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Should the gun laws be changed?

Guns in the U.S has been a problem for many years now. So much so 
that America is what comes to mind when people think about guns. 
America is the most known nation in the world when it comes to 
firearms, with citizens owning about an astonishing 270 million of the 
world’s 875 million firearms Marshall (the town). That is thirty percent 
on the world registered firearms. The reason why Americans own so 
many guns comes down to the second Amendment, which states, “​A 
well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the 
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed​.” This 
grants the citizens from America the right to own and buy firearms. 
Since this amendment is vague, it comes down to personal preference.  
According to a 2010 study, there were 31,672 fatalities due to firearms. 
The following year the number went up to 32,163. Homicides that are a 
result of guns are relatively high in the States and they take more than 
eleven thousand lives a year. According to Vision for Humanity, an 
initiative for the Economics and Peace, the United States is ranked 99 
out of 162 countries in the 2013 global peace index, homicide rates and 
violent crimes are among the various criteria used to determine the 
ranking (Vision of Humanity). Mass shootings at workplaces, schools, 
shopping malls and places of worship are happening at an alarming 
frequency. While the Newtown shooting is one of the horrific ones, it 
certainly isn’t the only one that happened in the last two years alone. 
Several other mass shootings took the lives of many all across America. 
While other significant problems in America need our attention, in my 
opinion, increasing the rate of Gun violence is the most significant 
problem in American that needs to be addressed. Loopholes in the gun 
control laws are allowing prohibited people to access firearms easily. As 
the country with the largest stockpile of privately owned firearms, we 
aren’t doing much to prevent them from falling on the wrong hands. 
(In Australia) This graph shows us that in 1995 there was a massive drop 
in firearm deaths. This is because of the incident of Port Arthur when 
they confiscated, melted and crushed 650,000 firearms. 
This has had massive worldwide effects due to the fact Britain and 
Ireland followed with similar restrictions over time greatly reducing 
Taking all this into consideration i truly believe that all states and 
countries around the world should at least review their gun laws and 
take a good look at the world and what guns have done to it. 

It is ​always​ OK to punch a Nazi 


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