Course Outline IBUS 3510 - 05

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Undergraduate Course Outline

Department of Marketing and International Business

School of Business and Economics
IBUS 3510-05 International Business (3,0,0)
Wednesday 18.00-20.50, #Arts and Education 266

1 Instructor
 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin,
 Office: IB 2034
 Tel.: +1-250-828-5237
 Office hours: Monday 14:30-16:00 and Wednesday 14.30-16.00 (or, by appointment)

2 Calendar Description
Students examine globalization and the steps managers take to establish or expand operations in
international markets. They explore the influence of forces such as culture, economics, politics, and
geography on management decision making. Topics include globalization; national differences in political
economy; political economy and economic development; differences in culture; ethics in international
business; international trade theory; the political economy of international trade; foreign direct
investment; regional economic integration; the foreign exchange market; international business strategy;
organization of international business; entry strategy and strategic alliances; global production,
outsourcing and logistics; global marketing and research and development.

3 Educational Objectives/Outcomes
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Explain the different challenges business face when they operate in an international environment
(BT: 2*)
2. Examine the international institutions and practices that impact international business (BT: 4*)
3. Analyse the various cultural, political and legal issues that impact international business activity
(BT: 4*)
4. Appraise the interaction of business and government as they relate to international commerce
(BT: 5*)
5. Identify the economic and political arguments for regional economic integration and the
implications for business that are inherent in regional economic integration agreements (BT: 2*)
6. Explain trade and investment theory, foreign exchange and the determination of foreign exchange rates (BT:
7. Demonstrate how pressures for cost reductions and pressures for local responsiveness influence
strategic choice (BT: 2*)

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8. Show how organization can be matched to strategy to improve the performance of an
international business (BT: 3*)
9. Analyze the three basic decisions that firms contemplating foreign expansion must make: (a)
which markets to enter, (b) when to enter those markets, and (c) on what scale (BT: 4*)
10. Explain how country differences, production technology, and product features all affect the choice
of where to locate production activities (BT: 2*)
11. Distinguish why different entry modes and product attributes may vary from country to country
(BT: 4*)
12. Describe how the globalization of the world economy is affecting new-product development
within the international business firm (BT: 1*)
*) BT = Bloom’s taxonomy,

1 Course Topics
1. Globalization
a. What is globalization?
b. Emergence of global institutions
c. Drivers of globalization
d. Changing demographics of the global economy
e. Globalization debate
f. Managing in the global marketplace
2. National differences in political economy
a. Political systems
b. Economic systems
c. Legal systems
3. Political economy and economic development
a. Differences in economic development
b. Political economy & economic progress
c. States in transition
d. Nature of economic transformation
4. Differences in Culture
a. What is culture?
b. Social structure
c. Individual & groups
d. Religious & ethical systems
e. Language
f. Education
g. Culture & workplace
h. Culture change
5. Ethics in international business
a. Ethical issues in international business
b. Ethical dilemmas
c. Roots of unethical behavior
d. Philosophical approaches to ethics
6. International trade theory
a. Overview of trade theory
b. Mercantilism
c. Absolute advantage

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d. Comparative advantage
e. Heckscher-Olin theory
f. Product life-cycle theory
g. New trade theory
h. National competitive advantage: Porter’s diamond
7. The political economy of international trade
a. Instrument of trade policy: Tariffs, subsidies, import quotas
b. Voluntary export restraints
c. Local content requirements
d. Administrative policies
e. Antidumping policies
f. Government intervention
8. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
a. FDI in the world economy
b. Theories of FDI
c. Political ideology & FDI
d. Benefits and costs of FDI to the host and home countries
e. Government policy instruments and FDI
9. Regional economic integration
a. Levels of economic integration
b. Economic case for integration
c. Political case for integration
d. Impediments to integration
e. Regional economic integration in Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and
10. International business strategy
a. Strategy and the firm
b. Global expansion, profitability, and profit growth
c. Cost pressures & pressures for local responsiveness
d. Choosing a strategy
11. Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliance
a. Basic entry decisions
b. Entry modes
c. Strategic alliances
12. Global marketing and R&D
a. Globalization of markets and brands
b. Market segmentation
c. Product attributes
d. Distribution strategy

4 Prerequisites
 ECON 1950; MKTG 2430/3430

5 Texts/Materials
1. International Business – Competing in the global marketplace by Charles W. L. Hill, 10th
Edition: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2013, New York, NY. ISBN-13: 978-0078112775.

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6 Course Schedule
Week (L,A,R) Topic CH

Intro and class overview and Team formation

Week of Sept. 2
1 L Discussion on group project/s 1
(Sept. 4)
Instructions to team assignment
L Case study method (How to do a case analysis?).
Sept. 9
2 A National differences in political economy 2 &3
(Sept. 11)
R Political economy and economic development

Sept. 16 L
3 Differences in Culture 4
(Sept. 18) R
Sept. 23 L Ethics in international business
4 5
(Sept. 25) R
Sept. 30 L International trade theory
5 6
(Oct. 02) R
Oct. 7 Mid-term Exam (Oct. 23 from 19:00 to 20:45 pm) based on chapters 1 to 5.
6 L, R
(Oct. 9)

Oct. 14 L The political economy of international trade

7 7
(Oct. 16) R Case presentation Team 4.
Oct. 21 L
8 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) 8
(Oct. 23) R
Oct. 28 Regional economic integration 9
9 R
(Oct. 30) Case presentation Team 3,

Nov. 4 L International business strategy 10

(Nov. 6) Case presentation Team 5.

Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliance

Nov. 11 L Project presentation Team 3
11 11
(Nov. 13) Project presentation Team 4
Project Presentation Team 5.

Nov 18 L Global marketing and R&D

12 12
(Nov. 20) Case Presentation Team 2

Nov. 25 Project Presentation Team 1.

13 A 16
(Nov. 27) Case and Project.

Team project report is due the following week of the presentation

Final exam according to the TRU Final Exam Schedule.

*) L = Lecture, A= Assignment, R= Reading

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7 Student Evaluation/ Undergraduate-level Learning Outcomes

Component Individual Team Total Mark (%)

Case analysis (Written report and presentation, 3 to 4

20% 80% 20%
Participation and attendance 100% 0% 10%

Mid-term exam 100% 0% 20%

Group project (Written report and presentation;
20% 80% 25%
Topic will be assigned)
Final exam 100% 0% 25%

8 Participation and attendance

Students are expected to regularly attend classes in this course.

Students are expected to regularly attend classes in this course. Students who miss 3 or more classes will
be withdrawn from the course, according to policy of the department of Marketing, International Business
and Entrepreneurship.

Both attendance and participation are required. However, active participation in class discussions/debates
is required to get full marks for the participation. Quality of the question asked and answered or
comments made will be taken into consideration for grading of the participation.

The attendance and participation mark (10%) consists of three components:

 Attendance in the classroom (Note: Each absence counts for 1%)
 Participation in the class discussions/ debates; asking questions after each team present their team
project and case analysis.
 On-time completion of assignments.

You will be graded on your class attendance and participation. In order to improve levels of participation,
students are required to read the material in advance for every class.

Learning depends upon thorough and lively participation. Research has found that vibrant discussion of a
given subject matter is one of the most effective methods of learning the subject. Consequently, you are
expected to come to each class prepared to discuss the material assigned for that day. The primary
emphasis should be on quality participation, not quantity. It is particularly important that your comments
fit into and build on previous comments. This requires that we all listen carefully to each other. Class
participation will be judged on the basis of quality and consistency of effort on a weekly basis. Students
should note that attendance is not participation. Each student can ascertain the adequacy of her/his
participation by occasional discussion with the instructor.

The following schedule is used as a guideline when assessing your class participation in order to improve
your learning experience in the class.

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 Outstanding (3): Contributions provided major insights as well as a fruitful direction for the
class. Arguments are well-supported (with tangible evidence) and persuasively presented. If this
person were not a member of the class, the quality of the class discussion would have been
significantly diminished.
 Good (2): Contributions were on-target, fairly well-supported and persuasive. If this person were
not a member of the class, the quality of the discussion would have been slightly diminished.
 Attending Non-participant (1): Contributed nothing to the class discussion. A person attends
class but is silent and does not participate in the class discussion.
 Repetitive (0): If a person’s class comments were repetitious and obvious and did not add value to
the class. That is, you will be penalized for ‘airtime’ without value.
 Unsatisfactory (-1): Unsatisfactory contribution occurs in inadequate preparation. If this person
were not a member of the class, the quality of the discussions would have been enhanced.
 Absent or Late (-1): Obviously, one cannot participate if one is absent from the course. Absences
are severely frowned upon. If due to extenuating circumstances, you must miss class, a one page
executive summary of that session’s readings and/or cases must be submitted prior to the class to
receive a comparable credit for attending non-participant (1 point), otherwise the participation
points for that day will be -1.

Attendance will be taken regularly throughout the course immediately at the start of the class. Please
note that every class starts promptly as scheduled and the attendance will be taken at that time. Each
absence will reduce student’s grade by 1%. If the student is not present when the attendance is taken,
the student will be counted as absent.

9 Group Project
The group project is a team assignment on selected topics (Internationalization of a product, service or
firm in a targeted foreign market). The group project is expected to be written in a style that is appropriate
for a university essay assignment, not more than 5 pages (excluding references, relevant tabulations,
appendices etc.), single spaced, font Times New Roman size 12 and it must not consist bullet-point lists.
The written report of group project should include five main parts:
(1) Executive Summary
(2) Introduction
(3) Business opportunities.
(4) Challenges and Strategies to overcome those challenges.
(5) Conclusion.

In the Introduction section you are expected to explain the purpose and objectives as well as the roadmap
(i.e. what are the main points) of the paper. If a position is expected to be taken that should also be
included in the introduction section. In the body of the written report you are expected to cover the main
points of your discussions (differences of business cultures and impact on managerial approaches and how
to develop effective management practices in a targeted foreign country) in a logical, concise and
comprehensive way. In the conclusion section you are expected to summarize the key findings of your
analysis. It is expected that you use proper format for quotations and referencing. In addition the written
report should be free of errors in spelling and punctuation.
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Please note that this course has three learning goals and objectives; i.e 1) Critical thinking and decision
making; 2) Global Awareness and 3) Communication skills. Both during the presentation and in written
report, students must develop those capabilities and demonstrate their understanding. Thirty percent
(30%) of the overall marks of the assignment depend on demonstrating these capabilities.

As regards to the referencing and bibliography are concerned Harvard or APA referencing systems are the
preferred. The written report should include a concise executive summary and table of contents. Please
include reasonable amount of diagrams, and tables (which may also be included in an Appendix).

Students should form a group comprising a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 4 people. Each
group should select two culturally different countries and get my approval. They need to make 25
minutes power point presentation from Week 5 onwards and lead a 10 minutes question and answer
session. The date for presentation will be assigned with the approval of the “topic”. Students will be
given a structure to the work within Week 1/2.

Important notes regarding the group project:

1. The rubric in Appendix A will be used by the Instructor to assess the contents of the written report
of the group project and for the writing part. The oral presentation will be assessed using the rubric
in Appendix C.
2. ‘Group project’ is a group assignment. However, each team member will be evaluated separately by
their peers and these evaluations will be submitted to the Instructor in a sealed envelope when the
written report is due (see Group Member Contribution Assessment sheet in Appendix B). The peer
evaluations are very important and remain confidential. They may be used by the Instructor to
moderate individual student marks.
3. Please submit a soft copy of the assignment on the due date. There will be a 5% penalty for each
day late if the assignment is not handed in on the due date.
4. You must also provide a page count and there will be a penalty of 5% for each half pages over the
10 pages upper limit.
5. Please also attach Appendix D into your written report of the group project.

10 Case Analysis
Students are also required to do a case analysis in a team of 3 or 4 students. Each team will submit a
written analysis and make a presentation in the class. It should be no more than 5 pages with an executive
summary in the beginning. I will provide you choice of 10 cases and you can choose any case from the
list of 10 cases. In a case analysis, students’ role is like a consultant and they might bring innovative
solutions to the challenges facing by the case. These solutions should be practical solutions that could be
implemented with the financial, human and other resources that the company have or have access to. The
written structure of the case:
a) Executive Summary
b) Introduction
c) Responses to challenges facing by the company.
d) Implementation of recommended solutions
e) Conclusion

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Please note that this course has three learning goals and objectives; i.e 1) Critical thinking and decision
making; 2) Global Awareness and 3) Communication skills. Both during the presentation and in written
report, students must develop those capabilities and demonstrate their understanding. Thirty percent
(30%) of the overall marks of the assignment depend on demonstrating these capabilities.

11 Mid-term and Final Examination

The exams for this course will be based on the learned material in this course. When writing the exam by
hand, no computers, course book or additional material can be used. Therefore it is important that you are
very familiar with the relevant course material. In general, questions type True-False, MCQ and short case
analysis/ developmental questions will be given based on the course topics.

Note: If you must miss the exam, or an assignment deadline due to a serious medical problem, please
phone or email the professor prior to the exam or due date to re-schedule. A doctor’s certificate will be
Students may be asked for identification when writing the mid-term test and final examination, so
students should bring their student card to tests and exams to be used as identification.
Students are referred to the University Calendar for information on appeals, withdrawal dates, plagiarism,
cheating, and academic misconduct. Students are expected to abide by these regulations of Thompson
Rivers University.

12 Use of Technology
Students may use laptop computers or electronic devices in the classroom for purposes of taking notes,
reading the electronic textbook, or looking up course-related information. Students may not use laptop
computers or electronic devices in the classroom for non-course related purposes. Students are asked to
turn off their cell phones during classes.

The following technologies may be used in the class:

 Moodle Online Learning Environment

13 Assignment Grading
The grading for assignments and the examination is in accordance with the following University policy:

Letter Grade
Grade Descriptor
Grade Points
A+ 90-100 4.33 Excellent. Superior performance showing comprehensive, in-depth
A 85-89 4.00 understanding of subject matter. Demonstrates initiative and fluency of
A- 80-84 3.67 expression.

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B+ 77-79 3.33
Very Good. Clearly above average performance with knowledge of
B 73-76 3.00
principles and facts generally complete and with no serious deficiencies.
B- 70-72 2.67
C+ 65-69 2.33 Satisfactory. Basic understanding with knowledge of principles and facts
C 60-64 2.00 at least adequate to communicate intelligently in the discipline.
Pass. Some understanding of principles and facts but with definite
C- 55-59 1.67
Minimal Pass. A passing grade indicating marginal performance. Student
D 50-54 1.00
not likely to succeed in subsequent courses in the subject.
F 0-49 0.00 Unsatisfactory. Fail. Knowledge of principles and facts is fragmentary.
Did not complete the course ; less than 50% of course work completed or
DNC 0.00
mandatory course component(s) not completed. No official withdrawal.

14 Teaching and Learning Methodology

‘In the spider-web of facts, many a truth is strangled’ (Paul Eldridge)
‘Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned’ (Mark Twain)

‘Wherever you go, go with all your heart’ (Old Chinese proverb)

There is a There is a multi-disciplinary academic viewpoints in ‘Cross-cultural management’ with

practical business examples, individual and group exercises, class discussion, and developing an
international business plan in a multi-cultural world in this course. Research has indicated that the sharing
of the experiences of the participants is one of the key success factors in adult education.

As you are a student at Thompson Rivers University shows that you are have an interest in learning,
enhancement of your skills in your profession. Due to the fact that there is only a limited time in this class
to cover the multifaceted topics in Cross-cultural management, the following includes a list of policies
and items that will help you complete this course more successfully:
 Participate in the class introduction activity on the first day of class.
 Submit all assignments and take the exams and quizzes by the posted due dates and times.
 Check your emails daily.
 Put your first and last name and your course number, on each of the emails you send to your
professor. Include also a telephone number if necessary.
 Participate fully in all class discussions. Here it is important that you have read the assigned book
chapter and other readings in advance. The interaction enables you to take the most out of the class.
 Contact your professor (preferably by email) if you have questions about an assignment or
need additional help completing your work successfully.
 Academic dishonesty is grounds for dismissal from the program.
 Get to know your fellow students. They can add a great deal of value to your learning by
sharing knowledge and practical experience.
 Reflect after each class session what you have actually learned in the class and how you might
apply your learning in a real life situation. Research has indicated that adult learners need to

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process the learning material three times ideally in different ways. Therefore, reading the
material in advance (1), participation to the class discussions and exercises (2), and various
types of reflections (essays, study groups, brain-storming with classmates, teacher and others
etc.) (3) are important in your learning.
 Also try to identify the pre-conceived ideas that you might have. International business is a
multi-disciplinary course that has more than one correct answer for the same thing. Some
solutions might work in one instance and others in other instances. No single reality may not
be fit with each different context that we face in this field and pre-conceived perceptions/
opinions can differ with a particular context and its recommended to speak up in the class and
discuss the issue without conceiving that your pre-perception is right or wrong.

15 The role of the course in relation to the program learning goals

This course contributes primarily to achieving the undergraduate learning goals and objectives no. 1, 2 and 3:
1. Core Business Knowledge
 Students are able to demonstrate competency in the underlying concepts, theory and tools taught
in the core undergraduate curriculum.
2. Global Awareness
 Students are able to identify and analyze relevant global factors that influence decision-making.
 Students are able to develop viable alternatives and make effective decisions in international
business settings.
3. Communication skills
 Students are able to write effective business documents.
 Students are able to prepare and deliver effective oral business presentations using appropriate

Core Business Global Communication

Knowledge awareness Written Oral
1. Case analysis ✔ ✔ ✔
2. Participation and Attendance ✔ ✔
3. Mid-term exam ✔ ✔
4. Group project ✔ ✔ ✔
5. Final exam ✔ ✔

16 Honour code, academic misconduct and plagiarism detection

As a student of the School of Business and Economics at Thompson Rivers University, I promise to act
honestly, ethically and with integrity. I accept responsibility for my own actions. I will not cheat,
plagiarize, or condone such behaviour in others. For the TRU student honour code please see:

Students enrolled in courses at Thompson Rivers University are expected to adhere rigorously to principles
of intellectual integrity. Plagiarism is a form of intellectual dishonesty in which another person's work is
presented as one’s own. Plagiarism or cheating on examinations or assignments is a serious offence that may

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result in a zero grade on an assignment, a failing grade in a course, or expulsion from the university. For
more information on this important matter, please consult the TRU academic calendar.

17 International Business Instructor

Muhammad Mohiuddin joined Thompson Rivers University (TRU) in July 2014. Before joining Thompson
Rivers University, he taught at Laval University, Quebec, Canada. He completed his PhD and MBA in
International Management from Laval University, Quebec, Canada and MPhil in International Economics. He
is an author/co-author of three book chapters, and has published almost 40 academic and professional articles
and conference papers. His research interests focus on cross-cultural management and organizational
performance, emerging markets, social entrepreneurship, technology and innovation management and
sustainable offshore outsourcing. His opinions on offshore outsourcing were published at the Globe and Mail.
He teaches as visiting professor at universities in Europe, Asia and Latin America. He presented his research
works in major international conferences in Management such as Academy of International Business, Strategic
Management Society (SMS) and ASAC and won ‘best paper awards’ at the ASAC, 2012, ASAC 2014, AIB-NE
2013 and AGBA 2013 conferences. His academic and research excellences enabled him to get awards from the
CIRRELT, FQRSC, SSHRC, ISESCO and Dean’s Award. He collaborates with several researchers from
universities in Canada, USA, China, Malaysia, Pakistan, Benin, Brazil and Bangladesh.

18 Course policies
1. Grading Policy – In accordance with TRU Policy ED 3-5.
2. Attendance Requirements – Students are expected to regularly attend classes in this course.
Students who miss 3 or more classes will be withdrawn from the course, according to policy of the
department of Marketing, International Business and Entrepreneurship.
3. Team Conflict Policy – All team members should actively participate in the assignments, and act
professionally towards each other. During the course, if a student feels this is not occurring, they
should bring this matter to the attention of the instructor immediately so they can investigate the
conflict and take the appropriate action including assigning students a failing grade for the course.
Working effectively in teams and acting professionally towards one’s colleagues is a major
learning goal of the undergraduate program.
4. Academic Integrity Policy – In accordance with TRU Policy 5-0.
5. Late Assignment Policy – A grade of zero will be given for all late assignments.
6. Examinations Policy – In accordance with TRU Policy ED 3-9.
7. Appeals – In accordance with TRU Policy ED 4-0.

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Appendix A: General Writing Rubric

Trait Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

The writer’s decision about focus,
The writer has made good decisions about
The purpose and focus of the writing are organization, style, and content fully
Purpose focus, organization, style, and content so
not clear to the reader elucidate the purpose and keep the purpose
as to achieve the purpose of the writing.
at the center of the piece

Develops unified and coherent ideas

Develops ideas cogently, organizes them
Structure Does not develop ideas cogently, uneven within paragraphs with generally adequate
logically with paragraphs and connects
and ineffective overall organization, transitions; clear overall organization
them with effective transitions. Clear and
unfocused introduction or conclusion relating most ideas together, good
specific introduction and conclusion.
introduction and conclusion.

Language Uses words that are unclear, sentence Word forms are correct, sentence structure Develops concise standard English
structures inadequate for clarity, errors are is effective. Presence of a few errors is not sentences, balances a variety of sentence
seriously distracting distracting. structures effectively.

Statement of Expectations for Writing

 Students at the BBA program are supposed to demonstrate competency in writing.

 In performing these types of written assessment, it is expected that students should at a minimum demonstrate clear purpose, coherent structure and
correct language.

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Appendix B: Teamwork Rubric

TRAIT Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

There is no evidence that group
Most of the team members seem to be All the team members are well prepared
Preparation members have prepared well for the
well prepared for the team exercise. for the team exercise.
team exercise.

Members do not listen to each other and For the most part, listen to each other Group encourages all members to present
have difficulty working together. and work well together. ideas and builds on them.

Roles are clear but there may be some

Roles are not appropriately assigned.
gaps. Clear and appropriate roles are established.
Coordination There is no strong effort to develop a
A reasonable schedule is developed that Effective schedules that will allow goals to
reasonable schedule that will allow
will allow goals to be achieved on time be achieved on time are created.
goals to be achieved on time.
but there may be some gaps.

Team Member Group members show little individual Group members show some individual Group members show high levels of
initiative initiative. initiative. individual initiative.

A major portion of goals/objectives are

not achieved. Goals/objectives are accomplished. Goals/objectives are accomplished.
Quality of Work Group products are not acceptable in Group products are of acceptable quality Group products are outstanding, both
quality and reflect little creativity and and show some creativity. creative and high in quality.

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Appendix C: Oral Presentation Rubric

TRAIT Does Not Meet Expectations Exceeds Expectations
No opening statement or irrelevant
Has opening statement relevant to topic,
statement. Listener can follow Has a clear opening statement that catches
and gives outline of speech. Presentation
Organization presentation only with effort. Some audience’s interest. Stays focused
is clear, logical, and organized. Listener
arguments are not clear. No sequence of throughout.
can follow line of reasoning.

Often hard to understand what is being Can easily understand -- appropriate

said. Voice is too soft, or too loud. Pace pace and volume. No use of filler words
is often too quick or too slow. Use of (such as umm, uh, like). No Excellent delivery. Uses grammatically
filler words (such as umm, uh, like). inappropriate movements (such as: correct and appropriate language.
Inappropriate movements (such as: fidgeting, rocking back and forth). Eye Modulates voice, projects enthusiasm,
fidgeting, rocking back and forth). No contact with members of the audience. interest, and confidence.
eye contact with members of the Use of gestures/body language (when
audience. needed).

Looks at slides (from time to time) to

keep on track with presentation.
Relies heavily on slides and/or notes. Slides are used effortlessly to enhance
Slides/notes are used as a guide (no
Use of media Slides contain too much text. Slides speech. Speech could be effectively
reading). Appropriate number of slides.
contain spelling and/or grammar errors. delivered without them.
Slides contained no spelling and/or
grammar errors.

Goes beyond "average" in delivering a

Missing or poor. No analysis of content. Synthesizes presentation's main points,
Synthesis / Quality content that is very well documented and
No synthesis of points that brought the and draws conclusions based upon the
of analysis persuasive. Appropriate synthesis of main
speaker to the conclusion. analysis of these points.
points. Bottom line is clearly identified.

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Appendix D: Team Member Participation

This is the detailed description of the contribution of the students in the team paper. The following table describes the contribution of the various
team members.

Name Primary responsibility Pages %

Meeting Attendance

Date Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6

Presence 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

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_____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature Signature Signature Signature

Date and time


Appendix F. Critical thinking and decision making learning rubric

TRAIT Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Clearly identifies and summarizes main
Summary of issue is mostly accurate but
problem, question or issue. Identifies
1. Problem Does not attempt to or fails to identify and some aspects are incorrect or confused;
secondary or implicit issues. If applicable,
identification summarize the problem accurately. nuances and critical details are absent or
notes relationships between factors in the
glossed over.
situation and how they relate to each other.
1. Use of evidence is qualified and selective,
though perhaps unintentional. Discerns fact
1. Repeats information provided without 1. Examines the evidence and source of
from opinion and may recognize bias in
question or dismisses evidence without evidence; questions its accuracy, precision,
evidence though attribution is spotty,
2. Preparation adequate justification. relevance, completeness. Information need is
inappropriate, or exaggerated.
and use of 2. Does not distinguish among fact, clearly defined and is related to assignment,
2. Sources selected adequately meet the
relevant opinion, and value judgments. course or personal interests.
information need, though little evidence of
information 3. Sources are not on topic or are 2. Evidence of search, selection, and source
more than routine exploration.
inappropriate. No evidence of search, evaluation skills; notable identification of
3. Demonstrates adequate skill in searching,
selection or source evaluation skills. uniquely salient resources.
selecting, and evaluating sources to meet the
information need.
1. Quantitative or qualitative analysis 1. Quantitative or qualitative analysis is
1. Quantitative or qualitative analysis is
3. Application conducted is inappropriate, inaccurate, or appropriate and accurate, but rather
appropriate, accurate, and thorough.
of appropriate superficial (or non-existent). superficial.
2. Analysis is used to clarify the issues and
analysis 2. Analysis doesn’t help clarify the issues 2. Analysis has limited ability to help clarify
facilitate decision-making.
or facilitate decision-making. the issues and facilitate decision-making

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1. Addresses additional diverse perspectives
drawn from outside information to qualify
1. Deals only with a single perspective and 1. Begins to relate alternative views to
fails to discuss other possible perspectives, qualify analysis.
4. 2. Fully integrated ideas and perspectives
especially those held by others. 2. Rough integration of multiple viewpoints
Consideration from variety of sources. Analogies may be
2. If more than one idea is advanced, and comparison of ideas or perspectives.
of alternatives used effectively. Integrates own and others’
alternatives are disjointed or bolted Ideas are investigated, if in a limited way,
and decision ideas through a complex process of judgment
together. and integrated, if unevenly.
making and justification.
3. Adopts a single idea(s)/decision(s) with 3. Is able to come up with a decision but
3. Can clearly present/justify own view,
little question. may dismiss alternative views too hastily.
decision or hypothesis while respecting other
1. Conclusions begin to reflect influence of 1. Identifies and discusses conclusions,
1. Fails to identify conclusions, other perspectives, assumptions, and implications, and consequences considering
implications, and consequences of the evidence that leads to consequences that assumptions, data, and evidence.
issue or the key relationships between the extend beyond the borders of a discipline or 2. Proposes solution to problem(s) based on
5. Assessment
other elements of the problem, such as single issue. previous dimensions noted in rubric.
of conclusions,
other perspectives, assumptions, or data 2. Proposes solution to problem(s) that is 3. Objectively qualifies own assertions.
and evidence. somewhat related to previous dimensions 4. Recognizes limitations of correlations or
2. Doesn’t propose solution to problem. noted in rubric. association and qualifies implications of
3. Mistakes correlations with cause. 3. Confuses correlations with cause. assertions accordingly.
4. Considers knowledge as absolute when 4. Considers knowledge as relative 5. Views knowledge as the best available
confirmed by one or another authority. collection of opinions and perspectives, and evidence within the given context, even in
makes little attempt to compare. the face of uncertainty and ambiguity.
6. Use of 1. Fails to use appropriate quantitative and 1. Uses some of the quantitative and 1. Uses the quantitative and qualitative
appropriate qualitative decision making tools. qualitative decision making tools, but decision making tools in an appropriate
quantitative perhaps not always in an appropriate manner.
and qualitative manner.

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making tools.

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