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Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, and the Origins and Intensifications of


Chapter · January 2006


18 159

1 author:

R. Brian Ferguson
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

two books, Chimpanzees, "War," and History: Are Men Born to Kill?; to be followed by Hunter-Gatherer War in Tribal Zones: A Critique of the Hobbes-Darwin Synthesis
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Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology,
The Archaeology of Warfare and the Origins and Intensifications of War

Prd, istories of Raidil1g a"d Co"ql4l~s t

I ... n'A'" . nC..,'ON

I W...e...". "",liln", th< ICCOnd dead. uf .rc...,..,I"8Y" diocovcryof ....... To
jIod", f...... ,lit moen' oa<Lcration of pubUnti(ln• ..,d te\<"",h lop;.:.. il !l«m.
« 10 become . "'.jot- 6dd of study (Bray ]986, Camw. 1m, Camun ... d
Ha,dln& 1999; ~urnn and Fnycr 1m, <>-sky andJum 1994, RI« and U-
ELl l..t 8f.TH N • .t JU;:US H AND M A JlK W . ALL EN Slone: 2001 : n>auk and ViYWI 19l!9). n.. ~ if no) k>ow:' whcthn. bo"
whither, .... -haroIos7 of war! How ...aJ archaeolopcal m.o.y and finding>
dndopl How will dwy.w..: ro..ublw..d inl<rcu In ",1Nnl ... duopoioc;] I
Whao: """" ioou<s,..;ll archaeoIosY ...... 1n.. pounri>I ""'oodi..1 iml-"' of aJ".
chIotoIosY is Fat. AI ... ..., in this >eIwn<. .,;min and 0C1'0tI rqional KqIIOII<"
""'.. is lI<m<:ndouo ~ vo.rUbiIi<y-in ........... m.." ...... Ioro(..... or
Uttlt ''' ........ ~ from raid. 10 imperial conquest. and In d.ufydiKinniv<
• pluto of mmW'l' ~. Thu mlliury nrUbm.,. pi' alone; .. imnri.oon ;n
maloriol cimunounca and ... d political otructufft, proridins abun<Un.
BOO matcrl.ol ro. thtotr on w t • ..,.. ... d <On><qu<n< .. of .... t. While ethnog-

raphy .. m.i", murh ri<h •• In cover'Se and doraU, <lp<d>.lly In non_m..,ri,]

.al..... mt.acolosY hu th< odv ... ug< of,«, k>nfI ti .... "",n .. <omp . .. d to ,II<
....w .<hnopaphk blink of... ..,..
Although • ~ .....". ide.. ore rai .. d in this YOIu ..... tM _ . -arching o:on-
<em .. th< o:ol''''"rion bn .... m ...... and poIitic2l conodidmon. l ...w <Om< brl
... w. In <Iooing. 80." thio dupt<r 8"'" in • diW........ dif'<Crion. While :ill the
, ...... in tho. voham< iOcuson p<dtistoric .;......uon....h<ft..ducolocrohows __
.. UNtIioukably f""'K"lo thio chapter is con<crncd -..;th twO rruui<iom, from
the ............ "'" POCXliC< of ....... and it-. p<dtittoty ... " ...."y. I ""'" ....-0
• pooition<: nhnogr>phi< ..-pan> """" "'" JW' 1M em' ....... do not rqtrc><nt m.
lnuntity of ...... in far distanl pan. and """ ...... Itur:al pno«itt did
not oI-ro <lI1". This is no ....moo of some utopian Idyll. of prirn.<nl 8"",.. ,
Uni.<nif)- Pta. of F1orio:Lt children. Onrly. C¥id<nc: .......... in. <fJ'<n<IrI.ll 'I'Iokr>« In some ...". .,rly h",
G.;"",.ul.rr >ll""-JT.unpolllou boo o:olle<riv< ktIuJ viole",. "f'in.. other poup<_ ......_ h..
""nuc¢ M i>mi,!J..:L-mIl</Ft. M;<n al ....,.. b<m. pos.ib~i..,.. l'c,1upo numrnoth hun«,. had probl ........ i.h <ach
oth", nt.l)·be N."ndenhal. >nd C",·M.gnot" reaUy did nO{ 5'" along, w. do
;;l O~ 6 >

I.~J ~ ,.,... I "r-_ .w....Iot.(-..!....,."'O':• .-I,J.~.-II_.."''"._'fIL;,.- n

...,. know. Sm, [ will "'gu<o,I>< pr«on.!ioion. that m>de ..... [ikely""'''' [>eking ><>cia! anmropologil .. lu....<.<ndy codified ,hil ~u. prejuJ;.. in,,,. ,h.<>-
fOr m.,.' of hum:u>i.y', ..-.Uy o.ncion. h;,,"'l" If...., >rick wim <Vide",,< ""her ",tical ".n« ",-" amoun .. '0' Ro'......,i.n dccbn'ion of uni.....uI prehioturic
,11m . upp<»i.ion. w•• w.. >bstn, in ,"""y plK<. v>d prnoJ.. i, I><e ..... much 1"'".0«. ( 19%:20). K«lcy iJ<nliMt me .. . prime enmpl. of ,hcoo tendencies
mor< eonunoo """ •• i ..... {.hhous/> 1>0< in > >might Ii,.. of inc..:u<). ...J in
moot ""J culy ;orehatologlc;tl tn<!ioions .h... ;ore II<> li5"" ofl' >< aU. "Th<K wao
I (19%20-ll.16J.203).
MOl< «>nK<[U<nrial .tun ... Iw he .... to say .bou, 1Itthrorol~ ... iI tho im·
o lime IxfOt< n t (:doo ... K.1ly 2000). "8< M """"" about 'M ubiquity and In,m,lty of -na.. in tho
Th ... <I.illl>...., ""J con ......"l>l. In <he I"" do:ad< •• 1>< moot l"""'iDrnt r=>rd. I .-ill "'" dilpu .. iIer< lou charx.oriution of n~ rcporn for
"""'by ... archxo!osi" iI u.. ...... Kttky', W..,. &forr(""J,..Ji=t,,,,,, n.- "fJIb ,ho paS< couple of «ntUrin. "There .. II<> do<tb, dUI tho \'HI majority of DOn-
ojlkh-fiJ s.",d lm ). Thil'" m>jor ........, II iI rho to-. _romp«- >t21< ~ pr.."io..! .or. ond _ , .... produc.d h.ish,. ova rim<.
h.cmio< ,"" ....... , ...."of.....,"""uof.,.bynon,ouu ptoph.Iong....-crdu< I do bd""" tho ~ of _ h.. b«n .,....nutically inlIa.:..! in mnd.rd
~n' for T", ... y-H;P', ( 1911) /'nMJJ,,~ 11#. II .......""tite ...,;dot. <bu "'" - " .. HIt.AF. Em,,", and Eml><. (t997:5) cui ... ,ha, n pcr«n< of
'0 rho ide. thu sIKh ""V _ • """"lao rinIaI. al,hough ~ Ihil nw:»ag< oon-p><iIXd prt" ....'e ~ nukr ...,......unr/yor: cw:tyyar-........blol<
..ill 1'<"<''''. thotc ~icrircln wiler< mi ........p<""'''.uu run is J"'OI'O'i'ion. but thu is • ",b;m for ........... in_iption. Mo.~ to the poin'
• ...,.Mr quesrion. And i. t... '-" 'IV""" ..
unul ... ro. dcv<1oping~' for this ",,1wn<.1 .,;//tili iI<uc:,.;d. tho J'<Oi«tio<I of tho .. hnog>p/I;. pfC!'rn'
cal fOau on war. ,h-sfo-c tho ~I JWI. ,1M: Idea ,.... n:ctn' ...taiura of.... bJ non·
Su, <he", . n: probk_ with .spects of "'.ky., book .nd od><... ~..t pub, .t2Ie propIa an: nonnaI fOr non·..... ~ throuY> pr<hi<ro<y.
hc:o.tion<,,,,.,.. nootb/y I.dlll",,'<. with RcgI ... r (20(3). C-Ulfl /Wt!n: 1bt Ko:c:loy' posi,ion on ,hi, poin, iI clouded by .... biguow phming... in this
Myn. ofrIK hMtfol, !WJIJU s"""I'. Guilain<: .nd Z=unit', ( ~) 1M 0rW~' ".....-
.flf~r: V..u",.I~ Prrbill4? and O... rb<in·, (~) H.", fI~r Btg~~. 1hr<. [N )",h ing .uggtlt$ ... , .... preh i"oric non ,nrc -'eri ......... lign ificantly
import ... , SCn.",J i....... rc how ,ho ",,,h~ of w..- I. .. I><<n portray«!. .nd uni.".. lly mure pn«ful ,h.n ,hOK deoc,ibed cthnogr2phhlly. Th.
d..: thro ... icaI ,ipi!ican« of \t'<orcm «>n",e, in .1f.Cling indigo""'" wufo ... ..chorologkal ..iden« ind",,,., in O:/U, homicide hu I><.n pr.><:ticcd
.nd abov. all. tl>< imp .... ion ,Iu, lou I><.n siv<n .bo", . rcha<ologic.lo .. i<jerw: c ,ince ,he 'I'»< .... n« of mode ... humankJnd ... d ....n... iI docum.n .. d
for war mroogllou' ,1.0 I'rthi !fOI"k r«<><J.
Th' /i", o<c<ion of ,hi. ch.ptc< <lttln.,," m. I..u., .. fram.d by Kott.y. u.
in ,he ...lueologi..1.<.o,d of ,1M: 1'''' 10.000 y~'''' in .v..y ",dl-!<udicJ
rq,iO>1. ([996:39)
BI1nc. Guif,ino ... d Z.." mi,. O".. I><;n.•",1otho ... 'Tho !<cond diOOl<SC> ,h.
1Il'hropology of",." anJ why ,h. i.. u. o(W<I,.,n con=' h.,
,ioen to prom i. Signincm, AM" uni ... saI! A~J'i_ wi,hin ,he 1"" 10,000 ),< ... r
n.= In ,I. .. jj","Iu", ,),. 'hl,d. ,he 'u~,an,iv< co'" of ,h. cit.p,er, i •• P"'- Keel.y no,"' c"<gotlcally "", ... II. ...... , got. b..d indcnni,dy in ,im •. Bu,
liminal, """ni<'" of ,h. ud... otogr ••1,«on! On 'M inception of wx in m""y re>de" t~u rbi, to _~If 'ha' ....
r i , ,he: not'" ,htoughou, OUr prehiltoric p'"
.re.. . round 'M wo,ld. 'llK f(,u .. h " 'WIU ..::",K", fOr ,he Ofigi ....p,...! . ."d (Gourc.itch 1m: 5i"""" 1m). for uompk .... den <>f ,he N"" Jm Timn
int<n.i~=iM of",,,, i""ludlng ,h.
imp." ofW..."n contaC' in Anuzonu. k .. ncd,
.nd wim 'p.d.1 .. f.",n« to tho y.........,..l Th. wonde. of Llwren« H . K•• Ioy·, · w", I1<fure Ciwi... ion· i. "'" ,h.
cloq.. n, nt< the: autho< makCI tha, war hall><.n. t<rTibJc thing ..... ,inc.
»<OpIo .... ,~J kiUing on< .nne..... >I>ordy.r.:., tho, Ii..., Ixg.n '0 walk me
..<th. Th< ~ mlng 10 o:/u, ho lw '0 =kr ouch • <a.1C in tho hI><
,,~. &jim Ci~Ji""iM is . ",ncrol indio"".n, of tho ""~ of....,. pbco. (le ........ n.Hwpt 1996)
K«ky (1"'- ..... _ K.. ky ZOOI :332, ~l) cIai_ ,h:u ... ,h~ Iu"
WJdy ipor«I ...., I>< (".110 -prim;''''' ntf""'· ( 199~H. 163). ond hoY< mil- Tho< in'."' ..... 'ion iI "'pporu<i by 'I'*"' From J::«ky wch os. ·W.... ","",e-
reprncmcd i. whm they do d~ II, .....r. .nd inelfKtiv<· ( l996: 170). ·un- thins liu ,ude or ... hanp. It .. .-."101,,, d.., .U hWIUIU do· (Pring!<
~ .. ",*rious. .. yliud. """,,,Iil<· ( l996.~ I ) • ..,.J prop<»ir.g -that non· 1998:2040). K«ky ..... dilmosou <he ide. tha, \tOr"", ton""" pbycd. auc:iaI
...... _i<ri<o we .. ..,.....,.,..Jy p..:;6 .. ic- ( 1996:25). He add. tIu<. n.ndfol of rok in ..... ~ .~, m:om..
oaying ic ....... ty brough, lOme now

Cl ~ _ I,,-

... oporu '0 ftgh, .. And new i'~"'10 light ave,; :u>d cWm. <Iw: th.torim who fixw on Ewvpt. <>p«i>.lly Franc<:.:and provid •• n .1""", "",,","hd.ning romp;·
"""'. til< impotl2tl«of ronroct "denythc: ,,*timacyof«hnov"phyo!,~" !orion of dcWl«l bruulity. Akhough the: IV'-'" m2j0rity of thrir ni<lcnc:c i> from
( 199&21 ). the N«>l i.M. and b,«. ,h.,. ......-.pobtc <h .. >ioIe:nc< in... ...t.... ,i ...... when:
S,miW pooirions an: od""""'N by ocI><n fOIlowi ... K«Ie,·.I..d. !.cBLmc: ....h mdcncc is baing. with .. thio: "n.. .heory d... onrf....
and Ri« (2001 :~) ope>l of"~ gcncnI n<>idanc< of"'" ,opk' of wu in .... tIm.- occurr«l in ,he Upper I'>lcoIithic _;'ba af th< 'lIb< occm, ",ri..:ly pbuoiblc.
poIog" U'a\ln (2001 >:573) 8'lC" from no","" til< genu",. t.d. of m ..n:h on in _ of.he ....... an' kYel. of oggrasion disphyd by hunring
d<.>m< .... .nd other "inl<maI' ~ among "",,·ouo< peopLes '" imply t/u, f"'Pul.>riono .. thc: American Indian. (200s:21). Thil il porn.cIy the rypc
r.-.. an,hropologm' 1uY< nudicJ war: .nd d.iRU <Iu. "(. )h. ",arch lOr .... n<!i«. of .unpol.tion .M. chaptc. argues Win".
Lest.viol<n' w.y '0 organi'''' OU' _W aK.i" h.. Ix<n frui,Lest. All Ute <VMttoce Now ,hi, debar< Iu. been join«!. ."d complical.d.try> On.mein (2004: lO -
,ugg"" .Iu. p<a<cn.1 period. have ...... )'1 bc.:n pun<tI!,,«l by epi.oo .. of "":l'. IS. 41. 4). 98. In_180. 199). • founding ~gu .. in ,he .n,hropologyof W:lr. who
f... and 'iol,,,,,. (2001> :590). Lc Blmc (1m: 10. 1l) .... ,,' ,h >< ", he . ctu.1 ''II'''' ,Iu, ,h... were two ><Kiological ''''''ing f'<Jin<> of war. ·Ih. follOwing i<
lik.hh<><><l of .he.. being a prchi"oric inl<, ..1of.....-..1 hund,«l yt".". duro,;on • very <impl... "i""
of . complex "gum.n,: Roiding and .. "bu,h """. a n. ru·
wi"""', .ny .... ,f......"'. "".n," >nd foil""", Keele,:' dl,ml...! of <h. impar:t of ral o.ltg<OW,h of m ...·«"tcr«l. big.pme hun« ....!>o ......1.. ><Iy orproitcd
W."..., conracl .... ring "the colonio! impact expl.>n ..ion ><em. do.. '" being fo< <oop<mivc killi"$- Such "'If ...... d fOr ",iIlion. af ynr. and In> .>p<ciilly
I.>;d '" ...... Sevcral regil • .,. ntyi",<" of.... poicw.. .ho"" th< ';g. common in ,n. In """e oms.. 1.>... ohili '0 btoad 'pee''''''' fo<"f;.
nifKanc< of .h. """'P="'. arrir.d fOr indigef1O<U ..,,(or< ( !l.mfOnh Im~· ingbfOkc "I' ,ho, p""""mJ W>l dioappnn:d. "The abtcn<c of onr pruri<W th<
'17. Ill : t...mlx .. 2002:203: !.c1!Unc :u>d Rio« 2001:6, W..n:.r 2OO10:570{). _.-.,. .oubiUty hx pian. dome>tication ... occut-~ion could no<
K~" pooitioo. on thc: ubiquity.,( pn:h im>ric: ...arf>r< tw IK<:n oJIimwd :u>d luppen ..uh wu. Snded I>rm<nrould b'er uk< up ....... fo< int<an« to corurol
uUn to I new Ic-vd;" !.cB1anc with ~<f (lOD}). This boollOru.c. IIIOC"< ,rode I"0Il''''
bu, that wv ..... poac,"'.!. <"I1>Iucion ... I ..... ...,.,jd .....
on .m-ot"l}<."d is h critical.,( culnmJ .."hrop%&i,..· ..... n:h.1hough ooout. For •• ,,,.. '0 <m<rg<. W>r mIlO< bt .bo<n. prior '0 the coruoIidation of
in 1"""" . r<jcca an <mplusis 00 Eun>pan ronu" (2003:6). I" thro«tic:tl
pcin. i, ,hn rhe ida of non·,ut<: J><opLes bei", ron,,"alionilU is I my~ :u_
al""""" ....,..
-",,",imal <hod<lom ..• wt. .. h "'" · i.... hoaIe ou....•
ul< I'ioIcnc. in in.. ma1 f""rloruJ wugks. rcp<<WoM and fnodL When ><a,c>
typka/ chim

guing .hl. P"I"'I.>,ion growth",d r<:tOUn:c depktion is ",Iu, h.. made .... '" .""'W. ,hey «in"""' ...... ."d wor .p.. ><I, ,h"",gh .. cond...,. 1Orrnari<>", ex·
common-I , i ...., hx lOod (2003:9). 1Iu, hypo<hcoi' i, no< ..b'.n, '" !hi, poocd 10 ,h.m. Among ,,;n.W>rring pmc h u",en. dorntS,;c" .., can 'P"..! fro m
elupt«. WhO! is "'y " lev"" h, .. is tho .... <lion of ,h. n.., uni ...... lityof .... r ,h.i, O,iginal .enl< .... ."d long·'ime form." can I..,n W>l try> in« ...... io" wi, h
'hroughou, ,h< .«lurological rerord (oe, .1", !.clllo"< .• hi • ....,Ium.). hu" ..... ,hOI' upl.oining the w.rf..r. af mmy non ·)ta ••• grioulrurali< ... Underly·
ing ,hi, ,h.ory i. O".rbcin'long..",.bli,hed pooi,io" ,fu, _ial org=in,ion
When ,he .. i... g<>od ,,<!urological pic,u", of any _iet}' on £",10. .ncre
.. al"""" .......,.. .be <Yid<nce of .... rfa .... .. We nt.d ro rocogniu >nd
fo< .onllic, .. ",.,.. i"'porum ,fun canllic, ..... ,.,.n:. '<IOU"" in gtnttating
.c«p< ,n. o<k. of .. nonpca<<ful JU" fOr <he enri .. time of hwrun m,· ~ .
Ot:,<rb<in·, po<irion .. ......, diflmn, from ,hOJC of Keclcy:and !.cBlmc. and
«n«. Though. thc: .. ~e rcrt.J.inly ,imes.nd pI.oca dwing ..... icn pna
pr< ...,I«I. "",,,,U. _h int<rludeo ...... .., bt .... ,,-,.I;... d ..,d in·
......up. with min<:. in tha, it rocogniuo "".. are:u .......... ithou, 0I"2f fOr.....,
long pcnook The big dillmna oownn III ... that ............... pncric..:J by
!rcqu.n.. ... [ rc:diud <Iw: ~ Iud ...,,(.... in JJ ,im< pmods. .. .
hi.·....... h"",cn,:u>d cndins with. ohifi '0 more .. d<n...,.~. while
(200):7.'. <m9luois in orig>ruI)
l.ntl"""" .... ~: th.u ..... O«m> ab.uM in .... NeoIi.hic. :and ..... ,...,.
Ih< .dirorial lead in • nugWD< .. pooitioo of hio th<ois ..o,li: · Hunun. Iu", I 6... WIth more....w ~ (although ""'" of thc:m .... pcaccabk). Evidence
b«n •• - " <>the .... ,h..,... .ince th< d...., of .... r 'f'<Cic' (!.cBUn< 2003: 18). ~rdlnl th.u disrinction 1I'ill be noted .. i, ro ..... up.
Guil.&in<:u>d Zlmrni. {200S:",-~ ZO·Zz. 06- Z40 (m ....h <><igirul ZOOl ]) III >$I<r1i ng thc: deep :!Iuiquity of ...... both ",d !.cBl""" he~.·
foU ...... Keele)' in .mplu" pn:hi>toric .ioIenc •.• nd porm.yins .rcluoologr ily on til< wort. ofRi<1wd Wungham",d ",h... (IC. Wibon and Wr>.nglu.rn
.nd .n.nropology •• having .<lificiaUy p.ofied ,h... rord. Th.y do not ...."
I 2003, Wn.ngh.m 1m) "" inICrgrotIp .icknce .mong chlonpan"'L !
.hat.:ll p..hi.lOric peopl.. h,d war. bu, '<gu' ,h .. i, waf .ery rommon. They mJ Regl'''' (2003:86) orguc: "1f chimp.... <¢> have. fOrm of warfare. then it

,;, ~_ '''t-- ~, r~, ~ ,....I ... u,;z-.-J"'-f<_'f!!;" r;

c.n be l""'umeJ th.t .,.., fo' ••Hl .....lling .""" •..,.. ('urly homin;'!.' 0, protO· To " .... ",<en uk up the<!>I", ,h.t .."ltropology Ir.u ignor<J w;u. Th.n " ...
hum .... ) prob>l>l, do.! tOO. bccaux h"""n. and dumps.r< SO si ,nilu." indud ,ru.-fony run ago (h'5"son 1984> ,6). no< m<>r< ",«nd,. CompU.
In«w""p ,,,,I,,,,,, .mong <himpuu«t. and ill impli<a<ioru fo,- h,omon"Y. inga bibliogr~y of >IIb... n,loJ rn.~1 dixo"ion. of""", (i"dudi,,/!:
;,a ""., Wge .<>pi< ..... i<h i.~ua«d in abook I .... "',,'<endy pr<p>ring.ln tI... ~y) in 1987; ... qui. >IOUnd I.SOO .i"non.. benux the .. wos no <rul
wolk I ug... tI... the numbct of <himp...- ,n«'l""'P lriIlinp II» bea> ~ if..igh. (1'<rfI""'" ,..,th Fomgiw:. 1988). Th< lit<r.ntrc ~ grown by bps and
F"tod. that wh .... InNl .....,..n«n occu'. they pL"'sibly....,. be ...ri!:>u.d to bound, silK' then. Even Ott<rbcin' ( 1999) him••yof ""thropoIogiallC1C2t(h
<itaim"""".. <rUttd by ..«nt human 0<';"';"" ...d duo tht.. .. no h2>iJ "" on W1I \nJ romctIy .riticiuJ by Sporud (2000) and Whil<hc.d (2000) for
pm;<ing beh>Yionl conri"" i., of in.srOOJpIout 'poup ~iIi')' and kilIinc i" .... ~ <ntin: ...,.. of CW .. N .......h in,o 0I'2f and otha <oIloctiv.: Yioltntt
tnn>irion froon .pc <0 h..,....,. Thooe low.. nnnoo be di!CUJSt'd ~. <2<<p< <0
<>pin< tha, <himpanu< be ....... '" 1"""'..... li •• 1o support r... dtc pn<ti<cof w;>t in
lou"...,i.,·. di .. an, p.>ft.
An:., the« -.w. I.-Blanc and ~ r2i>< "" ide.
with nujo<<. "If wan_ ~ bo.n pm: of the hwrwI COR<iitlOfl r...
mot< dun. mmiorl J'H" (0 .... mm"", yan. dcpe""-in«on the run " -).
(and _ Fnguoon 2003). TdIUWr........ Ittum&rional ..hi",,,,
-looi:int fa, ~Is of ..... In ><Rh~. H= is hmr """ prominent
poIi<icaJ tci<rtri>. c~ ...,htopolop:al rfi<arch,
For dc.c.da. "'~'" " - bun«. theor«icaJly ridt. Crt>-
piriaJly ..."'tonriol. and ..... hocloJoskaUy od(·."",<c body of .wi><icaJ
and nx-.dy ~...,h on tho "l"ion<hlp bawem W>r' and culrurc in
.., jun might bo .. kaod foe boh>Vion d... t mole ... W21iikc:" (2003,219-210).
Although oh<y I" on to qualify the ouppooition, tI... id.. succin<rly idrnti!ies
...we. ....let... and prt.indwuial""",hic .,....rm. (SnyOO Z002: II)
~hy the .nriqui.y of ...., it luch "" Impo<UJlt iJru<. AI ...d,. ""'" w!to ug... Hu ... th"'1'olo,,, ponr>)'<d .... by non ·..... pcopk< .. ~jlU" ri.....Jo<

for. human biolopcaJ prop<n!i'y foe ....,..., ciri"t! K«ky in "'pport (Fun · • pn< .... im I'n.....wt ... , Apin. thi, OR« "'U truc.lon~ogo. "" (1959).
YO"'" 1995,26, G.. 2000,16~, low ZQO().lJ}, Pink<, 2OOZ:S6-S7, 'it'il"", Ch.>wI< and Coon ( 1942). Cod... (1m). lexh ( 196~). Mo.1inmo1w (1941).
199K341; W=gham 1999:18)-dcspi .. tl>< filet th .. K«I.y (19%:1$7-159) N.roII (1966)•....J No:W<'OIt\b (196(l). did .. y m.. primitiw: comb ....... largdy.
loim><Jf disavow. biology 01 "" .. Itv""t." Now the c;",k i. <ompl«<. While .hou,
ritual wi &K" conl<q~¢"",. s.,,,,,ral .. her <o,1y wri«n. oo....a. portrayed
,M" orch.. oIot!b<> »fob.b), would agr« ",'h Und"hiU (thiJ volwnc:) .b.. it wor ...I<.dly .. rio~, ...uggk Invol~in8.; ..I....."",a (Hunt 194O;J>blow 19W,
iJ mOf< prod",,;.. t~ f",~, on .It< <til... and """""lu.n«. <>f ....... ...10" "thrn
.ndklSly J.boting w,,«h., in........ K..1.ioKn« it . n inh<r=t p.r. of h~m.n
noture" - .h •• <l<b". il in<I.. ~k (0' arc/l.1rology. Like i. 0. n",. ,h< .",h:oco-
logiel r«<>rn i. « nt",1 '" thi< p<rennial <jlKlrion in \'(b«m rultw •.
I Lowit 1942: Sccay 19S3: Sw.deslr 1948).0 ...,bel" (Im,794-799}_who ori.
'iqu.. K« k y; hi.,o,y ui ,n. anthropology of ""' ••• ina«um •. and for h.,.-
ing <...« .1 hI> own "myth of the WHlrk< ""'S'" ( 1997)_d<><. ><knowI.dg< •
"myth of the p<"".1i.J1 ...

>g.: p<nb,ing 01 I"... 1980. Bu, be,id" 0I'0s< .arly
<1,..lon. I jw, 1i.,«I. h'I',owid •• no 'no .. re«n,
",ulg,lOing!lu' my'"
'IX' o( . nohropologiru pro.
to qu",ion tho pco«.blo inuga about "Buslrm.n.
T it t ANTH ROPOLOGY O f W~ R .. I< I) T H . 1$$".
Pygrni ... and Sonui' (1999:79~ -798). Exh of tl""" ..... i• • m*,. debate in
I i<><lf. ....J cann'" be ,,,,,,idored hot ..
In tho p~nt. tWO ""h,opologi<:tl 'p«;.I,,,. on wor and p<"". Reyn.
And.ropologiel Vi,ion.
(J99'US- S6) and Spons<I (2000,8)7}_ and only ,no.. <wo '0 my knowl.
Wh<ther orchxoloa;1," a 6dd.1us wiUfullytum<d 'W>}' froon evkIclK< of... r. I odg<-"'l'" ,/1.1, ""U.<.I...Iok.... by <omJW'U,..1y <soiliari1n non·... '<
leo"" to archxologi>u coeval ...... In m, !nding. it _ nri>bl .. CIurIy tht.. pcopt.........ld be I<I'"""od «>n«p<uaJ1y ftnm .he C1I<g<><)' 01""" by
\nJ ... iSt""" to .. knowk~ 0I'2f in .Ir.t Arn<ric1ot Southwc.o. (Solomno, thit .... pn<<k< of ""'" <tntraliud rnd hicnn:hical poIi<i<o (ohough "'" n«...rily
volum<). bu, ,h.i..... of p",histOtl< 0I'2f in tIr.t A"",rican s.",.heaK Ius bttn x - ......}. Sinc< the mid.196OI if no< .>..Ii.r. the n .. ....;on')' 01 ""thropoIogicoJ
ti~ly diocu>Kd r... IIUJI}' )'un (0,.. .• hi. YOIu ..... j. Widrout qt><>tion. ~.
! wri.ef> "'Y< ogre..,! , ..., """"'Il non' ''''. pcoplQ. "'21: _ ..,.., common and
tht.. is much mon< ~"" •.d inwm in .... t<>pi< to<by rIurt <ftft • dcade 'AIry <OttJ<'<]lK'nliaJ. both In ~.., and in io impaa on culrurn. f'eow if any
'I!O- My 6"" con«1'tl h... i, n", ",th ... ~. bu. hmr K.:d<ydwact<rl= WOlIId 6. ,he <.... lIetmurion on " .... 1Itf-'c CitnliuritM. w.. ja<ln. th.u "fa,
the """'''''anthropology of ",,,of the p.u< forty ~ the Iut Iifry)'<an. _ pc>pulM...d ><hobrty wor1:.1oaw ap;rccd rJu;: f"C'h;ru,ri<
,;. , R._ "'r-

wan,,.. ...... ""'. ""rnbs. u",ml"''''''''' ."d .. . a di>us< of <n-iliud JO<ietia

A. r.". my ""'" vi<w 011 .... , (N"'" ,hio .... I><<n ..,..l<.., i,,,,.). my lim pDf>.
impor...... ofb.-inging in ,oloni.Ji,m!lu, hod ro oIitn been ill>"'red. anJ ...
....."'...... of ,1M: burgeoning c-thnohis<oricl..,d rcgion.t litcruwa du, """"_
of·f•• ely do<wncn .. d ..or .. belnz hizhl]' ruponsi"" '" .... ngi"tl con .... cir·
[i>h<d ,..,.,"'!. (Fcrgu"'n [984b,Z69). 011 No.,h""", c.-. .... ~ ..... aplic· cum ... n.... 6", hiofO', ..... paracliynuinll, ...!...J<tl from anthropologiaJ
idy in JOPP"'" ofSwa<l<$h·. (1948) view oI'i, a, kth.J ..,uggk for .... 'cri.J goin. theory OR ~. The goal of'BIood of rhc len.....,,· (Ft"""", (990):u\d W....
>pirnf Cock,..·. ( 19S0) .;c... tha< it ..... cnnn<M"li&l,..;dt fc... n.1U.Jties. ;" tbt TnAJ Z- (ft"""",...d Whitdon.! 2000.0<1g. [992) """ focw '0
•.,..n;"" OR hiMorial~ 'o~n thoomially =ppinschc-io dimm-
Nonbwo. c.-. wuf.o .. _ .... pme ..• onr -dc.dlr "";""'~c.
Yon. and ........ ....t brdoint! 00. =- the foundaciOll for. ~ ",.tisOc ......
Sncak ....d<s. pi«h..! ... ,tIn....,buohes. ~ .uririonalnmpoignJ.
fOr ""ploining wu.
,rnchnow ""' ......... ~i< ,aiJtn,-th<>< .... ,.. fxu oflt&: room 1><.
for-. conu« '" -p"'ihation' in ,h. 186(1,. . .. W'n......... in Wg< put..
Amons an~ the .. ..., Jisnificanc di!!"e .. ncn in " - the impo<t
of co[" .... ho. bc.:n conccpnoaliud 61ick ( 1988)-""" made the li.m broad
roo<<it <>on con,roI of v.J....,k mowccs. ..• U'.an ""+,
"""I]' to "'I""'"
K2fftn<n, on the i - . I"0f'00<'. q""",ioarivc dirjou>ction. be,W"" Iimi,..!
<ctrnKJ<liol tid .. "'......, omn to """ been ,ac. dc:spi.. the prominrn«
g;...... to thi. _ in nJ.nosr>phi<t. (Ft"""", 1m, Lll-134) <nmg< 6zh<in8 bcfon: conuct :md g''''''''.w ..... t... atta. I do "'" agee with.
cith .. hiJ g<ncr.t dunr:tcriurion. '" thc idn of. q.wi ...m brta -R<vc"ll"-
"That wud ,I", cit .. art~ tvid<n« '" cWm dw_ • war rompla wen' i, more ,n idiom d..n 0 C2U>< of¥,,,,, (FtT - I"Sa:J~ If. F<rgusort
b.w:k '" >bou, 1000 S.C.-. llh""", now 1 would po ......., 1(1 2200 B.C... ZOO5 ). En«mi"",'" ....."',.. """";m.. luppcn. """'" 1\0<1 ...... people..
I.... (..., bekrw). In .lion"..... the Ih<on:riaI .igroi~ ofWaum ",nu« .as in ,be -u,crn Grc>! PW ... (Bamfor'h. <hI' volume). and is ...marLbk evcn
(199'lHJII) n:pdUt, .... , by Amuon,'" p<OI>ks.l_: ·/'IS..,. i,.,wpuuhk alia ron ....... in ..... ruhtr n'rem< .... of the Maori (All<n, ,his volume).
1m rh.t, .....oju< uiJI.J ill AMo/U"'" i>rJ-,IH .m...J .j"~_. (omptw;. The posi. ion ~ by NcU WhiKhnd anJ mpdfio ..... Wencrn co,,·
in ,he otigin.ol), ,n" for Nonh ."" Sou,h Amerit>. "Even in the .b.eoc. of :my ..., g<ncr.tly ,.....!formd. (req""n"r in"n'ifird. HId oomcci ..... gmc ..... d war
",'c •• ",h_logy p<'O>"id<. "nmin.kobk nidt"". of...., >mOn~ ocdcnuty va· in .... n.i"" .rc.. we ..1I·,nb.:ol wn ••.·for ,h" rcuon. h 10 . miotili '0 Un '
["tic pc<>pko. """"01 ..... going b.o<k ,houun<\. of ye .... ( 1992: 113). Finilly.,prior critk.tly prot«< hillOn..I!y reco.dcd wa, In'tcm. in,o>ty. Any .!fo"
'0 tho public.."", of JI~, &fort Ci~J..I<1i"". [ (1997) hod <ompkfcd.., .... y ill <0 . hio,on< .... ,ra..•houlJ i""Jud. hi.. oti< <ondi. ion •. • hh""zh th ... by

.bou, cvid<ru:e :u\d '''''''f .....

rding ..., befo... ",a. no m<:oru <iimiru,.1o<:&1 f.. ~ .... ng<nd.rin& violen<e. '" imply thot ,hcr.....,
" 0 W>f I><fo" <on"",.
Cont ..,
So. ", h.. i. 011 ,hio ..11 .bou, ,h. " i,ial ,ok of <on"",. wi,h " ..... "p<ci:illy
Fo, th •• nthropology of w>r. ,h... fincliniP ,uggc" ,h. nod r<<t>midcr

W"KfIl ...,.. 1 [wa,. gndu... "u<lon' O! Columbia Uni"""i,y in [hc 1970..

<U'r<n' ,,,ump''''''' .boo, the <au" •• nd p.... 'k. of""" in non .... c >0-
<ie.icr, whkh have bo.n fOnn"! <oIi,,,,,", [cftn:n'. ,hc contacr· ... I,,,.d
which ,hen ,he "",boJ of .n,h",pologi<>! ,J ..".i,in8 on ..., (... F.rgo.
IOf\ 1984.). [n .ndl ... JiI<" .. ion~ i. beam< intr<.. inglppp.IeII' tIuo: a"ting
....n.bles idocn,ifi«! he ... Who, .... 1><<It . .."med I>< "pri.. in.- ,....r..n:
now >«<n. more lii<cly '" be a .. flection of ,IK Ecuopcan p.... ru: •. Thio
c:o:plan .. ion. of ...or w.,e in><l.'!u",. lhcy ..... "",oIy . b>, rart,."d do..<h.d
...... no< me:m ,h .. ""''''n' .... I>< known .bo", ""M """ide .ke infl"-
from i.. ~.t p~I< •. E.colopaJ hypoth .... luokcd bc>t from • dio"'n«. b.nk- .n« of Eu",!", '" otkcr ......,..'c_ A"J..coIogiaJ dot. ."d judi.ious
ing d....-n "n d_ inopccrion ofbeh.wio< (. point ~Levan. fO r-.ccn, m.001iltg uK of early rcpotu from"""", .. n..,ion> can provide w.h info<mation.
in _""'oIogy. .-be", .....,.,ki"tl -my .imilar '" ,bo old cultuul<coIou Ius Th< p"ilU .....n... i, ...., we .... _ di .. rimina,c pr<C0Ilt1Ct . . . P''''''''
rumcf"Fd; .... Lt6bt><. mlo volume). Social "ru"'....! ,hcorin..-.:nt...,."...j -orit!touc • th<Orcti<>JJy infOrmed ..... i,;.iry '" the inAucncn 01 con ....
in cim..-...............!C _ial pat ....... "",h .. pottiIocali.y. 0< oke"",1
cYal in il> carlitr-t pha><o. (FnJ ....... and Whi"be>d 2000:21)
In the absen<e of compeIli", ,ke",y. the.. wa, • murzcr>« of the .... roJav,
tho, rul..lonthropologi<aI theory fOr.Jcadn-.........ill qui,. non='- -they This io ..... mu<hd<if=n, from poIiDonI tilin by _~dea!ing
Iish< """"'" it is p.n of thei ....I<u",; '" tht -'""" ti ...... then: W208J"""ing r<:<:. wid. <hI> Ioouc-. &mfon!.i ( ~: 112_113) thoujh<ful ptam<ation of cridnx:c
ogni,ion of the lmpon"'oc 01' • hlocorical p<np«<iY<: in pp><nL of the <ririal ofin_ wan... on tht<ori< G ..... P\ainj concludes: 'n.c.., iJ no oJoobc

,,. , ", ... 1..,... 1n~.{A-I.~.-''''GOp.-''''''''_'fII;' ; "1'

,..., con'''' p<riod pro<ase. Iud prolOwtdly B<5"n.. off«.. on indis=<>w d~iunt io whtthn Of no< W>f «;,ud befOr.t W<IU1'n contxt.Of bdO<-e ......
ptopIn u.d "'" an ..umHuDon of thooc ,ff<rtl i, _«I>ry in ""1""""1" '0<od. To my koo""'dp. no one in rnntcmpocuy .... hf<lPOlogy oup;g<JtI tIw:
"'" pot<~taC1 infonnnion to iUum""" f"'<CO"DCI wop oIlife..· Lombrn'. i. did not. Funha•• inc. I do no< J>O<i" quah, ..;,.. b.a1 in thc r...m 01 .....
(200z,l08-UI9) 0YUTicw ofNortJ. Am<rican _Iu<oIop:al...;o._ for wu befon: and ali" con"",. I = "'" .wpris<d to 6nd p.. hiHoric Ii..... tioru ..n,.
.,....... ,I>< nluc oI.n:h>«>logy h<aw< i."r.:.:.....
on £ lim< bc:fon: We><<m ,............h Of <ICed thc .ioJcoc. >lirr concac .. Nom. ......erican _h>eology
£wop<<>n .. pan';"'" roloni>li.m. and om.. procnoa "",.kcmI the ch;t.>«<t (and .... ybe boJond) ",nil in<:vitlbly had..! for • conk .."", htlcd ",""",ing
..nJ ,..j«.oryof """y indiw=n",,' A.-...rkan .od.,i ...• \I:',ll.,. (1001 b) .... dc· ILk< • 1250 A.D." <0 .ontp...,:uinly 0llfI\'''' "''''';w
.he and ...;o.>pt<:..! viokncc
..U.d ,h.......iv¢, ,"Iy >ruI conlinui,,!!. dixup<;on ."d dcnructi<>n of N..i .. In ,h< ,h,.. «nturin 0< 10 brxhting ..... w«. Bu, ."en.ion ohould >bo be
... ,1><,.;.'>11 l"'''Pk ..,d JOCkli .. on ,h. Sl'",i,h bo,derlands ofFloriw. And <v<n v<tn to .h. period from 14SO to 15so. or .... ,o.,k ifth .... ....... k.,..ningof
wl,h .11 ,he p"hi;roric ",.nl'" in North Am<Tic> •• m:cnt!y dct<ribod 'Il1dy by "",u.1 vlolen« in bc:fW«n .hi! rim, .nd.h<: ~ ....!f« .. of Eu"'p.,n,. Only
\'t'>.lx<1' (1.""'"",,i 2002, A9) of OV<T 4.~00 .kcl«onJ: .n:h.. ok>gy <>n I<"'''''ruCf b ·.10 of viol,n« f"'lIl b<h.>« :u,d th=gh con.
t . ., .... d <ould invc .. iga<o_lO. in".... e_wh .. h<:. changing kvell of viol.nce
found tha< ,h"", from .li., Ch'i!<oph •• Columbus l.ndcd in th< N<w
><eomp.>.ny \l;h"tn guo<I. filtering in through 'r><k n.. w..... I11 ... M"d)on.Jd
World lhowtd I .... , of ttau""tic injuries mom th>.n 50 ]><1'W't higher
(1979) did for fort.buildi"!! .....,.;,,«1 wi.h pro«>hisroric "",<land orad< '0 the
than thooc f'ru.n before the Europ<:oru armro. "Trawna.ti< Injuria do in·
r;t<;!ic Non/tw".. eo....
erfi$C «>1Ir sitlni!icantly. .... Th .... findings ""88"" ·N..;... Am<rican •
..__ ;n"",.. d ;n ......., viokncc ali« the Eu~..... orri • ..! rtun before. Orifi...
. . .. Walke. >aid th .. .Jthoush 1»" of thc inc~ inju'1 "' •• doubt·
........... from .ioInK, by whirc. thrrn!e1Ycs. I. ptcI>ably fl:1kcts .......ty
.... ,"'..,..·.....i .. >ioIen~
Bu, the ~ of WU " " ' " bo VU)' ntd"ul no< to.on8ae ~ prehio<ory
In North Amrnc:o Of...,...hcn ......ith.JJ prehi>wry. wt... _me>
1000. in "".,.. _nion< .Ju, ""hio<oric could be pretty taribk io the

All""," «>mmrnU rd." <0 NortJ. AIn<rin. The twO .hapun in th i. ""'WI>< .u,
"""" """ll>can. 'f""'ion of em we idrn <ify .., oripn of w ... Of .... ; , ......,...
,h.. focUI dlt«t/y on the im~ of'll:'<>«m "FW"ion mak< du: poin. fV<n bccn wirh ",1 l>I..,yhow conduded .Ju...... ;, a ~luiv<ly u.. human Invention
m<>rt fotc.fully. Th. 1>1..,,; ,.«, hi. wi.h ,h< fuU fins< of <on .." .If.«., ""'" (Ch ild< 1942; Fenilll985; O"Connclll99S; RC>p<1" 1%9. 1975, V.., dc. Dennen
piAn .... nlm.I •. econontje oPP'muniria, .oot.. ."d ,bovc .II. guru. They end,,· l?9S, 18(1- 214, Vond 1984, ll(1_lll ). 1am cu,,,,n.1y followins in rh,i, foon'<p~
".."" n.... i.. l«iopolitic,1 ch.nge ,nd r<"'o.king of <u l,u",1 theme .. kuling working on • global N' vey of Itcn .. ologiw .vi.un«lO....." from .ko .lIli...
,o.n uploo,on of w"f... ,"'t kill.d Wou. on ... hhd of .hoi. popul>fion in indic1tQ" up '0 .h, .dvm. ofhiotork>1 tc<oni!.
,hi,,~ ),<0'1 (AHm. thil volume). Propl .. of E." Af,;" "'cr. suppl;"! wi.h gum So wh" ii no .igru of w.... r< found in "".. rio.lll, i. oli.n ,,;d rh ...:th.
lOr dovlng:and ,he i",.y ,....d •. <0 no< on!y maui .. mort.Ji.y ;n .aid.. sen« of <vidrn<. " "'" ",den" of .bom.:,: V.. ...... I.."" tc<ov"o.l>l. ,rxn,
bu. fo<wI dispw,."",nu:and ,co!ogic.J dennocdon. o.Iong ..i<h funinn:and lndimon of vioIenc •• or coIicaive violence. in ••"icm<n, ltId ili:ktal rcnwru.
d""'..... mad.: ...,..,. if""" =-l by thc...1wtga (K.uimba. thi. >O!ume). ....opons.l.IId ... how I>«n <CVi<wdruc...t.a.: (Fuguoon 1997,311-1Z6; r...m.
'!he poont oflrib.J.zonc dxo'1 ;, th .. ""?"~ in thc """"'" ... h...., colo· ben lOOU09-2U, lcBJ.ncwith JleKi.... 2003,S8-6-4). ilr"""" IhqohouJd bc<m i. Irnplnsing. "",,<dod ... <hr< ""'''''' be •.r.... Of .. po .... ,...... of",,· VU)' "PJ>U""'.0 ....den of <hi>...tumc.. Y... the .... P'cndo.,lot .... tioru obou,
<OnW"l viole_ "",U ood ........ hiocotical r....... poooobly .............png coIIcc· ... icIc"ce. G....... tIy. the cWlUnJ pcn<t>« of ..... is """'" visible tfy" .....wn. of
.n.. viokn« "'" in~ted. Th>< ;, • "'*" diff.r«>« ","","n the .pprooch
ad ....... d h... :and th.u of Kccky. Gu .... l'" :and urnmi •. O"..bcin.
>C1lI.I.1oIcnce (Arl<mh. <hi> ...twne). Fonib;ons. ......... rion. and ~
to inocc ... ibk Ioa,iuntall cnuilc-.. and ....ybc for>akcn when wu aioto bu,
• ...1 •..any Ofhe . .. ...ho <OnMu. to .k.criloc ..Ju>osnpItJC.lly reponed .... <hr< only .. low kv<1o (SoIomtro. Allen. ,h;, volu_). E• ." ... h......... is ;l\Ion.h~
•• ifi, ttpl'U<n...n ...rIC. ph ... of "",iCtIJ evol.,;On. h may be , .... ,.11 ;, no< • .,,~ tal ..... of """"iv< w=-milinS .od.J groups nuylad oIoviow .igru of war.
dnrn •• i<olly incfl:-a by <en,ac.-.h< OJ'P<>< irc m.y occu.-bu, , of im- ""..,in8 """...1><<1 .hould look .roon,d ,h. edga (11..,,,ror,h, Arltwh. Conn.n
p.>C' can"", bo .... m.d. .nd SUv<""in. ,hi • ..,Iurne). Sklctal mo.eri.J m.y be .bund.",. bu. uneum·
1<;, unf'mun ... rh .. tho qu<!tion odd, .... d In .<Ome I'«en •• «!urological ;ned f<." .r.l.u rn .... in ... Iy Chin. (Und.rhill. thh ",Ium.). i"t wnen ,kcl.",n.
"'" ... min<J. w... ig"l llww up. Of in .... No"h Am<n<'On Sou,h.... (Dye. ,hi. di>. from 34.000 S.c. '0 8,000 B.C. indud • •ipu of viokn« (&ch«hi « aI.
n>lum<), and in New Z.aland. wh.", violence is ",ry d= in. rot:>J ..... pI< of 1m, 137: G"il.iJIc and Zamm i, 21)05,50; K•• ky 1'1%:31; '-"rndon ",d Schild
...... , than • hunJ",J (A1k ... ,hi. \'OIum<). 198&61. i~) ( no< iJl<tudlngJ.bel Sahoba(>t N(>tth Ame,,,,, below). A, I=t one
1M", . nJ ott- <On'~nj unMrsun..l.bI, ....k. many ...h;orologist> ,<IIK- of tho.< is Mnulithic (Sh.>mu 1%) . !hac Sndo in .... ~c"'P'" of ,UI-
u rn to conclud. ,h", ,he"' ..... ,.. .....,"'Mn thO)' Snd f'><) ~ of W1L ctoI """in> ....",Wly "'pp"'" Ropt.', ••.tiu view_J<2la:",d in'crpcnorul vi-
Camion i> .tw." .... .;,«1 fOr an, Bi-.m ...... Wlu, 1arxu<;" thi><f i. that olence. bu, in cim"""or,ce. 'N'
could i",lude xcidtn ... non·lethal '''''agtoup
.....arty .bsenc. of C"tId<n« II ............. It i>. gloW p..... rn. and .. otodt.. ga; .... conJlrcu. individual hOnlicidc1. or U«tttiono. N.......Jenhal rem..ins romplin«
pt<>b><i", ....;gh,. Who< .. «fU.u, odJins. i> that uound the world oigru of ""'" the .illYrion. There b much skdmJ '=ma. bu, ......n,
no< lib: .Juc produced
cvnlnWly do appc>r. 'karty. and ,htn <Onlin ... ,~ time • .-.m whm thcTc by~ (6erg.<r >ndTrinkaullm) •..;", twOa«pIic>ru: ,ho putiillyh<al<tl
is no ""","""""ins imp""" ....... in the "'«WefJ' 0( oJl I'hysic:>I ,onuiru. The cu. awl; ORchc: nb ofShanid.&r III (50.000 B.I'.+ ). meh Trinhuo and lim-
compkv ab$enu of ...or iMin,,,,, .. fQlJo,o,d by ,h';, de... pcncn«. I.oohd ...."".n (1<Jn:6Z. n ) all ·the oIdm ca>< of hu ...... in"'pthWW violence

.. ftum !hac 1'''' .... 'Ii ..... I this ....."'" olCYidcna:!hou1d be """' .. and .... ...Jyposoibk.-""""'« .... ~., and the =tn.t, id""tiftcd
"'t"" ".. evidence. Th... mpk .. c.opWmion i, that ...... dov<lop"'" of • ....n... healed tnm.« fn>m 0 obj«r "" chc: ""Pof ,IN: .brIl olSL uwre
I. <in:a 36.000 11.1'. (ZoIlikof< . .. aI. 2001). Then I«tru to be .. leu, ..... ck.r
Th. 11<:<' KCfion is • ...........,0("'" ....,.t, up 10 ... cur....." point. lhr"" ea· cue of carmi~ from ]00.000 11.1'. '0 ]20.000 B.I'. (Dc F1nu- 1m 1'1). and
.... '" ... in <>nkt. R .... the .........h brok< oIfbefOr. rompl<tins tIr. wei< ""'" ....n ,h. nrliu H _ _ _ <ira 780.000 B.P. arpan 10 be canni""';";';
"f Non/, America. and ........1 '''"';0.WUfld >InS renu;" '0 be do.... S<.:<>nd, nm.n.!n.,.J... .. oJ 1m). The {""'ou, K.... in> """.in,,,,",,, jvdg«l ,,,It indic·
thnc ... prdimiAuy lin.dinp: mo .. ..,....h and .. con<ider.uion i> anti<ip>t<d ";Y< of carmib.oti>m by Trinluu< (!'Its) ond Rusod (19117•. 19117b). bu, Wbi ..
for .11 "'gi<H> •. ThiN, ,hi, ,ummary is v«y .. ripptd down. le>.ving ou, <i<taik. (ZOO] ) .'ll.... ,I><)' >"',
J .. ing l....... and tnO$t dunution of tnvi""'''''''''1. Jcmogr;phic . ...a.I. ,...d<. Yet annib.h.m 40a fIOO n«UOarily ..un im.rgroup rioIcnc•. The d .... """"
. nd poIi,k.1 ""001' ....". AU ,ho, will come (! hopt) in • oogr' work. Thi' ",rn· ax of A........ ",nnib.Ii,rn (below) i, ~.,-.u "Il",.-indiC1fi"< of...,.,.. And
mary foro"" adu<ivtly on .~idtn« <"<gording ,t.. in"ptkm and •• rly devtlop- iinc. the poll,;"" olN..ndt ,tluJ, as hu",," .,.. :c,,,,,, O«m. inct<.. ingly dou bt·
m.nt of . iol.",.. ful (.nd ,hIt, toO ,,,.,, ·an,«wor' [Whi« lOO(),499J). ,h. ",I...n« of N. >n-
<kn hal beh,rion for II...... ""i"" i. qu ... I"".bl<. R.garding the rcplac<mrn'
of N.. nd",h.l. by II,,,,. ",piln!. ,hef< i. no physJcal .. idcn"" 10 support ,h.
oS.n ,uggc".d o«""io , ha.h .ook pI"" •• h r(K,gh vioi< n"". rather ,han ,hrough
,«1m. OI h« fo,m of COlllp<Ii'ion.
Th. Ea,li." Sign! ofViol, n<. Given the«d number and compl... n... of .. rly hum.n Or homin id
PopuLa, fIOOion> of the an'iqui,yof .... r .rill $<Om '0 reRu. Ardrey', (1961: 1966) . .Ictal «nuins. .nd the omoun' of 'numo rcpormi_""'" 'I'p:oumly hurn.n·
d"matic po" .. y.I,. ~.. d on D.rt·, (11'57,21)7) ·blood.b",p,m<r<d ••bugh« ,. indue.d. mo.. hOI, """" ",",ybc-p."C<N< of Paleoli,hic ,;.,len"" «main <nig-
gutt.d· vicw of our pal" Roptr". pioneering ",rvcy of I'ld,to«nc and Upper ","" ic. 1h< .oIwn< by Mart;n an<! Fnyu (1m: and IC. W. lkc 200Ja, ZoI·
Pokoli.hic <Yiden<c contradic .. d , .... view.• lrhou~ chc: .onduJed ·opocadic likofcr« oJ. 2002) nuUs a romp<lUn8cue foc ,h.... cd ro.orui.dc, ,h. cu .... n.-
intr~;ti< kiUingpt<>babI' ........ pi ... • in th.I .... , ptriod (1969:448). Sin" Iy ...p.ct.d i..... ofln""I'O<Ipviok ......uch .. dub ~gh"or domc.ti< abux,
,I=.. odd" io<ul. pr<>iouJly _.pted ..... of violence b.w bern .. corWdc....I .. . _ ... o( . .Ietal mo ....... DcWintJ prior '0 bwial or <rl>uri.oI .00 It....."
.nd «jc<tcd (BinfOtd and Ho ]98S: 80.>. and Ciochro<l 1001: linin 1981; Ury ptri ·mortcm tUtU and ..... .Juc hovt n...ning to do with. .ioLcnc.. t. i. poAiblc
1m,J,4, Whit< and T...n 1989. 19'91 ). No«hallcng«l (to my knowl.dge) is the u... """'" 0( chc: ...,.,..d ,numo "..". r.o... ;''''rgroup violcn.:.~ Ccruinly. It
P.JeoJithic ind,.;dual Skit..! lX <ion 36J)OO B.P.-OfI« bu, no longer <hough. is cquoJly poosibIc ..... non. of them did.
to be Ncandcrth.d (Armobc'lond II<Iftt·eol=. 1998:312)_finm Moun< G>t- Othe, claimc<l ..idt"", foc hkoIithic homicide or ...... it F"''''P<'>n en<: ....
mel with ......, >f>P<"'1O be .....u ,hnm ~ i", ",and hip (M.Co.m Thm: tcpt<><ntariono .. J>.c.h M.... ..,.j eo..p...luw Itnct wltich "f'P'"' ro go
and I(ci,h 1'I3l':74 -~). a.yo..J Ropt< ... Ie... ninc .itco &om Europe to In- UP'" (>t """"sh human·ltL: fa"", (Leroi·Gou ...... 1968:325. Im,or,o). To 80-
<Mchi. f.bbri .• nd Mukpl (1997,06). who «p«>dlXe dr,p,winp of ,M..: fitl· ,".n ... Si.e 117;, .dilfc.. n. ,tor)' 111<", we .. ",mi·",d.nury people. ol........1y
ures. II,. Ii.... "'A<"., ...... •lulU. T" Ktlly (2000: 1S2- I~J). ,.., of .... 'mag<> Ubekd Ep,p.>ko!i<hi< or M....J;,hi<. "'" ..,...r:d thou""" yo .... peopk of <he
• « '. P"",r,p,rd of >ponu""",, <I", ..,.,IU.:
Aie, ow<' ... bu. by h,,,\ofini,ion. no< Q.d.n <uhur< ....1 ..liM "" ... ~lh. ""'" fowL and ... ild gr>"'" on .he: Nil ••
wu. For LeIlbnc..;<I> R<p< .. (200H). ,hey u< "mdc""" of Gui· brood Rood plain. lhco< ...... bro.a.!'!p«ttum f'onsr ... "'" ~.lP"'" hili" ....
Ja."",, .nd Zornrni, (1005 : S2-~) odd ... h.. rcp1 ... n .. ,ioou >nd..., evMl<na of and .he:i. ""n 10 ............ to "''''' o«ur«<i .. <he Nil< cu' • nc-<I' 11"" ..,d For O".rbrin (z00.4,71-13). ,My u< proofolkilHnp. >nd "<he killinp .llffii... 'M .... Rood pWn (o - 19%;oi7- SO: Mirhn,. Rcya I99HJ-64).
<on><", ..... p<aI: of <he h"m"", ...rh ... CUI .... oJ<h""", I>< ohm JUgat> do.,.
1"" Mldolk F..... ..... 11 ...
""l' r<pK><RI on anurion ..,he • .t..n<k.
ObYiouIJy.a'O'<"" u..;,xopen 10 in'np ............ Laoi·Cow/utl ( 19680323-
32S) IUO .11 • 111m "run ~ ....... opnn." GinI_ (1962:.(63_464) 7IH MiJ.& E..Jt
IUO rwo of .... rn .................. ont of Wlopt<'Ir...i oa. ..... condudoo, "n.... lhiJ 1"" of the: world it ....,. ....U known through ....... '*'P<ol..,.,a.. In ....
~u .... dcpit' no fish. of ....., .plrut ...... or of ...... ~ .. <O<thIy foe. n.. M...,Ii<hie ...... N...m..... p«>pIr:. """j . ..,w,oary hun ..... pthc:ocn from 10.300
...,..,...... th .. mn,ln <h. bod ... of tht nu.ud or 1><".:IIe. ficu ....... 0Ngi< p.... B.C. to 8.SOO B.e.. Lc~ ",.. n.ive ..main.. in<iud",,370 carefully arulrud okc~
;.cults." Ei ..... <>pini"" I.. of <IXIr><. wnj«'lunl. For rwo fnoono, J..o..nn.l «om. Only """ """"",, ony - . of ... u...... ond "", ....... th_ nor ...}'thln,
btlit'« .1>< ..... iLrnj>I< .....on 10 ""."Ion ,he wnlelUW ,h... theso Ii.... rcpre.- 01 .. "'lIF'u mUiu.,. acriuru (1Idft<·Coh<n e, aL 1991,412. ·UO-441: H<nry
..... ...,. _ . of P"'i«ril< .. :011. ~1n'. dot< uuninxion 01 .... repracn .. tioru Im:376). Rope< ~ hn- ""kLc on <he PLciH«<n< ....t Uppe. Pal .... ithi<
(fu.-p><! pho."tI"I'h.ond d....;nl'- ... Gkdion 1%H62- ~67) obowJ <hat wi,h • "'"'rof..i<k""" i.n <he Middl< E.uo ( 197S). She: >«<pl<d ,he: Prnailin8
IIOrne lin .......... i"..,·i.... bu. oth<rs ... d«idedly cu •....! or wrfJ. Comf"K vie .. , .... , 01,. fin' <1<.. ""NIt"", of ..... i. ,he: initial woll of}<ri<ho. ci..,. n.oo
tIIu.o ,he .... ,gh, 1I"",..;m ""'""rated Y" ;P' hi",,,, 10'1" Vm< ..... h .... 8.e.. ol"-'gh .... ""'.. ,h", ,hi. u ,t..: 10k ,..;de"", In ,hel..cun, ~ until
Ni:lw (Ginlion 1%1:401-402). s..«>nd. in OIhe. ave .n. from 1.0 Roche:. La ........ ,h milknni~m ( 1971:301_310). SIn« ,hen. howner. B.a, Yooc:f(1986) Iw
ComMr<lIe..... d Abtl M"", •. ,irnlb. II"", I" ""e'. 'hrough.• nd 2fODnd .n· ''8\Ie<l 1"'....... ,;.. ly <hat ,hi. fin'....u ... m.lnl<ndcd for IIood ronrl'Ol .... <h ..
'hropomo'phk figu~. In ...yo th .. ~i •• "" !uggt,,;o., of proj«riln (GiM;M I th.n d.fe" ... [Oft> Koeky (19%:)8) .. knowledge> ,he ge" ....1.btcn« of ,.,,,
I962: 4~ 8. 4 ~9. 497). I'< ,h ••"Itt .. pracn, .. ;o." .« of. ph y>iaJ ,hooti",. "iden«;" .h. Early N.olimit.• I<hough he,J"." ''''' <on,i&, the 'is''ifican<<
I"'.lup • • ,h,,,,,nit ""e. 0< pn .... p' ,hoy ... of ""","hin8 "'" "m"" ; ..... of ,h., fae •• i"" ..d .... tlng I, ••• cun...u, oddity.
l"<y do nOl P""'" .he "I"'n'" ofh"rn.n kUling ... nd ",,,.in ly "'" of w... Rol"" (197~,)10-311) . ur .. yd 18 .1 ... fto,. ,h • ..".en.h millennium .• nd
F", <vide"". of coIlroive viole"'e. or ""'. <he ,,,Ii... ""cop.oJ " .. ,.m.i", .h, .. il!! fo .... r In ~ve o(,hem. She ..."duolu none .how """""Iu.i",
,he N ;le Silt tl7. nw ],btl S.h.b•. ""' y toughlye";nu,,d •• ,bom 12.000 II,P.. "id<",." t'oo- w." [ 'g"" ....<p. for C""JH""uk. in Turkish llru.oli. (6,2SO~
wh ... l.( of 5~ wdl' p,nc,wJ . kcle. on ........."",(",J "";,h ..on ••"ifocu 5.400 B,C.). wt..: .. ,he: ,",n of evklcMC - p',,",ulatly bu,iu. w;,n d'gg<" and
in",pen,J .. par .. of proj«1li<1 (\l'.nd""f 1%11:90- 9); \l'.ndoof .nd Schild mac.. (which Rope, d.xI not m<n!lon)-oloeo "'PI""" I" p..... ""e (~Il.",
19U,AI~- 824). lhi. io • " ... ""r!i«... lthou, """'in .... ion, .. th.. 1"" of.he: 1%7:68- 69. 201. 2O'jI). Th ... olde. Nrolld.i< unvacloru from norm<m I.. q.
Nd, "f'!'<'" to have b«n .b.ondon.d ooon.n .. (ao.. 19%,.(7- 50; Midan .. h~. """,.do,ing Roper. ""vcy. dudy ;nditor< ..... lh< url;'" i. Q<rmn
Roy<> 1992,63-64), n.. oohe:'''«prion:ollynrly""iJcn< •• omd nom """".m 0. .. (Bl)()-noo D.C.). ,,"h mac .. ....t cnl>'1I"d pro;.c,iLc poin .. (IX'.din.
A_nib, .. he: .. rod. or, "V'" In,.",..-.I.iokn<e bo.we<ft indi'l'id.w. or 199L6S. 68_69); ,t..: orhc: ... fOtI8hly ........ W><l ,...n 1.11<......... i.n ont.
• kw p<CIf>k fro... p<rfIopo OJ nrIy OJ 10.000 !J.P.. ....t glOtlpd ...... from.bou. • ""io< dcfnu;n:....u. and In <he ......,......... >nd okcLcm.u in......u.ion with
6,000 8.P. H... to """,inu< ,he:,nf<u (T...... 'OO Chippin<W< •., (Kod_ok< 1989:27, Lloyd 1914:33). [,m 'hio ""'" and place ..
O"nboln (z00.4:73-74) <I, .. both e.... In "'PI"'" oIhu m.ory ,Iw~-
the: otTn of. ~ ..mof ~La, warf... "'"' hat <""rinucd down to .... pmo<n'
pm< hun, .......... _Irion """'r up .... , OJ m.,.""""! into ~ Rop<r' ( 19750317-.114) "'rver Indicot .. ..ponaI dilf• ..-:a in ,I>< .... h rna.
funsjns. n.. IIlISfl'ali&n.,... _LeI "'PI"'" hio"""';',1on "";,h bif;.f1"'" hun.· Lcnn ....... s.." .......... aruund brxl-.ljordon """"in with..." 'OW" of ....... bu,
.... ~ ,Iw ,he: ot • ....,... I Pft'S"'"'Ion from ....... Iishu to ~ <rIgag<'- .....d>tm Turby...d northm> 1nq ond Sy,;. have oncnI ckuly fOnlfiod Ioca·
-------------------------------------------------------------- -----

"" II.JIn.oo '''xo-

rion. from S900-Sl00 II.C. oome of .'kich. ruch .. HaciW II. wen: d«<roy<d u.ban. growth (Gupu 1979:$6. 8i-8S). In 'he Bronz< Ag<. from >bout 3000
"';!h other indk>,;"n, <Of .. ",d (0« 1m, liS_US), In "" fifrh m~_ B.C.larg< defensl .. wall. b«omc eommon ...... b,- 2300 B.Cl«T< sp.udlng
knnium. u... rnblguou. Indication. of ...., b«omc common x"," ."J ."""'" ••..-..rd .Ion. md ...... ,.. to T.jUti".n and perh.!" beyond (Kohl 19&1:ilI.
Ana,"'i., brth. mid.millcnnium forming . """in...,..,
.mp from northern Iraq '''_oii, nis).
~ _<hem T.......,.. In contrast. <he Ubaid pcopIc of dx Mcwpo«>mw. Further _th. in the high coun,ry of MiIun. <>rly ..... n ........ nrrting
pbjll> did know """'." O"ridt....d bJ' _ hu, "",ui.....! wi,hOut m. fo"j/iQ- .;11agc walls bt' 4000 B.C (Mill .. 1985:39). To ,ho ..... d.-n in the knvI.nd.,
tiooi, .... tkmcn. <kKno<clom,..,d m~"ariMic ar' la'erdunacmricof that:orca .. bot 10m< pn: .H>r.~ ~tI.mcn" ...... will. SO up in ,hc;.
12= pIu>a.
(Rop<r I97S:323-32.8, s.c'n1994,»-40). A..,.....J 4.\00 B.c.. on oh.t An....._ 3100-t900 B.c. ..... ",,:t• ... boc"""NIy oeaIpi«l bt' peopl. of the H>r;oppm
lim coaJt .. Mcnlft. m.... oppun ' " b< • IN< rut. .w... dun • .rnJcd YiIlage. ""Iou", (S>r>bll. 1974ill8. 342.. 3-«. 3S7). Fot- III""", H>npp. (2'\OO_ISOO
...hich w;U ckMtoy«! .ftu .bou•• ,m""y and ~pi<d by Ubaid pcopIc (ICc B.c.). thcK io .;pUianr ochoI..l,Jifl"at-nn 0V<'r the imporunc:~ of Inf. Some
Mdlnn 1m: 126_129). ITom th.m on, "[fJo<,;6cuioN beam< dv: ruIo: rxh.t ... 1i,tk. ....... 11oo(r..."".mpIc.~ 1986: 160- I62, Mar.. I98S:~). My
dun dx unp<ioo,' (Rop.. 1175,329), Sign> of....w ¥Iing mnoin ntha rndingof d.<nid<ntt Is that orgu>iud wufaR ..... known. bu. Itto.w.o.-d
limi«d in u.. (poorly aao'ucd ) ........ tion to Utuk >li •• )800 B.C. (Wright ..... ~ ,han in ...,..em Of <m,ra! Nia. In bI. H=pp>. ........ an: india·
I~S). bu, by If>< rim< of riYal citT" .... ", • <'-wwI yean later•• nrirtyof tiono ofinumifying gh duo n1dcncc;, xcomparOOl bt' ito own
...;drn<:< ;..,JOt.. inl""" and /Teq ....., ...... (Jacoobt<n 1976:77_79. 224). dcb<.ta (Oyoon 1982.... 21, Sinch I96S.88- 9O. 121). Sm .. ~ <iYilizorion
d<dlncd. ni<kn« of ,,·idcsp<-. .d . ... ry.x..nI<rivc w .... b«omcs """,i,,21:1I>k.
F""" tb. N;k", H."'II<' as natf,,,ed In <I.. Rg Vro. ( IWI,31-45, Singh I96S).
By 4WO B.C. if <10< ... Iia". d>tr< .... '" $CWnlln,cracring""" of urlw>iurior>
>1Id lUI< «",,,.non ''''''hi''/l from Efyp< fO ,h. Ind., and in,,, G:nual luia Or;.... """ '" ~
(lambcrg· 1981, Rowbnd, .. al. 1987: TMi 1m). Along ,he NU .. Like ,he Middl. Eas•. the: Chi........ h.teolopul tceO<d I, m...i... .l,hough. of
k.ving<Jcbd S.... b •. tho initial ,xv.Iop",.,,, of ""It i. DOl .i.ibk.pvcn th< eoun<. moody "",itt ... in Chin«<. and much oflt Ir.u"ot becn Kru,ini .. d for
abocn« of.n ..,Iy ''''~ "'rord d"" '0 ol'O$iun!.."d d ... icaJ .rdt....!o- ,hi,
ind .... ors of ....... (... UnJerhili. volume). From ,It< ...1,.", N."li,hK Pci·
gi,,,' inlO'cru in 1>10' period •. E.;do",c begi"" """,nd.(.lOO B.C. wi,lr xttlc<l lihngphaK. villag<. and btrri.!o h." b«n ....nted. with no .igru of vio·
limning . ill'g<>. In 0'" of 'h< north<m Nil. tr..ti,ion~ Mo,imd. p<opl .. Iud lence. A~er SOOO B.C. Ji"i"",il'< «Pon>l N<OIi,h ia ''''e<g<. Among ,n.:
p< ....h.p<J. Mnopotam;,,,·.,yk m" ... Far '0 ,Ir.lOU'h. peoplo of 'lro Kh ..- ,h", in ,he «n .",1 Ydl"", Ri.....1I.y. many .m.geo h.... urrounding di'che •.
roum Mnol l'lric of 'hc m;.!·I... ",,,n,h mUl.nnlu,n "",d. StO'" di,h ",hich.r< f""",,,o,, i" '''1'''' ,I><", ., Jofon,i"', ... d tom. oJoo h.t"" poJ i<adc •. A, I.... on •
•im il., '0 dl;k·<d """c. US«! In ior u,e, Neolithic (S600- ~300 B,C.) TIut lot< Y,nSlIuo .Huge" .'mounded by. nmmed'<Ol,h w,lI (CNng 1986:81- 90.
"yl. 'IIM:C W>O obo found in a I«ond "lIricul,urai (iOOO- 3SOO B.c.) trodi,ion 101_116: N«Jhom and Y.,<l 1994:HI_24 2: Undc,hiU 1989:229- 230). On.
of 'he mlddk Nil •• ",hich WAS ,he «"1(' of Egypt'.lr.te, unific,uion. Afier JSOO Y'ASlh>o ""cle,on Iw on embc<lded .""...h.,d, ""d ><lO,h •• h.. be.n fOund
B.C. the pe...1iupcd """. I(pIoc<J ,he dio>; (f.ogc ond Oli ..... 19750'199- 510: from ,n.: O'.... nkou Neolithic f",h .. <ort. .im SOOO B.C. Underhill <:aIlJ thi>
Mid.n.·Rq-"or 1992:92-94, 127-131. 193). How mu.r:h ac,ual6g/ttlnjl; WU g0>- .,h.c only <on.incinS ..ide",. [r........n.r< ) from ,he p-long>iun pe.
ing on io unkno...n. .....1 mnaln. highly con,rovc..w (Y<" ro.. th< urcr d.ovdop- riod ' ( UnJt:fhiIl19119:23L). oJ,hough .pln. r.w olek,on. N .. b«n ..udicd.
""n, of Egyp< (S .... "K< 1997). Bu' d.orly..., ora< prescn' •• houg/t whether it Regional Ncolithin dcvdop<d:and .. por>d«l rhrougl>ou, th< fourth mil·
~1op<J IonJIy Of vI> "" .... nal inA ..", •. :and ..., C1ftnO( be :r.1CCfUin<d. ktrniwn. By 3000 B.C. many distincti ... foam..,. of ChiM>< <i>-ilillrion OJ>-
Eao< of the Cupi ... Sea wu ... riou>l,........J .... [wiU .mt to .. N...... pcar«I in theaKmivclonphon int<D<1ion oph<re. In 10m< r<gIonsof d.< btcr
.r... lor be.. ar<1I>coIogi<ol ocqu<ne<. ApcultuK ~ into tltio .... -nmc t.onp...n. ,h... wu .... ~ F;,.. locao:ionJ.Ii« 1600 e.C ....... IIlrTOtIOdcd bt'
befOre 6000 B.C. >tid <mall. unJofondeJ communirin F'" up..,.;,d.,;,h....t1s. wi'h ..... and • ......u-.... (Chutg Lno,234-288: liu
mlJCh mOf'e " ...... row Maollthi< Am (CloIukhu- 19860: L2~. L2l1-129: t996:264-m~ Wolls oppar ><OWKl ... tkmo:n .. in Inn •• Mont;<>Iio. y",p;D.
KoIol 198I.iI). Ind ... ,ionJ of .... _ .. witlt ditcl>n:and «>Wn>_>p- :and S/unJocrtj ~........d the -""",.ime, indudinga huge «n ... in the br-
pe..-only in the CIWcoIlthi< (radioatbott doc .. nry (V'my-).;- bdOO: major 'cr:. with nujoc "'!'Pies of _hudo (Ow>S t986:2~8, lJndcrhilll99"U02).
E.. n mot< unmi.."hbk hgnoof ..... :oppoa. in Hm.u\, lkuU. wi"'lC>Ip mash, bu, roncludr ..... oth.. tt1wn.:t.1 "'" prob;tbly :accidenul. Th .... of .... plOjc:C'
bod ............ n down ... new ond.bdl.icr _apon"'" (Clu>og 198&2iO- rile .1111 ...... "'" ftotn....,.,nd 4100 B.c.. ...bioh i> ..... y 1m for Mnolo"'ic.
271, liu 1\196,264, l/ndcthiU 19!1~2JI-2J~. "'i>YOIum<). V........ of ...... Hill >n<l _1I.1i....... gorncnI Wfi: ro . . . dionuo«! below. Cuu..ine ... d Zammi.:.
.how 6""" nriuion. abundm. in _ _ ............... in ......... lhm coma .... (~:~-77) ....... y ........ right M..... ;,"'" .. ..,. in F,u""l'" >n<l IOu. """i<\c
6". ~'n ...... &Ii"", (.Jthoogh Underhill....iI ........... ~earli.. aua ;, ( inc~odingJ<bd bu. ICVCr.oI of ...... Ju... ..-. ........... buri>l .. ith
....yb< foun,J). A..... 8m_ Age proco:edcd m.he Shans ...... btnme 1 W1yof projc:<tik injuritL One .... worth specW menrioo I' .... tnigmIDc ........ of
life (Y..., 1999). Ot.C'fbcin (2004J61_166) qUdtioru mOl< of.he....;dn,cc for ....... }1 .lrul!~ ochcrtd >n<l ocYCul with large ~ioft hero ..... from om.,
"'or b<ror. ut,,,,,!. w.II ....ffi>ru 11 IIood .on'ro~ and o,he. indic>ron in d .... 5SOO B.C. (m yer 19'J7). oltltougll ... (1999: ](5) ""n-
of .i<>k""••, indk>ring imenul poud",,J fiv.I~. "hodel,lu""',, · ind"", .. oneco",01 ..btiom .. the. 'h"" • bloody i .... idrn •.• The
On ,h< Kor.. n pen;",ul •. ,~< ••nyI'<curd i, tlim . I found no infe<m>rion tcp.l\\non and op<cw int<rrn<n, of ,he .ku ll. i, not 1. .. lfevideno:eof WO'• .. . ""h
w.fing on "'.. f<.> •• ~. C~uhnm cul.u«. Me><>li"'i< p<ople '" ho btnm< f:um =. sp<ciol ...... men. of on<". own dcod h•.ru i. rommon both .rch.. coIOjlk.llyand
An .grkuhul\\l Bmn.. AS' people <,m, in totnc1im. be,"'... n 1500 II,C .• nd cthnog .. phially (Wrigh. 1988). Bu •• h. dcp ..... ion frae ..... .IC<m' difficul. '0
700 B,C .. br;n~ng ).{>nchurw,."yI< w<.t.ponS (lI><n<> 1999,26, 160-161: Kim upl.i" .. oth<r dun from viokn«. In rum. while it ,.c"" Hholy ,lur: >Orne .....
1'178 ). Th. J"'I'....." .«oro U be.te •. ~m:oin' of tcdcn, ••y complu hun Ie.· ..... pnoriced In ,It< European Mesoli.hic. many find. Of< .mbi8"""~ .nd}ocof
V'''',,,"' th.jomon. d..< from 11.000 B.c. onwM<h, 'n ..... rim .. pracridng .. nglc in.!ividua!.. and trill tq>rnat • • ,m.1I frx.i<)n of ,he OH~ ..rotd
....... culti ..... ion. Ar<>w>d )00 B.c.. OVC'I rice culu..,on tune 10 Kru"'u ftotn (CNpman 1m: 105-](6). So .mile Vond ( ]999:'9)...,. I b< gtnenlohitt
Ko.......... ng .... th IoaI culnun «> brcornc .... Yoyoi. From .... beginning. .... .~ ...... Do/uktwt",,{tm:lIO) sea _Iinri..d ... d highJ,locoIiud de·
mip>nt..JIaga~nu ............ d<at,im~~f=utuandwnp­ ....IopmtnOl in ""P""" «> panicubt a>nd"ion~
..... of .... '. >4I<<<'n.. ,m >how .ipu of rioIm< dead.. or
.bou. 1.000 V.yu<. ..... more than 100 oictinu. Acco.tnu f""" .... <Of>- """""''-
temporary Chi<>eo< coun"'" do<:u"",n. in ..""........ in ],>1'......... ,ime of Alie. IU'OUtId ~500 B.c.. ;gri<ul",~opoad at ..... «ntnl Ewopc from .... Blod::
thi' .ruti.ion (llama 1m: 168_171. 218_220: F.rri. ]m,}7-~]. 1999:49.51, Sea «> HoIlMtd, For an a,ensi.. time..,d ..... moo, in_etrig>«,... >« no ,ndia-
Im.m .... ]9%:179-]85). ,;on. of .;oI.n. conflict. bu • ..u,,, <>,h.nll'....J Micn. 1m000g .h....., ... d
LIII( (........ >tid M<..,li,hic peopl. all ."",nd ,h"n (fI.>rk« 1985:139-]47,
o.nneU ]98~: 135-136: Thoma. 19'J9: ISO) .• lthough Keel ... ( 1992: 1m) ,h.l·
V.nd . who .no,. ,h.n anyone d .. h.. diu.,..! .... ndon to . «h>.colo>gicol ,igns or
Iongt> <lu, .i.,... From . round 4~00 S.C .. . gricul.u .. ,he Tripo!y< cul.ure
of war in £urope (1984).•"""Iudc, .h.., , ...... i> no ronchu iv< e.;d.t>« of war 'f""ad. ItmU .. ly w;.h"", .ign. of violence w;,h loco! M• ..,lhh l"" .htOugh <a",
up .0 .nd ,hrough E"lOpc', Uppc:. p.! ( ]999:58 )... doe:o Do/uklunov ern fon: ... ...d '''PI'''' (DoIukJunov 1986b, 111. 1999,81). Bu, peac< .... not '0
(]m 77). dt.pi" tlu: mrmi.. :uclt""oIogiaJ <ccotd ....J ,I>c roruidcnhk oociaJ ..... By ..... LBK ri ....... in i .. f" ....... penemo'ion ..... (Belgium). p.>Jisodn .....
complo:;'Y of , .... p<riod. Keeley (19%:37). leBlanc .. I'" 1kJi"" (200}: ]4). pu< up ...,..,... <U50 B.C. (Kcdcy 1997:J12-}14: KeeIey ... d CMocn 1989). En·
...d ",hm.. howcn •. do argu< dut: ,I>c ... i> pc""..i.. coidc .... for 1nl in .... e.... "'"" of ondcn>tnu beevne common atfOOI .......... .....,..J Enrop< ...,.,nd
Upper PoJeo[,d, ir in.a.dcuJ ond otI.... .......... from C-~i .. lhi> .. . thc ..... ofLB K.<ira4<lOOB.C. The pwpow...dmc... ingoltndo...nnhody
<rirical poin. for d>ri. gorncnI "'l!""'tnu about ........iquiryol ....... Camp>ri- deboted. "'" a ....."bc. in.coq>o<au <btt)r defctu ..... In,um {\,.nd tm068-
- . of ,,,",i, ct.i .... with .I>c empirical =ord. ~. dmoon...--. dut: ,My (fJ; Whinlc ]98S:8S-86. 1988: ]....). M_ .ip>ificantly... Ie ... four and poo-
. f< unJUpported.' "bly "",... Iat« LSK ",... pcrlupo abo<>< WOO S.c.. indude ...... bwiili .,..;th
A. ,,,. hcnh of ",,,...w. d~ .• ""'1'< .....1ed fongtri lif. dco.-doped n... mbiguous to".. ofriolen.c<''''' (V<n" ]999:60-6~). To ,,,. ......
through .... nin'" miIlcnniwn. At a numb.. of m... M..... i'hi< loot""", indio Tripo/y<. had 1Qn;[;n tio .... m>en....d ok"'om .... h '''u,n' betw<'<n 4400
_(dual re",.in. h.v< t..,.,n found ,.."h "J91' of viol.nce. e... n killing. Co ... ,andtc- B.C. ..,d }810 1I.e. (Dol uUuno-.- 19'J9:81) .
Wel«"n.n .., d N ... d! (1 ~82, 75) IUrv<y<d M<>ol ith;~ I kel ...1 m.teri.!. and l ltu•• """"" muclt of no ..hem Europe: ........ ,hili.d f""n a ..." ... d and ro«
found of 5~ mo.rly <ompl<<< . kd .. o" ~ ~v< ...."",,;.ttd w;,h • ·pro;.e,ilr; phenomenon ro. <c,n,non "",",.. nee be''''«n SOOO B.C. .nd 4000 B.c. It
d "'''UM •. N..... .1, .. ;11<';" «gioNl cul,um ,Jc,-.k>pcJ in ".."y..,.
11<'1:' ", . . . 1~4,2IS; Botell. Lope • ., aI. 199';,70, f~ •• be,,"" aI. 1m: 141_143,<
~,.. in",. fo",,11 m,lknniutn. Th ... p<opk Ixpn buildin!! hm·fOrt. md burying ond Zammit 200S: 103_121. 116: Mo nb 1997,23- 24).
,""it d~.d wi.h 1».. 1< ...... (Dolukho.nov 1999:83: Schur> 1983,75 ~n, V<nd Fr:anc. pnwid .. p«'haps mo bes< 1Or • 4« 0"'" of ...... .IOth ..... ha,
19?'i',66_10). Simiw dndopm."..1.g<J byccnturia in ,I.e f.. the.- rcad.aof ironically fine. "'is u the Uy .,•• £0. GuiWn< ond Za,n,ni<. Bn:nnan (1991 )
""".h"", ;I./1d ..-mom Europe. In o.nmuk. 22 ""dOlOfU r""" • M...,tithic ~ m><Ie. 'Y"....... ic di ........minarion 0( oJI ..... iUbk Middle {Nt2ndcr.haI ) ;mol
""Yfrom >bout 4100 S.c. ,,,dud...... with an appumdy Lcdu.I urow,..,...,.j Uppn Paleo!i"'ic ......un! &om _"'""", .. n Franu (100.000- 10.000 B.P.).
ond fW<> with«l rn...wa •<ri'o'< of!Criou. riolcncc. T"", .mturic> btcr 1heJ< I"ngncnn r<pn:O<nt 209 indlvld........ indudi"l!' few ..... /y known OJ"'P-
>gkultu~ Iud ~"'...d P'Jo.erins. By 3500 B.c.. <hoy Iud .tI <he poo«I ~I<mpl." 0( ..,kn<c. (n,.,.., other f"""'lbk tnmpln 0( viokn.:. w=
dmnsm Inn=< and hat, ....... of «nOra! """"'" (Alb.ttlua. and Prt<fXR not ... iloblc r.:.- aamlnacion). Of .... touI. oh.t found • total offiw f=cur.o
1976,14, 20; Andt .... n 199):100-10): Pri« 1985:351 ). In -wm Enghnd. 0( ... , oon. T_Uppcr P>1col"hic >p«i1fl<1U Iud hnl<d dept ....... , fia<tura
n..;o. n:Uoncc:on agri<uItur< .!omirun, by ""'KNr 3'500 B.c.. ond r2mJ>2rt. on m. okulb, but In. form CotUUten ..... th ... accident. Bn:nn.n (1991,206)
cd .~bga"'''' common by 3000 ac. Around 2600 ac.. the hu<Oly p.;lis>ded condudeo:
hill-IOn ofHMnbltdon Hill_ Ju.""",d in ..Iur "f'I"2" to bt Iicrcc romb.n Tha.: u Ijnlc: <vidence in my.u.. ,Iu,
tnunuric injuM< in m... wnpks
(1Ir>J1q 199I:SI : M<tCtt 1,88," . J().4.I989. 1m).
of MidJk ... d Upper PolcoIi<hic .1«1000 ... we .. commotI. 'The fc.. """.
s...tbm. Un>fK nw tlw ... appo.tent can beOJ mil,«ll".- .rodenul inpry ..
ao..., <0 the M,di..............., m.n."IOIU ... ~ture and v;okn. "",,~;a seem by 1n'<fJ'<n'"u[ viok ...... In f... ,I>< ~ 0( • oingl. P""Y rr.....,.,
...,..nd '0 the kk . id. of the head in m, wnpk otCrnt '0 bdX ,,,.... of the
'" be mon:..nabJe, ond lCKJ'Ittima ,*,""c<, P&ru ofGrt«< had • fun Nrolidric ptr<iowIy hdel notiotu In the II ..... ture ofbeMW behmo< ond violence:
IU"hge by 6000 S.c. In Mx"u.,ni•. early ,mill·f:urnins communities we", £0. ,his ,im. period.
und&nJcd .nd nn, to ... tcr in Jo,. and$. B~ the 6n.o1 Neolithic .bOIl[ 4'500
B.C. ond 4000 !I.e. ..,ok"","" wi,lI lWmi<hbk <""Iosures b<g>n '0 appear in Gul!.in. ""d "Zammit (2m:49- SO) IIClmowlcJg< rI... "udy.• nd COmmen'
d .....,cd. J,f.".ibJ< Io<otio... (II....' 1985:71- 72: Koldinidou "".I Niko!aidou ,Iu, if"". W<~ '0 go from ,h< •...icl...... . ....iJoble.· on< """,tel ·<Of>Clud. ,hat ago
1999:92- 96). In ","thern haly. nund .. d. ofN,olo,hic .."rl<m<nuon ,he T.V<)· S""'i.. noo. ""'. uncommon during .hI, ""riod." How...... ,hey .hOM< .nO<hc:r
Ii ... plain and docwhne w ... ""god by very , ul>$ ..".;.1 ditch" from bcfo", im"p' ...,ion. NOfing ,he r..... ,..",n.,i.. d Cro ·M,snon·, found ,n
5000 S_c. '0 3000 B.C. (WhirehOUJ< 1987,3S8- 359).",ingpe,hop' ,h. Europc ("'I"' " ed .boY< undt, " The Earli.., Sill'" o/"Viol.n«·). d.. y <","dude
fin' !",,<m of "'gulAr .... ,f.'" in l;uf'Opc, How."",. funh« north in hair oyer th., i , w.. unlikdy ,h., ,hor w<,., ""... Iill.
,iii, ,ime...,d,m,nu off..m... int«miloJ with hunrer·gath ...". without",",h Soom"n Franc. "",Ii.
to " .. aI cul,lva'ioo in the ro,,,,,, milknn,um. ""d at
dit<h .. (B ..rl<" 1985:6S- 67). the , .." of ,hi. t~,i,ion. "'''' . i,." ,how pc,," .. lve ,lgns of cumibalism (Villa
Ibtri1 Iu. dr.un .. ic .vidence, but 0 <ompk. I>'".,n. The fin.1 pha", of. 1~2:~; Villa" 01. 1986). SuktoJ t... ,IN from p«*<"u.. bee""", fairly <om·
long tnmitioo to. N,oIithic life O<<um<! br th, mird mUknnium. 0 ", av< mon iI'I "'" Nro!imic (Cordi« 1990). Guilai,...,.d Zammi. had ,_ r<J<ardo·
or A4..... e<m,.l"... nuin. of about 300 Ind,vidu.ts. 'PP"mody depo<· .11 ",mpilc.n nhaO>JriV< 1100 of all Nro!i.hic _mIIicttol.........,u in Fnnce
,t<d =< tim< bet,.,.,n 3800 S.c. .nd 2800 S.C Nine hav< .mbedded 10"T0'Jr (200S,xi~ l.l\ 141 _2SI). 'Th< ,Otal numb« found from SSOO B.C. (Ia« Mcso-
poin ... ond """Y loose poln" ... in the fill ( • .....J Zorn",i, 2(;0';: 152- li.hic) to 3700 s.c. b)out ,h .... incIl.-iclua!, .. ,hm: oi_ But from 3600 a.c. <0
lSoi). A muo"..: foru60:d lire u~ted .. los Mol4m from 2';00 a.c. '0 1800 llOO s.C, the", arc 41 Ii _ _ ....'" multipLe rim ..... Alclo.ough they mil'li·
B.C.- bu, who, e, "'I"ired ""'h fOfmid.obJ< deferu<>l Uur .... 'km<no< m"" ,ho- sipifican« of this dt-amatic ....... h ~ndl''S I".- oI.r.ving du. mnaizu
.-.:n: .",.II.t. 00 rutur2llydefend.bk ".." ( Ft............ Cunu 1m: l7- ll 73 ff" beromo: .-.: abun.hnt .. tim< goa on. the much ~ <>«Urt<n« of riol<nee
Monk. 1997,U- I7). Subsequ.." N<Oli<hi< .tnd Chalcolimic ,<trWm display a ....... diHicuIc to Jrn,. N.... d.d. ... .... pauncg<> of ri<timo ~ quit<
-'«1 of ..;.,kn •• ma ..... ""d thete..., .. t ........ wall p&in<ings ch.c. iI'I <on""" .....n comp.utd to ....... burial F""f"IIuio<os _d In this ......... In tomb. from
ro Nrolimic .... ulWllbipowIyckpic, ...... d·P'P<Wheo (An.....datit« al. 48."... oompri>i"fj .... wun l.OOOand 3.000 indiriol...k. ~~. Of wodn 4
JO(} .( _ , , , , . . . . .
M-"I:, (:.JauI·~-'-";o".--'--+-_~l';'- ""
ptr«n' Iu.... """'" WOWId .. indouling ....Jrd one<. Cu,\.a, .... and ~i' at- "'" rontin<nL , .. [W I< find no sign atI)"'"+.m, in <h< o.rclu..olop:o! Kcord
5"< du, ,h........ y urt<km:pR>aI' :octu.oI .;.,Ic:nc~. C."alnly "'''' ",_igh" "'" of....... h""af<;Of\Aicco<~ {H ... 1999: 14)
dw """"" "'Itt
i",un<<t in ..toch <h<ot ""~ ugu< ~ the: ~ ro
>p«"I ... on "'" 1"..... «.,.
in«nOiry af ...... I'topon<n .. of simpli>ric m=rioIis!/~ mod<b dw ",dun..-u_
f.", to <OInpotition OW< Iu.d and fOod will ~nd li"k <OInfon in ,,,....;_
BT-u"sr bt•
<knc~ fa. ~ ... ", vioIen, ronAicu """"'I! .ul~ imm 1&=>.. '" "'. N ...
0.... ro. ,I>.: Ch.kuI,thi< and Bronzc Af!<> diff", ..""" Europ<. but m<JItIy r..u World. Tholl< prop!< lived ., low- "'n.iria and h.>d ....pI< OJ>POnuniry to
In,O , ...... nll< of2300-700 B.C. ,.i!h <h< Aellun ., •• ,u"inS ."vn:rJ «nuu;',
avoid >ioknn by moving aw:ay from i, bu, opp.",ndy ..... '" u",ble '0 do
urli .. (11<. SIo ...." 1m). Much of the meto! ....u in !hi, period wmt into 10. (W. lkt. 2001 0:591)
weapon<. >O"'e for .li .. dispuy ... ,n« Uun comb". >Om' "ri"Lilly .... ,(I\c.od" by
boeing d<p<»i«d in w.w. Weapon. ci,t"Uu«d ove, wid •• w:a,h< of Europ< ... d Two '''''y~'rly indic:"io"" of violcn<c . rc .. soci, .. J wi,h ohe ('n",", Konn .... ick
Wtn, .hrough • ,u<<<"''''' of form. (Harding 1m: Kris,;''' .. n 1987: Olgood M'n. f,om 7()O() B.C. '0 5500 B.c .. with. n.. l.d ........ ptoinf (McM,namon
1998,'lI992), It i> flO. door ,ha, ,hI< <VIden, mill .. ';1m i. uoociu.d 1m). and hi. Ie .. f"""", .pprm:;'ru.« c<>nlCml""""Y fftlm G,im .. Burial Shcl-
wi,h.., i.... "'at.
in.ctw.l fighri ng (Bridgoro Im,1I3-114: Robb lm,06). '" in Nevad>., ,..j,h oWdian .mbedded in hi, rib (Owsley and J""~ 20(0).
Eorop<·' fi .......... in C"'« and M)«IUO" developed .. the.nd of the Broru.< II6iok< Kennewick Mm, Walktt (200h:5118) p<'O"ides rd"cta.n '" only one
...,.. abou. 2000 B.C. and 1700 B.C rcopernveiy. wioh <ttUd> men: emphasis pi'bliwd ...... sugg<>rinp; group vN>Icnce. fi-om A••n.u. F1orid.o (D;dd ef ...
on ..... ;" My<<nxa (NiloWdou and Kol1cinidott 1m, 1"14). Bodt 19811)-. ftl)'ftgn;fiao, ~ 1M ...... ",d linrlar ~,for hiotm=Jization_
coIl~ in m. ..oft or • idcopcw .-ioIc""" u.... -"'<qI< (""'" !:gyp< '0 middk Still gI"efI the odoli"" o=ti<yof>ldruJ rem..;ru thUoId. <h< number dw ha",
Europ<, .fOIInd 1200 B.c.. .. the Iron "3<. >ppUC1ltly, btoufh' new and JrIOK figI. of <IoIrnu ....... be tal:cn ..<. >nd • nun: "&';"" "'" p<f'IfJC<ti¥C
J>O""<'fful fomu of maills ...... (0,"," 1993, O<good 1998,n- 83: Poplum I 0'1"" htre. The Ew.m An:haic \lI'<>odlond! iI our ....XI '"'P-
199-4: Randsbo'11992: 199_201. 1m 19\ ).

Nonh Am.ric. • """'"

Miln .. (199~. 1m) .... botn ",'veying d,e ..It OI .. II ....,,,", for thi. "'won
A few prelimin.ry <ommen" mun pt«.de d,K .... ;"n of North Amnk•. Fi,,,, (."J Dyt. ,hi, volume). He (19'19,120) nOl'.,o",o indk.rioru of vioknce for
'ny rt,O f."h «a.scJ .. I W", worii ngon ,he P.. i~c <0., •. That "I')' ..",,,,,ivc oh. Early A"h.i • • bo", 8500 - 6000 £I.C .• b", ,helC"do no, OCCU r wi,t. .ny
"",«h will nOf be co",ide",d hcre. no, ~·jll 'h' G", .. Bilin. A"'i< .• nd lUI>· ' '1l"I''i'r" un,il 'he Middle."d Lm A«hak (6000-4000 B.C. .nd 4000_
A«ri<. S«ond... r .... , ..ruing <hi. ,h.p'" t loar ....J of Lambe,,·, (2002) ex- 1000 S.C. [Fogon 1995:3481), An impo,,"", .. rly .... i. ,he onc iust menlioncd
«1I.n, o",""iew ofNonn Amcrieln """.rial<. I ~"J f>OIhing to disp",e in her (Dkltcl., 01. 1988) fium >OI>oher" Flocid.. which i, <:Ioh.r lot. at .bou,S400
• ...,lmen". bo, we: do diik. in dt., myom. ic. ;, .. pliei<ly inrcndcd «> high- B.C. '0 be d ..,ific.l •• urly A.-chaic. A 'Ofal of 168 indlvidtuls .... "'p",.. n,e.:l
hght ,he In<te.,,, In .igru of W>I over rime. Thlod. ,he Noo-oh Amcrian nw..w in ,hi. _y "" ....... Uy we:U·p"' .... ved botid p<>tlI'«I. and • dcarly,uggesriv<
;, mOr<: ...... plj""od <han ,Iu,
of othe, OK. . o!rady discwxd. wi'" ""IJ' di<- ofin,"'p'....o...1Yioknuomor in nincaf them. induding~ fi-oau .... cnniol
.inni.. regiono! ""...... and in ""'" """~ _ <igo' of •.,II.tti.. Yioknrt Of frxnt .... and one .... bcddc-d point. Anodoa .... ;. Mulbe.ry Crttl in Tcnnes-
.cl.o,mly uri)' "-'«s. Fou"t., much of the IOUowing hao been ~ in ~ «c. 4000-3500 B.C. (Ore. ,h .. ...Iome). fIu< ......., >« .......»ing0lCl of moJ.
d..ail by e/up<cn in thi> ..,rum<. Thi> ........, k>ob fa. .......Ji.. OOtu <ompa-- <ipl< ""......,;ud indmdtuls only in "" Lau Ardui<, olit. 2SOO B.C. (Gf2D11y
.->bJc.., lindinp from other "",rid u .... 1988:16: Munson 1988: 12). Many ca>CI of , ... ,,""" .r< only lingle indi.iduak,
Aboo, d", .~rlic<t hUnwl inh:ibitann of .......",incn,...... ha ... been giv= >tid JO .... y f>OI indic« ..... (Wilkiruoon and V." W"i<'I<" 1993: 198) .
'wo ..ry Jiffi:un' , of pte"""". and pre •• I.r>« of .k>Icrw:•. A, Ie . .. ,h,.. late Archaic ...... do w... tk...... idcnc. of """ . Ind'''' Knoll
in Ken, ... ky (4IOO-2SOO B.C) h.. 48 of 880 burial! wi,h "",bedded po;'",.
Thr .",h.acologk-,I r«<m.I givt< no .. id.t>« "c '«,;'orio! beh •.;o, .,., the rn,,<lb,lo"~ (lr multiple burial, (Webb 1974:147_1SS. 173- 20S). A ~ .i«,
pm of . ny of ,h.,., fi .. , hum." and g>.,h ....". Rath ... ''''y
I«m '0 ha •• in e~'''! New Yo", from .J:.ot" 2SOO B,C includ • .Jed.. o", with point> .nd
d.~<lopcd • very opcn network of ",... munie. tion .nJ (n .."",ion .."'" mi ..1n8 body p.a'" (Ritchie 1980:n. 120). Th. 439 inJi.iJttal, from T,nnelS«
1Y1 ~- mz.-

(l500- IOOOfWO B.C.) include 10 nW<' wl.h .irnUar "5"" of vioI.nco. monIy ccnrn,'",n of popul",,,,, .. and .band""m.n, of (>11K ....... Crc1ting' ''''' •C"'p'
from one "",,,ion (Q,.. ndorfSmid, 1m, .nd 0« Dye. ,hi, volume). Yet Ma- ty qU'ff«" (Cobb.nd Bu,l.r 2002). P...Jki .... i... " arc ... n ,hroughou,.1.e
n•• ( 199~:136) concl"d.. tIu., ..en I.... Archaic viokn< ... limi .. J ''''''p;orui So.oth...,. ri.., to ,h. oophi"ie,,,ed chie9y .... of.rc recorded by.M Span_
ro ..,boequ.." p<riod!.. Wo •• Iehouglt by Ihc" i, .. i.n:d In ."........<1 form (Ande,..,.. 1~:139-ISS:
1h< II?oodl."d p.,;,..j .ft•• 1000 B.C. «&i"'''''l=c dodine in 'igN of >io- Dye 2002, Moneand!>lone 198.H 7]_283).
knco in ,t.. grat number of dtclmJ mnoUu un....hod (~ and Heiple
1IH C...,u nuN
19BI :~: Ma .... 1999: In). Bu • .-did no<diJapp=.h"fi""l>a.and Dye (tim
..........) "UIXd.nrf1l1: .. '~ad andtnd<mi<." E..... ...-.ongl-lop<w<{l I found .... infotnudon abou, ean, ri ..... ro. ,hio om. bu. 0 ... dcuiIcd ..... f'\<q
p«>pI<.......U,. c... ~.,.,.-fuI , wluc:apptarto b< tropIty;bJk of mnaim from T...... OkWoo ..... Now Muico. Kansao,...d CcIot-ado~
"'" fOw"l (0-->1<7 and Ikny....... I97S:~ s..m.n 19811). In .... rniddlrOh;" .Ia.. ""... of ..... ( 19a9:01- W, o.."SIcyct a.I. 1989:116_119). By my
Valley .bou. A.D. 500, .h... ;. uhili from di,..n«I to n""hIed and dmnd· «Jun' £rum d.u e"'"" the .. Of< 173 indiold...J, from .u period. "" tIuough
.bk sl<a (Oancty 1991). 1t.. orrivoJ of <ht bow and arn>w ........ uoociuo;/ Woodland. and +41 from ,10, .... pru,iKOric (ali .. A.D. SOIl (f>g>n 1995, ]39]).
,nth mot< fiWnins in the ....... th =tury (N.......,. and Pyle 1m). and >ita Ofdu: Ii> ....... tho only indieuioo of.Iok .., doth i> "". _...;th.,....
in WC,HftltroJ lJIu.ou ..............y .igu of >riokncc: from 'M L>rc Il'oodl>nd hi..... '" tho had. or doc Loff ... if ..... includes in mulriple burial,
umcon ( Mil""" 199'5:229). lhio Ions~ em.... proI>I<m< for Oncrbcin'. where """" indiv.d...J. ha.c .... b<Jd. d poinu. "'= ... 74 ..... of prob.tble
ocuurio of p<"'e beu.c OUlKturalIy conn<em:l '" brood·'f'«tnIm fOngns and YioIcn. dc:uh. in 0 ... ",. accomJWIled by dcliborate .;!loge dtwuction. Ali«
pw.t domc>tia.rioo. lh< Lat. An:kaic ..... rimt ofin<r<»i"fj and mor< ..,dod A.D. 1000. aIonf; "'. Mil>OUri and Min;,,;pp~ Mio.isoippw. ~plco AlITO\Ind.
«Iiance "" "'I1.UDc raoutca (Moln.. 1999:21). and m.lUbotqu<n, Woodlmd cd ~ .Ulogcs...;rh dl.<I... and p.>l.sodco, and buricd It lour on. chief..,;m an
P<:riod ,.w 1M domc,.;c.tion of "'mpwced and ",,,Bow ... (M"n..,." 1988: I~- ""'""'- ftI.1><e. There ....,' fun"'" nucleuion """"Plnied by >b.>ndonm<n<.r...-
13: w.t>on 1988:40-43). A.D. 13W (O'Brien .nd Wood 1998:288-292. 318-320, 331-333. 3H). fortin.
y" ,he emcrger>« of the M,,,i,,ippi.n ,...didon by A.D. 800/900 "UI shows alion.nd Mi,.i.ippian ",,".-..erion, «",IKd in,o nonk..,cm I""" from A.D.
"" Iy limite<! pr<p=tion, for .iokn, confl i.t .•1'houglo lOrn< .."d.ment Jd':mo<> 1100 '0 A.D. 1200 (Ak:x 2000: 134. 155. 182). but (uClh" "'''t in K:on ... ""d
>pp<" " e.rly .. ,he eigh'h con,,,.y (Mo,.., ond Mo .... 1983:237: Smith 1990). N ,b....h ,h'r< 0" no indh'ion. of Ii>«ili."i"". or d,k ... ivc I.,..';on, (K,.."..
In ,h. South..... ,. loa". by A.D. 900-IOSO .h"e.r< indk,uion, of .,,<kmK 19iO: 106. Ill, vr.del 1986: 1(0).
worf.." (Knish' >I,d St<pofLI itj, 1999: 10). A m'jo, i nc~ in nucleation. p;oli. O n.ct. peopl. exr. nJ,d ftom 1O",hwc,I(m Minn"ol1 ,htough 10000 0nd
•ading with IOphiltie",d d. f.n,;"" f..'ur<, ..... d •• " empty are .. b<,w«n «n- much of I>1i.. ouri .nd llI'nuj,.nd en.;ron •• ~., A.D. 1250. • nd <>p<ci,lIy .li..
"" b<gin ••n.. A.D. I!)SO (Gnmly 191!l1:91-9J: Miln .. 1999:123-124). "'im A.D. I3S0<d by fi"'ilicd .1'<$. ~d<",l '''"urna. .... d ,hundc.bicd ico.
,he .hicQy politi.. d",u ... d by Dye (,hio ""I"mej. Around A.D. 1200. war dub. nog"'l'hy whi.h in hi".".;., tim" i, :woci.«cd with w:u (Alex 2000: 182-
come'" dornln ... ove, ,10, bow.",J .nOW." 10m in comb.<.round «n· 188. 200. 207~209: 8''''(0,,10. ,h i. volume: O·II.;. •• nd Wood 1998:345_347,
.. IS (Dye 2002: 128 ). In thc t .... l~h «n,ucy.• imiw der.",i"e eon<cnU>.,ioru.,. 3S7). Wh,;" '"' individual dtcle,on ..... _ 'i8n, of vioknce beli>... A.D. 12W
Ken in N.w York (CNpdelin< 19'93: ]91_Z01: T""k Im,3Uj and oround olu, o....wy
(1-IoIIill1On ... d 1994:351: Ol .... ..,d Ship","" 19940384). WOI>< ri .....
,,,,,e. in Virsinu.{Roundtrcc andTum .. 1991"179). wcnoroming.
Lot< Prehi"orie burial. y;.ld many inJi";duaL. wiolt cmb<dded pain .. and In ,t.. grncr.lly _<pie<! pic'''''.immignn'' r""" tJ.. C<n...! "l<Ii.
ott.. .......... (Grunly 1988:87: Ri«hie 198(l,294). A"""nd A.O_ LJOO.l>wUk ti"" ........e<! n""hward. Inhi.111y wi.hou< forrine,,,,,,,,, <H" othn indk:u:ioru of
from lUinoi> of264 raul)' .ompktc .... kt"". in<]0<1< H with ,",eh inJ~ ...... 8u, in <he century ali" A.D. Uso, .... y and ,J.. P"'"1owJy ,nidcn, !nitW
(Milne< .. .t. ]9';II:Si13. S9<4). In a Michip """'C'rJ. nine: p<,.:e", oCindi-ti,d".. CooJe>«nt p<-opIc ~ In ,n'ier for, bul\ding. some d......,-..d ...1oik un.
oJ. """" ....... kthal ~ f""'u ........... ,Iy in fcnW .. .ho ..... y ...... bcro .... comcn><rion. Mmy, nun, -!hI ..""" indkuc: viole", d<:><L.. ",caninen. be.
apti ..........,..,...,gc. men .... noubIy .....dnrqrmcn,e<! ( Wdl1""", 1997:23. i"fj doc c.- Crn-k ..t<. con ...n,iofLllly d.c..I .. A.D. 13K ~. minimwn
3S-)8, W~l1ruon and V... W....... 19'9)']9}). 1n .... Cftla:a! MmmoppiiOhio of 486 individu.W ......b~ ..,e<! (H<>IlImon ..... ]99+. K2y 199'5:
aru ali .. A.D. I3W. (oom an oI ..aJy n,.d.... d baoc. men: _ • ..J.Ii,ion1I roo- Pringle 19'911,2039: wm.,. 1990: ~ 1m). &mforth"«>nniburion
- "'"-'I, (~.......,.., •...J.(kt--'-+_'f"" II'<

[0 'hl",oIum< "'I""':'< ..,,<ion ohM••ic.... War is dc.« •.bIc /'rom A.n. ma>ISO«U' ,1'1<1 A.D. 127~(H.., 1990: 1.< 81."" Im,264-Vo.2fl(lC,),45-54:
1000 on, :u.oci...d w;,h I"";"ul,,, in,nnb of d<OUfh .. no< on< Ions period, UpJum.nd RU<! L989~ Rk. and lcllLonc', (2001) """'-of",.. moJia, ..-iu.
.nd c..,.. e.«n d... <~nno< b< opc<lfi<d mot. p.edxlr ,han in ,II. broad • <OfICen".,ion on Hohok.m . nd Sin'gn> ~n ...11 rol>CCfn the "n>t,.......
ncini. y 01' A,O. 1400. time: f'nm<. from the A.D. 1200. 10 ,h.
utly ]400.' (2001,2). when tlw: .. ;"
.... ..-, ....wIo"'. of ...., throushou. ,he South_. .J~ prutd<d by •
7ht 5.Nthrvnt .... turyofin< ......""'.n>loN. Hohobrn.m>. <00. om< at...ndol><d by the 1",.
A p"" dul h;u betn publiWd on "..hilU>ric....m.. in ,,.. Southwut. <>pO- faun •• nth em....,. (1'".... :and .uh 1989,119- 121; wilt ... 1989: 163). SoIomcto
dilly - . m.. pa>t drnd .. ... "1....·, book (1m) b tho....,.. rocn"........~ (<h" vulu .... ) do:ocribct .lmUM Inkn/.i~ .... ion of <onRIC! on tho Mogollon rilt\,
joinnI..,. a O<t of cut....did (Rk< .........BIanc 20(1). Oapi.. an ttknIi¥c /rom limioed indication> 01' ..... :om..
A.D. BSO.•" dnr inr<n>i6=ion in A.D.
.mi.. m:O<d. tho lim d ... ......,.,... of ...... 1haw '"" dom fro.., oownI «f\tU. UloO-ll:lO. foI ...... d I&tcr bt' ohan.olonno<nl, Fun"'.. _h. in ""ru._m
..... ft ... tho bopnnln,of ....u...... "'fIU'h ...,....,re. which <>«UfKd........d Chih.w.w.. the IattI< em,.. e.... G.. hd<o ..... bwn<d. with ~ bodic>
1500-1000 /I.e. ( Will. 1988, I~'). kI
am. 'II'cathrnlr.
_"'wac.... Unh, ori,hin <he AIwui
ea.c 1 ton, ..... rrnv"ru of....... 90 indiriduak....,.. i ( no< ill
..nd ckl,b.n« dottuctIon .. ohm ~ in A.D. I}<IO(R..onIooo >nd Spa-
.,.J 1989, 131- 1.J4). By lh ••ul, ~fInn<h •• ntury. ..!w r=uift"! of ,I>< entirely
of ..hom """,.tal... oomt mu ...... d, A... ir.c.. rb« <ltl. ori<ltin ~f 11. rc...-&ftI!<d population _mod 10 <"5"8" In Ieoo ..... mo...p ...... ..aJ..rn being
or be ....... SOIl B.e. ...... A.D. SOIl {Hwoo ...... Twna 199),161. 11O-17I,,J. pncricnl .....n lIriYtd (e.......... and H... 19'111,55-57; H u...,.j
<houtI" I...BIanc ( Im,) IOJ ..... <It;"f ..........0. O. one! t..a.nbc<. J2OO2,22O] Cte.tmrt Im:24 1_243; l<BIoM 1S>9'H64,3(5).
1"''' i, at •.... 0 . 4001·). lhr<cotllt. Bukt,mal<n II si ... may ..... betn .......·
c..... ond ,litre .,.. nu"",,,,,,, od><r.ig<. of Judly >iolcncc C",fllMw: Im, I40-
14~). Wusign' .x.:.tu.ln Ib,"'"n.".. , III (A.D. SOIl- 75O) ....... comtbad in The...'" nu""'l'OUS .. Jion. of .... ....,.Id .. lit .. KOO<l .........!o&ical d ... arc
~ •., •• freque ... )' in P",bIo I (A.D. 150-900). For MogoIloo proplt, thu..,.. :lVoi\ablc fOr «ntun.. Of .... n mUluni. bcfOt< ... y IUl!II"srion of war apptus.
0C>Jn< dm.\,;i>k hill"", m.1oo. before A,D, 600 .nd mOK indic>rion. of ...... Thi, i. 00 fOr ,lit Middk Eaot. Conn,] A.La, tho: IrrdD~ Chi ....... d Jap .... La ...
• Ite. A,I). 8SO: fi,.. Hohohm. ,h... "' "".hing """du.ioe fi,.. ..... until .... , hi .. in u<h o( ,h... .... ~ ...1utoIogin.l •• ;Jmc. of bc<o ..... dca. and """ .
...n.h «"'"'Y ("". 1m,129- 149. l000,9~-9S, Ne11011 l000,3U-3Z7, tin"""~ For EgYP' .• 1I< ,,;.1011 de .. lopm.n ..1 pcrioJ 1,1..1ing. Eump< may be
SoIom<'o ,hi. ""Ium.). rno", rornpll,","'. with "",,... d In ...."".. 01' (""",ibly) <oIk«iv< .iol<ne. in
VInJ.,," .mong A~.·,i from A.D. 900 to A.O. USO/IZSO i, ambiguouo.nd ,he M«oIi,hi •. ." ini.I.1 and ' P!"'",ntly ",...ful.p"'" o{Neoli,hi. ,radi,ion,
....."",Iy e"",,,,,,wi,]. Although 0"" (rint!" Ioca,ion ...... fOnifi«, A.D. (wi'h 0"" .. ",b.W. <>«pd"" f'rorn luly). ..... Y'0 • wid"p"'a.;I pm • ." of
900 ,I\d .b,ndono,1 .~ ... ma_re .bou. A,O. 1000 (Eddy 1974:81). in tho: w .. fare from the ~fth miU,nnium "".
«0, ...1..,..1 ofCt..<o.n An ..... 1<.It.,.. ,,,... Of' no Indlcatio<u of ...... ""8' NOflh Amotka I• • >t" h.nkr '0 .umm.Oli ••. wi.h dill',ren, and JOmttlmc<
t!" .. inS .1It ui....... o( . . .... Ct..<o· (...kton 2002:613_614). 1"<r< .... ...,.. conAic."'i! 're ...... in dill', .." ....... AI.1r.o.>u&h ,h....... f.....1)' <1<1y india.·
=r. ""n.Ie,,,"1 tr.lnw, .. peclally ILtnOng "",rn.n (Manin 1'197) and .igru of <io<u 01 >iokn«. In """" a.... ,lit...., .i,h... no .. t8ll""ioruof war in the .mi·
lwuul kiU~ ""«pn:.<d .h..... riuly .. eannibo.lUti< ,<1"'" ptrprtm«l..,. the: es< .....<ri.ol. .... ignt of 0I0I0: ...... hkk "I'P'" qui« Itm, .. d <omp:orcd '0 Ia«.
political <Ii .., orwyi,,,ond dilm<mbe •.,.,.n. of wireh .. (""lJnd 1998: D.tli"l! pn:hi"ori..i....... l.amb..... (20(2) review of ,he Nor<lt American li« ..,u .. in·
1798, Kuun« 1m: Twnn ...... T ~tn« 1m, w.J1u:. 1m). Noon<, ~ dico, ...,,", 11110 1'"".allu,ioon.pplit< .o "lIioru I h..... "'" 1<' fully IOC....:"«I.
..."" to quntion , ..... _ COMibal ..... oca" .. d, and ..... ohio .... _ in • I ......... """" in ..tvanc.. 01 ....... <Otnp ..... d1ocu ....... tha, the northern Not ...·
con.<D of ...... wat c.... .. oundo ou ... tho nrllut ..... 01. war p:o''''''' in Notth A"",oo •
Si"" of .. n.ioN-,M:ab.u\donrnm. of optninl-'f*el berwttD .bou. llOO B.C. ..... then ""'.;....... in pracri« down .., hi......, rimn ( ........
1""'1" """nd K'J'ft' .. - d......." In tht Cftuury:di.. A.D. 11W,I.ading..,<ribaJ an<! M&K""tf 1999:109- 210: Crbuloki 19'12: 1S6- IS7. 1"":80_BI • ond
nucle.u_ ...... ....,... ....n' lmo<hlf'dwdllnp........d A.D. 12<;0. Abandorunm< Erlanclton 19'12:11 ). AI,,,,,,,,,, I haw yn '0 SO ........... all .he m.u,rial fOr
of northern and """" ~ Arwui araa...d clu",.... of R1II>inilrfj """"" South Amcrin (..,...hcd Of! below). A£ria. Melan.o4. and <he
Pac,f\c, my prelimin..,;"" ouw" 1;,,1. '0 <on".J"" ,hi. picture of , common ...... ,n. millenni •• nd on .... intcn.l6c-d wi.h W..... n COn"",. 1hcn i,
«Uti""l, ut< ......
S'''" of ....... m"uu"'IU of P.I ... (Lilton....J Tuggk ,hi. ,i« aU .!w:o< i<tucl 'OfiCther ",th • di ...... ion of Venn ... lan pn:MI<O<)" and the
volu,.,.) "ui New (AikA. ,hi. vol""",)". coru,,,,m wi,1. ,h>'_ Y_mi.
Ahhoup <pi>o<k> of..... art po,.;bIe atI)' Ii .... In huO'Wl p«1ili.ory. th.n is
n"<Onoincing <Yidtn« of ooIluti ... in,.,gtOUp .ioJon« "", .im< bdOrc 10.000
)"".11 0fi0 «""<pI)cbd SaNb.a). a.nd in ItW>J' pru of .... world m""h mort ~ TN ' S" .UO o. W.... ..,P T C)T". £ TH NOC ..... " ' C i'1l•.SENT
crnt/y ttw. m... [ milo< ..... (.ide"", a.n be ,ud in d..1f<Tcn ....)"o and ......,.
wiD 1>01 bt <Otl..;nccd tN, w., .....bomt. Bu, J dunk i... difficuh to disogtn Why W.r lien.... Com"",,"
with the: >H<'ftIQn th.o tht ",UCOK< of ..... oM ito Inmu.ity. it "~nri2bIc. In thio cond.:.....d ... m .... ..,. of e.arty C\idtn., of ...... l !u.. "'" dionuoc<l tM
To .blm ,h., ·w.. h ........min« ... 1M! all h......... do," or' tIIn)I'W h..d .... In .... ,eri&I ond -at .on<iw:o of th.o ~Iop .... n.. I W;U "'" spcculo,. on d,tttt
JJtimc pciod>" is <Onmdic,cd by the ..;dmo .. eo ...... bu. tonn>J gtncnl faaon ...... impi;';',«1 ... ~00n0. which in
,."..,ch,. poin. of,.....,.>1 ....",.... ,hould be ,ha., .... n though tim.,. of nri.bk combi .... riono, mW: .... oripn and/or ,h. In, .... lili=ion of ..., motC
""'"' ........... 00III<'flIMS fOI ...... d by ri.-.of .... ....,. m.ovenJl.loo>g--<erm likely. (Moot of .......... dioaaucd in ..,.... de<2ilin FaJuoon 197n3.(-li7.)
,rmd was fur """" ...., O"ta rime, BaiJ.. m. ..idrn", I ......, pRO<J>,cd, dw One iJ I ohi6 '" oodcntuy ai".....,.-thoua!> "'" necc:ooarily >gicul.....-o<
>imp!< ron is >ppOmr! in ,hi. ooIu ...... In Pilill, ...... appan In the U<O<d >I'OWId .. Ie.... <0 in<ncucd dcpm<\cncc on lU.d ,im. Anodocr iJ ~ incraJintI
A.D.600. The M~ i>roupu ......... ,h <hem ... Now Zc:.tar.d. but .... ime"';· population ","'in I:Kood ua. .. T_",h< ... al,hough ,Itcoc "'m leu .. I.,..", in
IicdsrndY >I'OWId A.D. 1m In ,ho us. South..... th.:rc ....". 0<Vtttl Longmp .m... North Amcrian """""'.. dun in .n. Old World.... the dcwlopmm'
in ..... dc:",Iopm<n. lqi by )SOO 8,C., bu, ,he intensity of wv ..,<g«I in of ""W 'ankintJ and mdc•• IptCWly of ...,,,, good.-oIthotogh in
m. '!OO -600 yea!> bcfOn: con'><L Looklllfl" "",ire, tim£!, "" 0« in Ch,,.. ..... North Arncria ,h< ambirion. of thief, '" nuj<>r fa<to<' in .... I... r in.cruific:a·
beumo mon: <om, _ owr tho """ ... of Neolithic. and .. ill mon: <oml1lO<l <ion of war. A 6~h II .... de"dOI' .... n. of ""1,lln""u';",,. fo, bounding group<
in ,h.l:I"", U Agt. Ouaa I•• p.nicularly important ..... Ahhoough tM clup •.,. in connie .. Kelly (2000:.(.() and Boelun (1999:90-98) mike. mot. 'p'd6.
by R<dmond .nd Sp<nc.. in ,hi. volun .. picks "I' .round 700 II.C .... hen thn. d, im. ,h.. i. iJ , ... dn,lopmen. of,al kin,hip 'y""'" ,h.I( ,rubl...... r.
wc ... ady ,,·.ning chid'!omo, Fl.n""" .nd M."·.,, (2003) begi n .nkle Rkc (2001) hOI found .upport ro,. that ide, In .h, American Soo,h,...... and
funM' Inck in tlmc: 'M 'im. f.. mc of 8000 ·2000 1I.e. I. chuac"riud by Fl.nn.,y .nd M..."", (2003) In O Fin.lly. I ocrio". e<ologicol <<Y<<ooI.
·w",le.. "",i.,ies; .nd . ign. of .... fin. 'ppt'" .round IS'!O !I.e. bu, ... ,hcn involving clim". ch'Mg< "r . n, h"'l"'II"nlc ..""''''' d'Sl"1d.<lon. " often impJi ·
. lmn. ftum 1100 lI.e. «>800 II.C.-al,ho"gh Ot"rl>cin (2004: 12.3-126) quos· ..,«I in .... D<igln andlD< In"no,f;n,ion of WI ••
tiono ,lut .. rli" .. i,I.... e of..,... La'er I'«h;',o,y inJi .., .. much mol< w:u dun Th. g<M«al.""n« of th ... pcccondido". can opl"n why human popu·
utlier prehi.."..,.. I.. iotu did no' "".clop c.l,ural p...uiceo of war in .., Iier.imes. lIu, over ,he
Thi. i, ••• i....1roin,. '[hooc ..110 "''1'"'' "'.. in ,.,10.. . ima ... n.n evid.:ncc m~ler>n; ........ pn:cond,tiono be...,n, mOl, wid ..p .. "", and ... , UOfC in mon:
i. lIcking.n: n:[";n5"" ,..., _.l>ppinS bun. 0"" i. ,n.o<y .bou, ... hyWM oc· region> of .... worId. .. dcocribed in ,n. p'evioul .... ion. WIut happcncJ.ncr
cu ... 1~.n: J.sion, ond .. cotdl", '" 111>111. ..,..,. ..... r i. alway> up'''«I. t1u •• olicr ...... b<vn in diff.... n' ..... bu, before ,..... ,...rt ""y ...... 1/"OU1\d t(,
Th, 0< .... twi._ul"'" ... hieh n"", ,"'o<y i. <1" ..... - .. ,,1Inogr~ie ~ inR",,,,,< "'ingo l
rioru of war ow, tM p.u. 6~h"ndrt<l yu ... A ma"" point of ,h" dupo: .... W.. ",<UtI. Nut • ....u,. Of quldtly... II ..,..,.ti ..... ' .... 5inc<1 in

of COlt .... h oJw. 1l'CI.. rn con,••" r.. qttcndy kd '" in .. n.i6t<!.....nn,""""'8 p=bk> of ...."'hy (Schmookkr 1984). 1Iu. n .... " ..!ly•• p<Utl i. dod. through
~ pcopI<o. lit" ........... '1"Clucolop:al m:ood d.:monJtr.ra ;, oJw. pn:. """" combi ....;.,n of """ ..... .. intnln.....1 """"'!"'g c<><><liriorto. l},io iJ
historic .....n..... 8"" much --= In 10m p..h...".,.. /Mf- any oulSido ((ItIUa. >«n in ""tt..., oJready di-.lln Ch ..... . ilP" of war bcnme """"" com·
Thu ....... """"'I!,thnognphially obotrvtd pcopI<o" doubly u...pp~e f<>< mon through .... Oml.... t.-pNn Interaction sph<t.- ",d beyond (Clung
form"" op,ni<Mo. aboot. h........ i'y·. di"an, p.u'. 1980:270-271, l.iu 19%:264; Und.:,hiU 198'r.2.3I-2.3S. dW ooIumc). In.lap ....
_\><ough. by Immp .. /Tom Kon:.. bu, ,"'n optcao:l <htough the iobndJ
n.. ha' K<tion P""""" my idus-,.nwi., 'rnp;riaI ..ncnlizatiooo- war
>bou, how ..... do.clop,d ou, of • ~, ~ why i, bcc:anv_ (&me. 1999,168·171, Furio 199I,}7·.( t, I....... u... 1996: 131 ). In f", 1'ntCfD
·nd mo« ..onhom Europ<. tl.< Ii... <uhiv.,,," .. pt..:cd hu""«'Vrhorcn 111<1 rho Ind .. ,.pan bt=nc: p'" <If the rndln. .... oftht Rg V.,u (Sinv> 19M:
m3d< "'" ..·,thou, d.. p<>«ful «muries of uri;'. oxp.urdins (Andn· Srivur.,.. 1984). FI..aUy. >nci ..., $I:lU:S ~ .......... diJcam from their fron·
""" 1993:102: Bndky 199I:W-52.: Mere« 1988,89. 10.4. 1989. 1999). In tl.< rim. FtonI ,he ~ ... century A.D. Ronun. Ar>h ond ocher dnrundo ro. ">vd
«ntel' of Non!> Amcric:i. the Mi>sis>ippim p<riod O>W rh. rio< of nude:ned. ~ .......... of oioIm« .pradint! inhnd from ,It. .... ..,... of Afria (Ed!jCrton
fUnitiN ttnlo ........ oli •• .0..0_ 1050.111<1 .......... ...,.. C<'ll1utJ' 01 !WI> this p21' 1m 161, KusiI'rlN. .IIi, .... WD<: and "" Lo.<joy 1983). Sri Lanlu .. p<ri.n=i
tem ",read "",wan! in aU di=tiom (Oupd<lain< 199),ZQ(I-2(lI: Mon< and «f">,od. "'....... "" .....f .... rduod .., "'nmol of ,t.. Gp>ndrd Indw. 0<:=
hlon< 1983,2S6. 263-266: Round,_ ... dTu ....., 1998:278-230).0.. ,he Pa· mdt of tl.< n 'nth and .. nth ccnrurits A _I). (Gu ,,",wordana 2000: i'8-~). So the
<in.: Nonh ...... COut .......... complc:: Jcvdop«Iln ,he north pu.olly =rIC "'".ne< of .nck......... funhrr contribu.ed .0 tho prem'D« of....,- among
'" .hal"OCterit< "",'" di>p<n<d and 1m hi.",,,,hial """,n.. n grouP' (Amu and non· ..... p<epk •.
hI...,hn« 1999:209- 210, Coupl.nd 19118,207_2 12). And .. deKribed by AlIt" lh, .... m, ,he Europe:m ""pmoon. Over "'1. F.urol'u" .. p.... ioni.m,...,
(,hi> volume). 1..t<r Poly".,i", o<.&'ren Grticd. ""nlor <ompl<x . Iong wi,h m,," diSlUp'!i"" ... d ·wanMying· ,h.n th .. of .nci,n...... , (F'rgu",n 1993)_
<I><m '0 rI.'" 1s1",,<k So '''''n bef.", .1>............... btco,ning no.m'" in tv.. Wh ......""i'n' " .. <> would mol'< in,o con'lguow " ..,.lUbjec, '" • long hi>-
brooder ..... of ,he nib..! uni"",,,,. ._mou,
tory of in ....... ion. Eutop< .... ''''''Kd dist", .... and 0''''''. Doing
lb<n ,,·n.. harr<neJ """. <Utes .pp<ll«l! In d.. OIr. """..ofuI ...... <Up- ,ho, ......
this. ,hey In,rod,,,.d ...... di>ea.on. pIan'~ and ... im.1I I""1y dIsrupted
p.nocd colle<li ••• i.olo:nc. within !heir .dminj"':ltion. olt!>ough thi •• .ned rn con,..wd IV""I"- Europe=o had uade s-b "'"'...... in 5""' dt-m.nJ. .nd.
1""'''' (Ft'l""'" 1999:404-405)_ Thou ... indiadoru ,n., _1m, ...... «p<claIly 1..... In ,i-. mili....,. and ">n>pOrt>tion t«hnoIosr>rod tcchniqu<s
fum...,.j .. okno:. ""d ~ """"'8 " " " _ p«!pIa >tOW><! thom. 1hc: rise: >rod -n..-c.
oJ...t..ouId ,......... ionizc European apans-ionisu W«t "'" uniq ... in
faU of" .........Id '~If "'••",,ng wncs of ~ "The d... \opm< ... of the Zulu ... kinl""p"~ iabo<. bu ..... Y>SI . .,"'. of <hciropcnrions was. Tho ...... goes
...It w.,1011.:; by • ",=dins ..... i... reo<:cion of «rriblc ..;ole""". kn.own .. ro.- tlw: Europe... q..... lOr land ckarrd of p<"<ViouJ inlubiWlrs. All of th,,,,
tho "'fi<-. al,hough ,he growing European pmtnc. """ ...... pi.>.yo«I a role "'1'"" of European "p.oruionism ..... , "'" ~ ....... tlw -." fu ~nd
in ,hi, hom>< (CcW>ins 1988; H>m~'01"1 1m). The coil""", of T.."ih"""", fion,.,.~.,.;'" prtUdingony W<!ttm "I"", .... lhif ...... oflmpact N<~ Wki,,-
led '0 dtstabUit21kon and ..... ciu-oughou' nortit_ hI .. ico (Ndoon 20(0). In head >rod I ",II • · tribal ron,· ( ~ and Whitchr:wl2000). While W<><<m
,he A"dun highllJtd~ Ari:u,h (this volum<) deKribcl·"..,ln ..action.· of WH .on,.., dId no< "'''''''' k>d to mo«~. or de...,..,.,.". .... rfue_tom.ri"'"
op .. adinguu, from poli,ia/ «men through peril''''' ......... ~ ,h. opposit< oc:currrd._C>!>< studi., eollec .. d;n IJ:', in tbt Trib"f unt ....d
Rd .. ivcly ,ubi•. <tn' .......... ~ ,h. ""ure.. of .... r ..rli." hi",ori ... commonly mony o,h, ... I,.", li,,1e do.,b, ,h.. in ",.ny. m.ny pam of ,II< world. Europe""
...'" ,h .... Kivu ... urroundrd by firret · b.. b"i.n,· (Ferguson 1999:418-420). "I"n.ion .fter A.D. lWO 1«1 ' 0 morr w... mong non· ..... peopl ... befu... ny
·Ihi ...... . no< >Mffly idroLogicol p"*,,,iQn. Su, ,he<)!igin. of • m,U,.rum.r< paclfying.lf.... se' in.
oboo:u ... How much wa.!.n im<fTul de",Iopmen. ! H"", ,nu<h from ...., -
I".! l'rob..bIy ,h. bos. be. is ,Iw. pronounttd m,li ....., OIO< .. W;"" dtvdop<d A",»oni .... d ,t.. '(.nomam;
.. "".. ofLong·,erm rn"rxUon between eme'png ..... <u, ... ""d pcopIn <If To .....u this dJ ........... of ........oIosY. h"'oty.•nd ,he Ifmpotal inelt... in
,heir pcriph.tics.. It isd....................... ancitn....... commonl, foot.....! ....• wv ....... ""ilied >rod «>n<rtte. let ... «>mide.- ..... ......,.,. Amaaonw. p«>p ....
""6'n.." >nd ,rib.oiiution. >nd rnIi<t<d ...... •.....ri ... ,rib<. . . .<thn., sol- >rod p.otti<uJ.ufy tho y.........",j of ,t.. Upp<r Orinoco rtgion-longeoru;d.m:I
d....• to. omong ocher dtings, proj«. for« brrher in,o tlwi. hinrorlan ... dun • ryp< C1Kof pristine. prim< Iniw.l hiKori<:ol.-epotts from tlw:..,.....
cn<Ulllb«e<l SUk armies rouId IIWU!'< tcO .... mially (GoId"'rz and Findlow ... d IIt.Ojot rive .. 01 nortit-..em 50mh Ameria. doa:unem Wg< JalIunon...
19114). I, ...... __ • uk brr dur <hi<. .. last ........ Imeo, .p..:wI inreruM....,- to"" ~d u ,hiefdom .. wuaIly rcad~y obk to tlt-mooutr". ",bounri21

f....... "'"""~
m~'..". cop .... ~I,ia (I)cBocr 1981. 1~1I6; Medina 19}4, Morq 1nd M>rwin
M,iiton"", ....... over 'im .. r<pb<nI comp..... i" .. y .... n·miliwi"je on<>. 1974: Mym 1988: Wltilt"">d 1988). How long h>d mi. 1""'''' w,od! &no
In I'or" •• fttr 1000 B.C. >C>"<r:d :tpp.orutdy theocra, .. " ......... coo,!,....d. v.. ion. of major serdemen .. aIonS·d.c!OW« A~n and middle Orinoco, ,h.
inC<>l"l'<"""l<d .nd cultur:dly ".",!Vmt.d 'u~, ,It. moW of ",,,.,,ding mili,,_ w.,
r.,,« beginning around 2100 B.c.. an: re",,,bbly f... of .ign. (Rooocvch
rim (l'o1O.-..I:i 1987). Ali.<r <he decl ine of 'he ",I.,;vol, unmili .. ri,,;' H .... pp •. 1980). One good ><qLl<n<t<OmtS from, uibul1ry of ,h. Rio ApUff. which i .... f
,,,~, I ,,"-,,~, -1* '""_....J~"'_.,.,;.- «lI

fl""" inro ,... Clfinoco.• Iwu. SOO km f",m .on<e>er.o.l Y..,.".,.ml Land~ Her. f««d by the Europe." .." .... Ion .Ina: ,hoy bcc:om< '''Ket. of o<h .. !U!.;.e.
chkfdorru and .... , appear 'Of',he.- afi ..< popub,ion growth. alongci.· 1«k;ng<>p'iOQ ". , 10th< Europ<.... ;n ,ho w. 1600s.
",,,,,,,,ribcd >gri<u1t"",1 w.d, in ,h. ""''''''' >One bet ...... n 1owUn.! and And .." A Sp.n!sh cobt<".." In .... 1740. .. portal tha, :dong d.. Upp<' O rinoco. 00<
pcopIa (.. hen: .... , ..... altndy ...l1· .... bl!she<l)-...,...nd A.D. 5SCL Chiefdom! far from YlnOltUm; I>n<k local p<'OI'I<o ....... ·"..coful· <"""P' fO.. ,ho rcc<ndy
did not "P'J'<M "" the mi&lk QrinoC<l ""'~ AD. IIOQIIy A.D. 15JO and tho U1tnt1ffl: Cuaipu,..,..,._ ........ Ito" fa. ,I>< Portuguac_ who drdnurallocal
/in. hiHorialocCOU/\!I ftom thr '''-anN Mar th< Aput<, ~ chid'. lived populn;or'll (a1""""" the poosibUi,y of .,,"'Ponups< bw m.... bo: <on.i(l.
in 1.'1< fOnified v i . wi,h ..... N"'" ifTiprion 'l"'...... and """",.ere abI. ~ In dois OIXOUnt) (Cdi; I96S l,~. U:57, 289). By ,h .. time. the highbnd
'" ni>< ¥ring ro...:. ~ally ... udinS .. n tho.K.nd mm {ltooxnlt 1991; home of the: Yononuml w .. bang wgnal to,. sbv. moo. coming 110m n'U}' dt-
5pn>ccr 1998:1Z7-129; Sponc.. and Il<dmond 19~nm-U7). ",aion->nd <hey ..... '" Mill be"" Yiccimiud to,. n.idc" on • I<2lr a crn·
.... ~h< .. " - min. 1ong.<><&I«cal hi"oriaI docu .... n... ......,;.1'1 .....,.or IrIOK t.. ... (1'0....- 1ns.:77- 82. 181-(86). The: SpMtw.....t.Iw...d
fo, V.ncmda and __ ...., ... I<',inl' much cleue, ~ of ..<CMiTC. the..- /in, au'P""' on tho u,.p... Orinoco in 1756. 0 - th< I><:J.' few r='o rh<y
intc1'COn ...... ed pc>lirial 'Y" ...... wid> ria .....h;"g ...... to d>. Andel. _th wi~ tho diminishill(lj C ... ip" ...... m, .. in,o 1>< . . YioIrn, <Of\8icu wido
to """ Amaron. and nonh do-ch .... Caribbe.n (Af"do.Ji......aand IMotd rnnnanI> of on« ,.,..cfuI ~b flOm d.. N<gro. wt.o ... '" lkring .... Po ..
CuriIJo 1':I'9oi; Chcmel.o 1993; Whi.ehead 1988. 1':I'9oi). War _ «ruinly an "'S"">" thert. a,. 1761. all th< ... r...., .. ""'" a<2ping thr &uop..n. by rnovin&
in,egraI JW1 of...... 'Y" ...... bu, how """ ..........aIru.c riw, chiefdoon< n:lucd to in,o ~ futrm. kavi", th< Orinoco and other rMn D<u!y abandoned
"""" mobile ~b of .... In,erior JUch .. Y."onumi-...n.tha in oyrnbiooio. (~ 1ns.,82- 8S).
conHict, or both- is .. p~' a vny "f"'n <pmiM. Wi,hin dcodes of Ii... AU carly KJ>OIUofYU>OINmi milingwarcom< ffOAl p<riodI of opccific and
ron""". <hex ..pooord pcopla w... inYOl .. d in mdiury ro the £Urn- in ...... di .... rhan •••• itha " '&r&<" of 1I.....;d.. or in .iruarlon. of nurkod
1"'.... and """".ru..hac ....... norwcd in im""rial rivalnc. and oLavc .. <ding di.~ria in r=ndy inuoducod W.".m good. (Fcrguoon 2001). The bulk of
(Whitc ....d 1988:71 if, 1994. 2000), Even ....dy ...he ,ime of Har.. Sudm y~"".-...; m"fo'" (F,rg_ I99S.) ;, <kvoccd '0 druiJing rndrncr ,hat Y.·
(1928), marooned in 8 in ISSO. wud...!y ..fleeted dc.:a.le. of ItUjo< Euro- nomami .... n 0.'" the pa" «n,ul}' 0. "'." «.ul .. of .. n.ion •• """,i . .. d wi,h
""... influence (Fcrguoon 1990:241). Theoe 'esionallodopolitical 'YO""" ~ un"'lual di,uibu.ion.of nul tool$ and OIh .. """ufacou.n Y.noawni
d''''roytd .nd ,heir pcopla diminot(d wi'hin the fi .., cen,u,y or.., of con,.., of tho Orinocv·M". in ,h. mid·I%o.-,"" oubj«, ofCNgnon', (1%8)
(Hemmin~ 1~78:29_42; Whi,ehead 1994, (999). 10ngbofO« ... y :ulIhropolo . Y"M"'4m~: 7h, F;tr<' P~pl,_ ....... addi.ion.oUy . nff.. ing m.. , ive , broul·
gin ",... round '0 ,h.()<iu: ,hd, w..~ 'p«trum d;" "p';on uf ,heir liv .. n:1.«d '0 ,h. pn:oence of ",i.. ion.ri •• ."d
The .. h nolo~y of ..... N' .. Uod h...,ly on Ama:zoni.n <He" bu... no«d o,her ouuidrno. wh;"n di .. ctly .noour.tged ,hoi. un~!U.lJy high level of imc.·
•• dk" our ,heor.. kal p• ...Jigml ",l" l hillo,y ou'. When i, ;, brough, b.. k in. pet>On.l.ioI.nce (1'<'!\I$On 2000). lhi, i, quite dilfc«n, from L<Bu"c'. d.;",
~II of , he key c. ... upon whk h ,h.ory fuo been buil, hove boen obviou.oly, d ..· (.hi. volume) ,h.. Y.noma",! h.d c!tlonic w.,f... beca"", th.y Iud tuCh.d
flUtically im~tcd by 'h< W..... n in'ru$ion . E~rop<'''' d; n."i .. p«>j>ko ,heir <>«ying ap.<i,y.
ro o,he .. who made ,rouble or .. ho .... « aIIk< of imperial rival~ 0. ro B....! on ,he conn=i"" of .1I1:nown figh,in! .0 .><errui f.. rors, and my
prod ••,,. pu",ho ..bIc npci_.". i<u' ro di • .dc and conquer. Ncwdio<.... im«· own h~tori<al ~ «con""""lon of ,hd. pre·"",] ",bo;,ocn<c .. more .. w;tchc .. fi k<I '0 figh,inS •."d Indiaru di.plx«l from one «gion ...... mobile.nd I"",.. don.if)' (!'ers""'" 1998). I o/f.r<d ,he "hunch" thar hefor<
""0 conA",. wldo <>th.n. 1Xc...,n good. "imuiual war .. ol.;<cu of plunde •. CoIumbu.. ...., ..t ...... , , , _ " ' ; <...,,,,,,";!in "".. " or CVCn """.
and a,..,.,J d"p"'''OVCI' ,.....Ie <Of\(roI (Fcra<uon 1990). Which bring> '" to , ... ...;"..". (Feeguoon t99S> ,~). BtcauI< Yanomami built no< "",clUJ'<>.
Y:u>omami sp«i6cally. w<d f............ impkm<n ... andconsum<d """ bon .. of thr;,dr..!. w. will nne,
10 ;, V<TJ'<Omrnon to ..... i , pi<! ,ha,""" In .he ... ;d·196Oo, y""""",,,,i I,ved know fO.. ...... ArdoocoIopcaJly. ,hoy;oK nrarly uwi.ibI .. Som.rim.<ll do ..,.,.
w...Ifcaal to,. "civiliUrion.· Thil is why thdt warf'.,.. ;, ... oft... do ...... '" ~ dn if due h"""h !iO"" 100 for. Bill nioing duo: poooibilif)' ;., I bdicn:. a ....,fuI
rcrn. the hu ...... condition .. i, .. i"od in our ...,Juriorury paoc. 80th pn:miIc: caution fa. ....... who would f'«'iK< ow..,;" .... IUmrru imo d ....... ,
and <0<1< ......... .,.. ...,. wn>ft&. Y....,.,..",i ha .. been indirccly and dio=ly"{. pn:hiHorJ·
as va" conjuncture< of vari.ble. "'im ruwumi>.l ..u...t "'"",omy. It .1.., ..
• ,hco"'iruly <orui ... n. In'egration of.n .nonnow numb<. of linhge. be·
Th. w.u, il ~OI ",h<th.. Ih ... w .. w:>.r b<furc <i.;Ii",lion. No .. riou. «hoi" <w«n war..,d lOei.'Y' A .. ern' artkk (m gmon 1999) io. rompilarion of th ...
.loub« tI.., ,he« W2<. The i.,.,. io how to "" , both 'p«ific wm ""d Iinhgu in • 'Y".m.. k rom porioon of w '" ."d oocicty omong no"· ... « pcoples
w" in S.".",I .u of 'he "um.n ""n,li, ion. 2nd how «hnology ond .«..... v;.·a·vi. among:ond. n•• nd mcdi<v>! ..." .. MOfc "",«marie comp.ri..,ns of at-
<>logy join forres in ,hi. que". For th_ indigonow p«>ples ""« cli,,,,,t <luwIogiC'OJ oL .. wim .ne"n, and m<diev>.l " .... could bring new pc"pce<iVd
p/>y>kaliy. ,«hnolog"'Uy. <CODOmkally. ""d mili,.nly from up ....;""i" £0. '0 qu<>OOn' rueh.., ' ho« "Wl in m i. volume.
rop<, .ho n«d to figure \11:'0.<.", contx' in'o explm .. ion of 1""'-'''''_' w,r For in"lUlu, 0,,. s.... r>.li ... ';"n from ,h...... h... i• •h.. w:o.. do<. no, .1·
... m.,),. AIT~logy n.. ,Ii< ahili')' <0 invc"iv« ~·con,,":t !inK$, '""')'I leod '0 pobticaJ ro""'ioL,;"n. I, <= .nlOre< 0< !cod '0 ("'gmcnta.ion ..
.nd to wi.n ... ,h. circe" of contxt from ill .arli... pI=n. 8u, th .. i. only the ",dl. lha< iJ no rurpri .. from ,Ii< pcrsp<e<ive of .nci .... , na, ... whcrc unifi ... ,ion
b<ginning. Arch .. oJo,sy <-.til in,,,'iga" , he ,nili .. ry ,ffect. of anci<tl, " .... on ""d bruk.up frcqumdy >.1,..... « ovc< «nrun... Lc81mc (,hi. volume) o/fen a
propl,' .round them :ond okmg thd. tndc rout ... Arrharology C2n .ddr... the now and in ..",,,ing hypotn..i. ,h .. ronoolida.ion of '''''' poIi'i .. form«1y ..p •.
qu ... ion ofltow .nd why wor sp.-...l ou,..... ,,!! from its ori~n.ol «n ..... no.. iu ra, ..l hy buff... ron .. con 1<..1 ' 0 • much larger .nd more pote". polifY ,n"" ito
practn and dIDo,ati"" ch.nged ove, !im•.• nd ,,'lu, f.ocron .on.rib"wl ' 0 iu fonncr pc«~ Som. """" in 'hi' 'olum<, "p«i.Uy .hat "f Mon" AlWn, .. <m
g<n.,i. in ,Ii< 6", pi"" •. '0 ,uI'P"" thi. idea. though othe ... ,uch 2< the uppc. Beliz< Rive, v,'[I,), .nd t li<
Arrharologyond «IInOiogy mould ;oin, ",It..c .ppropriate. in 'hCO.J< A ro- frontier be ......" A"'c",d T......... <mpiru.ww" te.. v"""cy at pc<iphcri ...
bo" 'hwry of ..... f ,flo,., td be "'pahk of .. pt.i" ing ,h, orig; n. of .... ,. i" ,nrufoc· Mo« ~ncruly. m. romp"""'" of,ribal penpl ..... d . nd.n. , ..... (F.:rgu.on
m.>tion in European ,ribal zen", and <v<rythins in b<tw«n . Rcg>rding North- 1m) nu.keo the poi", du. ",Ii< op= b<tw«n" polities i. "'y,hing but . mpty.
",..t Uus' w.. f:tr•• I d..... kopcd (I984b). p""con,,,,, mod<l "'" ground<d It io highly ond ,..ri.bly p.... m.d at 1..01. of infra"rucrur<, "ruo:.u«. :rnd .u·
war in gwgnphi< .nd tcmpor.oJ v>ri .. i"", ofcri,ical '" w; "mee «OOuf«S. Wi ,It pcr"",,,u,,,.
pom·""n'><t "';><>pUt.tion. ,Iw modd DO Iongtr appli.d Y.. W>J" w=, on. uri· looking .. >J>cirn, mrco quickly ,<v<.1. b.. ic .. ri ..ioru in politic>.l 'u.on·
ably.• nd in "'m. c>oe> qui .. in 'cmivdy. Those ..mOOn' in pr.ICri« can ~ u - omy and ronoolioLOOn. Th.. old.. dio!in<t;':'n b«w«n "tri,ori.1 conqu." IUld
pl.i".d prim.rily 2< <lrOlu '0 i......... ",wli<, or pro6, from ,nd< in \"('co«m hcg<moni< domin.rion i•• "«.... ')' ... rtinS poin' , bu. no< n.. rty . uflici.n.
good .. or fe.d "'" ol.v< tnd< which arned., "",<oc' but go< wnne 1...... An Ii>< undemanding miliurily baKd in'egration. Rd.. ,ion. betw •• n domin:rnt and
apl,n,,;':'n of North .... " Co." .... rf.'"mu" .".nd '0 bo,h :u-chawlogy""d IUbordina .. «n'", ,...y >.long scaleo ,h .. r.tnge from .!l i",,«. mrough domi·
h""".y. nation, to inrocpontion;:ond from =de. mrough <ribu!C. ' 0 " . .,ion. Otten
Th.u "tody "'... n .lfor' to c...... I ..""". theory of war .. u... ,;"n •• irn<d ",.",i,i"", occur ... pu'!' incremrntal proc_ ,..the.than a lud"'n "",n •.
.. expl.ining whi,It grou!'" .. rook. ",hklt group,.rc .. txk.:d, pcri<HI. of in- Th .... hi6. m.y be diflictol, to di"inguiu, =h><Ologic.l1y. bu, ,h. po .. ibili,i..
"!o" ...... , fld peri<Hl. of pc..: •. A S<>m<wlut modilUd. gu;dy eloho"u<d. and , hould b< kr:p' in mind while fr' ming hypoth ..... Furtli<t, no< only do poIi ri .
•vowedly «i<ntine .." ion of.Ju< 'pp"",h '"'" dcvclop<d lOr the Y"""m>.mi c..t cen' .... grow. they a1", d<din, in "''''l!m, ond one of ,h. recu''''''', ,h.m..
UK (Ferg""''' 1!?95o:21- SS, ond ... Jonu 1!?98, S,,,,I 1!?98). For ,h. No"'h ...... .mong "",i<n' " .... i. ,h. gtadually inc .... ing au,onomy of ",fu, w.,..,one<
COO". eI pWw;':'n of prehio'''''' ~ w:u much moe< broad· dun tIu, righ,1y dornin.>«d sub·politico.
ofhi""ricaJiy oo..t.. d ... nu. in p'n b<"", .. ,h ........ mIlCh less .rclueology c..c. in thio ...tum. show ton>< v.narion. of conoolioLtion (>.I though pigeon.
ro go on in 'he early 1980.. But w< " " n.... "pee< the urn. "'!Oil of ><qu<n<d holing ..... i. ottcn «nUOUl)' from tribal i n tho n""ow "' .... of political unifica·
."tough ."hae"log y " .hrough h;"o<y. and tlut 1'<""" proOl<m for the", .. iaJ tion .... i.hou' «n«, Ot pfOI>O<Ul«d h"<>"'hy (ouch .. ,Ii< nonhom :ond
unific.tion . Somh ....... lOm.rimc.), 'hroug. >J\ '''''y of .mal l.nd t.rgc <h .. fdo m. (2< in the
O n. w.y .0 ,h. lo"g 'p'''' of p«hi.",'1 rog«"" wi,h h;" o'1 i, So\!,he..,. P.lru. New Ze,Jond .• nd ..,,<m Arrie.). mrough equ.l!in"'pen·
'hrough • prog=nmatiruly modified "«"ion of culturu m.> .."" (Fergusoo dm' 0< ,1Ul1ted/ron.solid...d "ra,ified peer poli,ies (.. wi,h M.l"). '0 ,.nom
1995b,30-32). Thi. m<HIific .. i"" p"' ...... ,h. poir.cipl. of infrutnKrural d<. for"" of np=<ion;'" ...... (.. in M.';eo, the And ... -and Chi .....). Thi •• how.
,crmini.m but in • n""·",duc.ion;,, ....y. StructUf< :ond ,upc"''''':!'''''''' ... n "'" eoruolid,,;':'n must be ... n ... ,h "", ·dim.nsioou1 p""' .... wi,,, m, .xi •

<Jf p<rW'OI' ;ellnins~ I.,....,. Again onJ ogaln ... hots in ,hit book Iu... To recosni...... .....a.n, beginning is '0 e""".pn<aJiu the poo>ibili" of. future
.... n«l ,Iu, w" ...w,
<O'1O • of <hidly (Of hW-) poIi'ia1 .. nbitions. And ie <n<I '0 war. s... "'" canoo< deal ..,do the origin< of ..., if ... «>ntin ... ro praj •
i> mo>c 10'11""..... KI .mpltui«. ,Iw oJl thooc dlO<llJlioru <Jf milil2<J IUOCCU "' obKrvarions ffom rt«IIdy oI>o<r-vro indigenous pc:opIn Nclcw..nb tIuuugr
confOmnS ~ onJ of the kgitiautinfj .!feet. of milit>rimc ic","'S'.phy. tim<. Tho.;.. «pow«! """ iI that the <JriWn >nd • ...,. devdopmen. of .......
in-.o/vt hioran:hiaJ ortanlr""""u ""tin.. ,he .......·makins poIi". ~ is "" in· ihould be .pproach..! in ilS......, time, >nd ilS-.o tnmf- not bliJlkemJ by the
utnalJex,.maJ di.l"",ie in hi<r.orch.ical poIirics. nhnop-aphie p ..... n~
It mOUt.oo be cmpt..>izro chac ~ i. "",.ok. J'<im< ....... ' in political dc..I- N,,-....... "'8&<,..
ti"", in <hi> roIWD<, .... thor> ...... <1 c/w..he wars dory "".
"I'm.n,. ~bny "''''' cul",,,,1 ,pheres arr .ngag«!. &enu .. ,his ""JUtn. i• .bow: cov<",d had <h",. kind.of ....... , mugglt """" impotran, prod",,,,, ••nourcn,
oocin", ,Iu, p""'ticM war. i , may give 11\ unb.Jan.<d pi.,ure Gl ..... impor- 'M ,,"bi'io'" Gl pol"klI leaden. and Ioca! ",1",raJ bdief! whieh provide b",h
t""'" In ,hat ptoC<II. E•• n in ,n..,.... h.,..,,ho.. au .... ri.,i"". in ,he .igni6. jultifi..,ion and an imp"l .. ,oward Wat. In d",ing t wi'" ro highligh' <hi. <on -
.ao",o <>f "''', wi.h And,an 'Ute c:xp.mklni... appu. ing,ignific:cndy Ie" .iolm. "n,u" whl<h I belie.. would be I<cond.d by • &" .. nI.1lty o,he •• rclw:ologi,,,
than M,~t1c.n . El"wh"" ,h." m.y be '''''''8''n, """ien..... '" wi,h li,tIe ...d .nthropologi!U.
if.n y w.n..... \"('at IlU<crW COrKern" fil ..r«! '''rough an internal/en«·
P'''' ..... ,1y I (1994:101_1O4) ,ugg<><,d ,Iw .... and 1"'0« may ~ odf- no! poll'",", 'Y""". I"'thcd a!<>ng by...J ..... that......,.,'"'8' ",IIi"";,m. In di.....
.,,,,ro..i"5 ,.ndencies .mieh ramify throushou' 1Oci<ti<>. 00 c/w. ~couJd be con' ..... .., rhooe biolopcal aplanacioru that ... reinforced by • ....--furrvu·
.1 ....... " ... m.]iwioti< and ~Ie tnjcaorieo .........d complct;". ComiJcf- bx~ view. do" .. tnpIe. communlcabI< conduokln ""' impl;"';"'" fo<!.ow
.Iion« ancien< and medkval!lUt« (Fcrgwoon 1999:4(0) added the ida chac .. ~nd<nund ..... in the ....tId ro<by. from 00..:aJ1td ·,thnlc conJIi<t>," to 'cr·
....... ia "'"'r.liW.,. in the cncn. to wh;ch the irutiru ....... of poIiticaJ. miliury. ..,..;,.", >nd ,he wu in l""l ( Fetgmon lOOi). If_ W2n. KI urwI<t>und all <hi>
and rd;pow Itad ...... ip .... 1<pHlIM. Of Ilniftcd. T.iling >.II of thio in ar. . . . vioIcn«... ahouJd bcpn by identifrins wJ.o iI all.... chc <hoa, wlw an: their
t1w, 011< ... if no 01'1'. oinpc poth """,«I ,...., I'ornu<ion. 0.... pi JhouJd be to matcriaJ >nd poIitial inr=sa. and how do they ..lcctiwIy <mpkry oW""'" i<l<nri-
.I"""",. <Ompo",i.. poli'iesl oociologJ ofhi .....dtiaJ in«'W"""P reb,;oru. .ieI, JyrnboU, and nlun in Itading people inKl ..... In my tHim>.t<, <h .. ~_
Th.otc «>rUiderin5 m... i.... co might benefi, from • ,ex, :and .... ,.... i• ...,.of.. "war i. in "'" blood' -i> <he criticallmplic>tion Gl .......... u<JutoIosyof W2r.
'en con.i<kred, Go" .... ld·. (1979) """,iv<....y :cn,h",poIo&ical ..uJy of brad.
1250_ IOSU B.C.
N OTfi l
And,n, .nd m,di ...1 " .... ,ugg<" o,her cI.m,nu ,10" could be. P"" of
,hi' poli,iaJ ooclology (obo ... And, 1%8, On"bein 2004). How much I. 1.<BIan< ... i.h R'JIi_ (2003,124) md K«lcy (1996017) .. I,- on ... h.. ""I,y ,.lis
is i"'<rna! produ<fion ,... ranged '0 IUppor. ,""i,,, ond/o, ... «>"""1"'""" ',ho ........, ,.1 Upp<.- P.JoollmJc ",",«<ria ofc...:'-looow· .. "'I'!"'" ,ho d.<p"'.
of military .u~'io"! To wlu, degt~ .... ,nili"'1 organi..,ion, 1'''' '0 Ul< clqul', .f ....... S;"" rbclf por<<>yats of rbc...-...ln, dm... ~-hun,,",,,,,,
in ",he, kind, «Iobor' Docs mUiurr .dmiJIi",uion 1f'U' dc: .. lopmcn, Gl.
li,er.« burnl>Ct"aCJ! Ate th"" COIIImon utd eli« f"orca (Of ""'" ti<n than
WI) . ....l how doa that:uticulatc..,th domt.ti< jlr~_rn. cnrnr'<-
qool ....,.,d~">e. i, 1s lmp<'£W>' "" ronJid<r rhooc d.I",. 'f'in>< ....... nc ..idmo:< on<!
inu, .. ,
fOr rbc 6ndinp from I't<d-'....d rbc , ...... d..umlti, .. ofOolnl
I. n...-.l 1'>"'-
"'" ,h.", milil2<J Misto<,OCi<s, and is upw>r<l mobiIi,y imo them posoihIc1 Do Ktdty (~ _ """ " - .. pl)-. -.; ..... loy "' ...... oroidcn<c <Jf _ _ moro-
ow, ....,.a.JIJ cnonial w..n.c.. on ..J.d, ......, '" by .... Joo~'7 <Jf _
toId,,,,Iu.v. t(jlflUrn 00mc by >=<Jft, or ore dory fnaunding p~!
Arc ...... ie ooIc!i.n- .... iu of ",1Wr>lJY disn..«iv< pcopI<>_in<orpo<a«d ;"'0
... ~ for ..... buriooIr <Jf men. .."....,., and eh.ilJrcn_tbao ..,..,.. <onIIicn - '
Iargc: .,mia1 Na< oJl of thex =r be arbject ,o ... ~ In....n.. tion. but dum. ..." _ . HiU"'; WiJrm.n (2001, md .. ......, in "''''''''' .............
~In ~ ...twt<V""I"<Jf....., _ ond<hill"n-.t.r "'""' ___
the <JI'<>'ioru m<u, Ii", be nis«! ro find ..... "" •.
i.,. """<Jf...... iol ~]..,.. bc. .. dottJ co 1>«'0'«11,.... aso:
DiJcnt.ngling <hi> snarled ,hicket of ou\>.lI.y II. L>bor foe g........ io ... Gl L,&Unc ond Ropoc ... (2001,124) prorid. rbc ""'" .....""'" ~,1I<\OOIiOn of th.x fi..J.
"'hoi ..... Ono ".p .... mar pi:" " firmly now i. ,Iu, ..... ... ~L>, prac'ice, .....
""~ ... r.rrins ..... DoIni V",,,,,ic,'
. , • ""1.lln"I'"'io,,. h.ul" hrpnning. ifi, hod • beginning, <h.n .... f is not ""
i",.iobl... p.mio .. of . i,h ... hum... " n"", or ,h. . .'u'" <>f.... i...1" ' ".nco. 111< ...,II·k"",," ·,tiilt;<· ,om",<d of. ""y I"", ''''''''U« obrlouoly """p",d
by m",y f.",~1co. ';m~ .. to tho I""lu<>i< lo"ghou_ .."""..!cd by """'" ;nWJ«
'morno«>. '!he """" M f l ........ ,_okd bot. wall '" r...:. 01--" bon<>. Tho< """""'" doim r..
oioknc ......... DW.i V""""i<. _ ..",_d
~ br K<dey Of
Topi<olIy "'" _ "'barrier ~ .-I .d."",,,,'.....,. -'" "'" -W for cId<no<. lc8lon<. Kl .... (1IIl7:llS). ia 1m inrti.l «JKN< _ tho ,t ............. ~"Tho< «-
""u ......... oimulDp .. hori.h • • .,oIIp<Opi<J>l-din .......... . - .. th< .....
• _ _ _ bern m....d .. [loW V~ <>p«WIy _ ......... J .....""'-. .
......01. dud!,.....,.
..... 0I1Uo r...ed do><J,."
k deep ...... DV xur. hip "1'''' tho~ "'I'P"'"' .... <Oft<m-
of .... NO<, _ . loci '" rht <01 . . . . . .. d..r
rNln. • .......a... 01 ......... _to... --" to .... had. h io...t.;ldp ... .......
ouIa in "'<It priM<-.Id do< f...... dioeooc ............ _ Th<y«>Ulcl_ bcrn
.... pol<_;.on. pit« of. -.d """""" dw ..... pIxuI """' .... bod ... and burned.
""" «>I1.,...l.uo ..... bodl<J ($Yobod.. .. .d. 19'16:64. ~ ~ 1OO3).
blIocI in • f.Oled """"""'" hun<. hot &.d. _ .>tfut .. «n.w,. _ pIomibk. AI for .... """'" ! .... 01 ~ <iml br ... <h Jt.a:t- (lOOj). ...... is_
Thi. '\olU",' .... Io<;ahod on • high point of land_ hilll p«I'i<I< • p>d obi .Id.· brJ< ............. nodt. . !ik<.Iong\>oo>< .. DoW V..""""<.onJyomall """ 01 """" ~-s
_"lIy "'"'''
r... .. opeu-th-= .... ..... .....,.,.. 01 ,II< '""", AI_ """"1
Ii"" 01 "iJ<n« f""....n= I would "1'«' to lind fo< .h" 'rr< offor.!!". h.u t...n
m d......", aI~ " DV L "",01 th<.. ..... _",!. F...". for ....... '""", ~" .!o
no< know it'd,... "". C<Io'I""'l'"'ory "" ...,...."w """yp ....... _m. 'yj~' io '!'«Ilia·
i<ko,]1i«I " Do]n; V"''''' k<. 'ion, In ml, <qIo>n .•om<>u"h Urrc' ?,t.cli,hi< ,""", .... .,. o,,,li"tJ (not ....tIed) in
'wn<> 01" bon,:, ••••d, "on< dc",rib.d "DV !. b.licT«l '" h." b..n """,,"«I lOr .boo, ar.d ReJi"'" (2003) do 00< <il< ""y ",1<" ..« In .uppon of <I,... <h .... ,m,,,"
,;."". buI ,...,. ... mto .. ", en KJi".. (1%2). "'~ ."""""nc, do NPf'O<'"""" of thti<
<wO,...... How<Ytt. ,.... of' DV H_ ,", "",,;00 of,... 'riple bu.lai - "I'I"" <Y<n """"
.r<"P"""l" no 0<1<1".... ""'" _ ...........t ...... <11. AJu....p. ......... 1>'1" dcpool..
<41 ..... Mldlr\olUl .........h ...... &Il&/y>i< Jw occwml ..... th<o.. '\lIIuo ... .,.,.. 'u,,.,..
of""""""'" Ioon« ........ ....t ""'" Mo........... """"'h,h.,,.,,., ,k ... ........ no ..... ·
~'np<Ji "'- . ;«<! ........u"."')1 01 '"7 _ .. '"7 01 m. ~ AlrtooosJ> ern< poll <l00InI V<><fIfIitt
Thn< 10 ..... bwW ..<ttiauttd to clot. _ l7J1O(1 B.P. to H.OOO al'.
.. ,..,. of. ""'1 """...,...... '" """"P'''''''' h _ "",...,..1 in 1194. """' .... cr...k
..on. """"~'" _ ofbnd. iD""""io< .. I... i'" io<" k. 1bo ""'" b "" m. ........
."... <I • ..,.."...... ~ ....... ..tlq-Iiloc .............. I01 ........... pdroIoI,
....r.o.t.of......... lht ~" _ ' - t dt ... <>t«Ibrbrick mdm....t ~""".u~
..... - W .... .........,....durinr; WoM_l~ Whot ... ~ abo.. 1'mI_;, r.-
r o _ ......... ..u., ..... ,......If...-,.-.......I"' ..............tu-ios_.,.;m
midotI.. ofDolni V.-O«..u....,.-W "-Iud '0<10_ ...... ~nI< Urthtruplilll
""'..,.... of the ....... 'P">< n.. _ r.. 104 ~l.S .... iadoodi.c'-"" 0111_20 (Sd.odo"'" ,",,1~147. I SI-I~ ~ . - - i <...... 200).
indioiodNk 12 of ....... <hiloltrn, alI---' br""" Ii..-- .... (AII...,...,-)on<s
1986'ISl->pp<ndio<nUJ 1l:~ .. aL 1,*62.141.Wi). n..,.;,
... ""_ .. _. _ _ tI>n< ,..fkiNJ ... """ ~m.I '" tilt _ _. •
Jiri s.d>od.>. htl;.-.u !Iw <h,.. rcpmom. -, "",I<rn of gt>doul oJdirioM 01 bod;.;.
,,;th,n .Iong-«"" bwi.J .....: H, l»><> th4 «><><"""'" on ,I>< f"" ,.... P",d"""" Iw "Ibn,,- S, E. •• nd E. 8, 1'<<<,,,,". 197';' E..<_ion of. M..oIithi< c.-"<J .. V«l·
•di><m bed "'" ;"" .... .,.." <hltto"., wi ,h 00 I)' pon"" of. te.. bod;o, In """"'" i< order, hock. D<nm>..Jo.. "".. Jlr<h.tokti'" 47, 1_lS.
Thi> I, In "f'OXIg ron" ... ro ,he al""", compl<1< burW. of DcJnl Varon'=<. . , . l"'pl)'· "k •• L. M . 200(1./.... , ~,"" p"", low> CirJ ' UniY<ni<rof l.,...I'Koo.
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10(3), lhi>cao bot ..... brCOftlfWi"l ..... dlav... of,hc I'r<dn>oool ...... v>'" U>d p/>o<o ""-111 c-.mJ £Mnrt. o"foo;l, CIo=o<Io<o ~
of tho OV uiplc bu,;,,) ;" Soobod. <t .d. (I'J%, 168-169). M.oo buO.!. ,..... MHo kJ0"'l- " ...... K. M• ...d H.D.G. Mu<'-'. I~. "'""""'... Hood a,, n..;._.
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...... and an indiriduoJ 01 .....hamUo«! or<. bu, _ ~ r.....l< (OV Il. 14. I';. P4.. %!II"""'~;' v...-f. «l,ood..,S. ..... and II.~ 100-103.
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.."....,.. (Sladd « .d. ZOOO). Some skuL, ........ "'"' 01 OV 16 (~ ..... VIal A"""'-. D. G. 19M. n. 5, .010 ~a...p-. I'tJib<MGMttIll'" Uk""""
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J>O*d<pooI,;oo.,I~) (- ' « . d . 19'16:147: s.obod.a. ~ -...-"",. AftdtNi. S. 1961. ,.,J..., ~ -' s.ot? II<.k.!ty, 1.Inl«ni'1 oICaliii>mia.
..,. 1(0). Erik Trinhu. tho ..... "p«t<"/ ",I.- boom .. on tho hr>J. <hot.
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<Mol",,,,!: of i"''''l''''''''') rioIcl>«- ;uo' F""'.J .....p I;""" (pc""".! communic";""
2(0)),1.. "'''1'''- i. DV II . .,.;m . IK.kJ '''''' d.:pt.. ,"", on I" forehead (Ttinluw ..
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