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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 23, 24 and 25 -- Editions 2.

Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars

Magazines 23, 24 and 25 – Editions 2.0

Presidents Barack Obama and Enrique Peña Nieto

The Leadership, and the English Language

The English Language, and the Leadership.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars

Magazine Twenty-three

The Leadership, and the English Language

The English Language, and the Leadership.

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Many artists in Mexico fight to be the Latina Madonna. I don't

want that! Never! Maybe she's the American Gloria Trevi!
Gloria Trevi

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President Venustiano Carranza

Head of state of Mexico, from 1915 to 1920.

He was one of the main leaders of the Mexican Revolution.

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José Venustiano Carranza de la Garza; 29 December 1859 – 21 May 1920) was

one of the main leaders of the Mexican Revolution, whose victorious northern
revolutionary Constitutionalist Army defeated the counter-revolutionary
[security-revolutionary] regime of Victoriano Huerta (February 1913 – July
1914) and then defeated fellow revolutionaries after Huerta's ouster [expulsion].
He secured power in Mexico, serving as head of state from 1915 to 1917. With
the promulgation of a new revolutionary Mexican Constitution of 1917, he was
elected president, serving from 1917 to 1920.

Known as the "Primer Jefe" or "First Chief" of the Constitutionalists, Carranza

was a shrewd [intelligent, perceptive] politician rather than a military man. He
supported Francisco I. Madero's challenge to the Díaz regime in the 1910
elections and Madero's Plan de San Luis Potosí to nullify the elections and
overthrow [conquer, defeat] Díaz by force. He was appointed [assigned] the
governor [administrator] of his home state of Coahuila by Madero. When
Madero was murdered in February 1913, Carranza drew up [prepared] the Plan
de Guadalupe, a purely political plan to oust [eject, exile] Huerta. Carranza
became the leader of northern forces opposed to Huerta. He went on
[continued] to lead the Constitutionalist faction to victory and become president
of Mexico.

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Carranza was from a rich, northern landowning [prosperous] family; despite

his position as head of the northern revolutionary movement, he was concerned
that Mexico's land tenure [tenancy, contract] not be fundamentally restructured
by the Revolution. He was far more conservative than either southern peasant
[provincial, farmworker] leader Emiliano Zapata or northern revolutionary
general Pancho Villa. Once firmly in power in Mexico, Carranza sought
[wanted, required] to eliminate his political rivals. Carranza won recognition
from the United States but took strongly nationalist positions. During his
administration, the current constitution of Mexico was drafted [prepared,
written] and adopted. Carranza did not implement its most radical elements,
such as empowerment [liberation, emancipation] of labor, use of the state to
expropriate foreign enterprises, land reform in Mexico, or suppression of the
Roman Catholic Church in Mexico.

In the 1920 election, in which he could not succeed himself, he attempted to

impose a virtually unknown, civilian politician, Ignacio Bonillas, as president of
Mexico. Northern generals, who held [kept] real power, rose up [rebelled]
against Carranza under the Plan of Agua Prieta, and Carranza was assassinated
as he fled [escaped] Mexico City.


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Miss Sevilla, Spain

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All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will
remind you of everything I have said to you.
John 14:25-26

The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order
to enjoy greater rewards in the long term is the indispensable prerequisite for
Maxwell Maltz

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
Les Brown

Once you have a clear picture of your priorities that is values, goals, and high
leverage activities organize around them.
Stephen Covey

Dreaming is wonderful, goal setting is crucial, but action is supreme. To make

something great happen you must get busy and make it happen. Take that
action step today that will put you on your path to achievement.
Greg Werner

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your
heart this you will build your life by, and this you will become.
James Lane Allen

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You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you
some answers.
Les Brown

Spain – 20 Quotes

1. I would very much like to make Westerns. I love Westerns. I've worked
on many Westerns in my youth, in Spain and here, and I love working on
John Landis

2. I love the dancing and the music from Latin cultures. I went to a Flamenco
show in Spain once, and it completely took my breath away!
Torrey DeVitto

3. I went to study in Spain for a year after school. It was either that or
Russian, so I went for the easy option. I love Spain and go quite regularly.
I've done a bit of Spanish theatre.
Sarah Alexander

4. As ambassador, I am focused on expanding bilateral trade and

investment between the United States and Spain.
James Costos

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5. Spain is an important historical ally of the United States, and if confirmed,

I will add to our more than 200 years of diplomatic history to further our
shared interests.
James Costos

6. I have a direct line with Obama. It's a crucial link. And I can put Spain in
the spotlight.
James Costos

7. I'm not a big fan of the Mediterranean, but being in the Bay of Biscay, the
sea is forever changing, and on a clear day, you see as far as Spain. It's
Tim Pigott-Smith

8. I want to reaffirm, as king, my faith in the unity of Spain.

Felipe VI of Spain

9. Because I was born in Casablanca and my parents were from the south of
Spain, I do not have a big central root in France. I feel French but in a few
ways, not at all French.
Jean Reno

10. Spain used to be very individualistic in its sporting activities. Now we are
showing we are pretty good in teams - that is an improvement.
Vicente del Bosque

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11. If you come from Spain, you have to play football.

Enrique Iglesias

12. I describe my works as books, but my publishers in Spain, in the United

States, and elsewhere insist on calling them novels.
Guillermo Cabrera Infante

13. The culture of modern Spain is something many people are still
Jose Andres

14. I've spent important times of my life in Spain and Greece, and various
deep things happened there - falling in love, stuff like that.
Matt Bellamy

15. It's true that the training and mentality in Spain is totally different to how
it is in France.
Antoine Griezmann

16. 'Apartamento,' a magazine out of Spain but written in English, is one of

my favorite magazines.
Caterina Fake

17. Spain and the United States share the same values of democracy, liberty
and fundamental freedoms.
Felipe VI of Spain

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18. Two prominent terms, 'Latino' and 'Hispanic,' refer to people living in the
United States who have roots in Latin America, Spain, Mexico, South
America, or Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries.
Ilan Stavans

19. Spain is a fascinating mix of people, languages, culture and food, but if
there is one thing all Spaniards share, it's a love of food and drink.
Jose Andres

20. I begin my reign with profound emotion at the honour of accepting the
Crown, aware of the responsibility it entails [involves] and with the
greatest hope for the future of Spain.
Felipe VI of Spain


I.A. - Our ultimate objective is to make programs that learn from their
experience as effectively as humans do. We shall…say that a program has
common sense if it automatically deduces for itself a sufficient wide class of
immediate consequences of anything it is told and what it already knows.
John McCarthy

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

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It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory
is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or

Anyone of common mental and physical health can practice scientific research.
… Anyone can try by patient [persistent] experiment what happens if this or
that substance be mixed in this or that proportion with some other under this
or that condition. Anyone can vary the experiment in any number of ways. He
that hits [wins] in this fashion on something novel [description] and of use will
have fame. … The fame will be the product of luck and industry. It will not be
the product of special talent.
Hilaire Belloc

Previously, my person bring the attention about the pretension of saying: ‘I

master that matter’. In this sense, Emil Lampe said: ‘As in the domains of
practical life so likewise in science there has come about a division of labor. The
individual can no longer control the whole field of mathematics: it is only
possible for him to master separate parts of it in such a manner as to enable him
to extend the boundaries [frontiers] of knowledge by creative research’.
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

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As our researches have made clear, an animal high in the organic scale only
reaches this rank by passing through all the intermediate states which separate
it from the animals placed below it. Man only becomes man after traversing
transitional organisatory [organized?] states which assimilate him first to fish,
then to reptiles, then to birds and mammals [beings].
Antoine Étienne Reynaud; and Augustin Serres

Quite often, it seems to a young scholar that all has already been said, and that
there is nothing one can add to the existing scholarship. But this is clearly
wrong. One needs to find a way to overcome such feelings. Tradition itself only
exists through us, and only through us can it inform and influence the future.
This is what a scholar should aim for.
Aron Telegdi-Csetri

Research is all about sincerity, focus, diligence, hard work and patience.
Unknown author

The scientific life is a long road. You have to be patient, passionate, target
oriented, be a good team player, and help others.
Ufuk Gunduz

Knowledge - Familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through

experience or study. The sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered,
or learned.

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Knowledge - Justified belief that increases an entity’s [individual’s] capacity for

effective action; the highest degree of the speculative faculties, which consists
in the perception of the truth of affirmative or negative propositions.

Knowledge - Information plus semantic meaning.


Dreams are illustrations… from the book your soul is writing about you.
Marsha Norman

The interpretation of dreams is the royal [imperial] road to a knowledge of the

unconscious activities of the mind.
Sigmund Freud

A dream is a microscope through which we look at the hidden occurrences in

our soul.
Erich Fromm

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Key attributes of knowledge management -
Ruggles and Holtshouse (1999) identified the following:

1. Generating new knowledge.

2. Accessing valuable knowledge from outside sources.
3. Using accessible knowledge in decision making.
4. Embedding knowledge in processes, products, and/or services.
5. Representing knowledge in documents, databases, and software.
6. Facilitating knowledge growth through culture and incentives.
7. Transferring existing knowledge into other parts of the organization.
8. Measuring the value of knowledge assets [resources] and/or impact of
knowledge management.

Some key knowledge management attributes that continue to recur [persist]

include the following.

1. Both tacit and explicit knowledge forms are addressed; tacit knowledge
(Polanyi, 1966) is knowledge that often resides only within individuals;
and knowledge that is difficult to articulate such as expertise, know-how,
and tricks [behaviors] of the trade.
2. There is a notion of added value (the “so what?” of KM).
3. There is the notion of application or use of the knowledge that has been
captured, codified, and disseminated (the impact of KM).

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Kimiz Dalkir. «Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice». Elsevier

Butterworth–Heinemann. The United States of America. Year 2005.


Definitions of Entrepreneurship

1. Profits from bearing uncertainty and risk.

2. Carrying out of new combinations of firm organization—new products,
new services, new sources of raw [sensitive] material, new methods of
production, new markets, new forms of organization.
3. Uncertainty bearing... coordination of productive resources...
introduction of innovations and the provision of capital.
4. Purposeful activity to initiate and develop a profit-oriented business.
5. Moderate risk taking.
6. Decisions and judgments about the coordination of scarce [limited]
7. Creation of new organizations.
8. The pursuit of opportunity without regard [concern] to resources
currently controlled.
9. The pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently
controlled, but constrained [pressured] by the founders’ previous choices
and industry-related experience

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10. A field of business seeks to understand how opportunities create

something new…
11. A dynamic process of vision, change and creation…
12. A mindset [frame of mind] or way of thinking that is opportunity focused,
innovative and growth-oriented. Can be found in large corporations and
socially responsible not-for-profits [earnings]…

Marc J. Dollinger. «Entrepreneurship - Strategies and Resources». Fourth

Edition. Manufactured in the United States of America. Year 2008.


8 For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever modest,
whatsoever just, whatsoever holy, whatsoever lovely, whatsoever of good fame,
if there be any virtue, if any praise of discipline, think on these things.
The Holy Bible - Douay-Rheims - The Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians -
Chapter 4: 8.

8 Finalmente, hermanos, todo lo que es verdadero, noble, justo, puro, amable,

laudable, todo lo que es virtud o mérito, tenedlo en cuenta.
Sagrada Biblia - Versión Oficial De La Conferencia Episcopal de España. -
Filipenses 4:8

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La Biblia.


17 Escucha y haz caso a las sentencias de los sabios, | presta atención a mi


18 te gustará guardarlas dentro, | tenerlas a punto en tus labios.

19 Para que pongas tu confianza en el Señor | he pensado instruirte hoy.

20 Te he escrito treinta sentencias | en las que hay consejos sabios,

21 para que puedas conocer la verdad, | y traer un informe preciso | a la

persona que te dio un encargo.

Justicia y autocontrol

22 No explotes al pobre por ser pobre | ni atropelles al desgraciado en el


23 porque el Señor defenderá su causa | y despojará de la vida a los que lo


24 No tengas trato con el iracundo | ni busques la compañía del violento,

25 no sea que aprendas sus andanzas | y te pongas tú mismo una trampa.

26 No te acostumbres a dar la mano | ni a salir fiador de deudas;

27 pues si no tienes para pagar, | te quitarán la cama de debajo.

28 No desplaces linderos antiguos | que pusieron tus antepasados.

29 ¿Conoces a alguien diestro en su oficio? | Entrará al servicio de reyes, | y no

de gente mediocre.

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Sagrada Biblia - Versión Oficial De La Conferencia Episcopal de España. –

Proverbios 22: 17-29.

I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your
Revelation 3:19

35 Cry out, “Save us, God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations,
that we may give thanks to your holy name, and glory in your praise.”
1 Chronicles 16:35

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

I wasn’t there to compete, I was there to win.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

You see, each of the 7 billion human beings should have a sense of responsibility
for the wellbeing of humanity.

Dalai Lama Dalai Lama

Worry implies that we don’t quite trust that God is big enough, powerful
enough, or loving enough to take care of what’s happening in our lives.

Francis Chan

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Our best form of attack is our defense; we create our own opportunities.

Eddie Jones

Together we can face any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky.

Sonia Gandhi

Positive thinking is not magic. Assuming that positive thinking would attract
money, happiness, good job, promotion, love – is just fanciful [spectacular]
thinking. You need to work for it.

Hanif Raah

Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They
vary in their desires to reach their potential.

John Maxwell

Strive [Make every effort] for progress, not perfection.

Unknown author

If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.

Bruce Lee

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«If you want happiness for an hour — take a nap [texture].

If you want happiness for a day — go fishing.

If you want happiness for a year — inherit [receive] a fortune.

If you want happiness for a lifetime — help someone else».

Chinese Proverb

The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are
your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president.
You realize [understand] that you control your own destiny.

Albert Ellis

The first recipe [formula, instructions] for happiness is: avoid too lengthy
[extended] meditation on the past.

Andre Maurois

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of

Paulo Coelho

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to

excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.

Paul J. Meyer

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Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.

Kofi Annan

Education is our greatest opportunity to give an irrevocable gift to the next


Ernie Fletcher

Education is the best economic policy there is.

Tony Blair

Education must provide the opportunities for self-fulfillment; it can at best

provide a rich and challenging environment for the individual to explore, in his
own way.

Noam Chomsky

Education should light [ignite] a fire within us to improve us and help our

Sarah Josepf

Respect is the key determinant of high-performance leadership. How much

people respect you determines how well they perform.

Brian Tracy

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Leaders are innovative, entrepreneurial, and future-oriented. They focus on

getting the job done.

Brian Tracy

When the customer comes first, the customer will last [persist].

Robert Half

A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent

on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is
the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are
not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an
opportunity to do so.

Mahatma Gandhi

If you‘re competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing

something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering.

Jeff Bezos

I was glad [prepared, willing, happy] when they said to me,” Let us go to the
house of the Lord.”

Psalm 122:1

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Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in

your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:14

Knowledge in the form of an informational commodity [product, service,

goods] indispensable to productive power is already, and will continue to be, a
major-perhaps the major-stake [main-interest] in the worldwide competition for
power. It is conceivable that the nation-states will one day fight for control of
information, just as they battled in the past for control over territory, and
afterwards [subsequently] for control over access to and exploitation of raw
[unprocessed] materials and cheap [low-priced] labor.

Jean Francois Lyotard

Well, it’s plain and simple to express…

Piet Hein

Retention is best when the learner is involved.

Edward Scannell

I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they
can learn.

Albert Einstein

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It’s all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you’re properly trained.

Elizabeth II

Some people can do one thing magnificently, like Michelangelo, and others
make things like semiconductors or build 747 airplanes -- that type of work
requires legions of people. In order to do things well, that can't be done by one
person, you must find extraordinary people.

Steve Jobs

Great vision without great people is irrelevant.

Jim Collins

As a business owner or manager, you know that hiring the wrong person is the
most costly mistake you can make.

Brian Tracy

The smartest business decision you can make is to hire qualified people.
Bringing the right people on board [involved, on the project] saves you
thousands, and your business will run smoothly [easily] and efficiently.

Brian Tracy

Often the best solution to a management problem is the right person.

Edwin Booz

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Send out your light and your truth, that they may lead me, and bring me to your
holy hill and to your dwelling [house].

Psalm 43:3

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God: Come let us adore him.

Christian prayer

Some people have greatness thrust upon [on] them. Very few have excellence
thrust upon them.

John W. Gardner

Character is just another word for having a perfectly disciplined and educated
will. A person can make his own character by blending [combining,
amalgamating] these elements with an intense desire to achieve excellence.
Everyone is different in what I will call magnitude, but the capacity to achieve
character is still [yet] the same.

Vince Lombardi

Excellence means when a man or woman asks [solicits] of himself more than
others do.

José Ortega y Gasset

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Those who do not learn from history are doomed [fated, destined, predestined]
to repeat it.

George Santayana

People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content [happy] with
mediocrity, no matter how impressive [extraordinary, notable] their other

Andrew Carnegie

It always seems impossible until it's done.

Unknown author

Don't wait. The time will never be just right.

Napoleon Hill

Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation,

perspiration and inspiration.

Evan Esar

I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and

endure in spite of [despite, regardless of] overwhelming [tremendous]

Christopher Reeves

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There are people that sit and talk about where they want to be, and there are
people who go out [exit, leave, retire] and be who they want to be

Unknown author

In life you need either inspiration or desperation.

Tony Robbins

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work

Thomas Edison

Entrepreneurs average 3.8 failures before final success. What sets the successful
ones apart is their amazing [wonderful] persistence.

Lisa M. A.

Come, let us sing to the Lord; let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and raise a loud [vociferous,
clamorous] shout to him with psalms.

Christian prayer

… So also consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Jesus Christ our
Lord. Alleluia.

Christian prayer

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One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man
who has it for 30 years who makes a success of his life.

Unknown author

Intensity builds immensity.

Kevin Levrone

A lifetime of training for just ten seconds.

Jesse Owens

For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to
exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up [ascend], to achieve, to conquer.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Most of us think we don’t have enough time to exercise. What a distorted

[partial] paradigm! We don’t have time not to. We’re talking about three to six
hours a week – or a minimum of thirty minutes a day, every other day. That
hardly seems an inordinate [excessive] amount of time considering the
tremendous benefits in terms of the impact on the other 162 – 165 hours of the

Stephen Covey

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About Zig Ziglar - «The Master of Motivation» Zig Ziglar has been described
as «One of America’s Icons», «the salesman’s salesman» and «A legacy that will
forever impact our history». Helping people to achieve long-term balanced
success based on his philosophy of character, attitude and skills, he has
impacted more than a quarter billion people and continues to make a difference
in the lives of those who act on his philosophy.

__ __ __

It is delightful to transport one's self into the spirit of the past, to see how a wise
man has thought before us, and to what glorious height we have at last reached.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Proverbs are the cream of a nation's thought.

Unknown author

… Finally, remember that the best time to deal with a crisis mentally is before it
occurs. Resolve in advance [previously] that no matter what happens to you
today or in the future, you will remain calm. You will not overreact. You will
take a deep breath, get the facts, and assert [declare] control. Resolve in advance
that you will behave as a leader, as a person of courage and confidence, of
strength and character. Then, when the inevitable storm [tempest] rolls over
you, you will be mentally prepared to perform at your best.

Brian Tracy

[«rolls», in Spanish, «rollos de papel, oleaje (marino)»].

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The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to
succeed in business--or almost anywhere else for that matter.

Lee Iacocca

Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.

Tony Hsieh

Openly share and talk to people about your idea. Use their lack of interest or
doubt to fuel your motivation to make it happen.

Todd Garland

Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than
in bad company.

Booker T. Washington

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways my ways, says the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your
ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Christian prayer

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Your gates [entrances, accesses] will always be open; by day or night they will
never be shut [closed]. They will call you, The City of the Lord, The Zion of the
Holy One of Israel.

Christian prayer

The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them,
or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you
where they are going, what they plan to do along [adjacent to] the way, and
who will be sharing the adventure [exploration] with them.

Denis Waitley

You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.

Michael Jordan

Success is ... knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum
potential, and sowing [planting] seeds that benefit others.

John C. Maxwell

Half my life is an act of revision.

John Irving

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Almost anyone can be an author; the business is to collect money and fame from
this state of being.

A. A. Milne

To effectively communicate, we must realize [understand] that we are all

different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a
guide to our communication with others.

Tony Robbins

Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow [develop].

Lawrence Clark Powell

Don’t use words too big for the subject. Don’t say infinitely when you mean
very; otherwise you’ll have no word left when you want to talk about something
really infinite.

C.S. Lewis

Communication and trust [confidence, responsibility] are two main ingredients

for a successful relationship.

Unknown author

Communication is the real work of leadership.

Nitin Nohria

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Storytelling is ultimately a creative act of pattern recognition. Through

characters, plot [plan] and setting [scenery], a writer creates places where
previously invisible truths become visible. Or the storyteller posits [conceives]
a series of dots [points] that the reader can connect.

Douglas Coupland

Storytelling is fine as long as [with the understanding that] you can encourage
people to act on the stories.

Karen Armstrong

The telling and hearing of stories is a bonding [connecting] ritual that breaks
through illusions of separateness and activates a deep sense of our collective

Annette Simmons

O Lord and Ruler of the hosts [congregations] of heaven, God of Abraham,

Isaac, and Jacob, and of all their righteous [virtuous] offspring [posterities,
descendants]: You made the heavens and the earth, with all their vast array
[arrangement, collection].

Christian prayer

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Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; he has come to his people and set them
free. He has raised up [elevated] for us a mighty [powerful] savior, born of the
house of his servant David.

Christian prayer

Creating a better world requires teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration, as

we need an entire army of companies to work together to build a better world
within the next few decades. This means corporations must embrace the
benefits of cooperating with one another.

Simon Mainwaring

Corporate social responsibility is measured in terms of businesses improving

conditions for their employees, shareholders, communities, and environment.
But moral responsibility goes further [beyond, ahead of], reflecting the need for
corporations to address fundamental ethical issues such as inclusion, dignity,
and equality.

Klaus Schwab

Small business creates more jobs than large corporations.

Kevin McCarthy

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So often, we leave the selfless [generous] side of ourselves for nights and
weekends, for our charity work. It is our duty to inject that into [towards] our
day-to-day business, into the work that we do, to improve corporations, to
improve civil society, and to improve government.

Leila Janah

Corporations often partner [associate] with government after natural disasters,

as many companies did in the aftermath [consequences] of Hurricane Katrina
in 2005. As a rule, however, long-term civic/corporate partnerships are still
rare. But this need not remain [continue] the status quo, as many opportunities
are available for such partnerships.

Simon Mainwaring

I think we're in an era of unprecedented dominance by corporations. I think

people understand that deeply; I don't think that's even questioned.

Josh Fox

Small businesses should have the same ability to reach customers as powerful
corporations. A blogger should have the same ability to find an audience as a
media conglomerate.

Al Franken

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We could have managed globalization in ways that ordinary citizens would

have benefited rather than just the corporations. Trade is beneficial. There are
gains [improvements, advances, benefits] to be had from taking advantage of
comparative advantage and specialization. That's true, if you manage
globalization right.

Joseph Stiglitz

Democratic socialism means, that in a democratic, civilized society, the

wealthiest people and the largest corporations must pay their fair share of taxes.

Bernie Sanders

One of the reasons you study at great institutions or aspire to work in great
corporations is that you hope to acquire the values they stand for. - [Leadership
& 100 and 5 Stars].

Harsha Bhogle

Throughout human history, people have developed strong loyalties to

traditions, rituals, and symbols. In the most effective organizations, they are not
only respected but celebrated. It is no coincidence that the most highly admired
corporations are also among the most profitable.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter

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The world's entire scientific and cultural heritage [legacy, inheritance],

published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized
and locked up [confined] by a handful [minority, not many] of private

Aaron Swartz

Mitt Romney is the guy [man] who said corporations are people. No, Governor
Romney, corporations are not people.

Elizabeth Warren

From every family, language, people, and nation, a kingdom of priests

[ecclesiastics, ministers] to serve our God.

Christian prayer

O ruler of the universe, Lord God, great deeds [performances, acts] are they that
you have done, surpassing [transcending] human understanding. Your ways
are ways of righteousness and truth, O King of all the ages.

Christian prayer

Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth. Lord God,
heavenly [divine] King, almighty God and Father, we worship [revere] you, we
give you thanks, and we praise [admire] you for your glory.

Christian prayer

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Here in the United States, corporations has human rights. And then why not -
why not nature also, if corporations can defend themselves, saying, 'We have
human rights?' Well, let's admit that nature also should be protected.

Eduardo Galeano

The financial capital is being concentrated by corporations, institutional

investors, and even our pension funds [moneys], and being reinvested in
companies that repeat this process because it provides the highest return on that
financial capital.

Paul Hawken

Small businesses are more nimble [agile, quick] and innovative than large
corporations, and as a result are much more likely [probable] to develop the
breakthrough [discovery, invention] ideas we need for global competitiveness.

John Delaney

Most of my work has been in corporations, studying how you build an

organization that helps people to identify and work to their strengths.

Marcus Buckingham

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I've written repeatedly about the quest [search, pursuit] by corporations

everywhere to transform themselves digitally.

Adam Lashinsky

To survive, men and business and corporations must serve.

John Henry Patterson

A lot of corporations now have venture [scheme, project] arms that are investing
in young entrepreneurs or building programs within so you can disrupt
yourself internally instead of looking to those external factors.

Troy Carter

Media corporations have a civic responsibility not only to prevent fraud and
financial abuse, but also to not corrupt or degrade our culture.

Charles W. Pickering

I'm not only a fan of Apple products, I have stock [reserve, collection] in the
company. I think Steve Jobs has started one of the greatest corporations in the

Kid Rock

Investment in training is a huge necessity for knowledge-based corporations.

N. R. Narayana Murthy

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Life, especially in America, is ruled by corporations.

Tommy Chong

Where are the jobs going to come from? Small business, manufacturing and
clean energy. Where's the money to finance them? The banks and the
corporations in America today have lots of money that they can invest right

William J. Clinton

Big corporations don't just belong to one person or two persons but to a whole
nation. If you let [permit, allow] big corporations fail, then a lot of people are
going to suffer.

Mahathir Mohamad

We've got some well-run corporations by some well-intended people who do it


Joe Jamail

For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most
High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Christian prayer

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You are God: we praise [glorify] you; you are the Lord: we acclaim you; you are
the eternal Father: All creation worships [reveres] you. To you all angels, all the
powers of heaven, Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless [eternal] praise
[adoration, celebration]:

Christian prayer

Anyone who attempts to build great things will face challenges.

Jon Gordon

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into [towards] the visible.

Tony Robbins

No individual can achieve worthy [valuable] goals without accepting

accountability [responsibility] for his or her own actions.

Dan Miller

Our expectations determine how we respond. Be careful what you expect.

Dan Miller

We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest

Earl Nightingale

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I find that most people know what a story is until [while waiting for, up to] they
sit down to write one.

Flannery O’Connor

If you wish to influence an individual or a group to embrace [involve,

incorporate] a particular value in their daily lives, tell them a compelling
[powerful] story.

Annette Simmons

I realized [recognized] the importance of having a story today is what really [in
truth] separates companies. People don’t just wear our shoes, they tell our story.

Blake Mycoskie

Mark Cuban says «When you’ve got 10,000 people trying to do the same thing,
why would you want to be number 10,0001?». Consequently, «The Books, and
a Mexico with Competence of Integration in the World. And if you are foreign,

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

The power of storytelling is exactly this: to bridge [connect, associate] the gaps
[spaces, interruptions] where everything else has crumbled [deteriorated].

Paulo Coelho

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It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.

Chris Grosser

Don’t be afraid to give up [renounce] the good to go for the great.

John D. Rockefeller

You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.

Jim Rohn

Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen, others
make it happen.

Michael Jordan

Treasuring up his word is far more than merely reading it. To treasure it one
must not only read and study, but seek in humility and obedience to do the
commandments given, and gain the inspiration which the Holy Spirit will

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - (Doctrines of Salvation,


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The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but the one who listens to counsel
[instruction] is wise.

Christian Advice

God calls Moses from the midst of a bush that bums without being consumed:
"I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the
God of Jacob."9 God is the God of the fathers, the One who had called and
guided the patriarchs …

Catholic Catechism

Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement.

Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change
that is inevitable.

William Pollard

I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund [finance,
support] research and you learn the basic facts.

Bill Gates

Software innovation, like almost every other kind of innovation, requires the
ability to collaborate and share ideas with other people, and to sit down and
talk with customers and get their feedback and understand their needs.

Bill Gates

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Trust [Have confidence in, Count on] the young people; trust this generation's
innovation. They're making things, changing innovation every day. And all the
consumers are the same: they want new things, they want cheap things, they
want good things, and they want unique things. If we can create these kind of
things for consumers, they will come. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Jack Ma

Achievers have an enabling attitude, realism, and a conviction that they

themselves were the laboratory of innovation. Their ability to change
themselves is central to their success. They have learned to conserve their
energy by minimizing the time spent in regret [unhappiness] or complaint
[criticism]. Every event is a lesson to them, every person a teacher.

Marilyn Ferguson

Innovation requires an experimental mindset [frame of mind].

Denise Morrison

Innovation and commerce are as powerful tools for creating social progress as
they are for driving technological advancement.

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

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Together, we have the power to inspire, connect, and deliver on new

opportunities and rich experiences that can open doors to innovation and
progress while growing [developing] global economies and increasing well-

Tae Yoo

Our philosophy is that we want to be an ecosystem. Our philosophy is to

empower others to sell, empower others to service, making sure the other
people are more powerful than us. With our technology, our innovation, our
partners [colleagues, associates] - 10 million small business sellers - they can
compete with Microsoft and IBM.

Jack Ma

Capitalism and market forces are very powerful in producing wealth

[prosperity, capital] and innovation. But we need to ensure that these forces act
in the common interest.

Thomas Piketty

Collaboration is important not just because it's a better way to learn. The spirit
of collaboration is penetrating every institution and all of our lives. So learning
to collaborate is part of equipping yourself for effectiveness, problem solving,
innovation and life-long learning in an ever-changing networked [interacted,
meet people] economy.

Don Tapscott

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If an organization values innovation, you can assume it's safe to speak up [be
frank, exclaim, raise your voice] with new ideas, leaders will listen, and your
voice matters.

Adam Grant

In the long run, competition makes us better... it drives innovation.

Dennis Muilenburg

Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don't give up hope. Be open to
criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm [cordial] and
genuine people.

Tena Desae

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite [burn] the imagination, and instill
[inculcate, impart] a love of learning.

Brad Henry

Learning is the beginning of wealth [prosperity, capital]. Learning is the

beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and
learning is where the miracle [wonder] process all begins.

Jim Rohn

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Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Mahatma Gandhi

We learned about honesty and integrity - that the truth [veracity] matters... that
you don't take shortcuts [short ways] or play by your own set of rules... and
success doesn't count unless you earn it fair and square [right-angled]. -
[Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Michelle Obama

Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.

Romans 10:13 - Jehovah’s Witnesses.

God's truth is his wisdom, which commands the whole created order and
governs the world. God, who alone made heaven and earth, can alone impart
true knowledge of every created thing in relation to himself.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

The modern disciple of the Lord can also know for himself that Jesus is the
Christ. 1. To come to this knowledge, the student must live the gospel [Sacred
Truths]. 2. As he lives the gospel, he will come to know the Savior and gain
eternal life.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Instructor’s Guide

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Live a life full of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity, and never stop


You're never too old to start learning, and you're never too young to aim high
and achieve great things.

Asa Hutchinson

A wise man can learn more from a foolish [imprudent] question than a fool
[error] can learn from a wise answer.

Bruce Lee

Learning lessons is a little like reaching maturity. You're not suddenly more
happy, wealthy [prosperous], or powerful, but you understand the world
around you better, and you're at peace with yourself. Learning life's lessons is
not about making your life perfect, but about seeing life as it was meant to be.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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It's great to reminisce [evoke, recall, talk about] about good memories of my
past. It was enjoyable when it was today. So learning to enjoy today has two
benefits: it gives me happiness right now, and it becomes a good memory later.
- [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

George Foreman

Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can
be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.

Albert Einstein

Order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject.

Thomas Mann

Autonomy: the urge to direct our own lives. Mastery: the desire to get better
and better at something that matters. Purpose: the yearning [desire, hunger,
need] to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves. These
are the building blocks of an entirely new operating system for our businesses.

Daniel H. Pink

If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve


John Paul Jones

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There is a fluency [eloquence] and an ease [comfort] with which true mastery
and expertise always expresses itself, whether it be in writing, whether it be in
a mathematical proof [verification], whether it be in a dance that you see on
stage, really in every domain. But I think the question is, you know, where does
that fluency and mastery come from?

Angela Duckworth

Governments will always play a huge part in solving big problems. They set
public policy [guiding principle] and are uniquely [distinctively] able to provide
the resources to make sure solutions reach everyone who needs them. They also
fund [subsidize, support] basic research, which is a crucial component of the
innovation that improves life for everyone.

Bill Gates

Few ideas work on the first try. Iteration is key to innovation.

Sebastian Thrun

Most people have a very strong sense of organizational ownership [possession],

but I think what people have to own [keep] is an innovation agenda, and
everything is shared in terms of the implementation.

Satya Nadella

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We need constant change, technological innovation capability [competence,

ability, expertise], and high productivity to survive in the fierce competitive

Joe Kaeser

Changes call for innovation, and innovation leads to progress.

Li Keqiang

The single most powerful asset [resource] we all have is our mind. If it is trained
well, it can create enormous wealth [prosperity] in what seems to be an instant.

Robert Kiyosaki

Find the game where you can win, and then commit [require, dedicate] your life
to playing it; and play to win.

Robert Kiyosaki

Intelligence solves problems and produces money. Money without financial

intelligence is money soon [rapidly, quickly] gone.

Robert Kiyosaki

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Christians are baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit" Before receiving the sacrament, they respond to a three-part question
when asked to confess the Father, the Son and the Spirit: "I do." "The faith of all
Christians rests on the Trinity."

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed
all things is God.

Hebrews 3:4 - Jehovah’s Witnesses

... birth into the kingdom of heaven takes place when mortal men are born again
and become alive [active, animated] to the things of the Spirit and of
righteousness ... [This] birth begins when men are baptized in water by a legal
administrator; it is completed when they actually [in fact, truly] receive the
companionship of the Holy Ghost [Spirit], becoming new creatures by the
cleansing [cleaning, washing, purification] power of that member of the

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Instructor’s Guide

A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association
with smarter people.

Will Rogers

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The library is the temple of learning, and learning has liberated more people
than all the wars in history.

Carl T. Rowan

[Highlight it] - Many people feel so pressured by the expectations of others that
it causes them to be frustrated, miserable and confused about what they should
do. But there is a way to live a simple, joy-filled, peaceful life, and the key is
learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the traditions or expectations of

Joyce Meyer

Research is creating new knowledge.

Neil Armstrong

You cannot open a book without learning something.


Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation.

Milan Kundera

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Capitalism historically has been a very dynamic force, and behind [at the back]
that force is technical progress, innovation, new ideas, new products, new
technologies, and new methods of managing teams.

Manmohan Singh

A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates innovation and encourages


Gary Hamel

Innovation is the calling card of the future.

Anna Eshoo

To have a stable economy, to have a stable democracy, and to have a modern

government is not enough. We have to build new pillars of development.
Education, science and technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, and more
equality [fairness, equal opportunity].

Sebastian Pinera

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Shakespeare is absolutely big in Africa. I guess [conjecture, deduce] he's big

everywhere. Growing up [maturing, developing], Shakespeare was the issue.
You'd learn monologues and you'd recite them. And just like hip-hop, it made
you feel like you knew how to speak English really [in truth] well. You had a
mastery of the English language to some extent [scope]. - [Leadership & 100 and
5 Stars].

Ishmael Beah

Without question, students need to practice, review, and drill [discipline, train]
skills, but they should do so only in the spirit of working toward more complex
mastery of those skills. Redundant drill of skills is inherently boring
[uninteresting] and insulting to the learner, and it is one of the most effective
methods for turning students off to learning.

Heidi Hayes Jacobs

In order to keep himself at the top of his condition, to obtain complete mastery
of all his powers and possibilities, a man must be good to himself mentally; he
must think well of himself.

Orison Swett Marden

We talk of our mastery of nature, which sounds very grand [magnificent]; but
the fact is we respectfully adapt ourselves, first, to her ways.

Clarence Day

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I just refer to myself as being Spirit, Mind and Body like everybody else and
working toward the mastery of my natural divinity and the healing [recovery,
therapy] of my emotional mind.

Leonard Orr

Start small and dream big.

Robert Kiyosaki

Emotions are what make us human. Make us real. The word ’emotion’ stands
[erects, raises] for energy in motion. Be truthful [honest, exact] about your
emotions, and use your mind and emotions in your favor, not against yourself.

Robert Kiyosaki

Sight is what you see with your eyes, vision is what you see with your mind.

Robert Kiyosaki

Never say you cannot afford [pay for, find the money for] something. That is a
poor man’s attitude. Ask HOW to afford it.

Robert Kiyosaki

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Robert Kiyosaki affirms: «One of the most stupid things to do is to pretend you
are smart. When you pretend to be smart, you are at the height of stupidity».
Well, ERD affirms: ‘if you want to be intelligent, a strategy, you are reading
books, more and more, and more. Progressively, the readings of books bring us
the intelligence’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith
and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore [consequently] the
source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens [educates,
instructs, edifies] them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the
"hierarchy of the truths of faith". The whole history of salvation is identical with
the history of the way and the means by which the one true God, Father, Son
and Holy Spirit, reveals himself to men "and reconciles and unites with himself
those who turn away from [abandon, reject, avoid] sin [transgression,

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Lift up [Raise, Elevate] your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these
things? It is the One who brings out [highlights] their army [armed forces] by
number; he calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his
awe-inspiring power, not one of them is missing [ignoring, absent].

Isaiah 40:26 - Jehovah’s Witnesses

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The new birth takes place only for those who actually [in reality] enjoy the gift
or companionship of the Holy Ghost, only for those who are fully converted,
who have given themselves without restraint [limitation, restriction] to the

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Instructor’s Guide

The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding,
because to understand is to be free.

Baruch Spinoza

Every time you feel depressed about something, try to identify a corresponding
negative thought you had just prior [previous] to and during the depression.
Because these thoughts have actually created your bad mood [temperament,
disposition, attitude], by learning to restructure them, you can change your

David D. Burns

Do your best and keep learning - that's what I believe in.


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Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and

available to the right people in a format for decision making [manufacture], it is
a burden [problem], not a benefit.

William Pollard

Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail [collapse] you.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Adaptability and constant innovation is key to the survival of any company

operating in a competitive market.

Shiv Nadar

Most companies target [aim at, go for] women as end users, but few are
effectively utilizing female employees when it comes to innovating for female
consumers. When women are empowered [authorized, give power to] in the
design and innovation process, the likelihood [probability] of success in the
marketplace improves by 144%!

Indra Nooyi

Innovation comes from, one, acknowledging [recognizing, saluting] yourself;

two, studying and understanding the problem; and three, finding a solution.

Marley Dias

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In Israel, a land lacking in natural resources, we learned to appreciate our

greatest national advantage: our minds. Through creativity and innovation, we
transformed barren [unproductive] deserts [arid region] into flourishing fields
and pioneered new frontiers in science and technology.

Shimon Peres

New products, new markets, new investors, and new ways of doing things are
the lifeblood of growth [development]. And while each innovation carries
potential risk, businesses that don't innovate will eventually diminish.

Adena Friedman

The key is to embrace [incorporate, include] disruption and change early. Don't
react to it decades later. You can't fight innovation.

Ryan Kavanaugh

I'm a big fan of small business ownership [possession]. I think it's the backbone
[support, vertebral column] of American innovation. But to be successful, you
first have to have the courage to go for it.

Bill Rancic

When you start with next to nothing, all you've got is a lot of thought, a lot of
innovation, figuring new ways to do things without using a lot of money.

John Paul DeJoria

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Creating a global platform for collaboration in education research and

innovation has been the PISA initiative's aspiration from its conception in the
late 1990s. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Jose Angel Gurria

Design is a powerful factor in communication between disciplines and

stakeholders [investors, patrons] and can transform knowledge into [towards]
creative, human-oriented solutions that can promote companies' and countries'
competitive ability and foster [cultivate, promote] innovation and growth

Jens Martin Skibsted

First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak.


Deep listening is miraculous [marvelous, wonderful] for both listener and

speaker. When someone receives us with open-hearted, non-judging, intensely
interested listening, our spirits expand.

Sue Patton Thoele

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The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just
listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our
attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect
than the most well-intentioned words.

Rachel Naomi Remen

Two monologues do not make a dialogue.

Jeff Daly

Do not say a little in many words but a great deal in a few.


… For this reason the apostles confess Jesus to be the Word: "In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"; as "the
image of the invisible God"; as the "radiance of the glory of God and the very
stamp [impression, brand] of his nature".

Catechism of the Catholic Church

A. Miracles [Wonders] are an evidence of the compassion and divinity of Jesus

Christ. B. Christ's greatest miracle is the healing of human souls through the
redemptive power of the gospel. C. Miracles will always be present in the
Church among those who have faith.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Instructor’s Guide

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“This book of the Law should not depart from [deviate of, diverge of] your
mouth, and you must read it in an undertone [connotation, trace] day and night,
in order to observe carefully all that is written in it; for then your way will be
successful and then you will act wisely.”

Joshua 1:8 - Jehovah’s Witnesses

Let us be good stewards [guardians, factors] of the Earth we inherited

[received]. All of us have to share the Earth's fragile ecosystems and precious
resources, and each of us has a role to play in preserving them. If we are to go
on living together on this earth, we must all be responsible for it.

Kofi Annan

We are committed with our lives to building a different model and a different
future for humanity, the Earth, and other species. We have envisaged
[imagined, predicted] a moral alternative to economic globalization and we will
not rest [repose] until we see it realized.

Maude Barlow

I can't imagine a right more basic [essential] than the right to breathe clean air.
We've debated for years how that might be possible. Now that we know it is,
will we have the courage and the conviction to get there?.

Ed Begley, Jr.

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The earth is what we all have in common.

Wendell Berry

If we go on [continue] as we are, we will destroy in the next century everything

that the poets have been singing about for the past two thousand years.

Fred Bodsworth

Every successful business professional I know is constantly learning, reading,

and growing [developing] in their field.

Rachel Hollis

Customers are your best teachers. Learning about your customer's beliefs,
values, and priorities teaches you which selling points you should emphasize.

Mark Goulston

Architecture is a science arising out of [by means of] many other sciences, and
adorned with much and varied learning; by the help of which a judgment is
formed of those works which are the result of other arts.


The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you're
learning you're not old.

Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

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My choice of learning pharmacy was driven by my interests, curiosity, and a

desire to seek new medicines for patients.

Tu Youyou

My first popular book, 'A Brief History of Time,' aroused [produced] a great
deal [very much] of interest, but many found it difficult to understand.

Stephen Hawking

The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.
We can help write that story by setting goals.

Melody Beattie

The book, '12 Rules For Life,' is a very serious book. There's elements of humor
in it, but I'm trying to struggle with things at the deepest possible level and to
explain to people why it's necessary to live an upstanding [virtuous] and noble
and moral and truthful and responsible life, and why there's hell [inferno,
perdition] to pay if you don't do that.

Jordan Peterson

Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every
religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book.

Victor Hugo

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Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic

and social goals and between individual and communal [public, collective]
goals. The governance framework is there to encourage the efficient use of
resources and equally to require accountability for the stewardship
[administration] of those resources. The aim is to align as nearly [closely] as
possible the interests of individuals, corporations and society.

Sir Adrian Cadbury, UK, Commission Report: Corporate Governance 1992.

To set aside [apart] one’s prejudices [preconceptions, partialities,

discriminations], one’s present needs, and one’s own self-interest in making a
decision as a director for a company is an intellectual exercise that takes constant
practice. In short, intellectual honesty is a journey and not a destination.

Mervyn King

Business continuity and planning is just as important for small companies as it

is for large corporations. Plans need to be simple but effective, comprehensive
[complete] but tailored [personalized, made-to-order] to the needs of the
organization. Employers have a responsibility to their staff [organization,
human resources] for their safety [well-being, protection] and security, and we
all share the desire to ensure that any disaster or incident - whether natural or
otherwise - has a minimal [minimum] effect on the economic well-being of the

The Rt Hon David Blunkett, Home Secretary, London

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You can change your world by changing your words... Remember, death and
life are in the power of the tongue [language].

Joel Osteen

Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how

potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to
combine them.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Words of comfort, skillfully [competently] administered, are the oldest therapy

known to man.

Louis Nizer

14 Your fame began to spread among the nations because of your beauty, for it
was perfect because my own splendor I placed upon you, declares the Sovereign
Lord Jehovah.

Ezekiel 16:14 - Jehovah’s Witnesses

14 Y salió tu renombre entre las naciones a causa de tu hermosura, porque era

perfecta por el esplendor que yo puse sobre ti, dice Jehová el Señor.

Ezequiel 16:14 - La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días Salt
Lake City, Utah, E.U.A.

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The eternal origin of the Holy Spirit is revealed in his mission in time. The Spirit
is sent to the apostles and to the Church both by the Father in the name of the
Son, and by the Son in person, once he had returned to the Father. The sending
of the person of the Spirit after Jesus' glorification reveals in its fullness the
mystery of the Holy Trinity.

Catechism of the Catholic Church


10 Things that Define a True Professional, by Alan Norton

… But what exactly does it mean to be a professional? As you read through the
items below, consider how you compare with each trait [attribute,

1: Put customer satisfaction first

Understanding and satisfying your customer's needs are the cornerstones

[foundation stone] of a successful business. Do what is necessary to meet those
needs. After all, without the customer, there is no professional. Professionals
identify and satisfy their customer's needs.

2: Make expertise your specialty

The very word professional implies that you are an expert. Technical
competence is essential in IT.

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Become an expert in the skills and tools necessary to do your job.

Always perform to the best of your abilities.

Keep your knowledge up to [ready for] date.

Professionals know their trade.

3: Do more than expected

This policy outlines [delineates, defines] the appropriate procedures for

conducting commercial endorsements [certifications, authorizations] to ensure
that legal and ethical guidelines are properly followed and that the company
and its staff [organization, human resources] are safeguarded.

Professionals are expected to produce results. Strive [Make every effort] to

complete deliverables before their due [appropriate] dates and under [below]
budget [financial plan].

Professionals meet or exceed expectations whenever [on every occasion]


4: Do what you say and say what you can do

Professionals deliver on promises made.

5: Communicate effectively

Resist the urge to blame [accuse] the customer when communication goes awry
[inappropriate]. Effective communication is ultimately your responsibility -- not
your customer's.

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Whether verbal or written, professionals communicate clearly, concisely,

thoroughly [completely], and accurately [precisely].

6: Follow exceptional guiding principles

Appreciate and support those you work with. Practice good manners and
proper etiquette. Have high ethical and moral standards. Be honest and fair
[objective, honest] in all of your dealings [transactions, communications, and
businesses] with others. Obey the law. These may sound like the attributes of a
Boy Scout, but they are basic values that all professionals should follow. Many
companies have a document that outlines [delineates, forms] their operating
principles. Have you read yours?. Professionals adhere to high values and

7: Praise your peers not yourself

Respect and acknowledge [recognize, salute] the talents of your peers

[colleagues]. There is nothing more unprofessional and self-serving than telling
others how wonderful you are.

Professionals are humble [modest, unpretentious] and generous in their praise

of others.

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8: Share your knowledge

When I was hired at Hughes Aircraft, a second person with similar skills was
hired with me. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out [discern, discover,
understand] that one of us wasn't going to survive. The competitive nature of
the situation was palpable. I am no stranger to the belief that it is not in your
best interest to share your knowledge with your associates …

Think of knowledge as an ocean of facts and not a stream of data. It is possible

to share what you know and still keep one step ahead of the competition --
simply apply yourself and learn something new daily [day-to-day].
Professionals help their peers and are respected for doing so.

9: Say thank you

Professionals thank others in a meaningful [expressive] way that most benefits

the recipient [receiver].

10: Keep a smile on your face and the right attitude in your heart

This has been the hardest item for me to do consistently over my working years.
I believed I was lying [insincere] to myself and the world by smiling when I was
miserable or unhappy with an ongoing [continuing] issue at work.

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I now realize [understand] it's not dishonest to be pleasant [enjoyable,

agreeable] when you are having one of those lousy [useless, miserable] days. It
is in fact thoughtful [precise, attentive, and meticulous] to care about how your
attitude affects those you interact with. Share your unhappiness with your
manager only. "Share the misery" is not the mark of a professional.
Professionals are pleasant even during trying [testing, evaluating, exasperating]

The final word

Working with professionals is a pleasure, and I have been fortunate to work

with some truly [justly] exemplary [representative, archetypal] ones. There
have been a few who liked to be treated as professionals without having to work
and act like one.

You don't have to look any further [additional] than the medical profession to
see examples of true professionals. Think back upon [on] those doctors you've
liked the most and model your professionalism after theirs.

So, how do you measure up [meet the required standards]? Don't feel bad if you
need some work in one or more areas. Demeanor [Behavior, Conduct] that is
less than professional can lead to an image problem for you and your company.
Negative images are hard to shake [agitate]. Recognize any shortcomings
[limitations, deficiencies] you might have and begin working on your
professional image today.

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By Alan Norton - Alan Norton began using PCs in 1981, when they were called
microcomputers. He has worked at companies like Hughes Aircraft and CSC,
where he developed client/server-based applications. Alan is currently semi-
retired and starting a new career …




There is nothing more fearful [anxious] for the average person in our society
than to stand before a group of people and speak.

Charles R. Swindoll

Every day I try to be in communication with the universe in an unconscious


Paulo Coelho

Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so

that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the
sharpness [intelligence, perspicacity], the clarity, and the emotions to affect
other people. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Jim Rohn

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Epictetus affirms: ‘If you wish to be a writer, write’. Now, I affirms: ‘that fact,
affirmative, and affirmative, however, it must come together with your reading
of books’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing.
If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part
of your life.

Brian Tracy

I am not a speed reader. I am a speed understander.

Isaac Asimov

Number one, cash [money] is king [monarch]... number two, communicate...

number three, buy or bury [hide] the competition.

Jack Welch

The best way to solve problems and to fight against war is through dialogue.

Malala Yousafzai

My belief is that communication is the best way to create strong relationships.

Jada Pinkett Smith

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If technique is of no interest to a writer, I doubt that the writer is an artist.

Marianne Moore

Our generation has inherited [received] an incredibly [very, extremely]

beautiful world from our parents and they from their parents. It is in our hands
whether our children and their children inherit [receive, get] the same world.
We must not be the generation responsible for irreversibly damaging the

Richard Branson

An environmental revolution is taking shape in the United States. This

revolution has touched communities of color from New York to California and
from Florida to Alaska -- anywhere where African Americans, Latinos, Asians,
Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans live and comprise [involve, include] a
majority of the population. Collectively, these Americans represent the fastest
growing segment of the population in the United States. They are also the
groups most at risk from environmental problems.

Robert Bullard

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To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating
[exciting]; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter [walk]; to
be thrilled [delighted, inspired] by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's
nest or a wildflower in spring - these are some of the rewards of the simple life.

John Burroughs

I want to make it clear, if there is ever [always, forever] a conflict (between

environmental quality and economic growth), I will go for beauty, clean air,
water, and landscape.

Jimmy Carter

Energy will be the immediate test of our ability to unite this Nation, and it can
also be the standard around which we rally [unite, reunite, assemble]. On the
battlefield of energy we can win for our Nation a new confidence, and we can
seize [capture] control again of our common destiny.

Jimmy Carter

Efficiency innovations provide return on investment in 12-18 months.

Empowering innovations take 5-10 years to yield [produce, generate] a return.
We have ample capital - oceans of capital - that is being reinvested into
[towards] efficiency innovation.

Clayton M. Christensen

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I think there is probably no better person to aspire to emulate than Steve Jobs
and what he has done at Apple in terms of his leadership, his innovation, not
settling for mediocrity.

Howard Schultz

As a source of innovation, an engine of our economy, and a forum for our

political discourse, the Internet can only work if it's a truly [justly] level
[horizontal] playing [in performance] field. Small businesses should have the
same ability to reach customers as powerful corporations. A blogger should
have the same ability to find an audience as a media [channels] conglomerate. -
[Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Al Franken

The fruits of science and innovation have nourished [nurtured, cultivated] our
society and economy for years, but nations unable [not capable] to navigate our
regulatory system are often excluded, as are vulnerable individuals.

John Sulston

Environmental protection and economic development are not in conflict.

Environmental protection is not a burden [problem] but a source for innovation.
It can increase competition, create jobs, and lifts [elevates, raises] the economy.

Chai Jing

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There are many illustrations which show the usefulness [effectiveness] and
authority of agents. For example, consider the power of insurance agents to
obligate the companies they serve to pay claims. If the teacher chooses this
illustration to teach the power of apostleship, he should think through his
objectives in advance [previously] and determine how he will deal with [take
care of] the questions that may arise. For example, what will he do with the
questions of whether an agent of Christ has to be as perfect as Christ? What of
the question of credentials or proof [evidence, verification] of agency?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Instructor’s Guide

They continued reading aloud [clearly] from the book, from the Law of the true
God, clearly explaining it and putting meaning into [towards] it; so they helped
the people to understand what was being read.

Nehemiah 8:8 – Jehovah’s Witnesses

First of all, we should read the Bible to satisfy our soul hunger. As we read God's
written word to us, and open our minds to receive His thoughts, He will speak
to us as truly as He spoke to David, and to Isaiah, and to Daniel. We need to
know Him, and we may know Him best through His word.

Principles of Life from the Word of God - Seventh-day Adventists

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The divine persons are really [in reality] distinct from one another. "God is one
but not solitary." "Father", "Son", "Holy Spirit" are not simply names designating
modalities of the divine being, for they are really distinct from one another: "He
is not the Father who is the Son, nor is the Son he who is the Father, nor is the
Holy Spirit he who is the Father or the Son." They are distinct from one another
in their relations of origin: "It is the Father who generates, the Son who is
begotten [created, make happen], and the Holy Spirit who proceeds [continues,
keeps]." The divine Unity is Triune.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Poverty must not be a bar [obstruction, impediment] to learning and learning

must offer an escape from poverty.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Gardening [Horticulture, Agriculture, Cultivation] is learning, learning,

learning. That's the fun of them. You're always learning.

Helen Mirren

Mind mapping is a technique based on memory and creativity and

comprehension and understanding, so when the student uses the mind map,
they are using their brain in the way their brain was designed to be used, and
so the mind helps them in all learning and cognitive skills. It simply helps them
in what the brain does naturally. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Tony Buzan

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The learning and knowledge that we have, is, at the most, but little compared
with that of which we are ignorant.


I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail [navigate, travel by water]
my ship [boat].

Louisa May Alcott

Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing.

Warren Bennis

We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast
[well-informed, up-to-date, in the know] of change. And the most pressing task
is to teach people how to learn.

Peter Drucker

Can the Magazines «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars» achieve world-wide

audiences?. Affirmative. Their sources have origins of sources with the property
of bold blue. So, Taylor Caldwell affirms: ‘Learning should be a joy and full of
excitement. It is life's greatest adventure; it is an illustrated excursion into
[towards] the minds of the noble and the learned [educated]’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

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Just because you are CEO, don't think you have landed [arrived, gained,
settled]. You must continually increase your learning, the way you think, and
the way you approach the organization. I've never forgotten [ignored] that.

Indra Nooyi

Sarah Jeong affirms: ‘Artificial intelligence is just a new tool, one that can be
used for good and for bad purposes and one that comes with new dangers and
downsides [consequences] as well. We know already that although machine
learning has huge potential, data sets with ingrained [embedded, cemented]
biases [preferences, predispositions] will produce biased [partial, subjective]
results – garbage [waste] in, garbage out’. Now, For example, the great
programmers of games with Artificial intelligence, they, the programmers,
exercise very much their intellect, Lamentably [unfortunately], the final users
will employ their minds in a level, in a stage, minor with respect to the habit of
reading books. And you, what is your opinion?.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

The innovation of our workplace is key to the development of innovative

solutions that address [speak to, attend] the evolving [developing] complex
challenges of our clients.

Cathy Engelbert

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Forensic [Scientific, Criminological, Medical, Material] science offers great

potential, as it draws on almost every discipline and, in doing so, creates
widespread [extensive] opportunity for innovation.

Mark Walport

The younger you are, the more courage and audacity you will have to set long-
term goals and be there to personally work towards your vision. You will have
the confidence to take risks because you have time by your side. You can bring
innovation into everything you do and constantly reinvent yourself.

Shiv Nadar

America's experience, like many others, teaches us that fostering [nurturing,

promoting] entrepreneurship is not just about crafting [manufacturing] the
right economic policy [guiding principle] or developing the best educated
curricula. It's about creating an entire climate in which innovation and ideas

Joe Biden

The way we're really [in reality] going to grow the economy is to invest
[capitalize] in people, to invest in innovation, to have the federal government
put money in the kind of research that will create the new high-technology,
biotechnology industries that will create the millions of new jobs.

Joe Lieberman

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Be slow to speak, and only after having first listened quietly, so that you may
understand the meaning, leanings, and wishes of those who do speak. Thus you
will better know when to speak and when to be silent.

Saint Ignatius

If I asked for [solicited for] a cup of coffee, someone would search for the double

Mae West

Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is
whatever you ascribe [accredit, assign] it to be. Being alive [successful] is the

Joseph Campbell

Be Prepared... the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by
previous thinking out [in the open air] and practicing how to act on any accident
or emergency - [read it!] - so that he is never taken by surprise.

Robert Baden-Powell

If particulars [specifics, facts] are to have meaning, there must be universals.


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The progress of science consists in observing interconnections and in showing

with a patient ingenuity that the events of this ever-shifting [ever-changing]
world are but examples of a few general connections or relations, called laws.
To see what is general in what is particular, and what is permanent in what is
transitory, is the aim of scientific thought.

Whitehead, Alfred North

Proof [Verification, Evidence, Testimony] serves many purposes

simultaneously . . . Proof is respectability. Proof is the seal [guarantee, stamp]
of authority. Proof, in its best instance, increases understanding by revealing the
heart of the matter. Proof suggests new mathematics . . . Proof is mathematical
power, the electric voltage of the subject which vitalizes the static [constant]
assertions [affirmations, declarations] of the theorems.

Davis, Philip J.; Hersh, Reuben

Reading a paper is a voluntary and demanding task, and a reader needs to be

enticed [invited, persuaded] and helped and stimulated by the author.

Batchelor, G.K.

God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers
and clouds and stars.

Martin Luther

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The language of all the interpretations, the translations, of the Judaic Bible and
the Christian Bible, is musical, just wonderful. I read the Bible to myself; I'll take
any translation, any edition, and read it aloud [distinctly, clearly], just to hear
the language, hear the rhythm, and remind [tell again, repeat] myself how
beautiful English is.

Maya Angelou

Yes, the Bible should be taught in our schools because it is necessary to

understand the Bible if we are to truly understand our own culture and how it
came to be. The Bible has influenced every part of western culture from our art,
music, and history, to our sense of fairness [justice, objectivity], charity
[assistance], and business.

Joel Osteen

What is a meaning of the world magazines of «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars».

Well, among that meanings, we have it in the bible verse: Ephesians 4:29

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

29 Let a rotten [unfortunate, unhappy, unpleasant] word not come out of

[originate of, develop of] your mouth, but only what is good for building up as
the need [requirement, requisite] may be, to impart what is beneficial to the
hearers [listeners, audience member].

Ephesians 4:29 - Jehovah’s Witnesses

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29 Ninguna palabra corrompida salga de vuestra boca, sino la que sea buena
para la necesaria edificación, a fin de que dé gracia a los oyentes.

Efesios 4:29 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

In the relational names of the persons the Father is related [associated, allied] to
the Son, the Son to the Father, and the Holy Spirit to both. While they are called
three persons in view of their relations, we believe in one nature or substance.
Indeed everything (in them) is one where there is no opposition of relationship.
Because of that unity the Father is wholly [completely, absolutely] in the Son
and wholly in the Holy Spirit; the Son is wholly in the Father and wholly in the
Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit is wholly in the Father and wholly in the Son.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

When I am tired, the Bible is my bed; or in the dark, the Bible is my light. When
I am hungry, it is vital bread; or fearful [apprehensive, anxious], it is armor
[protective covering, shield, protection] for the fight. When I am sick, 'tis [it is]
healing medicine; or lonely [isolated, solitary], thronging [flooding, inundating]
friends I find therein.

Principles of Life from the Word of God - Seventh-day Adventists

I'm still learning and I'm still growing as a photographer.

Daniel Berehulak

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Sometimes I get extremely disturbed [troubled, worried] with the things that
are written. But you can't do anything about it. As a celebrity, you are putting
yourself out [in the open air] there to be judged, and that's fine. I am now
learning not to get affected by such things. I am building my career and making
choices that I think are right while minding [care for, attend to] my own

Anushka Sharma

Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the
present toward the future. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Denis Waitley

The best thing we can do with rejection [refusal, negative response] is to make
it a learning experience - rejection is a great teacher.

Adena Friedman

Most experts and great leaders agree that leaders are made, not born, and that
they are made through their own drive for learning and self-improvement.

Carol S. Dweck

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Writing in a journal [periodical, newsletter, magazine] reminds [repeats, tells

again] you of your goals and of your learning in life. It offers a place where you
can hold a deliberate, thoughtful [careful, precise] conversation with yourself.

Robin S. Sharma

I started doing comedy because that was the only stage that I could find. It was
the pure idea of being on stage. That was the only thing that interested me, along
with [in conjunction with] learning the craft [expertise, abilities, skills] and
working, and just being in productions with people.

Robin Williams

Genomics, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Machine learning technologies are

helping practitioners [experts] deliver better diagnosis and actually freeing up
[making available] time for patient interaction.

Frans van Houten

I think, what I would communicate to people, if you are really [in reality] keen
[powerful] in helping the world, you could spend so much quality time in terms
of coaching, learning, providing great energy to the social entrepreneurs.

Jean-Philippe Courtois

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The story of our species is one of overcoming [conquering, prevail over]

existential risk through new forms of cooperation and innovation.

David Grinspoon

Sustainable solutions based on innovation can create a more resilient world only
if that innovation is focused on the health and well-being of its inhabitants
[citizens, populations]. And it is at that point - where technology and human
needs intersect - that we will find meaningful [significant, important]

Frans van Houten

Today, I heard directly from Connecticut workers about the importance of

strong, predictable federal research funding [financing, supporting] and how
the federal government can be a better partner [associate] in spurring
[encouraging, stimulating] innovation and helping life-saving medication reach
families who need it most.

Elizabeth Esty

In the private sector, there is always innovation. There's always change. There's
always improving productivity, and if you're not leading that, you'll be passed
and ultimately go out [leave, retire] of business. So there's an urgency to
constantly update [modernize] and renew [renovate, recommence] and to
rethink your enterprise.

Mitt Romney

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The future of innovation has to include not only the technology, but economic

Dennis Muilenburg

Prosperity in human society is misunderstood. The difference between a rich

and poor society is the number of problems that society solves for its citizens.
That means technological innovation is the source of all prosperity, but with
every tech innovation, you also get disruption - ultimately, social and civic
disruption. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Nick Hanauer

Collaboration among individuals, brands [trade names], and industries will

only continue to accelerate as technology facilitates [assists] and enables greater
connection in real time from anywhere in the world. It's why we're experiencing
such an unprecedented pace [step, time, movement] of innovation in every
aspect of our lives.

Mark Parker

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Elon Musk affirms: ‘I think most of the important stuff [substance] on the
Internet has been built. There will be continued innovation, for sure, but the
great problems of the Internet have essentially been solved’. Well, I disagree
with respect to it. For example, we go to the past, we go to the year 2000, and
now we think in the interaction - interface - among the mobile devices of
communication with the Web. Now, we are in the 2019, and we observe an
enormous case of study of Innovation, of technological innovation. So, Elon
Musk underestimates [miscalculates] a little.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

Taking bold [courageous, confident] action on climate change simply makes

good business sense. It's also the right thing to do for people and the planet.
Setting a net-zero GHG emissions target by 2050 will drive [guide, maneuver]
innovation, grow jobs, build prosperity, and secure a better world for what will
soon [in a little while] be 9 billion people.

Richard Branson

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Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. affirms: ‘The Internet is ultimately about innovation and
integration, but you don't get the innovation unless [except] you integrate Web
technology into [towards] the processes by which you run [manage] your
business’. Well, now I addresses to the recent student in innovation, and I
affirms with respect to the quote of Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., which is a brief
argument of technological innovation and innovation of processes of business.
So, towards our recent student about two class of innovation. Of course, all
human work is to innovate, however, innovation takes name, and strong
intelligence in some categories of human works.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

Why the magazines «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars» matter?. Well, Steve Blank
affirms: ‘Innovation in an existing company is not just the sum of great
technology, key acquisitions, or smart people. Corporate innovation needs a
culture that matches [harmonizes, coordinates] and supports it’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

A psychoneurosis must be understood, ultimately, as the suffering of a soul

which has not discovered its meaning.

Carl Jung

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There is nothing in the world, I venture to say, that would so effectively help
one to survive even the worst conditions as the knowledge that there is a
meaning in one's life.

Viktor E. Frankl

A painter tries to convey [communicate, transport] to us a picture of the world

as he sees it; an ophthalmologist tries to enable us to see the world as it really
is. The logotherapist's role consists of widening [expanding] and broadening
[developing] the visual field of the patient so that the whole spectrum of
potential meaning becomes conscious and visible to him.

Viktor E. Frankl

Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge
[capture] after them in an unstoppable manner.

Les Brown

The habits of feeling, action and judgment that comprise [involve, include] good
character depend on personal self-discipline and powerful aspiration to become
a good person, all of which must be drawn [illustrated, represented] from

Edwin Delattre

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Clearly our first problem must be to define the issue [subject, matter], since
nothing is more prolific of fruitless [unproductive] controversy than an
ambiguous question.

Russell, Bertrand

We may begin to see reality differently simply because the computer... provides
a different angle on reality.

Pagels, Heinz

The scientific glory of a country may be considered in some measure, as an

indication of its innate strength [power, potency]. The exaltation of Reason must
necessarily be connected with the exaltation of the other faculties of the mind;
and there is one spirit of enterprise, vigor and conquest in science, arts, and

Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis

Harnessing [Connecting, Employing] steam power required many innovations,

as William Rosen chronicles [archives, histories, records] in the book 'The Most
Powerful Idea in the World.'

Bill Gates

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Which is a power of an important author of books?. Meaning, that is a power.

Well, Paulo Coelho affirms: ‘When I write a book, I write a book for myself; the
reaction is up [active] to the reader. It's not my business whether people like or
dislike it’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

A genuine author of books is genuine with respect to the saying of Samuel

Johnson. He affirms: ‘The greatest part of a writer's time is spent in reading in
order to write. A man will turn over [think about, go over, examine] half a
library to make a book’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

I think Naomi Klein was very astute with her book 'Shock Doctrine.' We make
money on disaster.

Henry Rollins

Acknowledging [Recognizing, Admitting] the physical realities of our planet

does not mean a dismal [miserable] future of endless [eternal, perpetual]
sacrifice. In fact, acknowledging these realities is the first step in dealing with
[take care of] them. We can meet the resource problems of the world -- water,
food, minerals, farmlands [countries, pastures], forests, overpopulation,
pollution -- if we tackle [undertake, face] them with courage and foresight
[prudence, prevision].

Jimmy Carter

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There's a belief that you're supposed to be poor, and suffering, and show your
humility. I just don't see the Bible that way. I see that God came and Jesus died
so that we might live an abundant life and be a blessing [sanctification,
dedication] to others.

Joel Osteen

A lot of psychological principles and even medical principles, you see them
coming around to what the Bible said hundreds of years ago: a merry [happy,
joyful] heart is good like a medicine.

Joel Osteen

I've done some analysis of the biblical stories as part of my psychological work.
I knew that I had more to do, and every time I've done it, it's been extremely
valuable. It makes me a better teacher because I have a richer understanding of
cultural history.

Jordan Peterson

Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece [master work,
work of art], make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books -
especially the Bible, build a shelter [protection] against a rainy [raining] day,
give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day.

John Wooden

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Communism has decided against God, against Christ, against the Bible, and
against all religion.

Billy Graham

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This Product is made in Mexico, for

Mexico, and towards the World. M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz
Thanks for your attention. Ced. Prof. 5632071

Date of Publishing, February 2020.

A book is a version of the world. If you do not like it, ignore it; or
offer your own version in return.
Salman Rushdie

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The VOA- ERD Institution, for Your English.

Visit my Personal Page. Get ahead.
Go to:

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars

Magazine Twenty-four

The Leadership, and the English Language

The English Language, and the Leadership.

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Miss USA, Samantha Brooks

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Do we understand the great importance of The English language, as the

Universal channel of Communication of the our World, evidently?; and,
consequently the why and the VOA-ERD Institution, as a result?.
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute
Hebrews 13:24

Den mis saludos a todos los que llevan la delantera entre ustedes, y a todos los
Santos. Los de Italia les envían sus saludos.

La Biblia de la Iglesia de los Testigos de Jehová [México] – HEBREOS 13:24.

Forgiveness is not just about the other. It’s for the beauty of your soul. It’s for
your own capacity to fulfill your life.
Jack Kornfield.

People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. It's as
simple as that.
Earl Nightingale

If you want to reach a goal, you must see the reaching in your own mind before
you actually arrive at your goal.
Zig Ziglar

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Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are
doing the impossible.
St. Francis of Assisi

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who
keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind
Henry Ford


The United States of America, 30 Quotes

1. Empower yourselves with a good education, then get out there and use
that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise.

Michelle Obama

2. We don't need cultural change. USA was once great. To be great again,
we must return to our cultural greatness.

Baltazar Bolado

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3. As Pacific Ocean nations, competition and cooperation between the two

nations will create a new atmosphere—leading to the Birth of a ‘Pacific’
New World Order—that is more engaging and less confrontational; this
can be characterized by the presence of force without war.

Patrick Mendis

4. History is the archaeology of the present and future.

Patrick Mendis

5. Silence is what causes most of humanity's problems.

Lauren Kate

6. It seems to me that America is constantly reinventing what "America"


Ronald Reagan

7. America has always been aspirational to me.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

8. America! It's just one big Corporation!.

Anthony T. Hincks

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9. To be a leader you must set an example. What I want to ask you Mr.
President is:- "What example have you set the youth of today, unless it is
not to follow in your footsteps?.

Anthony T. Hincks

10. Yes here's to the founding fathers—slave-owners, British citizens who

didn't want to pay taxes....

David Mazzucchelli; and, Asterios Polyp

11. Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are
descended from immigrants and revolutionists.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

12. We are quite rich enough to defend ourselves, whatever the cost. We must
now learn that we are quite rich enough to educate ourselves as we need
to be educated.

Walter Lippmann

13. America is just the country that shows how all the written guarantees in
the world for freedom are no protection against tyranny and oppression
of the worst kind.

Peter Kroptkin

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14. The American experiment is the most tremendous and far reaching
engine of social change which has ever either blessed or cursed mankind.

Charles Francis Adams

15. America is a vast conspiracy to make you happy.

John Updike

16. What this country needs is more free speech worth listening to.

Hansell B. Duckett

17. America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense... human rights
invented America.

Jimmy Carter

18. If you can speak three languages you're trilingual. If you can speak two
languages you're bilingual. If you can speak only one language you're an

Author unknown

19. America is much more than a geographical fact. It is a political and moral
fact — the first community in which men set out in principle to
institutionalize freedom, responsible government, and human equality.

Adlai Stevenson

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20. America is not just a country, but a way of life.

Unknown author

21. What we need are critical lovers of America — patriots who express their
faith in their country by working to improve it.

Hubert H. Humphrey

22. Perhaps, after all, America never has been discovered. I myself would say
that it had merely been detected.

Oscar Wilde

23. Not merely a nation but a nation of nations.

Lyndon B. Johnson

24. We need an America with the wisdom of experience. But we must not let
America grow old in spirit.

Hubert H. Humphrey

25. We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the
Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs but to secure liberty for their

Robert J. McCracken

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26. Sometimes people call me an idealist. Well, that is the way I know I am
an American. America is the only idealistic nation in the world.

Woodrow Wilson

27. Intellectually I know that America is no better than any other country;
emotionally I know she is better than every other country.

Sinclair Lewis

28. The American Revolution was a beginning, not a consummation.

Woodrow Wilson

29. “The 'Wild West' is a good description of law enforcement in the desert
southwest USA.

Steven Magee

30. May the glory of America never cease to shine.

Unknown author


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Knowledge - Understanding and recall of information measured by depth,

scope, and ability to integrate to resolve problems.

Knowledge - Information that people make use of, along with the rules and
contexts of its use.

Knowledge - Information required to develop skills. Job concepts or rules

(declarative knowledge) and their interrelationship (structural knowledge). The
job specific content or information which a person has gained through training,
education and/or experience. Knowledge is built upon the foundation of
mental abilities that a person brings to the situation.

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell when his influence stops.
Henry Adams

Behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his own image.


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If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish
your dreams.
Les Brown

Without a deadline, baby, I wouldn't do nothing.

Duke Ellington

Whenever anything is being accomplished, it is being done, I have learned, by

a monomaniac with a mission.
Peter Drucker

Almost all really [surely] new ideas have a certain aspect of foolishness when
they are just produced.
A.N. Whitehead

Chemical research conducts to the knowledge of philosophical truth, and forms

the mind to philosophical enlargement [improvement] and accuracy of thought,
more happily than almost any other species of investigation in which the human
intellect can be employed.
Alexander Tilloch

Copy from one, it‘s plagiarism; copy from two, it‘s research.
Wilson Mizner

Copying extensively from one source is plagiarism; copying extensively from

several is research.

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This encouragement to persevere came after four years of looking around,

struggling for money and searching for a proper University where I could study
what I wanted.
Henri Tonnang

When giving a presentation, remember that the audience will never be more
excited about the results than you are yourself.
Gijs Wuite

Presenting work publicly is something that we often find scary. We worry that
others will find fault in our research. Before I defended my undergraduate
thesis, my research mentor urged me not to be afraid of presenting research,
and to see the panel members as people who help to improve my research. It
was the beginning of many presentations both at national and international
scientific conferences and meetings.
Thomas Edison E. de la Cruz

Culture - A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it

solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, which has
worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new
members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those

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Organizational culture refers to the taken-for-granted values, underlying

[fundamental] assumptions, expectations, collective memories, and definitions
present in an organization. It represents how things are around here. It reflects
the prevailing ideology that people carry inside their heads. It conveys
[expresses] a sense of identity to employees, provides unwritten rules and,
often, unspoken guidelines [procedures] for how to get along [progress] in the
organization, and enhances [improves] the stability of the social system that
they experience.
Cameron; and Quinn

Knowledge Management Practices Variables
KM Practices in my Enterprise

1. The organizational benefits of a knowledge-centric organization are

clearly understood by everyone in our organization.
2. KM is a top priority in our organization.
3. Our organization has a clear and strong commitment to KM initiatives
from senior management.
4. Our organization has sufficient financial resources to support KM
5. Our organizational culture encourages knowledge sharing.
6. People in our organization have the time to share information.
7. Teamwork is a critical component of our organization’s culture, structure,
and processes.

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8. Our organizational strategies, structures, policies, procedures, processes,

and reward systems focus on long-term growth.
9. Our organization has evolved from a rigid hierarchical structure to a
process oriented structure.
10. Our organization has invested in effective KM technologies (i.e., Intranet,

databases, email, and digital libraries).

11. Our organization has the human resources to support our information
technology systems, software, and network.
12. People in our organization are often rewarded for continuous learning or
knowledge sharing.

KM, knowledge management.

Michael Stankosky, D. Sc. Title: «Creating the Discipline of Knowledge

Management - The Latest in University Research». Editorial: «Elsevier
Butterworth–Heinemann». The United States of America. Year 2005.

A question as task to resolve. You are member of a Corporation, then, we go to

a case of study. So, we have a new influential executive, but he has a very
pragmatic mind. Now, you cite me at least 12 items, which you, in brief, and
rightly, you will communicate towards our referred new executive.
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

Tell everyone what you want to do and someone will want to help you do it.
W. Clement Stone

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Systems are the essential building blocks of every successful business.

Ron Carroll

Procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin.

Victor Kiam

Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.

Warren Buffett

If your business depends on you, you don’t own a business—you have a job.
Michael Gerber

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.
Henry Ford

It must be borne [accepted] in mind that the tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not
reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. . . . It is not a
disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for.
Not failure, but low aim is sin.
Benjamin E. Mays

Strategy is a style of thinking, a conscious and deliberate process, an intensive

implementation system, the science of ensuring future success.
Pete Johnson

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The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it
Benjamin Disraeli

Even Sigmund Freud would admit that both dreams and words can have
various meanings. As with all words and dreams, they come with both good
and bad connotations. The word “dream” is most likely related to the Germanic
draugmus, (meaning deception, illusion, or phantom [phantasm]) or the Norse
draugr (ghost, apparition), or even the Sanskrit druh (seek to harm or injure).
Have you ever wondered whether your entrepreneurial dream could become
one of these stories?.
Elias Howe

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The Bible.

Doth not wisdom cry aloud, and prudence put forth [into the world] her voice?

2 Standing in the top of the highest places by the way, in the midst [center] of
the paths,

3 Beside the gates of the city, in the very doors she speaketh [speaks], saying:

4 O ye men, to you I call, and my voice is to the sons of men.

5 O little ones understand subtlety [discernment], and ye unwise, take notice.

6 Hear, for I will speak of great things: and my lips shall be opened to preach
right things.

7 My mouth shall meditate truth, and my lips shall hate wickedness [malice].

8 All my words are just, there is nothing wicked [severe], nor perverse in them.

9 They are right to them that understand, and just to them that find knowledge.

10 Receive my instruction, and not money: choose knowledge rather than gold.

The Holy Bible. Proverbs. 8 – 1:10. - Translated From The Latin Vulgate
Diligently Compared With The Hebrew, Greek, And Other Editions In
Divers Languages. Douay-Rheims Version. 1609, 1582.

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Some Ancient English Words

wilt = will; shalt = shall; mayst = may; hath =has; thy = your; thee = you;
thou = you; thereof = of this, of that; shew = show; ye = you, the; canst =
can; thine = yours;

Esteemed reader: here, words with a very quick idea of their significance.
Therefore, if you requires more knowledge, you must search for grammatical


La Biblia.

1 Si te sientas a la mesa de un señor, | mira bien lo que tienes delante:

2 pon freno a tu apetito | si tienes mucha hambre;

3 no mires con ansia sus manjares, | porque es comida engañosa.

4 No te afanes en ir tras la riqueza, | sé sensato y no pienses en ella.

5 Dejas un poco de mirarla y ya no está: | echa alas de águila y vuela hacia el


6 No te juntes a comer con el avaro, | no codicies sus ricos alimentos,

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7 porque son como pelo en la garganta: | «Anda, come y bebe», te dice, | pero
no te habla con sinceridad.

8 Vomitarás el bocado que has comido, | habrás malgastado tus hermosas


9 No hables a oídos del necio, | despreciará tus sabias palabras.

10 No desplaces los linderos fijados | ni invadas el campo del huérfano,

11 porque es poderoso su redentor, | y defenderá su causa contra ti.

12 Aplica tu mente a la instrucción, | tus oídos a palabras sensatas.

Sagrada Biblia - Versión Oficial De La Conferencia Episcopal de España. -

Proverbios 23. 1:12.


9 But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed
[declared] I will make good. I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the LORD.’

Bible Jonah 2:9

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our
salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol [praise] him with
music and song.

Bible Psalm 95:1-2

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18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Bible 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn
English or leave the country.

Theodore Roosevelt

And we are never too old to study the Bible. Each time the lessons are studied
comes some new meaning, some new thought which will make us better.

John D. Rockefeller

A love of books, of holding [keeping, thinking] a book, turning its pages,

looking at its pictures, and living its fascinating stories goes hand-in-hand with
a love of learning.

Laura Bush

Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same
things, but learning another way to think about things.

Flora Lewis

I'm learning that you can be comfortable and still [even] look [appear] beautiful.

Selena Gomez

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I love studying different religions. For me, learning and drawing from the
different religious traditions is essential to being a good public servant. And the
connections between our various religious traditions become our public ethic;
they tie us together.

Tim Ryan

Never stop learning; knowledge doubles every fourteen months.

Anthony J. D'Angelo

There are some aspects of work you need to keep working on and no matter
what environment you are in. Continuous learning is very important. It's what
I call 'competitive tension', which is about having a competition around.

Viswanathan Anand

Learning to celebrate success is a key component of learning how to win in the

market. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Douglas Conant

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It is essential to ensure [safeguard, guarantee] that the Fourth Industrial

Revolution is a sustainable one for people and planet. It could even drive [guide,
maneuver] greater innovation, not only for short-term benefits and solutions for
human wealth [prosperity] but also long-term solutions that benefit all and
enable planetary stability.

Johan Rockstrom

The real competitive advantage will come to countries and companies who
differentiate [distinguish] their offerings through education, innovation, and
productivity. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Dinesh Paliwal

The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success: Concentration,

Discrimination, Organization, Innovation and Communication.

Harold S. Geneen

Invention is not enough. Tesla invented the electric power we use, but he
struggled [battled] to get it out [available, obtainable] to people. You have to
combine both things: invention and innovation focus, plus the company that
can commercialize things and get them to people.

Larry Page

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If we choose to ignore science and refuse [deny] to fund [finance, support]

important scientific research, we voluntarily cede our place as a world leader in

Bill Foster

By definition, the Singularity [Miracle, Peculiarity] means that machines would

be smarter than us, and, in their wisdom, they can innovate new technologies.
The innovations would come so quickly, and increasingly quickly, that the
innovation would make Moore's Law seem as antiquated as Hammurabi's

Marvin Ammori

Cultivating innovative thinking starts at the top. Leaders can foster [cultivate,
promote] a culture of innovation by encouraging creativity and experimenting
with new ideas.

Lynne Doughtie

Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship. It drives everything:

Job creation, poverty alleviation [improvement], innovation.

Elliott Bisnow

We need innovation in education and dedication to the task before us.

Alan Autry

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You need to be honest and always see new opportunities coming. So I call it
intuition, innovation, execution - these are my working principles.

Roustam Tariko

The business world needs the best talent from both genders [male and female]
to compete in an ever-changing environment and drive innovation.

Denise Morrison

I have never believed we had to choose between either a clean and safe
environment or a growing economy. Protecting the health and safety of all
Americans doesn’t have to come at the expense of our economy’s bottom line
[end result, end product, outcome]. And creating thriving [prosperous]
companies and new jobs doesn’t have to come at the expense of the air we
breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, or the natural landscape in which
we live. We can, and indeed must, have both.

Bill Clinton

Is it too late to prevent us from self-destructing? No, for we have the capacity to
design our own future, to take a lesson from living things around us and bring
our values and actions in line with ecological necessity. But we must first realize
[understand] that ecological and social and economic issues are all deeply
intertwined [interlinked, interconnected]. There can be no solution to one
without a solution to the others.

Jean-Michel Cousteau

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We go to sanctuaries to remember the things we hold most dear [valuable,

treasured], the things we cherish [appreciate] and love. And then--the great
challenge--we return home seeking to enact [represent, present] this wisdom as
best we can in our daily lives.

William Cronon

It is our collective and individual responsibility to protect and nurture the

global family, to support its weaker [fragile] members and to preserve and tend
[supervise, care for] to the environment in which we all live.

Dalai Lama

We must set an example now and move environmentalism from being the
philosophy of a passionate minority... to a way of life that automatically
integrates ecology into [towards] governmental policy [guiding principle] and
normal living standards.

Leonardo DiCaprio

[Research] may use a laboratory or it may not. It is purely [merely] a principle,

and everybody can apply it in his own life. It is simply a way of trying to find
new knowledge and ways of improving things which you are not satisfied with.

Kettering, Charles F. / Smith, Beverly

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[Science is] the activity of people who work in laboratories and whose
discoveries have made possible modern industry and medicine.

From the book: «Science and Common Sense»’.

How can we describe the scientific spirit of the magazines of «Leadership of 100
and 5 Stars»?. Well, two precise answers, they are in two quotes – of unknown
authors – they express: 1) «The whole of science is nothing more than a
refinement of everyday thinking», and 2) «Science is the attempt to make the
chaotic diversity of our sense experience correspond to a logically uniform
system of thought».

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

The aim of ‘Science’ is to attain [arrive at, achieve] conceptions so adequate and
exact that we shall never need to change them.

From the book: «Principles of Psychology».

Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.
Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease [illness],
tap [monitor, employ] the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce.

Kennedy, John F.

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People generally don't recognize how long it takes to conceive, publish, and
write a book.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

I just feel that 'The Color Purple,' which was my 10th book, was a true gift from
my ancestors.

Alice Walker

Philosophy is written in this grand [splendid, excellent] book, the universe,

which stands continually open to our gaze [observation, scrutiny]. But the book
cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend [understand, know]
the language and read the letters in which it is composed. - [Leadership & 100
and 5 Stars].

Galileo Galilei

A dimension of the magazines of «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars» is observed

by means of the quote of John Ruskin. He affirms: ‘Great nations write their
autobiographies in three manuscripts - the book of their deeds [performances,
activities], the book of their words and the book of their art’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

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In the book of Gaga, fame is in your heart, fame is there to comfort you, to bring
you self-confidence and worth [value, wealth] whenever [every time] you need

Lady Gaga

The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient
your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce
outstanding [excellent, superior] results.

Anthony Robbins

Reading is a source of potency. Become a walking encyclopedia of answers for

anyone who has questions.

Tim Sanders

The Bible is the rock on which this Republic rests.

Andrew Jackson

A native speaker of English who has never read a word of the King James Bible
is verging on [bordering on] the barbarian.

Richard Dawkins

The Bible is a study guide for social interaction.


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Probably the one Bible passage that is read by Jews and Roman Catholics,
Protestants, Islam, more than any other chapter is Psalm 23. And in Psalm 23
there is a verse that says, 'Surely, yea though [even if] I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.'

Robert H. Schuller

The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ came to do three things. He came to have my
past forgiven [exonerated, pardoned], you get a purpose for living and a home
in Heaven.

Rick Warren

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Physical fitness - Physical fitness is generally achieved through exercise.

Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the
ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical
fitness is generally achieved through (1) proper nutrition, (2) moderate-
vigorous physical exercise, (3) and sufficient rest.

Before the industrial revolution, fitness was defined as the capacity to carry out
[perform, execute] the day’s activities without undue [unjustifiable, unjustified]
fatigue. However, with automation and changes in lifestyles physical fitness is
now considered a measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and
effectively in work and leisure [free time] activities, to be healthy [fit, vigorous],
to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.

[ypokinesia refers to decreased bodily movement. ...]




If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment [food,

nutrition] and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found
[discovered] the safest way to health.


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Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it
is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.

John F. Kennedy

Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far

Thomas Jefferson

Bodybuilding is much like any other sport. To be successful, you must dedicate
yourself 100% to your training, diet and mental approach.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

I like to embrace [incorporate, include] natural beauty. I try to get at least 8

hours of sleep, drinking a lot of water and exercising.

Tia Mowry

Exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate [eradicate, exterminate]. The world

wasn't formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon

Lee Haney

Fitness needs to be perceived as fun and games or we subconsciously avoid it.

Alan Thicke

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Exercise should be regarded [observed, considered] as tribute to the heart.

Gene Tunney

The reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy.

Kenneth H. Cooper

If a man achieves victory over this body, who in the world can exercise power
over him? He who rules himself rules over the whole world.

Vinoba Bhave

As we progress into [towards] the twenty-first century, anyone who considers

themselves a realist will have to make the environment a top priority.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Man shapes [models, forms, molds] himself through decisions that shape his

René Dubos

For me, learning is a continuous process and an all-inclusive one - reading a

book, learning a musical instrument or learning the martial art called
taekwondo. Teach myself something new - that's my prayer [invocation].

Sonu Nigam

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We are all in the business of sales. Teachers sell students on learning, parents
sell their children on making good grades and behaving [performing, working],
and traditional salesmen sell their products. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Dave Ramsey

With every book, you go back [return] to school. You become a student. You
become an investigative reporter. You spend a little time learning what it's like
to live in someone else's shoes.

John Irving

Patience is a virtue, and I'm learning patience. It's a tough [hard, demanding]

Elon Musk

The top experts in the world are ardent students. The day you stop learning,
you're definitely not an expert.

Brendon Burchard

I spend a lot of time learning about bird watching [observing, inspecting].

Nikki Giovanni

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Throughout [During, All over] the European Middle Ages and Renaissance,
Latin was the language of learning and international communication. But in the
early modern period, it was gradually displaced by French. By the eighteenth
century, all the world - or at least all of Europe - aspired to be Parisian.

Michael Dirda

I spent some time back in Mexico at 16 because my parents thought it would be

prudent for me to learn Spanish, because I held [kept] a Mexican passport.

Lupita Nyong'o

I was born in Mexico because my father was teaching at a school in Mexico City.
I was born during the third year he was there. And when I was 16, I returned to
Mexico to learn Spanish.

Lupita Nyong'o

As is natural with contiguous states having like institutions and like aims of
advancement and development, the friendship of the United States and Mexico
has been constantly maintained.

Chester A. Arthur

There are great legends and great fighters [warriors, combatants] in the history
of Mexico, and there will be more to come.

Canelo Alvarez

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My vision of the border with Mexico is that a truck [motor vehicle, means of
transportation] from the United States going into Mexico and a truck coming
from Mexico into the United States will pass each other at the border going 60
miles an hour. Yes, we should have open borders [frontiers].

Gary Johnson

My sister sings, and in Mexico, we have these things called 'Casa de la Cultura,'
which are specific places where they actually foster [cultivate, promote] culture.
They support people who want to do something in culture.

Yalitza Aparicio

For, behind [in front] the scenes, halfway [in the middle] around the world in
Mexico, were two decades of aggressive research on wheat that not only
enabled Mexico to become self-sufficient with respect to wheat production but
also paved [cemented, concreted] the way to rapid increase in its production in
other countries.

[«wheat», in Spanish, «(n.) trigo, cereal»].

Norman Borlaug

Science contributes to our culture in many ways, as a creative intellectual

activity in its own right, as the light which has served to illuminate man’s place
in the universe, and as the source of understanding of man’s own nature.

Address to the National Academy of Sciences - Washington, D.C.

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Science conducts us, step by step, through the whole range of creation, until we
arrive, at length [in detail, in depth], at God.

Marguerite of Valosis

Science will never be able to reduce the value of a sunset [the end of the day] to
arithmetic. Nor can it reduce friendship to a formula. Laughter and love, pain
[worry] and loneliness [solitude, being alone], the challenge of accomplishment
in living, and the depth of insight into [towards] beauty and truth [veracity]:
these will always surpass the scientific mastery of nature. - [Leadership & 100
and 5 Stars].

Orr, Louis

Modern Science, as training the mind to an exact and impartial analysis of facts,
is an education specifically fitted [incorporated, integral] to promote sound
[complete] citizenship.

Pearson, Karl

Science and technology may lead to self-destruction; humanities to sensible

social recovery [recuperation].

Encyclopedia of Thoughts - Aphorism 2937

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[Innovation] - I think innovation as a discipline needs to go back and get

rethought [reconsidered] and revived [revitalized]. There are so many models
to talk about innovation, there are so many typologies of innovation, and you
have to find a good innovation metric that truly captures the innovation
performance of a company. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Indra Nooyi

Leaders who can push themselves beyond their comfort zones and understand
how to harness [connect, employ] the power of reverse innovation have the
chance to become the next great visionaries.

Dinesh Paliwal

My innovation involved taking an idea from the telecommunications and

banking industries, and applying that idea to transportation business.

Frederick W. Smith

Creativity is, after all, lauded [praised, acclaimed] as the engine of business

Matthew Walker

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Any small business that's predicated [centered, based] on technological

innovation and is differentiated [distinguished] and superior can expand
globally very effectively using the Internet as a vehicle for promotion.

John Quelch

By working to ensure [safeguard, guarantee] we live in a society that prioritizes

public safety, education, and innovation, entrepreneurship can thrive [grow
well, prosper] and create a better world for all of us to live in.

Ron Conway

No finite point has meaning without an infinite reference point.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Our obligation is to give meaning to life and in doing so to overcome [conquer]

the passive, indifferent life.

Elie Wiesel

In the last analysis, the individual person is responsible for living his own life
and for 'finding himself.' If he persists in shifting [changing, transferring] his
responsibility to somebody else, he fails to find out [discover] the meaning of
his own existence. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Thomas Merton

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When you draw or paint a tree, you do not imitate the tree; you do not copy it
exactly as it is, which would be mere photography. To be free to paint a tree or
a flower or a sunset [the end of the day], you have to feel what it conveys
[communicates, transports] to you: the significance, the meaning of it.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have
the awesome [splendid, grand] ability to take any experience of their lives and
create a meaning that disempowers [it does not authorize] them or one that can
literally [accurately, exactly] save their lives. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Tony Robbins

Few enterprises of great labor or hazard [danger, risk] would be undertaken if

we had not the power of magnifying the advantages we expect from them.

Samuel Johnson

I have a lot of common sense. I know what needs to be done and how to
approach it. I have an ability to work with people on large enterprises.

Sally Ride

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Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense,
is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in
enterprises that are obviously heading for success, but rather an ability to work
for something because it is good.

Vaclav Havel

Movies [Cinemas, Films] are terrifically [very, tremendously] optimistic


Christopher Walken

We need to develop and disseminate an entirely new paradigm and practice of

collaboration that supersedes [take the place of] the traditional silos [feed
storage, grain store] that have divided governments, philanthropies and private
enterprises for decades and replace it with networks of partnerships working
together to create a globally prosperous society.

Simon Mainwaring

I said that if I were an industrialist or entrepreneur, I would invest in

agriculture-based enterprises, for there is so much that can be done in
manufacturing, in food preservation.

F. Sionil Jose

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It is essential to link enterprises on the basis of objective laws of a socialist

economy and legal system.

Samora Machel

The Scriptures contain many stories of people who waited years or even
decades before the Lord's promises came to pass [occur, appear]. What modern
believers can learn from the patience of biblical saints like Abraham, Joseph,
David, and Paul is that waiting upon [on] the Lord has eternal rewards.

Charles Stanley

I think a lot of people, even Christians, are willing to be satisfied with gaining
lots and lots of biblical knowledge - and many people go to Bible studies and
don't realize [understand] it isn't enough to know what's right, it's applying the
information and the knowledge that you have.

Charles Stanley

Intense study of the Bible will keep any writer from being vulgar, in point of
style. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Bible remained for me a book of books, still divine - but divine in the sense
that all great books are divine which teach men how to live righteously

Joseph Joubert

If America's Founding Fathers espoused [adopted, supported] openness to

religion, creationism, and the Bible being taught in schools, then it beckons
[indicates] the question, Why don't we?.

Chuck Norris

The essence of the Hebrew Bible, transmitted by Christianity, is separation:

between life and death, nature and God, good and evil, man and woman, and
the holy [consecrated, divine] and the profane.

Dennis Prager

God’s commandments [directives, instructions] direct us away from danger and

toward eternal life. By choosing wisely, we will gain exaltation, progress
eternally, and enjoy perfect happiness.

«Gospel Principles». Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day

Saints Salt Lake City, Utah. Printed in the United States of America. 2009.

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If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives
generously to all and without reproaching, and it will be given him.

James 1:5 - Jehovah’s Witnesses

God's almighty [omnipotent, supreme] power is in no way arbitrary: "In God,

power, essence, will, intellect, wisdom, and justice are all identical. Nothing
therefore [consequently] can be in God's power which could not be in his just
will [determination] or his wise intellect.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

The student of the Bible should be taught to approach it in the spirit of a learner.
We are to search its pages, not for proof [verification, evidence] to sustain our
opinions, but in order to know what God says.

Principles of Life from the Word of God - Seventh-day Adventists

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El Colegio de Líderes Miguel Ángel Cornejo - Formamos

Líderes con perspectiva Global.


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El Colegio de Líderes Miguel Ángel Cornejo inició una transformación hacia un

nuevo modelo educativo, con grandes aprendizajes y resultados. Esta evolución
te brindara nuevas herramientas para tu crecimiento personal y éxito

“Formar lideres con perspectiva global” es parte del legado que el Lic. Miguel
Ángel Cornejo nos dejó como misión.

Somos la institución pionera en la formación de líderes de Excelencia a nivel

internacional, más de cuatro décadas nos avalan en el campo directo de la
investigación académica y práctica, para lo cual se han visitado más de 100
países en los cinco continentes, más de 100 investigadores —líderes
empresariales, sociales y políticos— han sumado su labor de búsqueda para
aprender de los mejores del mundo. Dentro de nuestros egresados figuran 1,500
empresas de prestigio internacional, miles de pequeñas y medianas empresas,
así como millones de personas han recibido el mensaje de la corriente de
Excelencia tanto en América, Asia y Europa.

La formación integral de líderes de Excelencia ha sido el enfoque central de

nuestras investigaciones por más de cuatro décadas, nuestro objetivo: descubrir,
estudiar y adaptar los estilos de liderazgo que han reportado los resultados en
la Escuela de la Excelencia.

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Nos comprometemos en contribuir para edificar la sociedad que deseamos

tener, en el trabajo, con la familia, a nivel pareja y en el ámbito social, por lo cual
se hace indispensable esta formación para alcanzar nuestros ideales. Estamos
seguros que usted y nosotros tenemos una tarea maravillosa que realizar:
edificar un mundo mejor.

«The magazines of leadership of 100 and 5 Stars acknowledge the heritage of

Miguel Ángel Cornejo, among them, ‘El Colegio de Líderes Miguel Ángel
Cornejo’, his books, and more. So, following the way of the excellence».
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

[Fecha de consulta: enero 2020]

Personally, I need a high level of physical fitness in order to feel at ease


Jurgen Klinsmann

It's challenging, but you have to at least try to eat right and exercise.

Joely Fisher

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It's not about weight, it's about fitness, and one component of being fit
[vigorous, in shape] is to have relatively low body fat [grease], because fat is not
very efficient, whereas [while, however] muscle is.

Deborah Bull

You need to eat normally and healthfully, and you need to exercise. I'm so
passionate about this because I think people spend their lives not happy in their

Courtney Thorne-Smith

Tactics, fitness, stroke [hit, success] ability, adaptability, experience, and

sportsmanship are all necessary for winning.

Fred Perry

Exercise is the chief [principal, main] source of improvement in our faculties.

Hugh Blair

In my judgment, physical fitness is basic to all forms of excellence and to a

strong, confident nation.

Robert Kennedy

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My parents weren't artistic, but I was always surrounded [contained,

circumscribed] by beautiful things. And Mexico is a country which has
experienced thousands of years of art and culture.

Carlos Slim

We have a documentary film festival in Mexico. It's really original. It's called
«Ambulante», and it's a film festival that travels around several cities in Mexico.

Gael Garcia Bernal

I was doing «telenovelas» in Miami and Mexico, and everyone's dream when
you're an actor is to be in Hollywood.

Emeraude Toubia

Texas has an established trade office in Mexico City, as do other Texan cities.
They have a more mature trade relationship with Mexico, and I want to make
Arizona a leader in this area also.

Doug Ducey

Maintaining a positive working relationship with Mexico's leadership will also

be crucial to increasing communication and trade. I plan to personally maintain
those relationships.

Doug Ducey

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We work well together with the United Kingdom - particularly, perhaps, when
we talk about new rules for the European Union.

Angela Merkel

The strongest institution in the hands of the European Union is the euro.

Viktor Orban

A U.K. vote to exit [depart, leave] the European Union could have significant
economic repercussions.

Janet Yellen

After the Berlin Wall came down [fell, demolish] I visited that city and I will
never forget [disremember] it. The abandoned checkpoints [barriers]. The sense
of excitement about the future. The knowledge that a great continent was
coming together. Healing [Restoring, Curing] those wounds [lesions] of our
history is the central story of the European Union. - [Leadership & 100 and 5

David Cameron

Because with courage and conviction I believe we can deliver a more flexible,
adaptable and open European Union in which the interests and ambitions of all
its members can be met [reunited, congregated].

David Cameron

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Probably the most visible example of unintended [accidental, involuntary]

consequences, is what happens every time humans try to change the natural
ecology of a place.

Margaret J. Wheatley

You would have thought that our first priority would be to ask what the
ecologists are finding out [discovering], because we have to live within [inside]
the conditions and principles they define. Instead, we've elevated the economy
above ecology.

David Suzuki

Architects have to become designers of eco-systems. Not just designers of

beautiful facades [fronts, faces] or beautiful sculptures, but systems of economy
and ecology, where we channel [direct, guide] the flow not only of people, but
also the flow of resources through our cities and buildings.

Bjarke Ingels

The tragedy is that there is so much more incentive - money - to destroy the
ecology than there is to preserve it.

Paul Watson

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If you can command [order, control] a lot of attention, that's what is valuable,
and many in the commercial ecology would like to have a piece of that attention.

Mitch Kapor

Spending time at the Federal Reserve was a good learning opportunity for me.
It helped me to understand economic philosophies and polices [controls,
monitors] that I had not previously known about.

Herman Cain

As long as I'm learning something, I figure [think, imagine] I'm OK - it's a decent

Hunter S. Thompson

The truth is that we can learn to condition our minds, bodies, and emotions to
link pain [discomfort] or pleasure to whatever [of any kind] we choose. By
changing what we link pain and pleasure to, we will instantly change our
behaviors. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Tony Robbins

Every student has something to offer, and every student deserves [be worthy
of] a nurturing [encouraging] learning environment.

Ilhan Omar

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Learning from the experiences of our ancestors, let us together create

knowledge for all that benefits all.

Kailash Satyarthi

There is not one big cosmic meaning for all, there is only the meaning we each
give to our life, an individual meaning, an individual plot [plan], like an
individual novel, a book for each person.

Anais Nin

Words are power. And a book is full of words. Be careful what power you get
from it. …

Yoko Ono

The book is actually [truly, in fact] called 'A Mentor Leader, a Different Way to
Lead.' It really talks about my experience in the way I tried lead our football
team, things that I learned from, basically, the coaches that I played for and my
parents about leadership. And it is a little bit different, counter [contradict,
answer] to maybe what society says about great leaders.

Tony Dungy

A book store is a treasure chest [container]. Every time you walk in one, you
strike gold.

Regina Brett

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When I read a book I seem to read it with my eyes only, but now and then I
come across [come by, appear] a passage, perhaps only a phrase, which has a
meaning for me, and it becomes part of me.

W. Somerset Maugham

Being able to see and recombine existing assets [resources] and know-how
[expertise] in new ways allows us to take an 'ingenious approach to innovation'
- one that creates even more value from what we already have and know.

Cathy Engelbert

Innovation and corporate governance are extremely important to improve the

profitability [productivity] of Japanese companies and encourage them to
increase wages [remunerations], capital spending, and dividends [payments].

Shinzo Abe

We are always looking ahead [into the future] to anticipate what next, and our
unique innovation architecture enables us to take an innovation-led approach
to help our clients invent the future.

Pierre Nanterme

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Education is the foundation for all we do in life, it shapes who we are and what
we aspire to be. Creativity fuels [energizes] innovation, and it's what all states
should strive [make every effort] to instill [inculcate, teach] in the next

Jim Hunt

At Coinbase, our mission is to create an open financial system for the world. We
believe that open protocols for money will create more innovation, economic
freedom, and equality of opportunity in the world, just like the Internet did for
publishing information. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Brian Armstrong

I am sure innovation will blossom [flourish, develop] around the world, given
that the Internet and mobile platforms enable [allow, permit] innovators
anywhere in the world to reach a global market with ease [comfort].

Roelof Botha

From the first moment of independence, the United States has been dedicated
to innovation as a way of government and a way of life.

Robert Kennedy

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You have all the reason in the world to achieve your grandest dreams.
Imagination plus innovation equals [corresponds] realization.

Denis Waitley

Industries that are chaotic [confused, disorganized] are ripe [ready, prepared]
for innovation. They are open to anyone who has an idea. - [Leadership & 100
and 5 Stars].

Jennifer Hyman

The top principle for disruptive and sustaining innovation is that it has to have
a laser focus on customers [clienteles, clients]. Innovation begins with their
needs and expectations.

Denise Morrison

Gender [male / female] equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition

for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable
development and building good governance.

Kofi Annan

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Climate change is destroying our path to sustainability. Ours is a world of

looming [threatening, imminent] challenges and increasingly [more and more]
limited resources. Sustainable development offers the best chance to adjust our

Ban Ki-moon

Climate change knows no borders. It will not stop before the Pacific islands and
the whole of the international community here has to shoulder [accept, assume]
a responsibility to bring about a sustainable development.

Angela Merkel

Runaway [Hit] climate change would condemn millions to a life of poverty and
cause us to fail to meet the Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating
extreme poverty by 2030. This is not an acceptable outcome [result].

Paul Polman

Humanitarian response, sustainable development, and sustaining peace

[reconciliation] are three sides of the same triangle.

Antonio Guterres

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It's widely recognized that there is no peace without development and no

development without peace; it is also true that there is no peace and sustainable
development without respect for human rights.

Antonio Guterres

What pleases [satisfies, likes] me most is that sustainable development is on

almost everybody's agenda now.

Maurice Strong

Nevertheless [However], the concept of sustainable development is now known

- even amongst those who haven't accepted it - and it's recognized, debated and
followed by an increasing number of businesses.

Maurice Strong

Art and religion first; then philosophy; lastly [finally, to conclude] science. That
is the order of the great subjects of life, that’s their order of importance.

Spark, Muriel

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Can we visualize [envisage] the potential of work of the Magazines of

«Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars» for the students of Mexico, and the world?.
Now, we observe the affirmation of Strutt, Robert John. He affirms: ‘There are
some great men of science whose charm [ornament, talisman] consists in having
said the first word on a subject, in having introduced some new idea which has
proved productive; there are others whose charm consists perhaps in having
said the last word on the subject, and who have reduced the subject to logical
consistency and clearness [cleanness, transparency]’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

But what we most admire is the vast capacity of that intellect which, without
effort, takes in at once [simultaneously] all the domains of science—all the past,
the present and the future, all the errors of two thousand years, all the
encouraging [hopeful, inspiring] signs of the passing [temporary, transitory]
times, all the bright hopes of the coming age [time].

Twain, Mark

Mathematics as an expression of the human mind reflects [reproduces, exhibits]

the active will [determination], the contemplative reason, and the desire for
aesthetic [artistic, visual] perfection. Its basic elements are logic and intuition,
analysis and construction, generality and individuality.

Richard Courant; and Herbert Robbins

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Mathematics is the science of the connection of magnitudes. Magnitude is

anything that can be put equal [equivalent, identical] or unequal to another
thing. Two things are equal when in every assertion each may be replaced by
the other.

Hermann Grassmann, Stücke aus dem Lehrbuche der Arithmetik, Werke

(Leipzig, 1904), Bk. 2, p. 298.

There are three ruling [governing] ideas, three so to say, spheres of thought,
which pervade [permeate, pass through] the whole body of mathematical
science, to some one or other of which, or to two or all three of them combined,
every mathematical truth [veracity] admits of being referred; these are the three
cardinal notions, of Number, Space and Order. (1) Arithmetic has for its object
the properties of number in the abstract. (2) In algebra, viewed as a science of
operations, order is the predominating idea. (3) The business of geometry is
with the evolution of the properties of space, or of bodies viewed as existing in

J. J. Sylvester, A Probationary Lecture on Geometry, York British Association

Report (1844), Part 2; Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. 2, p. 6.

Circumstance has no value. It is how one relates to a situation that has value.
All true meaning resides in the personal relationship to a phenomenon... what
it means to you.

Christopher McCandless

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Think simple' as my old master used to say - meaning reduce the whole of its
parts into the simplest terms, getting back to first principles.

Frank Lloyd Wright

So the universe is constantly moving in the direction of higher evolutionary

impulses, creativity, abstraction, and meaning. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Deepak Chopra

We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged
[occupied, employed] in work we enjoy on the journey [expedition, excursion]
toward the goal we've established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time
off [free time] and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so
wonderful, so worthwhile [valuable]. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Earl Nightingale

Help others and give something back. I guarantee you will discover that while
public service improves the lives and the world around you, its greatest reward
is the enrichment and new meaning it will bring your own life.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

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The Book of Mormon, the record [documentation] of Joseph, verifies and

clarifies the Bible. It removes stumbling [uncertain] blocks; it restores many
plain [obvious] and precious things.

Ezra Taft Benson

For most people, the question why be good - as distinguished [eminent, notable]
from merely law [rule] abiding [enduring, surviving] - is a simple one. Because
God commands it, because the Bible requires it, because good people go to
Heaven and bad people go to Hell [Inferno].

Alan Dershowitz

As I have studied the Bible and the Book of Mormon, I have come to know
through the power of the Spirit of God, that these books contain the fullness of
the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Clayton M. Christensen

There are many pointers in the Bible concerning the rightness, the goodness
[virtuousness, integrity], the beauty, the justice, the preciousness of racial
harmony and diversity.

John Piper

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Script for an actor is like a bible. You carry it with you, you read it over [more]
and over, and you go to your passages.

Cameron Diaz

Jesus Created the Earth - Jesus Christ created this world and everything in it.
He also created many other worlds. He did so through the power of the
priesthood [clergy, ministry], under [below, in] the direction of our Heavenly
Father. God the Father said, “Worlds without number have I created; . . . and by
the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten [Created, Effected]” (Moses

Gospel Principles. - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The question about the origins of the world and of man has been the object of
many scientific studies which have splendidly enriched our knowledge of the
age and dimensions of the cosmos, the development of life-forms and the
appearance of man. These discoveries invite us to even greater admiration for
the greatness of the Creator, prompting [encouragement, occasioning] us to give
him thanks for all his works and for the understanding and wisdom he gives to
scholars [professors, intellectuals] and researchers.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

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How are we to arrive at a correct interpretation of Bible truth [veracity]? Isaiah

28:10; 1 Corinthians 2:13. The study of the Bible demands our most diligent
effort and persevering thought. As the miner digs [excavates] for the golden
treasure in the earth, so earnestly [sincerely, industriously], persistently, must
we seek for the treasure of God's word.

Principles of Life from the Word of God - Seventh-day Adventists

Here I have taken works to prepare for Jehovah’s house 100,000 talents of gold
and 1,000,000 talents of silver and such great quantities of copper and iron that
they cannot be weighed [evaluated], and I have prepared timbers [woods] and
stones, but you will add to them. A great number of workmen are with you—
stonecutters, stonemasons, woodworkers, and all kinds of skilled workers. The
gold, silver, copper, and iron are beyond measure. Get up [Get to your feet] and
begin the work, and may Jehovah be with you.

[«stonemasons», in Spanish, «(n.) albañiles»].

1 Chronicles 22:14-16 - Jehovah’s Witnesses

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57 Common Interview questions …

A. About yourself
1. Tell me about yourself?
2. What are your major skills?
3. Why should we hire you?
4. What are your major strengths?
5. What are your major weaknesses?
6. What are your major accomplishments?
7. What are your educational qualifications?
8. Why are you leaving your current job?
9. Where do you see yourself in the future – in 5 years, 10 years etc?
10. What are you looking for in a job?
11. What are your hobbies or interests outside work?

B. Your work experience

12. What experience do you have for this position?
13. What did you like most about your last job?
14. What didn’t you like about your last job?
15. Discuss your resume
16. Explain a gap in your employment?
17. What is your greatest career achievement?
18. What additional training have you done to improve yourself?
19. Which of your former jobs did you like most and why?
20. Which of your former bosses did you like most and why?
21. Give an example of your leadership skills?

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22. What is your management style?

C. About the job

23. How did you learn about this position?
24. Why are you applying for this job?
25. What is your understanding of this position?
26. What new ideas would you bring to this position in your first 90 days?
27. Are you willing to travel?
28. Are you willing to relocate?

D. About the company

29. Why do you want to work for this company?
30. What do you know about our company?
31. Who are our competitors?

E. Your working style

32. What is your typical workday routine?
33. How do you handle disappointments?
34. How do you handle conflict at work?
35. How do you deal with change?
36. How do you handle constructive criticism?
37. How would you describe your working style?
38. What motivates you?
39. Do you prefer working alone or as part of a team?
40. Give examples of your teamwork contributions

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F. Your problem solving abilities

41. What major problem have you solved at work?
42. What is your biggest mistake at work and what did you learn?
43. What is the greatest challenge you have faced at work?
44. When have you taken initiative at work?
45. How would you ensure that customers are happy?
46. How do you prioritize tasks?
47. How do you work under pressure?
48. How do you resolve disagreements with co-workers?

G. Your reputation
49. Who are your references?
50. What would your references say about you?
51. How would your former boss describe you?
52. How would your former colleagues describe you?

H. Interview concluding questions

53. Are you interviewing for any other jobs?
54. What are your salary requirements?
55. When would you be available to start this job?
56. Is there anything else that we should know about you?
57. Do you have any questions for me/us?

For more information, you should consult the source, thanks you.
Key words:
Interviews, interviewing, questioning, hire, job, employment

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This Product is made in Mexico, for

Mexico, and towards the World. M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz
Thanks for your attention. Ced. Prof. 5632071

Date of Publishing, February 2020.

There's a moment of recognition. It's that white-light kind of stuff

[substance] that just 'works.' I love that. And you know it when it
happens, whether it's a movie, music, a building [edifice], a book.
Barbara Kruger

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The VOA- ERD Institution, for Your English.

Visit my Personal Page. Get ahead.

Go to:

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars

Magazine Twenty-five

The Leadership, and the English Language

The English Language, and the Leadership.

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Wendy Esparza, Miss Mexico

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This Work of art is Named «La Patria», and, it is of Mexico

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Mexico, 35 Quotes and Sayings

1. Violence in Mexico has its origins in the lack of development and


President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

2. In high school, I loved history. I also loved cosmography, algebra.

Mexico is so rich in culture and history, and I have always enjoyed that.

Carlos Slim

3. What we have in Mexico and Latin America is a wide diversity of

voices, but in Mexico, for example, we haven't been able to get a lot of
the movies into theaters.

Diego Luna

4. I think we have a thriving [prosperous] economic engine between not

only the U.S. and Mexico but the U.S. and many, many other countries.

Oscar Munoz

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5. Mexico is a safe, as well as a beautiful and warmly gracious, place to


Margaret Chan

6. In Mexico, a network of government-operated rural convenience stores

is offering banking services to rural communities.

Sylvia Mathews Burwell

7. If I could go anywhere, I'd love to visit Greece someday because it looks

so beautiful, and I'd also love to go to Mexico.

Laurie Hernandez

8. I grew up in Mexico, not the U.S., and the fact is that there just aren't
any parts for Latin actresses. I have to persuade people that my accent
won't be a problem, but an asset.

Salma Hayek

9. My driving abilities from Mexico have helped me get through


Salma Hayek

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10. One of my reasons for living in California is its close proximity to

Mexico. The Latin influence is in every corner of the community. My
love of Spanish music hasn't wavered [postponed] since the '50s. I could
hear the blues voicing from the Flamanco families and I always dig
[excavate] for inspiration in Latin music.

Eric Burdon

11. I'd like to move Israel to the northern border of Mexico and see what
happens then.

Ann Coulter

12. I felt completely at home in Mexico - speaking Spanish to my cousins,

running around Acapulco and stuffing my face with mole and
homemade tortillas. Mexico opened my heart.

Aimee Garcia Home

13. Our relationship with Mexico in this regard is unique for us, and in
many respects unique in the world.

Samuel P. Huntington

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14. To get elected in Mexico today, you have to compete like any
democracy, and you don't do that by being manipulated.

President Enrique Pena Nieto

15. I think it's very important that the United States keeps out of the local
electoral process in Mexico.

President Vicente Fox

16. We are not going to build a pressure in Mexico. We're not building walls
to retain our people.

President Vicente Fox

17. Whether you go to Turkey or Mexico, China or Australia, find time to

involve yourself with the people you're dealing with.

Brigitte Nielsen

18. Two prominent terms, 'Latino' and 'Hispanic,' refer to people living in
the United States who have roots in Latin America, Spain, Mexico,
South America, or Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries.

Ilan Stavans

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19. A single tree in the tropical forest in the south of Mexico has more
different species than some European countries.

President Carlos Salinas de Gortari

20. My commitment is to continue making a Mexico where families live in

an environment of peace and better security.

President Enrique Pena Nieto

21. You have the United States, and you have Mexico, and then you have
this Mexican-American thing which is this third culture, which I like to
call Aztlan.

Linda Ronstadt

22. Mexico and the U.S. are bound [guaranteed] not only because of the
common border, but by a shared culture and history.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

23. I think a good relationship that Mexico could maintain with the United
States and vice versa should be based on trust, on opening - openness
and constant dialogue that would allow us essentially to define, share
objectives and to work towards those so as to avoid activities which are
not known to the other government.

President Enrique Pena Nieto

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24. My accent was horrible. In Mexico, nobody says, 'You speak English
with a good accent.' You either speak English, or you don't: As long as
you can communicate, no one cares.

Salma Hayek

25. Mexico is a mosaic of different realities and beauties.

President Enrique Pena Nieto

26. Like all of Latin America, Mexico after independence in 1821 turned its
back on a triple heritage: on the Spanish heritage, because we were
newly liberated colonies, and on our Indian and black heritages,
because we considered them backward and barbaric. We looked
towards France, England and the U.S., to become progressive
democratic republics.

Carlos Fuentes

Inspiring Mexican Sayings:

27. He who gets close to a good tree will find a nice shade for shelter.

28. There’s no evil that doesn’t come with some good in it.

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29. He who runs with wolves will learn to howl [cry].

30. If you’re not going to drink that water, let it flow.

31. Get working because this is mole de olla.

Traditional Mexican Sayings:

32. Full stomach, happy heart.

33. You don’t have yet wings and already want to fly. Wait, prepare
yourself, be patient.

34. During bad times hurry up to a solution. Face your problems as soon
as possible, good times will come soon.

35. Put a good face to the bad times. Be positive.


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I will study and prepare, and someday my opportunity will come.

President Abraham Lincoln

Having a vision for your life allows you to live out of hope, rather than out of
your fears.
Stedman Graham

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.

Joseph Joubert

The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals,

writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words,
pictures and emotions as if we've already achieved them.
Denis Waitley

The finest eloquence is that which gets things done.

David Lloyd George

Our aspirations are our possibilities.

Robert Browning

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The good news is that you have within you, right now, everything you need to
deal with any problem or crisis you face in life. There is no problem that you
cannot solve by applying your intelligence and creativity to finding the solution.
There is no difficulty you cannot resolve by intense concentration. … There is a
little poem that says: «For every problem under the sun, there is a solution or
there is none. If there is a solution, go and find it. If there isn’t, never mind
[guard] it».
Brian Tracy

Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream
it, you can make it so.
Belva Davis

Gratitude opens the door to the power, the creativity, and the wisdom of the
Deepak Chopra

1 Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him. 2 You will
eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.
Psalm 128:1-2

Salvador Luria communicates: ‘Everyone knows that in research there are no

final answers, only insights that allow one to formulate new questions’. Well,
and, additionally, bring to mind, what an unknown author announces: ‘Enough
research will tend to support your theory’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

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Every scientist, through personal study and research, completes himself and his
own humanity. ... Scientific research constitutes for you, as it does for many, the
way for the personal encounter with truth, and perhaps the privileged place for
the encounter itself with God, the Creator of heaven and earth. Science shines
forth [into the world] in all its value as a good capable of motivating our
existence, as a great experience of freedom for truth, as a fundamental work of
service. Through research each scientist grows as a human being and helps
others to do likewise [too].

Pope John Paul II

Just remember that every feeling of anxiety and uncertainty you have when you
start your independent career has been experienced by all the scientists that
have come before you, so you are not alone.

Jenny Yang

The most striking [out of the ordinary] aspect of starting my independent career
was the amount of time I spent alone in my office having doubts about my
ability to start an impactful and original research program. It was comforting to
know that this was not unique to me, and that starting your own research
program often comes with these feelings of uncertainty [anxiety].

Jenny Yang

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Never be afraid of the experts in your research field. Contact them courteously
and ask for advice. You never know where the relationship may go.

Caradee Yael Wright

Knowledge is part of the hierarchy made up of data, information and

knowledge. Data are raw [sensitive] facts. Information is data with context and
perspective. Knowledge is information with guidance [direction] for action
based upon insight and experience.



Knowledge - Comprises [Consist of] theory and information which may be

formal, factual [objective], descriptive or empirical; (intellectual) acquaintance
[associate] with a range of facts or information; theoretical or practical
understanding of an art, science, language, etc.; information obtained by study



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Knowledge - Information defines facts (A is B). Knowledge defines what one

should do if certain facts apply. Thus, if A is B, then do C. There are many
different ways knowledge can be encoded [programmed], but policies
[contracts] and business rules are popular formats.



Knowledge exists to be imparted.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

In an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the one sure source of
lasting competitive advantage is knowledge.

I. Nonaka

A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that
is idle [inoperative].

Kahlil Gibran

Knowledge management is the collection of processes that govern the creation,

dissemination, and utilization of knowledge.

Brian Newman

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Knowledge management consists of activities focused on the organization

gaining knowledge from its own experience and from the experience of others,
and on the judicious [prudent] application of that knowledge to fulfill the
mission of the organization.

Gregory Wenig

Knowledge management is a business activity with two primary aspects: (a)

treating the knowledge component of business activities as an explicit concern
of business reflected in strategy, policy, and practice at all levels of the
organization; and (b) making a direct connection between an organization’s
intellectual assets – both explicit (recorded) and tacit (personal know-how) –
and positive business results.

Rebecca O. Barclay and Philip C. Murray

The wisdom of the wise and the experience of ages, may be preserved by

Isaac Disraeli

The importance of reading books that have become classics is not just to be able
to know the level of understanding in olden [earliest] times—a sort of datum
for a phylogeny of knowledge. The value is also to capture the visions and the
styles of the scientists who preceded us.

Linda Price Thomson

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The field of scientific abstraction encompasses [incorporates] independent

kingdoms of ideas and of experiments and within these, rulers whose fame
outlasts [persists] the centuries

Haber, Fritz


Classical Greek philosophy

…, …

It was an Athenian, Socrates, who ushered [accompanied] in the short but

hugely influential period of Classical Greek philosophy. Although he left no
writings, his ideas were so important that they steered [directed] the future
course of philosophy, and all philosophers before him became known as the
pre-socratics. His pupil Plato founded a philosophical school in Athens called
the Academy (from which the word “academic” derives) where he taught and
developed his master’s ideas, passing them on to students such as Aristotle,
who was a pupil and teacher there for 20 years.

The contrasting ideas and methods of these great thinkers—Socrates, Plato, and
Aristotle—form the basis of Western philosophy as we know it today, and their
differences of opinion have continued to divide philosophers throughout

…, …

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Will Buckingham; Douglas Burnham; Clive Hill; Peter J. King; John

Marenbon; Marcus Weeks; Among other contributors. «The Philosophy Book
Philosophy - Big Ideas Simply Explained». Editorial: «DK Publishing». The
United States of America. Year 2011.


All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable [beneficial] for

doctrine, for reproof [reprimand], for correction, for instruction in
righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly [carefully]
furnished [provided] unto all good works.

2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

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What are some of the names applied to our Bible?

a. "The book of the Lord." Isaiah 34:16.

b. "The Scriptures." Luke 24:27; John 5:39.

c. "The oracles [prophecies] of God." Romans 3:2.

d. "The word of Christ." Colossians 3:16.

e. "The word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15.

From the Book: «Principles of Life from The Word of God - Prepared by and
Published for The Department of Education General Conference of Seventh-
day Adventists».


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The Bible.

11 For wisdom is better than all the most precious things: and whatsoever [of
any kind] may be desired cannot be compared to it.

12 I, wisdom, dwell [reside] in counsel [direction], and am present in learned


13 The fear of the Lord hateth [hate] evil; I hate arrogance, and pride, and every
wicked [severe] way, and a mouth with a double tongue [language].

14 Counsel and equity [justice] is mine, prudence is mine, and strength is mine.

16 By me princes’ rule, and the mighty decree [command] justice.

17 I love them that love me: and they that in the morning early watch for me,
shall find me.

18 With me are riches [treasures] and glory, glorious riches and justice.

19 For my fruit is better than gold and the precious stone, and my blossoms
[flowers] than choice [select] silver.

20 I walk in the way of justice, in the midst [center] of the paths of judgment, …

The Holy Bible. Proverbs 8 - 11:20- Translated From The Latin Vulgate
Diligently Compared With The Hebrew, Greek, And Other Editions In
Divers Languages. Douay-Rheims Version. 1609, 1582.


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Some Ancient English Words

wilt = will; shalt = shall; mayst = may; hath =has; thy = your; thee = you;
thou = you; thereof = of this, of that; shew = show; ye = you, the; canst =
can; thine = yours;

Esteemed reader: here, words with a very quick idea of their significance.
Therefore, if you requires more knowledge, you must search for grammatical


La Biblia.

Serie de exhortaciones

1 No tengas envidia del malvado | ni trates de buscar su compañía,

2 pues su mente trama violencia | y sus labios profieren maldades.

3 Una casa se edifica con sabiduría, | se consolida usando inteligencia;

4 con el saber se llenan las estancias | de objetos preciosos, deseables.

5 Más vale sabio que fuerte, | hombre experto que forzudo.

6 Con estrategia se gana la guerra, | el triunfo es fruto del consejo.

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7 La sabiduría supera al necio, | en público no abre la boca.

8 Al hombre que trama maldades | la gente lo llama intrigante;

9 el necio intriga para pecar, | la gente detesta al insolente.

10 Si flaqueas cuando llega la desgracia | es que tu valor es limitado.

11 Libra a los condenados a muerte, | atiende a los que van a morir.

12 Aunque digas: «No me daba cuenta», | el que pesa los corazones lo sabe, |
el que vigila tu vida se entera: | pagará a cada cual por sus obras.

13 Come miel, hijo mío, que es buena, | el panal es dulce al paladar:

14 así es la sabiduría para tu vida; | si la encuentras, tendrás porvenir, | tu

esperanza no fracasará.

15 No aceches el hogar del justo, | no intentes derribar su morada,

16 pues cae siete veces y se levanta, | pero el malvado se hunde en la desgracia.

17 Si cae tu enemigo, no te alegres; | si tropieza, no lo celebres,

18 no sea que al Señor no le agrade | y retire de él su castigo.

19 No pierdas la paz por el perverso | ni tengas envidia del malvado,

20 pues no hay porvenir para el perverso, | la lámpara del malvado se extingue.

21 Teme, hijo mío, al Señor y al rey, | no te enemistes con ninguno de los dos,

22 pues su castigo suele llegar sin avisar, | ¿y quién conoce el alcance de su ira?

Sagrada Biblia - Versión Oficial De La Conferencia Episcopal de España. -

Proverbios 24 – 1:22.

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Fear of the LORD leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm.

Proverbs 19:23

The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and
peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit [accept] to God's law,
nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.

Romans 8:6-8

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see
him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious
joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

1 Peter 1:8-9

It takes about four days of virtuous living to create a little weight loss. That also
happens to be the time required to get used to eating less. In other words, if you
can get past day three of a fitness regimen, things improve.

Martha Beck

Fitness is not about being better than someone else... It's about being better than
you used to be.

Khloe Kardashian

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My fitness journey [expedition, excursion] will be a lifelong [permanent]


Khloe Kardashian

I consider fitness, diet, and beauty to be essential to a balanced self.

Hannah Bronfman

Being a dancer is my metaphor for life because you have to know your body.
Being a dancer and paying attention to fitness is all about moving in balance.

Goldie Hawn

My own preferred fitness regime is to use my bicycle.

Paul Hollywood

Thriving [Flourishing, Prosperous] economies on both sides of the border is a

win-win for Arizona and Mexico, but that will only come by working together
and demonstrating mutual respect.

Doug Ducey

Mexico has acquired unique experience during its integration into global value
chains, especially in the automotive industry.

President Enrique Pena Nieto

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Being in New Mexico was such a great experience for me, and I hope to get back
there one day for some more films or TV.

Joanna Going

Mexico is where I fell in love for the first time; it's where my family lives... so
however much I travel, I inevitably return there.

Diego Luna

I started as a model in Mexico - I was traveling, but my base was in Mexico City.
And then I studied acting for three years.

Stephanie Sigman

Mexico holds [keeps] the fifth-largest shale gas reserve in the world, in addition
[moreover, additionally] to large deep-water oil reserves and a tremendous
potential in renewable energy. - [«shale», in Spanish, «(Geol.) esquisto»].

President Enrique Pena Nieto

I don't want to leave euro or leave the European Union.

Matteo Salvini

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Germany benefits [gains] the most from the European Union because Germany
is, by far [definitely, without a doubt], the biggest exporter into the Euro Zone,
and therefore [consequently], it benefits. And one who benefits the most must
take the biggest responsibility.

Joe Kaeser

Why is the European Union required as strong?. Critical issue. Jean-Claude

Juncker affirms: ‘as complicated and complex and as difficult as we are, the
unity of Europe is a pre-condition for a better organized world, and if the
European Union would fail or decompose [decline], or other members left, the
U.S. would have a more difficult role to play in the world’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

The European Union has decades of experience in overcoming [conquering]

crises and has always emerged stronger after.

Jean-Claude Juncker

The European Union needs a comprehensive [complete], continent-wise,

transnational counter-terrorism center that has the authority to track [follow,
pursue] threats across borders.

Chris Murphy

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Your net [remaining, clear] worth [value] to the world is usually determined by
what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.

Benjamin Franklin

Wealth [Prosperity] consists not in having great possessions, but in having few
wants [needs, requirements].


Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends
coming in [arriving].

John D. Rockefeller

Inflation is taxation [tax policy] without legislation.

Milton Friedman

I made my money by selling too soon [almost immediately].

Bernard Baruch

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One of the things I like about the computer that I use is that I can write a
program on it or I can download a program on to it and run it. That's kind [class]
of important to me, and that's also kind [category] of important to the whole
future of the internet... obviously a closed platform is a serious brake [limitation]
on innovation.

Tim Berners-Lee

I have tremendous admiration for companies with the kind of pioneering spirit
and innovation eBay has demonstrated from day one.

Bonnie Hammer

I am passionate about finding undiscovered and talented artists. I want to help

those artists get to the next level and provide existing artists with a new way to
reach fans. I wanted to partner [associate] with the Cutting Edge Group because
they share my vision and have a proven track record [record, highest
achievement] in innovation in the music business.

Michelle Phan

Innovation and best practices can be sown [propagated] throughout an

organization - but only when they fall on fertile ground [land, earth].

Marcus Buckingham

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By strengthening [reinforcement] the core of our business and leading

[commanding] in digital innovation, we will accelerate growth [development],
enhance [increase] our margin, and deliver increased total shareholder
[investor, financier] returns.

Alain Dehaze

I'm a computer scientist by training. I'm also the author of three books, all of
which endorse [support, give your support to] the use of biotechnology to
improve the human condition. In the most recent of these, 'The Infinite
Resource,' I talk about the power of innovation to save the world.

Ramez Naam

Fundamentally there is a narrative around [in the area] where innovation can
come out [appear, became visible] from. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Shiva Ayyadurai

Strong policies [guiding principle] and innovation can make the difference for
energy security, climate change, air quality, and universal access to modern
energy services in parallel - in short, building a secure, affordable [within your
means, reasonably priced], sustainable energy system that is available to all.

Fatih Birol

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There is a premium on innovation and commercializing new ideas.

Cathy Engelbert

I fully agree with innovation and letting [permitting] the best product win.

Bhavish Aggarwal

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The Knowledge Project, by Naval Ravikantli

1. Basically the library was my after school center.

2. I always spent money on books. I never viewed [observed] that as an

expense. That’s an investment to me. - [And read them, yes!].

3. I try to run my brain in debugging [correcting, repairing] mode as much

as possible.

4. The advantage of meditation is not that you’re suddenly [rapidly] going

to gain the superpower to control your internal state, it’s that you will
recognize just how out of [beyond] control your mind is.

5. I think it can literally destroy your happiness if you spend all your time
living in delusions [misunderstandings, visions] of the future.

6. The ability to learn, the means of learning … are abundant and infinite.
It’s the desire that’s incredibly scarce [rare, insufficient]. - [Leadership &
100 and 5 Stars].

7. I think learning should be about learning the basics in all the fields and
learning them really [in reality] well over [more] and over.

8. I just stay on [colonize] the basics. Even when I’m learning physics or
science, I’m sticking [attaching, setting] to the basics.

9. [A truth of gold] - Someone who makes decisions right 80% of the time
instead of 70% of the time will be valued and compensated in the market
hundreds of times more. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

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10. ‘Why the magazines of «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars» reach world
audiences?. Because our intelligences require principles, you want mental
models. A basic components’. M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

11. The really [in fact] smart thinkers are clear thinkers and they understand
the basics at a very, very fundamental level.

From the document «The Knowledge Project». Naval Ravikantli.

Editorial: The Farnam Street Learning Community.



People are beginning to realize [understand] that we need to live in accordance

with the law of ecology, the law of finite resources, and if we don't, we're going
to go extinct.

Paul Watson

The first law of ecology is that everything is related to everything else.

Barry Commoner

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Well I think on a simple ecological level that the diversity of this planet is
important for our survival, that all of our different cultures, people are
important to the health of the whole [the complete] the same way that a species
of animal should be saved and at a simple ecology level.

Richard Gere

When you pursue great flavor, you also pursue great ecology.

Dan Barber

Despite [Even with] widely differing perspectives and agendas, there seems to
be a remarkable global consensus that has built up [increased, encouraged] over
a fairly [objectively] short period of time that climate change and ecology is one
of the truly [in fact] defining issues for humanity.

Azim Premji

A safe and nutritionally adequate diet is a basic individual right and an essential
condition for sustainable development, especially in developing countries.

Gro Harlem Brundtland

During my nearly [just about, approximately] five years as director-general of

WHO, high-level policymakers have increasingly recognized that health is
central to sustainable development.

Gro Harlem Brundtland

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Global sustainability is now the only avenue [street, opportunity] to future

inclusive progress that can deliver the Sustainable Development Goals and the
Paris climate agreement.

Johan Rockstrom

In my view, there is an urgent need to communicate with the public and help to
explain where there is consensus, and where are there doubts [uncertainties]
about the issues of sustainable development.

Jeffrey Sachs

Including women in climate policy [guiding principle] and solutions can

enhance [improve, increase] the results, leading to more economic growth
[development] and sustainable outcomes [results]. However, we cannot take for
granted [accorded, decided] that gender [male / female] equality and women's
empowerment in the field of climate change and sustainable development will
happen automatically.

Patricia Espinosa

I belong [have its place] to the breed [type, class] of first-generation

entrepreneurs who have basically created our enterprises with very frugal

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

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Then, again, the ability to organize and conduct industrial, commercial, or

financial enterprises is rare; the great captains of industry are as rare as great

William Graham Sumner

There is nothing man will not attempt when great enterprises hold out [offer,
present] the promise of great rewards [recompenses].


The wave [movement] of new productive enterprises would provide

opportunities to remedy [cure] the unjust [discriminatory, unfair] distribution
of environmental hazards among economic classes and racial and ethnic

Barry Commoner

Enterprises of different ownerships [proprietorships] should all enjoy fair

opportunities and conditions to compete in the market.

Li Keqiang

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Mathematics, the science of the ideal, becomes the means of investigating,

understanding and making known the world of the real. The complex is
expressed in terms of the simple. From one point of view mathematics may be
defined as the science of successive substitutions of simpler concepts for more

William F. White

Mathematics is that form of intelligence in which we bring the objects of the

phenomenal world under [below] the control of the conception of quantity.

G. H. Howison

If mathematical structures are not in themselves the reality of the world, then
they are the only key we possess to that reality.

Morris Kline

There is a pre-established harmony between thought and reality. Nature is the

art of God.

Gottfried Willhelm Leibniz

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... the formal interconnections between alternative mathematical theories of the

universe suggest that, while absolute truth [veracity] may not reside in any
specific mathematical system, physical truths are indeed [certainly] intimately
connected to mathematical reasoning.

Ernest Zebrowski

A different language is a different vision of life.

Federico Fellini

Good writing excites me, and makes life worth living.

Harold Pinter

Genuine good taste consists in saying much in few words, in choosing among
our thoughts, in having order and arrangement [organization] in what we say,
and in speaking with composure [equanimity, tranquility].

Francois Fenelon

Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can
choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or
destructively using words of despair [desolation]. Words have energy and
power with the ability to help, to heal [cure], to hinder [delay], to hurt [injure],
to harm [damage], to humiliate and to humble [put someone in their place].

Yehuda Berg

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There are some people who have the quality of richness and joy in them and
they communicate it to everything they touch. It is first of all a physical quality;
then it is a quality of the spirit.

Tom Wolfe

I want to give my respect, glory and time to the Bible - to the word of God - just
as I want to give my respect and time to my work.

Mariano Rivera

As a Christian, Israel has a very special place in my heart. There's no question

about that. I grew up with a Bible, and the back of the Bible has all these pictures
of Israel in it. And so all these locations are incredibly significant to me
personally in my faith.

James Lankford

In this one book are the two most interesting personalities in the whole world -
God and yourself. The Bible is the story of God and man, a love story in which
you and I must write our own ending, our unfinished autobiography of the
creature and the Creator.

Fulton Oursler

Biblical justice is the equitable application of God's moral law in society.

Tony Evans

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The goal was not only to teach people the Bible and minister to people
personally and spiritually, but also to build a church to be community focused.

Tony Evans

How can the magazines of «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars» empower your
English language and your linguistics, exceptionally? Well, the deficiency of the
ideas affect the beauty of the verbal pattern. Consequently, we know as ideas
are more than words. So, ideas and knowledge, together in a powerfully
harmonious way. In effect, Antoine Lavoisier affirms: ‘Languages are true
analytical methods’. Our Institutional Mission is expressed [communicated]),
and consequently, results by means of our attentive readings of our magazines;
and you are, congratulations.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

I've spent half my life in gyms, if not more, and I love physical fitness and health
[well-being]; couple [pair] that with the fact that I love for people to be healthy
[in good physical shape], whether it's mentally, physically, or emotionally, and
it's just a great opportunity for me to do something I love and have an impact
on people's health.

Steve Nash

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I always say fitness is the first step to greatness. And I try to encourage my fans
to be on the same page as that. Because fitness is the first step to setting a habit
that you necessarily don't want to do but are still committed [required] to doing
every single day. And so I think that's why I always, always try to get a workout
[test] in.

Jake Paul

I've always believed fitness is an entry point to help you build that happier,
healthier life. When your health is strong, you're capable of taking risks. You'll
feel more confident to ask for the promotion. You'll have more energy to be a
better mom [mother]. You'll feel more deserving of love.

Jillian Michaels

Fitness has always been one of the top priorities in my life because that's the
way I grew up, with soccer being the sport of choice.

Ziggy Marley

I never stop working when I'm on stage, and that's my fitness.

Jessie J

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Obviously, your family life is the priority, but there's still other stuff [substance]
you have to get done in a day. I think the way I make it work is by taking care
of myself, and that includes fitness and eating right and all those things, but also
by being very organized and punctual [on time].

Cindy Crawford

Cleanliness [Hygiene] is important, and more than that is the physical fitness to
attain healthy body and mind.

Sandeep Singh

I want to continue working in Mexico, but I'd also like to work in other countries
eventually, too. Working behind the camera is interesting for me, too.

Stephanie Sigman

If I could not be in this free and wonderful country - I wouldn't want to be

anywhere else, mind [attend to] you - Mexico is where I would live. I love
Mexico, and I love the Mexican people.

Dusty Rhodes

But, I've made films in Japan, in Yugoslavia, all over Europe, all over the United
States, Mexico, but not Hollywood.

Sydney Pollack

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When I was in college, my graduation thesis was called 'Female Directors.' I

interviewed all of the important female directors from Mexico. There were four.
That was it.

Patricia Riggen

Mexico was conquered more by manipulation of myth and archetype.

Norman Spinrad

In Mexico, wealth [prosperity] and poverty [scarcity] live next to each other and
are cordial with each other - in my experience.

Whit Stillman

I was born in Monterrey, Mexico, and I would go to school in Texas. I lived on

the border, so I was very fortunate to grow up between two worlds and both
cultures and both languages and traditions.

Bianca Marroquin

I think overall [in general] our national security is strengthened [intensified] if

we are able to make the decisions that we need and the alliances that we believe
in outside [exterior] the current structures of the European Union.

Michael Gove

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The European Union is not only a great idea, but it's also an idea we must keep
working on [developing].

Sebastian Kurz

Western Europe has been redefining the nation state since 1945 when it formed
the European Union following World War II.

Pete Hoekstra

Socialism is the gradual and less violent form of communism, and socialist is
the project of the European Union, which was born in Maastricht in 1992. The
intent was to save socialism in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the
predictable bankruptcy [insolvency] of the welfare [prosperity, well-being] state
in the West as well.

Vladimir Bukovsky

At the heart of these challenges lies [be positioned] the question of how the
institutions of the European Union make laws, the types of laws they pass and
the effectiveness with which those laws are implemented on civil society and
the economy.

John Hutton

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I am a passionate advocate [supporter, promoter] for developing (1) the future

workforce, (2) addressing [speaking, attending] complex social problems, and
(3) shaping a regulatory framework. These three subjects all revolve around
greater innovation and growth [development].

Pierre Nanterme

You can't suppress [destroy] creativity, you can't suppress innovation.

James Daly

'British Vogue' is a great magazine with a legacy [inheritance, donation] of

creativity and innovation.

Edward Enninful

We try to preach [speak, address] innovation. We provide resources; we invite

speakers in from universities to talk about new ideas. - [Leadership & 100 and
5 Stars].

Irwin M. Jacobs

If you look at history, innovation doesn't come just from giving people
incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect.

Steven Johnson

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If you look at the history of innovation, the innovations coming through the
defense [protection, security] department have been some of the most important
innovations ever. Little things like drones, sensors, and the Internet are defense
type initiatives, but the big one is the Internet itself.

David Cohen

In innovation, you're trying to create something from nothing.

David Cohen

America has a unique combination of talent, a vibrant business environment,

and access to global markets, which has enabled U.S. companies like Intel to
foster [promote, nurture] economic growth [development] and innovation.

Brian Krzanich

For America's economic future to remain prosperous, we must encourage pro-

growth policies [guiding principle] so that we continue to be the leader in
innovation and entrepreneurship.

John Ensign

Today, the forces of competition, technology, and globalization have converged

[congregated] to spur [encourage, drive on] innovation and to transform the
way business is done in the securities [self-assurances] industry.

Arthur Levitt

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The only way you will ever permanently take control of your financial life is to
dig [excavate] deep and fix [repair, resolve] the root problem.

Suze Orman

How can the magazines of «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars» enrich you?. Obtain
a perspective, now. Friedrich August von Hayek affirms: ‘The curious task of
economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really [in reality] know about
what they imagine they can design’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

The thing I have discovered about working with personal finance is that the
good news is that it is not rocket [missile] science. Personal finance is about 80
percent behavior. It is only about 20 percent head knowledge.

Dave Ramsey

I believe that through knowledge and discipline, financial peace is possible for
all of us.

Dave Ramsey

You don't want to have so much money going toward your mortgage [debt,
credit] every month that you can't enjoy life or take care of your other financial
responsibilities. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Dave Ramsey

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David Ricardo affirms: ‘Gold and silver, like other commodities [merchandises,
products], have an intrinsic value, which is not arbitrary, but is dependent on
their scarcity [insufficiency], the quantity of labor bestowed [presented, gave]
in procuring them, and the value of the capital employed in the mines which
produce them’. A precision. What means the expression: an intrinsic value?. We
speak about the precious metals have great value, that fact, for their recognition
in the market, and, of course, in the people. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

Science is feasible [possible] when the variables are few and can be enumerated;
when their combinations are distinct [separate, well-defined] and clear. We are
tending toward the condition of science and aspiring to do it. The artist works
out [exercises, understands] his own formulas; the interests of science lie in
[make the most of] the art of making science.

Valéry, Paul

... if we would serve [attend] science, we must extend her limits, not only as far
as [as much as] our own knowledge is concerned [involved], but in the
estimation of others.

Virchow, Rudolf

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The task of science, therefore, is not to attack the objects of faith, but to establish
the limits beyond [ahead of] which knowledge cannot go and to found
[establish] a unified self-consciousness within these limits.

Unknown author

We need women who are at the head of a boardroom [assembly room], like at
the head of the White House, at the head of kind of major scientific enterprises
so that [with the purpose of] little girls everywhere can then think, you know
what? I can do that, I want to do that, I will do that.

Chelsea Clinton

Rethinking product supply chains offers another opportunity for traditional

enterprises to introduce a host [congregation] of positive outcomes [results]. -
[Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Punit Renjen

Our region's economy was built upon [on] their entrepreneurial spirit, and our
economy still depends on the continued success of the enterprises they have
worked so hard to create.

Doc Hastings

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All great enterprises have a pearl of faith [confidence] at their core, and this
must be ours: that Americans are still a people born to liberty. That they retain
the capacity for self-government. That, addressed [spoke, attended] as free-
born, autonomous men and women of God-given dignity, …

Mitch Daniels

Sustainable production and consumption [utilization, spending] matter

immensely to the people I meet every day as head of the International Trade
Centre, which works with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to help
them boost [increase, improve] growth [development] and job creation by
improving their competitiveness and connecting to international markets.

Arancha Gonzalez

[Mathematics] chief attribute is clearness [transparency]; it has no means for

expressing confused ideas. It compares the most diverse phenomena and
discovers the secret analogies which unite them. … if bodies are placed far from
[poles apart from, distant from] us in the immensity of space, if man wishes to
know the aspect of the heavens at successive periods separated by many
centuries, if gravity and heat act in the interior of the solid earth at depths which
will forever be inaccessible, mathematical analysis is still able to trace the laws
of these phenomena. …

Joseph Fourier

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… mathematics is not the means of denying [disagreeing, negating] the idea of

God’s pre-established world in order to play god and create our own cosmos,
but rather is a means whereby [just how] we can think God’s thoughts after
Him. It is a means towards furthering [advancing, promoting] our knowledge
of God’s creation and towards establishing our dominion over it under [below]
God. The issue in mathematics today is root and branch a religious one.

Rousas J. Rushdoony

Who has studied the works of such men as Euler, Lagrange, Cauchy, Riemann,
Sophus Lie, and Weierstrass, can doubt [disbelieve, mistrust] that a great
mathematician is a great artist? The faculties possessed by such men, varying
greatly in kind and degree with the individual [person], are analogous
[corresponding] with those requisite for constructive art. Not every
mathematician possesses in an especially high degree that critical faculty which
finds its employment in the perfection of form, in conformity with the ideal of
logical completeness; but every great mathematician possesses the rare faculty
of constructive imagination. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

E. W. Hobson

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Could [Might, May possibly] lines be better, and could ideas be at once [at the
same time] more trite [unoriginal] and more false? The poverty of the ideas
seems hardly [only just] to affect the beauty of the verbal pattern. A
mathematician, on the other hand, has no material to work with but ideas, and
so his patterns are likely [probable] to last [persist, endure] longer, since
[subsequently] ideas wear [have on] less with time than words. The
mathematician’s patterns, like the painter’s or the poet’s, must be beautiful; the
ideas, like the colors or the words, must fit [install, correspond] together in a
harmonious way. Beauty is the first test …. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

G. H. Hardy

Beauty is a conspicuous [visible, notable] element in the abstract completeness

aimed at in the higher mathematics, it is the goal of physics as it seeks to
construe [interpret, read] the order of the universe.

John Oman

Be really [in reality] hungry for success – but be brave enough to know that
success can be measured in many different ways.

Nicola Padfield

Success is measured in many ways – the most important of which is how you
feel about yourself.

Linda King

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I have learned to define success on my own terms and to focus my work where
possible on the areas where I can make most effective contributions.

Ruth Cameron

Not only is my ‘success’ measured by the number of publications I have had

that reflect the quality of the work, but also by my willingness to help other
scientists where I can. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Jennifer Hirst

If I were to articulate what I’m most proud [gratified] of, it would be in terms of
really small, incremental improvements in my ability to do the various jobs I
undertake [assume, embark on].

Corinna Russell

Contribution to the progression of others is not part of the conventional

definition of success, but I’ve learnt that it’s really important to me.

Sarah Amalia Teichmann

In my teaching [coaching, doctrine], I enjoyed creating models to clearly

communicate my thoughts. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Erno Rubik

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One has to grow up [mature, develop] with good talk in order to form the habit
of it.

Helen Hayes

I like people who refuse to speak until they are ready to speak.

Lillian Hellman

Metaphors have a way of holding [keeping] the most truth in the least
[minimum] space.

Orson Scott Card

I believe in communication; books communicate ideas and make bridges

between people. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Jeanette Winterson

I believe that writing is derivative [byproduct, consequence]. I think good

writing comes from good reading.

Charles Kuralt

For a writer only one form of patriotism exists: his attitude toward language.

Joseph Brodsky

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Mass communication, radio, and especially television, have attempted, not

without success, to annihilate [destroy] every possibility of solitude [privacy]
and reflection.

Eugenio Montale

I try to just communicate what I want done as clearly and simply as possible.

Dick Wolf

The need to write comes from the need to make sense of one's life and discover
one's usefulness [efficacy, effectiveness].

John Cheever

It is not enough to show people how to live better: there is a mandate [order]
for any group with enormous powers of communication to show people how to
be better.

Marya Mannes

I propose to construct a new chart [diagram, graphic representation] for

navigating, on which I shall delineate all the sea and lands of the Ocean in their
proper positions under [below] their bearings [directions, orientations]; and
further [beyond], I propose to prepare a book, and to put down [put in writing]
all as it were in a picture, by latitude from the equator, and western longitude.

Christopher Columbus

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Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book
can make a difference. It can change the world.

Alan Rickman

I think that I have every right to write a book. I think I'm interesting. I have
perspective about me.

Judy Garland

No man understands a deep book until he has seen and lived at least part of its
contents. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Ezra Pound

Properly, we should read for power. Man reading should be man intensely
alive. The book should be a ball [sphere, globe] of light in one's hand.

Ezra Pound

A name is so important in biblical settings [sceneries] that Scripture frequently

mentions God Himself changing someone's name to reflect a new reality.
Abram, which means 'exalted father,' was changed to Abraham, meaning 'father
of a multitude.'

Tony Evans

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… we read a lot at home, we also watched a lot of films. So I had already seen a
lot of films that were about the crucifixion and the temptation of Christ, like
Bible history and the Ten Commandments – stuff [substance] like that.

Tobias Forge

There's a consequence for everything, and that goes back [returns] to the Bible
for me.

Taya Kyle

The truths [veracities] that are found [discovered] in the Bible are universal
truths. And it shapes who you are and guides you throughout [during the
course of] your life.

Ernie Hudson

Focus on the mind and the soul. Read. Study. Enroll [Join] in a course of lectures.
Pray. Become a member of a religious congregation. Study the Bible or other
ancient works of wisdom.

Jonathan Sacks

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Physical fitness is extremely important to me. Only if you are fit [vigorous,
adequate] will you be able to achieve whatever you want to achieve in life; you
will be able to pursue [follow, chase] your dreams, your ambition, you goals,
and the things you love.

Urvashi Rautela

Being disciplined and determined are my fitness mantra.

Urvashi Rautela

In the British Special Air Service, combat fitness is all about running.

Bear Grylls

It's so easy to lose your fitness and so hard to gain it back.

Alex Morgan

I'm doing four hours of gymnastics training a day, six days a week and then an
extra two to three hours in a fitness center as well.

Shawn Johnson

Bodybuilding is about building your body. Whether you do it to maintain your

fitness levels, climb [ascend] Everest, run the marathon, or be a competitive
bodybuilder is up to [fit for, ready for] you.

Ronnie Coleman

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I have fans from every level of the fitness world, whether it's the elite competitor
or just someone living a healthy lifestyle, and it's been my goal since day one to
make sure that my brand [trade name] has something to offer everyone.

Ronnie Coleman

Fitness really changed my life.

Jon Jones

I've been into [towards] exercise my whole life, been a runner and been into
health and fitness always.

Sissy Spacek

Fitness starts at home. What you eat is what you will look, just as what you sow
[plant, propagate] is what you reap [harvest, gather]. Eat good food: eat fruits,
vegetables, healthy grains, and don't go for sweet and trite [banal] food.

Rakul Preet Singh

Many artists in Mexico fight to be the Latina Madonna. I don't want that! Never!
Maybe she's the American Gloria Trevi!

Gloria Trevi

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I love theater. That's what I did in Mexico City. I did a lot of musical theater,
and it's where my heart is.

Jaime Camil

The real mariachis in Mexico are singers like Agustin Lara and Pedro Infante
and Jorge Negrete - the Golden Era of Mexican Filmmaking. Mariachis sing very
soft and very beautiful. That's old-school mariachi. They are caressing
[embracing, incorporating] the songs.

Jaime Camil

I do more films than television, and in Mexico, they are more situational
comedies - not the typical «telenovela».

Jaime Camil

The Bush administration as well as Mexico and Canada have persons in the
government in all three countries who want to a see a North American Union
as well as a highway [road, public road] system that would bring goods into the
west coast of Mexico and transport them up [active] through Mexico into the
United States and then in onto [on] Canada.

Virgil Goode

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Our objective must therefore [consequently] be to ensure [safeguard, guarantee]

EU better regulation contributes towards delivering a modern European Union
which relentlessly [persistently, inexorably] focuses on building a dynamic and
innovative economy equipped to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

John Hutton

But effective regulation at the European Union level can make a massive
contribution to achieving our shared goals of improving competitiveness, jobs
and growth [development].

John Hutton

We have civil servants like Ollie Robbins who are very pro-E.U., who have
never wanted us to leave and have done everything in their power, including
colluding [planning] with the European Union, to try and keep us in.

Mark Francois

The European Union will continue to fully support multilateral global

governance based on international law [rule], human rights, and strong
international institutions.

Federica Mogherini

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Indeed, our British friends have decided to leave us - which is very sad for all
of us - but life goes on [continues], and the European Union as well goes on.

Federica Mogherini

What we figured out [discovered] was that in order to get everyone in the world
to have basic access to the Internet, that's a problem that's probably billions of
dollars. Or maybe low tens of billions. With the right innovation, that's actually
[truly, in fact] within the range of affordability [have the funds for].

Mark Zuckerberg

I believe that entrepreneurs play an unmatched [supreme, unique] role and the
accelerating pace [step, velocity] of innovation is transforming the face of global
challenges. You must think about the solution differently when you're trying to
impact 1 billion people rather than affecting 1 million people. - [Leadership &
100 and 5 Stars].

Naveen Jain

The heart and soul of the company is creativity and innovation.

Bob Iger

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We are exploring creative models to pursue [follow, chase] innovation outside

[external, independent] the confines of our normal process, taking calculated
risks and learning from them.

Denise Morrison

I consider high-speed data transmission an invention that became a major [key,

main] innovation. It changed the way we all communicate.

Dean Kamen

Innovation at Apple has always been a team game. It has always been a case
where you have a number of small groups working together.

Jonathan Ive

All leading brands [trade name] started with and still possess the DNA of
innovation and creativity, but it is often limited to one or two areas such as
design or engineering. For a company to prosper, it must inject this innovative
spirit into [towards] every aspect of the business.

Dinesh Paliwal

The big deal [transaction, agreement] for me has always been innovation.

Dinesh Paliwal

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British innovation in design, in the creative arts, in engineering and

manufacturing is world class.

Margaret Heffernan

I do think one success of Northern Europe, which the United States came from,
was its willingness [commitment] to accept innovation in business practices like
Adam Smith and the whole Enlightenment [Clarification, Illumination]. It
essentially made the merchant [commercial] class free instead of controlled by
the king and aristocracy. That was essential.

James D. Watson

I'm a big advocate [promoter, activist] of financial intelligence.

Daymond John

We've never been people that go around and confront people that have been
financially successful and say, 'We hate you. We envy [be envious of] you
because of how well you're doing.'

Marco Rubio

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We are in a position of financial and social power, and we could be agents of

change in our society. Without pretension, I believe we could be a nice little
gardener who takes care of the garden, and hopefully our neighbor will do the
same. Then, maybe we'll achieve a better world.

Guy Laliberte

Wall Street has too much wealth [prosperity, capital] and political power.

Charlie Munger

The lesson of history is that you do not get a sustained economic recovery as
long as [if, provided that] the financial system is in crisis.

Ben Bernanke

We all know that Americans love their statistics - in sport, obviously. And in
finance too.

Evan Davis

Poverty is unnecessary.

Muhammad Yunus

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Financial literacy is an issue that should command [order, instruct] our attention
because many Americans are not adequately organizing finances for their
education, healthcare and retirement.

Ron Lewis

It is incumbent upon [on] each of us to improve spending [expenses, costs] and

savings practices to ensure our own individual financial security and preserve
the collective economic well-being of our great society.

Ron Lewis

We've taken the view that if the rest of the world would democratize and create
market economies that would spread [extend] the benefits of prosperity around
the world, and that it would enhance [increase] our own prosperity, and our
own stability and security, as well.

Jeffrey Sachs

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere

effort, intelligent direction and skillful [expert, competent] execution; it
represents the wise choice of many alternatives.

William A. Foster

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Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.

Henry Ford

Quality is not what happens when what you do matches [harmonizes,

coordinates] your intentions. It is what happens when what you do matches
your customers’ expectations.


Without changing our patterns of thought, we will not be able to solve the
problems that we created with our current patterns of thought.

Albert Einstein

More business is lost every year through neglect [negligence] than through any
other cause.

Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design,

manufacturing layout [plan], processes, and procedures.

Tom Peters

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Collaboration is a key part of the success of any organization, executed through

a clearly defined vision and mission and based on transparency and constant

Dinesh Paliwal

I think it's fair [reasonable, just] to say that personal computers have become the
most empowering [energizing] tool we've ever created. They're tools of
communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user

Bill Gates

As long as [If, On condition that] there is communication, everything can be


Robert Trujillo

I think the written word is probably the best medium of communication because
you have time to reflect [consider, ponder], you have time to choose your words,
to get your sentences exactly right. Whereas [While] when you're being
interviewed, say, you have to talk on the fly, you have to improvise, you can
change sentences around, and they're not exactly right.

Richard Dawkins

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People make music to get a reaction. Music is communication.

Yoko Ono

Whether you lead a nation, an enterprise, a community, or a family, we are all

in the communication business.

Robin S. Sharma

Trade is a communication of cultures and values.

Jack Ma

I think honest communication, no matter where it comes from, is positive for a


Ron White

Making movies is not rocket [missile] science. It's about relationships and
communication and strangers coming together to see if they can get along
harmoniously, productively, and creatively. That's a challenge. When it works,
it's fantastic and will lift you up [elevate you]. When it doesn't work, it's almost
just as fascinating.

Julia Roberts

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Ecology and economy are becoming inextricably [intimately, inseparably]

entwined [interlaced, interlinked], and the world is becoming more conscious
of this fact.

Azim Premji

I have a certain pool of subject matter that I like to write about, things that
interest me: politics, religion, ecology, and relationships between men and
women. And that's usually what I focus on [center, address].

Don Henley

As our technology evolves, we will have the capacity to reach new, ever-
increasing depths [profundities]. The question is what kind of technology, in
the end, do we want to deploy [employ, organize] in the far [distant] reaches
[ranges, scopes] of the ocean? Tools of science, ecology and documentation, or
the destructive tools of heavy [dense] industry?

Philippe Cousteau, Jr.

When you start traveling and thinking from a global perspective, you realize
[understand] how small the planet is and how predatory [destructive,
voracious] we are to its ecology.

Patrick Pichette

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In 1969, I wrote a musical called 'Mother Earth.' It was a rock musical with an
ecology theme. We did it at the South Coast Repertory [Production] Theatre in
Southern California where I was a member. It was a smash hit [success] in this
small theater.

Toni Tennille

[About reading] - I would be concerned [involved] that it might affect my

imagination and so potentially my ability to be creative.

Unknown author

I do love the newspaper, and I sometimes read nonfiction, but the quality of my
life would be poorer [inferior] without a good story.

Unknown author

If it’s a good book then I’ll let [permit] people know about it. If something is a
good read then you tend to pass it on [communicate it]. - [Leadership & 100 and
5 Stars].

Unknown author

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Among the best descriptions of mission of the power of reading, we have by

means of an independent charity [assistance] institution named TRA. It affirms:
‘We believe that reading can transform people’s lives. The more you read the
more you know. The more you read, the more you imagine. The more you read,
the better you understand, and the better you can connect to people. Our
mission is to inspire more people to read more’. - [Leadership & 100 and 5

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

The only teaching that a professor can give, in my opinion, is that of thinking in
front of his students. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].


Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

Albert Einstein

Those who love peace must learn to organize as well as those who love war.

Martin Luther King

At age 50, every man has the face he deserves [merits, be worthy of]. -
[Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

George Orwell

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The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of [via, by means of]

George Santayana

I don't like to be alone, but I do cherish [appreciate, value] the moments that I'm
alone with a good book.

Vin Scully

Once you publish a book, it is out of [beyond] your control. You cannot dictate
how people read it.

Margaret Atwood

A book is a gift you can open again and again. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Garrison Keillor

I was a litigation [legal action] lawyer [legal representative]. That's all very
logical. Become a litigation lawyer. Become successful. Have a nice office. But
there was some pull [influence] inside of me saying, self-publish this book. I
followed that intuition and it's been a great choice for me in my life.

Robin S. Sharma

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The way a book is read, which is to say, the qualities a reader brings [transports,
carries] to a book can have as much to do with its worth [value, wealth] as
anything the author puts into [towards] it.

Norman Cousins

The market economy is deeply congruent with the values set out [plan,
determine] in the Hebrew Bible. Material prosperity is a divine blessing
[benediction]. Poverty crushes [defeats, humiliates] the spirit as well as the
body, and its alleviation [mitigation, improvement] is a sacred task. Work is a
noble calling.

Jonathan Sacks

The Bible is replete with commands to persevere, especially in the face of


Joni Eareckson Tada

When I commit [dedicate, assign], I commit with my whole heart, my whole

being. I know the Bible like the back of my hand.

Barry White

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Something happens in school sometimes where you're like [as, comparable],

'Oh, I'm not an expert, and I have to defer [accede] to people who are.' And it
happens not just in school: it happens in religion, too. Defer to the experts. A
printing press is a big deal [serious issue] - they got the Bible, and all of a sudden
[rapid] they could read it for themselves.

Sal Khan

The Bible never divorces the truth of Christ's future return with our present-day

Robert Jeffress

I feel I should get better at my fitness regimen, but I think it's about doing it
more regularly rather than expecting miracles [wonders]. There are no shortcuts
[short ways].

Sonali Bendre

Being a fitness enthusiast, I try to stay [remain] away [absent] from

overindulgence [in excess of permission]. I make sure my family eats healthy,

Sonali Bendre

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I think I have just evolved as a person, as a human being. I like fitness. It's an
important part of my everyday life, and I enjoy and endorse [support, approve]
a healthy lifestyle.

Karisma Kapoor

Fitness is the most important aspect in this sport. You've got to feel good.

Mario Gotze

Health and fitness is who I am. It's what I do.

Lee Haney

As the proud father of two teens and past Chairman [to occupy the first
position] to the Presidents Council [Association, Assembly] on Physical Fitness
and Sports, I am committed to educating parents and especially young people
on ways to live a long, healthy and active life.

Lee Haney

All we're trying to do is change how people think about fitness. And build
«Under Armour» [below shield, below protective covering] into [towards] the
biggest brand in the entire land.

Kevin Plank

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My morning starts with some form of exercise, and I give two hours - from 5:30
to 7:30 A.M. - to my personal fitness.

Sushant Singh Rajput

Fitness has nothing to do with age.

Virender Sehwag

As far as fitness is concerned, you have to enjoy it, do good exercises, and
integrate them into your tennis practice. The preparation for the season [period,
time] is as crucial as doing good blocks when switching from one surface to

Stan Wawrinka

Mexico has 44 treaties with other countries that make it very advantageous to
do international shipping [distribution, transport] from Mexico rather than
from the United States. Believe it or not, Mexico has better treaties with the rest
of the world than the United States does.

Wilbur Ross

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Mexico's government has made a strong commitment to boosting [increasing,

improving] the country's competitiveness in global trade, and the Ministry of
Economy recognizes that trade facilitation [assistance] is a key element in
achieving this objective.

Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal

One of the good things that's happening in manufacturing in Mexico is that the
old maquiladora that was relegated [transferred] to just [only, merely]
assembling things has changed in different sectors. One of these sectors is the
aerospace industry and in how we attract [invite] workers that have been in
technical school.

Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal

Mexico is very well positioned in the IT sector, thanks to our closeness to North
America and how things are being developed in Silicon Valley.

Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal

I can't come back home with an agreement that will not be a win-win-win
situation for the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal

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We have a very long legal system with the European Union, and we're English

Enda Kenny

We are convinced that Turkey would be a useful [valuable, helpful] member of

the European Union.

Martti Ahtisaari

I want to show a new vector of policy [guiding principle] that will be there when
I will become a president. And my vector [course, path] is friendship with
America and friendship with European Union.

Ksenia Sobchak

The fact that we're going through a crisis is an opportunity for Europe to be
more coordinated and more integrated. We're actually talking about a European
Monetary Fund or euro bonds [links, relationships], about guarantees [certifies,
secures] for countries, about economic governance in the European Union. That
shows the strength [power] of Europe.

George Papandreou

We Estonians will do what is necessary to join the European Union.

Toomas Hendrik Ilves

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The Federal Government plays a critical role in innovation in our country and
has throughout [during, during the course of] our history.

Dan Lipinski

Part of what makes America strong is our resilience, tenacity, innovation and
our willingness to be optimistic about our future. I know that President Obama
is absolutely the best president to lead our country in the right direction.

Valerie Jarrett

Being really good at 'learning how to learn,' as President Bill Brody of Johns
Hopkins put it, will be an enormous asset [resource] in an era of rapid change
and innovation, when new jobs will be phased in [arrived to stage] and old ones
phased out [left, disappeared] faster than ever.

Thomas Friedman

…, I have a lot of confidence in the United States. We have an excellent record

in terms of innovation. We have great universities that are involved in
technological change and progress. We have an entrepreneurial culture, much
more than almost any other country.

Ben Bernanke

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Community development has a long history of innovation and learning from


Ben Bernanke

We don't have a free market in health care. We need to connect customers up

[active, optimistic] with the cost of care. And to drive innovation that way.

Ken Cuccinelli

Innovation is a necessity.

Chanda Kochhar

To ensure [safeguard, guarantee] that the free world continues to set the rules
of the road in the global economy, America and its allies [associates] must work
together to continue to be the world's centers of innovation and technological

Will Hurd

My general view is that capitalism is an amazing innovation and job-creation

machine. But what we've done historically that has been so brilliant is that we've
moderated it with appropriate tax policy, with regulation, with workers' rights
and infrastructure in our society that make sure [take care] that everyone has an

John Delaney

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What's important for all of us as chip companies is to keep the innovation going:
putting out new products, figuring out [understanding] how we connect these
complex systems.

Lisa Su

We had a booming [prosperous] stock market in 1929 and then went into
[entered] the world's greatest depression. We have a booming stock market in
1999. Will the bubble somehow burst [exploded], and then we enter depression?
Well, some things are not different.

Jeffrey Sachs

As a novelist, I tell stories and people give me money. Then financial planners
tell me stories and I give them money.

Martin Cruz Smith

Under [Below] capitalism each individual engages [employs, involves] in

economic planning.

George Reisman

The single most important personal finance decision you make is your career.

Sal Khan

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People in all walks of life, and especially business, do not want to experience
the collapse of cities like New York along with global finance and economy in
chaos, but this is what business faces if we continue to attribute climate change
to fossil fuels alone.

Allan Savory

Professional services industries like finance, consulting, and legal services are,
by definition, meta-industries. That is, they serve to help large companies raise
money, buy and sell each other, reorganize, implement new systems, conduct
complex transactions, and so forth [and so on, etcetera].

Andrew Yang

Most regular, two-year MBA programs provide both experience and the
capacity to link together the essential elements of management such as finance,
marketing, organizational behavior, and operations.

Warren Bennis

I am a graduate in business management with specialization in finance, and I

love accounts!

Tena Desae

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One of the things that's great about New York is that it is not a one-industry
town. It has education, academia, the service industry, arts, publishing, theater,
politics, fashion, finance, as well as movie-making.

Sarah Jessica Parker

My background is around economics and finance; yet, of course, in professional

services, talent is key. And for many of our clients, whatever [of any kind, no
matter what] the industry, they all are coming to me saying their No. 1 challenge
is getting the right talent.

Pierre Nanterme

It is my intention to present - through the medium of photography - intuitive

observations of the natural world which may have meaning to the spectators.

Ansel Adams

Consciously or not, we are all on a quest [mission, search] for answers, trying to
learn the lessons of life. We grapple [contend, face] with fear and guilt
[culpability]. We search for meaning, love, and power. We try to understand
fear, loss, and time. We seek to discover who we are and how we can become
truly happy.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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There is no meaning to life except the meaning man gives his life by the
unfolding [describing, recounting] of his powers.

Erich Fromm

To study history means submitting [presenting] to chaos and nevertheless

[however] retaining faith [confidence] in order and meaning.

Hermann Hesse

Nothing can express the aim and meaning of our work better than the profound
words of St. Augustine - 'Beauty is the splendor of Truth.'

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

An artistic standpoint [viewpoint, perspective] - I've watched a lot of ballet and

source some inspiration from how they move, connect with each other, and find
meaning in their movement.

Nathan Chen

In preparing my thesis, I have had the pleasure of collecting testimonies from

colleagues such as Placido Domingo but also from singing teachers and
musicologists. The entire course of study has confirmed what I already thought,
that the value and meaning of opera singing, at the beginning of the third
millennium, remain intact.

Andrea Bocelli

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The Semantic Web is not a separate Web but an extension of the current one, in
which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling [permitting,
allowing] computers and people to work in cooperation.

Tim Berners-Lee

People want things with meaning. I know that because I want that.

Blake Lively

Myths can't be translated as they did in their ancient soil [earth, land]. We can
only find our own meaning in our own time.

Margaret Atwood

The executive who employs servants of negative emotions, soon or later, such
executive represents the same, and he is a loser. Do the correct, consequently.
In that intelligence, Sai Baba affirms: ‘Man is lost and is wandering in a jungle
where real values have no meaning. Real values can have meaning to man only
when he steps on [walks on] to the spiritual path, a path where negative
emotions have no use’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

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About self-hypnosis. Towards the development, or towards the corruption.

Towards our self-construction, or towards our self-condemnation. A dimension
of power of that, it is referred by H. G. Wells. He affirms: ‘after people have
repeated a phrase a great number of times, they begin to realize [understand] it
has meaning and may even be true’. Well, the self-hypnosis is true, it exists; but
it must carry by means of the readings of the books of self–development of great

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

The magazines of «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars» as a meta-thesis. That is, by

means of two great dimensions. The English Language, and the Leadership. (1)
In the first dimension: (a) the exam of English, for students in order to approve
the exams of acceptance to a career and, others students for acceptance to Master
of Science degree. Equally, and on the other hand, (b) the exam of English, for
students in order to approve the exam for graduation, for students of career and
for students for Master of Science degree. Now, (2) in the second dimension, we
know to the leadership as strictly required in all the fields of knowledge. So,
with respect to our two dimensions, our magazines can assume an intelligence
of completeness. A note, perhaps, it is opportune that you bring to mind with
respect to the exam TOEFL, which is fine, precise, complete, and generic.
Finally, a relatively simple task for you. It is known for meta-thesis as thesis of
thesis. Can you increase that definition?. Can you cite at least three very known
meta-thesis?. Thanks you.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

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History shows that those heads of empires [territories, kingdoms] who have
encouraged the cultivation of mathematics, the common source of all the exact
sciences, are also those whose reigns have been the most brilliant and whose
glory is the most durable.

[«whose», in Spanish, «(interr. pron.) de quién, de quiénes / (rel. pron.) cuyo,


Michael Charles

Mathematics is a linguistic activity; its ultimate area is preciseness of


William L. Schaaf

Mathematics, too, is a language, and as concerns [affects, be connected with] its

structure and content it is the most perfect language which exists, superior to
any vernacular [dialect, language]; indeed [in reality], since it is understood by
every people, mathematics may be called the language of languages. Through
[Via] it, as it were, nature herself speaks; through it the Creator of the world has
spoken, and through it the Preserver of the world continues to speak.

C. Dillmann, Die Mathematik die Fackelträgerin einer neuen Zeit

May not Music be described as the Mathematic of sense, Mathematic as Music

of the Reason? The musician feels Mathematics, the mathematician thinks Music
– Music [Melody] the dream, Mathematic the working life ...

Joseph J. Sylvester

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A mathematician, like a poet or painter, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns

are more permanent than theirs it is because they are made with ideas... A
mathematician... has no material to work with but ideas, and so his patterns are
likely [probable] to last longer. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Godfrey H. Hardy

My degree is in biology, and it will always be my first love. Evolution, ecology,

genetics - they were the textbooks I was devouring [consuming] as a teenager,
and it was there that my love of science grew [developed].

Elise Andrew

When I went to university, I decided that I would like to do something related

to plant ecology, because I felt that plants were so beautiful. When I am studying
plants, I feel like I am talking with some kind of supernatural life, like I am
talking with someone who does not speak. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

Corneille Ewango

There should be more attention paid to scientific research in the ecology area,
and I think that such attention to proper [appropriate] environmental concerns
[interests, matters] would make the public feel much better about it.

Thomas R. Cech

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The UPA's strategy of 'inclusive growth [development]' remains the

foundational pillar of economically, politically, and socially sustainable

Sanjaya Baru

I went to art school in Chicago for a year at Columbia College. I had this whole
master plan of getting into [gaining entry] sustainable development and green
architecture and construction, so I wanted to go to business school and then get
my masters in construction and development.

Nico Tortorella

Resources businesses must contribute to sustainable development if we are to

continue to have access to resources.

Cynthia Carroll

When you write a book, you're an expert, and people look at you in a different

Martha Stewart

The process of writing a book has given me a whole new reverence for writers.
Mechanically, it is a brutal process; emotionally, it's incredibly healing [curative,

Cory Booker

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Therefore [Consequently], in the course of the work I have followed this plan: I
describe in the first book all the positions of the orbits together with the
movements which I ascribe [assign, attribute] to the Earth, in order [in sequence]
that this book might contain [cover], as it were, the general scheme of the

Nicolaus Copernicus

I get thousands of letters, and they give me a feeling of how each book is
perceived. Often I think I have written about a certain theme, but by reading the
letters or reviews, I realize [understand] that everybody sees the book

Isabel Allende

My person appreciate the rereading of the books. Of course, for each book, if I
find the attribute of excellent. Well, Mason Cooley affirms: ‘Rereading, we find
a new book’.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

The idea of a book that can make a change to your life, that can affect your
perspective, is a beautiful and great ambition: one that Seneca, Nietzsche and
Tolstoy would have sympathized with.

Alain de Botton

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The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard,
but must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with
them, and it will change your life.

Amy Poehler

A big part of being a well-adjusted person is accepting that you can’t be good at

Kelly Williams Brown

I was reading the Bible in Hebrew from a very young age, so that'll shape ideas
about how words can move the world.

Naomi Alderman

When you have a biblical idea of men's strength [power], you know that God
only gives us anything good to be used for his purposes and mainly to serve

Eric Metaxas

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The Word of God well understood and religiously obeyed [followed, observed]
is the shortest route to spiritual perfection. And we must not select a few
favorite passages to the exclusion of others. Nothing less than a whole Bible can
make a whole Christian.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

Learning to read the Bible in the light of the times in which it was written is

Adam Hamilton

If you look at the Bible as a whole, it's redemptive and beautiful, and it's God's
love story to mankind.

Tom Shadyac

As we read the Bible, what else [other] should we do? 1 Timothy 4:15. In daily
[day-to-day] study the verse-by-verse method is often most helpful. Let [Permit]
the student take one verse, and concentrate the mind on ascertaining
[establishing, learning] the thought that God has put into [invest in, donate to]
that verse for him, and then dwell upon [develop, amplify] the thought until it
becomes his own.

Principles of Life from the Word of God - Seventh-day Adventists

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… He gives to scholars [professors] and researchers. With Solomon they can

say: "It is he who gave me unerring [certain, correct] knowledge of what exists,
to know the structure of the world and the activity of the elements... for wisdom,
the fashioner [who creates methods, approaches] of all things, taught [educated]

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since [subsequently, then] the
Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.

Matthew 5:3 - Jehovah’s Witnesses.

I am the light and the life of the world. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning
and the end.

The Book of Mormon – 3 Nephi 9:18

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Brian Tracy

Point [Advantage, Objective] Actions

1. Make a list of three to five qualities that you admire in others and that
you want people to think you possess. What could you do to demonstrate
that you already have these qualities?

2. Resolve in advance [previously] that no matter what happens, you will

never compromise your values for any reason. You will always behave
[act, conduct yourself] consistent with the very best that you know.


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Henry Ford, 1863-1947:

Life After the Model T.

PEOPLE IN AMERICA, a program in Special English on the Voice of America.

Every week at this time, we tell the story of a person important in the history of
the United States. Today, Steve Ember and Frank Oliver complete the story of
industrialist Henry Ford.

STEVE EMBER: In nineteen three, a doctor in Detroit, Michigan, bought the first
car from the Ford Motor Company. That sale was the beginning of Henry Ford's
dream. He wanted to build good, low-priced cars for the general public. As he
said many times: "I want to make a car that anybody can buy."

To keep prices low, Henry Ford decided that he would build just one kind of
car. He called it the Model T.

FRANK OLIVER: The Model T was ready for sale in October nineteen eight.

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The Model T cost eight hundred fifty dollars. It was a simple machine that
drivers could depend on. Doctors bought the Model T. So did farmers. Even
criminals. They considered it the fastest and surest form of transportation.

Americans loved the Model T. They wrote stories and songs about it. Thousands
of Model Ts were built in the first few years. The public wanted the car. And
Henry Ford made more and more.

STEVE EMBER: To Make the Model T, Ford built the largest factory of its time.
Inside the factory, car parts moved to the workers exactly when they needed
them. Other factories moved some parts to the workers. But Ford was the first
to design his factory completely around this system. Production rose sharply.

[Commentary: you can obtain the complete theme, and its associated resource].

Learn The English Language. Obtain themes and its mp3 from The VOA-ERD

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La Última Luna
– Emmanuel (1987)

A photograph, from his original video.

La séptima luna era aquella del Luna Park el crepúsculo avanzaba de la feria al
bar mientras tanto el Ángel Santo blasfemaba la polución que respiraba
musculoso pero frágil. Pobre Ángel, pobres alas.

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La sexta luna era el alma de un desgraciado que maldecía el haber nacido, pero
sonreía. Cuatro noches sin haber cenado con las manos, con las manos,
manchadas de carbón. Tocaba el pecho una señora y manchaba y reía
creyéndose el patrón.

La quinta luna daba tanto miedo era la cabeza de una dama que sintiendo la
muerte cercana al billar jugaba. Era grande y elegante, no era joven, no era vieja
tal vez enferma seguramente estaba enferma porque sangraba un poco por la

La cuarta luna era una cuerda de prisioneros que caminando, seguía los rieles
de un tren viejo. Tenía los pies ensangrentados y las manos, y las manos, y las
manos sin sus guantes, pero no te alarmes el cielo está sereno y no hay bastantes

La tercera luna salieron todos a buscarla era, era así de grande que más de uno
pensó en el Padre Eterno. Se secaron las risas, se fundieron las luces y comenzó
el infierno, la gente huyó a su casa porque por una noche regresó el invierno.

La segunda luna el pánico sembró entre los gitanos hubo alguno que incluso se
amputo un dedo. Otros fueron hacia el banco a hacer alguna operación pero qué
confusión la mayor parte de ellos con sus hijos y sus perros corrieron a la

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La ultima luna la vio sólo un recién nacido con ojos negros, profundos, redondos
y no lloraba con grandes alas tomó la luna entre sus manos, entre sus manos.
Salió volando por la ventana era el hombre del mañana. Salió volando por la

Referencia a la letra de la canción:


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Cómo Ser Creativo

¿Escribes poesía, pintas, compones música...? ¿Buscas constantemente nuevas

maneras de hacer las cosas? ¿Propones con frecuencia ideas originales y
efectivas, nuevos sistemas operativos o mejores mecanismos de control? en una
palabra ¿Eres creativo?.

¿Qué significa ser creativo?

La creatividad no es un don repartido entre unos cuantos elegidos. Es más bien

un oficio: el oficio de comunicador que exige de quien pretende dominarlo
mucha disciplina y paciencia para recomenzar otra vez. Un oficio artístico, en
este sentido, que requiere de pasión (y no únicamente "gusto") por lo que se
hace, se piensa, se cree; un oficio artístico surgido precisamente de la previa
necesidad de comunicarse pintando, escribiendo, componiendo, en fin,
desarrollando proyectos.

No estamos hablando aquí de cualquier tipo de comunicación, del simple flujo

de palabras o intercambio de señales (trátese de conceptos, actitudes corporales,
gestos, etc.) al que usualmente se hace referencia cuando aparece en escena el
término "comunicación". Aquí hablamos, por el contrario, en sentido estricto,
del comunicar creativo de una comunicación privilegiada. Privilegiada por
cuanto no se improvisa, por cuanto no se forma a base de fragmentos inconexos
que no alcanzaron a relacionarse adecuadamente, sino que obedece a un plan,
a una intención, y quizá también a una estructura previamente establecida.

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En la comunicación privilegiada (y en esto consiste su privilegio) los mensajes

no llevan prisa, no hay un interlocutor que presiona para obtener una respuesta
inmediata; por el contrario, los mensajes pueden ensayarse una y otra vez,
redefinirse, examinarse detenidamente, someterse a crítica y probarse de nuevo,
introduciendo tantas modificaciones como sea preciso, a juicio de quien
compone el mensaje (o sistema de mensajes).

Evidentemente el enemigo número uno de la comunicación privilegiada es la

producción en serie, apresurada y sin cuidado de palabras sin sentido fijo, que
además quieren ser "bonitas" y "originales". Este el camino de la cursilería. No
podemos dar lo que no tenemos, y del mismo modo no podemos expresar lo
que no hemos descubierto en nosotros mismos (no podremos describir siquiera
una gran pasión mientras no nos abramos a la posibilidad de vivir
apasionadamente, por ejemplo).

No importa que se utilicen palabras brillantes, sonoras, profundas. Una frase

que no ha surgido de la íntima experiencia de un ser personal, sonará hueca,
vacía, irritante por absurda, por falsa. Peor aún si se ha dejado tal y como la
"inspiración" la dictó toda la inspiración del mundo no le hubiera servido de
nada a Ludwig van Beethoven si, queriendo componer el Concierto para piano
No. 1 en do, le hubiera faltado el oficio sobre el piano -de modo que sería
incapaz de tocar lo que pensaba- y el oficio -de escribano, si se quiere- sobre el
pentagrama, en el papel pautado. Un Beethoven así no hubiera pasado nunca a
la historia de la música pensando obras preciosas que no podía comunicar.

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Cuando un contenido (aquello que se quiere comunicar) aflora por fin, cuando
se clarifica en un instante tras largas esperas (quizás eso queremos decir con
"inspiración"), entonces o hay oficio para plasmar el mensaje o tal mensaje se
escapa como agua entre las manos del frustrado comunicador.

Esto significa que escribir, pintar, componer, interpretar, desarrollar proyectos,

como hemos dicho, no son acciones o actividades que deban desempeñarse "con
sentimiento". Tal "sentimiento", aun en el caso de que verdaderamente
signifique algo en particular, no puede servir de mucho al plasmar un mensaje
si antes no se tiene la técnica, si no se ha desarrollado el oficio para comunicar
efectivamente. Excelentes ideas pueden resultar absurdas por una presentación
inadecuada; magníficos proyectos duermen durante años un sueño estéril y
secreto por falta de un tiempo extra para estructurarlos debidamente.

No bastan, pues, excelentes ideas ni magníficos proyectos para ser creativo: se

necesita la decisión de comunicar esas ideas adecuadamente, de dedicarles
tiempo a los propios proyectos. La creatividad no es un don, dijimos antes. La
creatividad se construye a base de seguridad en el propio proyecto; la
creatividad surge de la vida misma y se extiende a todos los ámbitos de la vida;
pero la creatividad es también, por ello mismo, capacidad de auto-crítica y
firmeza de carácter para aceptar que la idea no era tan buena, que el proyecto
debe ser reelaborado, que el planteamiento resultó insuficiente o el método
inconsistente. Ser creativo significa estar dispuesto a retractarse, saber admitir
el propio error sin darse por vencido.

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Significa la soledad del fracaso y la prestancia de ánimo para recomenzar, para

insistir en lo que vale la pena de una labor oscura y anónima, que es el único
camino que conduce a la obra terminada, concluida, que finalmente se realiza y
nos realiza como creadores, es decir, como personas libres y dueñas de su

Así entendida, la creatividad transforma nuestra vida; la convierte en un

proyecto por real-izar, en un riesgo, una aventura. La creatividad nos arroja a
nuestra propia vida, donde todo puede hacerse, donde todo queda por hacer;
nos arroja a nuestra propia vida, vida nuestra que nos es propia y que por lo
mismo no podemos dejar a la deriva. La creatividad es la manifestación de una
vida más auténtica, más fecunda sin duda.

A. Herrejón, Revista «Imagen», Banamex – México (1993)

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Creation is the common work

of the Holy Trinity.

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Never should the Bible be studied without prayer. Before opening its pages we
should ask for the enlightenment [illumination, instruction] of the Holy Spirit,
and it will be given... Jesus will see us... in the secret places of prayer, if we will
seek Him for light that we may know what truth is. Angels from the world of
light will be with those who in humility of heart seek for divine guidance
Principles of Life from the Word of God - Seventh-day Adventists

He who chose the patriarchs, who brought Israel out of Egypt, and who by
choosing Israel created and formed it, this same God reveals himself as the One
to whom belong all the peoples of the earth, and the whole earth itself; he is the
One who alone "made heaven and earth".
Catechism of the Catholic Church

We are now living in this beautiful world. Think of the sun, which gives us
warmth and light. Think of the rain, which makes plants grow and makes the
world feel clean and fresh. Think of how good it is to hear a bird singing or a
friend laughing. Think of how wonderful our bodies are—how we can work
and play and rest. When we consider all of these creations, we begin to
understand what wise, powerful, and loving beings Jesus Christ and our
Heavenly Father are. They have shown great love for us by providing for all of
our needs.
Gospel Principles - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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When you received God’s word, which you heard from us, you accepted it not
as the word of men but, just as it truthfully [honestly, frankly] is, as the word of
1 Thessalonians 2:13 - Jehovah’s Witnesses

God doesn't make things difficult for us. Do you want to know what the truth
is? Look in the Bible, and you'll see that Jesus describes Himself not only as the
truth, but the way and the life as well.
Monica Johnson

Give me any two pages of the Bible and I'll give you a picture.
Cecil B. DeMille

The Bible has multiple accounts [stories, descriptions] of people who were born
with various conditions and in various states of existence, only to meet Jesus
and be healed [cured, rehabilitated] or delivered from whatever [of any kind]
was their concern. Truly, there isn't a human ever born into this life without
having to contend [struggle, resist] with one issue or another along life's journey
[expedition, trip].
Alveda King

One of the earliest resurrection scenes in the Bible is that of Thomas demanding
evidence - he wanted to see, to touch, to prove. Those who question and probe
[examination] and debate are heirs of the apostles just as much as the most
fervent [intense] of believers.
Jon Meacham

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This Product is made in Mexico, for

Mexico, and towards the World. M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz
Thanks for your attention. Ced. Prof. 5632071

Date of Publishing, February 2020.

The frontiers of a book are never clear-cut: beyond the title, the
first lines, and the last full stop, beyond its internal configuration
and its autonomous form, it is caught up [occupied, connected] in a
system of references to other books, other texts, other sentences: it
is a node within a network [set of connections]. – 100 and 5 Stars.
Michel Foucault

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Visa & Passport of the 21st Century

- Its Instruments [Channels] for your Development

With that goal, two great dimensions:

1) The VOA- ERD Institution, for Your English.

2) The Magazines of Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars:

a) The Leadership, and the English Language, and

b) The English Language, and the Leadership.


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English language:


The Magazines of Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars, In Scribd
The Magazines of Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars, In Scribd


Thanks to you all

Lazos Increíbles.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

The Books, and a Mexico with Competence of Integration in the World.

Visa & Passport of the 21st Century.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 23, 24 and 25 -- Editions 2.0

The VOA- ERD Institution, for Your English.

Visit my Personal Page. Get ahead.

Go to:

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 23, 24 and 25 -- Editions 2.0

Know the Project: Books of English, from English 1 to 5,

for all the CBTIS of the United Mexican States.

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz - «la Décima Musa mexicana».

The Students can do the organization as they like it; but

absolutely, the Responses are written by hand, and the
Works are Presented by Groups with a Maximum of 5 persons.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars – 23, 24 and 25 -- Editions 2.0

«I formulated a project for the CBTIS (Technological Industrial and of Services

Center of Bachelor Degree) 107 of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, México consisting in giving to the
Library of this Institution with five volumes of English language, of my authorship. A
book for each semester, from the first English book to fifth English book (according to
the plan of studies in this regard of the CBTIS). At no cost to the Institution, because this
is a donation (in the staff, I solve my expenses of the project with income of my
employment as a professor that I would be in this CBTIS).
One of the major advantages of this project is to solve the need of the student
of spending in books of English language because the books will be at your complete
disposal into the student community in the Library of the institution.
Afterward, in an immediate subsequent phase of this project is that among the
student community of this CBTIS and all the CBTIS of the United Mexican States will
have these 5 volumes of English language by means of a page of Google; read it, neither
cost nor restriction to obtain them.
Well, as a last note, I must say that these books will have the format of
'workbook'. This, as an intelligent work with foundations and then their respective
exercises to resolve, into a concurrent process».
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.
Con título y cédula profesional 5632071 en la Maestría en Ciencias de la
Computación. Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba. Veracruz, México.

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Links, for Your Preparation.

Thanks to you all

English language:
Leadership of Gold:
Christian Songs, in Spanish:
Get Instruments for your Training.

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