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sondge University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education | PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER ONE Summative Report * Please TYPE (including comments) DIRECTLY onto this form. Submit a SIGNED, DOUBLE SIDED paper copy. [Student Teacher: Grade/Subjects Taugt [niversty Consultant: School ‘Teacher Associate: Dates of Practicum: [Instructions [+ This is a summative report ofthe student teacher's performance at the end of the PSI practicum, based on expectations for that stage of teacher development. ‘+ For each practicum outcome below select tha student toacher's level of performance: either Not Meeting Expectations for the PSI level, Meoting Expectations, or Exceeding Expectations. (Most students wil fall nto the Meating Expectations category, lnless there is clear evidence for Not Meeting Expectations or Exceeding Expectations.) For students within the Meeting Expectations category, please select level of performance. ‘+ Some outcomes may not be applicable to your particular educational situation. Leave the space blank + At the end of each section of the form. please provide comments in reference to the relevant KSAs and practicum outcomes. | 1. PLANNING AND PREPARATION (Ks/ #1, #3, #9, #9, #13) ge § 2 $3 | B Ho ii Planning and Preparation 2a 2a og 1. Demonstrates knawiedge and skills in the subject matter of the lesson. vw ‘incorporates a variety of appropriate resources and instructional and assessment strategies into lesson planning, 3. Transiates learning outcomes from the Alberta Program of Studies info relevant and T ‘appropriate learning objectives forthe lessons being taught 4. Takes into account students’ prior learning, learning needs, interests, and backgrounds, \ ‘5. Organizes content into appropriate components and sequences far instruction, 6. Plans relevant content and activities suficient for the time alloted. im v 7. Prepares lesson plans for al Jessons taught, using a well-defined structure which includes lesrning objective(s), an introduction and closure, detalled procedures and instructions, key questions, teaching strategies and student activities, and assessment cof lasson objectives. TIntegrats information and communications technology ito Tsirtion whare 7 4 appropriate | 9. Obtains and organizes equipment and materials for instruction, wv COMMENTS: : Hk Ta cause of The + beykementing ¢ [essen slebeh, ~ tndbeyer ol MeS yey atene of nbd OS Bab 5 by dev thing, MM) Uf L: PS Summative Report Reviese: January 2018) tn phaain 2. INSTRUCTION («SA #4, #5, #3, #10) 3. Modulates his/her voice for audibility and expression. gs 2 28 3 28 3 HOR Communication 2 25 25 55 1. Uses clear, fluent, and grammatically correct spoken and writen language. | see vacabilayeprapiats & didons! aon Deseo and Finan LA Lesson Introduction “4. Establishes set: reviews prior learning, identifies lesson objective(s) and expectations, ses motivating attention-getters, provides an overview, and relates the lesson to previous learning as appropriate, ‘General Losson Development 5. Incorporates strategies for motivating students using relevant and interesting subject ‘matter and activities. Explains and proceeds in small seps at an appropriate pace to suit the activity and _student response. Demonstrates subject matter competence during instruction ‘Organizes and directs leaming for individuals, small groups, and whole classes, \ Provides clear directions, instructions and explanations, Directs affcient transitions between lessons and from one activly to the next during lessons. Ti Uses a varity of instructional strategies to address desired outcomes, subject matter, ‘varied learning styles and incividual needs. 12. Uses appropriate materials and resources. 13, Demonstrates flexbilty and adaptability ‘Questioning and Discussion 114, Asks clearly phrased, well-sequenced questions at a variely of cognitive level. 16, Provides appropriate “wait-time” after posing questions. NEINKIS 16, Seeks clarification and elaboration of student responses, where appropriate. 77. Leads and directs student pariepation in Glass ciscussion effecively end cistibutes questions appropiate Focus on Student Learning 76, Circulates inthe classroom, iniervening when necessary, checking on individual and ‘group understanding of activiy/content 79, Recognizes and responds appropriately o individual diferences and group learning needs. 20, Reinforces student learning, building on previous leaming, reviewing, and re-teaching. Grosure 21, Achieves closure for each lesson, Consolidating concepts through summaries, reviews, etc 722, Provides homework when appropriate and explains assignments ful. ‘COMMENTS: Being Priyye & Te mi tle enc cw be UTE kes Yay ate teaching Someetot feanes, Mos tela Philatl, crekssleed ter veo Amel Gen con holies, ja gihrng Csheehae. Cerk oun Shbrds brt engagers ot Sik blog they ace enedleny (itl be x%metheny Wore to. dle Hie les eo Yen A Spat _or cet teh Gell: F5 leurnlae Repatnekekdaneyimiey Saint dog. Page 2618 Overall, Mery Hehn cua, strated 3. CLASSROOM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT («sA #7 #8) Classroom Leadership | og «=| 83 38) 8 Ee Bh] OR | a5 7, Assumes a leadership role in the classroom, taking Charge of classroom activites, showing confidence, poise, composure, and presence. [& Creates and mainiains an offective learning environment, setting high expectations and standards for student learning. 3 Demonstrates intative, enthusiasm and a commitment to tha Sludents and Subject, models appropriate behaviours. Establishes positive relationships and a Classroom climate based on mutual tust and respect. YN Classroom Management Clearly defines and reinforces classroom procedures and routines “Monitors student behaviour and is aware of student behaviour at all times, 6. 6, Clearly communicates and reinforces expectations for appropriate student behaviour. 7. 3 Responds to inappropriate behavior promptly, fimiy, and consistently, using appropriate low-key and higher lave responses; folows school disipine policies and procadures v ‘COMMENT: 4 Ha Fesbe Gent ss vee ie fat ee ok bins 1 class (shrychi- ubile plLe Tachi EP meyyrip She tk “an Lowtlent= yoo reyhidatry mg close peer onl Xe vid fle tortor’ te alae ud ‘4. ASSESSMENT (KSA #11) . | sa rE #8 | Assessment 3g a5 ag 7, Assesses student learning using a variety of appropriate assessment techniques and instruments (e.g.. observations, conversations, questioning, performance-based and |__ writen assessment 2. Provides timely and effective feedback on leaming to students. 3 Modifies and adapis teaching based on assessment data (o.g., uses alerialve teaching strategies to re-teach where required) 4, Explains to students how learning will be assessed. 5, Maintains accurate records of student progress. ‘COMMENTS: JU 5s Fre4r oe 5. PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (KsA #2, #15, 716) lunaccoptable SIN. AINSIN SN TLINISINNSUS ISIS cere Professionalism 1. Presents a professional appearance and manner. 2. Fulfits professional obligations (\®., punctualty, routine administrative duties) 3. Demonstrates maturity and professional judgment. “4, Demonstrates an interest in and a commitment tothe teaching profession '5, Establishes professional relationships with the school community. Professional Growth 6. Accurately assesses and documents the effecivensss of lessons, eniifies strengths and weaknesses and 1 ‘makes appropriate suggestions for improvements. 7. Uses the results of student assessment and feedback to Improve Teaching practices and guide professional |_"_ growth '8. Responds appropriately to feedback from others by listening, interpreting, and implementing suggestions ‘8. Develops and communicates a personal vision of teaching. 10, Demonstrates willingness to take “informed risks” to benefit student learning Ti. Develops and presents a professional portfolio andlor growth plan including goals, evidence of progress toward goals, reflections on grow, and future goals. Ethical Conduct 12. Respects the dignity and rights ofall persons without prejudice as to race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, ‘Sexual orientation, gender identity, physical characteristics, disability, marital stalus, age, ancestry, place of fig, place of residence, socioeconomic background or linguistic background, 113. Treats students with dignity and respect and is considerate oftheir circumstances. 7. Does not divulge information about a siudent received in confidence or in the course of professional duties ‘except as required by law or where to do s0 isin the best interest ofthe student 45. Does not undermine the confidence of students in teachers or other student teachers. 76, Does nat ericize the professional competence or professional reputation of teachers or olher student teachers unless the extcism is communicated in confidence to proper officials after fst informing the individual concernod of th criticism, 17. Acts in a manner that maintains the honour and dignity ofthe profession, 18. Does not speak on behalf of the Faculty of Education, the University of Lethbridge, the school, or the profession unless authorized to do so. | ‘COMMENTS: Wiss h4q Pes rhs le, nlway) Mere gt 04 wes nekiyrn by aypetyence evel Manner. She ) Cf LEP yo Ls o dove hes falbe al? shygehBs net ever Ferra ¢ "Hy Aas covteac 2 Cone ke oe Heed 4G [isbn Verte Mehn “1 Yet Pek Te jlenerW ated a rilboqren Ble torn fer nek Loye. Ae Le ace weg Manner Can i » det bes prestee al) Strohl gl accupebor 3 Uf L: PS | Summative Report (Revised: Janvary 2019) Student: Page 4 of 5 SUMMARY ‘Areas for further growth: woke k aoe failing Gurestearg tre ‘Overall comments (Strongest aspects of student's performance} | Mics Hehn startet bP Vrecg pretrig 3s | share Herr welprstirlieg - | olads gomn wenngemisck Z a a eer oe “225 ‘RECOMMENDATION ‘ FAIL INCOMPLETE * “if an Incomplete grade is recommended, please attach a signed document providing reasons and recommendations for additional practicum experience. Note: The Teacher Associate is responsible for completing this document, in consultation with the Student Teacher and the University Consultant. ‘Signature: University Consultant Please submit the completed original signed report to University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, Field Experiences. Please provide signed copies for the Student Teacher, the UC and the TA Uf L: PS | Summative Report (Revised: January 2018) Student: Page 5 of 5

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