AEF0 File2 TestA PDF

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2  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A Starter

GRAMMAR 3 A What’s your address?

B It’s ___________.
1 Underline the correct word.
A 89 Franklin Street  ■   B Room 28  ■  
Example: Are he / they Peruvian? 4 What’s your zip code?
1 Are we / it in room 21? A (847) 555-2000  ■   B 12866  ■  
2 A Do you and Mick live on State Street? 5 A What’s your cell phone number?
B Yes, I / we do. B It’s _________.
3 They are from Brazil. It’s / They’re Brazilian. A (649) 555-2228  ■   B  ■  
4 A Are you Japanese?
B No, we isn’t / aren’t.
5 You / They aren’t American. Sam is from England, Vocabulary total 10
and Carla is from Spain.
5 Underline the stressed syllable.
2 Complete the questions.
Example: Eng|lish
Example: How old are they?
1 ___________ your phone number? 1 Pe|ru
2 _________ you students? 2 Mex|i|can
3 A ___________ is John? 3 Ca|na|da
B He’s my friend. 4 Ja|pa|nese
4 _________ are you from? 5 Por|tu|gal
5 A What’s your ___________? 5
B It’s 263 King Street.
5 6 Match the words with the same sound.

Grammar total 10 English  Saudi  teacher  tomorrow  house

VOCABULARY Example: bags keys

1 Portugal ________
3 Write the words.
2 she ________
Example: 80 eighty
3 his ________
1 37 __________________
4 vacation ________
2 61 __________________
5 zero ________
3 48 __________________
4 72 __________________ 5

5 50 __________________ Pronunciation total 10

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 30
4 Check (✓) the correct word to complete
the answer.
1 A What’s your email?
B It’s ___________.
A   ■   B It’s 555-6289.  ■  
2 What’s your phone number?
A Three.  ■   B 862-555-8001.  ■  

American English File Starter Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 1

2  Reading and Writing   A Starter

READING 4 How are Jan and Greg?

They’re ________.
1 Read the message and match the words in the box
to the descriptions. 5 What is Greg’s email address?
It’s ___________.
Hi, friends. We’re in a new house now! The house is great. 6 What is Jan’s email address?
We are fine. It’s _________________.
Our home phone number is the same. It’s (512) 555- 2740. 7 What is Greg’s cell phone number?
New cell phone numbers: It’s ______________.
Jan: (512) 555 – 5592. 8 What is Jan’s cell phone number?
Greg: (512) 555 – 4661. It’s ________.
My new email address: 8
Email for Greg:
Reading total 15
Our new address:
Jan and Greg Nelson
40 Grand Street
Dallas, TX 75203
1 Answer the questions about yourself.
1 What’s your cell phone number?
Please call or write!
2 What’s your email address?
Jan and Greg
3 How old are you?
Address  Jan’s cell phone  Greg’s cell phone   ________________________
Jan’s email   Greg’s email  Last name  
4 What’s your address?
Home phone   zip code
Example: Greg’s email 5 Where are you from?
1 40 Grand Street, Dallas, TX, 75203 __________ ________________________
2 Nelson __________ 5
3 __________
4 (512) 555-4661 __________ 2 Now answer the questions about a woman friend
5 (512) 555-5592 __________ or family member.
6 (512) 555-2740 __________ 1 What’s her name?
7 75203 __________ ________________________
2 Where is she from?
7 ________________________
3 How old is she?
2 Read the text again and complete the answers to ________________________
the questions.
4 Is she married?
Example: A Where are Jan and Greg? ________________________
B They’re in a new house.
5 Where is she now?
1 What street are they on? ________________________
They’re on ________.
2 What is the name of the city?
It’s ________. Writing total 10
3 What is the home phone number?
It’s ________. Reading and Writing total 25

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2  Listening and Speaking   A Starter

LISTENING 2 Now answer your partner’s questions.

1 Listen to Mick Maloney place an order over the 3 Your partner has information about Joanna. Ask
phone. Check (✓) the information he gives. your partner questions and complete the form.
country  ■
First name: Joanna Last name: _________________
address ■
Telephone number: ___________ Cell: __________
email address  ■ Address: __________ Email address: ____________
work phone number  ■
date  ■
4 Read the form. Answer your partner’s questions.
cell phone number  ■
credit card number  ■ First name: Jim Last name: Kohny
nationality  ■ Telephone number: (667)555-8888
Cell: (667)555-2298
Address: 12 C St., Davis, California, 95515
2 Listen to five conversations and answer the Email address:
questions. Check (✓) A, B, or C.
1 How do you spell Adam’s last name? Speaking total 15

A P-E-T-E-R-S-O-N ■
Listening and Speaking total 25
B P-A-T-T-E-R-S-O-N ■
C P-A-T-T-E-R-S-E-N ■
2 Where is Anna from?
A  The United States  ■  B Canada ■  
C Russia ■  
3 What is Sally’s nationality?
A Canadian ■  B Brazilian ■   C Portuguese
4 When is the concert?
A  Friday night  ■  B Saturday night ■  
C  next week  ■  
5 How old is Mark?
A sixteen ■   B nineteen  ■  
C twenty-nine ■  

Listening total 10

1 Ask your partner these questions.
1 What’s your address?
2 What’s your zip code?
3 What’s your home phone number?
4 What’s your cell phone number?
5 What’s your email address?

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