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BackBox Feature Sets – IntelliChecks

Operational, security, and performance standards exist in every organization. Verifying that the
parameters are in place becomes more and more difficult as the network’s complexity
increases. Stopping potential performance problems before they cause catastrophic failures is
key. If an organization doesn’t understand how their devices are configured or operating, they
are prone to a number of risks. BackBox’s IntelliChecks add-on aims to simplify these risks.

• Incorrect and inconsistent configurations – it’s imperative to operational efficiency to

have consistency across the network. When DNS, SMTP, or routing isn’t consistently
defined on a standby cluster member, a failover could be disastrous. If password policies
aren’t properly defined or insecure protocols are in use, the devices are vulnerable.

• Automating compliance – networks are continuing to grow by becoming more and

more complex – the addition of devices and staff bring in the likelihood for improperly
configured devices. There has to be a way to approach compliance that prevents
human interaction.

• Proactive health checking – monitoring trends or application specific parameters to

proactively prevent problems before they become an issue. Checking items that are not
part of a vendor management information base (MIB) – there has to be a way to check
what is important to the organization instead of only what the vendor provides.

• Fixing problems automatically – being told a device is down or not working as intended
is only part of the battle. Administrators are still tasked with troubleshooting to find the
problem, and then fixing the issue once determined. This all takes human interaction
when it could easily be automated to save time and money.

The Solution
BackBox IntelliChecks takes a smart approach to compliance and performance monitoring. The
auditing and monitoring process is no longer arduous because BackBox handles it all. By
providing organizations with an automated, powerful, easy to use tool, BackBox is able to
minimize downtime and maximize uptime.

✓ Reduce operational cost – BackBox IntelliChecks allows organizations to reduce the time
and money spent on audits. Schedule jobs that scan your entire network, looking for
operational and security configuration requirements.

✓ Minimize risk – BackBox prevents overlooking device configurations and failing to check
the correct parameters by doing all the work automatically. By easily ensuring all devices
have been checked, BackBox can help prevent fines and fees incurred through a failed
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✓ Monitor more – BackBox uses each device’s communication protocol to collect

information without the use of agents or proprietary connections. BackBox may use
SNMP, SSH, Telnet and cURL (HTTPS/HTTP) to connect to each device. At the defined
interval, BackBox will open a connection to the device to collect information and
monitor device specific parameters. This is done by analyzing the configuration instead
of pinging or polling the device.

✓ Automate the resolution process – BackBox will not only check to determine the problem,
but it will also make the required changes to remediate them. Once an issue is detected,
BackBox IntelliChecks takes care of the rest. This is handled through phased approach
that elevates BackBox past traditional monitoring solutions.

✓ Discover Trends – BackBox has the ability to monitor IntelliCheck trends. These trends
allow organizations to see how the network has been performing over a period of time.
This becomes extremely valuable because problems can now be easily identified as well
as ensuring the company’s compliance posture is where it should be at all times.

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