 sumptuous 豪华的,奢侈的:extremely luxurious
5242 sunder 分裂,分离:break apart
5243 superb nil
5244 supercilious 高傲的,傲慢的:haughty
5245 superficial 表面的,肤浅的:lacking depth
5246 superficiality nil
5247 superfluity nil
5248 superfluous 多余的,过剩的:exceeding sufficient
5249 superimpose 添(声)加(色)(使形象、某因素或性质更加清楚):add distinct
5250 superintend nil
5251 superiority nil
5252 supernova nil
5253 supersede 取代,替代:displace
5254 supervise nil
5255 supine 懒散的,倦怠的,消极的,漠不关心的:lethargy, indifference
5256 supplant 排挤,篡夺...的位置:usurp the place of
5257 supple 易弯曲的,柔软的:bent, pliant
5258 supplement 增补,补充:complete for a deficiency
5259 suppliant nil
5260 supplicant nil
5261 supplicate 恳求,乞求:make a request earnest or urgent
5262 supremacy nil
5263 supreme nil
5264 surcharge 过高收费:charge much
5265 surfeit (使)过量,(使)饮食过度:supply excess
5266 surge nil
5267 surgeon nil
5268 surly 脾气不好的:churlish in mood
5269 surmise (根据不足的)推测,揣测:based on scantly evidence
5270 surmount 战胜,获得胜利:achieve a victory
5271 surpass 超越,强于:become better;突破(界限、纪录等):beyond the limit
5272 surplus nil
5273 surrealism nil
5274 surrender 交出,放弃,投降:give over to;使沉溺于:give(oneself)over
5275 surreptitious 偷偷摸摸的,保密的:escape being observed
5276 surrogate 替代品:takes the place
5277 surveyor nil
5278 survive nil
5279 susceptibility nil
5280 susceptible nil
5281 suspect nil
5282 suspend 暂停,中止:bring to a formal close;悬挂:hang
5283 suspense nil
5284 suspicion nil
5285 suspicious nil
5286 sustain nil
5287 sustained nil
5288 sustenance nil
5289 suture 缝合:joining
5290 svelte (女人)体态苗条的,优雅的:slim
5291 swagger 大摇大摆地走,趾高气昂地走:arrogant, pompous;自夸,吹嘘:boast
5292 swallow nil
5293 swamp nil
5294 sway nil
5295 swell nil
5296 sweltering 酷热的:hot
5297 swerve 突然改变方向:turn aside abruptly
5298 swift nil
5299 swill 痛饮,大口地吃:drink greedily, eat greedily
5300 swindle 欺骗,骗取:cheat
5301 swine nil
5302 swing nil
5303 swirl nil
5304 sybarite 沉溺于奢侈逸乐者,酒色之徒:devoted luxury
5305 sybaritic nil
5306 sycophant 马屁精:flatter
5307 syllabus 提纲,摘要;课文、演讲或研究课题的概要或提纲:summary
5308 symbiosis 共生关系:living together
5309 symmetry 对称:balanced proportions
5310 symphony nil
5311 synchronous 同时期的,同步的:identical period phase
5312 syndrome nil
5313 synergic 合作的:cooperating
5314 synopsis 摘要,概要:outline, abstract, summary
5315 synoptic nil
5316 synthesis 合成,综合:combination
5317 syringe nil
5318 table nil
5319 taboo nil
5320 tacit 暗示的:implied, not actually expressed
5321 taciturn 沉默寡言的,话少的:disinclined to talk
5322 tackiness nil
5323 tackle 着手处理:start work
5324 tact 机敏,精明,不冒犯:keen sense, maintain good relations
5325 tactic nil
5326 tactile 有触觉的,能触知的:touch tangible
5327 tadpole nil
5328 taking nil
5329 talisman 护身符:bring good luck, keep away evil
5330 tally nil
5331 talon nil
5332 tambourine nil
被驯化的:reduced from a state of native wildness;无聊的,乏味的:lacking spirit;控制,抑制:keep from
5333 tame exceeding
5334 tamp nil
5335 tamper 恶意篡改,损害:mischievously;玩弄:rashly or foolishly
5336 tan nil
5337 tangential nil
5338 tangible 可感知的:capable perceived;确凿的,真实的:real or concrete
5339 tangle 困惑,不解:perplexity;纠缠,使....纠结:in a snare
5340 tango nil
5341 tangy 刺激的:powerfully stimulating
5342 tantalize 激起,挑逗,引诱:excite
5343 tantamount 等价的,与...相等的:equivalent
5344 tantrum 勃然大怒,发脾气:bad temper
5345 taper (使)逐渐变细:become narrower, thinner;逐渐减少,减弱:diminish gradually
5346 tapestry nil
5347 tardy 缓慢的,迟缓的:slowly;延后的,迟的:delayed
5348 tare nil
5349 tariff nil
5350 tarnish 玷污:morally bad
5351 tarpaulin nil
5352 tart nil
5353 tasty 美味的;令人愉悦的:pleasure or contentment
5354 tatty 破旧的,褴褛的:shabby
5355 taut 紧绷的:not loose;整洁的:proper order, trim shape
5356 tauten nil
5357 tawdry 俗丽的,花哨而庸俗的:gaudy
5358 taxing 繁重的,费力的:requiring much time, effort
5359 taxonomist nil
5360 tear nil
5361 tease nil
5362 technocrat nil
5363 tedious 冗长乏味的:tiresome, dullness, boring
5364 tedium nil
5365 teeter 蹒跚,不稳定地行走:unsteadily;犹豫不决:uncertainty
5366 telling 禁酒:abstinence alcoholic
5367 temerity 有效的,显著的:effective
5368 temp nil
5369 temper nil
5370 tempest nil
5371 tempestuous 突然的,剧烈的:sudden or violent
5372 tempo nil
5373 temporal 世俗的,尘世的:earthly life
5374 temporize 鲁莽,冒失:foolhardy, recklessness;行动躲躲闪闪以争取时间、躲避争论等:act evasively
5375 temptation nil
5376 tenable 有据可依的,无懈可击的:capable defended, reasonable
5377 tenacious 顽固的,不屈不挠的:persistent;粘着的:adhere to
5378 tenacity nil
5379 tenant nil
5380 tend nil
5381 tendentious 有偏见的:biased
5382 tender 正式提出:offer;考虑周到的,关心同情的:sympathy consideration
5383 tenet nil
5384 tenor nil
5385 tension nil
5386 tentative 暂时性的,尝试的:not fully developed
5387 tenuous 没有实际内容的,空洞的:little substance
5388 tenure nil
5389 tepid 不太热心的:little or no interest
5390 terminal nil
5391 terminate nil
5392 termination nil
5393 terminology 专业术语:special terms or expressions
5394 terminus 终点,终点站:end
5395 termite nil
5396 terrace nil
5397 terrain nil
5398 terrestrial nil
5399 terse 简洁的,简明的:brief
5400 testament nil
5401 testator nil
5402 testify nil
5403 testimony 证词,声明:authentication
5404 testiness nil
5405 testy 易怒的,暴躁的:easily annoyed, irritable
5406 tether (用绳、铁链)拴系、束缚:fasten, restrain;能力或忍耐力的极限:limit
5407 texture nil
5408 thatch nil
5409 thaw nil
5410 thematic nil
5411 theocracy nil
5412 theoretical nil
5413 therapeutic 治疗的,有疗效的:treatment disease
5414 thermal nil
5415 thesis nil
5416 thicket nil
5417 thorn nil
5418 thread nil
5419 threadbare 陈腐的:hackneyed;贫穷的:lacking possessions;破烂的:worn or torn
5420 threat nil
5421 thrive nil
5422 throne nil
5423 throng 大量聚集:crowd in great numbers
5424 throwback nil
5425 thrust nil
5426 thwart 阻挠:oppose
5427 tickler nil
5428 ticklish 易怒的:easily offended;棘手的,对技巧要求高的:exceptional skill or caution
5429 tidy nil
5430 tiff 小争吵:petty quarrel
5431 tightfisted 吝啬的:stingy
5432 tilt nil
5433 timber nil
5434 timbre nil
5435 timely 及时的,无拖延的:without delay;恰到好处的,合乎时宜的:appropriate
5436 timid 胆小的,不自信的 lacking courage, self-confidence
5437 timidity nil
5438 timorous 胆小的:fearful
5439 tinder nil
5440 tined nil
5441 tinker 乱修,乱调整:thoughtlessly
5442 tint 涂浅色,微染:slight coloration to
5443 tirade 长篇抨击性演讲:angry censorious or denunciatory
5444 tire nil
5445 tissue nil
5446 titanic nil
5447 titular nil
5448 toady 马屁精;拍马屁:flatters, gaining favors
5449 toil nil
5450 tolerance nil
5451 toll nil
5452 tombstone nil
5453 tongs nil
5454 tonic 滋补的,有益健康的:stimulating vigor, beneficial
5455 tonsorial nil
5456 topple nil
5457 torment nil
5458 tornado nil
5459 torpid 麻木的,没有知觉的:sensation;迟钝的,行动迟缓的:slow
5460 torpor 缺乏兴趣:lack of interest;(肉体或精神上的)迟钝,懒散:inertness
5461 torque nil
5462 torrent nil
5463 tortuous 转弯抹角的:indirect
5464 toss nil
5465 totalitarian nil
5466 totem nil
5467 totter nil
5468 touchy nil
5469 toupee nil
5470 tournament nil
5471 tourniquet nil
5472 tout 极力赞扬:praise
5473 toxic nil
5474 toxin nil
5475 toy 草率或不认真地对待:handle thoughtlessly
5476 traceable nil
5477 track nil
5478 tract nil
5479 tractability nil
5480 tractable 易驾驭的,温顺的:giving in
5481 tragedy nil
5482 trait nil
5483 traitor nil
5484 trajectory nil
5485 trample nil
5486 trance nil
5487 tranquility 宁静,淡定:freedom from storm
5488 transaction nil
5489 transcend 超越,超过极限:beyond the limits
5490 transcendent nil
5491 transcendental nil
5492 transcribe nil
5493 transfer nil
5494 transfigure 使改变外观:alter appearance, transform
5495 transgress 违背,犯错:fail to keep, commit an offense
5496 transgression nil
5497 transience nil
5498 transient 短暂的,瞬时的:transitory
5499 transition nil
5500 transitory 短暂的:lasting only a short time
5501 translucent 透明的:permitting passage light, transparent
5502 transmit nil
5503 transmute nil
5504 transparent 透明的:capable of transmitting light;没有歧义的,清晰易懂的:not subject to misinterpretation
5505 transplantation nil
5506 transport nil
5507 transpose nil
5508 trapeze nil
5509 traverse 横穿:pass across
5510 travesty 拙劣的,嘲弄性模仿:exaggerated imitation
5511 treacherous 背叛的:betrayal
5512 treason nil
5513 treatise nil
5514 treaty nil
5515 tremendous nil
5516 tremor nil
5517 trenchant 锐利的:sharp;(言辞)一针见血的:articulate
5518 trend nil
5519 trepidation 恐惧,战栗:apprehension
5520 trespass 非法入侵;违反;冒犯:enter unlawfully offense
5521 tribunal nil
5522 tribute 称颂,颂词:declaration gratitude
5523 trickle 一滴一滴地流,缓缓地流:fall in drops
5524 trifle 不重要的事:little importance or value;不正经地对待,玩弄:without serious intent
5525 trigger nil
5526 trilogy nil
5527 trim nil
5528 trinket nil
5529 trio nil
5530 tripod nil
5531 trite 陈腐的,陈词滥调的:hackneyed
5532 triumph nil
5533 trivial 琐碎的,无足轻重的:little importance
5534 trophy nil
5535 troupe nil
5536 trowel nil
5537 truancy nil
5538 truce 休战,休战协定:suspension fighting
5539 truculent 尖酸刻薄的:harsh insulting;好战的,好斗的:eagerness to fight
5540 trudge 吃力而笨拙地走:heavily or clumsily
5541 trumpet 大声说出或宣告:make known
5542 truncate 截短,缩短(时间、篇幅等):shorten
5543 trunk nil
5544 truss 系紧,扎紧:into a tight mass
5545 trustworthy nil
5546 tuber nil
5547 tumult 骚乱,暴动:disorderly, disturbance
5548 turbulent 动荡的:disturbance;湍急的,汹涌的:turmoil
5549 turgid 浮夸的,过分装饰的:embellished
5550 turmoil 骚动,混乱:agitation, commotion
5551 turncoat 叛徒:switches, traitor
5552 turpitude nil
5553 turquoise nil
5554 turret nil
5555 tusk nil
5556 tussle nil
5557 tutor nil
5558 tuxedo nil
5559 twig nil
5560 twinge nil
5561 typo 打字错误:error
5562 typographical nil
5563 tyranny nil
5564 tyrant 暴君:oppressively or brutally
5565 tyro 新手,业余爱好者:beginner, novice
5566 ubiquitous 无所不在的,普通的:everywhere, often observed
5567 ugly nil
5568 ulcer nil
5569 ultimate nil
5570 umbrage 不悦,生气:feeling of being offended or resentful
5571 umpire nil
5572 unaffected nil
5573 unanimous 一致同意的:consent of all
5574 unassuming nil
5575 unbecoming nil
5576 unbend nil
5577 uncanny 离奇的,奇异的:extraordinary or abnormal
5578 uncommitted nil
5579 unconscionable nil
5580 unconscious nil
5581 uncouth 粗俗的,没有品位的:lacking in refinement
5582 unctuous 油嘴滑舌的,谄媚的:flattering;夸张的,做作的:affected, exaggerated
5583 underbid nil
5584 undercut nil
5585 underdog 受害者,输家: loser/victim
5586 underestimated nil
5587 undergird 加强,巩固...的底部:strengthen
5588 underhanded nil
5589 underling nil
5590 underlying nil
5591 undermine 削弱,破坏:weaken, injure, impair
5592 underplay nil
5593 underrate nil
5594 underscore 强调:to emphasize
5595 understate 保守陈述:restraint
5596 understated nil
5597 understatement nil
5598 understudy 替补演员:take another's duties
5599 underutilized nil
5600 underwrite nil
5601 undeserved nil
5602 undesirable nil
5603 undirected nil
5604 unearth nil
5605 unearthly nil
5606 unenlightened nil
5607 unexceptionable 无懈可击的:beyond reproach
5608 unfailing nil
5609 unfasten nil
5610 unfeigned nil
5611 unflappable 镇定的,从容不迫的:not easily upset
5612 unfold nil
5613 unfounded nil
5614 ungainly 笨拙的,不雅的:inability in a graceful manner
5615 ungrudging nil
5616 unguent nil
5617 unicorn nil
5618 unidimensional nil
5619 unification nil
5620 uniform nil
5621 unify nil
5622 unimpassioned nil
5623 unimpeachable 无可置疑的:unquestionable
5624 uninitiated nil
5625 unique nil
5626 univocal nil
5627 unjustified nil
5628 unjustly nil
5629 unkempt 凌乱的,无序的:lacking in order
5630 unleash nil
5631 unmitigated nil
5632 unmoved nil
5633 unnoticed nil
5634 unobtrusive nil
5635 unpalatable nil
5636 unprecedented nil
5637 unpremeditated nil
5638 unprepossessing nil
5639 unpretentious 低调的,谦逊的:modest;坦诚的,自然的:free from deceive
5640 unprincipled nil
5641 unproductive 徒然的,无效的:not productive
5642 unprovoked nil
5643 unqualified nil
5644 unravel nil
5645 unregenerate nil
5646 unregulated nil
5647 unremitting 连续不断的:without any interruptions
5648 unrepentant nil
5649 unrequited 无报答的,无报酬的:not reciprocated
5650 unreserved nil
5651 unscathed nil
5652 unscented nil
5653 unscrupulous nil
5654 unscrupulousness nil
5655 unseemly nil
5656 unsettle nil
5657 unsettling nil
5658 unsound nil
5659 unspoiled nil
5660 unspotted nil
5661 unstinting nil
5662 unsubstantiated nil
5663 untapped nil
5664 unthreatening nil
5665 untimely nil
5666 untold 数不清的,无数的:numerous
5667 untoward 倒霉的,不吉利的:not favorable, unpropitious;难以驯服的,难以驾驭的:resisting control or discipline
5668 untutored nil
5669 unwarranted nil
5670 unwieldy nil
5671 unwitting 不知道的,未觉察的:unware;偶然的,并非有意的:by chance, not intended
5672 unwonted 不习惯的,不寻常的:not habitual, ordinary, unusual
5673 unworldly nil
5674 upbraid (严厉地)谴责,责骂:reproach severely
5675 upgrade nil
5676 upheaval nil
5677 uphold 支持,赞成:support
5678 upright nil
5679 uproar nil
5680 uproarious nil
5681 upstage nil
5682 upswing nil
5683 urgent nil
5684 usurp 篡夺,篡位:seize power without legal authority
5685 usury nil
5686 utilitarian nil
5687 utilize nil
5688 utopia nil
5689 utopian nil
5690 utter 出(声),说(话):articulate;完全的,绝对的:entire
5691 vaccinate 预防接种疫苗:produce immunity
5692 vaccine nil
5693 vacillate 犹豫不决:hesitate;摇动,摇摆:oscillate
5694 vacuous 茫然的,愚蠢的:lack of intelligence
5695 vagary 不可预测的思想或行为:erratic, unpredictable
5696 vagrancy nil
5697 vagrant nil
5698 vague 表达不清的:not clearly expressed;轮廓不清晰的:lacking definite shape
5699 vain nil
5700 valediction 告别:bidding farewell;告别词:address farewell
5701 valedictory nil
5702 valiant 勇敢的,英勇的:bravery
5703 validate nil
5704 valorous nil
5705 valve nil
5706 vandalism nil
5707 vandalize nil
5708 vanilla nil
5709 vanity nil
5710 vanquish 打败,征服:defeat
5711 vantage nil
5712 vapid 无趣的,乏味的:lacking interest
5713 vaporization nil
5714 vaporize 使(液体)蒸发:convert by heat;彻底消灭:destroy
5715 vaporous nil
5716 variance 不一致,不和谐:lack harmony
5717 variegate nil
5718 variegation nil
5719 varnish 上清漆,使有光泽:smooth glossy;粉饰(令人不悦的东西):conceal unpleasant
5720 vascular nil
5721 vault 跳起,跳跃:propel oneself upward;一跃而至:leaping suddenly
5722 veer (使)转向,(使)改变航线:change direction
5723 vehicle nil
5724 veil nil
5725 velocity nil
5726 venal 贪污受贿的:open to corrupt
5727 vendetta nil
5728 vendor 小贩,商贩:sells
5729 veneer 薄木板,用以贴在家具外面的饰面板:thin surface layer, wood;粉饰(不好的东西):conceal defect
5730 venerate 尊敬:regard with respect
5731 vengeance nil
5732 vengeful nil
5733 venial 可宽恕的:easily excused
5734 venom 毒液:poisonous matter;恶意,恶毒的用心:desire to cause pain
5735 vent nil
5736 ventilate nil
5737 ventriloquist nil
5738 veracious 诚实的,说实话的:telling the truth;精确的,准确的:precise
5739 veracity nil
5740 verbal nil
5741 verbiage nil
5742 verbose 冗长的,啰嗦的:more than necessary
5743 verdant (因长满植物而)翠绿的,郁郁葱葱的:green with vegetation
5744 verdict nil
5745 verdigris nil
5746 verified nil
5747 verify 校验,证实:determine accuracy
5748 verisimilar 貌似真实的:appearing to be true
5749 veritable 真正的,确实的:not false
5750 vernacular 方言:nonstandard language;非正式的,口头的:suitable for speech
5751 versatile 多才多艺的,全能的:different things;易改变的:fluctuating readily
5752 verse 使精通,使熟悉:familiarize;诗歌:rhythm lyrical effect
5753 vertex nil
5754 vertical nil
5755 vertigo 眩晕:dizzy
5756 verve 活力,热情:vitality
5757 vessel 管:tube body fluid;船,舰艇:watercraft
5758 vestige 微小的痕迹;小痕迹:smallest trace
5759 vestigial 退化的,发育不全的:simple structure
5760 vestment nil
5761 veteran 老兵;有丰富经验的人:knowledge through long experience;经验丰富的,资深的:knowledge, experience
5762 veterinary nil
5763 veto 否决,禁止:forbid, prohibit
5764 vex 使烦恼,使恼怒:bring agitation
5765 vexation nil
5766 viability nil
5767 viable 可行的:being done
5768 viaduct nil
5769 vibrancy nil
5770 vibrant nil
5771 vibrate nil
5772 vicar nil
5773 vicarious 代理的,取代的:substitute for another
5774 vicinity nil
5775 vicious 凶恶的,恶毒的:desire to inflict;猛烈的:violence or ferocity
5776 vicissitudinous nil
5777 victimize 使受骗:subject to deception
5778 vie nil
5779 vigilant 警醒的,警惕的:alertly watchful
5780 vigorous 精力旺盛的:active strength;强健的:withstand hardship
5781 vile 丑陋的:unpleasant to look at;(道德上)可鄙的,卑鄙的:morally despicable
5782 vilify 诽谤,辱骂:utter slanderous statements
5783 vindicate 为...平反,为...辩护,使无罪:free from blame;证明,证实:give evidence
5784 vindictive 复仇的,有寻仇倾向的:seek revenge
5785 vintner nil
5786 violate nil
5787 violet nil
5788 viral nil
5789 virtual nil
5790 virtuosity nil
5791 virtuoso 艺术鉴赏家,专家:masterly skill;经验丰富的,技艺精湛的:exceptional knowledge
5792 virtuous 品德高尚的,正直的:showing moral excellence
5793 virulent 有毒的:poisonous;凶残的:destructive course
5794 virus nil
5795 viscid 有粘性的:glutinous
5796 viscous 粘稠的,粘的:viscid
5797 visionary 空想的,不切实际的:guided by ideals;幻觉的:in the imagination;有远见的:foresight
5798 vista nil
5799 vital nil
5800 vitalize nil
5801 vitiate 削弱,损害:reduce the value;(在道德、审美上)降低,堕落:debase in moral
5802 vitrify nil
5803 vitriolic (言辞)刻薄的:scathing
5804 vituperate 谩骂,责骂:abuse or censure
5805 vituperative nil
5806 vivacious 活泼的,快活的:lively
5807 vivid nil
5808 vocalist nil
5809 vocation 职业:employed
5810 vogue nil
5811 void nil
5812 volatile 多变的:rapid change
5813 volition 意志,自愿选择的行为:making one's own choices
5814 volley nil
5815 voluble 健谈的,多话的:ready speech
5816 voluminous 卷数多的,大量的,庞大的:great number
5817 voluptuous 奢侈逸乐的,沉湎酒色的:enjoyments luxury
5818 voracious 有很大食量的,贪吃的:huge appetite;贪婪的,如饥似渴的:insatiable
5819 voracity nil
5820 votary 崇拜者,信徒:fervently devoted
5821 vouch 担保,声称为真:give a guarantee
5822 vulgar 粗俗的,无教养的:crude;口头的,非正式的:suitable for speech
5823 vulnerable 易受攻击的,脆弱的:open to attack
5824 vulture nil
5825 vying nil
5826 waddle 摇摇摆摆地走:tilt the body from side to side
5827 waffle 胡扯:talk foolishly
5828 waft 飘荡,漂浮:float
5829 wag 诙谐幽默的人:humorous;摆动:move to and fro or up and down
5830 wage nil
5831 waggish nil
5832 walrus nil
5833 wan 苍白的,病态的:poor health
5834 wanderlust 旅游癖:impulse to travel
5835 wane 减少,衰退,降低:decrease
5836 want 短缺:lacking;渴望:desire
5837 wardrobe nil
5838 warehouse nil
5839 warmonger 好战者:urges war
5840 warp 使偏向:turn;扭曲,变形:twist;曲解:alter the meaning
5841 warrant 向...保证质量:assume responsibility for the satisfactory quality;批准,认可:give official acceptance
5842 warranted nil
5843 warranty nil
5844 wary 小心的,机警的,谨慎的:caution
5845 waste nil
5846 wastrel 肆意挥霍的人,败家子:expends self-indulgently
5847 watershed 重要关头,分水岭:turning point
5848 waver nil
5849 wax 月亮渐满:increase in phase of the moon;用蜡涂、处理或上光:coat;增大,增强:increase
5850 wean nil
5851 wearisome nil
5852 weary nil
5853 weasel nil
5854 weather 安全度过(危机等),经受住:come through
5855 weed nil
5856 weld nil
5857 well-groomed nil
5858 welter 混乱,动乱:disorder
5859 wheedle (用花言巧语)诱惑,哄骗:persuade by flattery
5860 whet 磨快:sharpen
5861 whiff 微风:slight gust;细微的信号,轻微痕迹:imperceptible sign
5862 whim nil
5863 whimsical 反复无常的:sudden illogical changes
5864 whimsy nil
5865 whine nil
5866 whirlpool nil
5867 whisper nil
5868 whistle nil
5869 whittle nil
5870 wholesome 有益身心健康的:promoting health
5871 wick nil
5872 wicked 邪恶的:morally bad
5873 wield nil
5874 willful 固执的,倔强的:self-willed;故意的:deliberately
5875 willow nil
5876 willowy nil
5877 wilt (花、植物等)萎焉:limp or flaccid;精神萎靡,憔悴:fatigue or exhaustion
5878 wily 狡诈的,狡猾的:deceptive means
5879 wince 畏缩:shrink back from pain
5880 windbag 健谈的人:talkative
5881 winding nil
5882 windy 冗长的:verbosity
5883 wink nil
5884 winnow nil
5885 winsome 迷人的,漂亮的:pleasing and engaging
5886 wistful (带着忧伤而)渴望的,怀念的:yearning or desire with melancholy
5887 wit 机智,智慧:ability to understand;智者,有智慧的人:intelligence
5888 withdraw 撤退:take back
5889 wither 枯萎,凋谢:become sapless
5890 withhold 抑制;扣压,不给予:refrain from giving
5891 withstand nil
5892 witness nil
5893 witticism nil
5894 wizened nil
5895 wobble 摇晃,颤抖:move or proceed unsteadily;犹豫不决:show uncertainty
5896 woe nil
5897 woo nil
5898 worship 崇拜,敬仰:respect;崇拜,膜拜:offer honor or respect
5899 wrangler nil
5900 wrench nil
5901 wretched 极差的:poor in quality;沮丧的:dejected
5902 wrinkle nil
5903 wrist nil
5904 writ nil
5905 wrought nil
5906 wry 扭曲的:twisted, bent;坚持错误的:stubborn to wrong
5907 xenophobe 仇视(或畏惧)外国人(或外国事物)者:fearful of what is foreign
5908 xerophyte nil
5909 yacht nil
5910 yarn nil
5911 yawn nil
5912 yearn nil
5913 yeast nil
5914 yielding nil
5915 yoke 连接:become joined
5916 yokel 乡下人,天真纯朴的人:inhabitant of a rural area
5917 zealotry nil
5918 zenith 最高点,巅峰:culminating
5919 zephyr nil
5920 zest nil
5921 zigzag nil
5922 zone nil
5923 abase 降低(地位、职位、威望或尊严):lower
5924 abduct  
5925 abnegation  
5926 aboriginal  
5927 abortive  
5928 abound  
5929 abrupt  
5930 abstinent  
5931 acarpous  
5932 acerbity  
5933 achromatic  
5934 acronym  
5935 actuarial  
5936 actuate  
5937 addle  
5938 adduce  
5939 adjudicate 裁决,判定:settle
5940 adlib  
5941 advert 引起注意,提到:refer
5942 aeronautics  
5943 aftermath  
5944 agape 急切盼望的:eagerly awaiting
5945 aghast  
5946 ailment  
5947 albino  
5948 alliterate  
5949 almond  
5950 alms  
5951 ambience  
5952 ambrosial (食物)特别美味的,香的:extremely pleasing
5953 ambulatory  
5954 amethyst  
5955 amiss  
5956 amoral  
5957 amputate  
5958 anemic  
5959 anodyne  
5960 antedate 比...早,早于:earlier date
5961 anthropoid  
5962 aperture  
5963 apothegm  
5964 apotheosis  
5965 appendage  
5966 aquiline  
5967 arachnid  
5968 archer  
5969 arraign  
5970 artillery  
5971 asinine  
5972 askance  
5973 askew  
5974 asphyxia  
5975 astigmatic  
5976 atheism  
5977 atone  
5978 attire  
5979 attrition  
5980 auger  
5981 augmentation  
5982 aureole  
5983 auricular  
5984 automation  
5985 avowal 承认,公开宣称:declaration
5986 avuncular  
5987 azure  
5988 bacchanal  
5989 backslide (情况等)倒退,故态复萌:revert to a worse condition
5990 backwater  
5991 baffle 挫败,阻挠:frustrate or check;使疑惑:mental uncertainty
5992 balky 不服管束的,倔强的:refusing
5993 bamboozle  
5994 bandy  
5995 baron  
5996 barrister  
5997 bassoon  
5998 bather  
5999 bauble  
6000 bawl  
6001 beatific  
6002 beckon  
6003 bedizen  
6004 bedraggled  
6005 beet  
6006 befuddle  
6007 beget  
6008 beguile  
6009 behold  
6010 beholden 欠他人人情的:owing gratitude
6011 belch  
6012 belongings  
6013 bemused  
6014 bereave  
6015 berserk  
6016 betoken  
6017 bibulous  
6018 biennial  
6019 bilious  
6020 billow  
6021 blackball  
6022 blackmail 敲诈,勒索:extortion of money
6023 blare  
爆炸:explosion; 一阵猛烈的强风:gust; 巨响:loud, sound; 炸裂,爆破:cause to break open;斥责,抨击:criticize
6024 blast harshly
6025 bleachers  
6026 bloated  
6027 blossom  
6028 bludgeon  
6029 bluff 直率的,(说话)直截了当的:direct, brief, potentially rude;欺骗:deceive
6030 bode  
6031 boding  
6032 bohemian  
6033 bombardment  
6034 bonhomie 温和,和蔼:geniality
6035 boo 嘘(以表示不满或嘲笑):contempt, scorn, disapproval
6036 botch  
6037 bottleneck  
6038 bough  
6039 bounteous  
6040 bovine  
6041 bowdlerize  
6042 bower  
6043 brackish  
6044 brattish  
6045 brawny  
6046 bray  
6047 breezeway  
6048 brim 边缘,边界:outer margin;充满:full often to overflowing;加满,倒满:as much as can be
6049 brindled  
6050 brocade  
6051 broil  
6052 brooch  
6053 browse  
6054 bubble  
6055 buckle  
6056 buffer  
6057 bugaboo  
6058 buggy  
6059 bullion  
6060 bumble 含糊不清地说,杂乱无章地说:rapidly, inarticulately;笨拙地行动:clumsily
6061 bump  
6062 burrow  
6063 buxom  
6064 cachet 同意:approval; 声望:prestige
6065 cactus  
6066 cadaver  
6067 cadence  
6068 calibre  
6069 callus  
6070 canard 谣传,误传:misleading
6071 canker  
6072 cantata  
6073 capacious  
6074 caper  
6075 capitalize  
6076 capitation  
6077 capsize  
6078 carat  
6079 careen 蹒跚而行。不稳定行走:to lurch or swerve;狂奔,快速运动:rush
6080 carnage  
6081 carpentry  
6082 cascade (尤指小的)瀑布:small fall
6083 cautionary  
6084 cavalcade  
6085 celerity  
6086 celibate  
6087 cemetery  
6088 centrifugal  
6089 centripetal  
6090 cephalic  
6091 chasten  
6092 checkered  
6093 chic  
6094 chirp  
6095 chore  
6096 chortle  
6097 chunk  
6098 ciliate  
6099 cineaste  
6100 circumlocutory  
6101 citation  
6102 clairvoyant  
6103 clench  
6104 clich¨¦  
6105 closed-minded  
6106 closure  
6107 cloy  
6108 coffer  
6109 cognate  
6110 cognomen  
6111 colloquy  
6112 colt  
6113 comestible  
6114 commiserate 表示怜悯,同情:sympathy
6115 complexion  
6116 complicity  
6117 comport  
6118 compulsory  
6119 concentric  
6120 concoct  
6121 condign 应得的,恰当的:deserved
6122 condiment  
6123 condole 表达同情:sympathetic
6124 condor  
6125 confidant  
6126 congenital  
6127 conjugal  
6128 connubial  
6129 consecrate  
6130 consonance  
6131 consort  
6132 conspectus  
6133 constringe 使紧缩:draw together
6134 contumacy  
6135 contumely  
6136 convene 召开,召集:bring together in assembly;聚集,集合:come together
6137 convoy  
6138 cordial  
6139 cornet  
6140 corny  
6141 corporal  
6142 corpulent  
6143 corpus  
6144 coruscate  
6145 cosy  
6146 counterpoise  
6147 coven  
6148 crafty  
6149 crag  
6150 credo  
6151 crepuscular  
6152 crevice  
6153 crinkle  
6154 cripple  
6155 croon 低声歌唱或说话:murmuring
6156 crotchety  
6157 crypt  
6158 cuddle  
6159 cuff  
6160 culprit  
6161 cumber  
6162 curd  
6163 curfew  
6164 currish  
6165 cursive  
6166 curvaceous  
6167 cygnet  
6168 cynosure  
6169 dalliance  
6170 damn (在道德上)谴责:morally wrong or evil;非常地,极其地:great degree
6171 damper 抑制因素:restrains, depresses
6172 dangle  
6173 dank 阴湿的:wet
6174 dastard  
6175 daub  
6176 daubster  
6177 daze  
6178 debar  
6179 debility  
6180 debonair 无忧无虑,不在乎的:freedom from worries or troubles;风度翩翩的:polished and worldly manners
6181 decamp  
6182 decant 轻轻倒出:pour off without disturbing
6183 decentralize  
6184 declassify  
6185 declination  
6186 decoy  
6187 decree  
6188 defalcate  
6189 defame  
6190 defoliant  
6191 defoliate  
6192 deforest  
6193 defray 支付:undertake the payment
6194 defunct  
6195 delectation  
6196 demarcate  
6197 demeanour  
6198 demented  
6199 demure  
6200 denominate  
6201 denunciate  
6202 deportment  
6203 deposit 自然积累,沉积,矿藏:accumulation;存钱:put in account
6204 depredation  
6205 depressant  
6206 depute  
6207 deputize  
6208 derangement  
6209 desalinize  
6210 desideratum  
6211 designate 任命:to pick for a specific position or duty;命名:give a name to
6212 desirous  
6213 desolate  
6214 desperado  
6215 despoil  
6216 destitute  
6217 destructible  
6218 desuetude  
6219 detestable  
6220 detonate  
6221 detract 贬低,降低价值:diminish
6222 devolve  
6223 diabolic 恶魔一般的:devil
6224 dictator  
6225 dictum  
6226 dietetics  
6227 dignitary  
6228 dilapidation  
6229 diminuendo  
6230 diocesan 主教管辖区的:diocese
6231 dipsomania  
6232 disavow 拒绝承认,否认:disclaim
6233 disband  
6234 disclaimer  
6235 disembody  
6236 disfranchise  
6237 dishearten 使沮丧,使失去信心:lose spirit or morale
6238 dishevel  
6239 disheveled  
6240 disintegrate  
6241 disport  
6242 disquisition  
6243 dissection  
6244 dissociate  
6245 distain 贬损,伤害(某人的)名誉:lose honor, respect, reputation;弄脏:dirty
6246 distal 远离中心的,(神经)末梢的:situated away
6247 distention  
6248 distrait  
6249 ditch  
6250 divagate  
6251 dock  
6252 doggo  
6253 dotage  
6254 double-cross  
6255 dowdy  
6256 dowry  
6257 doze 小憩:lightly
6258 dribble  
6259 drollery  
6260 ductile 可塑的,有延展性的:malleable;易受影响的:easily led
6261 dulcet 悦耳的,令人愉悦的:melodious
6262 dullard 笨蛋:stupid
6263 dumbfound  
6264 dunce  
6265 eaglet  
6266 earthshaking  
6267 ecdysis  
6268 eclat  
6269 eclogue  
6270 ecumenical 全球基督教会的:whole churches;世界范围的,普遍性的:worldwide
6271 edict  
6272 eerie  
6273 effeminate  
6274 effigy  
6275 egoism  
6276 ejaculate  
6277 electorate  
6278 elixir  
6279 emasculate  
6280 embankment  
6281 embitter  
6282 emblazon  
6283 embodiment  
6284 embroil  
6285 embryonic  
6286 emerald  
6287 emolument  
6288 empyrean  
6289 encipher  
6290 encyclopedic  
6291 endue  
6292 engrossment  
6293 ennoble 使尊贵:noble
6294 enshrine  
6295 enslave  
6296 ensnare  
6297 enthrall (像用魔咒般)吸引:hold the attention
6298 entourage  
6299 entrench  
6300 entwine  
6301 environs  
6302 envisage  
6303 epicurean  
6304 episode  
6305 equestrian  
6306 escort 护卫队,护送者:accompanying another;同行,护送:go along with
6307 estrange 使疏远,离间,使感情失和:enmity, indifference, friendliness
6308 estuary  
6309 eugenic  
6310 even-tempered  
6311 everlasting 永恒的,持久的:forever
6312 eviscerate  
6313 exceptionable  
6314 excerpt  
6315 exchequer  
6316 excogitate  
6317 excruciate 折磨,使痛苦:pain
6318 execration  
6319 exhume  
6320 exiguous  
6321 expatiate  
6322 expatriate  
6323 expiation  
6324 explicable  
6325 expropriate  
6326 expulsion  
6327 extradite  
6328 extrinsic  
6329 extrude  
6330 exultant  
传说中的:fable;幻想中的,不真实的:in the imagination;令人惊讶的,令人称奇的:causing wonder;极好的:
6331 fabulous extremely pleasing
6332 facsimile  
6333 factitious  
6334 fag  
6335 fail-safe 保险措施:to preclude loss or injury;万无一失的:no chance of failure
6336 fainthearted  
6337 fake  
6338 falsify  
6339 fanfare  
6340 fantasia  
6341 farrow  
6342 fascia  
6343 fascinate 强烈吸引,使入迷:hold an intense interest
6344 fealty  
6345 febrile  
6346 feisty 好斗的,好争论的:aggressiveness
6347 felicitate  
6348 feline  
6349 fencing  
极端的,剧烈的:unrelenting intensify;激烈的,爆发性的:bursts of destructive force;凶猛的,残暴的:unfriendly
6350 ferocious or aggressive
6351 ferry  
6352 festal  
6353 fetish  
6354 fiend  
6355 filament  
6356 filch  
6357 filial  
6358 fillet  
6359 finable  
6360 finery  
6361 firebrand  
6362 fishery  
6363 fissile  
6364 fitful 无规律的,缺乏周期的:erratic or intermittent
6365 flabby  
6366 flagellate  
6367 flair  
6368 flannel  
6369 flatulence  
6370 flavoring  
6371 flay  
6372 fleck  
6373 fleece  
6374 fleet 舰队,车队:group of a vehicles;迅速的:with great speed;快速涌过:pass swiftly
6375 flick  
6376 flicker  
6377 floppy  
6378 florescence  
6379 flunk  
6380 fodder  
6381 fondle  
6382 foothold  
6383 footle  
6384 fop  
6385 foray  
6386 forebear 祖先:an ancestor
6387 foreclose  
6388 forensic  
6389 foreword 前言:preface
6390 forfeiture  
6391 forlorn  
6392 formative  
6393 forswear  
6394 fort  
6395 fractional  
6396 fraternal  
6397 fraternity  
6398 fray  
6399 freak  
6400 fretwork  
6401 frisk  
6402 fritter  
6403 frolic  
6404 frolicsome  
6405 frowzy  
6406 fructify  
6407 funereal  
6408 furbish  
6409 fury 暴怒:rage
6410 fustian  
6411 gab  
6412 gabble  
6413 gaiety  
6414 gale  
6415 gallop  
6416 gallows  
6417 gamut  
6418 gander  
6419 gangling  
6420 gangly 身材瘦长的:tall
6421 gangrene  
6422 garland  
6423 garret  
6424 gastric  
6425 gastritis  
6426 gastronomy  
6427 gauche 笨拙的,缺乏社交经验的:lacking grace
6428 gaunt  
6429 genuflect  
6430 gestate  
6431 gesticulate  
6432 ghastly  
6433 girdle  
6434 glamorous  
6435 gleam  
6436 glee  
6437 glimpse  
6438 glitter  
6439 gloaming  
6440 glorify  
6441 gloss-over  
6442 gnat  
6443 gnawing  
6444 gnome  
6445 gnomic  
6446 goggle 凝视:look
6447 gorgeous  
6448 gormandize  
6449 gosling  
6450 governance  
6451 granary  
6452 granule  
6453 gratis  
6454 greenhorn  
6455 gridiron  
6456 grotesque 难看的:unpleasant
6457 growl  
6458 grudge 怨恨,仇恨:ill will
6459 gruesome  
6460 gruff  
6461 grumpy  
6462 gulch  
6463 gull  
6464 gusto  
6465 gutless  
6466 guttle  
6467 gynaecocracy  
6468 habitable  
6469 haft  
6470 haggard  
6471 haggle  
6472 hamstring 使无效,使无力:ineffective
6473 hardbitten  
6474 hardihood  
6475 hassle  
6476 hatchet  
6477 hawker  
6478 hawser  
6479 hearsay  
6480 heave  
6481 hedgehog  
6482 hedonic  
6483 hedonism 享乐主义:doctrine pleasure
6484 heliotrope  
6485 helm  
6486 helot  
6487 helve  
6488 henpecked  
6489 hepatitis  
6490 herald 告知,宣布:make known;预示,预兆:indication of beforehand
6491 herdsman  
6492 heyday  
6493 hilt  
6494 hinterland  
6495 hippopotamus  
6496 hoarse  
6497 hobble 跛行,蹒跚而行:haltingly or with difficulty;阻碍,妨碍:hamper the action
6498 holocaust  
6499 holograph  
6500 homely 其貌不扬的,朴素简单的:not attractive
6501 homily 冗长乏味的道德演讲或训诫:admonition
6502 homograph  
6503 horology  
6504 horrendous  
6505 howler  
6506 hubbub  
6507 huddle  
6508 hunk  
6509 hut  
6510 hygiene  
6511 hypodermic  
6512 icing  
6513 idol  
6514 idolatrize (通常盲目)崇拜:admires intensely
6515 idolize  
6516 illegible  
6517 illiberal  
6518 illustrious 著名的,杰出的:distinguished
6519 imbecile  
6520 immortal  
6521 impend  
6522 imperil  
6523 imprecation  
6524 imputation  
6525 impute  
6526 incertitude  
6527 incisor  
6528 incongruent 不全等的;不一致的:not conforming
6529 incorporeal  
6530 incrustation  
6531 indite  
6532 inebriate  
6533 ineffaceable  
6534 ineligible  
6535 inexpedient  
6536 inexpiable  
6537 infatuate 使迷恋:inspire unreasoning love
6538 infatuated  
6539 infernal  
6540 infliction  
6541 informer  
6542 ingress  
6543 insane  
6544 insanity  
6545 inscription  
6546 insolate  
6547 insouciance  
6548 installment  
6549 insuperable  
6550 interdisciplinary  
6551 interlace  
6552 interlocutor  
6553 interlope  
6554 interloper  
6555 interstice  
6556 interweave  
6557 intestate  
6558 intestine  
6559 intumescence  
6560 investiture  
6561 invigilate  
6562 invoice  
6563 iridescence  
6564 irradiate  
6565 iterate  
6566 jamboree  
6567 jape 嘲弄:mockingly
6568 jesting  
6569 jitters 紧张,不安:panic, nervousness
6570 jolly  
6571 jubilant 喜悦的:joyful
6572 juncture  
6573 jurisprudence  
6574 kaleidoscopic  
6575 kiosk  
6576 knoll  
6577 laceration  
6578 lackey  
6579 laggard  
6580 lamentable 值得惋惜的,悲哀的:deplorable
6581 laminate  
6582 lapidary  
6583 latch  
6584 layman  
6585 layover  
6586 lean  
6587 leash  
6588 leeward  
6589 leeway  
6590 legible  
6591 lesion  
6592 lexical  
6593 lexicon  
6594 libelous  
6595 libido  
6596 licit  
6597 ligature  
6598 limbo  
6599 lineal  
6600 lineaments  
6601 lingual  
6602 littoral  
6603 livid  
6604 loam  
6605 locust  
6606 locution  
6607 loft  
6608 logjam  
6609 loiter  
6610 lore  
6611 lout  
6612 lowbred  
6613 lubricious  
6614 lucre  
6615 lucubrate  
6616 lure  
6617 luscious  
6618 lusty  
6619 lynch  
6620 mackintosh  
6621 maculate 使有斑点,弄脏;玷污,损坏:spot
6622 maestro  
6623 magniloquent  
6624 maim  
6625 makeshift  
6626 malediction  
6627 malefactor  
6628 maleficent  
6629 malice  
6630 malignant 恶毒的,邪恶的:desire to cause someone pain
6631 mallet  
6632 malodor  
6633 manacle  
6634 maneuver 巧妙地操纵:guide with adroitness and design
6635 mangy 卑劣的:contemptible
6636 maraud  
6637 mariner  
6638 marrow  
6639 matador  
6640 matriarchy  
6641 matriculate 入学;录取:admit or be admitted
6642 maxim  
6643 mayhem  
6644 medicate  
6645 megalomania  
6646 memento  
6647 menial 仆人,奴仆:servant;卑贱的,低下的:spirit of humility or unseemly submissiveness
6648 mermaid  
6649 mesmerism  
6650 mesmerize  
6651 metallurgy  
6652 miasma  
6653 midget  
6654 mien  
6655 militant  
6656 millennium  
6657 miraculous  
6658 miscellany  
6659 missive  
6660 mistimed  
6661 mistral  
6662 molest  
6663 monastery  
6664 monograph  
6665 monopolize 垄断,主宰:complete control
6666 monotone  
6667 monstrous  
6668 moody  
6669 moor  
6670 mope  
6671 morass  
6672 moron  
6673 motile 能动的:movement
6674 mottle 标记上杂色斑点:mark spots
6675 mountebank  
6676 muddle  
6677 muddy 不干净的:not clean;浑浊的,不清晰的:lacking clarity;使难以理解:make unclear
6678 muggy  
6679 mulct  
6680 multifarious  
6681 multitude  
6682 muniments  
6683 musty  
6684 mutilate  
6685 mutinous  
6686 mutton  
6687 muzzy  
6688 naivety  
6689 nasal  
6690 natation  
6691 naysayer  
6692 necessitous  
6693 necropolis  
6694 nectar  
6695 nemesis  
6696 neonate  
6697 nephritis  
6698 nestle  
6699 nestling  
6700 nethermost  
6701 niggard  
6702 niggling  
6703 nihilism  
6704 nimble  
6705 nippers  
6706 nipping  
6707 nonesuch  
6708 nonpareil  
6709 noose  
6710 notability  
6711 nude  
6712 numerology  
6713 numinous  
6714 numismatic  
6715 nuptial  
6716 nymph  
6717 oar  
6718 oatmeal  
6719 obelisk  
6720 oblation  
6721 observance  
6722 obtrude  
6723 occidental  
6724 ocular  
6725 oddment  
6726 odoriferous  
6727 olfactory  
6728 oligarch  
6729 omnivorous  
6730 onslaught  
6731 onus  
6732 ooze  
6733 opiate  
6734 optimization  
6735 opus  
6736 oracular  
6737 orifice  
6738 orotund  
6739 otiose  
6740 outfox  
6741 oversight  
6742 overweening  
6743 palaver 对话,交流:exchange of views;闲聊:profusely or idly
6744 paling  
6745 pamper  
6746 pane  
6747 panoramic 全景的:complete view
6748 pantechnicon  
6749 pantheon  
6750 paralyze  
6751 parley  
6752 parlous  
6753 parochial  
6754 parturition  
6755 pastor  
6756 pathetic  
6757 pathos  
6758 pawn  
6759 peaky  
6760 peculate  
6761 pecuniary  
6762 peddle  
6763 peek  
6764 peep 一瞥:brief look;轻声:slight sound
6765 peery  
6766 pelt  
6767 pendent  
6768 penetration  
6769 pension  
6770 pensive 沉思的,(尤指)哀思的:thinking
6771 penumbra  
6772 peptic  
6773 percolate  
6774 percussion  
6775 perigee  
6776 periphrastic  
6777 perishable  
6778 persnickety  
6779 personage  
6780 perverse  
6781 pervert  
6782 pesky  
6783 pettish  
6784 pharisaic  
6785 phial  
6786 philology  
6787 phobia  
6788 phony  
6789 piazza  
6790 piebald 杂色的:different colors;混合的,杂糅而成的:different sorts
6791 piecemeal  
6792 pier  
6793 pilfer 偷窃:steal
6794 pillage  
6795 pincers  
6796 piscatorial  
6797 pitiless 没有同情心的:devoid of pity
6798 pivot  
6799 plank  
6800 plaza  
6801 plebeian 平民的,社会下层:low social or economic rank
6802 plenary  
6803 plentitude 大量:ample amount
6804 pleonastic  
6805 pliers  
6806 plump 丰满的:well-around;鼎力支持,赞不绝口:give full support
6807 poach 水煮:cook in a liquid
6808 poltroon  
6809 polyandry  
6810 polyglot  
6811 polymath  
6812 pony  
6813 porcine  
6814 porridge  
6815 portable  
6816 portend  
6817 positiveness  
6818 posterior  
6819 postscript  
6820 potboiler  
6821 prance  
6822 prefigure  
6823 prehensile  
6824 preponderant 占优势的,更重要的:superior importance
6825 prepossessing 给人好感的,有魅力的:impress favorably
6826 presentiment  
6827 presumable  
6828 pretence  
6829 prevision  
6830 prick  
6831 prickle  
6832 prig  
6833 prissy  
6834 procreate  
6835 procrustean  
6836 progenitor  
6837 prognosticate  
6838 proofread 正式宣布:make known
6839 prorogue  
6840 protrude 突出:project
6841 proverbially  
6842 psalm  
6843 puberty  
6844 puffery  
6845 pullulate  
6846 pulpit  
6847 pulsate  
6848 pulsation  
6849 pummel  
6850 purblind  
6851 purport  
6852 purse  
6853 putative  
6854 putrefy  
6855 putrid  
6856 pygmy  
6857 pyromania  
6858 quadrangle  
6859 quadruped  
6860 quagmire  
6861 qualm  
6862 queasy  
6863 queer  
6864 query  
6865 quintessence  
6866 quip  
6867 racketeer  
6868 raillery  
6869 rapscallion 流氓,恶棍:evil
6870 rasp  
6871 ratify (官方地)认可,批准:official acceptance
6872 ravish 使陶醉,使沉迷:overcome with emotion
6873 rebarbative  
6874 reckon  
6875 recline  
6876 reconnoiter 侦察,勘查:make a preliminary inspection
6877 reedy  
6878 regal  
6879 regent  
6880 regiment  
6881 reincarnate  
6882 rejoin  
6883 rejoinder  
6884 remission  
6885 remit  
6886 remittance  
6887 remittent  
6888 remonstrance 抗议,抱怨:expression of protect, complaint
6889 remonstrate  
6890 remunerate 支付报酬,补偿:pay
6891 renascent  
6892 rendition  
6893 renunciate  
6894 repent  
6895 replica  
6896 reportage  
6897 repository  
6898 rescript  
6899 reshuffle  
6900 restorative  
6901 resurge  
6902 retention  
6903 retentive 记性好的:retain knowledge or information
6904 reticulation  
6905 retrenchment  
6906 retroactive  
6907 reversion  
6908 revulsion  
6909 rhapsody  
6910 riffle  
6911 riffraff  
6912 rigmarole 混乱而无意义的话:confused or meaningless talk
6913 rinse  
6914 rip  
6915 roister  
6916 rollicking  
6917 rosy  
6918 rote  
6919 rotund  
6920 roundabout  
6921 rout  
6922 rove  
6923 rowdy  
6924 rubble  
6925 ruck  
6926 rucksack  
6927 ruddy  
6928 rumble  
6929 ruminate 沉思:go over in the mind
6930 rustle 快速地行动:move or act with speed
6931 rustler  
6932 saccharine 像糖一样的,有甜味的:sugar;做作的,矫情的:appealing to the emotions
6933 sack  
6934 sacrament  
6935 sadistic  
6936 safe  
6937 saga  
6938 saliferous  
6939 sanatorium  
6940 sangfroid  
6941 sanitary 健康的,清洁的:health
6942 sapling  
6943 sardonic  
6944 satanic  
6945 sated  
6946 scab  
6947 scabrous  
6948 scads 许多,大量:large number
6949 scald  
6950 scamper  
6951 scan  
6952 scar  
6953 scare  
6954 scarp  
6955 scathe  
6956 sceptical  
6957 scintillate 闪耀:sparks
6958 scission 切断,分离,分裂:division
6959 scooter  
6960 scorching  
6961 scour 用力擦洗:wash vigorously;搜查:to find or discover
6962 scramble  
6963 scrape  
6964 screed  
6965 scrumptious  
6966 scud  
6967 scutter  
6968 scuttle  
6969 seafaring  
6970 seclude  
6971 sect  
6972 sedition  
6973 seditious  
6974 self-abasement 自卑,自谦:humiliation
6975 self-absorbed 自恋的,自私的:absorbed in one's own
6976 self-assertion  
6977 senile  
6978 sensitize  
6979 sensual  
6980 sententious  
6981 sentry  
6982 sequacious  
6983 sequela 结果:secondary result
6984 sequestrate  
6985 serenade  
6986 serendipity 意外发现珍奇(或称心)事物的本领:by accident
6987 serfdom  
6988 sermonize  
6989 serpentine 弯曲的:winding
6990 shabby  
6991 shack  
6992 shanty  
6993 shawl  
6994 sheaf  
6995 sheen  
6996 shibboleth  
6997 shimmer  
6998 shipwright  
6999 showy  
7000 shred 少量:small amount
7001 shrivel  
7002 shuffle  
7003 shuttle  
7004 sidesplitting  
7005 sidle  
7006 signatory  
7007 signature  
7008 simian  
7009 simile 明喻:comparing two unlike things
7010 sinister  
7011 sizzler  
7012 skein  
7013 skittish 容易受到惊吓的,胆小的:easily frightened;容易激动的:easily excited;善变的,多变的:likely to change
7014 skullduggery  
7015 skunk  
7016 skyrocket  
7017 slapdash  
7018 slaver  
7019 slay  
7020 sleazy  
7021 sledge  
7022 sledgehammer  
7023 sleight  
7024 sling 投掷:send through the air
7025 slit  
7026 slobber  
7027 sloven  
7028 slue  
7029 slump  
7030 smirch  
7031 snappish  
7032 snappy  
7033 snicker  
7034 snob  
7035 snuggle  
7036 sociable  
7037 sojourn  
7038 somnolent  
7039 sonorous  
7040 souse  
7041 spacious  
7042 spangle  
7043 spasmodic  
7044 speleology  
7045 splashy  
7046 spool  
7047 spoor  
7048 spout  
7049 sprawl 杂乱无序地发展;蔓生,蔓延:irregularly
7050 sprint  
7051 spunk  
7052 spurn 摒弃,拒绝:reject with disdain
7053 squeamish 恶心的,晕船的:nausea
7054 stab  
7055 stagger  
7056 stagy  
7057 standstill  
7058 star-crossed  
7059 stash  
7060 steeple  
7061 stoop  
7062 stouthearted 勇敢的:stout, spirit
7063 straggle  
7064 strangulation  
7065 studio 工作室,画室,摄影室:working place of a painter
7066 stun  
7067 stupefy  
7068 stupendous  
7069 sublimate  
7070 subscribe  
7071 subsist  
7072 substratum  
7073 subvention  
7074 sully  
7075 sundry  
7076 superannuated  
7077 superlative  
7078 superstition  
7079 surveillance 监视,监控:close observation
7080 swank  
7081 swarm  
7082 swarthy  
7083 swear 咒骂:curse;宣誓:oath
7084 swipe  
7085 symposium  
7086 tack  
7087 tarry  
7088 tattered  
7089 tautological  
7090 teem  
7091 teetotal  
7092 tendinous  
7093 tensile  
7094 thespian  
7095 thorny 多刺的:full of thorns;棘手的:difficulties
7096 thrall  
7097 thrash  
7098 thresh  
7099 thrifty  
7100 throes  
7101 throttle  
7102 timeworn 陈腐的:hackneyed
7103 tinge 给...着上少量的色彩:color, tint
7104 tipple  
7105 topsy-turvy 混乱的:lacking in order
7106 torpedo  
7107 torrid 酷热的:intensely hot;热情的,情感深厚的:great depth of feeling
7108 torso  
7109 torture  
7110 touching  
7111 touchstone  
7112 tousle  
7113 traduce  
7114 trammel  
7115 tramp  
7116 transfuse  
7117 trawl  
7118 treachery  
7119 tread  
7120 treasurer  
7121 trek  
7122 tremulous  
7123 trench  
7124 tresses  
7125 tribulation  
7126 tributary  
7127 trickery  
7128 trident  
7129 trivia  
7130 truant 逃避责任(的);逃避责任者:shirking responsibility, shirks duty
7131 truism  
7132 trumpery  
7133 tumid  
7134 tundra  
7135 tutelage  
7136 twaddle  
7137 tycoon 大亨,巨头:person of rank, power, influence
7138 typhoon  
7139 ulcerate  
7140 ulterior  
7141 ultramundane  
7142 unbidden  
7143 unbridled  
7144 uncooperative  
7145 undisputable  
7146 undulate  
7147 unexceptional  
7148 unilateral  
7149 unison  
7150 upfront  
7151 upstart  
7152 upsurge  
7153 uptight  
7154 urchin  
7155 ursine  
7156 utensil  
7157 uxorious  
7158 vagabond  
7159 valetudinarian  
7160 valor  
7161 vampire  
7162 vanguard  
7163 vegetate  
7164 ventral  
7165 verbatim 逐字地,一字不差地:exact words
7166 verge  
7167 vermin  
7168 vernal  
7169 versemonger  
7170 vesture  
7171 viand  
7172 vicissitude 自然变化,变迁兴衰:natural change
7173 villainous  
7174 vim 活力,精力:energy
7175 vindication  
7176 vinegared  
7177 virago  
7178 virile  
7179 visage  
7180 visceral  
7181 vitreous  
7182 vomit  
7183 vulpine  
7184 wade  
7185 wail  
7186 waive  
7187 wallop  
7188 wallow  
7189 wangle  
7190 wanton  
7191 warble  
7192 warden  
7193 waspish  
7194 waylay 埋伏,伏击:attack
7195 weird  
7196 welsh  
7197 whelm  
7198 whelp  
7199 whit  
7200 wig  
7201 wiggle  
7202 windfall  
7203 winkle  
7204 wiretap 偷听,窃听:get information
7205 witch  
7206 wizardry  
7207 wizen (使)凋谢,(使)枯萎:become wrinkled;凋谢的,枯萎的:dried up
7208 wont  
7209 woodcut  
7210 wraith  
7211 wrangle 纷争,争端:differing opinions;争吵:quarrel
7212 wrath  
7213 wreak  
7214 wreathe  
7215 wreckage  
7216 xenophobia  
7217 yaw  
7218 yeoman  
7219 zesty 刺激的,开胃的:piquant
7220 access  
7221 annex 裙楼,副楼:auxiliary building;添加,合并:join;吞并,夺取(土地等):incorporate
7222 asphalt  
7223 barbarian  
7224 bar  
7225 behoove 对...有利:necessary, proper, advantageous
7226 bewitching 迷人的,令人着迷的:attract
7227 bumpkinly  
7228 cell  
7229 chaperone 同行,护送:go along with
7230 coat  
7231 columnist  
7232 dab  
7233 dashing 爱好冒险的,大胆的:take risks
7234 dike 堤坝,水坝:control or confine water;水沟,水渠:long narrow channel
7235 dissect 仔细分析:examine, analyze minute;切成片(尤其是为了解剖研究):cut apart separate
7236 employ  
7237 epistolary  
7238 evildoer  
7239 fair-minded  
7240 fetching  
7241 fibrous  
7242 foreordain  
7243 gag  
7244 granulate  
7245 hardihood  
7246 heavy-handed  
7247 jettison 丢弃,投弃:cast
7248 ladle  
7249 lance 长矛,标枪:long straight handle and sharp head or blade;刺穿,刺破:penetrate
7250 leverage  
7251 liken 显示相似,把…比作:show as similar
7252 madcap 热爱冒险的人:seeks our very dangerous or foolhardy adventures;大胆的,鲁莽的:foolishly adventurous or bold
7253 marbled  
7254 mastermind  
7255 memorandum  
7256 nicety 准确,精准:careful details;细微之处:fine point
7257 observant 警惕的,警觉的:paying close attention;严格遵守(规章、制度或原则)的:observing
7258 pat  
7259 photorespiration  
7260 privy  
7261 proscenium  
7262 radical  
7263 rascal  
7264 rosy  
7265 scratch  
7266 screen 掩护物,屏障:shelters, protects, or hides;保护,使...免受攻击:drive attack away;掩护,遮蔽:shut off from view
7267 scrimp 节俭:avoid waste
7268 simpleton (缺乏常识的)笨蛋:lacking in common sense
7269 slink  
7270 snarl 纠缠,纠结:twist;咆哮,怒吼:to anger
7271 spike nil
7272 spoilsport  
7273 staunch 忠诚的,坚定的:steadfast in loyalty
7274 steward  
7275 traipse  
7276 tureen  
7277 untrammeled  
7278 verisimilitude  
7279 weather 安全度过(危机等),经受住:come through
7280 windfall  
7281 willy-nilly 不论是否愿意地:desired or not;无秩序的,随意的:without order
7282 winning  
7283 wrest 拧,扭动:wringing or twisting movements;辛苦地获得:gain with difficulty
7284 animadvert  
7285 arrant  
7286 assoil  
7287 befoul  
7288 besot  
7289 bide  
7290 blather  
7291 bleary  
7292 bonny  
7293 bouncing  
7294 brew  
7295 buffet  
7296 bulldoze  
7297 bullish  
7298 bullyrag  
7299 bustle 忙乱,喧嚣:noisy, energetic;(快速地)行走,奔忙:move briskly
7300 canorous  
7301 chaffing  
7302 champ  
7303 cheeky  
7304 chipper  
7305 chubby  
7306 chuck  
7307 clamber  
7308 clammy  
7309 con  
7310 countrified  
7311 crackpot  
7312 crib  
7313 crimp  
7314 cull  
7315 dash  
7316 deluxe  
7317 desist  
7318 dicker  
7319 dillydally  
7320 dither  
7321 divers  
7322 dowse  
7323 draggy  
7324 drawn  
7325 drip  
7326 drool  
7327 drub  
7328 edgy  
7329 elysian  
7330 encomiastic  
7331 epideictic  
7332 fancied  
7333 fatidic  
7334 finagle  
7335 flatulent  
7336 flighty  
7337 flimflam  
7338 flossy  
7339 flummox  
7340 folksy  
7341 freestanding  
7342 frumpy  
7343 fuddle  
7344 funky  
7345 gabby  
7346 gawky (举止)笨拙的:inability to move in a graceful manner
7347 goof  
7348 gracile  
7349 gravitate  
7350 hanker 向往,渴望:desire, yearn
7351 hazy  
7352 heady  
7353 huffish  
7354 huffy  
7355 hunker  
7356 hurtle  
7357 interlard  
7358 jab  
7359 josh  
7360 jostle  
7361 jounce  
7362 jumpy  
7363 lard  
7364 leach  
7365 lymphatic  
7366 matte  
7367 maunder  
7368 mealy  
7369 muck  
7370 mull  
7371 munch  
7372 musky  
7373 nifty  
7374 nippy  
7375 obsessive  
7376 oleaginous  
7377 ornery  
7378 pavid  
7379 peachy  
7380 peckish  
7381 pelagic  
7382 pendulous  
7383 perk  
7384 picayunish  
7385 piteous  
7386 pop  
7387 pound  
7388 prong  
7389 pudgy  
7390 pushy  
7391 putter  
7392 quasi  
7393 quicksilver  
7394 quondam  
7395 rack  
7396 ramp  
7397 raptorial  
7398 ravening  
7399 recusant  
7400 retch  
7401 ritzy  
7402 sag  
7403 sanitize  
7404 satiny  
7405 saucy  
7406 scamp  
7407 scraggly  
7408 scruffy  
7409 shamble  
7410 shilly-shally  
7411 simonize  
7412 slog  
7413 slosh  
7414 slug  
7415 smite  
7416 smut  
7417 snipe  
7418 snivel  
7419 snooze  
7420 soigne  
7421 soulful  
7422 sour  
7423 spatter  
7424 spew  
7425 sportive  
7426 squab  
7427 squirt  
7428 stampede  
7429 stately  
7430 staunch 忠诚的,坚定的:steadfast in loyalty
7431 sticky  
7432 straiten  
7433 stricken  
7434 swathe  
7435 swig  
7436 swoop  
7437 tatter  
7438 tattle  
7439 thump  
7440 tony  
7441 troll  
7442 trounce  
7443 tumble  
7444 tweak  
7445 unbosom  
7446 velvety  
7447 verboten  
7448 versant  
7449 vest  
7450 vintage  
7451 wacky  
7452 wend  
7453 wheeze  
7454 whimper  
7455 wigwag  
7456 wile  
7457 wispy  
7458 wroth  
7459 yank  
7460 yen  
7461 yowl  
7462 yummy  
7463 zany  
7464 zoom  

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