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Solved Paper 2015 NSEC National Standard Examination in Chemistry Conducted by: Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, India Exam Held on 22-11-2015 [NSEC isthe first stage of selection of students in the Chemistry Olympiad Programme which is ‘organised by the india Association of Chemistry Teachers (IACT). Every student aspiring to go through successive stages of the programme must enroll for NSEC. NSEC is held at a large number of centres in the country. 1.A bottle of H,PO, solution contains 70% (wh) acid. If the density of the solution is 1.54 g em", the volume of the H,PO, solution required to prepare 1 Lot IN solution is (90m. (45m, (30m. (23m 2. Wood or eattle dung ash is used for leaning cooking utensils in many parts of India. The statement that is not true for this ash is (@)itlargly consats of mata oxides and siflcates because non-metal ae removed as gaseous compounds during ‘burning ofthe woodl/dung cakes, when added to water, it forms alkaline Solution wih pH-8 and above, which elas to remove oly substance from the lens (6) soveral chemical componens of as omains undissolved as sods in water ‘and thees sotds help inclaning by providing scrubbing action (@) Itfett most foe afew hours in iit slowly tums ace because ol oxidave ecompostion © 3. The two projection formulae that represent a pair of enantiomers are Q = : Calls m W (©) ana wy (land (lanai (angi 4, When L1of 0. M sulphuric acid solution tore: with L041 Meodium hydrona seen the amount of sodium sulphate (an! saa) thet Gan be obtained from the soa reat that the concentration oF nth elton ee ae (@13550.01M (7.109, 0025 m (3550.00 (7.109.005 2 Indian National Chemistry Olympiad 5. 'Tho best sequence of reactions for the 9. The compound that will not react will hot eoncen- following conversion is trated atucous alkali at atioepheric preseure is, cls coo a Ho Poa wee oo i 2 (011 mo18, /F0m%, @KMNO,, neat Hs {ipHINO, © 456, a (©) OHNO, + 1.50," (1 mole, /FeBX, acne (@X0ir0,, Peat (©) (KMnO,, heat HNO, + 150, © ° (i) tala ets, (@Ormeia, Fees, (HNO, + HS0, uy bon, (@) Kiera 10. The nature of CsAuCl, is (this compound contains 6. [fk and 2. are the threshold wavelength "Au in two oxidation states and there is no Au-Au land the wavelength of the incident light, bond) respectively on a metal surface, the (a) diamagnetic _—_(b) paremagnetc velocity of the photoelectron ejected from (c)feromagnetic—_(d)antferomagnetic ‘mass of electron, 14, The standard electrode potentials, E° of Fe*"/Fe* peed of light ) and Fe** /Feat 300 K are + 0.77V and—0.44 V, et =H respectively. The E* of Fe'"/Fe at the same ore temperature is |iZiv @as9Vv |)-o0%Bv ace6v EES) papas : ejtefe=*) Pee A 12, The incorrect statement for lanthanides among the ai) mo folowing statements is pone ws for 0% through) #7 las are solos in energy tat tis very T Acometerso cate son tran Si Re ncn emt lanthanices ‘salt of metal M. This result in deposition of ane a 0.25 mol of the metal Af at the cathode.) M8 a eee al of (© poste lantanoie one have characect cla ‘Thecxidationstatoof Min the molten sat Mbostve lananoi fons have character ce is Faraday = 96488 C mol telomeampoinde Pn stentoy ane wet wre (0 some larharige fons abso citer in red +3 ea ail region ol ectromnagnet specu ‘The major product (%) of the flowing 13, :hydroxy-4-methylpentanal on heating with exees reaction i of methanol in the presence ofan aed cata followed by dehydration of the product gives cata (cen : ‘ © ee oer wer a Ko droow ‘OCH @ NSEC - Solved Paper 2015 14, Ico crystallizes in a hexagonal lattice. At a certain low temperature, the lattice constants 453A and c= 741 A. The number of H,0 molecules contained in a unit cell (d=092 gem” at the given temperature) is (oe (24 15, In the redox reaction, MnO; + 5C,0F + 16H" —> 2Mn* +10C0, + 8H,0 20 mb of 0.1 M KMn0, react quantitatively with (@) 20 mL of0.1 M oxalate (b) 40mLof0.1 Moxaate (©) 50 mL of 0.25 M oxalate (@)S0mLof0.1 Moxalate 16. The vapor pressure of benzene is 53.8 kPa at 60.6°C, but it fall to 61.5 kPa when 19 g of a non-volatile organie compound is dissolved in 500 g benzene. The molar mass of the non-volatile compound is (aye2 (85 (88 (a2 17, Sodium metal diasolves in liquid ammonia and forms a deep blue solution, The colour is due to absorption of light by (@) sodium ions (b) ammoniated electrons (c) toe electrons {(@) ammoniated sodium ions 18, An organic base (X) reacts with nitrous acid at O°C to give a clear solution, Heating the folution ‘with KCN and cuproas ‘eyanide followed by continued heating with cone. gives a crystalline solid. Heating this solid ‘ith alkaline potassium permanganate gives & Compound which dehydrates on heating to canes o LS Boos, of Hee We ‘te © io c on on 19, The de-Broglie wavelength of an object of mass 183 g moving with a velocity of 200ms" is of the order of (@)10%m (o)10% m (10m (610% m 20, A person having osteoporosis is suffering from lead poisoning. Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) is administered for this condition. ‘The best form of EDTA to be used for such administration is (EDTA (b)tevasodium salt (0) disodium sat (0) calcium ainycrogen salt 24. Awater sample froma municipal water supply was found to have a pH= 7.0. On evaporating 2 Lof this water, 2.016 g of white solid was left behind in the evaporation vessol, ie. the total Aisgolved solid (TDS) content of this water was \ddition of soap to a ‘not produce any visible findings, one can seum, Based on th conclude that {@) there are ro Ca** or Mg* ion in the wat (©) tare are ro C0} or HCO; tn in the water (©) concentration of any ion inthe water is lower than 0.038 M (6) water may be containing Na‘ ions in concentration > 004 22, The best rection sequence o convert 2methyLromopropane inte ‘cmethgl2bromepentane ie (810) Moin ter acetalcenyde GH, HO mates Ho. (0) NaC = cHin eer (DH, Unctarcatayt (i) HBr, no peroxide be am (00) aahate KOH CH,COOH a Het (9 Hehe (9 0NaC Crimea HO + HgSO, (i) HBr, neat ‘ 23, Metallic copper dissatvos in G@)divsHGr )conconaea HCL Glaqveous KCN (6) pre ammenia 26, A.50 ml saltion of pH =1 in mised with a 50 mL. solution of pil =2. The pit af'the tnitare 086 126 EIT 226 25, The Fischer projection formula that represents: the following compoun: one non on HOH on 26. Four statements for the fllowing esetion are given below [Cot (SH, (D only one isomer is produced ifthe reactant ‘complex ion is a trans isomer (i) three isomers are produced ifthe reactant complex ion is a cis isomer (UID two isomers are produced if the reactant ‘complex ion is a trans isomer (QV) two isomers are produced if the reactant ‘complex ion is eis isomer ‘The correct statements are (tana ell and v (tana (tard 27. The process in which an ideal gus undergoes change from X to as shown in the following diagram is Indian National Chemistry Olympiad 28. With respect to halogens, four statements are siven below (D The bond dissociation energies for halogeas are in the order= 1. Z"*(0.1 YO+ Ha) sigs: Wie Oey Thocoretatntomente are a ‘ The approximate pH of the solution at the oN electrode where hydrogen is being produced ix ‘ (@y, = Late) Four processes are indicated below ge me, 01 0 an o a 34. The vapour pressure of two pure isomeric liquids X and Y aro 200 torr nnd 100 tore 21160 pon HOH respectively a a given temporature. Assuming ‘a solution of these components to obey Raoult’s Taw, the mole fraction of component X in vapour phase in. equilibrium with tho solution Containing equal amounts of X and ¥, at the ‘same temperature, is (033 050 (0)085 (010.80 35, n-butyleyclohexane is formed through the The process that do not produce following sequence of reactions. I-methyleyclohexanol are POLO, 5 NaNHy Cece) fon.w a 7% wun XY wot omy um ane, Cig Gocath cao ne, In the above scheme of reactions, “X"is ie GocHo gocHs 39. The retetion that fens fusible ia (uso, > yo +60, Mais, ap Galtn an (2CHom OH reo HoMCU +H, Ghuowe when dinelved in water len to cooling a tho aaition, Suppose 260 mL-wntert rom tompentene ave cae negligible changes in the composition and the ‘amount of solution during this process), you will bbe measuring (@) the ershalpy of dssolition of tha gucase in water (©) tho Gibbs free anergy of cssolution of he glucose inwator (6) the work done by the atmosphere on the system during the cissoltion process (2) the heat capaciy ofthe solution 41. Compound “X" undergoes the following. sequence of reactions to form ‘Y". ° Wettylene veal, HD LIA, wy “Gi H,O* eat Go) NHLOH ° age Compound “Y” is NOH NOH @ CO) OH oH NOH NOH © 6 i NOH i 42, The complex that shows optical activity is (@)tans{CoCi,(en),)” (b)cis {CoCi,(en), (@)tans{PICi(NH),] [Coch INH,)en* 43. 100 mL of 0.8 M acetic acid is shaken with 0.8 g wood charcoal. The final concentration of acetic acid in the solution after adsorption is 0.125 M. ‘The mass of acetic acid adsorbed per gram of charcoal is| (1.059 1319 (00131 9 Worst g ‘46, Tao roaction that docs not produce nitrogen is {@) heating NH, C0, NH, + excess fC, (@) heating ofNaN, (heating of NH,NO, Indian National Chemistry Olympiad 45. The species having highest bond energy is (90, wo; (99, (a0? 46. The product (2) ofthe ellowing sequence cf reactions is (0) 0, 105) NaOH, heat {iD HO", warm : “oO oy 7 : 47. Dicoumarol (X) is an anticoagulant, The number of possible monochloro substituted isomeric derivatives and the volume of hydrogen liberated at STP by the reaction of 05 mol of dicoumarel with sodium are spectivoly, x (5.22.40? (5. 11.20n? (61120n° (422.400 48, The structure of a molecule of SIME, is (@) pyramidal with angle close to 110° (b) T-shaped with angle 99° (@ bent T-shaped witn angle cose o 89° (0) trigonal planar wth bond angle close to 120" 49. For an clectron whose positional luncertainty is 1.0% 10° m, the uncertainty in the xcomponent ofthe velocity in ms" will bo ofthe order of fa 10" (o10" (102 (0° NSEC - Solved Paper 2015 50.The order of pr-dx interaction in the ‘compounds containing bond between SiPIS/CI and oxygen is in the order @P>Si>>s wsicpesP>s>c1 54. The solubility products (K,,) of three salts MX, MY, and MZ, are 1x 104.4% 10" and 27x10" respectively. The correct order for solubilities of these salts is (QVC > M,> MZ, (0) MZ,> Mi, > NO (OMZ,>Nck> Mr, (a) Mis Miko Me, 52. Three isomeric compounds M,N and P (C,H,,0) give the following tests: ( M and P react with sodium bisulfite to form an adduct Gi) N consumes 1 mol of bromine and also gives turbidity with cone. HCVanhydrous, ZnCl, after prolong heating, Gi) M reacts with excess of iodine in alkaline solution to give yellow crystalline compound with a characteristic smell, Gv) prosaniline treated with sulphur dioxide develops pink colour on shaking with P ‘The structures of M, NV and P, respectively are oA A ony anal no BIE tat HU a Aw AL 53. The unbalanced equation for the reaction of PS, with nitrate in aqueous acidic medium is given below PS, +NO; —> H,PO, + SO +NO ‘The number of mol of water required per mol of PS,is @ie was es on rain exminatins of ation and anions ead He Cone foration of coloured salt in sb ae Shen’ thoogh acho theve ina with ter eetea os may produce cures ats, This Sienomenon io due so temporary charge Teen beeween the two fan Out of he felowing, the salt that can exit shit Scieaerie 950, WC, OSB, 5, 5. Dessamine bas the following structure ch al? ow, os vy SoH CH; OF ‘The number of functional groups which react with hydroiodie acid; the number of chiral centres and the number of stercoisomers possible respectively are (4.5.8 W346 (3.48 (44,16 56. If his the rato of constant of the reaction and ‘is the absolute temperature, the correct plotis @ ink om k compared with respect to” thelr tet Stability and reaction with HI" The sees Satement is a (©) 1, 3-pentadiene is less stable tn ‘than 1.4-pentadiene latardies os {© 1, 3peniacione is mere stable but less than 1,4-pentacione Bsctheatas (@ 1, Spentaione is tess stabie but more than 1,4-pentagiene is ee 8 58, From the given structures, the correct structure(s) of PEC, ilare oe, Ch, KY hy a ev Fy] or 64, F a FE oO a am (@) Only! (6) Only (c) Oniy tit (d) | Wand Wt 59, The ratioof the masses of methane and ethane ina gas mixture is 4:5. The ratioof number of their molecules in the mixture is (4:5 3:2 23 (Sa 60, The hydrocarbon that cannot be prepared ‘effectively by Wurtz reaction is @ » eye 61, Glacial acetic acid dissolves in © liquid H.S, as HSis a polar covalent ‘compound (UD liquid NH,, as it ean form hydrogen bond (Mf) liquid HICIO,, a8 it can protonate acetic acid ‘Tho correct option is (2) Only! (&) Only (@) Only (I hand i 62, The energy of an electrom in the first Bohr orbit is — 18.6 eV. The energy of Be" in the first excited state (@)-meev ()-4080¥ (-saev (o+ 4080 63. Many protein-based biomaterials, such waste hair and feathers, ean absorb heavy ‘metal ions from wastewater. It has boon observed that metal uptake by those materials inereases in alkaline condition. The enhanced uptake in alkaline conditions is due to (@) generation cf many igand sites inthe protein TPolecules due to removal of” 66. 67. 68. Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (&) availabilty of a high concentration of OH" ions as ligands (6) increased cross-linkages in the protein chains by formation of aide bonds (6) increase in glubilty of the proteins Compound “X" reacts with diborane followed by alkaline hydrogen peroxide to form compound * YY" on reaction with a mixture of sodium Tromide "ig, sulphurie acid followed by romobenzene "and sodium in ether ‘pentylbenaene. Compound "Xa ann oh ore one ‘When any solutions passes through a cation ‘exchange resin that isin acidic form, H° ion of the resin is replaced by eations ofthe solution. A sclution containing 0.319 g of an isomer with molecular formula, CrCly-6H,0 is passed through a cation exchange resin in acide form. ‘The eluted solution required 19 em* of 0.126 N NaOH. The isomer is (0) tioquatichore chromium i) chlor hydrate 1B) hexaaqua chromium (I) corde (© pertaaquamonactior chromium gh clon fonohycrate (0 teraaquacichloro chromium () chore hydrate Iman experiment, it was found Uha for a gas at constant temperature, pV = C. The value of C depends on (2) tomospheric pressure () quantity of gas (©) molecular weight of gas (volume of chamber ‘The compound that undergoes solvolysis aqueous ethanol most easily is Silver nitrate solution when added to. @ colourless aqueous solution & forms a white precipitate which dissolves in excess of E. Ifthe White precipitate is heated with wator it turas black and the supernatant solution gives a white precipitate with acidified barium nitrate solution. Therefore, Bis (NaS INAS, (0)Na,SO, (NSO, NSEC - Solved Paper 2015 69. The metal A crystallises in a body centered 70. n. 7. 1. ms 15. Iatce with ell edge 400 ym. The atomic adios of Mis a zs (@)200 pm (©) 100 pm (73pm (6) 181 pm, ‘The reaction that does not proceed in forward direction is (@)BeF, + Hol, —s Bol, + HgF, ULF Cor LF + st (0.Cul, + 20uF— Cu, + 20u (CaS + HO— cao + HS ‘The order of basicity of the following Cr ow i ™ om ay Oe @V>u>ton @i>neven @W>n>i>v — @iet>m>N ‘The appropriate sequence of reactions for obtaining 2-phenylbutancie acid from benzene {@) 6) t-chlorobutane/AIC, (ted Ch, ight (@) aq NECN (HHO. heat (©) (9 ZehlrobutanelAC, ()K,0%0, /H,S0, (0) ()propanoy| cherde/AC,() Zn HOCH {iientedCl, ight (vag NaN (H", HO, beat (0) @)butanoy crioce/ACT, (NABH, (i) CAN (i) HO. heat ‘The quantity that does not change fora sample of a gas in a sealed rigid container when itis cooled from 120°C to 90°C atconstantvolumeis, (2) average enoray ofthe molecule (0) pressure of the gas (@)censiy ofthe gas (6) average speed of he molecules ‘An ideal gas taken in an insulated chamber is released into interstellar space. The statement that is nearly true for this process is @Q-aW*o — @W=GQ40 (@ay=0020 = @)a=W=aU 4-amino-3-methylbutanoie acid is treated with thionyl chloride followed by ammonia to obtain compound *X*. "X" on reaction with bromine in fn allealine medium gave compound ‘Y" For estimation, “Y" was titrated with perchloric acid, The volume of 0.1 M perchloric ftid needed to react with 0.22 ¢ of “Y" is (@)50 mL O)8OmL (c) 120ML ()200mL 76, For[Fek,|* and [CoR]™, the statement that is correct is (@) bot the coloured (both aro colours {6 [FoF coloured and (CoFyP- is colourless {GhiFeF,)* i clouress and (COF,P” is coloured 177, Cotton fibers consist of cellulose polymers with neighbouring polymers chains held together by hydrogen bonds between —OH groups in the slucose units. Due to these hydrogen bonds {@) cations insoluble in water (©) cotton can easiy absoro ghee and ls and theroioe are used to make wicks in tracitional lames (© itis easier to ron coton clothes when they are ‘Sighty wet oc by apphying steam to the clothes (@) caton clothes nave a high wear and tear than father tibers 78, For the following reaction, formation of the product is favoured by ‘A,(a)+ 4B,(@) <<2AB\(@), AH <0 (0) ow temperature and high pressure (©) Nigh tomporatire and iow pressure {@) ow temperature and iow pressure (6) bigh temperature an high pressure 79. Ina for the formation in the same. The Pi-electrons stipulated of molecular orbitals remai number of delocalised by the modified Huckel's rule of; ( =integer, including zero) wiraeinsa en+3) ens) 1e mole crystal of a metal halidk ma le of the MX with"molclar ‘weight 119 4 MoE structure with unit cell recrystallised. The density Saat, eeealioe’ cata was found to be eof defect in during the recrystallisation is aed (2) adtitional M “and X° ions at oaeliien al interstial sites (0 F-cente (0) Frenket-cetect ‘aromaticity is, 80. Detailed Solutions 1.(€) HPO, solution contain 70% wh acid 1 70 gH,PO, lssolved in 100 gf sotsion Densty ofthe soltion= 154 gm? For preparation of 1 N soon quires equivalent of HBO, For calculation of equivalent = Number of moles, {valency fecor 3 valency of HPO, HPO, —* 3H" + POP] molarmass otH,PO, = 986), 7OGHPO, dissolvedin soluton and amountet soliton = 1009 111 gH,PO, cissolvedinsetutonthen solution = 120 wBonpo, dissolved in solution then solution mass 100, 8 180g 3" 3 mass = 140 fow.vone of sosion= =O ‘Howe. ae ‘Gensity 3x 1.54 2. (6) Wood or cate dung ashi used for cleaning cocking Luensi, I cate dung ashlet in moist a or few hur than i can not xis thal means remain same. 20 os 0 WH os Bo os OCs, Here, hyerogen ies in horizontal position s,S configtation cower nf. Hences.$ convert in. 4 oo fe a AEA Ory on gen 8 8 4 Os y 3 fae oh Abn, 2 Pron ai bats o's Hi ik Hebsot a nes “a Hs Gils ort boson ” Hoenn 8 $ Hence, land Il are par of enantomes, ‘Whanl.S0, solution's lsselved in NaH solution then eutalsation reaction takes place that rms Na,S0, H1SO, + 2NeOH—+ Na,S0, + 24,0 Farce (01-8!) oes Naso, 1 {molar mass o!Na SO, = 142) Mase ota.0,= 2% 142= 71g or 2 Moles otNa,S0, roma: Total volume of soliton =1LH,SO, + 1LNAOH 2 For calculation ott = = 005 moi. (M80, ==" 2H" + SOPH = 2] NSEC - Solved Paper 2015 5.) Sear pn Za 008 ol, a y= P= im) 7.(0) Given, Curent) = Soap Timo poriod(t)= 40h Ceposton of moles of moll at cathode olectroda = 0.25mo0= + mole a (Charge in soluton= 80 x 4 x 60x 606 or chargoin Faradays = 2X 4% 90% 60. ora Gem In=Valoncy] eae 2 502 "Fe [w=] on Sxa torsos i meine Oxidation soto of matal= + 3 W f Son, 's coy Ly . J Ta 8.) pmothary etiorabonzon0 does not react wih encanta aquvous aka soon (tho NAOH) bbocausa haizrono ar least reactive towards | rnucloopiiesubsitiionreacton dv to-exra roonalngstailly (+R allt), 7 0 WO, ICH, 10.0) 2CSAICL, =A CALC, + COANE, ‘C3AuC, has two comploe. Toraforo, Au eats in 0 dliferon ondation states, comic, conc, we tn2ed xetn-4n0 ee! kata ‘tn Au’ and Au on do not havo unpaired olectton heen, botn ions ara ciamagnaie, 11. (€)Forealculation af torFo /Fo an 4 OTTVES ~osy Agr + ag? IFES + (= 0.FE2) 2 AG Ew ne? +E pow 1EOTIV 42 (e044) ore") 2 12, (¢ Tipostivelanthanoldsions do not have characteristic colou. 19, (6) 4:tycroxy-4-methyipentanal on heating wih excess ‘of methanol the presonca ofan acid catalyst and Saye gin Stead teat ar Pe mate KS 0. Has, {OH HON, 14. (a) From relationship betwoon densiy and number ot atoms in hexagonal close packing uct xm a am, . whoro,d = (density) = 092 glen? ‘m(mass) of wate = 169 length) = 453A 453 x 10" om ‘(length =7.81A=7.41 « 10% em axaxaxcxn, xaxe] 0,7 = 22889 92 (4599 104) «7.41% 10% 602010 7 = DO ALAS OE) x7 A 14 6029 10 z-4604 15. (c)2mn0; + 80,0% + 10H —> Bik +1000, + 840 Valncy actor ofk¥nO, (dr; —> Ma) = Valney aco of raat (C08 —> 0D,)= 2 So. SMM Om “Therfore, 20 mi of 1 MKMO, reets wih 50 mt. oot Mowalate 16.(0.Gien, vapour pressre of benzene(o") = 533KPa rpressuoof nonvolatile crgaric compound ae Tis iea ‘When non vole organi empound dase in ‘encore en late lowering vapeur pressure is m= 671760~ 889 Indian National Chemistry Olympiad 17, (0) When metal dasoWved with igus ammonia ans forms a deep bus olson duo to aremonitod ie Sr STE nel wa OL Olen waaw (OL, ce CL, eh sane GLO coo ae (Dany a news, 7h a (OLS Sy 19, (0)Given, mase-= 939= 33% 10g voloty (v) = 2005 From de-Brogie equation, a ° ae 13628 10 Js Ie 107 kg x BOOM 20, (6) EDTA (ethylene amino tetraacetate) is used for ‘administration of clcum dtydrogen sat 21. (a) When scans added in he waterhavingpH = 7, then ‘no vise seams ave formed Theralere, we eoncuce that water co not have any a®" and Ma" fon, 22. (b) Conversion of @-methy-t-bromopentane into 4:mathy+-2-bromopentane required to reagents. ‘These arefolowings o a (Naor er orgundar estat (a Hoc nope Ce ee en ew tate, PO onon ar se Hs Ae Hy AAw epee anion NSEC + Solved Paper 2015 13 13, (c) Metalic copper can not eact with cue HCI ‘conc. HCl and pure ammonia, Copper easily reacts wth aqueous KCN and iberates 7 ca Hone Hpac 20u + AKON + 2H,0 —+ 2KICUICN),] + 2KOH+ Hy +r 24, (b) SO mL solution of pH= 1 HyN NHy (0 treactant complexion isis seme concentratian (,)otH Ny tpl =2 then concentration ott” " cr a hen Som soliton = 10" mo mike "Bayo + “Daye fOr ecto 10° mol en iy ‘concentration (M,) HN 2 ie é uy, by oe es Bren my 27. (0) In adiabatic compression, enthalpy change ioe eae ee : 2.00 ul Lf HOW x = oo 28. 64.0 hettcecone my hee ean a ler cr 40.0 wren son shin wae an as tcocing rs asd ie Ther, we can mansureerhapy of Gecelation wa ad es® Tanto woes thay dssoMton ot Theo, O aah" onehamsanedINNe 43, 3C10s+ Ny “+ 20, + 9HO (0 NH, 301 (xc055) > NO}, + SHC! (wy 2Nany, > 2Na + SN (W) NHANO, MEBs N,0+ 24,0 NO, ee Hy +2044 280 Hence, () cannot produce, gas. 45 (2) Bond enaigy of fatomic molecuies dirocty preportonal fo bond ord. w-6_4 (90, Bond od (0905, 8ond order= (0105, Bond orcor = (OF Bond order = 10-8 a8 2 ‘Thus, has highest bond eneray Indian National Chemistry Olympiad o fe Cores 0% 0" — Number of possible moncchioo substiuod isomeric erates: ‘Volume of hycrogen berated a STP by the action oft ‘mole of dleoumarol with socum = 22.44" Volume for. (0.5) oie of cicoumarch 48, (6) (SMe, molecule has px ~ dx back bonding beween Nand licon (i, 49. (a) Given, X-postonal uncertainty =1% 10"%m Uncertainty inthe X-compenent of he velo in men? wet ema ‘where, dv = uncertainty in voloctly ‘Sc =tncertanyin postion we 8.62% 10 Je Fede 9 9X TOM ay = 108 ms ‘50, 2) Duo o high electronogatiy and smal size of Cl atom show highest pm - deintractons whereas Sishow last pr a infraction ove to ower electonegatty. Hence, ore ol px ~ crintractions gieP Mt,» MX CH, = CH CH= CH cH, S20) es. yO mis, Sa, Gu cH, cH or, a ose fees a 4 58. (a) When wo dileert sie stoms are attached with ental atom i igonal bipyramidal structure then, ‘more electronegative atoms occupy axial positon ‘ndess electronegative atoms occupy equatorial ahi, positon. (bent rule) —< F_naioston o ot en Dro C17 | ecreasiy ete Hee F G ‘pieneton 53.) VmonPS, reacts with nitration in prosonce of aciée erstoprania roy ‘medium, suphatc ions are produced. 59. (6) The number of molecules or moe PS, + NO; — H,PO, + SOF" + NO PS; + 28H,0—+ 4H,P0, + 3807 + MAH" + 386] x3...) NO;+ 4H + 26° —4 NO + 2440)38 o FromEas.) 6 fi) ‘mis mass and Ms molar mass. ‘Overall reaction . wt £5, + 36NO} + 8H, + 20H" me — SeNO + 980%"+ 1244PO, Hence, number otmolecules oH, andC, His: 2 ‘Sweater molecules are requiesfor balancing IPS, 60, b) When wo same ally halide reac in prasence of Na roma ‘and dry ether then Wurtz product as symmetrical 54.(@)S1, snows temporary chaige tansferbetwoontwoions alkanes orned, because large sizo of pours tho Sn” (smal cation Compound (2) asymmetrical product hector, hence produce covalont character. (Fajans rule) cannot prepare rom Wurtz reaction 18 61. (6) |. Glacial scatie acd datoled inH,SU) due to polar ane. 1 ee ae he a an ei, one sgn ah wa Sasa doctnnioo, ent acne vet cheno are catatnmowty onsen e=-8e(2Jo where, Z = 4.02 (lestexcted state) eenr36x(F Eg ~ 136% 4=~sasev £63. (2) Many protein-based biomatofls, can absorb heavy ‘metalion rom wastewater and observed that metal ‘Uptake by materials ncease in alka condon, ‘because metal generate many igand stein poten molecules custo removal of" (64. ()t-pentene may be produced r-pheny| pentane via ert eps, a Be ee KS tele ‘Bese sascise.| 0 £65. c)[Cxt40} 101, complex passed trough action ‘exchange resinin ac form then ionisation ‘somerism takes place (60,0), J01, —= > [CrtH,O,C1C, HO tegenepoonmin “iSaertvaoe (66. 0) Fora gost constant temperate, ov 6 Forde gas equation, pv = oat o Ccomparion te. and 6) Cm ant (vhere,T =constan can {ruber of moles} ‘= gasconsant o c= ME fquaniy) Indian National Chemistry Olympiad 67. (o) Compound given in (b) gues hycraiyss or ‘oholess nag, ethanol Becausa it form: earbocaton whichis moro stable and more reactive, Aa et Anam 2” ‘sane 38.) Na,S,0, reacts wth sive trate and forms white preciptate of Ag 5,0, White precipitate soluble in ‘rater and tens black 2AGNOs + NezSx03——# 08:05 + 2NANOS- atS.0y47 ewze] 69. () body contred cubic lace cel edge (a)= 400 pm From relation ol ell edge and rai Bx 100 4 = 3 x100~= 173m 70. (odie ion cannot espace by Muerid on because ‘ori nas more postive oxidation potential vate. oF, + Hol, —> Bol, + HOF, Hence, (2) reacton does not xoceedtin foward ‘rection Fite ‘Oo [Nitrogen lone pair avaible for donation hence (ives mare basi character = “Oo ‘trogen i p"-tytricised eretore cannot donate lone par easy 71.) NSEC. Solved Paper 2015 o Ge Lone pai ot nitrogen take partin romatsaton Ring oO Lone pat of rtrogen ae delocaced in ang, Thereore. py is east basic Corect der af bai. Ios vett ne ° g i aber) or Rome eae CHy—CH— Cy «inate. Oe rd [Bete a a CHS CHHcH, ECT ne e fee HCH, gO HCH OH arn +H 73. (c) The quatiy that does not change fora sample ofa gas in sealed tube tis cooled tom 120°C 19 90°C at constant ‘volume is density ofthe gas because during the process, total mass of gas remains constant 174. (8) external pressure becomes 70 means ding the ‘expansion a gas wok done is zoo tha resus in change, imirtemal energy 2er0 and heat absorb or emit 75. (2) When ¢-amino-3-mery butancic aca weated with tion ‘hlonige ten forms acid nalice product. acdraide fuer reacts withN, then obtained acid amide and it ‘acts win” andl, (Motmann bromamide reaction) then amines obtained 13 9 Mon SB MAK 9 MA wg I Jone, is ; Nie pit 25 Mn ° +200; Given motarty= QIN, mass of = 0228 inenveumeat pecniene at pena Se Bixi0? x08 Ve sont 76.(c) (Fee I. (cor r-6=-3 x8 2-3 fa03 xe03 Fem = (ald*, Com = (Ala* Bon compiexhave uae eeton and oe tod-d ransiton pecuce cok Bom cone ‘se aso paramagnete 77-(@tis eaierto ton cat lathes when they are ‘sightywetor By appying soa tthe Cotes becaute wat omarystogen bond with ‘cose payer chan 7B. (@ According tLe Chater s ponepe tow Tempera lovoursextheeme aracton and high pessurefavous the eracton m wen vourrececeases ‘A(G)* £816) —+ 248,. 360 79.(6)Morabe of decatsed recens ‘sipubtod bye mociied Hush tot ct raraty fr where eee 80. (0) For caeuaton at aensiy im x erysta) = Zar mass “= " Nax (cell lang were, 2 = 4(€CO) molar mass 119 9 a= 655A= 658% 10cm 7 S99 2278900 Calculated densityd,, 2.78 g /cm’is greater than actual density 2 449/cm?} Due Schottky detec, donsy decoases oe:

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