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Answer – Q.

I – LR_G6_PAGE_168
1. Who are the characters in the play?
Lord Canterville, Mr and Mrs. Otis, Mrs. Umney,
Washington, Virginia, the twins, the ghost.
2. Who are the newcomers? Why are they not scared
of the ghost?
Mr and Mrs Otis and their entire family. They are a
bunch of unafraid American family. They are people
of modern thoughts and don’t believe in ghost or
anything related to it.
3. Describe the Canterville ghost.
Consider the following points - Old man, eyes –
red like burning coals, long grey matted hair, lad
in old-fashioned dirty clothes, wrist and ankles
bound by rusty chains.
4. What has been the effect of the ghost on the
Mrs Umney the housekeeper has not been able
to close her eyes in sleep due to the awful
things that she experienced.

all of a sudden
come into mind
fall in line
I can assure you
so to speak
surf the web
Text book answers:
1. Lord Canterville and Mrs. Umney believe
that ghosts exist. The Otises do not believe in
ghosts. The Otises did not believe in ghosts but
the Cantervilles did.
2. Yes. Mr and MrsOtis, Washington and the twins,
Lewis and Clark think the ghost may exist, but they
need not be afraid of it. The twins decide to sleep in
the library and wait for the ghost , and plan to jump
on him. Mr Otis tells the ghost to oil his chains
that were creaking. He even gives a bottle of oil
to the ghost.
3. The ghost seems to recognise the newcomers. He
knows that they are from America, the modern country
and are arrogant. They think they can buy everything
with their money.
4. In scene 1 we see what the ghost did to the Dowager
Duchess of Bolton, the great- aunt of Lord Canterville.
5. a

Structure and Usage

2. a. A new computer game was shown to
me by my brother.
b. I was shown a new computer game by my brother.
3. a. My friend has been offered a new job by the
b. A new job has been offered to my friend by the
4. a. She was given a special prize by the judges.
b. A special prize was given to her by the
5. a. This book was given to me by Ritesh.
b. I was given this book by Ritesh.
Words in Use
1. I suppose he wanted to get over with
the ghost-ridden mansion.
2. I reckon that they found it to their taste.
3. I fear that the ghost was awakened by
the act.
4. I’m afraid we’d never know.
5. I imagine they did.

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