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Physics test

1 When a plastic rod rubbed with wool is brought near the knob of a negatively charged gold leaf electroscope,
the gold leaves
1. Contract (2) Dilate
(3) Start oscillating (4) Collapse completely

2 What is the amount of charge possessed by 1 kg of electrons?

(1) 1.76 × 1011 C (2) 1.76 × 10–9 C
(3) 1.76 × 10–7 C (4) 1.76 × 10–5 C

3 Two point charges Q1 and Q2 exert a force F on each other when kept certain distance apart. If the charge
on each particle is halved and the distance between the two particles is doubled, then the new force between
the two particles would be
1. F/2 (2) F/4 (3) F/8 (4) F/16

4 Two equally charged identical small balls kept some fixed distance apart exert a repulsive force F on each
other. A similar uncharged ball, after touching one of them is placed at the mid-point of line joining the two
balls. Force experienced by the third ball is
(1) 4F (2) 2F (3) F (4)
5 Two equal point charges A and B are R distance apart. A third point charge placed on the perpendicular
bisector at a distance ‘d’ from the centre will experience maximum electrostatic force when
1. = 2) = 3) = √2 4) =  2√2
√ √
6 Four charges each equal to Q are placed at the four corners of a square and a charge q is placed at the centre of
the square. If the system is in equilibrium then the value of q is
1) 1 + 2√2 ∗  2)  ∗ 1 + 2√21 3)−  ∗ 1 + 2√2 4)−  ∗ 1 + 2√2

7 Three charges +4q, Q and q are placed in a straight line of length l at points 0, 2 and distance away from one end
respectively. What should be Q in order to make the net force on q to be zero?

(1) –q (2) 4q (3) – q/2 (4) –2q

8 ABC is an equilateral triangle. Charges +q are placed at each corner. The electric field intensity at the centroid of
triangle will be
A +q

O r
+q +q

1 q
(1) (2) 1 (3) Zero
1 3q
(3) ×q
4πε0 r × 2
4πε0 r
4πε0 r
9 How many electrons should be removed from a coin of mas 1.6 g, so that it may float in an electric field of intensity
109 N/C directed upward?

(1) 9.8 × 107 (2) 9.8 × 105 (3) 9.8 × 103 (4) 9.8 × 101

10 Point charges each of magnitude Q are placed at three corners of a square as shown in the diagram. What
is the direction of the resultant electric field at the fourth corner?
D +Q

+Q –Q

(1) OC (2) OE (3) OD (4) OB

11 . The figure shown is a plot of electric field lines due to two charges Q1 and Q2. The sign of charges is


(1) Both negative (2) Q1 positive and Q2 negative

(3) Both positive (4) Q1 negative and Q2 positive

12 An uncharged sphere of metal is placed in a uniform electric field produced by two oppositely charged plates.
The lines of force will appear as

(1) (2) (3) (4)

13. What is the force between two small charged spheres having charges of 2 x 10-7 C and 3 x 10^-7 C placed 30 cm
apart in air?
1) 6x10^-3 N 2)5x10^-3N 3)6x10^-4N 4)6.4x10^-3N

14. A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have negative charge of 3x 10^-7 C. Estimate the number of
electrons transferred?

1)3x10^12 e 2)1.87x10^12 e 3)510^11 e 4)6x10^8 e

15. Two charges +10µC, -10µC are placed 5.0 mm apart. Determine the electric field at a point P on the axis of the
dipole 15cm away from its centre O on the side of the positive charge, as shown in the fig

-10µC +10µC

1) 2.7 x 10^5 N/C 2) 3.5 x10^5 N/C 3) 2 x10^6 N/C 4) 4.2 x10^5 N/C

16. An electron falls through a distance of 1.5 cm in a uniform electric field of magnitude 2.0 x 10^4 N/C. Compute the
time of fall.
1) 3.5 x10^-9s 2) 2.9 x10^-9s 3) 3 x10^11s 4) 2.2 x10^10s

17. Consider the charges q, q and –q placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. What is the force on each charge?
1) F1=F2=2F, F3=  2) F1=F2=F, F3=√3 3) F1=F2=F/2, F3=F 4) F1=F3=2F, F2=F/2

18. What is the distance between the 2 small charged sphere 5x10^-7C and 3x10^-7C, whose force is given as 5N?

1) 2.64 x10^-2m 2) 1.64 x10^-2m 3) 2 x10^-2m 4) 3.2 x10^-2m

19. A charged gold leaf electroscope has its leaves apart by certain amount having enclosed air. When
the electroscope is subjected to X-rays, then the leaves
(1)Further dilate (2) Start oscillating
(3) Collapse (4) Remain unaltered
20. Consider three point objects P, Q and R. P and Q repel each other, while P and R attract. What is the nature of force
between Q and R?

(1) Repulsive force (2) Attractive force (3) No force (4) None of these

21. A square surface of side L meter in the plane of the paper is placed in a uniform electric field E (volt/m) acting along the
same plane at an angle θ with the horizontal side of the square as shown in figure. The electric flux linked to the surface,
in units of volt-m, is

(1) Zero (2) EL2

(3) EL2 cosθ (4) EL2 sin

22 A charge q is located at the centre of a cube. The electric flux through any face of the cube is
2πq 4πq πq q
(1) (2) (3) (4)
6(4πε0 ) 6(4πε0 ) 6(4πε0 ) 6(4πε0 )
23 Electric field at centre O of semicircle of radius a having linear charge density λ is given as

1) 2λ/ε0a 2) phiλ/ε0a 3) λ/2phiε0a 4) λ/phiε0a

24 When air is replaced by a dielectric medium of constant K, the maximum force of attraction between
two charges separated by a distance

1)Increases K times (2) Remains unchanged (3) Decreases K times (4) Increases K–2 times

25 The given figure gives electric lines of force due to two charges q1 and q2. What are the signs of the
two charges?

(1) q1 is positive but q2 is negative (2) q1 is negative but q2 is

(3) Both are negative (4) Both are positive

26 Three point charges +q, –2q and +q are placed at points (x = 0, y = a, z = 0), (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) and
(x = a, y = 0, z = 0) respectively. The magnitude and direction of the electric dipole moment vector of this
charge assembly

1. qa along + x direction

2. qa along + y direction

3. 2 qa along the line joining points (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) and (x = a, y = a, z = 0)

4. qa along the line joining points (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) and (x = a, y = a, z = 0)

27. An electron falls from rest through a vertical distance h in a uniform and vertically upward directed electric
fieldE. The direction of electric field is now reversed, keeping its magnitude the same. A proton
is allowed to fall from rest in it through the same vertical distance h. The time of fall of the
electron, in comparison to the time of fall of the proton is
(1) Smaller (2) 5 times greater (3) Equalm (4) 10 times greater

28. A charge Q is enclosed by a Gaussian spherical surface of radius R. If the radius is doubled, then the outward
electric flux will

(1) Be doubled (2) Increase four times (3) Be reduced to half (4) Remain the same
29. Six point charges are placed at the vertices of a hexagon of side 1m as shown in figure.
Net electric field at the centre of the hexagon is
–q –q

q –q

q -q
1) Zero 2) 6q/4phiε0 3) q/4phiε0 4) q/phiε0

30 The figure shows electric field lines. If EA and EB are electric fields at A and B and distance AB is r, then

(1) E A > EB (2) EA = EB /r (3) EA < EB (4) EA = E /r^2

31. Figure shows three concentric metallic spherical shells. The outermost shell has charge q2, the innermost
shell has charge q1, and the middle shell is uncharged. The charge appearing on the inner surface of outermost
shell is

r1 r2

1) q1+q2 2) q2/2 3) Zero 4) –q1

32. A dipole with an electric moment p is located at distance r from a long thread charged uniformly with linear
charge density λ Find the force acting on the dipole if the vector p is oriented along the thread

1) pλ/2πεοr^2 2) ) pλ/2πεοr 3) ) p/2πεοrλ 4) Ζero

33. An electron is rotating around an infinite positive linear charge in a circle of radius 0.1 m, if the linear
charge density is 1 µC/m, then the velocity of electron in m/s will be

(1) 0.562 × 107 (2) 5.62 × 107 (3) 562 × 107 (4) 0.0562 × 107

34 An isolated solid metal sphere of radius R is given an electric charge. Which of the graphs below best
shows the way in which the electric field E varies with distance x from the centre of the sphere?

3) E
1) E 2)E



35. If an electric field is given by 10iˆ+3j + 4k, calculate the electric flux through a surface of area 10 units
lying in XZ plane

1)100 its 2) 10 units 3) 30 units 4) 40 units

36. A charged body has an electric flux F associated with it. Now if the body is placed inside a conducting
shell then the electric flux outside the shell is
(1) Zero (2) Greater than F (3) Less than F (4) Equal to F

37.A hemispherical surface of radius R is kept in a uniform electric field E as shown in figure. The flux through the
curved surface

1)E2πR^2 2) EπR^2 3) E4πR^2 4) Zero

38 Two charges of +25 × 10–9 coulomb and –25 × 10–9 coulomb are placed 6 m apart. Find the
electric field intensity ratio at points 4 m from the centre of the electric dipole (i) on axial line
(ii) on equatorial line
1)1000/49 2) 49/1000 3) 500/49 4) 49/500

39. Electric charge Q, Q and –Q respectively are placed at the three corners of an equilateral triangle of
side a. Magnitude of the electric dipole moment of the system is

1)√2Qa 2) √3Qa 3)Qa 4) 2Qa

40. In a uniform electric field if a charge is fired in a direction different from the line of electric field then
the trajectory of the charge will be a

(1) Straight line (2) Circle (3) Parabola (4) Ellipse

41, A Sphere of radius r has electrical charge uniformly distributed in its entire volume. At a distance d
from the Centre inside the sphere (d< r) the electric field intensity is directly proportional to the

1) 1/d 2) 1/d^2 3) d 4) d^2

42. If a solid and a hollow conducting sphere have same radius then

1 Hollow sphere will hold more maximum charge

2. Solid sphere will hold more maximum charge
3. Both the spheres will hold same maximum charge
4. Both the sphere can’t hold charge
43. Five balls marked a to e are suspended using separate threads. Pairs (b, c) and (d, e) show
electrostatic repulsion while pairs (a, b), (c, e) and (a, e) show electrostatic attraction. The ball
marked a must be
1) Negatively charged (2) Positively charged
(3) Uncharged (4) Any of the above is possible

44. Two large thin metal plates are parallel and close to each other on their inner faces the plates have a
surface charge densities of opposite signs and of magnitude of 17 X 10^-22 C/m^2 What is E in the
outer region and b/w the plates

1) Zero & 2.92X10^-10 N/C 2) zero & 1.92X10^-10 N/C

3) 1.92X 10^-10 N/C & 1.92X10^-10 N/C 4) 2.92X10^-10 N/C & 1.92X10^-10N/C

45. A particle of mass m and carrying charge –q1 is moving around a charge +q2 along a circular path of radius
r. Find the period of revolution of the charge –q1

1) 3 3 2) 3) 4) Zero
16π ε 0mr 3 3
8π ε 0mr q1 q2
q1 q2
q1 q2 16π ε mr

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