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I GAT£..

2005 I of ll


Match the following, where x is th" spatial

coordinate and l is time.
Group l

A. Wave eq1~1tion
B. H~at equation
Group II
ilc i1c
I. - = a -
iJI &.~
~ r:zc

2, - = a·-
cr ax-
i' c ; iJc
3. - = a -

i?r' ar
1 .. iJ:u
-1 ~
-=cr -

i\ B ra 6.
a -1 2
b 2 -1
c. 3 I
d. I 3
Two ba_gs con t~1 n ten coms each, and the
coins in each bag are numbered from 1 to
10. One coin is dra\\n at random from

each bag. The probabilit) that one of the

coins has 1alue 1,2.3 or 4, while U1e other
has value 7.~,9 or 1o. is
a. 2/S
b 4/25

c. ~125
d. 1(,/25 7
3. Gt>Cil i=,[:j . the ratio

( l + 2T)

is gtven by
a I
b, - 1

c. I
d. -J
4. A dtstl llat1on column at a ptlol pllllll os
scaled up by _; umes lbr todustrial use m
steady state. Arter sealing up
a the num~r or tbeorencal trays i!.
mcreases bv 3 IJmes
b. the minim~ reOu.~ ratio •s Increased
b)' thre~ hmes
.: "' 11
" KtO .,- "") 1 '~~"ttonion liquid•
d Kpe-< • 1 b. pol~"mai~ liquids
9, An e:<amf'le of an op<:n·loop &ec:nnd ordeT" c. liquicl mct.11t
uod.:r damped S)•tcm "' d. 8......
a. liquid level in u tan!< lol, An cleo:tri.:~lly hen~e~l element 1~
h l.·tube m~non>clcr ~ubmc:rgcd in ~ [>001 of water u il•
.:. Uaermoeouple in • thermo-well sntur~tion tcmpor;~lurc:.. '\!. the tom1>«:a1u~
d. ~won_on·inlur•cling liM onlor .-ystwm of the elemo:nl incrd4sc~. the maximum
LD sa-res heut mmster coefficient •• ohs01v...r
10 tne conlrol \';ll\e dt>roetcn_,lic is selected ~ toll he f= ct)nl t:c:linn ocgomo:

suc:h that the pmduet of pmcess yin and h. lk."l\1 ecn lhc nuclo•tc boil in!I and
tk ' ah.., gain nudate boiling mi.xed 11 itb
•• is • linearly in=•~in! function or the umt>ble film boiling rcgtm<>s
m2mpula1ed variahlc c m lh~ mcipient nu.:l<~te boiling rcgtm~
b b a l!ne:~rly d.x:rc:hmg Junction of dlil d. in lbc s~1blo film bolhng rcginr<
without s ignHic•nl rodiotion cllccts

numipulnuxl \'ariabl.:
c1 cans1JUH .Ui lhc vnfuc uf chc: 15. lhfll<:!l arg ll>!ed in heAl exchangers in
on3mpulau:d vnria11le clnange;. order to
lL is •n espon<:!llially increru;ing .li.ancti~n A. iuctooso the tube •ide fluid's heal

uftbe mMipuloted ,..,.iahle lrau•fcr coc:ffic1Clll
II Ca•cade 1:0n1rol comes under the contiOI I• promote vi~uon m the he:ot
OOnliAllr:llion whi~h UJ'O excb3ngcr
• une rnc.l.•urcment anil one nunipul.tlcdra <:. proruor.: cross llow ond turbulwc:c in
v•rillblc 1he shells ide 1-1ood
h more th.:m fmc mtn~un.'Tt1ent ami one d to preven1 shell cxpansoon due to
m•nipubted ,.~riahlc thermal c:Jl'cciS.
.:. oua mco•ul'tlmcm und 111orc thou one 16. IJo Cilm t}I>C condou•nuon of lic1uod nlong a
m~nipulntcd 1 .arinhlv l'crtic.JI tnhe, lhe thocl.."'lc<s of the
<1. more ll"'n one men•urement 1!11d mo~t condensate- layer incrc~C:S tow~rds tbe
lbon cmc manipulated I'Oriabh: boHQm. This impli01 !loot Uoc lucul heal

12 '>latch lhe follo>~ing. t)p"-'1 11f Ouid (in 1r•n..fcr<~lc1fl<!icn I

group l ) with their "'"~""''" c C:Olllltitu•n·c a incre:asC'Ii from l<lp II) IM;uom
rd>lions (in group II ), where Tis the~- h dc:crea.~"" from tC))) 10 oottom
J c. n:m>Ul> COit>tlnl ficrn top to bollllm
and r I> the <lriiJn nile. d fll'll increa~a; •nd then deerC3~ rrom

l;mup I lop to l>oltom

i\ f'll<cl(!pl:t.'oll~ 17. The criti~al •peed dl' the h~ll on all of nldiu.•
B Bingh•m pl~~~i~ R. which contain> bo ll> cof r•dius r, i>

Grnup 11 j>roportion:lltca
u, (R-<) "'
I, r =p r b (R-f)- 1


2. r = r0 +Kr c. {R-t)
d (R.- r)'
' r =K ! y ; n Ill. If the; t'Te<tllcn<} of tl1~ <tom:r on • nnlCinK

lJink is by • foctOO' of 2 \\lulc aU

4 r= K ir " n othcr paramck:r• arc lept comLJ.nL by
A B what factor LS the power requu'lltne.nt
n. I 4 ln<.1·eased at htgh Reynolds number/
b. 4 •. 4
c, 2 3 b. g
d l 2 c. 16
13 The thermal buund111 1.\y~ i, "'l!"'jj""nll) d. ~2
thlcktr llun the h) drodytUUlic bound.>!)
layer for
~of 11
19 fn ~ lr'~)'
column. <eparding ~ bin31')' •• 7112
mixture. wiU1 non-ldeal l b l!e>. ONE uflhe b. I
l'u llowin& statements i~ TR\.'E. c. - 112
• - Pou1l efficiency can csceed Ioo•,, d. ~ 112
h M'urphn:e ~fficien cy c:mnot e,~cced 27, Wl1ich is the Q()rreO:I st•tement from the
lt)O•;, following •la(tm~ent• on the Arrhenius
.:. Murphree efficiency ll.ln C:.'<.Cec:d I()(I" u model of Utt t•:ttu cotl!lltlnt k : - 1\c· F-T<T?
J., Uotb Murplm:c •nd point d'lic.icncies ~. A i• a lw•ys dlm•mionles>.
C.'ln excco:d I000'<> b. For liN re:tetions 1 nnd 2, If At = A1
20. 111e ratio or lhe dill'u~ion <Wel1icicmt m • r.,
nnd " lh. Uten li1(T) .> k;('l1

gus ltllluillu. liquid is or U!C !lrdct' ur ~. Fm n g.ivcu t t.':tCiiorl~ the o., d umge l~f\..

•• 10' wiili ,._-.peel to tom perature i!l higbee o.L

b 10 _
, lower t'ilmperatur<js,
.:. It)-'" d. 11u: "oo cltang¢ of k with respec1 lo
J . JO' tontplll:nture i$ higl~<t for high or A.
1.1, For ti.U'bulcnl flow p•• t a ll•L plnlc. whon 28. F'or n solid procasing plnnL tho delivered

no ll>m1 drag is pr10S<mt, the friction r.,ctor equipment co~l is Rs. 10 l.akh.~. Llsing
f and the Cbtlton-('olbtu·u fnctur jo alr L.ang nuollipllcatidn metlood. lite tutal
•·~hued •• copi.tal invesi.JncuL io l11khs of rupees. is

n. i and )U cannot he rob ted •. ~6
b fis equa l to j o b. >7
c. fis gr<'ator Uwn lo c. Ill()
d. I is less U1au Jo ra d. :!00
Which of the follow ins is NO I' employed 29. The c-ost of a drum dryer rs R•. IU lnkhs.
in tloe c<>nnnerc>al produclton of linear The cost ol' n dnm• dryer ";u, doubl« the
polyvmyl chlorid'" 1 suofa..., a•·e., in lokhs uf wpt:<:S is
~~ l!mulsion polymcrizallon • . 2 10
h. Suspom>ion polymerlzoHon b. ;,O~t 10
c. Addition polymerlzallon "' s••• 1u
d. Contlcnsatitm polymerizati<m d. 2116
Which of the follo>11 ing i• n <letergcnl~

23. 30, 'f he cost of a distiUallon column tO the

" Beqzene hexach.loride year .2000 b x rup= - What is the cost nf
h, Cellu lo~c nitl'llU: l11c co lunm .in n rpl"" in th o year 20 I 0
.:. Polyvinyl chlruide given the cosl ondi..-.:s for the years 211\)41
d. All.')·i l\e112t:nc @
Uifonute and 20 10 are~~() nnd 520 respectively'!

24 l'he: cJJier f;!W mnterial far lhC ~Omm;rdal • · (520/4SOfx

prnduutiml M methbnul is b. H H0/520)-<
u. Syrtlh<s is !!l!ll "· (5201480) .v

b Fi"nnnld~ hydc d. (52U/.,I8Q)00 X

c. 1\ce:tie acid
d. EU••nol

25. For Ute reaction 2 Jt I S -> 'r. Ute mlcs of

form~tion, ra~ rs and r,· or the subsltutces
R. $ and 1' respectively, are rcl•ted by 31. Hu'' mnn~ solutions t.loes Uu: following
sys tem of cqual·ions hnvo'!

"--- 7r~= n:: - rT

b. 2(l rs - r r 4.~"' 2y +;:7
c, ra = 1 r_s. = 2 ry-
d. I'R = 2 r,=-2rT ~..-~•lj' - 2::-=2
26. For lbe liquid pbase reaction A-+ P. in • •• 0
~eriC!\ ol' e.~pcriments in o hat~h ic.tCiur·.
b. i
the h<oU: Iife 1111 \\ u• fhund 10 I>C: invel:llel)
c. 2
propnrtiQnn l ro the sqttnll: tMt of !he inillnl
concentrmion 111' The ortlttr vi' the d. ""
32. 'lbe mltlri~ 1\ 1~ jliv.:n b).
r<:ullt)Qn i~
ely + 2'1J•-2x~ 0.
A'"(: ~) cl~

rh~ cigenvalu~ of I he motrh: A Qr-c real and Ute con'l~nl of integmlion In It~<) l•
und nun-neg•liVc fot I he l!tlltdhiou equal to that in glx), then which of lite
U; ( 1/ lli)SA.!..( 1/16)
following ill true?
a, g(xl 11x) • 2
b. ( 112);::J<;(1r2)
b. g(;.;) = Rxl + I
c. < li2):s.a:::W 16J
c. g(xl = llxl - 1
d. (-ll 16):s.a<( 112) d. g(xl 1N - 2
33. ·n,e tlivcrgcnec of a v""li" field A is ;I!), tf the oons13nts .\, ore suitably chosen so

ulway• c<Jwl l to LCro, iflbc vccl;)rficld A as lo satis·ty the initiol conditions, and n L•
c•n he expres~ed •·~ an inle!-""· which uf the foliO\\ ing is a
• · Ihe gr..diml of~~~~ scalar field •I• volid •olution for lht: uns teadv oU<:-
h the divergence of ~n.1 scaJar ueltl o dlmeosional diffusion ~mnion,
e. the di•'CI'gottt~ of nny ••ector floWB ~c
r l> r,:c . ,,_
d. the cu rl of ony 1•cctor !'lcld B - - - with
111 01e domaJJJ ""-'<!i.l.

34. In du• limit " -t 0, whol to Ute limiling VI u1"'
value of Ute limchon Ffx) g1ven below'/ boundary conditicm£ c - II or '- ~ 1J •n•l c=O
atx = L 1
F{.~l 1- cos(2.Y)

,; ~ j . ( 1111-~ ) (......
,.. ,, a. LJ '*' tr!IU'l -
, L

~. l, coi ( 11~-" ).,I "':•' j

h, I
c. 2 ra b.
d. !J j
35. If~ = x + iy is • comple• oumber, where 1
= .J::j llum whieh l)f lhc fnliQII'ing lw~~~ ~.
.._.. .I • ( /111.1:) ";'')
£. n- Slll - - II
ano lylklfunctlon ofz'! ' 1..
n. x>+/ d. Y .J co• (~)~;I~ J
b. 2ixy ~ , L ,

c. x' + •·' 2z:'JI -tO. '11te f'und.i<>n II J I $8hslics lhe cquati,n rrxJ
= 0 at x = x.,. Tho Ncwton·Rarltsun itcr-
d. ,1' _v I 2L\~·
>tive me1hod converges 19 lhe s•llu1ion in
36. \\11m cnndjtion i~ to be ~uliAfred so that ihc one <lep, regtttdloo;s 111' the initial gu.,.-s. is
solution of the di1li:r<:nti.ol equutinn a. fl.x) is a lin~r fUJJcti.on ofx

b. f{:q Itt • quadmtie f\lnetion of.'<

is Of 1l1c fonll y • (Cr C, X) ~""· whl:rtt c, fl'~)isa cubtclimction ol' x:
Cr and C2 ~re consl4nt> ofintegr:.tion'l d. fl.x) is ~n exponential fonct•on ol'"
·'-~ li.! -;- Is

.II. A m<tol n:cove•y unit (MRU) of mlake<

b. b' -(Z C!tpacity 5000 kglht tn:at~ • l.iquid produel
e. n' = 4b from a plo.!ll :md recovers 9() 0 u of lhe

d. J,' ; 4a metal in the pore form The unr'-"loverW

3 7. In lhe 9omain _, "' "X "''• ll,e funcliup mciJtl and 4Ssoc!.tcd liquid ore sont to o
y(x) = i'e • has di$posal Wlit along "flh tltc unlrcntcd

'L no max.Unum o.od no Jninimum product fTD111 lite plant (See ligure llelow),
b one mnxirnijiO and no minimum Find the Uo11 rate (m6) and the wei.ghl
c~ no max.imu.m ;md one minimum Croctiou ol' tll\'0 mcU.l (\\ 0). Tile tiquid
IL one mn.~1mum Ami om: mmnnum product Dow rnld ill 7500 ksihr of
3M. lf Jlx) is the solution of tlu~ equation CQniposilion 0. 1 (wt li11clion), Assume
dv ste:td) stolo
-'- • 2.-cv • 2x~ 0
,tv •
und g(x) i5 th~ oolution l>t' (he e~wllion
,..... _ S uri I

m ~T)UU~
~~· 1!.1 ., .-- --,

'!",:o:U- 1 a. I i am.llJ(J kg/hr
:L '" '• = 751)0 kg/hr. w• = 0 .0 o. 24 and 241) kgiltr

b mt; = 7050 kg/hr. w0 = 0,04255 o. I I and. 5.5 kglbr
c. m,. ~•ISOO kg/hi. \'In-= 0,1712 d. 70 and 330 kg/hr
d m0 = 5600 kgihr, w,, = (),0314 44. A Camot hear engine cycle 1s work111g
42. lu the triangular diagnuu- represented with au ideal gus. The work perf01:med by
beJo"' fqr a haJch Sl,Jnnttion p•·oc<-.;s ~ the. gas dtu·i•IS the adiabatic expansion and F. is mixed wiUt a soh•enl B to compression steps.. W1 and W1

l)roduce produ~ts Rand E. Substance A is. respectively. aro related as
the cmiier liqnid and C is 1he splnte to be a. ,w,J>,W:I
extracted. The amom1t:s of B .rmd E 11re I b. 1W1I< W1J

k!l aud UO kg respectively l'he lllllgth c. W1= W!
FM" is 3, I and leoglh FBis 8.5 units oo the d. w,~ ~w:::
ligure. ll1e ratio RIE is esttmared to be 45. The van Laar acti vity co<:fficient molld tor
c a· binmy mi~rure is given by I he form
Given 'It= 1.40. '(: = 1.25. x, - 1!,2.5, X2 ~
ra 0.75. dc.tcnnine l h~. const;;mts A• and B+,
a. A* = 0.5. B* = O.J
b. A* = 3. B• = us

-.......... . .
c, J\* ~ 0.333. 8* = 0.2
d. A* = 2, B* = 0.333
• <16. March the .proccs:> varrablcs (Group· I)
given below with the m~'as.uring. devices

•. 1.285 (Group-Ll)
b. 2 Group-t
c. 0.751 A Hlgh T «~nperature
d 2.5 B. Flow

~3. A fe~d ~tream (S J) ut lOO k!'/IJJ <Wil C. Composition

otmrmning only l\ mi7'eS with recycle Group-U
stream 55 before entenng 1he reacror (see l. Ori fice rueter
fig11re helow ), where 1l1e reaction A ~ B 2. C'hrQmiiiO!!-raPh

lakes place.. The operation is at steady 3. Radiation Pyrometer

state. The stream S3 leavmg the reactor 1s 4. Bi·mCIAIIia MlefniOmctct
separated, wi~!Oul dther phase or A B C'

composition cbaofl.e. into two streams S4 a. J 2 3

and S5. If' the mass ffnctiou of B iu S4 is ~- I J 2
0.95 and total Oow rare of S5 is 10 ksJh.r, c.

3 I 2
then the t'atio of Oow rates of streams d. 4 2
(S3/S5). ant! tile fioll' rate of A in 53 are, 47. Given lhe ohamcrcristic equation below,
res(>Ccrively, select ~~e otunber of roots wbicli wi II be
located tu ~ie right o f the imaginary axis
s•-"'•' -,/ 17s + i2 = 0
a. One
b. Two
c, Three
d. t.cru
6 elf jJ
48 Given ihc pl'ocess lransfCi' function <3]. = a. lln-Jr
4/(te + 1)1 >U1d IILe t~J!!nl'i~~Lce transfer b. ML-1 -r-
function04= 2/ (~s + 1) 1 seloot tlie con-ed: c. M 'r1
lransfer functi\)11 for Ute Feei:l F.on'(afd d. ML 1
Contr<i!IC1" for perfect distwbrutce
8\ -:2 (,;d 1) Two tanks. A and B, of cross sectional area. lm
b. - 1 eaclL oontain a Ouid of density 1000 kg/m~ and
e. -Q.5(u + l} visc...-.sity 1 kg/(m s). The tanks> are collllootod by a
d. -(-rs+ If pipe of cUamelllJ· 0.02 m and lllltg1h 'I m, and n

49 Given the pr<icesg transf'er fimctio11 G~ = check vnlve, at tt•e bott\Jm. AsS11l1Je that l;he flow
20/(s - 2), and conb:oller transfer furtcti\ln .is laruillru:, and li~re .i;; no J:iicti.ou in the checl
0 , = K.. , and !ll!StlilliliS" fhe himsfer va.lve, ln theWtlal state, the height of the flui<
functions <if ll11 ofll<'l' eleml!ttis. in lhe the tank A is 6 lll and the hcigltl of llw flnid i.u

C(lntcol locyp are umty, •elect l)le r.mge of lmlll B is :l m (as shown irl t·he figure beJow). The
K. forwltioh tlte .;losed loop response will

clteck -valve is opened, Wld ihe fluid flows Ji'Oro
be stable. bLuk A 1o unil< B lilJ lhe lavels iJ1 IJJe lwo t1111ks 11I'e
a. ~<., " !flo eqval in the final stai'e. Assume g = 10 m/s~ i.u Ote
b. K, < ltJOO

c. 1/ 100 < K, < 1/H)

d. K.> UIO
Tha value of ultimate period of osciUatioa I ~ijl:~t-~!!"~I2~-
:P is J minu.tes, and that of the ultimate
controliCf' gain K,, IS 2. Select -rhe coa'CCt
sel ofumi.og pru=erers (co.nlrtlllo?r gain K.
tile derivative lirue constant Tn in minutes, 53 What ts the average Otud velocity 10 the
and the int:egrnl linte consmnt t 1 in
pipe liS soon us. the yu\ve is opened1
nlinutes) for a ND cont:rQI.I et using a. 0.25 m/s
ZiegleJ'-t/icbl)ls conlrt~Uer settings. h. 0.5mls·
a. ~ = IJ;-r, ='2.l; tD=l31 ~- 1. m/s

b. K,= 1.5; -r1 = 1.8; !J> = 051 d.. 2 m/s

c. K, = 15; '' = 1.8; t.r,=O51 ~- Whill is lhe total l'llergy loss between llte
d. 1<, = 1.2; t t = LS; tn= 0.38 initial •nrl l:irull states due jj) the f.lulcl
;\). A dum of width 50 misused to hold waler !low?

in a res~rvo.i.r. lf tlte w!ll~ heighl is 10 m a. '2 ,.. 1o• J

from the bottom llf the diJill, is the b, !6 1o• J
l:otal force F aoling on ihe darn due i.o tlte c. 8 <ltf J
wntet'l Asrnme g - LO .mls~. and dte fluid d. 4 x 10'1J

d$1Sjly is WOO k!!l'nr'. 55. A centnfuge of d!ameter 0.2 m m a pilot

a, F = 12.5 • 10 rf pl ant rotates at a speed of50 Hz in t>rdcr to
b. I'~ 25 · I O~ N

aclrieve Mfective separation. Tf tllis

c. F= 30 ~ 10° N oenlrifitgeis scaled upton cliameter t>f I m
d. F=5 • 10'' N in the chemical plllnt, rutd tl1e same

5'2 The rehitiofl betweefl the stress > and the separnti<m fuct~;~r i~ ro be aoliieved, what 1~
strain rnle (du, I dy) for the ropid JJow of a the rotati.omil. speed of the scaled up
grrurular material is given by cen1ri:fuge?
a. J5 Hz
r=B(~~J b. 22.36Hz
c, 30Hz
wh.ere 13 is a conshml. I f M, Land 1'are Ui.e d. 44.72Bz
mass. length ond lime dimension 56. What is lhe terminal velocity in m/s,
respectively, what is the dimemioJI of Ute calculaJed !rom Sto.kes law, for a particle
con.stantB 'I of d.!runcler 0.1 " I0-! <n, ilenslt;y 2800
I ul I 1
kg m 1et1Jins '" water of dt~UJIY 1000
60. A semi-infinite slab ~>Ccupying !he region
~m1 ~n~ 1iJ<coshy 10' ~s:im >)? x = ll and ~ = • i• •• •n imli,ltelnttcralurr;
CA<,Ilm cg 10 ml• 1) T.,. At lime l = 0. th• $urfaee 11f l~e sinh at
:L 2 10-! S: 0 is brOught inl1! OOD•IJIOI \\ ith a bOll!
b. 4 ur' loatlt al J tempm111m: T11 The tcmpcn>llllc
~ 111 ' T('t. I) of lh<: •lah rise< ac~Ordmg tO lhc
d 8 l(l l equation
57. .-\ bbck body at I bigh<r tctnp~r.llute 10 T - Tix, t) 2 .Jtr _ J
lJ"lln.<fcn c:nc:rg) b) •~dutton to a block - ,== r 'I
body Ot l JnWCT tcmrcralllrc f 1 Jnillolly.
L -r, -v.T ,

r,, - 1850"('. h SOO ·c. and the nel r2tc "ben: >< is position and I i.. lime. The heal
of C:Oa'lr.) lr.m.sler o.s 2SW i\flct •orne ll11" at the <wee x ~ II i.~ P'"Cll"'l1ionallo
time.. "1\ hen T11 ISOO' C ;and T~ 7SO"C'. ... .-·~
b. Jtt:
\\bat is the ntl rotc nf energy tron.<fct"
• 87~\\ c.. l
d I f!

b. 9.60 \\'
~ 13.89 \\' II I. A counten:urrenl Dow da.. ble pipe heal
d 11 0 1 \\' a cll.u!gct is used lo \IDler llcm ing at
~8 '\ dn:ular tube: ol OUI4T Ol3mt ter S e m and l l.:g.'s from 40•c to so•c Oil L< U!Cd for

inner di"n1cta ~ em 0; w~t-dtu ll<nt vcy hot heatmg and its ll!nlper•ture changes from
flui<l Thc inner <nrf•cc uf 01<: ""II uf th e HI()' <: to 71Y'C:. The 0\ .:rail he31 tnsnsf.:r
tuhe i\ •I a i(mpetAiurc of 80"(' whll<: Ihe coollidont i>- 300 W (nt 1 •c~
ouiC1" •urfacc: ol the " ''II of the luhc: ;, nt
ra If it is roploced by • l-2 ~h oll ond tube ho>t
2,1•c. What i~ lhc ra1c nf hc:.'ll 11At!>pol1 exch,1n!!er with countercurrenl tlm1
UCI'O•$ lhc lul•.: w' llt"" meier ICI1Sih of the
coniJ~tutallon whh water llowm.g in •hull
tube 31 .<I<U~dy >laic, II' the lhcm1:1l and oil 0Q~> ins. in U.t e tube. whal 1.'1 the
cunduchvity uf the tuhc wall is 10 Wl(nt c.•c~~ area require<! with rc.'iilCCl to lhc
K)'/ doubl~ plpe hem ex~hnngcr/ '11•c
a 13M2J \Vtm correction fo~tur. F1 fur l.•M' IJ) ( l<lll mean
h 154k7 Wtm lcmpanlurc diffc:rcncc) based 110 Ihe al>u1"
double pi_pe heal ex.chonger is 11 ·n,e s.

"· 17279 w"' heJ l'C:-r eoen'idc:nt rem:t1n.;

d. 2 7646 \\' "'
~9. C'omidcr Ihe llo11 of • g•s with dcm ity I uocl!tl11£td., and 1he s~mc inlt l n"d outlet.
k\1 m:>. 1•i~cogfty I S Ill ' k\1 (m •). conditions ru>: moint~ ined
• pcciJU: heAl C'~ 114G J (L8 Kl and C~. ..,.,.=4180 Jlkg "<'.c.,..,. =ZOOO J ~g0<'.

a. n m,
tlk!nno l conduc1i1 ity ~ 0.01665 \\"(ru
K), tn a pipe of diomci•T D 0.0 1 m ond h. - 20.15 m>
length I - I rn. and •nume lhc: 'rsc.. n~ c. 226 m=
d. 9,1\0 m~

dot1< ~nt change "llh tcmptraiUil:. Ote

1\us«h nuntbcr for • pipe" lilt (lJQ) utio f•2. Fur a lllt>-J'Inse feed. 11hcrc 80°• of th e
greJ~er Ihan 10 >nd R~~ nold.!i number
feed is •·"J)<<rized tllldct .:ulumn c(lt\Jitio.u.
the feed ltne •k>rc in the \lc("aloe-Thiele

bore."! ler Utili 20000 LS It'\ cn b \

Su 0.026 Rc ti'I'H method for dislllllllion column d.:>iJlll IS
J - t~
11 !tile lhe "" M:lt numbc:r fur J l•mm•r

b. L'~
flo11 fir Re)n<lld numher lr:s~ lh•n 21tH)
>nd (Rc PI' D 1.) J(l ;, "' -.1
:"'u 11
186 [Re 1'1 (D L)J d -1
6~. A liquiJ IIUXIUN uJ'bcnzroe anJ WIU....h: b
lf the ~~~· llo" • dtrough Ute pipe 11 itb an
A\ erage 'cklcity or
11 I m S, th¢ he>t in <~quilibrium with ib I'Opour l1l 10 1 ~Pa
tr.rn>fcrcocffll!icnliS and 373 K. The npor prclllum of
11. 0.68 W (m: K) henzene and toluene at 3T:- K f<l!ipt<:ttWII
h I 14 \V(m! K) an: 1.56 and 63 L.Po t-cspecuvcly A."'uoung
c 2.47 W.(m' 1\. ) .
that the ".'•tom obcvs .Rnoult's Lm the .
d. 2-1.7 \V (ml h:)
Sol II
mole fraction of bcn7cne tn tltc Uquld 11~~
r . _;k.:~.,::.
pha~c •~ 1- k:c' I
J . O.GS
b. 0..11 The units c;rt.. 1 •ncl k:on:. rcsDil<livc:ly,
.1. (n10r' m 1s -t). (mor11' m 1t:)
<! 0.065
h (mor'm'~-•), (mol' ~ m-•'1)
tl.. (I 04
c.:. tmolm' 1 s 1).(mo1 11 mll>s 1)
64. l\• o •olid di.&cs of hcntoic 3eid (mnltculiiJ
d. (tnllr' m' s-t ), (mol ,., m'" &-"'l
"ei£ht 122) of e<jua1 dimcn~ion' tre
•pmning •epor.11el) m l•rsc vulume. of 68. The fins& orcl.z liquid pbll5c n::octton .\ P
""""'and air at ;\\10 K. I he m••• tramfc:r ts lo be C3.1!1Ed out tsolhcnnallv in the

C.Jclli~ic:nl> foo b.:ntAi.: •del in "ola ond following ideal =•tor oonfieunt~•
air an: 0.9 10_, •nd 0.47 10-: nu A. A l m1 Cl>TR followed bp I m 1 PFR.
n:specti\·c1y Ill<' solubility ofbc~ttoic ocid B. A2m CSTR
1 1
in W31er IS 3 ka m 1 ond the cqutlibnum C. ..\ I m l'f'R followed bv • I m Cll'lR.
0 A I m CSTR fotlo..:...S bv a I m1
'opc>r P"'>"'" of benmtc 1.:1d in att ;, CSTR. •
0.0-1 kPa. Then the d"c

3 di~'oly~ faster tn 1.1ir th;~n m \\:Jicr
The ovt:ra.U ext! con\ttsions. X.. for the
b dissolVe$ fo~l"" tn woter than in atr above configuration.• 1\ Q. R and S.
a3~=!! identical inlet .:ondtt1oru and
"· dis•oh.:s •I the some rotc m bod1 air

ond water tcmperalur.:.. at.: nolated as
a. Xr"> Xk C\:,s '> ~
d. does not diS~Oh'e eilhcr tn w•lcr or m
b. Xr = XR Xs ~ Xq
:\(OICh lilt: V'.U iOIU/fl Of II lAS> trll\.<fcr c. x, = X. =Xn= "R
tl.. '\c1- Xp • XJt - Xs
Wtth lhb oppropnotc .-~ri~tton in Group 11
co.elliuicnt Jl'~"'". b} the theory in Group 1
6!1. The !!"-' pb.ue l'tlac:.tion ~\ > B • C l~ can·
led nut in an iclea l PE.R ,tehi•ving -IO"o
Gmup I
A, 'Film Theot)' C<Jni'Cfsilln ol' A. n1o; 1\:f:cl hii.S 7(1 mol" o A
13, Penctraticltt dtcury uod 30 mol"• in <fill. l11c in lt1 lotnll<l~tl uro
(' Rnundu~· l:tyor thCM)' i. JOO K uod OtQ oullet temperlllutc i• 400
G1vup II h:, The rutio of tl!C outlot to Inlet molar
1. ,._ o. 8 c<mcentl'lltion (•f A {~s;umin& i<le•l gP~

mi.~tture ond uniruml pr.,..urc} is

2. !I 01\Dlil
3. ,, DAB'' "· 0.60
b 0.30
,\ 13 ('
c. OA-7
I 2 3

d. 0.35
b. 2 1 ~
70. MJJkb the items m Group I \\ itlt tlto•o in
"· 1 3 2 C'rroup II
d~ , 2 t

Group I
66. A lihcr cal.e ts dt~cd "ith atr at "tt and A. Porows callsl\'sl
dr• bulb tclltpc:ratUI'CII uf 300 and ~23 r;;:
B. Porollcl readioos
n:specto ell . The heat turuf•-t ll()Cflictent
C Non-ideal tubular re;>ctor

11 II \\' (;.,: ") and the btent heal ol

D. Gas-solid nou-C310h ~ =~Lton
• •puun>•tion of" •Ia •• 2SOO U \1.1>s GroupiT •
ltJnsfa cloc:> not hmit tltc JliU.:C!I!I. Sclc:d
l. Selecti\'ity

the cb) 1!18 rotc during the can;L1n1 ratc

2. Shnnking core model
pc:ruxt t\cslc:d .:ondo~IMtn through the 3. Thiclo modulus
>11lid and rodtation c:ffe<!lll.
4. Di!IJ>"Uion ll1tlDber
II.1.32 10-: !.g"' : .-• A a r I}
b. 071 10 : kgm-:• ' a 3 I -1 2
~ 4 S3 tO : ltg m : • b. 3 2 .j
ct. In J kll m : • 1
C) Ill
The rnk cxpn:ssillij hlr Ihe rea"llcm of \ io
d .
gi•·•n h)'
? of II
71 The rote of tho liquid phnse re•'ei'Slbl~ 76. A sepDtllli<ln column tbr V~JIOut·li<tuid
reaction ;\ c :1J~ in (kmol m ' min 1) nt conlacl rroces:s.:s 200 lmlotlhr of vapollt.
298K. is '11\c lloodin~ Vel!ldty is ·' ml•. II' the
-r,- 0.02cA - O.otr. enlunul uporotc~ nl 85°~ of Oooding
where the concentrations CA ;\ltd .:8 are vclQ<:·iJy and the clt)Writtlm er 11rea i• (0Qn
""P'"sscd in ~lonol m-~). WlwL i• .the 11fLhe lOin.I cro;s <<:elinnnl arc:.. whot i~ the
diam~tc:r of the colu11111.? Averoge density
mtl'limum limiting con\lersion of A
n~hievable In nn is<>thennal t .STR 1•t 298 of ••npour ~ 2 kl!'lll$ and i~ 111oletrular
K. assuming pure A i.~ fe,t utlhe mlcl? weight ~ 44.
~. 0.82 Ill

•· I b. 0.72 nl
b '}JJ
e.. 1'1
c. 0.78 Ill
tL II~
d. I m
The otigin~l vul~e
or J!l equipmt:nt ;, Rlo. 77, M~l~h 01e l'liW ot~teriaJs ln Group )l with
100001•• The ooh;age ' '31Ue i~ ~t. 500,- nt lha productll in Oloup 1
Group J

1114 tnd of its Ukc:ful Hie p...'fiod uf S y.,;~rs.
\\~Ia! iS the AS$¢l value in ntp<lel! 3net 1\I'U
A. Nylon - 66
yean. by textbuok <lcclining h•lnn<e B. l'ervleue
Group ll

... ~()25/- 1. t hlorodfnuro methane
b. 4010/- 2. Om•edJyl lerephthal<tte and ethylene
c. 5()20/- glycol
d 6050/- ra 3. .\ CI!ly lcne ond hydrogen eyanidu
l'he ckpr.,.table flxed cU1<L ;, R!.. I()() 4. Hoxnmeahylene oiamin~> and adipic
73. 3Cid
JokllS. I 'b c O\' pro[Ll per yc;lt "'Rs. 15
lakhs. Th~ avcrugc dcprl.>ctalion cosl per A B
•• 3 .j
year is R.s. 10 lnkhs. Wbat ts the poy<llll
h. J 3
penod m years. if th~e is no intereya
charge? c. ~ 2
•. g d. I 2

b. 4 78. Motclt tbc pwduc1 in Gt•flliP I with the

c. JO carnly•• w1e<1 for ia~ pmducti<m iq Group II
tl. 2\l Group I
7d. Fluid now& .in an ilnnu1us o1 inner A. Nitri~ •cid
0 l> m and outer diaoteter 1 m. l:laat i; B. F=ldehyde

trunsferr.xl to the Ooid from lrutor tubo Crmup II

surfa~:e of th" nnnulus. \\~1~1 15 tlle
I. SiiV<:I'I)~ide
equiv•lent di•motcr For heo! tran.• fer in m1 2. R• ncr nickel

a 0.4S 3. .\ eli' :ned .:Jorbtm

b. 0.20 4. Pl~lmum· R,h~d ium
~- 1.64
A 13

d IUXI •. I 2
75. What is II•~ •.:tuul l)IIII'L'I' TO<fltlrcd l<i drive b. ~ 3
c. .3 4
n 1c~ivollcbting dir 1!\llllpressor wlueh ""'

d. ~ 1
In tntiiJl'""' 34 rnJ of nir per minute limn
I.U I.J I01 N'/m3 tQ 4.0$2 101 Nlm: 7 79. llwtc.b Ou> po•oduct in Group I wWt Lbo '""
A~tune lh~l PV 1" ' is c4n~Lnnt, who:n: P l~ malenal tn Group I)
tho pl-.:s.~urc and V i~ tlto Vul\Jmc, a:nd Ou: <iroupl
cflicieuc) uf tbc co;n,ptdlsor i~ 85'\(.. ,\, Caustic sodo
to, IQ7,91:.W B. Soda asb
Clroup II
b. 200 kW
1. Ammon_ia nnd sulfi1r1c nctd
c. 82.6 k\V
d. 91.7 1.:\V 2. Sodiwn c~rboomo aJtd • l•k.xllimd
3. s~lt and limostone
J SnU nnd «ulfurie ooid d. 83.37
A H atatement fOf' u...- .....,
n. 2 J
b. 1 J.
OV.tlon (12..1 and 112..:1)
A ba Uoon of mass 0.01 kg h eha•'!led with
-.1. 'J 4
hydrogen lo n pressure nf 102 kPa and rolca.oed
d. 4 I
8(1. MM~h th<> fc:.:d in Gn)up I 11 iU1 lh« from the ground level, Ouring its rise lh~<
[>fiiOdf• iu Gn)Up tr
hydrogen is pmniltQ<I Iii "-'c~po from ~~~ balloon
Grollp f in order to maintain • consiJiot ditlcrcntial
pl'eS.UN of 3 kPa under whioh oondilion the
A. G"" <>it

B. Residual erode diameter of the haHonn rem3ins nt 0,4 m, }.$ lh i.<
Group ll bnlloon rises it iJ nssumed lhallbe temperature in
1., Acetylene production and around tltc balloon rcmalns ooostnnl al :!73 .K.
F urther. the wcrtia of lbc balloon nnd tltu air
.:!. .Ethlene pritduC1 inn
3. Cqlll.n g
re•u"nnce due In tlte nsing bnlloon mny be
-1-. Cr• neg.lected.

A ,\.Ssume lhUt ~·• density of at 2'73 K is L2733
n. 3 k!ifm'1• lbc ovc:rogc moloou)ar " eight of air Is 28.9,
b. 4 _', the ntmO>pheric pre.;sure is I00 kPa and the
aceelenuion due hl J!l11Yity is 10m ~1.

c. 2 3
d. 1 d
821 Selecllhe oorTect value of Ute
atatamlllll tar LinlaMI . _ . , . ra lt)l\Htrd lhnJ~;I (in ) ..~pn;Sse<l in
Qu.tlan (81.1 to 8t..2) tcnns oflhe uuJ.o.idc I""'S$Utc' P 1vhiuh
A liiotiolllcos cyljndor piston u5~emb ly conlllinw is exprc.>scd iu Pa.
nn idenl guo. lnitiolly pres~un! (P 1) ~ 100 kPl1, •• 10.06 10-1 p - 0.(11 2:!.
tempeml'urc (T1 ) = 500 t.;: t~l).d volume (V 1) = 70()
b 1,97 ltl... l) - 0.1006
tO "" rn 3 • This system is supplied with 11)0 J of c.. 1s.o~ w·-r - o.o534
hcol and pressure is ruaiut,ainoo coJuiJtnl ul tOO d. 8.08 IO"' P - 0.1362
kPo. The entha lpy vprintion i8 given by 82! Sdt:.!tlb~vn lueofthe ouisidc

h(Jimol) = ~0000 • 50 T pri:!>'S urc P in P• fnr wltiuh there will

where 1' is the tempernture in K. nnd l.bc: uoh"-'n;:.l l1e no force on the holloon'/
so.• constant R = 8 .31 4 KJ. a. 2SSJU
Q. 35530

c. 12130
Jdealp!l d. 11/86()
,._,. $3(

at.tamMWt fOI' una-t ,.,_.,

Qu..tJan (13. 1 a8111 U.Z)
A liquid of mass 7 kg and specific heal 4 kJ/(kjf •

Sl. C) os contained in o cylindrical heater of diameter

l:li 1 'Ib.e finillvolum~ uf tbe gas ( \1~) lD u.l 5 111 ~nd herght. 0.40 111. The cylindrical sutfaoe
mi is of UK: h~al"'' is expos•-d to atr ot ?.S~C while tl1e

•. 700 10.... ertd c.!JI$ ore insulated, so thai heo t trMSfcr take<
b. 866.3:! 10... place only through the cyllndrical $1lrface.
Q, 934.2!1 w·•
d. I000.23 I(lAI Th~>lhieknc:ss of the wall of Ute heater ! mm
Il l ,2 ·n,e cltange in intcmul c:n«rgy Ill' the The walllht:tmal ctmductivity • 10 W/(m K),
£ US 111 J i! The heat tl'lln"fet coeffiaient in the liquid = 1()(1
W/(m~ K)
b. 1()0 'The h.:allrlln~fer ctlcffioicnl in .ur • I0 \\'/(m1 K)
Jloll l
Tilt liquid i• initially Dllllnhlined ~~a tewperntut'l! R~,l For nny volue of in, lhc cbungo in
of 75°C A1 tiute l "' 0, tho h"aler is s.vitohc<l off, Ilqu!d composition acroso • !rll)' u
nnd tlte tem(l<."rtlllln> of the li~Juid in lhe henter Independent of thotray location If
decreases due 10 hem loss n~ro<s. lhe cylindrical 3. L, \ " = L
~urtilce. b. mI. '= I
83. c. m r (l.V) ~ 1
83.1 \V)Iett i~ Uw ovcrull hcat tran~t<..,- d. U(mV) = I
coetlicieot in Wf(m' K)'l 34.2 UndCT Ute correct condition
"· I correspOnding 10 prlrt (a). the number
h, ~(){ Of ide~! lrii.)IS in the CiliUm11 ~ 8iV~

c. 9.07 bJ
.t. I 0 a. •V ...;, - -'jr
83.2 What is Ute time n:qninld for the . ·'t- ( ''h·• I m)
lomperaturu of Ute liquid to reduoc Ia
50°C -ntler the healer is sw~chod otl'. '' _ ..... - (,Y,.,.t l m)
b. •"
assuming lumped S)"l<lem analysis is .,;,- xN

vaHd'l ".tt - Xn
il. 7.87~ "10 lf
3 c. N
[Jit.1 1m) - .x,.
b. I 1.3-16 ~ 101 s

c. 16.828 X I0) J< d t'i !YN•t
d. 23.213 >d Ol • ·'"N -.x.;

•tatametrt fw LlnkMI "--r ra ltata-nt ' - Llab4 ana-

au-tlea (a4.1 to 84.2) a-.tlen (8!1.1 to 8!1.2)
t\ binary J!ll.l mi:<Umo nf a •olulc and a c:mior ga.• The n::sidenee lime distribution E(l) (as sbo\\11
i~ tr~:<llcd in Jl countorclioTt!t1l gM a~rption bchm) of 3 rettctor is ztro until 3 minultS aut!
colunm, eontuining id~nl l.rJys. Ul.iug u ~olvcttl. lltcn inoro"'"" linearly lo :t ma..Wuum. vulue E....
1l•c oomJIOil iti\lm )' •nd '< (see ligure below) :1re nt 8 oufn11t~ ofter which it det:re"~t& linc<trl)' huck
U1e mole lhlc!iqn• C!f tlte solu[e in IJ••
g~~,> and to Zero • 15 minme..
liquid respecdvely, Also. \ rutd I. are the molar

How rat~s <>f Ute g<li! and Uquid respectively.

,'\5.,-umc Ut!tl tho carrier ga> is insoluble in tho
~olvcnl and Uml the vapour pn:ssuro of lhe solvent
is very low nl the given conditions of the column.

l • ,,
h ui her. the g'!S and liquid ~!reams are suflic•ently
dilole that 1.. and V mny he asrumed 10 be constant 85.
~t.rQUgltour the column~ The "'-JUilibtium relntion i• 85.i th.,,·alueof~ 'l
given by y • _m .'L ill is o p::asitlvc. constant.

• · I;()
b. 118
V.y, 1 L.x. c. 1 ~

d. 1/3
..-:-'...... 85.2 \Vhnt i!l llusvnluu oflbc .meao
I r~i.dettce time in m.mut~?

2 ~. S.7
b. 8
c. 11.7
N d. 12

v, ,..,

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