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Pie Chart Showing How Juici Beef

Should Promote Their New Product.

In figure 1, the pie chart is showing that 40% of the participants selected that Juici Beef should use

social media to promote their new product, while 10% of the participants selected that Juici Beef

should use posters to promote their new product. However, 20% of the participants selected that Juici

Beef should use advertisements to promote their new product, but on the other hand 20% of the

participants selected that Juici Beef should use samples to promote their new product. Finally, 10% of

the participants selected other.

Bar Chart Showing the Promotional
Forms That Influences Customers to Buy
s Products.

In figure 2, the bar graph is showing that 20% of the participants selected that posters influenced them

to buy Juici Beef’

s products, while 25% of the participants selected that social media influenced them

to buy Juici Beef’

s products. However, 30% of the participants selected that Juici Beef’
s samples

influenced them to buy their products, but on the other hand, 10% of the participants selected that

advertisements influenced them to buy Juici Beef’

s products and 5% of the participants selected other.
Pie Chart Showing the Percentage of
Customers That Said Juici Beef Should
Improve the Way It Promotes Its


In figure 3, the pie chart is showing that 80% of the participants selected yes Juici Beef should improve

the way it promotes its product, while 20% of the participants selected that Juici Beef should not

improve the way it promotes it product.

Funnel Chart Showing the Promotional
Strategy That Works Best for Juici Beef.

In figure 4, the funnel chart is showing that 25% of the participants selected that advertisements are

the best promotional strategy that works for Juici Beef, while 10% of the participants selected that

sales promotion is the best promotional strategy that works for Juici Beef. However, 5% of the

participants selected that publicity is the best promotional strategy that works for Juici Beef. Also, 15%

of the participants selected that personal selling is the best promotional strategy that works for Juici

Beef, but on the other hand, 30% of the participants selected that social media is the best promotional

strategy that works for Juici Beef.

Pie Chart Showing the Medium That Is
Used to Advertise Products.

In figure 5, the pie chart is showing that 35% of the participants selected television as the medium that

should be used to advertise Juici Beef’

s products, while 30% of the participants selected radio as the

medium that should be used to advertise Juici Beef’

s products. However, 10% of the participants

selected posters and signs as the medium of exchange that should be used to advertise Juici Beef’

products. Also, 15% of the participants selected special shop displays as the medium that should be

used to advertise Juici Beef’

s products and 10% of the participants selected other.
Column Chart Showing the Measures
Used to Determine the Effectiveness of
Promotional Strategies.

In figure 6, the column chart is showing that 25% of the participants selected customer head count as

the measure that should be used to determine the effectiveness of Juici Beef’
s promotional strategies,

while 50% of the participants selected dollar amounts as the measure that should be used to

determine the effectiveness of Juici Beef’

s promotional strategies. However, 15% of the participants

selected reduction in inventory as the measure that should be used to determine the effectiveness of

Juici Beef’
s promotional strategies and 10% of the participants selected other.

· To examine ways how Juici Beef can improve its promotional strategies

· To find out which promotional strategy is the best one for Juici Beef

· To examine the best way for Juici Beef to promote its products

· To find how Juici Beef can satisfy the need and wants of the consumers
The researchers used a questionnaire and an interview to collect the data on this research. Primary

and secondary data were used while carrying out this research. However, the researchers used 10

questionnaires, but on the questionnaire sheet there are three questions each and on the interview

sheet there are 15 questions. The questionnaire was closed ended questions and the interview was

both closed and opened ended questions. A sample size of 10 questionnaire was given to 10 customers.

There are many benefits to be gained by using a questionnaire, it can be done on the spot,

participants personal information is not required, and it can be done in a short period of time.

However, there are many benefits to be gained by using an interview too, it is done through face to

face interaction with the participants and you get an immediate response. The only problem that the

researchers faced was that the manager didn’

t wanted to tell us how much money Juici Beef make in

one day.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The researchers issued out 10 questionnaires to 10 participants and also did an interview with the

manager of Juici Beef. A lot of data has been collected and will be analyzed and interpreted. In figure 1,

the pie chart is showing that 40% of the participants selected that Juici Beef should use social media to

promote their new product, while 10% of the participants selected that Juici Beef should use posters to

promote their new product. However, 20% of the participants selected that Juici Beef should use

advertisements to promote their new product, but on the other hand 20% of the participants selected

that Juici Beef should use samples to promote their new product. Finally, 10% of the participants

selected other. So, we can see that majority of the participants rather Juici Beef use social media to

promote its products.

In figure 2, the bar graph is showing that 20% of the participants selected that posters

influenced them to buy Juici Beef’

s products, while 25% of the participants selected that social media

influenced them to buy Juici Beef’

s products. However, 30% of the participants selected that Juici Beef’

s samples influenced them to buy their products, but on the other hand, 10% of the participants

selected that advertisements influenced them to buy Juici Beef’

s products and 5% of the participants

selected other. It is evident that Juici Beef should use more samples to attract more customers

because majority of the participants selected that Juici Beef samples influenced them to buy Juici Beef’

s products. So, by using the samples can be a very powerful strategy for Juici Beef to gain more


In figure 3, the pie chart is showing that 80% of the participants selected yes Juici Beef

should improve the way it promotes its product, while 20% of the participants selected that Juici Beef

should not improve the way it promotes it product. This means that Juici Beef should really improve

they way it promotes its product because majority of the participants does not like the way Juici Beef
promotes Its product and this can lead to a decline in customers and profits if Juici Beef doesn’


In figure 4, the funnel chart is showing that 25% of the participants selected that

advertisements are the best promotional strategy that works for Juici Beef, while 10% of the

participants selected that sales promotion is the best promotional strategy that works for Juici Beef.

However, 5% of the participants selected that publicity is the best promotional strategy that works for

Juici Beef. Also, 15% of the participants selected that personal selling is the best promotional strategy

that works for Juici Beef, but on the other hand, 30% of the participants selected that social media is

the best promotional strategy that works for Juici Beef. So, the two best promotional strategies that

Juici Beef can use are advertisements and social media because these are the two strategies that got

the most votes by the participants. Also, by using social media as a promotional strategy will impact

Juici Beef in a positive way because nowadays everyone is on social media.

In figure 5, the pie chart is showing that 35% of the participants selected television as the

medium that should be used to advertise Juici Beef’

s products, while 30% of the participants selected

radio as the medium that should be used to advertise Juici Beef’

s products. However, 10% of the

participants selected posters and signs as the medium of exchange that should be used to advertise

Juici Beef’
s products. Also, 15% of the participants selected special shop displays as the medium that

should be used to advertise Juici Beef’

s products and 10% of the participants selected other. Juici Beef

can use the television to their advantage because all most everyone in the world watches television

and it can be used as a great medium for Juici Beef to advertise its products on.

Finally, in figure 6, the column chart is showing that 25% of the participants selected

customer head count as the measure that should be used to determine the effectiveness of Juici Beef’

promotional strategies, while 50% of the participants selected dollar amounts as the measure that
should be used to determine the effectiveness of Juici Beef’
s promotional strategies. However, 15% of

the participants selected reduction in inventory as the measure that should be used to determine the

effectiveness of Juici Beef’

s promotional strategies and 10% of the participants selected other.

The world is getting more advanced in technology day by day, and social media have

become very popular over the world. Almost everyone in the world wants a smart phone so that they

can use social media on it. The internet is outshining television, so social media will be the most

effective promotional strategy for Juici Beef and social media is the most suitable one that should be

used by Juici Beef.

While conducting the questionnaire and interview, the researchers found out that:

· Social media is the best way for Juici Beef to promote its new products

· Giving out free samples attracts more customers

· Dollar amounts are the best measure used to determine the effectiveness of promotional


Table of Content



Presentation of Data………………………………………………………………….4-10

Analysis and Interpretation of Data…………………………………………11-12


Principle of Accounts (S.B.A)
Promotional Strategies Used by Juici Beef

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