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The graph shows that the youths are more active using digital banking which is from age

18-25 and the age group of

25-69 have taken initiative but not that much using digital banking.

In which bank do you have account(if you have multiple account which do you use more often)
Icici bank 14 J&k bank 1
Hdfc bank 16 Canera bank 5
Axis bank 9 Bank of india 1
SBI bank 18 Oriental bank 4
Punjab national Bank 17 Yes bank 2
Union bank 3

The graph shows that maximum number of people are having account in SBI Bank which is 20% of the
population,18.9% of the population use PNB as a bank account,17.8% for HDFC, 15.6% for Union Bank,10% for Axis
Bank and 17.7% for others. This shows not only private sector bank are technologically advanced now public sector
bank are also advanced.
Which factor promotes you to use the new techniques in banking?
Reduced time of transactions 5
Cost effectiveness 10
Ease of use 8
Technology savvy 3
All of the above 73
Total 99

The graph shows that 73.7% of the population believes that all the factors(reduced time of transaction, cost
effectiveness, ease of use, technology savvy) are responsible for the promotion of new techniques of banking.
How often you visit you bank branch?
Never 31
Sometimes 58
Always 10
Total 99

The graph shows that maximum number of people visits their branch very often which is 58.6%,31.3% of the
population never visits the branch and 10% of the population always visits the branch which shows that their is a
positive impact of digital banking. This shows now innovation has taken place that you can say your device is your
How frequently do you use E-banking ?(in month)
NIL 15
1 TO 3 TIMES 27

The graph shows that 38% of the population use e-banking for more than 3 times in a day whereas 27% of the
population use for 1-3 times in a day,20% use daily and 15% of the population never use e- banking. This shows that
very less no of people which is 15% are still not using e- banking ,rest 85% have adopted which shows a positive
impact of digital banking.
How frequently do you use mobile banking ? ( in month)
1 TO 3 TIMES 23

The graph shows that 49% of the population use mobile banking for daily purpose which is a very good growth 22%
use for more than 3 times in a day,23% use for 1-3 times in a day whereas only 6% don’t use mobile banking which
shows digital banking growing in a positive way.
Satisfaction levels regarding the various Services Quality Dimensions:

REALIBLITY 67 27 6 100
ACCURACY 65 27 8 100
ASSURANCE 55 34 6 95

The graph shows that 55-67% of people are satisfied by the services (reliability, responsiveness, accuracy, assurance)
provided by the bank whereas 27-43% are neutral and very few 6-8% are dissatisfied which shows to achieve 100%
of satisfaction services are needed to be improved.
How satisfied are you with Working through e-channels?
Satisfied 68
Neutral 29
Dissatisfied 2
Total 99

The graph shows that 68.7% of people are satisfied working through e -channels whereas 29% are neutral, i.e;
neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and only 2% of the population is dissatisfied so more focus should be given to the
neutral ones to convert them into satisfied.
Which attribute of the innovation in bank do you value the most?
Quality of service 12
Technology used 15
Trust 8
All of the above 63
Total 98

The graph shows that more than 50% of the population values all the attributes(quality of service ,technology used,
trust) of innovation which is 64.3% and 8-15% values each of the attributes individually as shown in the table.
Give your feedback on online bank services ?(1 is lowest and 4 is highest)
1 2 3 4 TOTAL
Account info. & balance enquiry 7 14 34 45 100
E-Payments 6 10 34 50 100
Account to account transfer 5 5 42 47 100
Due instalment enquiry 10 14 31 49 100
Statement request 6 18 27 49
(email, fax,etc) 100

The graph shows that 45-50% of the population have rated 4 as feedback 30-40% have rated 3,5-18% have rated 2
and 5-10% have rated 1.It shows that most of the population is happy and satisfied by the services provided by the
Are you satisfied with the security provided by bank in online transaction
Total 100

The graph shows that 78% of the population is satisfied by the security provided by bank in online
transaction,18% of the population is neutral and only 4% of the population is dissatisfied.
Do you feel safe in logging in your bank details in else's device?
YES 49
NO 51

The graph shows that 49% of the population feel safe in logging and giving bank details whereas 51% doesn’t which
shows that people have trust issues regarding that.
What do you trust for online transaction ?
Bank app 37
Bank website 20
Other payment apps 43
Total 100

The graph shows that 37% of the population trust bank app for online transaction,20% of the population trusts bank
website and 43% of the population trusts other payment apps like Google pay ,Phone pay etc.
How frequently do you think banks update their website?
Daily 22
Weekly 31
Monthly 27
Quarterly 20
Total 100

The graph shows that 22% of the people update their bank accounts daily,31% of the population update weekly, 27%
of the population update monthly and 20% of the population update quarterly which shows people are active on
their bank websites.

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