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10  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   B Starter

GRAMMAR 4 Complete the sentences with the correct word

or phrase.
1 Underline the correct simple past form.
Example: At midnight, Sue went to bed.
Example: They wasn’t / weren’t famous.
1 Danny don’t like / didn’t like the film. bed  to bed  the bed
2 Jenny didn’t studied / didn’t study Business 1 We went out last ________.
in college. afternoon yesterday Sunday
3 Where did you get / you got that coat? It’s nice. 2 Jack and Lucy were on ________ this morning.
4 Had you / Did you have dinner in a nice restaurant? the bus  the car  the airport
5 What time did you went / did you go to 3 At three thirty, Peter was at ________.
the supermarket? work gym café
4 She went on a trip ________.
5 to Athens  at Athens  on Athens
5 We watched TV yesterday ________.
2 Write the simple past form of the verb night  day morning
in parentheses. 5
Example: Neil had (have) pizza for lunch today.
Vocabulary total 10
1 Mike __________________ (get) a birthday card
from Cheryl yesterday.
2 That movie was so sad. I ________________ (cry)! PRONUNCIATION
3 Kyle ___________________ (do) his homework 5 Underline the stressed syllable.
before dinner.
Example: air|port
4 We _________________ (visit) our grandparents in
Florida last month. 1 mo|vies
5 They __________________ (go) to the museum 2 yes|ter|day
last weekend. 3 a|rrive
4 home|work
5 sa|lon
Grammar total 10

6 Write the words in the correct column.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct word.
played  wanted  walked  watched  learned
arrived  greeted  liked  started  talked  walked started

Example: Peter liked the cookies.

cried liked waited
1 They ____________ at the train station at 9:30.
2 I ____________ to the teacher about our homework.
3 Sandra ____________ to my apartment.
4 We ____________ our guests from Seoul at
the airport. 5
5 His art class ____________ last Tuesday night.
Pronunciation total 10

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 30

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10  Reading and Writing   B Starter

READING 4 Before they stopped making trips to the moon,

American astronauts made ________ trips in total.
1 Read the text and choose the correct number or A three ■  B five ■  C seven ■  
date to complete the sentences.
5 The last trip to the moon was in ________.
A 1970 ■  B 1971 ■  C 1972 ■  
A man on the moon 5
On July 21, 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong
opened the door of the lunar module, the Eagle, and walked
2 Read the text again and check (✓) True or False.
outside. He was on the moon. He was the first man in
1 Armstrong walked on the moon before Aldrin.
history to walk on the moon. It was a fantastic moment.
A few minutes later, Buzz Aldrin was the second man on the
■  False ■  
moon. Armstrong and Aldrin had a camera. They took 2 Aldrin had a camera when he was on the moon.
photos and made a movie of their short time on the moon. ■  False ■  
They also collected information and talked to the American 3 Armstrong and Aldrin didn’t talk to anyone when
president, Richard Nixon, on the phone. Nixon said it was a they were on the moon.
“historic phone call.” They placed an American flag there
and went back to Earth.
■  False ■  
4 Armstrong and Aldrin were on the moon for a
July 21, 1969 was a very important and exciting day. On
long time.
Earth, a lot of people listened to their radios all day because
they wanted to hear the news about the men on the moon. ■  False ■  
And everybody in the world watched the news to see the 5 Today, people don’t remember the first walk on
first pictures of the men on the moon. Was it true? Was it the moon.
real? People didn’t believe what they saw. And today, ■  False ■  
people over 50 can remember where they were when
6 People were not very interested in the second trip to
Armstrong walked on the moon.
the moon.
In November 1969, the Americans traveled to the moon
again and everybody watched. In the 1970s, astronauts
■  False ■  
went on five more trips. But after that, the American
7 The astronauts left a flag on the moon.
government decided that they didn’t want to spend millions ■  False ■  
and millions of dollars on trips to the moon. The last man on 8 At first, news of the men on the moon wasn’t on
the moon was there in 1972. the radio.
■  False ■  
Example: Armstrong first walked on the moon on 9 TV stations didn’t have pictures of the first walk on
July________. the moon.
A 21 ■
✓   B 22 ■  C 23 ■  
■  False ■  
1 The first trip to the moon was in _____. 10 The American government stopped trips because
A 1969 ■  B 1970 ■  C 1972 ■   they were expensive.
2 Only ________ walked on the moon on that ■  False ■  
first trip.
A  one man  ■  B two men ■  
C  three men  ■  
Reading total 15
3 In 1969, the Americans made ________ to
the moon.
A  one trip  ■  B two trips ■  
C  three trips  ■  

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10  Reading and Writing   B Starter

1 Answer the questions about an important day that
you remember.
1 What was the important day?
2 When was it?
3 What happened?
4 Where were you on this day?
5 What did you do?
Writing total 10

Reading and Writing total 25

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10  Listening and Speaking   B Starter

LISTENING 3 Your partner has information about Paul. Ask

your partner questions and complete the form
1 Listen to a woman interviewing a man about his with the information.
vacation. Underline the correct information.
Which university / Paul go to?
1 His name is Sean Flynn / Shaun Flynn.
2 His vacation was in Spain / France. What / he study?
3 He went in the summer / winter. When / Paul / start college?
4 He went with his friends / his girlfriend. When / Paul / finish college?
5 He stayed in hotels / with friends and family. What / first job?
5 When / get / first job?
When / finish / first job?
2 Listen to five conversations and answer the Where / go to / May 2007?
questions. Check (✓) A, B, or C.
When / go to Thailand?
1 When is Annie’s birthday?
A  July 21  ■  B July 22 ■  C July 23 ■  
Name: Paul Jones
2 Where was Joe at one o’clock yesterday?
A  in a café  ■  B at work ■  C at a Chinese Application for position of: Travel Agent
restaurant  ■   Personal Information
3 What did Frank have for lunch on Sunday? Education: University of 1___________________
A  a meal in a restaurant  ■  B pizza ■   Major: 2_________________ from 3_____________ to
C sandwiches ■   4
4 When did Tina go away last week? First Job: 5_______________ from 6_____________ to
A  Monday the 5th  ■  B Tuesday the 8th ■   7
C  Saturday the 12th  ■  
Travel Experience: Trip to 8________ (May
5 What does Helen do on her computer? 2007) and Thailand (9________)
A  She chats online  ■  B She plays games ■  
C  She checks email  ■  
4 Sandra wants to work in sports. Read the
information about her life in the form and answer
your partner’s questions.
Listening total 10

Name: Sandra Spencer

Application for position of: Sports Trainer
1 Answer your partner’s questions about New Personal Information
Year’s Eve (December 31) last year.
Education: Arizona State University
2 Now ask your partner these questions.
Major: Sports Science from January 20, 2006 to
1 Where were you on New Year’s Eve (December 31) April 7, 2007
last year?
First Job: Sports Teacher (from August 10,2007
2 Who were you with?
to March 28,2008)
3 What did you do?
Sports Experience: Played at a women’s soccer World
4 What did you like about the day or the evening?
Cup (July 2007) and played in three tennis tournaments­—
met Rafa Nadal!— (Summer 2008)

Speaking total 15

Listening and Speaking total 25

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