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1) The source of the wave pulse is vibration because of a quick shake at one end

of the rope.
2) As you create the pulse, there is a quick up and down movment of your hand.
As the waves pass by, the colored ribbon moves up and down repetitively. It
does not move in the same direction as the passing waves. Instead, it vibrates
along the axis perpendicular to the direction of travel of the passing waves.
3) The source of the wave pulse is the vibration due to a quick shake at one end
of the rope. As you create the pulse, there is quick up and down movement of
your hand. As the waves pass by, the colored ribbon moves up and down
repetitively. It does not move in the same direction as the passing waves.
4) The colored ribbon didn’t transport from its initial/original position to the end
of the rope. …The colored ribbon, still didn’t transport from its initial/original
position to the end of the rope because it seems impossible.
5) NO. It moves in perpendicular.*The source is the straight line and the ribbon is
the horizontal line.
6) The colored ribbon didn’t transport from its initial/original position to the end
of the rope because it seems impossible.
7) The colored ribbon doesn’t move, it only moves up and down but as the
vibration continue, the colored ribbon doesn’t move or go with the flow it only
stays and moves up and down.
8) YES. According to the first law of motion, an object will remain at rest or in
motion unles there is an external unbalanced force that acts upon the object.
This first law of motion is also called the law of inertia.
If we were going to analyze the situation, the waves of the water are
exerting a force into the boat. Since there is an, external force thet acts upon
the boat, therefore the boat will move thus settings the paper boat into
To set an object into motion, it will require an external unbalance force.
9) If you exert more energy in creating periodic waves by tapping the surface
using greater force, this would greatly affect the movement of the paper boat.
The paper boat may move sideways trying hard to balance because the boat
will totally be shaken by the waves.
10) “As shown in the figure the passage of the wave across a surface of a body
of water involves the motion of particles following a circular pattern abour
their original position.”
11) Waves do not transport water molecules from the source of vibration. You
should remember that wave only carries energy hence, it does not cary
molecules or particles with it.
Waves cary energy by making the particles move back and forth or up and
down bumping each other. In this situation, the particles are not carried away
but their movement caused the transfer of energy from one particle to
another as the bump each other.

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