News 03 12 2010

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Birthday Assemblies
Parents are invited to join us for a birthday assembly on Friday 10 th December at 1.15pm for
all children who have birthdays from 5th December to 11th December inclusive.
Christmas Fayre, Tomorrow, Saturday 4th December 10am – 12 noon
Come along and join us for a Festive Morning.
There will be a variety of stalls at the Fayre including Christmas Crafts, pocket money toys,
refreshments, gifts children can purchase and wrap secretly, raffle, tombola, guess how
many ingredients in the cake and many other stalls selling gift items such as books,
toiletries and children’s games.
An item of jewellery has been found in Mrs Kirman’s classroom, if you think that this may be
yours please come to the office.
PTA – Storytellers Theatre
The PTA are paying for the Storytellers Theatre Group to visit the school on Friday 10 th
December. They will be performing “The Night Before Christmas”.
Christmas Performances
The Christmas Performance dates will be as follows:
Tuesday 7th December 9.15am start: For parents of Year 1 children
Wednesday 8th December 9.15am start: For parents of Year 2 children
Christmas Hamper
Tickets are on sale for the chance to win a luxurious Christmas Hamper. The hamper is on
display in the school foyer. Tickets may be purchased from the school office at a price of
£1.00. The draw for the hamper will take place on Friday 10th December.
Dinner Money
We are being asked to make changes to the way that we administer dinner monies in school.
As a result we are requesting parents to support us in this change by booking and paying for
dinners on a Monday morning whenever possible. Money will still need to be in a sealed
envelope. Many thanks for your assistance in this matter.
Extended Schools
Did you miss the last open surgery for parents run by Sean O’Donoghue, Educational
Psychologist? We are pleased to announce that Sean will be running another clinic on
Wednesday 8th December
09.00 – 12.00
Hempnall Primary School,
The Street, Hempnall, NR15 2AD.
This popular surgery is for parents and carers who have concerns about their child’s behaviour or worry that
their child is finding learning difficult. Appointments are for parents and carers of ALL pre-school and school
aged children within the Long Stratton cluster and give you an opportunity to talk informally about your
concerns. All appointments are private and remain confidential with no record being kept of your meeting.
To make an appointment please phone 01508 530356
To keep up to date with activities and events taking place across the cluster, please do remember to look
regularly at the Extended Schools website – Recent updates include information
on Adult Education courses at the new Pennoyers Centre in Pulham St Mary, Christmas events, holiday
activities and childcare options for children over Christmas, information on Free School Meals, Family
Learning Opportunities and more.
If you do not have access to a computer, please call into school for information or phone Jackie James,
Extended Schools Coordinator on 01508 530356.
Term Dates
Autumn Term – Monday 6th September – Friday 17th December
Spring Term – Wednesday 5th January – Friday 8th April
Spring Half Term – Monday 21st February – Friday 25th February
Please note that the children return to school on Wednesday 5 th January.

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