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Update of ZEISS ULM length measurement machines with

Keywords : length calibration m achines , ZEISS ULM, Microrep, Heidenhain, aus Jena, update,
calibration of gauges, thread rings and gauges , software for calibration, update of older length
calibration m achines

Author: Luca Bochese, FEANOR Italy-Estonia, QQ 873993643

Date: 2008-06-25
用 QMSOFT 更新 ZEISS ULM 长 度测 量仪 器
关键词:长度校准仪器,ZEISS UL M, microrep ,海德汉,aus Jena,更新,仪器螺纹环和

作者: Luca Bochese , feanor 爱沙尼亚, QQ: 873993643

日期: 2008 年 7 月 22 日

Feanor is a global com pany perform ing applied res earch and providing s ervices in m etrology
and m easurement ins trum ents s ince 1990. The information contained in this article is useful
for all us ers of older ZEISS length meas urem ent m achines , including calibration laboratories ,
which need to update the software for the m anagem ent of their m eas uring ins truments .

芬诺 FEANOR 是一个全球性的公司,创立于 1990 年,进行应用研究和提供计量和测量仪器的

服务。本文所述技术信息对所有 ZEISS ULM 长度测量仪器的老客户很有益处,包括校准实验

The eas e of us e and the impressive number of s tandards included in QMSOFT offers
advantages such as fas t and cus tom calibration of dial gauges , accurate calibration of thread
rings us ing T probes and a three point contact (ins tead of two, as normally performed with
these machines ) by positioning the thread ring with a vertical axis , no need of paper, e-
calibration s ervices and databas e s haring with cus tomers , and m any others . The company
which ins talled this sys tem can now save about 35.000 EUR per year, this being the cost for
calibration of thread rings by an external calibration laboratory.
拨号计,精确标定螺纹环,用T探头和 3点接触(而不是两个,像通常的机器那样)通过垂直轴
司安装这个 系统现在可以节省约35.000欧元每年,相当于一个由外部校准实验室校准螺纹环提

Picture 1: Older ZEISS ULM length m easuring machine can now be trans form ed into a fas t
and efficient length calibration m achine with the powerful optio ns of QMSOFT gauge
m anagem ent s oftware 图片 1 :旧版的 ZEISS ULM 长度测量仪器现在可以转化为一种快速有
效的长度校准机通过选择强大的 QMS OFT 衡量管理软件

The main advantages of QMS OFT gauge m anagement software:

• Fas t operation and ease of use
• Com ple te and updated s tandards
• Calibration of thread gauges with 3 probe procedure (more accurate) and Berndt or
vectorial evaluation form ulas

QMS OFT 衡量管理软件的主要优点:
•校准螺纹压力表与三探针程序(更准确)和 Berndt 或矢量评价公式

Conversion of the original Zeiss measuring system

Using a s pecial interface-box, it is now possible to connect directly the original Zeiss
m eas uring s ys tem of the ‘aus Jena’ m achine to a m odern Heidenhain IK220 card (PCI card
with two sockets ).
原 ZEISS 测量系统转换
使用一个特殊的界面中,现在有可能直接连接原 ZEISS 测量系统'‘aus Jena '机到现代海德汉
IK220 卡( PCI 卡用两个插座) 。

Note: Older com puters used an IK 121 card on ISA bus, when required, it is still possible
although not suggested, to use a IK 121 card on ISA bus and QMSOFT16 b it version. In that

case, the card is not automatically recogniz ed by the OS, and is therefore necessary to check
PIN address 320, 330,340 or 350 and enter this information in the QMSOFT glass scale
setting options, as well as the glass scale resolution in 20 or 8 µm .

注:老式的电脑,一 IK 的 121 卡 ISA 总线,在需要时,它仍有可能,虽然没有建议,使用 IK

的 121 卡 ISA 总线和 qms oft16 位元版本。在 这种情况下,该卡是不会自动承认的操作系统,
因此,有必要检查引脚地址 320 , 350 或 330340 ,并输入此信息,在 qmsoft 玻璃规模设定
选项,以及作为玻璃规模决议在 20 年或 8 µm 。

This s olution with IK220 PCI allows the use of both vers ions of QMSOFT 16 bit and
QMS OFT 32 bit, without the need of us ing the original AE101 (H or L) dis play unit.
The inform ation previous ly dis played on Zeiss AE101 interface (MIN, MAX, NEG, SET, …) is
now displayed directly on the PC monitor. 这个用 ik220PCI 的解决方案允许使用两个版本的
QMS OFT 16 位和 32 位,而不需要使用原来的 ae101 ( h 或升)显示单元。
以前仅显示在 AE101 接口的资料(Min,Ma x,NEG,SET … … )现在可以直接显示在 PC

Picture 2: The original Feinm ess AE 101 Interface is no longer needed, when connecting the
m eas uring m achine to the Heidenhain PCI counter card. The functions of the dis play are then
performed by the QMS OFT dis play s oftware. 图片 2 :
原 Feinm ess AE 101 接口,就不再需要了,当把测量仪器和海德汉的 PCI 卡连接起来时。职能
展示是由 QMSOFT 显示软件完成的。

Conversion Interface box
The cable of the aus Jena ZEISS ULM machine is connected to a s pecial interface box, which
is then connected to the IK220 in the PC s lot.
When ins talling the drivers, with different procedures according to Windows 2000, XP or Vis ta,
the IK220 card address will be autom atically recognized (no pin setting).
The original signal is converted and dis played, the only required s etting are the setup of the
m eas urement channel (norm ally nr. 1) and the glass scale resolution in 20, 10, 8 or 2 µm.
This can be easily performed by measuring a 10 mm block gauge.
aus Jena ZEISS ULM 的网线 是连接到一个特别的接口框,然后连接到 ik220 电脑插槽。
安装驱动时,根据 Windows 2000 , XP 或 Vis ta 不同的程序 , ik220 卡地址将被自动识别
(无引脚设置) 。
原始信号的转换和显示,只需 要设置安装的测量通道(通常年 nr. 1 )和玻璃度量分辨率在
20 , 10 , 8 或 2 µ m 。
这可以很容易的通过测量一 10 毫米的仪表来展示。

The interface box cons tantly converts the original Zeiss glass s cale s ignal into a standard
Heidenhain glass s cale signal
接口框可以不断的把原 ZEISS 玻璃度量的信号转换成为一个标准的海德汉玻璃度量的信号

Measurement pressure
This s ys tem can be eas ily applied to all machines with mechanical pres etting of measuring
force (spring or deadweight). For all machines with force presetting via s oftware, it m ight be
necessary to keep the machine management software in background. This happens , as an

exam ple, with SIP Genevois e s eries 550 M m achines , which need their own LMC s oftware
running in background.
有通过软件预置力的机器 ,可能有必要把机器管理软件保持在背景下。这种情况下,作为一个
例子,与 SIP 的 genevoise 一系列 550m 机器,需要他们自己的 LMC 运行的软件的背景。

Temperature compensation
Drivers for mos t temperature s ensors are included. A general RS232 s etting option allows
connection of other sensors, if required by uns table environment condition (which s hould
generally be avoided).
对于大多数温度传感器,驱动均包括在内。一般的 RS232 设置选项允许连接其他传感器,如有
需要,如果不稳定的环境条件需要的话(一般应避免) 。

Calibration of dial gauges

Calibration of all types dial gauges can be performed very quickly and eas ily. All included
s tandards (US and European s tandards , including als o Japanese, Korean and Aus tralian) are
given at the end of this article
其中还包括日本,韩国和澳大利亚) ,均在本文章最后呈现。

The bas ic QMSOFT dis play contains all needed functions for calibration of different types of
基本的 QMS OFT 显示包含所有需要的功能来校准不同类型的压力表。

Exam ple of calculatio n of parameters of thread standard values (minimum , m aximum , wear or
external, m ean an internal diam eter) , for a m etric M10 thread plug gauge, pitch 1.5 mm ,
tolerance class 6H, according to DIN Germ an standard
例如计算参数的螺纹标准值(最低,最高,磨损或外部,是指一个内部直径) ,为 M10 的公
制螺纹塞规,螺距 1.5 毫米,宽容级 6 小时,按照 DIN 德国标准

In this example, two m easurem ent at 0° and 90° are perform ed on a 10.410 mm plain plug
gauge, on two different s ections of the gauge, by the three wire m ethod
在这个例子中,两种测量在 0 °和 90 °是在一个 10.410mm 平原塞规,由三线的方法,在两个

QMSOFT - 软件技术实现对检定和校准的过程控制

Software for management and calibration of measurement instruments, including

updated international standards

The main s hell of QMSOFT is divided in four s ections : left for the m eas uring m odules
(ins pection programs) for different types of ins trum ents to be calibrated, the database, the
calibration devices used, and other software tools
QMS OFT 的主体分为四个部分:左为测量模块(检验程序) ,为不同类型的仪器进行校正,

QMS OFT can be used with all length m easuring ins trum ents , including following well-known
m odels from different m anufacturers :

• SIP - 300, 300M, 550M, 750M

• Brown&Sharpe TESA - TESA UPC, Etalon POLO
• Mahr Federal - 828a, 828 PC, 828 UN, Optim ar 100, Millitron 1240 e 1501IC, PLM 600
• Zeiss aus Jena - ULM 600 (AE1IH/Heidenhain), ULM Opal 600, Opal 1000
• Steinmeyer Feinm ess Suhl - KLM-60.01, LM-300.01, UMP-2, E MP-II
• Trim os - TULM RS232/Heidenhain, THV m ini, LabConcept, TELMA, TEL A
• Pratt & Whitney - Superm icrom eter, P&W Labmas ter
• Syl vac - Dial gauge calibrator, D 80, D 100, Opto RS
• Helios - Com, Unitron, Com Supra, Linear, UMG 50
• Microrep - DMS 680
• Cary - Carylabor

QMS OFT has m any different modules , which allow high flexibility and possibility to adapt to
your calibration requirem ents :
QMS OFT 有很多不同的模块,灵活性高,适应性强,可适合你的校准要求。

1. Gauge databas e DABAQ4W (comm and shell ). Gauge m anagem ent

DAB AQ4W 软件技术实现对检定和校准的过程控制

The database s creen indicates which gauges or ins trum ents need to be calibrated and gives
their bas ic param eters . The databas e is fully cus tom izable and can be used to define the

s tructure of any type of new m easuring device (electrical, force, torque, temperature, torque,
press ure,…)
矩,压力, … … )

2. LEHRM4W for calibration of plain rings, plug gages and s nap gages according to following
s tandards :
LEHRM4W 校准片面环,插头片,根据以下标准:

- DIN ISO 286 – 1 环规德国标准

- DIN ISO 286 – 2 环规德国标准
- British s tandard BS 969 -环规英国标准
- ANSI/AS ME B89.1.6M - 1984 -环规英国标准
- Norme Française NF E 02-202 (GE40-001N) -环规法国标准
- Mas ter Rings BS 4064:1966 and BS 4065:1966 环规英国标准
- Mas ter Rings Norme Française NF E 11-011 环规法国标准

Screen for plain gages s election

3. GEWIND4W for calibration of thread gages and rings according to following s tandards.
GEWIND4W 为校准线片及环,根据以下标准:

- ISO Metric threads ISO DIN ISO 1502 (DIN 13) 国际标准化组织公制螺纹

- ISO Metric threads ANSI B.1.16 M ANSI 标准化组织公制螺纹
- Trapezoidal ISO metric threads DIN 103 梯形国际标准化组织度量 线程
- Unified threads and thread gages ANSI AS ME B1.1 and B 1.2 标准
- Thread Gauges for Unified threads BS 919 标准
- Gauges for pipe threads DIN ISO 228 国际标准化组织计管螺纹
- Steel conduit threads DIN 40430, DIN 40431 标准
- Knuckle threads (Rundgewinde) - DIN 405 标准
- Buttress threads and gauges (Sägegewinde), DIN 513 and factory s tandard
- Gauges for wire thread inserts for metric threads , DIN 8140 标准
- Gages for threads Whitworth BS 84 / BS 919 part 2
- NPSM pipe threads, ANSI/AS ME 1.20.1
- Aerospace MJ Threads , DIN ISO 5855 - 对于应用在航天
- Gauges for Metric and Unified threads Böllhof factory s tandard
- Threads for valves and tires DIN 7756 and ETRTO V.7
- Metric threads NF E 03-152/163 (GE40-010N)
- Unified threads CNOMO GE40-008N (PSA, Renault) 法国标准
- AC ME threads ANSI B1.5 – 1988 标准
- Stub-AC ME threads ANSI B1.8 – 1988 标准
- Buttress threads 7°/45°, ANSI B1.9 – 1973 标准
- Hot-dip galvanized threads DIN ISO 965:2002 标准

4. MESS F4W for calibration of dial gauges , precision dial gauges and tes t dial indicators
according to following s tandards :
MESSF4W 标定拨号仪表 (百分表千分表系列), 精密拨号仪表和测试拨号指标按以下标准:

- Dial gauges DIN 878 - 1973 德国标准

- Precision dial gauges DIN 879 - 1999 德国标准
- Dial tes t indicators DIN 2270 - 1985 德国标准
- Precision dial gauges AS ME/ANSI B89.1.10M - 1987
- Dial gauges Norm e français e NF E 011-50 法国标准
- Dial tes t indicators Norm e français e XP E 11-053 : 2000 法国标准
- Dial gauges Japanes e indus trial s tandard JIS B 7503 - 1992 日本标准
- Dial gauges British s tandard BS 907-1965 英国标准
- Dial tes t indicators Britis h s tandard BS 2795-1981 英国标准
- Dial gauges and tes t dial indicators , Australian s tandard AS 2103 澳大利亚标准
- Dial gauges (0.01 mm ) (Korean standard) KS B 5206-1984 韩国标准
- Dial gauges (0.001 mm ) (Korean s tandard) KS B 5207-1984 韩国标准
- Tes t dial indicators (Korean s tandard) KS B 5238-1976 韩国标准

The main display s creen for dial gauges is divided in three s ections , for three different types
of dial gauges

5. MESCHR4W for the calibration of outside and ins ide m icrometers, m icrom eter heads
according to following s tandards :
MESCHR4W 为标定的内部和外部微米 (千分尺系列), 微米元首根据以下标准
- Microm eters DIN 863 - 1999 (part 1-4) 德国标准
- Outs ide m icrom eters (Britis h s tandard) BS 870-1950 英国标准
- Ins ide microm eters (British s tandard) BS 959-1950 英国标准
- Depth microm eters (British s tandard) BS 6468-1984 英国标准
- Microm eter heads (Britis h s tandard) BS 1734-1951 英国标准
- Microm eters (any type) Federal Specification (USA) GGG-C105 C-1987
- External microm eters , Australian s tandard AS 2102 澳大利亚标准
- Internal microm eters , Australian s tandard AS 2101 : 1978 澳大利亚标准

MESCHR4W m ain screen, although such m easuring ins trum ents are normal calibrated
using a s et of reference block gauges

6. MESCHI4W for calibration of vernier calipers, depth gauges according to following

s tandards :
MESCHI4W 为太阳能卡尺标定游标卡钳,·数显卡尺系列 , ·游标卡尺系列 , ·带表卡尺系列 , ·深度
尺系列, ·数显标尺系列 深度计,根据以下标准:

- Vernier calipers DIN 862 - 1988 卡尺德国标准

- Vernier calipers (metric) Aus tralian s tandard AS 1984 - 1977 澳大利亚标准
- Vernier calipers British s tandard BS 887 卡尺英国标准
- Vernier calipers (metric) Norm e Français e NF E 11-091 法国标准

7. MESZTA4W for calibration of meas urin g tapes according to following s tandards:
MESZTA4W 校准测量录音带根据以下标准:
- Steel tapes DIN 865 and DIN 866 德国标准
- Steel tapes (Britis h s tandard) BS 4372 英国标准

QMS OFT includes standards and procedures for calibration of following types of meas uring
ins truments :

1 Abs olute coolant proof caliper 防水防油数显卡尺
2 Abs olute Digimatic caliper 数显卡尺
3 Abs olute s olar caliper 太阳能数显卡尺
4 Vernier caliper 游标卡尺
5 diamond Mas ter vernier caliper 钻石形游标卡尺
6 dial caliper 带表卡尺
7 digimatic caliper 数显尖型夹钳卡尺
8 vernier caliper 带有拇指锁紧装置游标卡尺
9 digimatic carbon fiber cali per 数显碳纤卡尺
10 long jaw vernier caliper 长爪游标卡尺
11 digim atic caliper 带有尖型和标准型量爪数显卡尺
12 Vernier caliper 带有尖型和标准型量爪游标卡尺
13 offset caliper/offset centerline caliper 偏置卡尺/偏置中心线卡尺
14 point caliper 尖爪卡尺

15 blade type caliper 薄片游标卡尺
16 neck caliper/outside point caliper 颈套型游标卡尺/外点式游标卡尺
17 tube thickness caliper/s wivel vernier caliper 管壁厚度卡尺
18 s cribing caliper/digimatic snap caliper 划线卡尺/数显快速卡尺
19 back-jaw centerline caliper 背量爪式中心线卡尺
20 ins id e caliper 内径卡尺
21 absolute low force caliper 低测力卡尺
22 hook type vernier caliper 卡钳式游标卡尺
23 absolute digim atic depth gages 数显深度尺
24 vernier depth gages /dial depth gages (带表)游标深度尺
25 extens ion bases /depth bas e attachm ent 加宽基面/深度基面附件
1 Digimatic Microm eter 数显千分尺
2 quickm ike Quickmike 快速测量千分尺
3 outside m icrom eter 外径千分尺
4 quick-s etting outs ide microm eters 快速设定型外径千分尺
5 s pine m icrom eters 齿槽(花键)千分尺
6 point m icrometers 尖头千分尺
7 Crimp Height Micrometers 夹钳式高度千分尺
8 v-anvil m icrom eters V 砧(三勾、五勾)千分尺
9 tube micrometers 管壁千分尺
10 univers al micrometers 万能千分尺
11 uni-mike “Uni-Mike”千分尺
12 sheet m etal m icrom eters U 型千分尺
13 balde m icrometers 薄片千分尺
14 dis k m icrometers 盘式(公法线)千分尺
15 s crew thread microm eters 螺纹千分尺
16 gear tooth m icrometers 齿轮外径千分尺
17 can s eam m icrometers 罐型接缝千分尺
18 hub m icrometers 轮毂千分尺
19 digit outside m icrom eters 数字外径千分尺
20 calip er type m icrometers 卡尺型千分尺
21 digim atic micrometers 可调测力型数显千分尺
22 low force micrometers /digim atic bench m icrom eter
23 snap m eters /dial s nap meters 带表千分尺(杠杆卡规)
24 indicating micrometers /outside m icrometers 带表千分尺
25 lim it m icrometers 极限千分尺
26 optical flats /optical parallels 平行平晶/平面平晶
27 microm eter s tandards /standards for screw thread micrometers
(普通、螺纹、 V 型测砧)千分尺校正杆
28 m icrom eter s tands 千分尺尺座
29 groove microm eters 凹槽千分尺

30 depth m icrometers 深度千分尺
31 borem atic 孔径千分尺
32 digimatic holtes t 数显三点内径千分尺
33 holtes t 三点内径千分尺
34 inside microm eters 内径千分尺
35 digimatic tubular ins ide m icrometers 数显接杆式内径千分尺
36 tubular inside microm eters 接杆式内径千分尺
37 m icrom eter heads 微分头

1 IDF series digimatic indicators IDF 系列数显千分表/百分表
2 IDC s eries digim atic indicators IDC 系列数显千分表/百分表
3 IDS series digim atic indicators IDS 系列数显千分表/百分表
4 IDU s eries digim atic indicators IDU 系列数显千分表/百分表
5 LGS s eries digim atic indicators LGS 系列数显千分表/百分表
6 LGD,LGD-M Linear gages 光栅长度计
7 Dial indicators 1 系列 1 系列百分表/千分表
8 Dial indicators 2 系列 2 系列百分表/千分表
9 Dial indicators 3 系列 3 系列百分表/千分表
10 Dial indicators 4 系列 4 系列百分表/千分表
11 contact points 测头
12 magnetic stands 磁性支架/测量台
13 bore gages 内径表
14 dial bore gages (粗糙表面)内径表
15 setting rings 环规
16 dial depth gages 深度表
17 thickness gages 厚度表
18 calip er gages 测径器
19 dial tes t indicators 杠杆百分表/千分表
20 access ories for dial tes t indicators 杠杆百分表/千分表附件
21 pocket type dial tes t indicators 袖珍型杠杆百分表/千分表
22 access ories for pocket type dial tes t indicators 袖珍型杠杆百分表/千分表附件

1 Linear Height 2D 测量仪
2 QM-Hite 高精度数显高度尺
3 heightmatic 高精度高度尺
4 digimatic heitht gages 数显高度尺
5 digital counter type dial heitht gages 带表带计数器型高度尺
6 dial height gages 带表高度尺
7 vernier height gages 游标高度尺
8 s cribers for height gages/accessories for height gages 高度尺划线头及高度尺附件

Exam ple of calibration certificate

The calibration certificate can be cus tomized and printed in many different languages

More inform ation about update options for other length m easurement machines can be found
on or
如需更多其他长度测量仪器的最新消息,请访问: 或


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