10 Mistakes That Will Keep You Away From Network Marketing Success and How To Fix Them

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If you are a network marketer and want to achieve huge success, the information below will change
your life! These are the 10 reasons why most people fail at network marketing. After you read them, be
honest with yourself and note which mistakes you have made and make a commitment to change.
Sometimes it is just a small tweak that can alter the outcome of one's entire career.


At first glance, this sounds like a positive thing to do. In fact, many network marketers use this as a
selling point when recruiting new members. The problem is that while your friends and family are your
hottest market, they are your most important asset and should be treated like so. When you are first
starting out, you are not qualified to present your opportunity. You are not qualified to make financial
claims. It is too soon for you to approach your most important assets. What ends up happening is that
people try and go and "sell" their friends and family only to hurt the relationship and get your phone
number blocked. When this happens, people get discouraged and lose hope for their network marketing

career. They start to think that if they can't even sell their friends on the idea, how could they bring in a
stranger. Unless you are 100% certain that they would want to join your team, don't approach them
YET. Wait until you have had tons of practice and truly feel like you are an expert first.


If you decided to become a doctor today would you start performing surgeries tomorrow? Of course
not! You need education, training, and experience before you can try cutting someone open. The same
is with network marketing. You need to educate yourself about the products, people, and compensation
plan. You need to practice your presentations, your elevator pitches, and how to respond to objections
before you go out there. It will also help if you try improving your sales craft and public speaking ability.
The problem again is hope and motivation. If you go out there unprepared, chances are you will get
rejected, quickly! This is a surefire way to lose your motivation to build your business, which is the #1
killer in network marketing. Take your time and be prepared. It will pay off greatly in the long run!


As a business owner of multiple different businesses myself, I understand what it takes to run a
business, and it is no joke! If you were hoping to get rich just because you got in at the right time, or
because you may have a couple of charismatic friends, it is simply just not going to happen. The odds are
against you. The good news is that the network marketers who treat it like a real business increase their
odds of success tremendously. Now what does that mean? Here are a few things that great business
owners do:

• Clearly define their target demographic • Try and become an expert in their field

• Study the competition • Re-invest profits back into the business • Build their contact list • make
strategic partnerships • Constantly improve ability to scale (sales, efficiency, etc) • Make customer
service a priority

Successful businesses are not built overnight. It takes time, patience, and a whole lot of effort. Network
Marketing IS a business, remember that.


The #1 reason people will join your organization if because of your enthusiasm and how excited you are.
The ones that will join are looking to solve a problem. Maybe your product is a solution for them. Maybe
a part-time business is a solution for them because they need extra money for thier kid's college. Maybe
they want more time freedom and hate their current job. What ever the problem is, you have the
solution. Your excitement shows them that you 100% truly believe in the company and have confidence
in the products and the ability to make a great income. So many people don't get excited enough. The
secret is that it needs to be 100% authentic excitement. People can easily see though fake energy. Your
prospects are instilling their trust in you, but since you do have selfish interest in bringing them aboard,
they are a little skeptical. Your energy and excitement is what will make their decision easy. In order to
be truly excited, you need to believe in the products and believe in the compensation plans, and believe
in Network Marketing as an industry. People who do this are obsessed about the company and
products, which you need to be. To improve your excitement, attend as many events as possible, follow
leaders in your company, and study network marketing. It is truly exciting stuff so If you put in the time
to do your homework, you should get excited! This will at the end improve your confidence when
presenting your business, motivate you to share it more, and give you the ammunition to talk to anyone
about it.


People believe that their job as a network marketer is to sell product. While technically true, you never
really want to "sell" anyone. People who sell are like the guys that knock on your door and ask about
your cable bill or solar panels. Nobody wants to be them, and nobody wants a friend that constantly
tries to sell them on something. The key here is that "Nobody wants to be them". So even if you are the
top sales person at your door to door sales company, you don't want to use your skills for network
marketing. Why? Because the secret to building massive organizations in network marketing is
duplication. You need a system that others can easily replicate and copy. If you have amazing sales
ability and sell 100 people on your product. That is great, except your business would never grow
without the work that you do. You need to empower people to be able to do the same thing as you and
want to do it. If you come off as a "sales expert" and they know they are not good at sales, why would
they want to join? Best case is that you are such a good sales person that they do sign up, but they will
quickly give up simply because they don't think they can do it like you do. Keep it simple! It is a common
problem in the industry.

Instead, you are simply an educator. Your job is to get them excited enough to want them to learn more,
then you are simply pointing people towards the information so they can learn on their own. Now you
follow up and get them started if they are ready. That's it. The real trick is to never start the
conversation about your business, rather have them ask about it. If they asked first, you are not trying to
sell them on anything. Just answering their question. Plus now they feel that the information you are
giving is more credible, because it is now just facts rather than a sales pitch. This is a skill that can be
perfected over time. Things such as using the product in front of them, saying you can't go watch the
game tonight because you have a [Your Business Name] meeting. Do anything to make them question,
what is that? or what company is that?, or how do you make time for that?. Sometimes it is as simple as
getting them to ask what you do for a living. Practice different methods until you perfect it!


The business is called NETWORK MARKETING but people usually don't try and network. It is crazy!
Growing your business is not about how many friends you have, but rather how many you can create.
You need to get out there and meet people and talk to people. It is much easier if you are not "selling",
trust me (point #5). Go out there and build relationships. It's all a numbers game. For example, say you
talk to 50 people and 10 people are interested in learning more. Out of the 10 presentations you make,
3 join your organization. NOW the business is predictable. Talk to 500 people and get 30 new people on
your team. It really is that simple, but people over complicate things. In reality, it takes a certain
personality merged with certain life events, along with timing for someone to join your organization and
treat it like a business. You can't possibly figure this out with each person you talk initially to so the odds
are in your favor when you talk to more. Notice there isn't too much focus on convincing someone. If
they need to be pushed and convinced too much, chances are the timing is not right, or they don't have
the belief in the company or you yet. At this point, you don't even want them on your team. They will
just lost interest or get burnt out. There are enough people in the world who are ready for your
opportunity NOW for you to have to beg every person you meet. Move on to the next person and follow
up occasionally to see if they're in a better spot to take advantage of the situation. Make it a game. How
many people can you meet? Not all will be right for your business, but you can make a lot of friends
along the way. Who knows, some of them may refer someone to you like their daughter or cousin who
is in the right situation now.


Wait what are you telling me? You need to be dumb in order to succeed at network marketing? Well,
kind of! I had to learn this the hard way. Everyone is looking for shortcuts. It is human nature. I come
from a background of digital marketing and software so I instantly thought about optimized paid social
media ads, Search Engine Optimization, and custom mobile apps. Sometimes people

think about Craigslist or newspaper ads. The problem is that you need to make sure what you are doing
can be EASILY DUPLICATED by your downline. If you have special skills, you can't expect everyone to be
able to do the same thing. That is why you want to utilize tools, videos, and websites that are accessible
to your entire team. Again, keep it simple. If it looks too complicated, people will not want to join
because it looks like too much work, or is too hard to understand. Dumb everything down so a 5th
grader could do it.


You have to be tough in Network Marketing. The worst thing you can do is feel discouraged when you
get a "NO". When you start to look at it as a numbers game, and you are leaving your own talent out of
it, it becomes less like a personal attack when you get a "NO". Remember, people buy because of
emotion and especially in network marketing. They will join your team because of your excitement and
enthusiasm and that falls when you start losing confidence. If you know your numbers such as every 50
people you talk to will lead to 3 "YESes", then you can deduce that 47 "NOs" also lead to 3 new team
members. A "No" doesn't always have to be a negative thing. You don't want EVERYONE in your
business. Only the ones that will help you grow. Just like a business owner conducts interviews and
chooses the best fit for the position, you should too.


The worst thing you can do is get someone excited so they want to learn more and forget to call them
when you told them you would, or not attent an event you said you would be at. People are always
looking for signs that what you say may be too good to be true. Not doing what you said you were going
to do is basically like lying. If you didn't keep your promise about that, how much of what you told them
about the business is false as well? Make sure you see it from this angle because that is how others will
view it.

Too many people blame so many things on why their network marketing business is failing. "My up-line
won't support me", "I don't have enough time", "I'm no good at sales". Taking responsibility means
taking power. When something fails I always want to be the one to blame because that means I was
always in control. It sounds crazy but think about it. If you keep blaming others that means you never
have control over your own destiny, you are giving up your power and letting them take control. If there
are no team meetings in your area, start them. If there is no up-line to do presentations with, learn to
do the presentations yourself. There are tons of videos on youtube to show you how. If you don't think
you have the time, make it. Invest in yourself. Sacrifice for your future. Believe in the process and great
things will come.


The quickest way to find success in network marketing is to have a mentor or coach that will keep you in
line with your goals. Typically this would be your upline, but unfortunately, not everyone has a great
role model that has the time to work with them. Make it a priority to find this key individual.

I hope this information will help you on your network marketing journey. Remember to thank the
person who sent you this report because they truly have your best interest at heart. Stay motivated,
keep pushing forward, and great things will happen!

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