Lesson Plan in Istanbul

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6 in Istanbul


. to present and practice souvenir vocabulary

. to give students listening practice

New language: flag, sunglasses, earrings, carpet, basket, rings, cup and saucer, cushion, plate

, soap comb, combination, lifestyle, I bet, tourist, spectacular, capital

Recycled language: language from previous units and levels of super minds

Materials: CD

Language competences: Your students will be able to talk about souvenirs


Aim: to introduce the topic of souvenirs

. elicit where some of the students when on their last vocation.

. Ask if they brought back any present for their family or friends or for themselves to help them
remember the place.

.Elicit what these presents were

. tell students these things are called souvenir . Write it on the board.

. ask students what souvenirs tourists take home from their country.


Aim: to present souvenir vocabulary

. Read the text at the top the page with the class.

. find out if any students have been to Istanbul. show them where it is on a map.

. use the picture in the student’s book to further set the context and to present the vocabulary.

. Say each word for students to repeat.

. Elicit what students think is happening in the picture.

. Elicit where the three friends were before this ( with the sheriff in the wild west ) and how they left
there ( through the gate close to the jail door) .

1.Listen and say the words . check with your partner.

Aim: to practice new vocabulary

. students look at the numbered items in the picture.

. play the recording.

. students listen to each word and repeat in chorus.

. play the recording again. Students repeat in groups..

. students practice the new words in pairs.

. they take turn pointing to the numbered items in the picture and saying what each one is. They do this
in random number order.

2.Read, Listen, and answer the question.

Aim: to practice listening

. Encourage students to try to predict the answer.

. play the recording. Students listen to find the answer.

. they check in pairs.

. play the recording again. Check with the class.

Key:1 he wants to buy a few oranges because he’s hot.

2 because they’re made of soap.

3 in a market in Istanbul.

4 It say “ ILove Istanbul” on the combs.

3.Choose a word. Draw it for your partner to guess. Can you think of any other things you can

Aim: to give students practice with the new vocabulary

. Students do activity in pairs.

1.Listen and check ( ) the correct word.

Aim: to practice writing the new vocabulary and to check comprehension


2 cushion,

3 earrings,

4 basket,

5 cup and saucer,

6 comb,

7 sunglasses,

8 carpet

2 Read and write the words from activity 1.

Aim: to give practice with using the new vocabulary in context

Key:2 cup and saucer, 3 carpet, 4 soap, 5 cushion, 6 sunglasses, 7 earrings,8 comb

3. Read and complete the text with the words from the box

Aim: to give students practice with filling in the blanks


2 most,

3 world,

4 asia,

5 sea,

6 river,

7 bridge,

8 because,

9 capital
Ending the lesson

Aim: to review vocabulary from the lesson

.play the game again from SB Activity 3.

. play in open pairs with books closed.

. students can add other souvenir from the warm-up or the discussion at the end of SB Activity 3.

Extension activity

Aim: to consolidate vocabulary from the lesson

. students write the eleven new vocabulary items in their vocabulary books

. for each item, they draw a picture and write a short definition, e.g., You can carry groceries in a basket

or use it to take things to the beach

Should and Shouldn’t


. to present and practice should /shouldn’t

. to give students speaking practice

New language: comfortable, to get lost , without

language Recycled: souvenir vocabulary

Materials: CD

Language competences: Your students will be able to give advice using should and shouldn’t.


Aim: to review souvenirs

. Write souvenir on the board and draw a circle around it.

. Elicit the souvenir vocabulary from the unit and the spelling as you write the words to create a mind

. Make sure that students have their books closed.

. Elicit which city the children arrived in (Istanbul).

Aim: to present should/shouldn’t some advice.

. tell students they are going to give people

. write prompts on the board, e.g.,1 It’s raining.2 It’s cold.

. point to each sentences and give examples of advice using should/shouldn’t, e.g., 1You should wear a
raincoat. He shouldn’t go out without a coat.

. say the sentences. Students repeat them as a class and in groups before you write them on the board.

. when you write them on the board, underline, e.g., you should wear a raincoat . he shouldn’t go out if
he feels ill. Remind students that we use this structure with the infinitive without to and there is on s in
the third person singular.

. Elicit other examples of should/shouldn’t from students.

1 Read the text from website for tourist . then cover it up and complete the sentences.

Aim: to practice reading for specific information

. Elicit what kind of text the students can see in the book (a website ).

. students cover the sentences on the left . read the text aloud with students around the class.

. students the cover the text and write the words in the blanks in the text as necessary.


1 wear

2 write

3 speak

4 take

5 take

2 Listen and say the sentences.

Aim: to focus students on grammatical form

. play the recording. Students listen and repeat in chorus. Repeat.
. students take turns practicing all the sentences in pairs .

. students turn to the grammar focus section on page 124 of the student’s book.

. work through the other examples with the class.

. students complete the exercise individually and then check in pairs.


1 shouldn’t

2 should

3 shouldn’t

4 should

5 shouldn’t

3 Make some fun rules for your classroom.

Aim: to give students practice with should/shouldn’t

. students work in pairs. They take turns asking and answering question.

1 Match the sentences

Aim: to give students practice with should/shouldn’t

Key: 2 g, 3 a, 4 h, 5 c, 6 d, 7 b, 8 f

2 write sentences using shouldn’t or should

Aim: to give students practice with should/shouldn’t

Key: ( possible answers ): 2 They shouldn’t go swimming,3 she should wear a raincoat, 4 he should go to
bed earlier, 5 she should wear her helmet, 6 They should help the lady

Ending the lesson

Aim: to practice key language from the lesson

. play the classroom rules game again SB Activity 3 as a class

. each pair thinks of one new fun rule.

. Elicit all the rules from the pairs.

. Decide as a class which is the most fun / silliest.

Extension activity

Aim: to review language from the lesson

. put students into groups of four.

. Each group thinks of four good rules they want for the classroom.

. make group writes their six rules on a poster and display it on the wall.

. Each group writes their six rules on a poster and displays it on the wall.

. As a class, choose the best six rules from the poster.


. to practice communication

. to show different spellings of the CH and SH sounds

New Language: definitely, disagree, agree, miss

Recycled language: souvenirs, presents

Materials: CD, DVD-ROM

Language competences: your students will be able to create and act out dialogs in pairs.

Phonics Focus; Your students will recognize that the SH phoneme is sometimes spelled with the letters
s (sure) . CH(machine) and t (station) while the CH phoneme is sometimes spelled with a t (statue).


Aim: to review souvenirs and presents

. Elicit from students what presents they buy for member on their family.

. say a family member, e .g., little brother. Students put their hands up and suggest ideas for presents

. Repeat for, e.g., aunt, mom, dad, uncle, big sister, big brother

1.Look at the picture and answer the question

Aim :to give students practice with reading and making prediction

. Elicit what students can see in the picture(two girls talking) and where they are (in a jewelry store)
. Discuss the two question and elicit prediction .

2 Read and listen to the dialog to check your answer.

Aim: to practice reading and listening for specific information

. check understanding of vocabulary and discuss the situation.

. play the DVD-ROM.

. Students practice the dialog in open pairs.


1 A present.

2 their teacher.

3 Work in pairs.

Aim: to enable students to create and practice their own dialogs

. students practice the dialog from activity 2 in pairs.

. brainstorm ideas for presents using the prompts. Write some notes on the board

. Focus students on what to say. Read the section aloud .

. they write their own dialogs for the class

1 Look at the picture and talk in pairs.

Aim: to practice functional language

2 Two girls are looking for a present for a friend write a dialog

Aim: to give students practice with writing dialogs

Key: (sample answer):

2 I’m not so sure

1 look at that necklace. It’s perfect .

2 I don’t agree. I think we should get the earrings.?

1 how much are the earrings ?

2 I agree. Let ‘s get the necklace . then.

3.listen and say the words .

Aim; to show how SH and CH sounds can be spelled in different ways

4 Read. Write the underlined words in the chart

Aim; To identify words with different spellings of the SH and CH sounds

5.Listen, check, and say the words

Aim: to give students listening and speaking practice

Key: SH sound : teacher, cheaper, church ,statues, such

Ending the lesson

Aim : to review and extend SH and CH spelling and pronunciation work

. Write the following word on the board in random order: picture, adventure, future, mixture, creature,
station, celebration, pollution, instruction.

. Students say the CH sound in – cure and the SH sound in –tion word endings.

Extension activity

Aim: to give students further speaking practice

. pairs swap dialogs from SB Activity 3

. pairs perform their new dialogs for the other pair

could I …?/ do you mind if I…?


. to present and practice could I …?/ do you mind if I…? for requests and permission seeking

.to practice speaking skills

New language : souvenir vocabulary , clothes

Materials: CD

Recycled language: your students will be able to use could I ..? / do you mind if I …? For requests and
permission seeking.

Aim: to review functional language

. write Mia ,Olivia ,and miss Saunders on the board and elicit what the dialog in the previous lesson
was about .

. Elicit examples of language used e.g., I’m not so sure . I think we should get the ring.


Aim: to present could I….? / do you mind if I…? for requests and permission seeking

.write on the board: 1 could you show me your exercise book ,please? 2 could I borrow your pencil,
please? 3 do you mind if I open the window?

. Ask the question to different students each time . check that they understand by their response. .

write on the board: 1 of course, 2 of course, 3 not at all.

. practice in open pairs a round the class


1 to practice could I..? /Do you mind if I….? for requests and permission seeking

. Elicit who students can see in some of the picture and what they are doing.

. play the recording .they read, listen, and match the pictures with the dialogs

. they compare answer in pairs.

. play the recording again

. check with the class.

Key: 4,3,2,1

2 Listen and say the questions and answer.

. play the recording . students listen and repeat in chorus . repeat

. students take turn practicing the question and the answer in pairs

. . students turn to the grammar focus section on page 124 of the student’s Book

. student complete the exercise and check in pairs

Key: 1 could you show me the way to the stadium? 2 do you mind if use your cell phone? 3 could you
tell me where the station is? 4 could I talk to your for five minutes? 5 could Ihave

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