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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology Student: Bianca Mikaela F.

Block: 262



Brand Name: Diamox Generic Name: Acetazolamide Drug Classification: Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

Dosage, Route & Frequency

Drug-Drug & Drug-Food Side Effects Adverse Reactions (By
Recommende Drug Action Indications Contraindications
Prescribed Interactions (By System) System)
IV (Adults):  Inhibition of Drug-Drug:  Lowering of  Hypersensitiv CNS: depression, CNS: depression,
Glaucoma carbonic Excretion of barbiturates, intraocular ity or cross- fatigue, weakness, fatigue, weakness,
(closed anhydrase in aspirin, and lithium isqand pressure in the sensitivity drowsiness. drowsiness.
angle)—250– the eye results may lead topeffectiveness. treatment of with EENT: transient EENT: transient
500 mg, may in decreased Excretion of amphetamine, glaucoma. sulfonamides nearsightedness. nearsightedness.
repeat in 2– 4 secretion of quinidine, procainamide, Management of may occur; GI: anorexia, metallic GI: anorexia, metallic
hr to a aqueous and possibly tricyclic acute altitude Hepatic taste, nausea, vomiting, taste, nausea,
maximum of 1 humor. antidepressantsispand may sickness. Edema disease or melena. vomiting, melena.
g/day. Inhibition of lead to toxicity. due to HF. insufficiency; GU: crystalluria, renal GU: crystalluria, renal
Edema—250– renal carbonic Mayqcyclosporine levels Adjunct to the Concurrent calculi. Derm: STEVENS- calculi. Derm:
375 mg/day. IV anhydrase, treatment of use with JOHNSON SYNDROME, STEVENS-JOHNSON
(Children): resulting in refractory ophthalmic rashes. SYNDROME, rashes.
Glaucoma—5– self-limiting seizures. carbonic Endo: hyperglycemia. F Endo: hyperglycemia. F
10 mg/kg q 6 urinary Unlabeled Use: anhydrase and E: hyperchloremic and E: hyperchloremic
hr, not to excretion of Reduce inhibitors acidosis, hypokalemia, acidosis, hypokalemia,
exceed 1 sodium, cerebrospinal (brinzolamid growth retardation (in growth retardation (in
g/day. potassium, fluid production e, children receiving children receiving
Edema— 5 bicarbonate, in hydrocephalus. dorzolamide) chronic therapy). chronic therapy).
mg/kg/dose and water. CNS Prevention of is not Hemat: APLASTIC Hemat: APLASTIC
once daily. IV inhibition of renal calculi recommende ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC
(Neonates): carbonic composed of uric d; OB: Avoid ANEMIA, LEUKOPENIA. ANEMIA, LEUKOPENIA.
Hydrocephalus anhydrase and acid or cystine. during first Metab: weight loss, Metab: weight loss,
—5 resultant trimester of hyperuricemia. hyperuricemia.
mg/kg/dose q diuresis pregnancy.. Neuro: paresthesias. Neuro: paresthesias.
6 hrqby 25 maypabnormal Misc:allergic reactions Misc:allergic reactions
mg/kg/day up neuronal firing. including ANAPHYLAXIS. including
to a maximum Alkaline ANAPHYLAXIS.
of 100 diuresis
mg/kg/day prevents
precipitation of
uric acid or
cystine in the
urinary tract.
Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE) Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE)
Assessment Patient/Family Teaching
● Observe for signs of hypokalemia (muscle weakness, malaise, fatigue, ECG changes, ● Instruct patient to take as directed. Take missed doses as soon as possible unless almost time for next
vomiting). dose. Do not double doses. Patients on anticonvulsant therapy may need to gradually withdraw
● Assess for allergy to sulfonamides. medication.
● Intraocular Pressure: Assess for eye discomfort or decrease in visual acuity. ● Advise patient to report numbness or tingling of extremities, weakness, rash, sore throat, unusual
● Seizures: Monitor neurologic status in patients receiving acetazolamide for seizures. bleeding or bruising, fever, or signs/symptoms of a sulfonamide adverse reaction (Stevens-Johnson
Initiate seizure precautions syndrome [flu-like symptoms, spreading red rash, or skin/mucous membrane blistering], toxic epidermal
Potential Nursing Diagnoses necrolysis [widespread peeling/blistering of skin]) to health care professional. If hematopoietic reactions,
Disturbed sensory perception (visual) (Indications) fever, rash, hepatic, or renal problems occur, acetazolamide should be discontinued.
Implementation Evaluation/Desired Outcomes
● Do not confuse acetazolamide with acetohexamide. Do not confuse Diamox with ● Decrease in intraocular pressure when used for glaucoma. If therapy is not effective or patient is
Diabinese. unable to tolerate one carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, using another may be effective and more tolerable.
● Encourage fluids to 2000– 3000 mL/day, unless contraindicated, to prevent ● Decrease in the frequency of seizures.
crystalluria and stone formation. ● Reduction of edema.
● A potassium supplement without chloride should be administered concurrently with ● Prevention of altitude sickness.
acetazolamide. ● Prevention of uric acid or cystine stones in the urinary tract.


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