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Accede, Accustom, Addict Assent, Attend, Belong, Concede, Fatal,

Devote, Invite, Lead, oblige, Prefer Tend, Yield, trary, Equal

Faithful, Fatal, Harmful, Kind,True.


1. God is kind on us. FIncorrecto

God is kind to us. (Correct)

2 She belongs with a noble family. (Incorrect)

She belongs to a noble family, (Correct)

Accuse, Aware, Beware, Consist, Deprive, Remind, Repent, Afraid,

Certain, Confident, Conscious, Envious, Hopeful, Ashamed,

Desirous, Fond, Jealous, Proud, vain, Worthy.


l. He was afraid from a lion. (Incorrect)

He was afraid of a lion. (Correct)

2. She is worthy for this post. (Incorrect)

She is worthy of this post. (Correct)



Blame, Bound, Candidate, Care, Eligibie, Long, Desire, Apology


1. This ship is bound to England. (Incorrect)

This ship is bound for England. (Correct)

2. He not eligible of this post.aacorrecy

He is not eligible for this post (Correct

charge, Popular, condole, Busy.Interfere,Quarrel, Comply.


1, He was

harged of theft anoorree)

He was charged vith theft. (Correcy

2 She is busy in her work (Incorrect)

She is busy with

her work. Correct)

Amaze, Disappoiat Glad, Good,Laugh, Knock,stare,Aiarmed,


L Do Dat laugh on che poor.0ncorrec)

Do not laugh at the poor. (Correo)

2 She is good in Eaglish.0ncorrect)

She is good at Eng isa (CorrectO

Depend, Insist. Rely, Revenge, CammenLimpose.


1. Do aot depend a fair-weather friends (Incorrect)

Do not depend on fair-weather frieeds. (Correct)

2. You should re

at your good frieads aocorrect)

You should rely on your good friends (Correct)

Believe, Trust, Lack, Deficient, Excel, Persist, Deal.


l. Always trust on God. (Incorrect)

Always trust in God. (Correct)

2. Please believe on me.

Please believe in me. (Correct)

1 Agree with-en


Agree to -en cz

1 Anxious about tn 12

Anxious for.

tre u C2

4 Part from t

Part with -tx

5. vexed with.

6 Blind of. tx

Engage -tr Jr


Engage to-tnuf
Quick in. tnx errs

Tire with G

12. Pray to.

13 Trust in.

Trust with

K wait for

Die with

Die by.

Die from

Preposition erbe -9

Love, Marry, Reach, Attack ,Resemble, Pass,Meet,Discuss.


1. He reached at the station in

reached the station in time. (Correct)

2. She married with her cousin.


She married her cousin. Correct)

She was married to her cousin. Correct)

-4 Pre posi

L The pen is to write. (incorrect)

The pea is to write with.


2. The road is to go (ncorrect)

The road is to go by. Correct)

3 Igave him a gun to shcot. (Incorrect)

I gave him a gun toshoot with (Correct)

4 Please get a chair to sit (incorrect)

Please get a chair to sit on.


whom was she talking? Incorrect)

whom was she talking to? (Correct)

6 What is he looking ncorrect

What is he looking at (Correct)

This is the story she is interested. (Incorrect)

This is the story she is interested in. (Correct)

The patient has been operated. (Incorrect)

The patient has been operated upon. (Correct)

1. It is time to rest.

2. The birds chirp on the trees.

3. The moon shines on the sky

4. He writes with red ink.

5. I was not allowed to sit in the I


6. He sat under the shade of a tree

This cheque is of the

National Bank.

8. This chequeiis of Rs. 500/-

9. He swore of God.

10.I said it upon his face.

11. He is ill from fever.

12. He rises at the sun rise.

13. Mother beat him by a stick

14. Open your book on page 60.

15. He will come after two days.

16. Eggs sell in dozen.

17.I am getting late from college.

18. The exannination begins

from Sunday,

19. He was married with a girl.

20. He is not in this committee.

21. He is like a brother for me.

22.He has no child from this wife.

23.I am not your friend since


24 He will come to the office since


25.I congratulate you for your


26 I took leave from the officer.

27.I have sent a letter on his


28. She comes from a noble family.

29. This book is different form that.

30. He was favourite to my


31.Do not spend money for


32. He introduced Aslam with me.

33. I am sorry on my behaviour.

34. He met me in the way.

35.I walked three miles by foot.

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