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NHS Needs Assessment

Kelly O’Connor - Ms. Denke’s Intern

As a School Counseling Graduate student I am conducting a survey as a part of a project. I value

the input from students, teachers, administration, and parents/guardians. Please complete the
below to the best of your ability.

1. Which of the following role describes you?


2. Please mark ONE area that you believe NHS students need the most support in:
Career readiness
College planning
Social-emotional development
Academic skills

3. Please mark the top FIVE most prevalent issues for NHS students:
Lack of motivation
General anxiety
Anger management
Uncertainty about future plans
Study skills/test-taking
Organizational Skills
Coping with stress
Gender or sexual orientation identity
Skipping school
Competing priorities (work, family obligations, etc.)
Health issues (for the student or family members)
Career exploration
Attention in class or on school work
Safety (fear of attending school)
Poverty and/or homelessness
Setting and carrying out goals
Self esteem
Understanding course content

4. Of the top five you identified above, please write below what you believe to be the #1 issue
for NHS students:

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