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Wycombe Wenches

February 2020 Monthly Meeting

Wednesday 12th february 7.45 -10pm

1. Helen welcomed members and our visitors, Susan Coker, Jayne Gibbs, Marian
Hopkins and Jo Wallace .

Helen then gave a warm welcome and some welcome packs to four new members:
Helidd Flower, Jeanette Mc Laren, Laura Cable and Irene Bridgefoot

2. Apologies for absence –Donna, Jane S., Rosemary J., Eileen, Wendy and

3. We had an amusing and informative talk by Tom Way . Tom was brought up
locally and works as a professional wildlife photographer at home and abroad . He
discussed how he became a photographer and then progressed to talking about how
he captures his best shots, how he uses early morning and late evening light and
captures character. His talk for us was on Wildlife on our Doorsteps and it was

Helen, on behalf of all members present, thanked Tom for coming to talk to us.

We then had a break for tea and cakes. Members were asked to sign up for any of
the forthcoming activities organised by Bucks Fed. WI or by our Additional
Activities Committee.

4. After the break, Helen thanked members for their generous donation to
Wycombe Womens Aid and also to Sals Shoes, a charity that collects children’s
shoes to send abroad to wherever they are most needed. Members wishing to find
out more about this charity can look at their website : Kathleen
Wiltshire is our point of contact for this charity and we will be collecting shoes
until July. If members cannot donate shoes it is possible to donate money as £1 is
required to send out each pair of shoes. Thank you.

5. The Centenary Walks are going very well and Marion Harvey led a very
enjoyable walk last Friday around Bradenham. Members can join this group at any
time .For any questions or to join activities organised by Wycombe Wenches
please email

6. The website is now up to date and our Newsletter minus any personal contact
information will in future be on its front page.
7. Liz has collated and sent off our votes for next year’s Resolutions. They are in
order : End Modern Slavery 9 votes, Time to Talk about Death and Dying 6 votes,
Female Crash Dummies 5 votes, Protect Our Precious Helium and A Call to
Increase Stem Cell Donor Registration 3 votes each.

8. Gill Blair is on the fundraising committee of Ian Rennie and they are organising
a quiz on the 22nd May. Anyone interested in going can contact Jan Lancaster on
the Wycombe Wenches email address and she will co-ordinate our team.

9. Tracey is organising a pottery painting session at Bojangles in Amersham on

March 27th at 2.30pm. The cost is £5 plus the cost of the item to be painted. If
anyone is interested in joining this activity please email

10. Rosemarie was awarded our bursary for Denman but was unable to find a one
day course on crochet which she would like to do. Helen thus suggested , with
Rosemarie’s agreement, that this money could be used to employ a crochet tutor to
teach a group of us. Helen asked if members were in agreement with this proposal
and by a show of hands this was agreed.

11. The Additional Activities Committee has investigated a trip to Highclere only
to discover that it is fully booked for groups this year. They will try to arrange a
trip for 2021.

12 Bucks Fed.of WIs would like to have a scarecrow trail at Waddesdon Manor
when we go there for afternoon tea on July 7th. Each WI is invited to make a
scarecrow , the theme being either a well known figure or one made from recycled
materials. Helen asked if anyone would like to be on a working party to make one
and several members volunteered : Rosemarie H., Caroline C, Caroline J,Simone,
Sue D, and Sylvie. Helen thanked them for this.

12.Forthcoming Activities:

a. Woolly Wenches.. February 20th , March 5th and 19th at 12.30pm in Hills Café

b. Supper Club ..the next Supper Club will be eating out on June 3rd

c. Cinema Club ..Thursday 27th February at The Front Room in High Wycombe to
watch Mrs Lowry and Son. Cost £5 including refreshments.

d. Walking Group…this group has had several successful walks thus far. Walks are
around 5 miles long and take place twice a month. The next is on Monday Feb. 24th
starting at Mop End
e. Book Group : The next meeting is on Tuesday 17th March at Heathers to discuss
Silent Victim by Caroline Mitchell.

If you are interested in any of these activities please email to add your name to the list

AOB :Diane is appearing in a comedy, “The Farndale Ave Housing Estate

Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society’s Production of Macbeth” at Lancaster
Arts Theatre on February 20-22nd at 8pm. If you are interested in seeing Diane in
action in this entertaining play tickets are available at or by
phoning 01494 522722. Cost £13/15.

Jan L. has offered 1 : 1 help to anyone interested in tracing their family history.

Helen asked members to bring any spare mugs which they have at home to the next
meeting as we need more for our meetings.

The meeting closed at 9.45pm and members all helped tidy the room back to order.

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