Kill Team Command Roster Based Campaign Manager and Data Card Generator PDF

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Welcome to the Kill Team Command Roster Based Campaign Manager

A new version of the sheet exists now with all the content from the Elites expansion. Unfortunately due to having to completely restructure the data handling to accomodate the
free form choices presented in elites this version would no longer work. The link above will take you to the Elites version which works basically the same way as this one. Thanks
everyone who contributed to helping me keep this as up to date and accurate as possible! I will no longer be posting updates to this sheet as of today, 22 May 2019 but will leave it
here as a reference and pointer to the new one.

TLDR: The only things you enter are on Command Roster and Commander Data Cards. Nothing gets entered on the Commander lines on the Command Roster page except the deploy
button and kill selector. Use the Deploy button and the Order selector to generate Data Cards and Tactics. If points are 0/Red you have invalid or not enough selections for gear. After adding
Commanders 2-4, Units 29 and 30 from the Command Roster no longer fit on the first page so in general if you are printing the roster only print the first sheet.

This is a Google docs spreadsheet I built to assist in managing an ongoing Campaign Command Roster for the Kill Team Skirmish Game. The original formatting which I copied was done by
reddit user /u/aeglos.

To use the sheet, you must first Make a copy... from the File menu option above. You must be signed in to a Google account for this option to be available. Choose a name that will be
descriptive to you. I recommend making a single copy and naming it Master Copy of... Then make another copy for each team you are building/tracking.

Once you have made a copy to your own Google drive you are ready to enter your kill team. Choose the Command Roster page below and select a Faction from the drop down menu. Give
the sheet a few seconds to process (based on your internet connection and computer speed but look for All changes saved in Drive in the menu line below the sheet name).

On the Command Roster page, you can enter your name, the kill team name, the current resourses of your team, number of missions, number of victories and the names of your units (but
nothing on the Commander line). If you like you may also enter the squad mission, quirk, background, and unit demeanours and ignore the drop downs (which are based on the charts from
the rule books). Other than that, everything in the Command Roster is selected by drop down menus. Each choice dictates the next available ones so in general give it 3ish seconds to
process after a selection before trying to make the next one. You can only choose valid equipment for units. If the points for a unit are 0/RED you have made invalid selections or not enough of
them. Simply check the next available wargear selector for what option you may have missed. Optional equipment will be in the next dropdown after the last mandatory selection.

To tell the sheet what to include in the data cards, simply select a unit and click the Deploy button for that unit. Note that the Points section is XXX/YYY format. This is Points Deployed/Total
Points. Similarly, the Members section is XXX/YYY (AAA/BBB SP). This is Members Deployed/Members Total (Specialists Deployed/Specialists Total). Note that if the Members block
turns RED you have deployed either too many specialsts, duplicate specialisms, or no Leader. (It does not compare your Roster specialisms to Commader ones which only affects Elucia and
Vulgrar). You can then set the numerical order you want the unit's card to be generated in using that dropdown. The sheet will take the choices you made and find the mandatory equipment for
that unit and fill in a data card with all of that information along with the name and specialist information you entered. It will then sort the cards based on the order you select (1 being first) and
build the cards starting on Data Cards (1-6) and working its way through (25-30).

On the Commander Data Cards sheets, you can enter your Commanders' information. You must select a Level for them from the dropdown as well as a Unit Type. You may enter a name
and select a demeanour and specialisms on the Commander's Data Card as well as the Commander Traits. If you choose Generalist or Master Specialist as a trait this will open that option
as their level 4 specialist ability and once you select that the pull out below the injuries and wargear will allow you to choose those options. All the relevant information for the Commanders will
be transferred over to your roster for you where you can choose to Deploy them or not. If you click one of the injury buttons for the Commander, the stats on the card will adjust except for the
flesh wound which you must manually click for yourself. Psychic Powers can be selected from Psybolt, the six general ones and any which are available to the specific commander. You pick
the power and the sheet will pull up the Warp Charge (WC) value and a description.

If you encounter any bugs, try RELOADING (F5), the sheet. Make sure you are allowing enough time for the dependant dropdowns to populate. I am certain there are more efficient ways to
handle the data and as I explore them to improve performance they will be implemented but in the meantime just realize it takes a couple seconds for the next option to load after you select one.
If you find any ERRORS in logic, typos, points, anything PLEASE LET ME KNOW via the comment feature of the sheet or a post or direct message to me in the media you found this. I've made
every effort to check my work but I'm sure there are some things that slipped though (there always are) and I greatly appreciate the help in improving this for everyone. Thanks in advance for
the bug reports! Also I'm always open to suggestions for improvements or features that could be implemented so feel free to forward those along (this whole sheet arose from a suggestion on
the last one I built).

If for any reason you overwrite something and can't simply Undo (CTRL Z), I recommend simply starting with a fresh copy of the sheet. In general this version (unlike the last) takes relatively
little time to refill due to needing to make many many fewer selections (grenades!) and likely will be easier than trying to wade through my shoddy, inefficient, and unintuitive coding and logic.
This is why the initial recommendation was to have a Master Copy saved locally. I can help with limited troubleshooting so feel free to shoot questions my way via the media you found this or
the sheet comments.

Thanks for checking this out. Hopefully its not too complicated. Per suggestions I've decided to add a PURELY VOLUNTARY donation link to this sheet. If you feel like contributing to my time
to maintain the sheet with factions/errata/expansions, let me THANK YOU! Ultimately it is not necessary as I intend to upkeep this for the forseeable life of the game but I do appreciate the
show of support! Enjoy and maybe some day one of my (far too many) Teams will get to face one of yours!
Date Update(s)

22 May 2019 Sheet is retired. See Instructions page for link to newer version with Elites info.

15 May 2019 Fixed Data Card 30 so it actually pulls the correct info if all 30 cards are filled

7 April 2019 Added Genestealer Cults tactics from metamorph box

Added Genestealer Cults Commander Ghyrson Starn
Added Adeptus Astartes Commander Torrvald Orksbank
Added Deathwatch Commander Gaius Acastian
Added Adeptus Mechanicus Commander Magos Dalathrust
Added Tyranids Commander Nemesis 9 Tyrantis
Added Necrons Commander Ankra the Colossus
Added Orks Commander Gitzog Wurldkilla
Added Drukhari Commander Vysa Kharavyxis
Added Astra Militarum Commander Feodor Lasko
Added T'au Commander Shas'nel Vior'la Atsumo Twinflame
Added Adeptus Mechanicus Commander Theta-7 Acquisitus

6 April 2019 Changed names of Tactics Pages, added new Tactics (Additional Kill Team Box) page
Redid layout of Tactics (Core Rulebook, Level 1s) Now has 6 generic, faction specific ones from the book, then the level 1s for first 4 deployed specialists
Redid layout of Tactics (Additional Specialists) Now has 1 specialist per line of cards level 1,2,3. 5th additional specialist is in the 4th column of the page
Added space on faction pages for up to 22 faction tactics
Added Adeptus Mechanicus tactics from Sicarian + Commander box
Added Adeptus Mechanicus Commander Tech-priest Manipulus
Added Genestealer Cults Commander Kelermorph
Added extra tactics from t'au cadre fireblade box

16 March 2019 No so much a change as an update to anyone who checks this. Been super busy and have done little more than brainstorm how to add 6 more tactics each for GSC and Admech.
Elites has me super excited again though so in an ideal world, sometime next week the ideas floating around my head start to materialize on the sheet here along with implementation
for the named commanders (this expansion was a dud locally so I never really got the data or impetus to get them fully implemented, sorry bout that everyone!). Thanks to all who still
use this and continue to give feedback and bug reports - they help a ton!

16 March 2019 Fixed Necron demeanour

3 February 2019 Fixed the Members count specialist count for Unit 24

15 January 2019 Corrected Haemonculus specialisms, corrected Stoic hero commander trait

7 January 2019 Added acid spit to sludge grub

5 January 2019 Added Kroot faction

Added Kroot Carnivore to T'au faction

3 January 2019 Fixed weapon stats and spelling error in Deathwatch and AA

1 January 2019 Fixed several data entry errors

26 December 2018 Fixed Command Roster members red flag to not look at fire team duplicates

15 December 2018 Added credit to instructions for original formatting designer

6 December 2018 Added Blackstone Fortress Servants of the Abyss faction

Full edit and formatting pass on Blackstone Fortress models
Corrected several spelling errors

5 December 2018 Added Blackstone Fortress models (not new faction)

25 November 2018 Fixed Breacher Shas'la to not require a pistol

4 November 2018 Fixed Drukhari SGT equilivant special weapons

3 November 2018 Fixed Astra Militarum SGT plasma pistol

Updated Change Log for 30 October fixes

30 October 2018 Fixed Termagant access to Toxin sacs and Adrenal glands
Added Combat specialism to Hormagaunt selection

26 October 2018 Fixed Deathwatch Power Maul Strength

Fixed Adeptus Mechanicus Vanguard Gunner and Vanguard Alpha to have Radium carbines instead of Galvanic rifles as default options
Changed Members on Command Roster to note Deployed/Total (Specialist Deployed/Specialist Total) and updated Instructions to reflect the change
Added conditional formatting to Members. If anyone is deployed it looks for a Leader, no duplicate, and not over 4 (7 for Starstriders) specialists - any violation turns the box red.

25 October 2018 Changed Tactics (Campign) and (Additional Specialists) to show level 2 and 3 Tactics even if only one level of specialism is selected to print them for Strategist: Advisor.
Also fixed level 3 tactics to show up because I broke them.

24 October 2018 Deleted some ghost data from X99 to end of sheet on Commander Data to clean up an overwrite error
Change reference formatting for Card Data Commander section to prep for adding 3 more commander sheets
Fixed Commander kills in total tally
Add Data sections to Roster Data, Card Data, Commander Data to acommodate having 4 Commanders on Roster
Added Commander Data Cards 2,3,4 and adjusted to use correct data
Updated Command Roster to display commanders 2,3,4 and deploy
Fixed higher level specialist tactics not populating correctly.

23 October 2018 Many, many typo and data corrections to all commander data. Full edit pass on commanders for accuracy and functionality.
Fixed capitalization of Cults in Unit Data for all entries.

22 October 2018 Changed Specialism tactic lookups and data formatting due to duplicate abilities in Commanders
Updated point cost of common commander traits based on Commanders book.
Input common psychic powers, formatted faction data to handle psychic powers, added selection and lookup for psychic powers to commander data card.
Input all Commander Specialisms data and tactics, updated Stealth, Strategist per Commander book
Adeptus Astartes Commander data in
Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Astra Militarum Commander data in
Adeptus Mechanicus, Heretic Astartes, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Asuryani Commander data in
Drukhar, Harlequins, Necrons, Orks Commander data in
T'au Empire, Tyranides, Genestealer Cults Commander Data in
Few data spot checks including formatting for the Ethereal's 4 Tactics

21 October 2018 Changed commander third tier injury to Contusion per book

16 October 2018 Fixed an error with Unit 11 Card data transcription

Added option to Tzaangor to choose blades before brayhorn

15 October 2018 Fixed Scion with vox-caster so he can take his lasgun, pistol, and vox in any order.

14 October 2018 Fixed Command Roster not summing points, casualties, kills, and members for units 25-30
FIxed problem with sort for data card order

13 October 2018 Fixed an error with Faction Data Query and T'au Empire. Added if-based workaround.

11 October 2018 Added to Unit Data so Tau Shas'ui and Breacher Shas'ui can choose their optional pistol prior to their optional Markerlight instead of only the other way around.
Added Necron tactics from faction box.
Fixed first 2 points totals missing a comma resulting in FALSE instead of blank if dead
Fixed Stealh Shas'vre Target lock/markerlight

10 October 2018 Redesign Commander Data Card logic from ground up - now have to fill this as the user and it copies over to the Roster, can only have 1 commander per roster
Build space for Commander on Roster sheet
Adjust points of units with non-0 cost automatic equipment (Primaris in Deathwatch and Ruststalker Princeps)
Put sheets in order for public
Cleaned up and formatted instructions.

9 October 2018 More work on Commander page and data formatting

Added Conditional formatting to change points to red if invalid selections on command roster and commander data card level field

8 October 2018 Built Commander Data Page on assumption of 2 unique tactics per commander
Added logic to data processing for Commanders
Added placeholder CTactics to all individual data sheets
Added all faction data
Added all unit data, one test pass

7 October 2018 Initial sheet up with Adeptus Astartes only, should be fully functional
Player Name Resources Kill Team's Statistics

Faction Intelligence Missions Members Points

Mission Materiel Victories Kills Casualties

Background Morale Kill Team's Name

Squad Quirk Territory Name Me Please!

Deploy Name Model Type Commander Traits Level Specialism Kills Demeanour Points

Commander 1

Commander 2

Commander 3

Commander 4

# Dead Deploy Order Name Model Type Wargear Options Exp Specialism Kills Demeanour Points




















Name Me Please!

Demeanour: Points Level Comander Casualty Penalties

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

One Flesh Wound

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities -1 Move
-1 Attack
#REF! Wargear Serious Injury -1 Leadership
-1 Wounds
-1 Strength

One Flesh Wound

-1 Move
Minor Injury
-1 Attack
-1 Leadership

Contusion One Flesh Wound



Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Name Description

Commander Trait 1

Commander Trait 2

Commander Trait 3

Name WC Description

Psychic Power 1

Psychic Power 2

Psychic Power 3

Look Out, Sir!

Commander Tactic
Use this Tactic when you fail a saving
throw for your Commander if there is
another model from your kill team within 2"
of them (excluding shaken models). Roll a
D6; on a 2+ the damage is inflicted on that
model instead of your Commander.

1 Command Point

Heroic Intervention Duel of Honour

Commander Tactic Commander Tactic

Use this Tactic at the end of the Movement Use this Tactic at the start of the Fight
phase if there are any enemy models phase. Your Commander can only target
within 3" of your Commander and your enemy Commanders this phase, but you
Commander did not Advance, Fall Back, can RR all failed hit and wound rolls for
Retreat or make a charge attempt this your Commander's attacks until the end of
phase. Your Commander can immediately the phase.
make a pile-in move as described in the
Fight phase.

1 Command Point 1 Command Point

Name Me Please!

Demeanour: Points Level Comander Casualty Penalties

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

One Flesh Wound

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities -1 Move
-1 Attack
#REF! Wargear Serious Injury -1 Leadership
-1 Wounds
-1 Strength

One Flesh Wound

-1 Move
Minor Injury
-1 Attack
-1 Leadership

Contusion One Flesh Wound



Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Name Description

Commander Trait 1

Commander Trait 2

Commander Trait 3

Name WC Description

Psychic Power 1

Psychic Power 2

Psychic Power 3

Look Out, Sir!

Commander Tactic
Use this Tactic when you fail a saving
throw for your Commander if there is
another model from your kill team within 2"
of them (excluding shaken models). Roll a
D6; on a 2+ the damage is inflicted on that
model instead of your Commander.

1 Command Point

Heroic Intervention Duel of Honour

Commander Tactic Commander Tactic

Use this Tactic at the end of the Movement Use this Tactic at the start of the Fight
phase if there are any enemy models phase. Your Commander can only target
within 3" of your Commander and your enemy Commanders this phase, but you
Commander did not Advance, Fall Back, can RR all failed hit and wound rolls for
Retreat or make a charge attempt this your Commander's attacks until the end of
phase. Your Commander can immediately the phase.
make a pile-in move as described in the
Fight phase.

1 Command Point 1 Command Point

Name Me Please!

Demeanour: Points Level Comander Casualty Penalties

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

One Flesh Wound

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities -1 Move
-1 Attack
#REF! Wargear Serious Injury -1 Leadership
-1 Wounds
-1 Strength

One Flesh Wound

-1 Move
Minor Injury
-1 Attack
-1 Leadership

Contusion One Flesh Wound



Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Name Description

Commander Trait 1

Commander Trait 2

Commander Trait 3

Name WC Description

Psychic Power 1

Psychic Power 2

Psychic Power 3

Look Out, Sir!

Commander Tactic
Use this Tactic when you fail a saving
throw for your Commander if there is
another model from your kill team within 2"
of them (excluding shaken models). Roll a
D6; on a 2+ the damage is inflicted on that
model instead of your Commander.

1 Command Point

Heroic Intervention Duel of Honour

Commander Tactic Commander Tactic

Use this Tactic at the end of the Movement Use this Tactic at the start of the Fight
phase if there are any enemy models phase. Your Commander can only target
within 3" of your Commander and your enemy Commanders this phase, but you
Commander did not Advance, Fall Back, can RR all failed hit and wound rolls for
Retreat or make a charge attempt this your Commander's attacks until the end of
phase. Your Commander can immediately the phase.
make a pile-in move as described in the
Fight phase.

1 Command Point 1 Command Point

Name Me Please!

Demeanour: Points Level Comander Casualty Penalties

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

One Flesh Wound

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities -1 Move
-1 Attack
#REF! Wargear Serious Injury -1 Leadership
-1 Wounds
-1 Strength

One Flesh Wound

-1 Move
Minor Injury
-1 Attack
-1 Leadership

Contusion One Flesh Wound



Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Name Description

Commander Trait 1

Commander Trait 2

Commander Trait 3

Name WC Description

Psychic Power 1

Psychic Power 2

Psychic Power 3

Look Out, Sir!

Commander Tactic
Use this Tactic when you fail a saving
throw for your Commander if there is
another model from your kill team within 2"
of them (excluding shaken models). Roll a
D6; on a 2+ the damage is inflicted on that
model instead of your Commander.

1 Command Point

Heroic Intervention Duel of Honour

Commander Tactic Commander Tactic

Use this Tactic at the end of the Movement Use this Tactic at the start of the Fight
phase if there are any enemy models phase. Your Commander can only target
within 3" of your Commander and your enemy Commanders this phase, but you
Commander did not Advance, Fall Back, can RR all failed hit and wound rolls for
Retreat or make a charge attempt this your Commander's attacks until the end of
phase. Your Commander can immediately the phase.
make a pile-in move as described in the
Fight phase.

1 Command Point 1 Command Point

Name Me Please!
Total points this page: 0

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit
Name Me Please!
Total points this page: 0

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit
Name Me Please!
Total points this page: 0

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit
Name Me Please!
Total points this page: 0

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit
Name Me Please!
Total points this page: 0

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit

Demeanour: Points Demeanour: Points

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abilities: Abilities:

Specialism: Specialism:

Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit Experience Flesh Wounds Convalescence New Recruit
Name Me Please!

Decisive Move Decisive Shot Decisive Strike Gritted Teeth

Tactic Tactic Tactic Tactic
Use this Tactic at the start of the Use this Tactic at the start of the Shooting Use this Tactic at the start of the Fight Use this Tactic when you choose a model
Movement phase. Pick a model from your phase. Pick a model from your kill team phase. Pick a model from your kill team with one or more flesh wounds to shoot in
kill team and make a move with it before that is eligible to shoot and shoot with it that is eligible to fight and fight with it the Shooting phase or fight in the Fight
any other models (including an Advance before any other models. If another player before any other models. If another player phase. Until the end of the phase, this
move, Fall Back move or charge attempt if uses this Tactic, roll off; the winner goes uses this Tactic, roll off; the winner goes model's attacks do not suffer any penalty
you wish). If another player uses this first. first. to their hit rolls from this model's flesh
Tactic, roll off; the winner goes first. wound(s).

1 Command Point 2 Command Points 2 Command Points 1 Command Point

Insane Bravery Tactical RR

Tactic Tactic
Use this Tactic before taking any Nerve RR a single Advance roll, charge roll,
tests in the Morale phase. You can Psychic test, Deny the Witch test, hit roll,
automatically pass a single Nerve test for wound roll, saving throw, Injury roll or
a model from your kill team. Nerve test.

1 Command Point 1 Command Point

Name Me Please!
Name Me Please!
Name Me Please!





























() #REF!


() #REF!
() #REF!


() #REF!
() #REF!


() #REF!
#REF! #REF! () #REF!

#REF! #REF! () #REF!


Elucidian Starstriders Elucia Vhane Combat Scout Strategist Veteran Zealot Iron Will This model automatically passes5Nerve tests. Iron Will This model automatically passes5Nerve tests. Iron Will Iron Will Psybolt 5 The closest enemy model within 18" of and visible to the psyker suffers#REF!
#REF! 1 mortal wound. If the result of 5theThe
was 11+,
of and
the psyker
1 mortal wound. Iron
If the
result of theThis
was 11+, the
D3 mortal wounds instead. Iron Will This model automatically passes5Nerve tests. Iron Will Iron Will Psybolt of and visible to 5the psyker suffersPsybolt
5 The closest enemy model within 18"#REF! 1 mortal wound. If the result of 5theThe
was 11+,
of and
the psyker
1 mortal wound. Iron
If the
result of theThis
was 11+, the
D3 mortal wounds instead. Iron Will This model automatically passes5Nerve tests. Iron Will Iron Will Psybolt of and visible to 5the psyker suffersPsybolt
5 The closest enemy model within 18"#REF! 1 mortal wound. If the result of 5theThe
was 11+,
of and
the psyker
1 mortal wound. Iron
If the
result of theThis
was 11+, the
D3 mortal wounds instead. Iron Will This model automatically passes5Nerve tests. Iron Will Iron Will Psybolt of and visible to 5the psyker suffersPsybolt
5 The closest enemy model within 18"#REF! 1 mortal wound. If the result of 5theThe
was 11+,
of and
the psyker
1 mortal wound. If the result of the Psychic test was 11+, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds instead.
Gellerpox Infected Vulgrar Thrice-cursed Combat Demolitions Strength Veteran Zealot Destined By Fate Roll a D6 each time this model suffers
10 a mortal wound. On a 6, that wound is not lost. Destined By Fate Roll a D6 each time this model suffers
10 a mortal wound.
On a 6,
wound is not lost. Destined By Fate Iron Arm 7 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, add 2 to the psyker's Strenght and Toughness characteristics.7 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, add 2 to the psyker's Strenght and Toughness characteristics.
Destined By Fate Roll a D6 each time this model suffers
10 a mortal wound. On a 6, that wound is not lost. Destined By Fate Roll a D6 each time this model suffers
10 a mortal wound.
On a 6,
wound is not lost. Destined By Fate Iron Arm 7 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, add 2 to the psyker's Strenght
7 Iron
Toughness characteristics. 7 Until the start of the next Psychic phase,
Iron Arm
add 2 to the psyker's StrenghtIron
Toughness characteristics.
Destined By Fate Roll a D6 each time this model suffers
10 a mortal wound. On a 6, that wound is not lost. Destined By Fate Roll a D6 each time this model suffers
10 a mortal wound.
On a 6,
wound is not lost. Destined By Fate Iron Arm 7 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, add 2 to the psyker's Strenght
7 Iron
Toughness characteristics. 7 Until the start of the next Psychic phase,
Iron Arm
add 2 to the psyker's StrenghtIron
Toughness characteristics.
Destined By Fate Roll a D6 each time this model suffers
10 a mortal wound. On a 6, that wound is not lost. Destined By Fate Roll a D6 each time this model suffers
10 a mortal wound.
On a 6,
wound is not lost. Destined By Fate Iron Arm 7 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, add 2 to the psyker's Strenght
7 Iron
Toughness characteristics. 7 Until the start of the next Psychic phase,
Iron Arm
add 2 to the psyker's StrenghtIron
Toughness characteristics.
Adeptus Astartes Primaris Captain Master-crafted auto bolt rifle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength Stoic Hero Ignore the penalty to this model's
10hit rolls from flesh wounds it has suffered. Stoic Hero Ignore the penalty to this model's
10hit rolls from flesh wounds
Stoic Hero
it has suffered. Stoic Hero Forewarning 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, the psyker has a 4+ invulnerable save. 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, the psyker has a 4+ invulnerable save. Stoic Hero Ignore the penalty to this model's
10hit rolls from one flesh wound it has suffered. Stoic Hero Ignore the penalty to this model's
10hit rolls from one flesh
Hero it has suffered. Stoic Hero Forewarning 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, the psyker has a 4+ invulnerable
6 Forewarning
save. 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase,
the psyker has a 4+ invulnerable
save. Stoic Hero Ignore the penalty to this model's
10hit rolls from one flesh wound it has suffered. Stoic Hero Ignore the penalty to this model's
10hit rolls from one flesh
Hero it has suffered. Stoic Hero Forewarning 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, the psyker has a 4+ invulnerable
6 Forewarning
save. 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase,
the psyker has a 4+ invulnerable
save. Stoic Hero Ignore the penalty to this model's
10hit rolls from one flesh wound it has suffered. Stoic Hero Ignore the penalty to this model's
10hit rolls from one flesh
Hero it has suffered. Stoic Hero Forewarning 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, the psyker has a 4+ invulnerable
6 Forewarning
save. 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase,
the psyker has a 4+ invulnerable
Adeptus Astartes Primaris Captain Master-crafted auto
bolt rifle
sword (CPT) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength Tactical Planner At the start of the first battle round
15 you gain D3 Command Points. Tactical Planner At the start of the first battle round
15 you gain D3 Command
Planner Tactical Planner FIre Shield 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, a friendly model within 8" of the psyker counts as obscured even
6 Until
if they
of the next
to the
firing amodel.
friendly model within 8" of the psyker counts as
even At
if they
the start
are completely
of the first battle
to 15
D3 Command Points. Tactical Planner At the start of the first battle round
15 you gain D3 Command
Planner Tactical Planner FIre Shield 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, a friendly model within 8" of6the
Shieldcounts as obscured even
6 Until
if they
of the next
to the
friendly model within 8" of the
Shieldcounts as
even At
if they
the start
are completely
of the first battle
to 15
D3 Command Points. Tactical Planner At the start of the first battle round
15 you gain D3 Command
Planner Tactical Planner FIre Shield 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, a friendly model within 8" of6the
Shieldcounts as obscured even
6 Until
if they
of the next
to the
friendly model within 8" of the
Shieldcounts as
even At
if they
the start
are completely
of the first battle
to 15
D3 Command Points. Tactical Planner At the start of the first battle round
15 you gain D3 Command
Planner Tactical Planner FIre Shield 6 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, a friendly model within 8" of6the
Shieldcounts as obscured even
6 Until
if they
of the next
to the
friendly model within 8" of the
Shieldcounts as obscured even if they are completely visible to the firing model.
Adeptus Astartes Primaris Captain Master-crafted stalker bolt rifle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength Generalist Instead of choosing a Level 4 specialism
15 ability, choose a Level 1 ability from a different Generalist
specialism this model
is eligible
of choosing
for. a Level 4 specialism
15 ability, choose
a Level 1 ability from a different Generalist
specialism this model
is eligible
Shriekfor. 5 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. That model must make a Nerve test as if5 itSelect
were the
an Morale
enemy model
phase.within 12" of and visible to the psyker. That model must make aGeneralist
Nerve test as if itInstead
were the
of Morale
a Level 4 specialism
15 ability, choose a Level 1 ability from a different Generalist
specialism this model
is eligible
of choosing
for. a Level 4 specialism
15 ability, choose
a Level 1 ability from a different Generalist
specialism this model
is eligible
Shriekfor. 5 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. That5model
make a Nerve test as if5 itSelect
were the
an Morale
enemy model
phase.within 12" of
and visible
Shriekto the psyker. That model
make aGeneralist
Nerve test as if itInstead
were the
of Morale
a Level 4 specialism
15 ability, choose a Level 1 ability from a different Generalist
specialism this model
is eligible
of choosing
for. a Level 4 specialism
15 ability, choose
a Level 1 ability from a different Generalist
specialism this model
is eligible
Shriekfor. 5 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. That5model
make a Nerve test as if5 itSelect
were the
an Morale
enemy model
phase.within 12" of
and visible
Shriekto the psyker. That model
make aGeneralist
Nerve test as if itInstead
were the
of Morale
a Level 4 specialism
15 ability, choose a Level 1 ability from a different Generalist
specialism this model
is eligible
of choosing
for. a Level 4 specialism
15 ability, choose
a Level 1 ability from a different Generalist
specialism this model
is eligible
Shriekfor. 5 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. That5model
make a Nerve test as if5 itSelect
were the
an Morale
enemy model
phase.within 12" of
and visible
Shriekto the psyker. That model
make a Nerve test as if it were the Morale phase.
Adeptus Astartes Primaris Captain Master-crafted stalker
Power bolt
rifle (CPT) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength Master Specialist Instead of choosing a single Level
30 4 specialism ability, choose any two abilities. Master Specialist Instead of choosing a single Level
30 4 specialism ability,
any two abilities. Master Specialist Enfeeble 7 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. Until the start of the next Psychic phase,7your
an enemy
1 from
12" of
the for
the target
Until model's
the startclose
of thecombat
next Master
phase, your
of choosing
must subtract
a single1Level
30 4hitspecialism
and wound ability,
rolls for
the target
any two
close combat
Specialist Instead of choosing a single Level
30 4 specialism ability,
any two abilities. Master Specialist Enfeeble 7 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. Until7the
start of the next Psychic phase,7your
an enemy
1 from
12" of
the for
the target
Until model's
of thecombat
next Master
phase, your
of choosing
must subtract
a single1Level
30 4hitspecialism
and wound ability,
rolls for
the target
any two
close combat
Specialist Instead of choosing a single Level
30 4 specialism ability,
any two abilities. Master Specialist Enfeeble 7 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. Until7the
start of the next Psychic phase,7your
an enemy
1 from
12" of
the for
the target
Until model's
of thecombat
next Master
phase, your
of choosing
must subtract
a single1Level
30 4hitspecialism
and wound ability,
rolls for
the target
any two
close combat
Specialist Instead of choosing a single Level
30 4 specialism ability,
any two abilities. Master Specialist Enfeeble 7 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. Until7the
start of the next Psychic phase,7your
an enemy
1 from
12" of
the for
the target
Until model's
of thecombat
next Psychic
phase, your opponent must subtract 1 from hit and wound rolls for the target model's close combat attacks.
Adeptus Astartes Primaris Lieutenant Master-crafted auto bolt rifle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength Misfortune 7 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. Until the start of the next Psychic Phase,7 improve
Select an
AP characteristic
model withinof12"
and visible
that to
the psyker.
that model
the1 start
(for example,
of the next
AP0 weapon
improve AP-1).
the AP characteristic of any weapon that targets that model by 1 (for example, an AP0 weapon becomes AP-1). Misfortune 7 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. Until7the
start of the next Psychic Phase,7 improve
Select an
AP characteristic
model withinof12"
and visible
that to
the psyker.
that model
1 start
(for example,
of the next
AP0 weapon
improve AP-1).
the AP characteristic of any weapon that targets that model by 1 (for example, an AP0 weapon becomes AP-1). Misfortune 7 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. Until7the
start of the next Psychic Phase,7 improve
Select an
AP characteristic
model withinof12"
and visible
that to
the psyker.
that model
1 start
(for example,
of the next
AP0 weapon
improve AP-1).
the AP characteristic of any weapon that targets that model by 1 (for example, an AP0 weapon becomes AP-1). Misfortune 7 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. Until7the
start of the next Psychic Phase,7 improve
Select an
AP characteristic
model withinof12"
and visible
that to
the psyker.
that model
1 start
(for example,
of the next
AP0 weapon
improve AP-1).
the AP characteristic of any weapon that targets that model by 1 (for example, an AP0 weapon becomes AP-1).
Adeptus Astartes Primaris Lieutenant Master-crafted stalker bolt rifle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength #REF! 5 #REF! 5 #REF! 5
Adeptus Astartes Primaris Lieutenant Power sword (LT) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength 7 7 7
Adeptus Astartes Primaris Chaplain Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Shooting
Strength 6 6 6
Adeptus Astartes Primaris Librarian Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength 6 6 6
Deathwatch Primaris Captain Master-crafted auto bolt rifle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength 5 5 5
Deathwatch Primaris Captain Master-crafted auto
bolt rifle
sword (CPT) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength 7 7 7
Deathwatch Primaris Captain Master-crafted stalker bolt rifle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength 7 7 7
Deathwatch Primaris Captain Master-crafted stalker
Power bolt
rifle (CPT) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength

Deathwatch Primaris Chaplain Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Shooting

Deathwatch Primaris Librarian Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Deathwatch Watch Master Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Strategist Strength
Grey Knights Brotherhood Champion Fortitude Leadership Melee Psyker Shooting
Astra Militarum Commissar Bolt pistol Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Commissar Bolt pistol Power sword (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Commissar Bolt pistol Power sword (COM)
Power fist (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Commissar Bolt pistol Power fist (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Commissar Bolt pistol Power fist (COM) Power sword (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Commissar Plasma pistol (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Commissar Plasma pistol (COM)
Power sword (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Commissar Plasma pistol (COM)
Power sword (COM)
Power fist (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Commissar Plasma pistol (COM)
Power fist (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Commissar Plasma pistol (COM)
Power fist (COM) Power sword (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Lord Commissar Bolt pistol Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Lord Commissar Bolt pistol Power sword (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Lord Commissar Bolt pistol Power sword (COM)
Power fist (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Lord Commissar Bolt pistol Power fist (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Lord Commissar Bolt pistol Power fist (COM) Power sword (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Lord Commissar Plasma pistol (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Lord Commissar Plasma pistol (COM)
Power sword (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Lord Commissar Plasma pistol (COM)
Power sword (COM)
Power fist (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Lord Commissar Plasma pistol (COM)
Power fist (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Lord Commissar Plasma pistol (COM)
Power fist (COM) Power sword (COM) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Laspistol Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Laspistol Chainsword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Laspistol Power sword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Laspistol Power fist (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Boltgun Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Boltgun Chainsword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Boltgun Power sword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Boltgun Power fist (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Bolt pistol Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Bolt pistol Chainsword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Bolt pistol Power sword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Bolt pistol Power fist (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Plasma pistol (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Plasma pistol (COM)
Chainsword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Plasma pistol (COM)
Power sword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Platoon Commander Plasma pistol (COM)
Power fist (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Laspistol Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Laspistol Chainsword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Laspistol Power sword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Laspistol Power fist (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Boltgun Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Boltgun Chainsword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Boltgun Power sword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Boltgun Power fist (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Bolt pistol Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Bolt pistol Chainsword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Bolt pistol Power sword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Bolt pistol Power fist (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Plasma pistol (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Plasma pistol (COM)
Chainsword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Plasma pistol (COM)
Power sword (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Company Commander Plasma pistol (COM)
Power fist (COM) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Hot-shot laspistol Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Hot-shot laspistol Chainsword (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Hot-shot laspistol Power sword (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Hot-shot laspistol Power fist (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Tempestus command rod Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Tempestus command
rod (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Tempestus command
rodsword (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Tempestus command
rodfist (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Bolt pistol Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Bolt pistol Chainsword (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Bolt pistol Power sword (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Bolt pistol Power fist (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Plasma pistol (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Plasma pistol (TP)Chainsword (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Plasma pistol (TP)Power sword (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Astra Militarum Tempestor Prime Plasma pistol (TP)Power fist (TP) Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-priest Enginseer Fortitude Leadership Logistics Shooting Strategist
Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-priest Dominus Volkite blaster Macrostubber Fortitude Leadership Logistics Shooting Strategist
Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-priest Dominus Volkite blaster Phosphor serpenta Fortitude Leadership Logistics Shooting Strategist
Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-priest Dominus Eradication ray Macrostubber Fortitude Leadership Logistics Shooting Strategist
Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-priest Dominus Eradication ray Phosphor serpenta Fortitude Leadership Logistics Shooting Strategist
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Boltgun Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (EC) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Bolt pistol Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Bolt pistol Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Bolt pistol Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Bolt pistol Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Bolt pistol Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Plasma pistol (EC) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power axe (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Bolt pistol Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Bolt pistol Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Bolt pistol Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Bolt pistol Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Bolt pistol Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Bolt pistol Boltgun Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Plasma pistol (EC) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power sword (EC)Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Bolt pistol Boltgun Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Plasma pistol (EC) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Khorne Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Exalted Champion Power fist (EC) Plasma pistol (EC)
Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipLogistics Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist Strength
Heretic Astartes Sorcerer Force sword Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Heretic Astartes Sorcerer Force sword Mark of Khorne Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Heretic Astartes Sorcerer Force sword Mark of Nurgle Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Heretic Astartes Sorcerer Force sword Mark of Tzeentch Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Heretic Astartes Sorcerer Force sword Mark of Slaanesh Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Heretic Astartes Sorcerer Force stave Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Heretic Astartes Sorcerer Force stave Mark of Khorne Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Heretic Astartes Sorcerer Force stave Mark of Nurgle Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Heretic Astartes Sorcerer Force stave Mark of Tzeentch Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Heretic Astartes Sorcerer Force stave Mark of Slaanesh Fortitude Melee Psyker Shooting Strength
Death Guard Foul Blightspawn Fortitude Logistics Melee Strength
Death Guard Tallyman Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Strategist Strength
Death Guard Biologus Putrifier Fortitude Logistics Melee Shooting Strength
Death Guard Plague Surgeon Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Inferno bolt pistol Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Inferno bolt pistol Power sword Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Inferno bolt pistol Power sword Disc of Tzeentch (ES) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Inferno bolt pistol Disc of Tzeentch (ES) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Inferno bolt pistol Disc of Tzeentch (ES)
Power sword Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Warpflame pistol (ES) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Warpflame pistol (ES)
Power sword Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Warpflame pistol (ES)
Power sword Disc of Tzeentch (ES) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Warpflame pistol (ES)
Disc of Tzeentch (ES) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Warpflame pistol (ES)
Disc of Tzeentch (ES)
Power sword Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Plasma pistol (ES) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Plasma pistol (ES)Power sword Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Plasma pistol (ES)Power sword Disc of Tzeentch (ES) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Plasma pistol (ES)Disc of Tzeentch (ES) Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Exalted Sorcerer Plasma pistol (ES)Disc of Tzeentch (ES)
Power sword Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting Strategist Strength
Thousand Sons Tzaangor Shaman Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Psyker Strategist Strength
Asuryani Autarch Star glaive Ferocity Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Stealth Strategist
Asuryani Autarch Power sword Fusion pistol Swooping hawk wings Ferocity Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Stealth Strategist
Asuryani Warlock Witchblade Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting
Asuryani Warlock Singing spear (W) Logistics Melee Psyker Shooting
Asuryani Farseer Witchblade Leadership
Logistics Psyker Strategist
Asuryani Farseer Singing spear (F) Leadership
Logistics Psyker Strategist
Drukhari Archon Splinter pistol Huskblade Ferocity Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Stealth Strategist
Drukhari Archon Splinter pistol Agoniser (COM) Ferocity Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Stealth Strategist
Drukhari Archon Splinter pistol Power sword (COM) Ferocity Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Stealth Strategist
Drukhari Archon Splinter pistol Venom blade Ferocity Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Stealth Strategist
Drukhari Archon Blast pistol (COM)Huskblade Ferocity Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Stealth Strategist
Drukhari Archon Blast pistol (COM)Agoniser (COM) Ferocity Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Stealth Strategist
Drukhari Archon Blast pistol (COM)Power sword (COM) Ferocity Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Stealth Strategist
Drukhari Archon Blast pistol (COM)Venom blade Ferocity Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Stealth Strategist
Drukhari Succubus Ferocity Melee Stealth
Drukhari Haemonculus Ferocity Fortitude Logistics Melee Strength
Drukhari Haemonculus Ichor injector Ferocity Fortitude Logistics Melee Strength
Harlequins Troupe Master Shuriken pistol Harlequin's blade Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Shuriken pistol Power sword Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Shuriken pistol Harlequin's embrace (COM) Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Shuriken pistol Harlequin's kiss (COM) Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Shuriken pistol Harlequin's caress (COM) Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Neuro disruptor (COM)
Harlequin's blade Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Neuro disruptor (COM)
Power sword Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Neuro disruptor (COM)
Harlequin's embrace (COM) Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Neuro disruptor (COM)
Harlequin's kiss (COM) Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Neuro disruptor (COM)
Harlequin's caress (COM) Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Fusion pistol (COM)
Harlequin's blade Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Fusion pistol (COM)
Power sword Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Fusion pistol (COM)
Harlequin's embrace (COM) Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Fusion pistol (COM)
Harlequin's kiss (COM) Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Troupe Master Fusion pistol (COM)
Harlequin's caress (COM) Ferocity Leadership Melee Shooting Stealth Strategist
Harlequins Shadowseer Shuriken pistol Ferocity Melee Psyker Shooting Stealth
Harlequins Shadowseer Neuro disruptor (COM) Ferocity Melee Psyker Shooting Stealth
Harlequins Death Jester Ferocity Melee Shooting Stealth
Necrons Overlord Voidscythe Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Strategist Strength
Necrons Overlord Staff of light Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Strategist Strength
Necrons Overlord Warscythe Fortitude Leadership Logistics Melee Shooting
Strategist Strength
Necrons Cryptek Fortitude Logistics Melee Shooting Strategist
Necrons Cryptek Canoptek cloak Fortitude Logistics Melee Shooting Strategist
Orks Warboss Kustom shoota Big choppa (WB) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kustom shoota Big choppa (WB) Attack squig Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kustom shoota Power klaw (WB) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kustom shoota Power klaw (WB) Attack squig Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kombi-rokkit (WB)Big choppa (WB) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kombi-rokkit (WB)Big choppa (WB) Attack squig Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kombi-rokkit (WB)Power klaw (WB) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kombi-rokkit (WB)Power klaw (WB) Attack squig Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kombi-skorcha (WB)
Big choppa (WB) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kombi-skorcha (WB)
Big choppa (WB) Attack squig Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kombi-skorcha (WB)
Power klaw (WB) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Warboss Kombi-skorcha (WB)
Power klaw (WB) Attack squig Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Orks Big Mek Slugga Ferocity Fortitude Logistics Melee Strength
Orks Big Mek Kustom mega-slugga Ferocity Fortitude Logistics Melee Strength
Orks Big Mek Shokk attack gun Ferocity Fortitude Logistics Melee Strength
Orks Big Mek Slugga Kustom force field Ferocity Fortitude Logistics Melee Strength
Orks Painboy Ferocity Fortitude Logistics Melee Strength
T'au Empire Cadre Fireblade Leadership
Logistics Shooting Stealth Strategist
T'au Empire Ethereal Honour blade Leadership
Logistics Strategist
T'au Empire Ethereal Honour blade Hover drone Leadership
Logistics Strategist
T'au Empire Ethereal Equalizers Leadership
Logistics Strategist
T'au Empire Ethereal Equalizers Hover drone Leadership
Logistics Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Devourer (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Flesh hooks (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Deathspitter (TP) Toxin sacs (TP) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Spinefists Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Spinefists Flesh hooks (TP) Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMelee Strategist
Tyranids Tyranid Prime Scything talons Spinefists Flesh hooks (TP) Adrenal glands Ferocity Fortitude LeadershipMele
Combat Expert Fighter Warrior Adept Deathblow Deadly Counter Specialism lookup Expert Fighter A +1 Specialism page lookup Fire Team p. 205 Specialisms tactic lookup Combat 1 Up and at 'Em! Level 1 Combat Tactic Use this Tactic in the Fight phase, after attacking
1 Command withPoint
a model from your kill team. Pick a Combat spec
Combat Expert Fighter Warrior Adept Deathblow Combat Master Warrior Adept Fight to hit rolls +1 Combat p. 69 Combat 2 Defensive Fighter Level 2 Combat Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Fight phase.
1 Command
Pick a Point
Combat specialist of Level 2 or higher from your k
Combat Expert Fighter Warrior Adept Deathblow Killer Instinct Deadly Counter On enemy 1 to hit 5+ mortal wound Comms p. 70 Combat 3 Deadly Charge Level 3 Combat Tactic Use this Tactic when a Combat specialist1 of
Level 3 or
higher from your kill team finishes a charge mov
Combat Expert Fighter Warrior Adept Deathblow Bloodlust Deathblow 6s to wound add mortal Demolitions p. 71 Comms 1 Rousing Transmission Level 1 Comms Tactic Use this Tactic in the Morale phase before
1 Command
taking anyPoint
Nerve tests. Until the end of the phase you can s
Combat Expert Fighter Warrior Adept Combat Master Deadly Counter Combat Master A +1 for each enemy within 1" Heavy p. 72 Comms 2 Scanner Uplink Level 2 Comms Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a model from
2 Command
your kill team
that is within 6" of a friendly Comms specialis
Combat Expert Fighter Warrior Adept Combat Master Deathblow Killer Instinct RR Fight wounds Leader p. 68 Comms 3 New Intelligence Level 3 Comms Tactic Use this Tactic at the end of the Movement
1 Command
phase. Pick
a model from your kill team within 12" of a frien
Combat Expert Fighter Warrior Adept Combat Master Killer Instinct Bloodlust RR failed charge Medic p. 73 Demolitions 1 Custom Ammo Level 1 Demolitions Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a Demolitions
1 Command
from your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phas
Combat Expert Fighter Warrior Adept Combat Master Bloodlust Scanner Other model in 6" Shooting hit +1 Scout p. 74 Demolitions 2 Lucky Escape Level 2 Demolitions Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Shooting
1 Command
phase. Pick
a Demolitions specialist of Level 2 or higher from
Combat Expert Fighter Deadly Counter Killer Instinct Warrior Adept Expert 5+ extra CP Sniper p. 75 Demolitions 3 High Explosive Level 3 Demolitions Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a Demolitions
1 Command
of Level 3 or higher from your kill team to shoot i
Combat Expert Fighter Deadly Counter Killer Instinct Deathblow Static Screech 1/battle enemies in 6" -1 to hit Veteran p. 76 Heavy 1 More Bullets Level 1 Heavy Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a Heavy specialist
1 Command fromPoint
your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase. Yo
Combat Expert Fighter Deadly Counter Killer Instinct Combat Master Vox Ghost Enemies -1 Ld Zealot p. 77 Heavy 2 Overwhelming Firepower Level 2 Heavy Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a Heavy specialist
2 Command of Level
2 or higher from your kill team to shoot in the
Combat Expert Fighter Deadly Counter Killer Instinct Bloodlust Command Relay Refund CP on 6 Strength C 29 Heavy 3 Unkillable Level 3 Heavy Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of your turn in1the
Morale phase.
Point Pick a Heavy specialist of Level 3 or highe
Combat Expert Fighter Deadly Counter Bloodlust Warrior Adept Triangulator RR Heavy number of shots Strategist C 28 Leader 1 Lead by Example Level 1 Leader Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a Leader from
1 Command
your kill Point
team to fight in the Fight phase. Choose another
Combat Expert Fighter Deadly Counter Bloodlust Deathblow Vox Hacker 5+ gain 1 Intelligence Ferocity C 20 Leader 2 Fire on My Target Level 2 Leader Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a Leader of
1 Command
Level 2 or higher
Point from your kill team to shoot in the Shooting
Combat Expert Fighter Deadly Counter Bloodlust Combat Master Breacher Wound +1 vs obscured Fortitude C 21 Leader 3 Force of Will Level 3 Leader Tactic Us this Tactic at the start of the battle round,
1 Command
if a Leader
of Level 3 or higher from your kill team is on th
Combat Expert Fighter Deadly Counter Bloodlust Killer Instinct Pyromaniac RR wound 1s with auto hit Leadership C 22 Medic 1 Stimm Shot Level 1 Medic Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Movement
1 Command
phase. Pick
a model from your kill team within 2" of a frien
Comms Scanner Expert Vox Ghost Static Screech Grenadier Grenade range +3" and RR hit 1s Logistics C 23 Medic 2 Painkiller Level 2 Medic Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Movement
2 Command
phase. Pick
a model from your kill team within 2" of a frien
Comms Scanner Expert Vox Ghost Command Relay Saboteur 5+ enemy loses 1 Material Melee C 24 Medic 3 Emergency Resuscitation Level 3 Medic Tactic Use this Tactic when a Medic specialist of
2 Command
Level 3 or higher
Points from your kill team that is not shaken is with
Comms Scanner Expert Vox Ghost Triangulator Sapper 1 additional trap in Scouting Psyker C 25 Scout 1 Quick March Level 1 Scout Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a Scout specialist
1 Command fromPoint
your kill team to move in the Movement phase. Y
Comms Scanner Expert Vox Ghost Vox Hacker Siegemaster Injury rolls +1 vs obscured Shooting C 26 Scout 2 Marked Positions Level 2 Scout Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Shooting
1 Command
phase. Pick
an enemy model within 6" of a Scout specialist
Comms Scanner Expert Command Relay Static Screech Ammo Hound 5+ gain 1 Material Stealth C 27 Scout 3 Move Unseen Level 3 Scout Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of your turn in2the
phase. Pick a Scout specialist of Level 3 or hig
Comms Scanner Expert Command Relay Vox Ghost Relentless No move and shoot penalty T.O. Card Sniper 1 Careful Aim Level 1 Sniper Tactic Use this Tactic when you choose a Sniper
1 Command
specialist from
Pointyour kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase.
Comms Scanner Expert Command Relay Triangulator Suppressor Enemy targeted -1 to hit Shooting M.D. Card Sniper 2 Headshot Level 2 Sniper Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a Sniper specialist
1 Command of Level
Point2 or higher from your kill team to shoot in the
Comms Scanner Expert Command Relay Vox Hacker Extra Armour Ignore AP -1 G.A. Card Sniper 3 Quick Shot Level 3 Sniper Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a Sniper specialist
1 Command of Level
Point3 or higher from your kill team to shoot in the
Comms Scanner Static Screech Triangulator Expert Devastator RR ranged random damage G.S. Card Veteran 1 Adaptive Tactics Level 1 Veteran Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the first battle
1 Command
round, butPoint
before the Initiative phase. Pick a Veteran speci
Comms Scanner Static Screech Triangulator Vox Ghost Rigorous RR hit 1s in Shooting N9T Card Veteran 2 Well Drilled Level 2 Veteran Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of your turn in2the
phase. Pick a Veteran specialist of Level 2 or hi
Comms Scanner Static Screech Triangulator Command Relay Indomitable 1/round enemy RR injury AtC Card Veteran 3 Roll With the Hits Level 3 Veteran Tactic Use this Tactic during your opponent's turn
1 Command
in the Shooting
Point phase. Pick a Veteran specialist of Level 3
Comms Scanner Static Screech Triangulator Vox Hacker Heavily Muscled RR wound 1s in Fight G.W. Card Zealot 1 Killing Frenzy Level 1 Zealot Tactic Use this Tactic when you pick a Zealot specialist
1 Command fromPoint
your kill team to fight in the Fight phase. Until th
Comms Scanner Static Screech Vox Hacker Expert Resourceful Gain 1 extra CP C.M. Card Zealot 2 Martyr Level 2 Zealot Tactic Use this Tactic when a Zealot specialist 2
Level 2 or Points
higher from your kill team loses their last wound, b
Comms Scanner Static Screech Vox Hacker Vox Ghost Bold Auto pass Nerve tests V.K. Card Zealot 3 Terrifying Rampage Level 3 Zealot Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Morale 2phase.
Pick Points
a Zealot specialist of Level 3 or higher from your k
Comms Scanner Static Screech Vox Hacker Command Relay Inspiring Others in 3" auto pass nerve tests F.L. Card Strength 1 Body Slam Level 1 Strength Tactic Use this Tactic when a Strength specialist
1 Command
from your kill
Pointteam ends a charge move within 1" of any enem
Comms Scanner Static Screech Vox Hacker Triangulator Paragon In 3" RR 1s to hit SVAT Card Strength 2 Mighty Blow Level 2 Strength Tactic Use this Tactic when a Strength specialist
1 Command
of Level 2 or
higher from your kill team makes an attack that
Demolitions Breacher Pyromaniac Saboteur Grenadier Tyrant In 6" enemy +1 Nerve tests T7A Card Strength 3 Grab and Throw Level 3 Strength Tactic Use this Tactic when a model in an opposing
1 Command
kill teamPoint
has to take a Falling test whilst within 1" of a Stre
Demolitions Breacher Pyromaniac Saboteur Sapper Tactician 5+ get CP on Tactic use Strategist 1 Decoys Level 1 Strategist Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the first battle
2 Command
round, before
the Initiative phase. Roll a D3; you can remo
Demolitions Breacher Pyromaniac Saboteur Siegemaster Mentor In 3" one model RR Shooting hit 1s Strategist 2 Inspiried Tactics Level 2 Strategist Tactic Use this Tactic after you have used a Tactic
1 Command
from the Point
Command Points and Tactics section of the Kill T
Demolitions Breacher Pyromaniac Saboteur Ammo Hound Reassuring Never counts as shaken Strategist 3 Counter Tactics Level 3 Strategist Tactic Use this Tactic after your opponent has spent
2 Command
Points to use a Tactic. Your opponent must s
Demolitions Breacher Pyromaniac Sapper Grenadier Field Medic In 3" negate wound on 6 Ferocity 1 Murderlust Level 1 Ferocity Tactic Use this Tactic when it is your turn to move
1 Command
in the Movement
Point phase. A Ferocity specialist from your kill
Demolitions Breacher Pyromaniac Sapper Saboteur Anatomist RR wound 1s in Fight Ferocity 2 Bellow of Wrath Level 2 Ferocity Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of he Morale phase.
2 Command
In thisPoints
phase, your opponent(s) must re-roll successful
Demolitions Breacher Pyromaniac Sapper Siegemaster Trauma Specialist In 3" roll extra injury dice use low Ferocity 3 Fury Unleashed Level 3 Ferocity Tactic Use this Tactic in the Fight phase, before2 attacking
Command with
a Ferocity specialist of Level 3 or higher from y
Demolitions Breacher Pyromaniac Sapper Ammo Hound Triage Expert Dead result rolls 4+ Convalescence Fortitude 1 Pain is for the Weak! Level 1 Fortitude Tactic Use this Tactic when an opponent makes
1 an
Injury roll
for a model from your kill team that is within 3" o
Demolitions Breacher Grenadier Siegemaster Pyromaniac Interrogator 5+ gain 1 Intelligence Fortitude 2 It's Just a Scratch! Level 2 Fortitude Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Morale 1phase.
Roll a
D6 for each flesh wound that a Fortitude special
Demolitions Breacher Grenadier Siegemaster Saboteur Toxin Synthesiser D3 models +1 wound in Fight Fortitude 3 Refusal to Fall Level 3 Fortitude Tactic Use this Tactic when your opponent makes
2 Command
an Injury Points
roll for a Fortitude specialist of Level 3 or higher fr
Demolitions Breacher Grenadier Siegemaster Sapper Swift RR Advance Leadership 1 Second in Command Level 1 Leadership Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the battle round.
1 Command
Until the
end of the battle round, your kill team's Leader
Demolitions Breacher Grenadier Siegemaster Ammo Hound Forward Scout Auto pass dangerous terrain Leadership 2 Bring Them Down! Level 2 Leadership Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Shooting
1 Command
phase. Pick
an enemy model that is visible to a Leadership
Demolitions Breacher Grenadier Ammo Hound Pyromaniac Pathfinder Mission roll + or - 1 Leadership 3 Inspirational Oratory Level 3 Leadership Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Morale 2phase.
As long
as a Leadership specialist of Level 3 or higher
Demolitions Breacher Grenadier Ammo Hound Saboteur Skirmisher Enemy -1 to hit over 12" Logistics 1 Grav-chute Level 1 Logistics Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the first battle
1 Command
round, before
Pointthe Initiative phase. Pick a model from your k
Demolitions Breacher Grenadier Ammo Hound Sapper Vanguard RR Shooting hit 1s vs enemy in 6" Logistics 2 Armour-piercing Ammunition
Level 2 Logistics Tactic Use this Tactic in the Shooting phase when
1 Command
a Logistics
specialist of Level 2 or higher from your kill team
Demolitions Breacher Grenadier Ammo Hound Siegemaster Observer 4+ extra Scouting strategy Logistics 3 Refractor Field Level 3 Logistics Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the first battle
1 Command
round, before
Pointthe Initiative phase. Pick a model from your k
Heavy Relentless Suppressor Devastator Extra Armour Explorer 5+ gain Territory Melee 1 Stunning Blow Level 1 Melee Tactic Use this Tactic when a Melee specialist from
1 Command
your kill Point
team makes an attack that targets an enemy mod
Heavy Relentless Suppressor Devastator Rigorous Marksman RR hit 1s in Shooting Melee 2 Haymaker Level 2 Melee Tactic Use this Tactic when a Melee specialist of
1 Command
Level 2 or Point
higher from your kill team makes an attack that ta
Heavy Relentless Suppressor Devastator Indomitable Assassin RR wound 1s in Shooting Melee 3 Fight Dirty Level 3 Melee Tactic Use this Tactic when an enemy model makes
2 Command
any attacks
that target a Melee specialist of Level 3 or hig
Heavy Relentless Suppressor Devastator Heavily Muscled Sharpshooter If Ready +1 hit Shooting Psyker 1 Mental Focus Level 1 Psyker Tactic Use this Tactic after manifesting the Psybolt
1-2 Command
psychic power
with a Psyker specialist from your kill team.
Heavy Relentless Suppressor Rigorous Extra Armour Deadeye Wound 6 D +1 Psyker 2 Loremaster Level 2 Psyker Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Psychic2phase.
can exchange one psychic power that a Psyker s
Heavy Relentless Suppressor Rigorous Devastator Armour Piercing Wound 6 AP -1 Psyker 3 Psychic Barrage Level 3 Psyker Tactic Use this Tactic when you chose a Psyker2 specialist
Level 3 or higher from your kill team to manifest
Heavy Relentless Suppressor Rigorous Indomitable Mobile No move and shoot penalty Shooting 1 Itchy Trigger Finger Level 1 Shooting Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Shooting
1 Command
phase to immediately
Point Ready a Shooting specialist from your
Heavy Relentless Suppressor Rigorous Heavily Muscled Eagle-eye Rapid Fire and Heavy range +6" Shooting 2 Lucky Hit Level 2 Shooting Tactic Use this Tactic when a Shooting specialist
1 Command
of Level 2 Point
or higher from your kill team makes an attack that
Heavy Relentless Extra Armour Indomitable Suppressor Grizzled No penalty to Ld or Nerve Shooting 3 Impossible Shot Level 3 Shooting Tactic Use this Tactic when a Shooting specialist
1 Command
of Level 3 Point
or higher from your kill team makes an attack that
Heavy Relentless Extra Armour Indomitable Devastator Practised RR 1 hit or wound per round Stealth 1 Hidden Deployment Level 1 Stealth Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the first battle
1 Command
round, before
Pointthe Initiative phase. A Stealth specialist from
Heavy Relentless Extra Armour Indomitable Rigorous Seen It All In 3" -1 Nerve tests Stealth 2 Diver for Cover Level 2 Stealth Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Shooting
1 Command
phase if a Stealth
Point specialist of Level 2 or higher from your kil
Heavy Relentless Extra Armour Indomitable Heavily Muscled Survivor Saving throw +1 Stealth 3 Backstab Level 3 Stealth Tactic Use this Tactic in the Fight phase when a
2 Stealth
Command specialist
Points of Level 3 or higher from your kill team mak
Heavy Relentless Extra Armour Heavily Muscled Suppressor One-man Army 1 CP for Veteran Tactic
Heavy Relentless Extra Armour Heavily Muscled Devastator Battle Scarred In 6" enemy -1 Ld
Heavy Relentless Extra Armour Heavily Muscled Rigorous Nerves of Steel RR Overwatch hit rolls
Heavy Relentless Extra Armour Heavily Muscled Indomitable Frenzied A +1 S +1 when charge
Leader Resourceful Bold Paragon Inspiring Exultant In 3" enemy RR 6 to hit
Leader Resourceful Bold Paragon Tyrant Flagellant Ignore wound on 6
Leader Resourceful Bold Paragon Tactician Puritan RR Fight hits vs non-Faction
Leader Resourceful Bold Paragon Mentor Rousing In 6" +1 Ld
Leader Resourceful Bold Tyrant Inspiring Fanatical Auto pass Nerve tests
Leader Resourceful Bold Tyrant Paragon Strength of Spirit Injury rolls -1
Leader Resourceful Bold Tyrant Tactician Fleet M +1
Leader Resourceful Bold Tyrant Mentor Lucky RR save 1s
Leader Resourceful Inspiring Tactician Bold Courageous RR Nerve tests
Leader Resourceful Inspiring Tactician Paragon Skilled RR hit 1s in Shooting or Fight
Leader Resourceful Inspiring Tactician Tyrant Lethal RR wound 1s in Shooting or Fight
Leader Resourceful Inspiring Tactician Mentor Die-hard Injury rolls -1
Leader Resourceful Inspiring Mentor Bold Muscular S +1
Leader Resourceful Inspiring Mentor Paragon Juggernaut Wound roll +1 when charge
Leader Resourceful Inspiring Mentor Tyrant Brutal Strikes RR wound 1s in Fight
Leader Resourceful Inspiring Mentor Tactician Bull Charge A +1 when charge
Medic Reassuring Field Medic Trauma Specialist Anatomist Sunderer Melee AP -1
Medic Reassuring Field Medic Trauma Specialist Triage Expert Devastating Power Melee D +1
Medic Reassuring Field Medic Trauma Specialist Interrogator Crusher Injury rolls +1 in Fight
Medic Reassuring Field Medic Trauma Specialist Toxin Synthesiser Advisor Other specialist Tactic bonus
Medic Reassuring Field Medic Triage Expert Anatomist Feigned Retreat Shoot/react after Fall back/Retreat
Medic Reassuring Field Medic Triage Expert Trauma Specialist Counter-strategist 5+ get CP when opponent use Tactic
Medic Reassuring Field Medic Triage Expert Interrogator Master Tactician Tactics cost 1 less CP (min 1)
Medic Reassuring Field Medic Triage Expert Toxin Synthesiser Famed Commander 1 CP for Aura Tactic
Medic Reassuring Anatomist Interrogator Field Medic Mission-critical Mastermind Cannot break
Medic Reassuring Anatomist Interrogator Trauma Specialist Generalist Other Level 1 ability
Medic Reassuring Anatomist Interrogator Triage Expert Master Specialist Any 2 other abilites
Medic Reassuring Anatomist Interrogator Toxin Synthesiser Counter-attack Always fight in Hammer of Wrath
Medic Reassuring Anatomist Toxin Synthesiser Field Medic Ignore Pain No Fight hit penalty from flesh wound
Medic Reassuring Anatomist Toxin Synthesiser Trauma Specialist Fearsome War Cry If charge enemy -1 Fight hit
Medic Reassuring Anatomist Toxin Synthesiser Triage Expert Berserker Fight wound rolls -1 vs this model
Medic Reassuring Anatomist Toxin Synthesiser Interrogator Death Frenzy If taken out fight before remove
Scout Swift Forward Scout Skirmisher Pathfinder Indignant Rampage If below half wound +D3 attacks
Scout Swift Forward Scout Skirmisher Vanguard Hardy Constitution Ignore wound on 6 (or RR 1s)
Scout Swift Forward Scout Skirmisher Observer Hard to Kill Halve Damage rounding up
Scout Swift Forward Scout Skirmisher Explorer Feel No Pain Injury rolls -1
Scout Swift Forward Scout Vanguard Pathfinder Unyielding Will Deny 1 Psychic power
Scout Swift Forward Scout Vanguard Skirmisher True Grit T +1
Scout Swift Forward Scout Vanguard Observer Iron Constitution W +1
Scout Swift Forward Scout Vanguard Explorer Symbol of Courage -1 friendly Nerve tests
Scout Swift Pathfinder Observer Forward Scout Aura of Command Aura Tactics +3" range
Scout Swift Pathfinder Observer Skirmisher Master of War After use Aura Tactic, 3+ gain 1 CP
Scout Swift Pathfinder Observer Vanguard Heroic 1 CP for Commander Tactics
Scout Swift Pathfinder Observer Explorer Grim Determination Within 3" ignore hit penalty for 1 FW
Scout Swift Pathfinder Explorer Forward Scout Tenacious Always control objective within 2"
Scout Swift Pathfinder Explorer Skirmisher Quartermaster 2+ not lose Material
Scout Swift Pathfinder Explorer Vanguard Armed to the Teeth This model + 1 other use Grenades
Scout Swift Pathfinder Explorer Observer Scavenger 7+ gain Material
Sniper Marksman Assassin Deadeye Sharpshooter Master of Sabotage 5+ enemy loses Material
Sniper Marksman Assassin Deadeye Armour Piercing Master Artisan One weapon D +1
Sniper Marksman Assassin Deadeye Mobile Rangefinder Scope Range +6", RR hit 1s
Sniper Marksman Assassin Deadeye Eagle-Eye Warrior Born RR Fight hit and wound 1s
Sniper Marksman Assassin Armour Piercing Sharpshooter Swift Parry Opponent RR Fight hit 6s
Sniper Marksman Assassin Armour Piercing Deadeye Duellist After Duel of Honour, 2+ gain 1 CP
Sniper Marksman Assassin Armour Piercing Mobile Precision Strike Wound 6+ does # mortals = D
Sniper Marksman Assassin Armour Piercing Eagle-Eye Impenetrable Defence Enemies within 1" A -1
Sniper Marksman Sharpshooter Mobile Assassin Lightning Reflexes Ignore Fight wound 5+ (or RR 1s)
Sniper Marksman Sharpshooter Mobile Deadeye Student of the Arcane Psychic tests +1
Sniper Marksman Sharpshooter Mobile Armour Piercing Psychic Onslaught Psychic tests +1 other powers used
Sniper Marksman Sharpshooter Mobile Eagle-Eye Warp Drain Deny the Witch +1
Sniper Marksman Sharpshooter Eagle-Eye Assassin Psionic Potency Pysbolt range 24"
Sniper Marksman Sharpshooter Eagle-Eye Deadeye Omniscience Psybolt any visible enemy within 18"
Sniper Marksman Sharpshooter Eagle-Eye Armour Piercing Protective Wards Ignore PotW wounds 4+ (or RR 1s)
Sniper Marksman Sharpshooter Eagle-Eye Mobile Witchbane 1 additional Deny the Witch
Strategist Resourceful Advisor Counter-strategist Master Tactician Shootist RR Shooting hit 1s
Strategist Resourceful Advisor Counter-strategist Feigned Retreat Trick-shooter Ignore obscure to hit
Strategist Resourceful Advisor Counter-strategist Famed Commander Pistoleer Shoot pistol twice
Strategist Resourceful Advisor Counter-strategist Mission-critical Mastermind Targeting Weak Spots Wounds +1 in shooting
Strategist Resourceful Advisor Master Tactician Counter-strategist Hip Shooter Shoot Pistol or RF on advance @ -1
Strategist Resourceful Advisor Master Tactician Feigned Retreat Long Bomb Grenade range x2, Target not visible
Strategist Resourceful Advisor Master Tactician Famed Commander Steady Aim Always Ready if half move or less
Strategist Resourceful Advisor Master Tactician Mission-critical Mastermind Skulker Obscured within 1" of terrain
Strategist Resourceful Feigned Retreat Famed Commander Mission-critical Mastermind Climber Halve vertical during normal move
Strategist Resourceful Feigned Retreat Famed Commander Advisor One with the Shadows Additional -1 if obscured
Strategist Resourceful Feigned Retreat Famed Commander Counter-strategist Lurker Ignore Shoot wound 5+ (or RR 1s)
Strategist Resourceful Feigned Retreat Famed Commander Master Tactician Prowler No overwatch if start within 6"
Strategist Resourceful Feigned Retreat Mission-critical Mastermind Famed Commander Sure-footed Ignore difficult, dangerous, traps
Strategist Resourceful Feigned Retreat Mission-critical Mastermind Advisor Wyrdborn Psychic tests +1
Strategist Resourceful Feigned Retreat Mission-critical Mastermind Counter-strategist Bane of Orks Fight; RR hit 1s, RR all miss vs Orks
Strategist Resourceful Feigned Retreat Mission-critical Mastermind Master Tactician The Icy Kiss of Fenris If wounded by psybolt, shaken
Strength Muscular Juggernaut Bull Charge Sunderer Trophy Hunter Campaign Morale bonus
Strength Muscular Juggernaut Bull Charge Brutal Strikes Unblinking Overwatch hits on 5 or 6
Strength Muscular Juggernaut Bull Charge Devastating Power Loyal Adherents Redirect damage on failed save
Strength Muscular Juggernaut Bull Charge Crusher Forbidden Technology D +1 for all ranged weapons
Strength Muscular Juggernaut Sunderer Bull Charge All Part of the Plan End game rolls at +/- 1
Strength Muscular Juggernaut Sunderer Brutal Strikes Scion of Guilliman Shoot after falling back at -1 hit
Strength Muscular Juggernaut Sunderer Devastating Power Instinctive Strategist 5+ get CP when opponent use Tactic
Strength Muscular Juggernaut Sunderer Crusher Lead by Example Take enemy out, -1 CP MoB Aura
Strength Muscular Brutal Strikes Devastating Power Crusher Artisan Weapon Guardian Spear (melee) is Damage 3
Strength Muscular Brutal Strikes Devastating Power Juggernaut Hybrid Agility Move +1"
Strength Muscular Brutal Strikes Devastating Power Bull Charge Preternatural Skill Ignore obscure to hit
Strength Muscular Brutal Strikes Devastating Power Sunderer Swift Reflexes Overwatch hits on 4+
Strength Muscular Brutal Strikes Crusher Devastating Power Trick Shooter 1 attack from friendly model within 6"
Strength Muscular Brutal Strikes Crusher Juggernaut Voracious Attacks +1
Strength Muscular Brutal Strikes Crusher Bull Charge Omnipresent Infamy Mission roll + or - 1
Strength Muscular Brutal Strikes Crusher Sunderer Feed on Minds Gain CP when take out specialist
Veteran Grizzled Practised Survivor Seen It All Sow Fear and Death 5+ enemy lose 1 Morale
Veteran Grizzled Practised Survivor One-man Army Impenetrable Toughness +1
Veteran Grizzled Practised Survivor Battle Scarred Bloodthirsty RR failed charge
Veteran Grizzled Practised Survivor Nerves of Steel Vengeful Fight wound rolls +1 if wounded
Veteran Grizzled Practised One-man Army Seen It All Ancient Strategist 5+ get CP when opponent use Tactic
Veteran Grizzled Practised One-man Army Survivor Dead 'Ard Toughness +1
Veteran Grizzled Practised One-man Army Battle Scarred Redfangz Smellz Yer! Ignore obscure to hit
Veteran Grizzled Practised One-man Army Nerves of Steel Krumpin' Time Attacks +1 when charge
Veteran Grizzled Seen It All Battle Scarred Practised Loota 5+ gain Material
Veteran Grizzled Seen It All Battle Scarred Survivor Sacred Duty Wounds +1
Veteran Grizzled Seen It All Battle Scarred One-man Army Fearless Dedication Never shaken
Veteran Grizzled Seen It All Battle Scarred Nerves of Steel Scale the Heights 1/2 climbing distance in normal move
Veteran Grizzled Seen It All Nerves of Steel Practised Raise the Standard High If over 1" high, Cult Banner 12"
Veteran Grizzled Seen It All Nerves of Steel Survivor Dancing with Death Attacks +1 per flesh wound
Veteran Grizzled Seen It All Nerves of Steel One-man Army Back From the Dead RR Casualty rolls
Veteran Grizzled Seen It All Nerves of Steel Battle Scarred Galdiatrix 2+ refund CP from Duel of Honour
Zealot Frenzied Exultant Puritan Flagellant Talent Scout 5+ gain 1 Morale
Zealot Frenzied Exultant Puritan Rousing True Grit Toughness +1
Zealot Frenzied Exultant Puritan Fanatical Skilled Swordsman RR hit 1s in Fight
Zealot Frenzied Exultant Puritan Strength of Spirit Grav-chute No fall damage p.85
Zealot Frenzied Exultant Rousing Flagellant I've Had Worse! 5+ wound negation
Zealot Frenzied Exultant Rousing Puritan Art of Vashi'va FtGG on 5+ within 6"
Zealot Frenzied Exultant Rousing Fanatical Disciplined Defence RR Fight hit 6s against this model
Zealot Frenzied Exultant Rousing Strength of Spirit Experienced Medic In 3" negate wound on 6
Zealot Frenzied Flagellant Fanatical Exultant Ever Hopeful Force mission end RR
Zealot Frenzied Flagellant Fanatical Puritan Sentient Scopes RR Shooting hit 1s
Zealot Frenzied Flagellant Fanatical Rousing System Cleanse 5+ clear shaken start of round
Zealot Frenzied Flagellant Fanatical Strength of Spirit Binharic Wrath Attacks +1 if charged
Zealot Frenzied Flagellant Strength of Spirit Exultant Data Surge Choose extra Canticle for self
Zealot Frenzied Flagellant Strength of Spirit Puritan
Zealot Frenzied Flagellant Strength of Spirit Rousing
Zealot Frenzied Flagellant Strength of Spirit Fanatical
Fire Team Fleet Lucky Courageous
Fire Team Fleet Lucky Skilled
Fire Team Fleet Lucky Lethal
Fire Team Fleet Lucky Die-hard
Fire Team Fleet Courageous Lucky
Fire Team Fleet Courageous Skilled
Fire Team Fleet Courageous Lethal
Fire Team Fleet Courageous Die-hard
Fire Team Fleet Skilled Lucky
Fire Team Fleet Skilled Courageous
Fire Team Fleet Skilled Lethal
Fire Team Fleet Skilled Die-hard
Fire Team Fleet Lethal Lucky
Fire Team Fleet Lethal Courageous
Fire Team Fleet Lethal Skilled
Fire Team Fleet Lethal Die-hard
Fire Team Fleet Die-hard Lucky
Fire Team Fleet Die-hard Courageous
Fire Team Fleet Die-hard Skilled
Fire Team Fleet Die-hard Lethal
Fire Team Lucky Fleet Courageous
Fire Team Lucky Fleet Skilled
Fire Team Lucky Fleet Lethal
Fire Team Lucky Fleet Die-hard
Fire Team Lucky Courageous Fleet
Fire Team Lucky Courageous Skilled
Fire Team Lucky Courageous Lethal
Fire Team Lucky Courageous Die-hard
Fire Team Lucky Skilled Fleet
Fire Team Lucky Skilled Courageous
Fire Team Lucky Skilled Lethal
Fire Team Lucky Skilled Die-hard
Fire Team Lucky Lethal Fleet
Fire Team Lucky Lethal Courageous
Fire Team Lucky Lethal Skilled
Fire Team Lucky Lethal Die-hard
Fire Team Lucky Die-hard Fleet
Fire Team Lucky Die-hard Courageous
Fire Team Lucky Die-hard Skilled
Fire Team Lucky Die-hard Lethal
Fire Team Courageous Fleet Lucky
Fire Team Courageous Fleet Skilled
Fire Team Courageous Fleet Lethal
Fire Team Courageous Fleet Die-hard
Fire Team Courageous Lucky Fleet
Fire Team Courageous Lucky Skilled
Fire Team Courageous Lucky Lethal
Fire Team Courageous Lucky Die-hard
Fire Team Courageous Skilled Fleet
Fire Team Courageous Skilled Lucky
Fire Team Courageous Skilled Lethal
Fire Team Courageous Skilled Die-hard
Fire Team Courageous Lethal Fleet
Fire Team Courageous Lethal Lucky
Fire Team Courageous Lethal Skilled
Fire Team Courageous Lethal Die-hard
Fire Team Courageous Die-hard Fleet
Fire Team Courageous Die-hard Lucky
Fire Team Courageous Die-hard Skilled
Fire Team Courageous Die-hard Lethal
Fire Team Skilled Fleet Lucky
Fire Team Skilled Fleet Courageous
Fire Team Skilled Fleet Lethal
Fire Team Skilled Fleet Die-hard
Fire Team Skilled Lucky Fleet
Fire Team Skilled Lucky Courageous
Fire Team Skilled Lucky Lethal
Fire Team Skilled Lucky Die-hard
Fire Team Skilled Courageous Fleet
Fire Team Skilled Courageous Lucky
Fire Team Skilled Courageous Lethal
Fire Team Skilled Courageous Die-hard
Fire Team Skilled Lethal Fleet
Fire Team Skilled Lethal Lucky
Fire Team Skilled Lethal Courageous
Fire Team Skilled Lethal Die-hard
Fire Team Skilled Die-hard Fleet
Fire Team Skilled Die-hard Lucky
Fire Team Skilled Die-hard Courageous
Fire Team Skilled Die-hard Lethal
Fire Team Lethal Fleet Lucky
Fire Team Lethal Fleet Courageous
Fire Team Lethal Fleet Skilled
Fire Team Lethal Fleet Die-hard
Fire Team Lethal Lucky Fleet
Fire Team Lethal Lucky Courageous
Fire Team Lethal Lucky Skilled
Fire Team Lethal Lucky Die-hard
Fire Team Lethal Courageous Fleet
Fire Team Lethal Courageous Lucky
Fire Team Lethal Courageous Skilled
Fire Team Lethal Courageous Die-hard
Fire Team Lethal Skilled Fleet
Fire Team Lethal Skilled Lucky
Fire Team Lethal Skilled Courageous
Fire Team Lethal Skilled Die-hard
Fire Team Lethal Die-hard Fleet
Fire Team Lethal Die-hard Lucky
Fire Team Lethal Die-hard Courageous
Fire Team Lethal Die-hard Skilled
Fire Team Die-hard Fleet Lucky
Fire Team Die-hard Fleet Courageous
Fire Team Die-hard Fleet Skilled
Fire Team Die-hard Fleet Lethal
Fire Team Die-hard Lucky Fleet
Fire Team Die-hard Lucky Courageous
Fire Team Die-hard Lucky Skilled
Fire Team Die-hard Lucky Lethal
Fire Team Die-hard Courageous Fleet
Fire Team Die-hard Courageous Lucky
Fire Team Die-hard Courageous Skilled
Fire Team Die-hard Courageous Lethal
Fire Team Die-hard Skilled Fleet
Fire Team Die-hard Skilled Lucky
Fire Team Die-hard Skilled Courageous
Fire Team Die-hard Skilled Lethal
Fire Team Die-hard Lethal Fleet
Fire Team Die-hard Lethal Lucky
Fire Team Die-hard Lethal Courageous
Fire Team Die-hard Lethal Skilled
Ferocity Counter-attack Bloodlust Fearsome War Cry Berserker
Ferocity Counter-attack Bloodlust Fearsome War Cry Ignore Pain
Ferocity Counter-attack Bloodlust Fearsome War Cry Death Frenzy
Ferocity Counter-attack Bloodlust Fearsome War Cry Indignant Rampage
Ferocity Counter-attack Bloodlust Berserker Fearsome War Cry
Ferocity Counter-attack Bloodlust Berserker Ignore Pain
Ferocity Counter-attack Bloodlust Berserker Death Frenzy
Ferocity Counter-attack Bloodlust Berserker Indignant Rampage
Ferocity Counter-attack Ignore Pain Death Frenzy Indignant Rampage
Ferocity Counter-attack Ignore Pain Death Frenzy Bloodlust
Ferocity Counter-attack Ignore Pain Death Frenzy Fearsome War Cry
Ferocity Counter-attack Ignore Pain Death Frenzy Berserker
Ferocity Counter-attack Ignore Pain Indignant Rampage Death Frenzy
Ferocity Counter-attack Ignore Pain Indignant Rampage Bloodlust
Ferocity Counter-attack Ignore Pain Indignant Rampage Fearsome War Cry
Ferocity Counter-attack Ignore Pain Indignant Rampage Berserker
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Indomitable Feel No Pain Unyielding WIll
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Indomitable Feel No Pain Hard to Kill
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Indomitable Feel No Pain True Grit
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Indomitable Feel No Pain Iron Constitution
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Indomitable Unyielding WIll Feel No Pain
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Indomitable Unyielding WIll Hard to Kill
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Indomitable Unyielding WIll True Grit
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Indomitable Unyielding WIll Iron Constitution
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Hard to Kill True Grit Iron Constitution
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Hard to Kill True Grit Indomitable
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Hard to Kill True Grit Feel No Pain
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Hard to Kill True Grit Unyielding WIll
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Hard to Kill Iron Constitution True Grit
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Hard to Kill Iron Constitution Indomitable
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Hard to Kill Iron Constitution Feel No Pain
Fortitude Hardy Constitution
Hard to Kill Iron Constitution Unyielding WIll
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Aura of CommandMaster of War Heroic
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Aura of CommandMaster of War Inspiring
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Aura of CommandMaster of War Grim Determination
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Aura of CommandMaster of War Tenacious
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Aura of CommandHeroic Master of War
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Aura of CommandHeroic Inspiring
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Aura of CommandHeroic Grim Determination
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Aura of CommandHeroic Tenacious
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Inspiring Grim Determination Tenacious
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Inspiring Grim Determination Aura of Command
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Inspiring Grim Determination Master of War
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Inspiring Grim Determination Heroic
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Inspiring Tenacious Grim Determination
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Inspiring Tenacious Aura of Command
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Inspiring Tenacious Master of War
Leadership Symbol of Courage
Inspiring Tenacious Heroic
Logistics Extra Armour Quartermaster Scavenger Master of Sabotage
Logistics Extra Armour Quartermaster Scavenger Armed to the Teeth
Logistics Extra Armour Quartermaster Scavenger Master Artisan
Logistics Extra Armour Quartermaster Scavenger Rangefinder Scope
Logistics Extra Armour Quartermaster Master of Sabotage Scavenger
Logistics Extra Armour Quartermaster Master of Sabotage Armed to the Teeth
Logistics Extra Armour Quartermaster Master of Sabotage Master Artisan
Logistics Extra Armour Quartermaster Master of Sabotage Rangefinder Scope
Logistics Extra Armour Armed to the Teeth
Master Artisan Rangefinder Scope
Logistics Extra Armour Armed to the Teeth
Master Artisan Quartermaster
Logistics Extra Armour Armed to the Teeth
Master Artisan Scavenger
Logistics Extra Armour Armed to the Teeth
Master Artisan Master of Sabotage
Logistics Extra Armour Armed to the Teeth
Rangefinder Scope Master Artisan
Logistics Extra Armour Armed to the Teeth
Rangefinder Scope Quartermaster
Logistics Extra Armour Armed to the Teeth
Rangefinder Scope Scavenger
Logistics Extra Armour Armed to the Teeth
Rangefinder Scope Master of Sabotage
Melee Expert Fighter Warrior Born Duellist Precision Strike
Melee Expert Fighter Warrior Born Duellist Swift Parry
Melee Expert Fighter Warrior Born Duellist Impenetrable Defence
Melee Expert Fighter Warrior Born Duellist Lightning Reflexes
Melee Expert Fighter Warrior Born Precision Strike Duellist
Melee Expert Fighter Warrior Born Precision Strike Swift Parry
Melee Expert Fighter Warrior Born Precision Strike Impenetrable Defence
Melee Expert Fighter Warrior Born Precision Strike Lightning Reflexes
Melee Expert Fighter Swift Parry Impenetrable Defence Lightning Reflexes
Melee Expert Fighter Swift Parry Impenetrable Defence Warrior Born
Melee Expert Fighter Swift Parry Impenetrable Defence Duellist
Melee Expert Fighter Swift Parry Impenetrable Defence Precision Strike
Melee Expert Fighter Swift Parry Lightning Reflexes Impenetrable Defence
Melee Expert Fighter Swift Parry Lightning Reflexes Warrior Born
Melee Expert Fighter Swift Parry Lightning Reflexes Duellist
Melee Expert Fighter Swift Parry Lightning Reflexes Precision Strike
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Psychic Onslaught
Psionic Potency Omniscience
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Psychic Onslaught
Psionic Potency Warp Drain
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Psychic Onslaught
Psionic Potency Protective Wards
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Psychic Onslaught
Psionic Potency Witchbane
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Psychic Onslaught
Omniscience Psionic Potency
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Psychic Onslaught
Omniscience Warp Drain
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Psychic Onslaught
Omniscience Protective Wards
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Psychic Onslaught
Omniscience Witchbane
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Warp Drain Protective Wards Witchbane
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Warp Drain Protective Wards Psychic Onslaught
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Warp Drain Protective Wards Psionic Potency
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Warp Drain Protective Wards Omniscience
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Warp Drain Witchbane Protective Wards
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Warp Drain Witchbane Psychic Onslaught
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Warp Drain Witchbane Psionic Potency
Psyker Student of the Arcane
Warp Drain Witchbane Omniscience
Shooting Shootist Trick-shooter Targeting Weak Spots Precision Strike
Shooting Shootist Trick-shooter Targeting Weak Spots Pistoleer
Shooting Shootist Trick-shooter Targeting Weak Spots Hip Shooter
Shooting Shootist Trick-shooter Targeting Weak Spots Long Bomb
Shooting Shootist Trick-shooter Precistion Strike Targeting Weak Spots
Shooting Shootist Trick-shooter Precistion Strike Pistoleer
Shooting Shootist Trick-shooter Precistion Strike Hip Shooter
Shooting Shootist Trick-shooter Precistion Strike Long Bomb
Shooting Shootist Pistoleer Hip Shooter Long Bomb
Shooting Shootist Pistoleer Hip Shooter Trick-shooter
Shooting Shootist Pistoleer Hip Shooter Targeting Weak Spots
Shooting Shootist Pistoleer Hip Shooter Precistion Strike
Shooting Shootist Pistoleer Long Bomb Hip Shooter
Shooting Shootist Pistoleer Long Bomb Trick-shooter
Shooting Shootist Pistoleer Long Bomb Targeting Weak Spots
Shooting Shootist Pistoleer Long Bomb Precistion Strike
Stealth Steady Aim Skulker One with the Shadows Lurker
Stealth Steady Aim Skulker One with the Shadows Climber
Stealth Steady Aim Skulker One with the Shadows Prowler
Stealth Steady Aim Skulker One with the Shadows Sure-footed
Stealth Steady Aim Skulker Lurker One with the Shadows
Stealth Steady Aim Skulker Lurker Climber
Stealth Steady Aim Skulker Lurker Prowler
Stealth Steady Aim Skulker Lurker Sure-footed
Stealth Steady Aim Climber Prowler Sure-footed
Stealth Steady Aim Climber Prowler Skulker
Stealth Steady Aim Climber Prowler One with the Shadows
Stealth Steady Aim Climber Prowler Lurker
Stealth Steady Aim Climber Sure-footed Prowler
Stealth Steady Aim Climber Sure-footed Skulker
Stealth Steady Aim Climber Sure-footed One with the Shadows
Stealth Steady Aim Climber Sure-footed Lurker
T.O. Wyrdborn Bane of Orks The Icy Kiss of Fenris Trophy Hunter
M.D. Unblinking Loyal Adherents Forbidden Technology All Part of the Plan
G.A. Scion of Guilliaman
Instinctive Strategist
Lead by Example Artisan Weapon
G.S. Hybrid Agility Preernatural Skill Swift Reflexes Trick Shooter
N9T Voracious Omnipresent Infamy
Feed on Minds Sow Fear and Death
AtC Impenetrable Bloodthirsty Vengeful Ancient Strategist
G.W. Dead 'Ard Redfangz Smellz Krumpin'
Yer! Time Loota
C.M. Sacred Duty Fearless Dedication
Scale the Heights Raise the Standard High
V.K. Dancing With Death
Back From the Dead
Gladiatrix Talent Scout
F.L. True Grit Skilled Swordsman
Grav-chute I've Had Worse!
SVAT Art of Vashi'va Disciplined Defence
Experienced Medic Ever Hopeful
T7A Sentient ScopesSystem Cleanse Binharic Wrath Data Surge
Adeptus Astartes Shock and Awe Crusaders Stubborn Dour
Adeptus Astartes Assassination Last Survivors Dynamic Ebullient
Adeptus Astartes Secure and Control Seekers After Vengeance
Stealthy Aggressive
Adeptus Astartes Hold the Line Oath Sworn Zealous Castellan
Adeptus Astartes Hit and Run Infiltration SpecialistsExemplars Noble
Adeptus Astartes Scouting Mission Hand-picked Heroes Selfless Xenophobic
Adeptus Astartes Rescue Mission Tactical Strike Force Merciless Ferocious
Adeptus Astartes Eliminate Target Fire Support Vendetta Sombre
Adeptus Astartes Line Breakers Honour Guard Bloodthirsty Mysterious
Adeptus Astartes Speartip Extermination Force Strategists Charismatic
Deathwatch Secure and Control Aquila Kill Team Newly Forged Newcomer
Deathwatch The Cull Furor Kill Team Xenovendetta Black Shield
Deathwatch Cut off the Head Dominatus Kill Team Competitive Xenobiologist
Deathwatch Disrupt the Swarm Malleus Kill Team Pragmatic Fuelled by Hate
Deathwatch The Heart of the HivePurgatus Kill Team Bellicose Tactician
Deathwatch Knowledge is Power Fortis Kill Team The Bigger Picture Huntsman
Deathwatch Mission Survivors Marksman
Deathwatch The Long Hunt Grim
Deathwatch The Shield that Slays Contemptuous
Deathwatch Murderous
Grey Knights End the Nightmare They Hunt the Beast Unyielding Wrathful
Grey Knights Aquisitus Prohibitum Those That Remain Blessed Aura Fanatical
Grey Knights Wield the True NamePurgation Corps Exacting Mystic
Grey Knights Reap the Tally Sworn Guardians Bellicose Methodical
Grey Knights Scorched Earth Hand of the prognosticars
Sworn to Purify Firebrand
Grey Knights Trial by Blade The Heroic Few Dark Lore Vengeful
Grey Knights Marksman
Grey Knights Psychic Nexus
Grey Knights Merciless
Grey Knights Stoic
Astra Militarum Hold at All Costs Penal Troopers Faithful Dutiful
Astra Militarum Assault Hardened Veterans Parade Ground DrilledHaunted
Astra Militarum Assassinate Light Infantry Tunnel Fighters Nerves of Steel
Astra Militarum Demolitions Sappers City Fighters Pious
Astra Militarum Die Well Elite Guards Death Worlders Eagle-eye
Astra Militarum Raiders Fresh Meat Xenos Hunters Courageous
Astra Militarum Capture Location Drop Troops Seen Too Much Vengeful
Astra Militarum Recon Tank Hunters Chem-addicts Psycho
Astra Militarum Messengers Shock Troops Gone Native Expert
Astra Militarum Looters Grizzled Survivors Killer Rep Gung-ho
Adeptus Mechanicus Defend the Sacred Technologies
Explorator Team Acquisitive Meticulously Observant
Adeptus Mechanicus Recover a Holy PrizeArcheotech Hunters Jealous Guardians Binharic Piety
Adeptus Mechanicus Biologis Sample Extraction
Elimination Clade Mindlessly Devout Biologis Cognis
Adeptus Mechanicus Strategic Martyrdom Campaign Veterans Requiring Re-sanctification
Adeptus Mechanicus Smite a Tech-heretic Titan Guards Monotask Defensor Majoris
Adeptus Mechanicus Eliminate Heretical Machineries
Rad-zone Corps Pursuing Auto-perfection
Adeptus Mechanicus Righteous Auto-castigation
Infiltrator Clade Cybernetic AscensionUncompromator Doctrines
Adeptus Mechanicus Root Out Techno-dissidents
Domination Cadre Mercilessly Decisive Ironstride
Adeptus Mechanicus Eradicate False Testament
Itratii Cadre Secretive Strategic Chorister
Adeptus Mechanicus Victory for Logic Corpus-Sanctarii Clade
Beyond the Crus Mechanicus
Autopuritanical Ballistics
Heretic Astartes Terror Raid Champions All Embittered Ultimate Veteran
Heretic Astartes Seed Corruption Lost and Damned Berserk Cannibal
Heretic Astartes Dark Ritual Veterans of the Long Devious
War Deranged
Heretic Astartes Sunder the Gates Predators Zealous Blade-master
Heretic Astartes Arcane Prize Warp-infused Warriors
Cruel Visionary
Heretic Astartes Faithbreakers Tzeentch Worshippers
Stolid Living Canker
Heretic Astartes Seekers After Glory Khorne Worshippers Iron Discipline Unstoppable Force
Heretic Astartes Hand of the Gods Slaanesh Worshippers
Arrogant Twisted
Heretic Astartes Dark Guardians Nurgle Worshippers Insane True Believer
Heretic Astartes Saboteurs Worldslayers Possessed On the Brink
Death Guard Defilers The Virulent Morbid Mirth Drudge
Death Guard Seize and Profane Dark Alchemists Justifiable Arrogance Morbid Fascinations
Death Guard Victory Through Endurance
Trench Fighters Dirgesong Jocular
Death Guard Sevenfold SLaughter Mortarion's Chosen Vengeful Generous
Death Guard Fatal Infection Reapers Servants of Entropy Belligerent
Death Guard Warp-spores SHepherds of the Neverdead
Relentless Meticulously Ovservant
Death Guard Deathflinger
Death Guard Reeking Horror
Death Guard Taking Samples
Death Guard Stubborn
Thousand Sons Ritual Desecration Heralds of Madness Aetheric Coronae Enigmatic
Thousand Sons Abduction Seekers After SorceryOne Will Exacting
Thousand Sons Sowing Sorcery Arch-coven Single-minded Ninefold Warrior
Thousand Sons Firestorm Relentless DestroyersAncient Dust War is an Altar
Thousand Sons Vengeance for Prospero
Warriors Out of Time Superior The Madness of Tzeentch
Thousand Sons Hands of Fate Daemonologists Ghosts of the Warp Unspeaking
Thousand Sons Plans Within Plans
Thousand Sons Prophesier
Thousand Sons Pyromaniac
Thousand Sons Seething with Change
Asuryani Enact the Bailic-fen Gwynt'ar Fue Close Bonds Acrobatic
Asuryani Suprise Attack Pre-emptive Strike Fickle Mentally Dextrous
Asuryani Keepers of the Gate Keepers of the Gate Merciless Hate Crystaline Soul
Asuryani Talons of Heg The Shrine AscendantSorrows Beyond Measure
Asuryani Fate's Executioners Shadow Squad Psychically Attuned Survivor's Guild
Asuryani Forbidden Ground Echoes of Greatness Uncanny Perfectionists
Absolute Focus
Asuryani The First Wave Ily'Haeth Khai Servants of ProphecyHaughty
Asuryani Faolchu's Wing Cleansers Superior Cold as the Void
Asuryani A Greater Foe The Bladed Mirror A Shining Example Passionate
Asuryani Mobile Defence Wardens of the Pivotal
Life and Aloof Grandiloquent
Drukhari Probe Vanguard Party Sinful Focus Predator's Eye
Drukhari Harvest Slave Trialsts Revel in Pain Dark Flamboyance
Drukhari Interrogate Ascendant MurderersSwift and Deadly Ravenous
Drukhari Assassinate Enemies of My Enemy
Reckless Extravagant
Drukhari Deceive Avatars of the ArenasTerritorial Scheming
Drukhari Terrorise Slithering CompulsionTrophy Hunters Mistrustful
Drukhari Abduct Hired Blades Eldritch Cunning Darkened Soul
Drukhari Enslave Betrayers Masochistic Unforgiving
Drukhari Disembowel One Shall Stand Shadow Stalkers Boundless Ambition
Drukhari Revel Desolators Consummate Provocateurs
Harlequins The Dance of the Thief's
Swords of KhaineWarriors of the Light Heroic Protagonist
Harlequins The Dance of the Kurnous'
Wanderers Blades of the TwilightMalicious Antagonist
Harlequins The Dance of the Crimson
The Solitary
Reaping Talons of the Dark Bladed Fool
Harlequins The Dance of the Veiled
Messengers Swift as the Wind Sorrowful Killer
Harlequins The Dance of the Starving
Killers Cruelly Mocking Gleeful Maniac
Harlequins The Dance of the Vaul's
of the Black
LibraryStride Relentless Destroyer
Harlequins Sombre Executioner
Harlequins Fate's Herald
Harlequins The Eternal Wanderer
Harlequins The Harmonious Herald
Necrons The Cull Harbingers The Curse of Time Menacing
Necrons Mindthieves Tomb Guardians Wreathed in Power Maniacal
Necrons Servants of the Crypteks
Invaders from BeyondDeadly Automata Strategic
Necrons Heralds of the Uprising
The Phaeron's Chosen
Dark Sentience Nihilist
Necrons Chrono-aquisitors Scouring Party Ether-flux Tormentor
Necrons Fractal Disruption Code-bound Skin-takers Glitching
Necrons Punishment Detail Assassins Arrogant Hunters Obsessive
Necrons Relentless War Ghoulish Nightmares Deranged Delusional
Necrons The Phaeron's Blade Mindless Martyrs Unfeeding Acquisitive
Necrons The phaeron's Curse Domination Force Favoured Warriors Necrochirurgeon
Orks Kill Their Bosses Gung-ho Loud and Tuneless Thick-headed
Orks Get Stuck In Filled with Waaagh! Boastful Heavily Scarred
Orks Salvage Skraphuntaz Itchy Stubborn
Orks Andz off The Shootiest Madboyz Light-fingered
Orks We'll Show 'Em Sneaky Gits! Krumpin' Krew Violent Loon
Orks Da Ambush Brutal Hard-bitten Resilient
Orks Speed Is Its Own Reward
Kunnin' Lucky Gitz Beady-eyed
Orks Sneak About Internal Rivalries Pyromaniacs Too Dumb to Know Fear
Orks Fist of Gork (or Mork)Addicted to Destruction
Buzzsquigs Foul Gob
Orks Plant da Flag Spreaders of the Waaagh!
Praktical Jokers Big and Brawny
T'au Empire Bait the Trap Survivors Honourable Warriors Scholar of Puretide
T'au Empire Mark the Target Stealth Experts Vengeful Pragmatic
T'au Empire Destroy the Enemy Supplies
Prototype Weapons Testers
Unyielding Precise
T'au Empire Assassination Edification Team Students of Kauyon Hot-Blooded
T'au Empire Ambush Urban Combat Specialists
Students of Mont'ka Wise Veteran
T'au Empire Extract the Target Heroes of the GreaterCanny
Good Tacticians Unflappable
T'au Empire Weapons Test Bodyguard Retinue No Heroes Perceptive
T'au Empire Sieze Vital Intel Elite of the AcademiesTech-minded Dishonoured
T'au Empire Forward Reconnaissance
Fourth Sphere Veterans
Ghosts Farsight Sympathiser
T'au Empire Defend Strategic Asset
Sniper Team No One Left Behind Monat
Tyranids Devour Stealth Brood Ravenous Hive Node
Tyranids Infiltrate Devourer Brood Cautious Sentient Ammunition
Tyranids Cull Swiftkiller Brood Slinking Entagling Tendrils
Tyranids Swarm Highcrawler Brood Bladed Shoal Synaptophage
Tyranids Terrify Bombardment Brood Inescapable Hunters Guardian Beast
Tyranids Rampage Kill-swarm Shrieker Brood Survival Instincts
Tyranids Stalk Living Barricade Sizzling Gore Bloodhunger
Tyranids Spread Alpha Pack Heightened Senses Unsettling Presence
Tyranids Protect Ambush Brood Shorn of Synapse Lurker
Tyranids Shroud Kingslayer Brood Catalysed Mimic
Genestealer Cults Open Their Eyes Scavenger Cell Deep-dwellers Acidic Spittle
Genestealer Cults Feed the Progeny The Prophet's Claw Gene-kin Cant Strange Twitching
Genestealer Cults Raid Supply Lines Tunnel Skulkers Rabid Evangelists Enlightener
Genestealer Cults Prepare the Kiling Field
Killers in the Fold Anarchists Marker of the Dead
Genestealer Cults Sabotage Vital Machinery
Eyes of the Patriarch Devous Scum Unblinking
Genestealer Cults Undertunnel AmbushIconoclast Cell Twisted Physiologies Proselytiser
Genestealer Cults They Know Too MuchSnatcher Cell Fanatics Tunnelspawn
Genestealer Cults Spread the Cult Shadowstalker Gene-kin
Creeping Killers Destined Ascension
Genestealer Cults Tear Down False Idols
Snare Setters Inhuman Cruelty Predatory Instincts
Genestealer Cults From Below Veterans of the First Cycle
Murderous Born Survivor
Elucidian Starstriders Hold at All Costs Penal Troopers Faithful Dutiful
Elucidian Starstriders Assault Hardened Veterans Parade Ground DrilledHaunted
Elucidian Starstriders Assassinate Light Infantry Tunnel Fighters Nerves of Steel
Elucidian Starstriders Demolitions Sappers City Fighters Pious
Elucidian Starstriders Die Well Elite Guards Death Worlders Eagle-eye
Elucidian Starstriders Raiders Fresh Meat Xenos Hunters Courageous
Elucidian Starstriders Capture Location Drop Troops Seen Too Much Vengeful
Elucidian Starstriders Recon Tank Hunters Chem-addicts Psycho
Elucidian Starstriders Messengers Shock Troops Gone Native Expert
Elucidian Starstriders Looters Grizzled Survivors Killer Rep Gung-ho
Gellerpox Infected Defilers The Virulent Morbid Mirth Drudge
Gellerpox Infected Seize and Profane Dark Alchemists Justifiable Arrogance Morbid Fascinations
Gellerpox Infected Victory Through Endurance
Trench Fighters Dirgesong Jocular
Gellerpox Infected Sevenfold SLaughter Mortarion's Chosen Vengeful Generous
Gellerpox Infected Fatal Infection Reapers Servants of Entropy Belligerent
Gellerpox Infected Warp-spores SHepherds of the Neverdead
Relentless Meticulously Ovservant
Gellerpox Infected Deathflinger
Gellerpox Infected Reeking Horror
Gellerpox Infected Taking Samples
Gellerpox Infected Stubborn
Servants of the Abyss Terror Raid Champions All Embittered Ultimate Veteran
Servants of the Abyss Seed Corruption Lost and Damned Berserk Cannibal
Servants of the Abyss Dark Ritual Veterans of the Long Devious
War Deranged
Servants of the Abyss Sunder the Gates Predators Zealous Blade-master
Servants of the Abyss Arcane Prize Warp-infused Warriors
Cruel Visionary
Servants of the Abyss Faithbreakers Tzeentch Worshippers
Stolid Living Canker
Servants of the Abyss Seekers After Glory Khorne Worshippers Iron Discipline Unstoppable Force
Servants of the Abyss Hand of the Gods Slaanesh Worshippers
Arrogant Twisted
Servants of the Abyss Dark Guardians Nurgle Worshippers Insane True Believer
Servants of the Abyss Saboteurs Worldslayers Possessed On the Brink
Kroot Forward Scouts Fearless Killers Shadow Fighters Aggressive
Kroot Retrieval Crew Shock Troops Endurance Hunters Cautious Killer
Kroot Thin the Ranks Exiles Flesh Harvest Brutal
Kroot Trap Setters Life Debt Go for the Throat Gourmand
Kroot Vengeance Seekers Unproven Encircle Wily
Kroot Wreak Havoc Survivors Only the Strong Survive
Ingested Intellect
Kroot Bestial Brawn
Kroot Seasoned Mercenary
Kroot Dogged
Kroot Lucky
Adeptus Astartes Scout Boltgun Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper
Adeptus Astartes Scout Astartes shotgun Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper
Adeptus Astartes Scout Combat knife Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper
Adeptus Astartes Scout Sniper rifle Camo cloak Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper
Adeptus Astartes Scout Gunner Boltgun Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Scout Gunner Heavy bolter Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Scout Gunner Missile launcher Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Scout Gunner Missile launcher Camo cloak Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Scout Gunner Sniper rifle Camo cloak Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Scout Sergeant Boltgun Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper Leader
Adeptus Astartes Scout Sergeant Astartes shotgun Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper Leader
Adeptus Astartes Scout Sergeant Chainsword Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper Leader
Adeptus Astartes Scout Sergeant Sniper rifle Camo cloak Fire team Comms Demolitions Scout Sniper Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Gunner Boltgun Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Gunner Flamer Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Gunner Meltagun Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Gunner Plasma gun Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Gunner Grav-gun Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Gunner Missile launcher Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Gunner Heavy bolter Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Combi-flamer Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Combi-grav Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Combi-melta Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Combi-plasma Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Boltgun Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Boltgun Bolt pistol Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Boltgun Chainsword Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Boltgun Power sword (SGT) Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Boltgun Power fist Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Boltgun Auspex Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Bolt pistol Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Bolt pistol Chainsword Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Bolt pistol Power sword (SGT) Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Bolt pistol Power fist Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Bolt pistol Auspex Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Plasma pistol Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Plasma pistol Chainsword Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Plasma pistol Power sword (SGT) Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Plasma pistol Power fist Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Plasma pistol Auspex Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Grav pistol Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Grav pistol Chainsword Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Grav pistol Power sword (SGT) Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Grav pistol Power fist Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Marine Sergeant Grav pistol Auspex Fire team Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Bolt carbine Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Bolt carbine Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Bolt carbine Grapnel launcher Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Bolt carbine Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Bolt carbine Grav-chute Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Combat knife Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Combat knife Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Combat knife Grapnel launcher Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Combat knife Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Combat knife Grav-chute Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Heavy bolt pistol Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Heavy bolt pistol Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Heavy bolt pistol Grapnel launcher Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Heavy bolt pistol Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Heavy bolt pistol Grav-chute Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Combat knife Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Combat knife Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Combat knife Grapnel launcher Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Combat knife Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Combat knife Grav-chute Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Combat knife Heavy bolt pistol Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Combat knife Heavy bolt pistol Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Combat knife Heavy bolt pistol Grapnel launcher Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Combat knife Heavy bolt pistol Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Reiver Sergeant Combat knife Heavy bolt pistol Grav-chute Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Auto bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Auto bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Stalker bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Bolt rifle Auspex Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Auto bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Auto bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Auto bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Auto bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Auto bolt rifle Auspex Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Stalker bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Stalker bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Stalker bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Gunner Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Chainsword Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Auspex Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Auspex Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Chainsword Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Auspex Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Auspex Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Chainsword Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Power sword (SGT) Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Adeptus Astartes Intercessor Sergeant Chainsword Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Boltgun Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Boltgun Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Boltgun Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Combi-melta Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Combi-melta Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Combi-melta Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Combi-plasma Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Combi-plasma Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Combi-plasma Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Stalker pattern boltgun Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Stalker pattern boltgun Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Stalker pattern boltgun Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Power sword (SGT) Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Power maul Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Storm shield Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Storm shield Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Storm shield Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Deathwatch shotgun Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Heavy thunder hammer Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Boltgun Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Boltgun Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Boltgun Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Combi-melta Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Combi-melta Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Combi-melta Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Combi-plasma Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Combi-plasma Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Combi-plasma Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Stalker pattern boltgun Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Stalker pattern boltgun Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Stalker pattern boltgun Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Power sword (SGT) Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Power maul Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Storm shield Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Storm shield Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Black Shield Storm shield Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Boltgun Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Boltgun Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Boltgun Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Boltgun Xenophase blade Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Combi-melta Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Combi-melta Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Combi-melta Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Combi-melta Xenophase blade Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Combi-plasma Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Combi-plasma Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Combi-plasma Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Combi-plasma Xenophase blade Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Stalker pattern boltgun Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Stalker pattern boltgun Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Stalker pattern boltgun Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Stalker pattern boltgun Xenophase blade Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Power sword (SGT) Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Power sword (SGT) Xenophase blade Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Power maul Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Power maul Xenophase blade Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Storm shield Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Storm shield Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Storm shield Power maul Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Watch Sergeant Storm shield Xenophase blade Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Gunner
Boltgun Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Gunner
Deathwatch frag cannon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Deathwatch Deathwatch Veteran Gunner
Infernus heavy bolter Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Deathwatch Reiver Bolt carbine Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Reiver Bolt carbine Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Reiver Bolt carbine Grapnel launcher Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Reiver Bolt carbine Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Reiver Bolt carbine Grav-chute Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Reiver Combat knife Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Reiver Combat knife Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Reiver Combat knife Grapnel launcher Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Reiver Combat knife Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Reiver Combat knife Grav-chute Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Heavy bolt pistol Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Heavy bolt pistol Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Heavy bolt pistol Grapnel launcher Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Heavy bolt pistol Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Heavy bolt pistol Grav-chute Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Combat knife Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Combat knife Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Combat knife Grapnel launcher Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Combat knife Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Bolt carbine Combat knife Grav-chute Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Combat knife Heavy bolt pistol Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Combat knife Heavy bolt pistol Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Combat knife Heavy bolt pistol Grapnel launcher Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Combat knife Heavy bolt pistol Grav-chute Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Reiver Sergeant Combat knife Heavy bolt pistol Grav-chute Grapnel launcher Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Deathwatch Intercessor Bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Deathwatch Intercessor Auto bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Deathwatch Intercessor Auto bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Deathwatch Intercessor Stalker bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Deathwatch Intercessor Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Bolt rifle Auspex Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Auto bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Auto bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Auto bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Auto bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Auto bolt rifle Auspex Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Stalker bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Stalker bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Stalker bolt rifle Auxiliary grenade launcher Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Gunner Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Auxiliary grenade launcher Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Demolitions
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Chainsword Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Auspex Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Bolt rifle Auspex Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Chainsword Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Auspex Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Auto bolt rifle Auspex Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Power sword (SGT) Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Chainsword Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Stalker bolt rifle Auspex Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Power sword (SGT) Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Power sword (SGT) Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Chainsword Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Deathwatch Intercessor Sergeant Chainsword Auspex Fire team Combat Comms Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Grey Knights Grey Knight Nemesis force sword Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Grey Knights Grey Knight Nemesis force halberd Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Grey Knights Grey Knight Nemesis daemon hammer Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Grey Knights Grey Knight Nemesis warding stave Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Grey Knights Grey Knight Pair of Nemesis falchions Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Grey Knights Justicar Nemesis force sword Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Grey Knights Justicar Nemesis force halberd Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Grey Knights Justicar Nemesis daemon hammer Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Grey Knights Justicar Nemesis warding stave Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Grey Knights Justicar Pair of Nemesis falchions Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Grey Knights Grey Knight Gunner Storm bolter Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Grey Knights Grey Knight Gunner Incinerator Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Grey Knights Grey Knight Gunner Psilencer Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Grey Knights Grey Knight Gunner Psycannon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Astra Militarum Guardsman Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic
Astra Militarum Guardsman Vox-caster Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Comms
Astra Militarum Guardsman Gunner Lasgun Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Astra Militarum Guardsman Gunner Flamer Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Astra Militarum Guardsman Gunner Grenade launcher Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Astra Militarum Guardsman Gunner Meltagun Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Astra Militarum Guardsman Gunner Plasma gun Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Astra Militarum Guardsman Gunner Sniper rifle Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Heavy
Astra Militarum Sergeant Laspistol Chainsword (SGT) Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Astra Militarum Sergeant Laspistol Power sword (SGT) Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Astra Militarum Sergeant Bolt pistol Chainsword (SGT) Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Astra Militarum Sergeant Bolt pistol Power sword (SGT) Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Astra Militarum Sergeant Plasma pistol (SGT) Chainsword (SGT) Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Astra Militarum Sergeant Plasma pistol (SGT) Power sword (SGT) Fire team Demolitions
Scout Sniper Veteran Medic Leader
Astra Militarum Special Weapons Guardsman Fire team Leader Medic Demolitions Scout Sniper Veteran
Astra Militarum Special Weapons GunnerLasgun Fire team Leader Medic Demolitions Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy
Astra Militarum Special Weapons GunnerFlamer Fire team Leader Medic Demolitions Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy
Astra Militarum Special Weapons GunnerGrenade launcher Fire team Leader Medic Demolitions Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy
Astra Militarum Special Weapons GunnerMeltagun Fire team Leader Medic Demolitions Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy
Astra Militarum Special Weapons GunnerPlasma gun Fire team Leader Medic Demolitions Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy
Astra Militarum Special Weapons GunnerSniper rifle Fire team Leader Medic Demolitions Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy
Astra Militarum Scion Hot-shot lasgun Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran
Astra Militarum Scion Hot-shot lasgun Hot-shot laspistol Vox-caster Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Comms
Astra Militarum Scion Hot-shot lasgun Vox-caster Hot-shot laspistol Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Comms
Astra Militarum Scion Hot-shot laspistol Vox-caster Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Comms
Astra Militarum Scion Hot-shot laspistol Vox-caster Hot-shot lasgun Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Comms
Astra Militarum Scion Gunner Hot-shot lasgun Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy Demolitions
Astra Militarum Scion Gunner Flamer Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy Demolitions
Astra Militarum Scion Gunner Grenade launcher Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy Demolitions
Astra Militarum Scion Gunner Meltagun Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy Demolitions
Astra Militarum Scion Gunner Plasma gun Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy Demolitions
Astra Militarum Scion Gunner Hot-shot volley gun Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Heavy Demolitions
Astra Militarum Tempestor Hot-shot laspistol Chainsword (SGT) Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
Astra Militarum Tempestor Hot-shot laspistol Power sword (SGT) Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
Astra Militarum Tempestor Hot-shot laspistol Power fist (SGT) Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
Astra Militarum Tempestor Bolt pistol Chainsword (SGT) Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
Astra Militarum Tempestor Bolt pistol Power sword (SGT) Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
Astra Militarum Tempestor Bolt pistol Power fist (SGT) Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
Astra Militarum Tempestor Plasma pistol (SGT) Chainsword (SGT) Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
Astra Militarum Tempestor Plasma pistol (SGT) Power sword (SGT) Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
Astra Militarum Tempestor Plasma pistol (SGT) Power fist (SGT) Fire team Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Skitarii Ranger Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot
Adeptus Mechanicus
Skitarii Ranger Enhanced data-tether Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot
Adeptus Mechanicus
Skitarii Ranger Omnispex Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Gunner Galvanic Rifle Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Heavy
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Gunner Arc rifle Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Heavy
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Gunner Plasma caliver Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Heavy
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Gunner Transuranic arquebus Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Heavy
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Alpha Galvanic Rifle Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Alpha Arc pistol Arc Maul Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Alpha Arc pistol Power sword Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Alpha Arc pistol Taser goad Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Alpha Phosphor blast pistol Arc Maul Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Alpha Phosphor blast pistol Power sword Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Alpha Phosphor blast pistol Taser goad Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Alpha Radium pistol Arc Maul Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Alpha Radium pistol Power sword Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ranger Alpha Radium pistol Taser goad Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Skitarii Vanguard Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot
Adeptus Mechanicus
Skitarii Vanguard Enhanced data-tether Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot
Adeptus Mechanicus
Skitarii Vanguard Omnispex Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Gunner Radium carbine Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Heavy
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Gunner Arc rifle Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Heavy
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Gunner Plasma caliver Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Heavy
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Gunner Transuranic arquebus Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Heavy
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Alpha Radium carbine Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Alpha Arc pistol Arc Maul Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Alpha Arc pistol Power sword Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Alpha Arc pistol Taser goad Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Alpha Phosphor blast pistol Arc Maul Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Alpha Phosphor blast pistol Power sword Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Alpha Phosphor blast pistol Taser goad Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Alpha Radium pistol Arc Maul Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Alpha Radium pistol Power sword Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Vanguard Alpha Radium pistol Taser goad Fire team Comms Scout Sniper Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Sicarian Ruststalker Transonic razor Chordclaw Fire team Combat Comms Scout Veteran Zealot
Adeptus Mechanicus
Sicarian Ruststalker Transonic blades Fire team Combat Comms Scout Veteran Zealot
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ruststalker Princeps Transonic razor Fire team Combat Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Ruststalker Princeps Transonic blades Fire team Combat Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Sicarian Infiltrator Stubcarbine Power sword Fire team Combat Comms Scout Veteran Zealot
Adeptus Mechanicus
Sicarian Infiltrator Flechette blaster Taser goad Fire team Combat Comms Scout Veteran Zealot
Adeptus Mechanicus
Infiltrator Princeps Stubcarbine Power sword Fire team Combat Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Adeptus Mechanicus
Infiltrator Princeps Flechette blaster Taser goad Fire team Combat Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Autogun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Autogun Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Autogun Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Autogun Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Autogun Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Autogun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Autogun Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Autogun Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Autogun Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Autogun Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Flamer Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Flamer Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Flamer Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Flamer Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Flamer Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Heavy stubber Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Heavy stubber Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Heavy stubber Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Heavy stubber Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Cultist Gunner Heavy stubber Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Autogun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Autogun Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Autogun Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Autogun Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Autogun Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Shotgun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Shotgun Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Shotgun Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Shotgun Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Shotgun Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Cultist Champion Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Boltgun Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Boltgun Icon of vengeance Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Boltgun Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Boltgun Mark of Khorne Icon of wrath Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Icon of despair Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Icon of flame Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Icon of excess Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Chainsword Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Chainsword Icon of vengeance Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Chainsword Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Chainsword Mark of Khorne Icon of wrath Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Chainsword Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Chainsword Mark of Nurgle Icon of despair Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Chainsword Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Chainsword Mark of Tzeentch Icon of flame Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Chainsword Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Chainsword Mark of Slaanesh Icon of excess Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Boltgun Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Boltgun Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Boltgun Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Boltgun Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Boltgun Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Flamer Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Flamer Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Flamer Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Flamer Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Flamer Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Meltagun Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Meltagun Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Meltagun Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Meltagun Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Meltagun Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Plasma gun Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Plasma gun Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Plasma gun Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Plasma gun Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Plasma gun Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Heavy bolter Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Heavy bolter Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Heavy bolter Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Heavy bolter Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Chaos Space Marine Gunner
Heavy bolter Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Heavy
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Boltgun Bolt pistol Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Boltgun Bolt pistol Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Boltgun Bolt pistol Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Boltgun Bolt pistol Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Boltgun Bolt pistol Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Boltgun Plasma pistol (AC) Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Boltgun Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Boltgun Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Boltgun Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Boltgun Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Chainsword Bolt pistol Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (AC) Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Chainsword Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power sword (AC) Bolt pistol Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power sword (AC) Bolt pistol Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power sword (AC) Bolt pistol Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power sword (AC) Bolt pistol Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power sword (AC) Bolt pistol Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power sword (AC) Plasma pistol (AC) Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power sword (AC) Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power sword (AC) Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power sword (AC) Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power sword (AC) Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power fist (AC) Bolt pistol Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power fist (AC) Bolt pistol Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power fist (AC) Bolt pistol Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power fist (AC) Bolt pistol Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power fist (AC) Bolt pistol Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power fist (AC) Plasma pistol (AC) Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power fist (AC) Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Khorne Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power fist (AC) Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Nurgle Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power fist (AC) Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Tzeentch Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Heretic Astartes Aspiring Champion Power fist (AC) Plasma pistol (AC) Mark of Slaanesh Fire team Combat Demolitions Sniper Veteran Zealot Leader
Death Guard Plague Marine Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran
Death Guard Plague Marine Icon of despair Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran
Death Guard Plague Marine Gunner Boltgun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Death Guard Plague Marine Gunner Plague spewer Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Death Guard Plague Marine Gunner Plague belcher Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Death Guard Plague Marine Gunner Blight launcher Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Death Guard Plague Marine Gunner Meltagun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Death Guard Plague Marine Gunner Plasma gun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Death Guard Plague Marine Fighter Boltgun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Death Guard Plague Marine Fighter Bubotic Axe Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Death Guard Plague Marine Fighter Great plague cleaver Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Death Guard Plague Marine Fighter Flail of corruption Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Death Guard Plague Marine Fighter Plague knife Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Death Guard Plague Marine Fighter Mace of contagion Bubotic axe Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Death Guard Plague Champion Plague knife Boltgun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plague knife Boltgun Power fist Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plague knife Bolt pistol Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plague knife Bolt pistol Power fist Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plague knife Plasma pistol (PC) Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plague knife Plasma pistol (PC) Power fist Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plague knife Plasma gun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plague knife Plasma gun Power fist Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plaguesword Boltgun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plaguesword Boltgun Power fist Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plaguesword Bolt pistol Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plaguesword Bolt pistol Power fist Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plaguesword Plasma pistol (PC) Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plaguesword Plasma pistol (PC) Power fist Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plaguesword Plasma gun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Plague Champion Plaguesword Plasma gun Power fist Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Death Guard Poxwalker Fire team Combat Zealot
Thousand Sons Rubric Marine Inferno boltgun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran
Thousand Sons Rubric Marine Inferno boltgun Icon of flame Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran
Thousand Sons Rubric Marine Warpflamer Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran
Thousand Sons Rubric Marine Warpflamer Icon of flame Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran
Thousand Sons Rubric Marine Gunner Inferno boltgun Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Thousand Sons Rubric Marine Gunner Soulreaper cannon Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer Inferno bolt pistol Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer Warpflame pistol (AS) Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Thousand Sons Tzaangor Tzaangor blades Fire team Combat Medic Veteran Zealot
Thousand Sons Tzaangor Tzaangor blades Brayhorn Fire team Combat Medic Veteran Zealot Comms
Thousand Sons Tzaangor Brayhorn Tzaangor blades Fire team Combat Medic Veteran Zealot Comms
Thousand Sons Tzaangor Autopistol Chainsword Fire team Combat Medic Veteran Zealot
Thousand Sons Twistbray Tzaangor blades Fire team Combat Medic Veteran Zealot Leader
Thousand Sons Twistbray Autopistol Chainsword Fire team Combat Medic Veteran Zealot Leader
Asuryani Guardian defender Fire team Leader Comms Medic Scout Veteran
Asuryani Heavy weapon platform Shuriken cannon
Asuryani Heavy weapon platform Aeldari missile launcher
Asuryani Heavy weapon platform Bright lance
Asuryani Heavy weapon platform Scatter laser
Asuryani Heavy weapon platform Starcannon
Asuryani Storm guardian Aeldari blade Fire team Leader Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran
Asuryani Storm guardian Chainsword Fire team Leader Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran
Asuryani Storm guardian gunner Shuriken pistol Aeldari blade Fire team Leader Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran
Asuryani Storm guardian gunner Flamer Fire team Leader Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran
Asuryani Storm guardian gunner Fusion gun Fire team Leader Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran
Asuryani Ranger Fire team Leader Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran
Asuryani Dire Avenger Fire team Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran
Asuryani Dire Avenger Exarch Avenger shuriken catapult Fire team Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran Leader
Asuryani Dire Avenger Exarch Avenger shuriken catapultAvenger shuriken catapult Fire team Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran Leader
Asuryani Dire Avenger Exarch Shuriken pistol Power glaive Fire team Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran Leader
Asuryani Dire Avenger Exarch Shuriken pistol Diresword Fire team Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran Leader
Asuryani Dire Avenger Exarch Shimmershield Power glaive Fire team Combat Comms Medic Scout Veteran Leader
Drukhari Kabalite Warrior Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot
Drukhari Kabalite Gunner Splinter rifle Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Sniper
Drukhari Kabalite Gunner Splinter cannon Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Sniper
Drukhari Kabalite Gunner Dark lance Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Sniper
Drukhari Kabalite Gunner Shredder Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Sniper
Drukhari Kabalite Gunner Blaster Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Sniper
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter rifle Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter rifle Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter rifle Power sword Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter rifle Power sword Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter rifle Agoniser Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter rifle Agoniser Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter pistol Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter pistol Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter pistol Power sword Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter pistol Power sword Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter pistol Agoniser Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Splinter pistol Agoniser Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Blast pistol Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Blast pistol Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Blast pistol Power sword Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Blast pistol Power sword Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Blast pistol Agoniser Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Sybarite Blast pistol Agoniser Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Comms Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Wych Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot
Drukhari Wych Fighter Splinter pistol Hekatarii blade Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot
Drukhari Wych Fighter Hydra gauntlets Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot
Drukhari Wych Fighter Razorflails Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot
Drukhari Wych Fighter Shardnet and impaler Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot
Drukhari Hekatrix Splinter pistol Hekatarii blade Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Splinter pistol Hekatarii blade Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Splinter pistol Power sword Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Splinter pistol Power sword Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Splinter pistol Agoniser Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Splinter pistol Agoniser Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Blast pistol Hekatarii blade Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Blast pistol Hekatarii blade Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Blast pistol Power sword Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Blast pistol Power sword Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Blast pistol Agoniser Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Drukhari Hekatrix Blast pistol Agoniser Phantasm grenade launcher Fire team Combat Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Harlequins Player Shuriken pistol Harlequin's blade Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Shuriken pistol Harlequin's embrace (P) Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Shuriken pistol Harlequin's caress (P) Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Shuriken pistol Harlequin's kiss (P) Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Neuro disruptor (P) Harlequin's blade Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Neuro disruptor (P) Harlequin's embrace (P) Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Neuro disruptor (P) Harlequin's caress (P) Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Neuro disruptor (P) Harlequin's kiss (P) Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Fusion pistol (P) Harlequin's blade Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Fusion pistol (P) Harlequin's embrace (P) Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Fusion pistol (P) Harlequin's caress (P) Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Harlequins Player Fusion pistol (P) Harlequin's kiss (P) Fire team Leader Combat Medic Scout Veteran Zealot
Necrons Necron Warrior Fire team Leader Comms Veteran
Necrons Immortal Gauss blaster Fire team Leader Comms Veteran Zealot
Necrons Immortal Tesla carbine Fire team Leader Comms Veteran Zealot
Necrons Flayed One Fire team Leader Combat Veteran Zealot
Necrons Deathmark Fire team Leader Comms Scout Sniper Veteran
Orks Ork Boy Slugga Choppa Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran
Orks Ork Boy Shoota Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran
Orks Ork Boy Gunner Slugga Choppa Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Orks Ork Boy Gunner Big shoota Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Orks Ork Boy Gunner Rokkit launcha Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Orks Boss Nob Slugga Choppa Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Orks Boss Nob Slugga Big choppa (Nob) Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Orks Boss Nob Slugga Power klaw (Nob) Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Orks Boss Nob Kombi-rokkit (Nob) Choppa Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Orks Boss Nob Kombi-rokkit (Nob) Big choppa (Nob) Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Orks Boss Nob Kombi-rokkit (Nob) Power klaw (Nob) Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Orks Boss Nob Kombi-skorcha (Nob) Choppa Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Orks Boss Nob Kombi-skorcha (Nob) Big choppa (Nob) Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Orks Boss Nob Kombi-skorcha (Nob) Power klaw (Nob) Fire team Combat Demolitions Veteran Leader
Orks Gretchin Fire team Leader Scout
Orks Kommando Fire team Combat Demolitions Scout Veteran
Orks Kommando Boss Nob Choppa Fire team Combat Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Orks Kommando Boss Nob Power klaw (Nob) Fire team Combat Demolitions Scout Veteran Leader
Orks Burna Boy Fire team Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Orks Burna Spanner Big Shoota Fire team Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Comms
Orks Burna Spanner Kustom mega-blasta Fire team Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Comms
Orks Burna Spanner Rokkit launcha Fire team Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot Comms
Orks Loota Fire team Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy
Orks Loota Spanner Big Shoota Fire team Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy Comms
Orks Loota Spanner Kustom mega-blasta Fire team Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy Comms
Orks Loota Spanner Rokkit launcha Fire team Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Heavy Comms
T'au Empire Shas'la Pulse rifle Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran
T'au Empire Shas'la Pulse rifle Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran
T'au Empire Shas'la Pulse carbine Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran
T'au Empire Shas'la Pulse carbine Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse rifle Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse rifle Markerlight Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse rifle Markerlight Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse rifle Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse rifle Pulse pistol Markerlight Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse carbine Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse carbine Markerlight Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse carbine Markerlight Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse carbine Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse carbine Pulse pistol Markerlight Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Shas'ui Pulse pistol Markerlight Fire team Comms Medic Scout Sniper Veteran Leader
T'au Empire DS8 Tactical Support Turret
Missile pod
T'au Empire DS8 Tactical Support Turret
Smart missile system
T'au Empire Pathfinder Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran
T'au Empire Pathfinder gunner Pulse carbine Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Sniper
T'au Empire Pathfinder gunner Ion rifle Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Sniper
T'au Empire Pathfinder gunner Rail rifle Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Sniper
T'au Empire Pathfinder Shas'ui Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Breacher Shas'la Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran
T'au Empire Breacher Shas'la Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran
T'au Empire Breacher Shas'ui Pulse blaster Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Breacher Shas'ui Pulse blaster Markerlight Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Breacher Shas'ui Pulse blaster Markerlight Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Breacher Shas'ui Pulse blaster Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Breacher Shas'ui Pulse blaster Pulse pistol Markerlight Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Breacher Shas'ui Pulse pistol Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Breacher Shas'ui Pulse pistol Markerlight Fire team Comms Demolitions Medic Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Stealth Shas'ui Burst cannon Fire team Comms Heavy Scout Veteran
T'au Empire Stealth Shas'ui Fusion blaster Fire team Comms Heavy Scout Veteran
T'au Empire Stealth Shas'vre Burst cannon Fire team Comms Heavy Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Stealth Shas'vre Burst cannon Markerlight Target lock Fire team Comms Heavy Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Stealth Shas'vre Burst cannon Target lock Markerlight Fire team Comms Heavy Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Stealth Shas'vre Fusion blaster Fire team Comms Heavy Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Stealth Shas'vre Fusion blaster Markerlight Target lock Fire team Comms Heavy Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire Stealth Shas'vre Fusion blaster Target lock Markerlight Fire team Comms Heavy Scout Veteran Leader
T'au Empire MV1 Gun Drone
T'au Empire MV4 Shield Drone
T'au Empire MV7 Marker Drone
T'au Empire MV36 Guardian Drone
T'au Empire MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone
T'au Empire MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone
T'au Empire MB3 Recon Drone
T'au Empire Kroot Carnivore Leader Combat Scout Sniper Veteran Zealot Fire team
Tyranids Termagant Fleshborer Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Fleshborer Toxin sacs Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Fleshborer Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Fleshborer Adrenal glands Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Fleshborer Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Devourer (T) Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Devourer (T) Toxin sacs Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Devourer (T) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Devourer (T) Adrenal glands Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Devourer (T) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Spinefists Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Spinefists Toxin sacs Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Spinefists Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Spinefists Adrenal glands Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Termagant Spinefists Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Scout Veteran
Tyranids Hormagaunt Fire team Scout Veteran Combat
Tyranids Hormagaunt Toxin Sacs Fire team Scout Veteran Combat
Tyranids Hormagaunt Toxin Sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Scout Veteran Combat
Tyranids Hormagaunt Adrenal glands Fire team Scout Veteran Combat
Tyranids Hormagaunt Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Scout Veteran Combat
Tyranids Lictor Fire team Leader Combat Comms Scout Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Deathspitter Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Spinefists Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Rending claws Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Boneswords Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Scything talons Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Scything talons Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Deathspitter Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Spinefists Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Rending claws Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Boneswords Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Scything talons Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Deathspitter Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Spinefists Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Rending claws Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Boneswords Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Scything talons Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Boneswords Lash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordDeathspitter Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordSpinefists Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordRending claws Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordBoneswords Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordScything talons Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Lash whip and boneswordLash whip and bonesword Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Scything talons Venom cannon Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Rending claws Venom cannon Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Devourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Barbed strangler Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Boneswords Venom cannon Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordDevourer (TW) Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordBarbed strangler Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Adrenal glands Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Tyranid Warrior Gunner Lash whip and boneswordVenom cannon Toxin sacs Adrenal glands Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Comms Veteran Heavy
Tyranids Genestealer Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Extended carapaceFlesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Extended carapaceAcid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Acid maw Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Toxin sacs Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Acid maw Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Acid maw Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Acid maw Extended carapaceToxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Acid maw Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Acid maw Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Flesh hooks Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Flesh hooks Extended carapaceToxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Extended carapaceFlesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Extended carapaceAcid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Flesh hooks Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Acid maw Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Scything talons Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Flesh hooks Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Acid maw Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Acid maw Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Acid maw Extended carapaceScything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Acid maw Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Acid maw Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Extended carapaceScything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Scything talons Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Acid maw Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Toxin sacs Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Acid maw Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Acid maw Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Acid maw Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Acid maw Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Acid maw Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Flesh hooks Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Flesh hooks Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Extended Carapace Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Scything talons Extended carapaceToxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Scything talons Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Extended carapace Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Extended carapace Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Extended carapace Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Extended carapace Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Toxin sacs Extended carapaceScything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Acid maw Toxin sacs Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Scything talons Extended carapaceToxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Scything talons Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Extended carapace Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Extended carapace Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Extended carapace Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Extended carapace Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Extended carapaceScything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Tyranids Genestealer Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Hybrid Autopistol Fire team Combat Comms Zealot
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Hybrid Autopistol Cult icon Fire team Combat Comms Zealot
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Hybrid Hand flamer Fire team Combat Comms Zealot
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Hybrid Hand flamer Cult icon Fire team Combat Comms Zealot
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Fighter Autopistol Cultist knife Rending claw Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Demolitions
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Fighter Autopistol Heavy rock drill Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Demolitions
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Fighter Autopistol Heavy rock saw Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Demolitions
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Fighter Autopistol Heavy rock cutter Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Demolitions
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Fighter Autopistol Demolition charge Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Demolitions
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Fighter Hand flamer Cultist knife Rending claw Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Demolitions
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Fighter Hand flamer Heavy rock drill Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Demolitions
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Fighter Hand flamer Heavy rock saw Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Demolitions
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Fighter Hand flamer Heavy rock cutter Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Demolitions
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Fighter Hand flamer Demolition charge Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Demolitions
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Leader Autopistol Cultist knife Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Leader Autopistol Bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Leader Hand flamer Cultist knife Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Leader Hand flamer Bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Acolyte Leader Lash whip and bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Aberrant Power pick Fire team Leader Combat Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Aberrant Power hammer Fire team Leader Combat Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Hybrid Autogun Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Hybrid Autogun Cult icon Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Hybrid Shotgun Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Hybrid Shotgun Cult icon Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Gunner Autogun Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Heavy
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Gunner Shotgun Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Heavy
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Gunner Flamer Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Heavy
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Gunner Grenade launcher Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Heavy
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Gunner Webber Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Heavy
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Gunner Heavy stubber Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Heavy
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Gunner Mining laser Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Heavy
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Gunner Seismic cannon Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Heavy
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Leader Autogun Autopistol Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Leader Autopistol Chainsword Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Leader Autopistol Power maul Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Leader Autopistol Power pick Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Leader Bolt pistol Chainsword Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Leader Bolt pistol Power maul Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Leader Bolt pistol Power pick Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Leader Web pistol Chainsword Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Leader Web pistol Power maul Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Neophyte Leader Web pistol Power pick Fire team Demolitions
Medic Scout Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Autopistol Rending claw Metamorph talon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Autopistol Rending claw Metamorph talon Cult icon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Autopistol Metamorph talon Metamorph talon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Autopistol Metamorph talon Metamorph talon Cult icon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Autopistol Rending claw Metamorph whip Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Autopistol Rending claw Metamorph whip Cult icon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Autopistol Metamorph claw Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Autopistol Metamorph claw Cult icon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Hand flamer Rending claw Metamorph talon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Hand flamer Rending claw Metamorph talon Cult icon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Hand flamer Metamorph talon Metamorph talon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Hand flamer Metamorph talon Metamorph talon Cult icon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Hand flamer Rending claw Metamorph whip Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Hand flamer Rending claw Metamorph whip Cult icon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Hand flamer Metamorph claw Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorph Hand flamer Metamorph claw Cult icon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Autopistol Rending claw Metamorph talon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Autopistol Rending claw Metamorph talon Bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Autopistol Metamorph talon Metamorph talon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Autopistol Metamorph talon Metamorph talon Bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Autopistol Rending claw Metamorph whip Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Autopistol Rending claw Metamorph whip Bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Autopistol Metamorph claw Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Autopistol Metamorph claw Bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Hand flamer Rending claw Metamorph talon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Hand flamer Rending claw Metamorph talon Bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Hand flamer Metamorph talon Metamorph talon Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Hand flamer Metamorph talon Metamorph talon Bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Hand flamer Rending claw Metamorph whip Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Hand flamer Rending claw Metamorph whip Bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Hand flamer Metamorph claw Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Metamorph Leader Hand flamer Metamorph claw Bonesword Fire team Combat Comms Demolitions Zealot Leader
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Extended carapaceFlesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Extended carapaceAcid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Toxin sacs Acid maw Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Toxin sacs Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Extended carapace Acid maw Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Acid maw Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Acid maw Extended carapaceToxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Acid maw Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Acid maw Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Flesh hooks Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Flesh hooks Extended carapaceToxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Extended carapaceFlesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Extended carapaceAcid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Flesh hooks Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Scything talons Acid maw Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Scything talons Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Flesh hooks Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Extended carapace Acid maw Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Acid maw Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Acid maw Extended carapaceScything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Acid maw Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Acid maw Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Extended carapaceScything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Scything talons Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Toxin sacs Acid maw Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Toxin sacs Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Toxin sacs Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Scything talons Acid maw Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Acid maw Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Acid maw Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Acid maw Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Acid maw Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Flesh hooks Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Flesh hooks Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Extended Carapace Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Scything talons Extended carapaceToxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Scything talons Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Extended carapace Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Extended carapace Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Extended carapace Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Extended carapace Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Toxin sacs Extended carapaceScything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Acid maw Toxin sacs Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Scything talons Extended carapaceToxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Scything talons Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Extended carapace Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Extended carapace Scything talons Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Extended carapace Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Extended carapace Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Extended carapaceScything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Scything talons Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Genestealer Cults Genestealer Flesh hooks Toxin sacs Scything talons Extended carapace Fire team Leader Combat Scout Veteran
Elucidian Starstriders
Voidsman Fire team Demolitions
Elucidian Starstriders
Voidsman Gunner Fire team Demolitions
Veteran Heavy
Elucidian Starstriders
Voidmaster Nitsch Fire team Demolitions
Veteran Leader
Elucidian Starstriders
Aximillion Fire team Demolitions
Veteran Scout
Elucidian Starstriders
Knosso Prond Combat
Elucidian Starstriders
Larsen van der Grauss Comms
Elucidian Starstriders
Sanistasia Minst Medic
Gellerpox Infected Nightmare Hulk Fire team Combat Veteran Zealot
Gellerpox Infected Gnasher-screamer Fire team Combat Veteran Zealot Leader
Gellerpox Infected Gellerpox Mutant Fire team Combat Demolitions Scout Veteran Zealot Leader
Gellerpox Infected Eyestinger Swarm
Gellerpox Infected Glitchling Fire team Combat Scout Zealot
Gellerpox Infected Cursemite
Gellerpox Infected Sludge-grub
Astra Militarum Pious Vorne Zealot
Astra Militarum Rein Sniper
Astra Militarum Raus Fire team
Adeptus Mechanicus
UR-025 Heavy
Servants of the Abyss
Traitor guardsman Lasgun DemolitionsScout Sniper Veteran
Servants of the Abyss
Traitor guardsman Autopistol Brutal assault weapon DemolitionsScout Sniper Veteran
Servants of the Abyss
Traitor guardsman Laspistol Brutal assault weapon DemolitionsScout Sniper Veteran
Servants of the Abyss
Traitor guardsman gunnerLasgun DemolitionsScout Sniper Veteran Heavy
Servants of the Abyss
Traitor guardsman gunnerLasgun Krak grenade DemolitionsScout Sniper Veteran Heavy
Servants of the Abyss
Traitor guardsman gunnerFlamer DemolitionsScout Sniper Veteran Heavy
Servants of the Abyss
Traitor sergeant DemolitionsScout Sniper Veteran Leader
Servants of the Abyss
Chaos Beastman Laspistol Chainsword Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Servants of the Abyss
Chaos Beastman Laspistol Brutal assault weapon Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Servants of the Abyss
Chaos Beastman Autopistol Chainsword Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Servants of the Abyss
Chaos Beastman Autopistol Brutal assault weapon Leader Combat Demolitions Veteran Zealot
Servants of the Abyss
Negavolt Cultist Leader Combat Veteran Zealot
Servants of the Abyss
Rogue Psyker Leader Comms Veteran Zealot
Servants of the Abyss
Black Legionnaire Leader Combat Sniper Veteran Zealot
Kroot Kroot Carnivore Leader Combat Scout Sniper Veteran Zealot Fire team
Kroot Kroot Hound Combat Scout Fire team
Kroot Krootox Rider Combat Heavy Fire team
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Scout 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 4+ 10 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Astartes shotgun 12" Assault 2 4 0 1 Half range S +1 0 Tactic 1 Armour of Contempt Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team suffers a mortal wound. Roll a d6 for that mortal wound, and each other mortal wound suffered by that modelPrimaris
for the rest
of the phase; on aVeil
5+ the
of Time
mortal wound is ignored and has no effect. 5 Pick a friendly model within 18" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, you can
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Scout Gunner 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 4+ 11 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Auto bolt rifle 24" Assault 2 4 0 1 0 Tactic 2 Death to the Traitors! Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model from your kill team to fight in the Fight phase. Until the end of that phase, each time you make a hit roll of 6+ for thatPrimaris
model and
the target is a Heretic
of Heroes
model, you can immediately make an extra attack
6 Pickagainst
a friendly
same within
model 12"
of the psyker.
same weapon.
Until theThese
start of
the next
phase, add
1 to t
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Scout Sergeant 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 2 8 4+ 11 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Bolt carbine 24" Assault 2 4 0 1 0 Tactic 3 Hellfire Shells Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to shoot with a heavy bolter. You can only make a single hit roll for the weapon this phase, however,
if it hits,Librarian
the target suffers D3Null
wounds instead of the normal damage. 8 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, while they are within 3" of the psyker, enemy models can
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Tactical Marine 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+ 12 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Boltgun Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 4 Honour the Chapter Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Fight phase. Pick a model from your kill team. That model can immediately fight an additional time. Primaris Librarian Storm Caller 7 Untilt the start of the next Psychic phase, all friendly models within 6" of the psyker that are comp
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Tactical Marine Gunner 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+ 13 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Bolt rifle 30" Rapid Fire 1 4 -1 1 0 Tactic 5 Masterful Marksmanship Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase when you choose an Intercessor from your kil team to shoot with a stalker bolt rifle. Until the end of that phase, you can Torrvald
add 1 to Orksbane
hit and wound rolls for
Time 5 Pick a friendly model within 18" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, you can
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Tactical Marine Sergeant 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 2 8 3+ 13 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Frag grenade Krak grenade Boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 6 Shock and Awe Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you declare
a Reiver from your kill team will attempt to charge. Before any Overwatch attacks are made, you can make a single shootingTorrvald
attack using
this model's shock
of Heroes
against a target of the charge. If the attack is6 successful,
Pick a friendly
that model
target within
may not12"fire
of Overwatch
the psyker.this
the start
in addition
of the next
to thePsychic
of the
1 to
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Reiver 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+ 16 Terror Troops: Enemy within 3" are -1 Ld Heavy bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Shock grenade Combi-flamer * 3 Tactic 7 Adaptive Strategy Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic as1soon
as yourPoint
kill team is broken. You immediately generate D3 Command Points. Torrvald Orksbane Null Zone 8 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, while they are within 3" of the psyker, enemy models can
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Reiver Sergeant 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 3 8 3+ 17 Terror Troops: Enemy within 3" are -1 Ld Frag grenade Krak grenade Shock grenade Combi-flamer (boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Tactic 8 Angel of Death Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
choosing aPoint
model that charged in this battle round to fight with. Add 1 to that model's Attacks characteristics for this phase. Torrvald Orksbane Storm Caller 7 Untilt the start of the next Psychic phase, all friendly models within 6" of the psyker that are comp
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Intercessor 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+ 15 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-flamer (flamer) 8" Assault d6 4 0 1 Auto hit 0 Tactic 9 Auspex Scan Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a Readied model to shoot with. Ignore all negative hit modifiers for that model this phase.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Intercessor Gunner 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+ 16 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-grav * 2 Tactic 10 Battle-Brothers Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
failing a saving
Point throw for a model that is within 3" of another friendly model that is not shaken. No damage is inflicted upon the target model, but one friendly model of your choice that is within 3" of the target model and not shaken suffers a number of mortal wounds equal to the Damage characteristic of the weapon used in th
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Intercessor Sergeant 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 3 8 3+ 16 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-grav (boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Tactic 11 Death Denied Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
one of your
models is taken out of action. That model suffers a flesh wound instead.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Captain (1) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 3+ 76 Iron Halo: 4++; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-grav (grav-gun) 18" Rapid Fire 1 5 -3 1 If save 3+ D d3 0 Tactic 12 Psychological Warfare Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Morale phase. Choose a Reiver from your kill team that took an enemy model out of action in the preceding Fight phase and is not shaken. Add 1 to any Nerve tests made this phase for enemy models within 6" of the model you chose.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Captain (2) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 3+ 96 Iron Halo: 4++; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-melta * 3 Tactic 13 Alchomite Detonation Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Movement phase. Choose an Alchomite Stack that is within 1" of at least one model from your kill team that is not shaken. At the end of the following Movement phase, roll a dice for each model within 3" of that Alchomite Stack. On a 4+ that model suffers 1 mortal wound. Then remove the Alchomite Stack . An
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Captain (3) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 3+ 116 Iron Halo: 4++; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-melta (boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Tactic 14 Champion of Humanity Adeptus Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a Commander to fight in the Fight phase. Choose hit or wound rolls. You cacn re-roll all failed rolls of the type you chose for that model's attacks that target enemy Commanders until the end of the phase.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Captain (4) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 3+ 141 Iron Halo: 4++; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-melta (meltagun) 12" Assault 1 8 -4 d6 Half range best 2D6 D 0 Tactic 15
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Primaris Lieutenant (1) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 8 3+ 46 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-plasma * 4 Tactic 16
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Primaris Lieutenant (2) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 8 3+ 61 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-plasma (boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Tactic 17
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Primaris Lieutenant (3) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 8 3+ 76 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-plasma (plasma standard) 24" Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 18
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Primaris Lieutenant (4) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 8 3+ 101 Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-plasma (plasma supercharge) 24" Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 19
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Chaplain (1) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 63 Rosarius: 4++; Crozius Arcanum Absolvor bolt pistol
Frag grenade Krak grenade Flamer 8" Assault d6 4 0 1 Auto hit 3 Tactic 20
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Chaplain (2) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 78 Rosarius: 4++; Crozius Arcanum Absolvor bolt pistol
Frag grenade Krak grenade Frag grenade 6" Grenade d6 3 0 1 0 Tactic 21
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Chaplain (3) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 93 Rosarius: 4++; Crozius Arcanum Absolvor bolt pistol
Frag grenade Krak grenade Grav-gun 18" Rapid Fire 1 5 -3 1 If save 3+ D D3 2 Tactic 22
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Chaplain (4) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 118 Rosarius: 4++; Crozius Arcanum Absolvor bolt pistol
Frag grenade Krak grenade Grav-pistol 12" Pistol 1 5 -3 1 If save 3+ D D3 1 Primaris Captain
Rites of1Battle Primaris Captain Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR hit rolls of 1 for friendly models within 6" of this model.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Librarian (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 81 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within
12";sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Heavy bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 -1 1 0 Primaris Lieutenant
Tactical Precision
1 Primaris Lieutenant Aura Use
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR wound rolls of 1 for friendly models within 6" of this model.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Librarian (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 101 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within
12";sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Heavy bolter 36" Heavy 3 5 -1 1 3 Primaris Chaplain
Litanies 1of Hate Primaris Chaplain Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Fight phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly models within 6" of this model.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Librarian (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 121 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within
12";sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 d3 0 Primaris Chaplain
Spiritual2Leader Primaris Chaplain Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, friendly models within 6" of this model can use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Librarian (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 146 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within
12";sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Meltagun 12" Assault 1 8 -4 d6 Half range best 2D6 D 3
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 50 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction Tactics or Abilities; Disruption
Field Generator:
pistol Monomolecular
4++; Archeotech
rapier grenade Missile launcher * 5
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 65 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction Tactics or Abilities; Disruption
Field Generator:
pistol Monomolecular
4++; Archeotech
rapier grenade Missile launcher (frag) 48" Heavy d6 4 0 1 0
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 80 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction Tactics or Abilities; Disruption
Field Generator:
pistol Monomolecular
4++; Archeotech
rapier grenade Missile launcher (krak) 48" Heavy 1 8 -2 d6 0
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 105 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction Tactics or Abilities; Disruption
Field Generator:
pistol Monomolecular
4++; Archeotech
rapier grenade Plasma gun * 3
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Torrvald Orksbane (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 81 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within
12";sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Plasma gun (standard) 24" Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 0
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Torrvald Orksbane (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 101 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within
12";sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Plasma gun (supercharge) 24" Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Torrvald Orksbane (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 121 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within
12";sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Plasma pistol * 1
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Torrvald Orksbane (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 146 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within
12";sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Plasma pistol (standard) 12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 0
Plasma pistol (supercharge) 12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0
Shock grenade 6" Grenade d3 - - - Infantry penalties p.86 0
Sniper rifle 36" Heavy 1 4 0 1 Range, Mortal p.86 1
Stalker bolt rifle 36" Heavy 1 4 -2 1 0
Chainsword Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0
Combat knife Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0
Power fist Melee Melee Ux2 -3 d3 -1 to hit 4
Power sword (SGT) Melee Melee U -3 1 2
Auspex Ignore obscured p.84 1
Auxiliary grenade launcher Grenade 30" long range 0
Camo cloak -1 to hit if obscured 1
Grapnel launcher Ignore vertical distance 1
Grav-chute No fall damage p.85 1
Power sword (CPT) Melee Melee U -3 1 7
Power sword (LT) Melee Melee U -3 1 4
Master-crafted auto bolt rifle 24" Assault 2 4 0 2 0
Master-crafted stalker bolt rifle 36" Heavy 1 4 -2 2 0
Absolvor bolt pistol 16" Pistol 1 5 -1 1 0
Crozius arcanum Melee Melee U+1 -1 2 0
Force sword Melee Melee U -3 D3 0
Heirloom pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 -2 2 0
Monomolecular rapier Melee Melee U -4 1 0
Archeotech grenade 6" Grenade d3 6 -1 D3 1/battle 0
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Deathwatch Veteran 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 2 8 3+ 14 Special Issue Ammunition: p.89; Frag grenade Krak grenade Auto bolt rifle 24" Assault 2 4 0 1 2 Tactic 1 Decapitation Doctrine Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team is chosen to attack in the Shooting or Fight phase. Until the end of the phase, RR failed wound rolls for that model
targets an enemy Leader.
Veil of Time 5 Pick a friendly model within 18" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, you can RR
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Deathwatch Veteran Gunner 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 2 8 3+ 16 Special Issue Ammunition: p.89; Frag grenade Krak grenade Bolt carbine 24" Assault 2 4 0 1 2 Tactic 2 Hellfire Shell Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to shoot with a heavy bolter or the heavy bolter profile of an infernus heavy bolter. You can only make
a single
hit roll with the weapon
of Heroes
phase (subtracting 1 as normal if also firing an infernus
6 Pick aheavy
within 12"
of theifpsyker.
it hits, the
the start
of D3
the mortal
next Psychic
of 1the
to norm
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Black Shield 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 3 8 3+ 16 Atonement Through Honour: RR failed charges; Special Issue Ammunition: p.89; Frag grenade Krak grenade Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 2 Tactic 3 Only In Death Does Duty End Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a model from
your kill team is taken out of action; that model summons the strength for one final attack, and can immediately either shootPrimaris
as if it were
your turn in the Shooting
Null Zonephase, or fight as if it were your turn in the Fight phase.
8 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, while they are within 3" of the psyker, enemy models canno
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Watch Sergeant 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 3 9 3+ 16 Special Issue Ammunition: p.89; Frag grenade Krak grenade Bolt rifle 30" Rapid Fire 1 4 -1 1 2 Tactic 4 Rival Chapters Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team is chosen to attack in the Shooting or Fight phase whilst there is another model from your kill team within 2" ofPrimaris
it. UntilLibrarian
the end of the phase,Storm
RR hit
rolls of 1 for both models. 7 Untilt the start of the next Psychic phase, all friendly models within 6" of the psyker that are complete
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Reiver 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+ 18 Terror Troops: Enemy within 3" are -1 Ld; Special Issue Ammunition: p.89; Heavy bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Shock grenade Boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 5
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Reiver Sergeant 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 3 8 3+ 17 Terror Troops: Enemy within 3" are -1 Ld; Special Issue Ammunition: p.89; Frag grenade Krak grenade Shock grenade Combi-melta * 3 Tactic 6
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Intercessor 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+ 17 Special Issue Ammunition: p.89; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-melta (boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Tactic 7 Death to the Alien Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to fight in the Fight phase. Each time you make a hit roll of 5+ for that model during this phase, that model can, if it was targeting a model that does not have the Imperium, Chaos, or Unaligned keyword, immediately make an additional attack against the same model using the same weapon
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Intercessor Gunner 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+ 18 Special Issue Ammunition: p.89; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-melta (meltagun) 12" Assault 1 8 -4 d6 Half range best 2D6 D 0 Tactic 8 My Armour Is Contempt Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team suffers a mortal wound. Roll a D6 for that mortal wound, and each other mortal wound inflicted on this model for the rest of the phase; on a 5+ that mortal wound is ignored and has no effect.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Intercessor Sergeant 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 3 8 3+ 18 Special Issue Ammunition: p.89; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-plasma * 4 Tactic 9 Priority Execution Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to fight in the Fight phase. Add 1 to all wound rolls for that model until the end of the phase.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Captain (1) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 3+ 76 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-plasma (boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Tactic 10 Tactical Disengagement Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase when a model in your kill team Retreats. That model may Retreat up to 6" rather than up to 3", and may fire its weapons in the Shooting phase of this battle round even though it Retreated.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Captain (2) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 3+ 96 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-plasma (plasma standard) 24" Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 11 The Beheading Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
FIght phase. Until the end of the phase, you may RR hit rolls for any attacks that target an enemy Leader.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Captain (3) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 3+ 116 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-plasma (plasma supercharge) 24" Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 12 Unrelenting Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase when you choose a model from your kill team to shoot. When rolling to hit for this model's shooting atacks, it is considered not to have moved in the previous Movement phase.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Captain (4) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 3+ 141 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Deathwatch frag cannon * 5 Tactic 13 Trust In Your Armour Deathwatch Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
of the Movement phase. Until the end of the phase, models from your kill team treat Barbed Venomgorse as open ground and can move though it as if it were not there (though each model must end its move on a surface it can stand on).
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Chaplain (1) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 63 Rosarius: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Crozius Arcanum Absolvor bolt pistol
Frag grenade Krak grenade Deathwatch frag cannon (frag) 8" Assault 2d6 6 -1 1 Auto hit 0 Tactic 14 Vigiliance Incarnate Deathwatch Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round if your kill team includes a Commander. As long as this model is not shaken, roll a D6 whenever a model from your kill team within 3" of this model loses a wound. On a 6 that wound is not lost. If a model already has an ability with a similar effect, you can choose which effect applies, and re-roll 1s whe
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Chaplain (2) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 78 Rosarius: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Crozius Arcanum Absolvor bolt pistol
Frag grenade Krak grenade Deathwatch frag cannon (shell) 24" Assault 2 7 -2 2 Half range S 9 AP -3 0 Tactic 15
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Chaplain (3) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 93 Rosarius: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Crozius Arcanum Absolvor bolt pistol
Frag grenade Krak grenade Deathwatch shotgun * 1 Tactic 16
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Chaplain (4) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 118 Rosarius: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Crozius Arcanum Absolvor bolt pistol
Frag grenade Krak grenade Deathwatch shotgun (cryptclearer) 16" Assault 2 4 0 1 RR failed wounds 0 Tactic 17
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Librarian (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 81 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within 12"; Force sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Deathwatch shotgun (xenopurge) 16" Assault 2 4 -1 1 Half range D 2 0 Tactic 18
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Librarian (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 101 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within 12"; Force sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Deathwatch shotgun (wyrmsbreath) 7" Assault d6 3 0 1 Auto hit 0 Tactic 19
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Librarian (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 121 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within 12"; Force sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Frag grenade 6" Grenade d6 3 0 1 0 Tactic 20
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Primaris Librarian (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 146 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Psychic Hood: +1 Deny the Witch within 12"; Force sword Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Heavy bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 -1 1 2 Tactic 21
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Watch Master (1) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ 125 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Guardian spear Frag grenade Krak grenade Infernus heavy bolter * 2 Tactic 22
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Watch Master (2) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ 145 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Guardian spear Frag grenade Krak grenade Infernus heavy bolter (heavy bolter) 36" Heavy 3 5 -1 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Primaris Captain
Rites of1Battle Primaris Captain Aura
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR hit rolls of 1 for friendly models within 6" of this model.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Watch Master (3) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ 165 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Guardian spear Frag grenade Krak grenade Infernus heavy bolter (heavy flamer) 8" Assault d6 5 -1 1 Auto hit 0 Primaris Chaplain
Litanies 1of Hate Primaris Chaplain Aura
Use Tactic
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Fight phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly models within 6" of this model.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Watch Master (4) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ 190 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Guardian spear Frag grenade Krak grenade Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 d3 0 Primaris Chaplain
Spiritual2Leader Primaris Chaplain Aura
Use Tactic
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, friendly models within 6" of this model can use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Gaius Acastian (1) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ 125 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Guardian spear Frag grenade Krak grenade Shock grenade 6" Grenade d3 - - - Infantry penalties p.86 0 Watch Master
1 of Battle Watch Master Aura Use
this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR failed hit rolls for friendly models within 6" of this model.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Gaius Acastian (2) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ 145 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Guardian spear Frag grenade Krak grenade Stalker bolt rifle 36" Heavy 1 4 -2 1 2 Watch Master
Steel1 Your Minds Watch Master Aura Use
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, all friendly models within 6" of this model ignore the penalty to their hit rolls from all flesh wounds they have suffered.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Gaius Acastian (3) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ 165 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Guardian spear Frag grenade Krak grenade Stalker pattern boltgun 30" Heavy 2 4 -1 1 1 Gaius Acastian
Master1 of Battle Watch Master Aura Use
this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR failed hit rolls for friendly models within 6" of this model.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Gaius Acastian (4) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ 190 Iron Halo: 4++; Special Issue Ammunition: C 37; Guardian spear Frag grenade Krak grenade Auspex Ignore obscured p.84 1 Gaius Acastian
Steel 1Your Minds Watch Master Aura Use
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, all friendly models within 6" of this model ignore the penalty to their hit rolls from all flesh wounds they have suffered.
Auxiliary grenade launcher Grenade 30" long range 0
Chainsword Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0
Combat knife Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0
Grapnel launcher Ignore vertical distance 1
Grav-chute No fall damage p.85 1
Heavy thunder hammer Melee Melee Ux2 -3 d6 -1 hit, Wound 6+ at D 6 5
Power maul Melee Melee U+2 -1 1 2
Power sword (SGT) Melee Melee U -3 1 2
Xenophase blade Melee Melee U -3 1 RR ++ saves 3
Storm shield 3++ save 3
Power sword (CPT) Melee Melee U -3 1 7
Master-crafted auto bolt rifle 24" Assault 2 4 0 2 0
Master-crafted stalker bolt rifle 36" Heavy 1 4 -2 2 0
Absolvor bolt pistol 16" Pistol 1 5 -1 1 0
Crozius arcanum Melee Melee U+1 -1 2 0
Force sword Melee Melee U+1 -3 D3 0
Guardian spear * 0
Guardian spear (ranged) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 -1 2
Guardian spear (melee) Melee M U+1 -3 D3

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Grey Knight 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+ 18 Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny p. 94; Daemon Hunters: RR failed wounds vs Daemons in Fight; Storm bolter
Frag grenade
Krak grenade
Psyk-out grenade Frag grenade 6" Grenade d6 3 0 1 0 Tactic 1 Heed the Prognosticars Grey Knights Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
battle round. Pick a model from your kill team and add 1 to its saving throws until the end of the battle round. Brotherhood Champion Hammerhand 5 Pick a friendly model within 8" of the psyker. Add 1 to wound rolls you make for that model's Me
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Grey Knight Gunner 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+ 19 Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny p. 94; Daemon Hunters: RR failed wounds vs Daemons in Fight; Frag grenade
Krak grenade
Psyk-out grenade Incinerator 8" Assault d6 6 -1 1 Auto hit 3 Tactic 2 Honour the Chapter Grey Knights Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Fight phase. Pick a model from your kill team. That model can immediately fight an additional time.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Justicar 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 2 8 3+ 19 Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny p. 94; Daemon Hunters: RR failed wounds vs Daemons in Fight; Storm bolter
Frag grenade
Krak grenade
Psyk-out grenade Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 d3 0 Tactic 3 Psybolt Ammunition Grey Knights Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to shoot with a storm bolter. The weapon's Strength characteristic is 5 and its Armour Penetration characteristic is -1 until the end of the phase.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests; Iron Halo: 4++;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny, C 39; Daemon Hunters: RR failed wounds vs Daemons in Fight;
Brotherhood Champion (1) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 4 8 2+ 108 Heroic Sacrifice: Fight after take out; Perfect Warrior: C 39 Sword Strike or Blade Shield; Nemesis Storm
force sword
Frag grenade
Krak grenade
Psyk-out grenade Psilencer 24" Heavy 6 4 0 d3 3 Tactic 4 Psychic Channelling Grey Knights Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
taking a Psychic
Points test for a model from your kill team. Roll three dice raher than two and use the two highest rolls.
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests; Iron Halo: 4++;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny, C 39; Daemon Hunters: RR failed wounds vs Daemons in Fight;
Brotherhood Champion (2) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 4 8 2+ 128 Heroic Sacrifice: Fight after take out; Perfect Warrior: C 39 Sword Strike or Blade Shield; Nemesis Storm
force sword
Frag grenade
Krak grenade
Psyk-out grenade Psycannon 24" Heavy 4 7 -1 1 2 Tactic 5
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests; Iron Halo: 4++;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny, C 39; Daemon Hunters: RR failed wounds vs Daemons in Fight;
Brotherhood Champion (3) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 4 8 2+ 148 Heroic Sacrifice: Fight after take out; Perfect Warrior: C 39 Sword Strike or Blade Shield; Nemesis Storm
force sword
Frag grenade
Krak grenade
Psyk-out grenade Psyk-out grenade 6" Grenade d3 2 0 1 Hit 6+ special p. 95 0 Tactic 6
And They Shall Know No Fear: RR failed nerve tests; Iron Halo: 4++;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny, C 39; Daemon Hunters: RR failed wounds vs Daemons in Fight;
Brotherhood Champion (4) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 4 8 2+ 173 Heroic Sacrifice: Fight after take out; Perfect Warrior: C 39 Sword Strike or Blade Shield; Nemesis Storm
force sword
Frag grenade
Krak grenade
Psyk-out grenade Storm bolter 24" Rapid Fire 2 4 0 1 0 Tactic 7
Nemesis daemon hammer Melee Melee Ux2 -3 3 -1 to hit 2 Tactic 8
Pair of Nemesis falchions Melee Melee U -2 d3 1 extra attack 1 Tactic 9
Nemesis force halberd Melee Melee U+1 -2 d3 0 Tactic 10
Nemesis force sword Melee Melee U -3 d3 0 Tactic 11
Nemesis warding stave Melee Melee U+2 -1 d3 5++ in fight phase p. 95 0 Tactic 12
Tactic 13
Tactic 14
Tactic 15
Tactic 16
Tactic 17
Tactic 18
Tactic 19
Tactic 20
Tactic 21
Tactic 22
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Guardsman 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+ 5 Voice of Command: p. 101; Lasgun Frag grenade Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 1 Cunning Strategy Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic after
2 Command
your Leader
has issued an order. Your Leader may immediately issue an additional order.
Guardsman Gunner 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+ 5 Voice of Command: p. 101; Frag grenade Flamer 8" Assault d6 4 0 1 Auto hit 3 Tactic 2 Defensive Stand Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a charge Points
is declared against a model from your kill team. When that model fires Overwatch this phase, they successfully hit on a roll of 5 or 6.
Sergeant 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 7 5+ 5 Voice of Command: p. 101; Frag grenade Frag grenade 6" Grenade d6 3 0 1 0 Tactic 3 Get Down! Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic in 1your
Pointturn in the Shooting phase when they choose a model from your kill team as a target, and your model is obscured. Attacks that target that model in this phase suffer an additional -1 penalty to their hit rolls
Special Weapons Guardsman 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+ 5 Voice of Command: p. 101; Lasgun Frag grenade Grenade launcher * 2 Tactic 4 Reserves of Courage Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of your
turn in the Morale phase. Pick a model from your kill team that is required to take a Nerve test. Roll a D3 for that model rather than a D6 when taking the test.
Special Weapons Gunner 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+ 5 Voice of Command: p. 101; Frag grenade Grenade launcher (frag) 24" Assault d6 3 0 1 0 Tactic 5
Scion 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+ 9 Voice of Command: p. 101; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Grenade launcher (frak) 24" Assault 1 6 -1 d3 0 Tactic 6
Scion Gunner 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+ 10 Voice of Command: p. 101; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Hot-shot lasgun 18" Rapid Fire 1 3 -2 1 0 Tactic 7 Adrenal Shot Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team suffers a mortal wound. Roll a D6 for that mortal wound, and any other mortal wound suffered by that model for the rest of the phase; on a 5+ the mortal wound is ignored and has no effect.
Tempestor 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 2 7 4+ 10 Voice of Command: p. 101; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Hot-shot laspistol 6" Pistol 1 3 -2 1 0 Tactic 8 Fight to the Death Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic before
1 Command
an InjuryPoint
roll is made for a model from your kill team. Apply a -1 modifier to the Injury roll.
Commissar (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 8 5+ 10 Hot-shot volley gun 24" Heavy 4 4 -2 1 3 Tactic 9 Grenadiers Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model from your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase. You can use a Grenade weapon that model is equipped with, even if another model from your kill team has already used a Grenade weapon this phase. You can use this Tactic multiple times in the same phase.
Commissar (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 8 5+ 15 Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 d3 0 Tactic 10 Reconnaissance Protocols Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
first battle round. Choose a Militarum Tempestus model from your kill team that is on the battlefield; that model can immediately make a normal move as if it were the Movement phase, but instead of moving up to their Move characteristic, they move up to 2D6" instead.
Commissar (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 8 5+ 30 Lasgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 11 Sir, Yes Sir! Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic after
2 Command
picking a model
Points from your kill team to be affected by an order. All models from your kill team (other than your kill team's Leader) within 3" of that model are also affected by the same order. You cannot use this Tactic in the same battle round as the Cunning Strategy Tactic.
Commissar (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 8 5+ 50 Laspistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 12 Vengeance for Cadia! Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model from your kill team to shoot or fire Overwatch and the target is a Heretic Astartes model. You can RR failed hit and wound rolls for your model against that Heretic Astartes model.
Lord Commissar (1) 6" 2+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 25 Refractor Field: 5++; Meltagun 12" Assault 1 8 -4 d6 Half range best 2d6 D 3 Tactic 13 Mission Critical Supplies Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
of the first battle round. Choose a Munitorum Armoured Container. Subtract 1 from Nerve tests you take for models from your kill team that are within 1" of this container for the rest of the battle.
Lord Commissar (2) 6" 2+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 30 Refractor Field: 5++; Plasma gun * 3 Tactic 14 Bellowing Voice Astra Militarum Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round if your kill team includes a Commander. Until the end of the battle round increase the range of that model's aura abilities by 3".
Lord Commissar (3) 6" 2+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 45 Refractor Field: 5++; Plasma gun (standard) 24" Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 15
Lord Commissar (4) 6" 2+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 65 Refractor Field: 5++; Plasma gun (supercharge) 24" Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 16
Voice of Command: p. 101;
Platoon Commander (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 5+ 10 Refractor Field: 5++; Frag grenade Plasma pistol (SGT) * 1 Tactic 17
Voice of Command: p. 101;
Platoon Commander (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 5+ 15 Refractor Field: 5++; Frag grenade Plasma pistol (SGT) (standard)
12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 18
Voice of Command: p. 101;
Platoon Commander (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 5+ 30 Refractor Field: 5++; Frag grenade Plasma pistol (SGT) (supercharge)
12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 19
Voice of Command: p. 101;
Platoon Commander (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 5+ 50 Refractor Field: 5++; Frag grenade Sniper rifle 36" Heavy 1 4 0 1 Range, Mortal p.86 1 Tactic 20
Voice of Command: p. 101; Senior Officer: 2x Voice of Command;
Company Commander (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 15 Refractor Field: 5++; Frag grenade Chainsword (SGT) Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0 Tactic 21
Voice of Command: p. 101; Senior Officer: 2x Voice of Command;
Company Commander (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 20 Refractor Field: 5++; Frag grenade Power fist (SGT) Melee Melee Ux2 -3 d3 -1 to hit 2 Tactic 22
Voice of Command: p. 101; Senior Officer: 2x Voice of Command;
Company Commander (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 35 Refractor Field: 5++; Frag grenade Power sword (SGT) Melee Melee U -3 1 1 Commissar
1 of Discipline Commissar Aura TacticUse this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, friendly moels within 6" of this model can use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own, and automatically pass Nerve tests.
Voice of Command: p. 101; Senior Officer: 2x Voice of Command;
Company Commander (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 55 Refractor Field: 5++; Frag grenade Vox-caster RR nerve tests p.101 5 Commissar
I Am
2 Your Worst Fear Commissar Aura TacticUse this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, all friendly models within 6" of this model ignore the penalty to their hit rolls from one flesh wound they have suffered.
Tempestor Prime (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 4+ 25 Voice of Command: p. 101; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Plasma pistol (COM) * 3 Lord Commissar
Aura of1Discipline Lord Commissar Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, friendly moels within 6" of this model can use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own, and automatically pass Nerve tests.
Tempestor Prime (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 4+ 30 Voice of Command: p. 101; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Plasma pistol (COM) (standard)
12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 0 Lord Commissar
I Am Your
2 Worst Fear Commissar Aura TacticUse this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, all friendly models within 6" of this model ignore the penalty to their hit rolls from one flesh wound they have suffered.
Tempestor Prime (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 4+ 45 Voice of Command: p. 101; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Plasma pistol (COM) (supercharge)
12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Platoon Commander
Inspirational1 Command Platoon Commander Tactic
Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Shooting phase before issuing an order with a Platoon Commander from your kill team. When you issue that order, it affects all other friendly models within 6" of that model that are not shaken and have not been issued another order in this battle round. A model may still only be affectied by one order per
Tempestor Prime (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 4+ 65 Voice of Command: p. 101; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Chainsword (COM) Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 1 Company Inspirational
Commander Command
1 Company Commander Use
this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Shooting phase before issuing an order with a Company Commander from your kill team. When you issue that order, it affects all other friendly models within 6" of that model that are not shaken and have not been issued another order in this battle round. A model may still only be affectied by one order pe
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 50 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction
or Abilities;
Field Generator: 4++; Power fist (COM) Melee Melee Ux2 -3 d3 -1 to hit 6 TempestorCovering
Prime 1 Fire! Tempestor Prime Aura Use
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, when friendly models within 6" of this model fire Overwatch, they successfully hit on a roll of 5 or 6.
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 65 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction
or Abilities;
Field Generator: 4++; Power sword (COM) Melee Melee U -3 1 2 Feodor Lasko
Aura1of Discipline Commissar Aura TacticUse this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, friendly moels within 6" of this model can use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own, and automatically pass Nerve tests.
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 80 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction
or Abilities;
Field Generator: 4++; Plasma pistol (TP) * 3 Feodor Lasko
I Am2Your Worst Fear Commissar Aura TacticUse this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, all friendly models within 6" of this model ignore the penalty to their hit rolls from one flesh wound they have suffered.
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 105 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction
or Abilities;
Field Generator: 4++; Plasma pistol (TP) (standard)12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 0
Zealot: RR failed hit rolls when charge or charged; Rosarius: 4++;
Taddeus the Purifier (1) 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 4 3 7 6+ 50 War Hymns: Astra Militarum modelsLaspistolServo-stubber
in 6" gain +1 A; Power maul Plasma pistol (TP) (supercharge)
12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0
Zealot: RR failed hit rolls when charge or charged; Rosarius: 4++;
Taddeus the Purifier (2) 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 4 3 7 6+ 55 War Hymns: Astra Militarum modelsLaspistolServo-stubber
in 6" gain +1 A; Power maul Chainsword (TP) Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 1
Zealot: RR failed hit rolls when charge or charged; Rosarius: 4++;
Taddeus the Purifier (3) 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 4 3 7 6+ 70 War Hymns: Astra Militarum modelsLaspistolServo-stubber
in 6" gain +1 A; Power maul Power fist (TP) Melee Melee Ux2 -3 d3 -1 to hit 8
Zealot: RR failed hit rolls when charge or charged; Rosarius: 4++;
Taddeus the Purifier (4) 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 4 3 7 6+ 85 War Hymns: Astra Militarum modelsLaspistolServo-stubber
in 6" gain +1 A; Power maul Power sword (TP) Melee Melee U -3 1 2
Specialist Retainer: Zealot specialist but does not count against max number of specialists;
Pious Vorne 6" 3+ 4+ 3 3 3 3 7 7+ 15 Maniacal Fervour: Negate wounds on Vindicator
5+; Zealot: RR failed hit rolls when charge or charged; Boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 2
Specialist Retainer: Sniper specialist but does not count against max number of specialists;
The Ratling Twins: RR Shoot hit and wound with Sniper rifle if target visible to Raus;
Naturally Stealthy: Additional -1 to hit if obscured;
Rein 6" 5+ 2+ 2 2 2 1 6 6+ 9 Shoot Sharp and Scarper: After shooting
pistol can move (no Advance); Tempestus command rod 2x Voice of Command 2
Grappling Hook: Ignore vertical movement on normal move;
Naturally Stealthy: Additional -1 to hit if obscured;
Raus 6" 5+ 2+ 2 2 2 1 6 6+ 10 Shoot Sharp and Scarper: After shooting
pistol can move (no Advance); Heirloom pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 -2 2 0
Psychic Barrier: 4++; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Espern Locarno (1) 6" 5+ 5+ 3 3 3 2 7 6+ 30 The Third Eye: 12" Psybolt which ignores
nearest clause;
cane Monomolecular rapier Melee Melee U -4 1 0
Psychic Barrier: 4++; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Espern Locarno (2) 6" 5+ 5+ 3 3 3 2 7 6+ 40 The Third Eye: 12" Psybolt which ignores
nearest clause;
cane Archeotech grenade 6" Grenade d3 6 -1 D3 1/battle 0
Psychic Barrier: 4++; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Espern Locarno (3) 6" 5+ 5+ 3 3 3 2 7 6+ 50 The Third Eye: 12" Psybolt which ignores
nearest clause;
cane Servo-stubber 12" Pistol 3 4 0 1 0
Psychic Barrier: 4++; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Espern Locarno (4) 6" 5+ 5+ 3 3 3 2 7 6+ 60 The Third Eye: 12" Psybolt which ignores
nearest clause;
cane Power maul Melee Melee U+2 -1 1 0
Feodor Lasko (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 8 5+ 15 Refractor Field: 5++; Plasma pistol
Power (COM)
sword (COM) Vindicator * 0
Feodor Lasko (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 8 5+ 20 Refractor Field: 5++; Plasma pistol
Power (COM)
sword (COM) Vindicator (ranged) 8" Assauld d6 5 -1 1 Auto hit, 2d6 vs Chaos
Feodor Lasko (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 8 5+ 35 Refractor Field: 5++; Plasma pistol
Power (COM)
sword (COM) Vindicator (melee) Melee Melee U+1 -1 1
Feodor Lasko (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 8 5+ 55 Refractor Field: 5++; Plasma pistol
Power (COM)
sword (COM) Stub pistol 9" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0
Demolition charge 6" Grenade d6 8 -3 D3 1/battle 0
Force-orb cane Melee Melee U 0 D3 0
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Skitarii Ranger 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+ 9 Bionics: 6++; Galvanic rifle Arc pistol 12" Pistol 1 6 -1 1 0 Tactic 1 Conqueror Doctrina Imperative Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to fight in the Fight phase. Add 1 to hit rolls for the model until the end of the phase. If the model is within 6" of a friendly model equipped with an enhanced data-tether, you can add 2 to the hit rolls instead.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Ranger Gunner 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+ 10 Bionics: 6++; Arc rifle 24" Rapid Fire 1 6 -1 1 0 Tactic 2 Dunestrider Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase when a model from your kill team Advances. Roll 2 dice and pick which result to use when making the Advance roll.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Ranger Alpha 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 2 7 4+ 10 Bionics: 6++; Flechette blaster 12" Pistol 5 3 0 1 0 Tactic 3 Gloria Mechanicus Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
which Canticle of the Omnissiah is in effect this battle round. Randomly determine a Canticle of the Omnissiah - that Canticle is in effect instead.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Bionics: 6++;
Skitarii Vanguard 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+ 9 Rad-saturation: Enemies within 1" are -1 T; Radium carbine Galvanic rifle 30" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Wound 6+ at AP -1 0 Tactic 4 Protector Doctrina Imperative Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase. Add 1 to hit rolls for the model until the end of the phase. If the model is within 6" of a friendly model equipped with an enhanced data-tether, you can add 2 to the hit rolls instead.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Bionics: 6++;
Vanguard Gunner 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+ 10 Rad-saturation: Enemies within 1" are -1 T; Phosphor blast pistol 12" Pistol 1 5 -1 1 No obscured hit penalty 0 Tactic 5
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Bionics: 6++;
Vanguard Alpha 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 2 7 4+ 10 Rad-saturation: Enemies within 1" are -1 T; Plasma caliver * 3 Tactic 6
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Sicarian Ruststalker 8" 3+ 3+ 4 3 2 3 6 4+ 14 Bionics: 6++; Plasma caliver (standard) 18" Assault 2 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 7 Auto-tracking Software Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase when an opponent declares a charge against a model from your kill team. When that model fires Overwatch this phase, they successfully hit on a roll of 5 or 6.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Ruststalker Princeps 8" 3+ 3+ 4 3 2 4 7 4+ 16 Bionics: 6++; Chordclaw Plasma caliver (supercharge) 18" Assault 2 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 8 Hyper-penetrative Shot Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you pick a
model from your kill team armed with a transuranic arquebus to shoot. Until the end of the phase, attacks made by this model with this weapon do not suffer the penalties to hit rolls or Injury rolls for the target being obscured.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Bionics: 6++;
Sicarian Infiltrator 8" 3+ 3+ 4 3 2 2 6 4+ 14 Neurostatic Aura: Enemy within 3" are -1 Ld; Radium carbine 18" Assault 3 3 0 1 Wound 6+ at D 3 0 Tactic 9 Optimal Conditions Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. Add 1 to charge rolls made for models in your kil team until the end of the phase.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Bionics: 6++;
Infiltrator Princeps 8" 3+ 3+ 4 3 2 3 7 4+ 15 Neurostatic Aura: Enemy within 3" are -1 Ld; Radium pistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 Wound 6+ at D 2 0 Tactic 10 Scryer Skull Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase if an opponent picked the Plant Traps strategy in the Scouting phase. Pick a piece of terrain within 6" of your Leader. Your opponents must revel to you whether or not they have booby-trapped that piece of terrain.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Tech-priest Enginseer (1) 6" 4+ 4+ 4 4 4 2 8 3+ 28 Bionics: 6++; LaspistolOmnissian
axe Stubcarbine 18" Pistol 3 4 0 1 0 Tactic 11 Stabilisation Actuators Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic before
1 Command
you takePoint
a Falling test for a model from your kill team. You can RR the dice when taking this test, and when taking any further Falling tests for that model in this battle round.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Tech-priest Enginseer (2) 6" 4+ 4+ 4 4 4 2 8 3+ 33 Bionics: 6++; LaspistolOmnissian
axe Transuranic arquebus 60" Heavy 1 7 -2 d3 Move range mortal p.86 5 Tactic 12 Transonic Attunement Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
Fight phase
when a model from your kill team armed with transonic blades, a transonic razor or a chordclaw is chosen to attack. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by that model with any of these weapons.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Tech-priest Enginseer (3) 6" 4+ 4+ 4 4 4 2 8 3+ 48 Bionics: 6++; LaspistolOmnissian
axe Arc maul Melee Melee U+2 -1 1 0 Tactic 13
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Tech-priest Enginseer (4) 6" 4+ 4+ 4 4 4 2 8 3+ 68 Bionics: 6++; LaspistolOmnissian
axe Chordclaw Melee Melee U 0 d3 1 A, Wound 6+ D mortal 1 Tactic 14 Auto-repair Protocols Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
of the battle round if your kill team includes a Commander that is not shaken. Tehy recover 1 wound lost earlier in the battle.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Masterwork Bionics: Regain D3 wounds start of each battle round;
Tech-priest Dominus (1) 6" 3+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 8 2+ 130 Refractor Field: 5++; Omnissian axe Power sword Melee Melee U -3 1 0 Tactic 15 Alpha Target Proximity Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Fight phase. Pick a model from your kill team. Until the end of the phase, re-roll wound rolls of 1 for that model.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Masterwork Bionics: Regain D3 wounds start of each battle round;
Tech-priest Dominus (2) 6" 3+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 8 2+ 150 Refractor Field: 5++; Omnissian axe Taser goad Melee Melee U+2 0 1 Hit 6+ causes 3 hits 1 Tactic 16 The Machine God's Will Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Morale phase. ignore all modifiers to the first Nerve test you make this phase.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Masterwork Bionics: Regain D3 wounds start of each battle round;
Tech-priest Dominus (3) 6" 3+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 8 2+ 170 Refractor Field: 5++; Omnissian axe Transonic blades Melee Melee U+1 0 1 Wound 6+ D mortal 0 Tactic 17 Neurostatic Shock Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Morale phase. Pick a Sicarian Infiltrator from your kill team that is not shaken. Until the end of the phase, subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of enemy models that are within 3" of that model. This is cumulative with the Neurostatic Aura ability
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Masterwork Bionics: Regain D3 wounds start of each battle round;
Tech-priest Dominus (4) 6" 3+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 8 2+ 195 Refractor Field: 5++; Omnissian axe Transonic razor Melee Melee U 0 1 Wound 6+ D mortal 0 Tactic 18 Reknit Circuitry Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
of the Morale phase. Choose a model from your kill team and remove D3 flesh wounds from that model.
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 50 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction TacticsHeirloom
or Abilities;
grenade 4++; Enhanced data-tether RR nerve tests p.108 5 Tactic 19 Trauma Override Protocol Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. Pick a model from your kill team which has an invulnerable save. Until the start of the next Movement phase, that model's invulnerable save is improved by 1 (to a maximum of 3+).
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 65 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction TacticsHeirloom
or Abilities;
grenade 4++; Omnispex Ignore obscured p.108 1 Tactic 20 Zealous Disciples Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
battle round, before picking a Canticle of the Omnissiah. You may pick a Canticle to be in effect that has already been chosen in a previous battle round. This Tactic may only be used once per battle.
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 80 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction TacticsHeirloom
or Abilities;
grenade 4++; Laspistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 21 Defensive Interfacing Adeptus Mechanicus Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round. Until the end of the battle round, you can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models from your kill team that are within 3" of a Ryza-pattern ruin when they fire Overwatch.
Multi-Spectral Auspicator: RR hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this model;
Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+;
Janus Draik (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 105 Rogue Trader: Not affected by Faction TacticsHeirloom
or Abilities;
grenade 4++; Omnissian axe Melee Melee U+1 -2 2 0 Tactic 22
Specialist Retainer: Heavy specialist but does not count against max number of specialists;
Self-repair Systems: Regain 1 lost wound start of each round;
UR-025 5" 3+ 3+ 5 5 4 2 8 3+ 30 Something Isn't Quite Right: Does not benefit from
Mk 1 Canticles
the Omnissiah; Servo-arm Melee Melee Ux2 -2 3 1 attack, -1 hit roll 0 Tech-priestRepair
1 Tech-priest Enginseer Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, roll a D6 each time a friendly model witin 3" of this model loses a wound. On a 6 that wound is not lost. If a model already has an ability with a similar effect, you can choose which effect applies, and RR 1s when making these rolls.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Tech-priest Manipulus (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 2+ 102 Blessed Bionics: 5++, Regain D3 wounds startOmnissian
of each Mechadendrites
staffround; Eradication ray 24" Heavy D3 6 -2 1 Within 8" AP-4 D D3 14 Tech-priestLord
of the 1Machine Cult Tech-priest Dominus Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting phase for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Tech-priest Manipulus (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 2+ 122 Blessed Bionics: 5++, Regain D3 wounds startOmnissian
of each Mechadendrites
staffround; Macrostubber 12" Pistol 5 4 0 1 0 Tech-priestXenotech
2 Tech-priest Dominus Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of a Points
mission in which any of your opponens used any models that did not have the Imperium or Chaos keyword, if your kill team includes a Tech-priest Dominus that is not out of action or shaken If you do, roll a D6, on a 5+ you gain 1 Material. You can only use this Tactic once per mission.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Tech-priest Manipulus (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 2+ 142 Blessed Bionics: 5++, Regain D3 wounds startOmnissian
of each Mechadendrites
staffround; Phosphor serpenta 18" Assault 1 5 -1 1 Ignore obscure to hit 4 Tech-priestGalvanic
1 Tech-priest Manipulus Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can add 1 to all Move characteristics for friendly models that begin your turn in the Movement phase within 6" of this model.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Tech-priest Manipulus (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 2+ 167 Blessed Bionics: 5++, Regain D3 wounds startOmnissian
of each Mechadendrites
staffround; Volkite blaster 24" Heavy 3 6 0 1 Wound 6+ add mortal 0 Magos Dalathrust
Lord of the
1 Machine Cult Tech-priest Dominus Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting phase for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Masterwork Bionics: Regain D3 wounds start of each battle round;
Magos Dalathrust (1) 6" 3+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 8 2+ 130 Refractor Field: 5++; OmnissianVolkite
axe blaster
Macrostubber Heirloom pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 -2 2 0 Magos Dalathrust
Xenotech 2 Divination Tech-priest Dominus Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of a Points
mission in which any of your opponens used any models that did not have the Imperium or Chaos keyword, if your kill team includes a Tech-priest Dominus that is not out of action or shaken If you do, roll a D6, on a 5+ you gain 1 Material. You can only use this Tactic once per mission.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Masterwork Bionics: Regain D3 wounds start of each battle round;
Magos Dalathrust (2) 6" 3+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 8 2+ 150 Refractor Field: 5++; OmnissianVolkite
axe blaster
Macrostubber Monomolecular rapier Melee Melee U -4 1 0 Theta-7 Acquisitus
Galvanic 1Pulse Tech-priest Manipulus Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can add 1 to all Move characteristics for friendly models that begin your turn in the Movement phase within 6" of this model.
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Masterwork Bionics: Regain D3 wounds start of each battle round;
Magos Dalathrust (3) 6" 3+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 8 2+ 170 Refractor Field: 5++; OmnissianVolkite
axe blaster
Macrostubber Archeotech grenade 6" Grenade d3 6 -1 D3 1/battle 0
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Masterwork Bionics: Regain D3 wounds start of each battle round;
Magos Dalathrust (4) 6" 3+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 8 2+ 195 Refractor Field: 5++; OmnissianVolkite
axe blaster
Macrostubber Mk 1 assault cannon 24" Heavy 4 5 -1 1 0
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Theta-7 Acquisitus (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 2+ 102 Blessed Bionics: 5++, Regain D3 wounds startOmnissian
of each Mechadendrites
Magnarail lance Power claw Melee Melee Ux2 -3 D3 -1 to hit 0
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Theta-7 Acquisitus (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 2+ 122 Blessed Bionics: 5++, Regain D3 wounds startOmnissian
of each Mechadendrites
Magnarail lance Magnarail lance 18" Heavy 1 7 -3 D3 Damage 3 if stationary 0
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Theta-7 Acquisitus (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 2+ 142 Blessed Bionics: 5++, Regain D3 wounds startOmnissian
of each Mechadendrites
Magnarail lance Transonic cannon 8" Assault D6 4 -1 1 Auto hit 10
Canticles of the Omnissiah: p.107
Theta-7 Acquisitus (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 2+ 167 Blessed Bionics: 5++, Regain D3 wounds startOmnissian
of each Mechadendrites
Magnarail lance Omnissian staff Melee Melee U+2 -1 2 0
Mechadendrites Melee Melee U+2 0 1 D6 extra attacks 0
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Chaos Cultist 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 5 6+ 4 Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment p.116; Autogun 24" Rapid Fire 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 1 Beseech the Gods Heretic Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
first battle round. Pick a model from your kill team and roll a D6. On a 1 that model is found unworthy and suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Sorcerer On a 2+ add 1 to hit and
Hex rolls for the model until the end of the battle. You
7 Select
can only
an enemy
use thismodel
the psyker and visible to him. Until the start of the next P
Chaos Cultist Gunner 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 5 6+ 5 Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment p.116; Autopistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 2 Daemon Spirit Heretic Astartes Tactic This Tactic is used
2 at
the end of
the Movement phase. Pick an enemy model within 1" of your Leader and roll a D6. On a 4+ that enemy model suffers 1 mortal
wound. Prescience 6 Select a friendly model within 8" of the psyker. You can add 1 to hit rolls made for that model
Cultist Champion 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 6 6+ 5 Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment p.116; Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 3 Fury of Khorne Heretic Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Fight phase. Pick a Khorne model from your kill team that is within 1" of an enemy model - your model can immediately fight again.
Sorcerer Diabolic Strength 6 Select a friendly model within 8" of the psyker. Until the start of the next Psychic phase, add 2
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Chaos Space Marine 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+ 12 Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment p.116; Bolt pistolFrag grenade
Krak grenade Boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 4 Veterans of the Long War Heretic Astartes Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a Chaos Points
Space Marine model from your kill team is chosen to attack in the Shooting or Fight phase. You can add 1 to wound rolls for the model's attacks that target Imperium models until the end of the phase.
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Chaos Space Marine Gunner 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+ 13 Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment p.116; Bolt pistolFrag grenade
Krak grenade Flamer 8" Assault d6 4 0 1 Auto hit 3 Tactic 5
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Aspiring Champion 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 2 8 3+ 13 Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment p.116; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Frag grenade 6" Grenade d6 3 0 1 0 Tactic 6
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment p.116;
Exalted Champion (1) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 8 3+ 30 For the Dark Gods: RR failed hit rolls vs enemy Commanders; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Heavy bolter 36" Heavy 3 5 -1 1 3 Tactic 7
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment p.116;
Exalted Champion (2) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 8 3+ 35 For the Dark Gods: RR failed hit rolls vs enemy Commanders; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Heavy stubber 36" Heavy 3 4 0 1 0 Tactic 8
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment p.116;
Exalted Champion (3) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 8 3+ 50 For the Dark Gods: RR failed hit rolls vs enemy Commanders; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 d3 0 Tactic 9
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment p.116;
Exalted Champion (4) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 8 3+ 70 For the Dark Gods: RR failed hit rolls vs enemy Commanders; Frag grenade
Krak grenade Meltagun 12" Assault 1 8 -4 d6 Half range best 2d6 D 3 Tactic 10
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Sorcerer (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 9 3+ 65 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment
Bolt pistol
Frag grenade
Krak grenade Plasma gun * 3 Tactic 11
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Sorcerer (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 9 3+ 80 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment
Bolt pistol
Frag grenade
Krak grenade Plasma gun (standard) 24" Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 12
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Sorcerer (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 9 3+ 95 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment
Bolt pistol
Frag grenade
Krak grenade Plasma gun (supercharge) 24" Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 13
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Sorcerer (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 9 3+ 120 Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Mark of Chaos: Pick one, select in equipment
Bolt pistol
Frag grenade
Krak grenade Plasma pistol (AC) * 1 Tactic 14
Plasma pistol (AC) (standard)12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 15
Plasma pistol (AC) (supercharge)
12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 16
Shotgun 12" Assault 2 3 0 1 Half range S +1 0 Tactic 17
Brutal assault weapon Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0 Tactic 18
Chainsword Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0 Tactic 19
Power fist (AC) Melee Melee Ux2 -3 d3 -1 to hit 4 Tactic 20
Power sword (AC) Melee Melee U -3 1 2 Tactic 21
Icon of wrath Khorne charges p.116 5 Tactic 22
Icon of flame Tzeentch psychic p.116 1 Exalted Champion
Aspire to1Glory Exalted Champion AuraUse
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR wound rolls of 1 for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Icon of despiar Nurgle Ld penalty p.116 3
Icon of excess Slaanesh attacks p.116 5
Icon of vengeance Any Ld bonus p.116 1
Mark of Khorne Interacts with Icons 0
Mark of Nurgle Interacts with Icons 0
Mark of Tzeentch Interacts with Icons 0
Mark of Slaanesh Interacts with Icons 0
Plasma pistol (EC) * 4
Plasma pistol (EC) (standard)12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 0
Plasma pistol (EC) (supercharge)
12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0
Power fist (EC) Melee Melee Ux2 -3 d3 -1 to hit 12
Power sword (EC) Melee Melee U -3 1 4
Power axe (EC) Melee Melee U+1 -2 1 5
Force stave Melee Melee U+2 -1 D3 0
Force sword Melee Melee U -3 D3 0
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Plague Marine 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 1 1 7 3+ 14 Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss; Plague knife
Boltgun Blight grenade
Krak grenade Blight grenade 6" Grenade d6 3 0 1 RR wound 1s 0 Tactic 1 Cloud of Flies Death Guard Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Movement phase. Pick a model from your kill team. Until the end of the battle round, enemy models can only shoot that model if it is the closes target visible to them.
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Plague Marine Gunner 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 1 1 7 3+ 15 Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss; Plague knife
Blight grenade
Krak grenade Blight launcher 24" Assault 2 6 -2 d3 RR wound 1s 3 Tactic 2 Grandfather's Blessing Death Guard Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
first battle round. Pick a model from your kill team and roll a D6. On a 1 that model is found unworthy and suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 2+ add 1 to hit and wound rolls for the model until the end of the battle. You can only use this Tactic once per battle.
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Plague Marine Fighter 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 1 2 7 3+ 15 Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss; Plague knife
Blight grenade
Krak grenade Blight pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 3 Nurgle's Gift Death Guard Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
a Poxwalker
from your kill team takes an enemy model out of action in the Fight phase. Roll a D6. On a 4+ you may set up a new Poxwalker within 1" of the Poxwalker that made the attack. The new Poxwalker is treated as a member of your kill team, but is not part of a fire team (pg 204) and is not added to your comm
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Plague Champion 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 1 2 8 3+ 15 Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss; Blight grenade
Krak grenade Boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 4 Nurgling Infestation Death Guard Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Movement phase. Pick an enemy model within 1" of your Leader and roll a D6. On a 4+ that enemy model suffers 1 mortal wound.
Poxwalker 4" 5+ 6+ 3 3 1 2 4 7+ 3 Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss; Improvised weapon Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 d3 0 Tactic 5 Putrid Splatter Death Guard Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a model from
your kill team loses a wound in the Fight phase. Roll a D6 for each enemy model within 1" of that model. On a 6 that enemy model suffers 1 mortal wound after all of its attacks have been resolved.
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Foul Blightspawn (1) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 80 Unholy Death's Head: 1/battle, Blight grenade Type is Grenade 2D6Plague sprayer
Blight grenade
Krak grenade Meltagun 12" Assault 1 8 -4 d6 Half range best 2d6 D 3 Tactic 6 Veterans of the Long War Death Guard Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a Plague Points
Marine model from your kill team is chosen to attack in the Shooting or Fight phase. You can add 1 to wound rolls for the model's attacks that target Imperium models until the end of the phase.
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Foul Blightspawn (2) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 100 Unholy Death's Head: 1/battle, Blight grenade Type is Grenade 2D6Plague sprayer
Blight grenade
Krak grenade Plague belcher 9" Assault d6 4 0 1 RR wound 1s, Auto hit 3 Tactic 7
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Foul Blightspawn (3) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 120 Unholy Death's Head: 1/battle, Blight grenade Type is Grenade 2D6Plague sprayer
Blight grenade
Krak grenade Plague spewer 9" Heavy d6 5 -1 1 RR wound 1s, Auto hit 4 Tactic 8
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Foul Blightspawn (4) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 145 Unholy Death's Head: 1/battle, Blight grenade Type is Grenade 2D6Plague sprayer
Blight grenade
Krak grenade Plasma gun * 3 Tactic 9
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Tallyman (1) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 45 The Seven-fold Chant: 2D6 each time use Death Guard Tactic, if 7 refund
Krak grenade Plasma gun (standard) 24" Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 10
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Tallyman (2) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 60 The Seven-fold Chant: 2D6 each time use Death Guard Tactic, if 7 refund
Krak grenade Plasma gun (supercharge) 24" Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 11
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Tallyman (3) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 75 The Seven-fold Chant: 2D6 each time use Death Guard Tactic, if 7 refund
Krak grenade Plasma pistol (PC) * 1 Tactic 12
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Tallyman (4) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 100 The Seven-fold Chant: 2D6 each time use Death Guard Tactic, if 7 refund
Krak grenade Plasma pistol (PC) (standard)12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 13
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Biologus Putrifier (1) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 50 Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss; Pestilential Explosion:Plague
Before knife
Injector pistol
6 non-Nurgle
models within 3" suffer mortal wound; Plasma pistol (PC) (supercharge)
12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 14
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Biologus Putrifier (2) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 65 Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss; Pestilential Explosion:Plague
Before knife
Injector pistol
6 non-Nurgle
models within 3" suffer mortal wound; Bubotic axe Melee Melee U+1 -2 1 RR wound 1s 2 Tactic 15
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Biologus Putrifier (3) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 80 Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss; Pestilential Explosion:Plague
Before knife
Injector pistol
6 non-Nurgle
models within 3" suffer mortal wound; Flail of corruption Melee Melee U+2 -2 1 RR wound 1s, d3 hits 4 Tactic 16
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Biologus Putrifier (4) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 105 Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss; Pestilential Explosion:Plague
Before knife
Injector pistol
6 non-Nurgle
models within 3" suffer mortal wound; Great plague cleaver Melee Melee Ux2 -3 d6 RR wound 1s, -1 to hit 4 Tactic 17
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Plague Surgeon (1) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 45 Gene-seed Thief: Add 1 to hit and wound rolls in Fight against Adeptus
Blight grenade
Krak grenade Improvised weapon Melee Melee U 0 1 0 Tactic 18
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Plague Surgeon (2) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 60 Gene-seed Thief: Add 1 to hit and wound rolls in Fight against Adeptus
Blight grenade
Krak grenade Mace of contagion Melee Melee U+2 -1 3 RR wound 1s, -1 to hit 3 Tactic 19
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Plague Surgeon (3) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 75 Gene-seed Thief: Add 1 to hit and wound rolls in Fight against Adeptus
Blight grenade
Krak grenade Plague knife Melee Melee U 0 1 RR wound 1s 0 Tactic 20
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Plague Surgeon (4) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 8 3+ 100 Gene-seed Thief: Add 1 to hit and wound rolls in Fight against Adeptus
Blight grenade
Krak grenade Plaguesword Melee Melee U 0 1 RR failed wound rolls 0 Tactic 21
Power fist Melee Melee Ux2 -3 d3 -1 to hit 4 Tactic 22
Icon of despair Nurgle Ld penalty p.116 3 Foul Blightspawn
1 Stench Foul Blightspawn Aura
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Fight phase. As long as this model is not shaken, enemy models that charged this turn and are within 3" of this model at the start of the Fight phase cannot be chosen to fight in the Hammer of Wrath section of the Fight phase, but can be chosen to fight in the Fight For Your Lives section instead. This ability
Plasma pistol (TM) * 0 Tallyman 1Festering Zealot Tallyman Aura TacticUse this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Fight phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly models within 7" of this model.
Plasma pistol (TM) (standard)12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 0 Biologus Putrifier
Blight Racks
1 Biologus Putrifier Aura
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, increase the Strength and Damage characteristics of all blight grenades carried by friendly Death Guard models by 1 whilst they are within 3" of this model. In addition, whilst a friendly model is within 3" of this model, each wound roll of 6+ made for that m
Plasma pistol (TM) (supercharge)
12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Plague Surgeon
Tainted1 Narthecium Plague Surgeon AuraUse
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Fight phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you may RR any Disgustingly Resilient rolls of 1 made for friendly models within 3" of this model.
Plague sprayer 9" Assault D6 2D6 -3 3 Auto hit, RR wound 1s 0
Injector pistol 3" Pistol 1 4 -1 D6 RR wound 1s 0
Hyper blight grenade 6" Grenade D6 4 0 2 RR wound 1s, 6 mortal 0
Balesword Melee Melee U -3 1 RR wound 1s
Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
All is Dust: Sv +1 vs D 1, No penalty to hit for move and shoot heavy;
Rubric Marine 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+ 16 Favoured of Tzeentch: 5++; Autopistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 1 Cycle of Slaughter Thousand Sons Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Fight phase. Pick a Tzaangor from your kil team - that model can immediately fight an additional time. Exalted Sorcerer Gaze of Fate 6 You can RR a single Advance roll, charge roll, Psychic test, Deny the Witch test, hit roll, woun
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
All is Dust: Sv +1 vs D 1, No penalty to hit for move and shoot heavy;
Rubric Marine Gunner 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+ 16 Favoured of Tzeentch: 5++; Inferno bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 -2 1 0 Tactic 2 Hungering Warpflame Thousand Sons Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase when you choose a model in your kill team to shoot with a warpflamer or warpflame pistol. Until the end of the phase, you
can roll
two dice when determining
of Tzeentch
number of attacks made by that weapon and pick
8 Select
the highest
an enemy
model that is within 12" of the psyker and visible to him and roll 2D6. If the r
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Aspiring Sorcerer 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 2 8 3+ 17 Favoured of Tzeentch: 5++; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny; Force stave Inferno boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 -2 1 0 Tactic 3 Immovable Automaton Thousand Sons Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a Rubric Points
Marine or Rubric Marine Gunner from your kill team is taken out of action. Roll a D6. On a 4+ that model suffers a flesh wound Exalted
instead.Sorcerer Bolt of Change 9 The closest enemy model within 12" of the psyker and visible to him suffers D3 mortal wounds
Tzaangor 6" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 1 6 6+ 7 Aura of Dark Glory: 5++; Soulreaper cannon 24" Heavy 4 5 -3 1 4 Tactic 4 Malicious Familiar Thousand Sons Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
end of the
Movement phase. Pick an enemy model within 1" of your Leader and roll a D6. On a 4+ that enemy model suffers 1 mortal wound.
Tzaangor Shaman Gaze of Fate 6 You can RR a single Advance roll, charge roll, Psychic test, Deny the Witch test, hit roll, woun
Twistbray 6" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 2 7 6+ 8 Aura of Dark Glory: 5++; Warpflame pistol (AS) 6" Pistol d6 3 -2 1 Auto hit 1 Tactic 5 Sorcerous Focus Thousand Sons Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of your
turn in the Psychic phase. Pick a Psyker model from your kill team that is within 2" of at least two other models from your killTzaangor
team. Add
6" to the range ofTreason
this model's
of Tzeentch
Psybolt psychic power until the end of the phase.
8 Select an enemy model that is within 12" of the psyker and visible to him and roll 2D6. If the r
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Exalted Sorcerer (1) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 81 Favoured of Tzeentch: 5++; Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Force stave
Frag grenade
Krak grenade Warpflamer 8" Assault d6 4 -2 1 Auto hit 4 Tactic 6 Veterans of the Long War Thousand Sons Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a Rubrik Points
Marine model from your kill team is chosen to attack in the Shooting or Fight phase. You can add 1 to wound rolls for the model's
attacks Shaman
that target ImperiumBolt
of Change
until the end of the phase. 9 The closest enemy model within 12" of the psyker and visible to him suffers D3 mortal wounds
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Exalted Sorcerer (2) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 101 Favoured of Tzeentch: 5++; Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Force stave
Frag grenade
Krak grenade Chainsword Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0 Tactic 7
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Exalted Sorcerer (3) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 121 Favoured of Tzeentch: 5++; Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Force stave
Frag grenade
Krak grenade Force stave Melee Melee U+2 -1 d3 0 Tactic 8
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Exalted Sorcerer (4) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 146 Favoured of Tzeentch: 5++; Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Force stave
Frag grenade
Krak grenade Tzaangor blades Melee Melee U -1 1 1 extra attack 0 Tactic 9
Aura of Dark Glory: 5++;
Sorcerous Elixir: RR first failed Psychic test 1/battle;
Tzaangor Shaman (1) 12"3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 6+ 40 Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny; Force stave
Disc of Tzeentch (TS) Brayhorn Tzaangors faster p.128 3 Tactic 10
Aura of Dark Glory: 5++;
Sorcerous Elixir: RR first failed Psychic test 1/battle;
Tzaangor Shaman (2) 12"3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 6+ 55 Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny; Force stave
Disc of Tzeentch (TS) Icon of flame Tzeentch psychic p.116 1 Tactic 11
Aura of Dark Glory: 5++;
Sorcerous Elixir: RR first failed Psychic test 1/battle;
Tzaangor Shaman (3) 12"3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 6+ 70 Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny; Force stave
Disc of Tzeentch (TS) Warpflame pistol (ES) 6" Pistol d6 3 -2 1 Auto hit 7 Tactic 12
Aura of Dark Glory: 5++;
Sorcerous Elixir: RR first failed Psychic test 1/battle;
Tzaangor Shaman (4) 12"3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 6+ 95 Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny; Force stave
Disc of Tzeentch (TS) Plasma pistol (ES) * 7 Tactic 13
Plasma pistol (ES) (standard) 12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 14
Plasma pistol (ES) (supercharge) 12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 15
Power sword Melee Melee U -3 1 0 Tactic 16
Tactic 17
Disc of Tzeentch (ES) Melee Melee 4 0 1 1 A, M 12", Fly, Daemon 20 Tactic 18
Tactic 19
Tactic 20
Disc of Tzeentch (TS) Melee Melee 4 0 1 1 A, M 12", Fly, Daemon 0 Tactic 21
Tactic 22
Frag grenade 6" Grenade d6 3 0 1 0
Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 d3 0
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Guardian Defender 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ 7 Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties; Shuriken Plasma
catapultgrenade Aeldari missile launcher * 5 Tactic 1 Asurmen's Blessing Craftworlds Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a Dire Avenger from your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase. You can RR failed hit rolls for that model until the end of the
phase. Conceal/Reveal 5 Choose a model within 12" of the psyker. If you chose a friendly model, your opponent must s
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Heavy Weapon Platform 7" 6+ 3+ 3 3 2 1 7 3+ 8 Crewed Weapon: Requires guardian defender within 3", auto pass Nerve test, p.135 Aeldari missile launcher (sunburst) 48" Heavy d6 4 -1 1 0 Tactic 2 Feigned Retreat Craftworlds Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
a model from
your kill team Falls Back. That model can still shoot this battle round. Warlock Protect/Jinx 6 Choose a model within 12" of the psyker. If you chose a friendly model, add 1 to saving throws
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Storm Guardian 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ 6 Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties; Shuriken Plasma
pistol grenade Aeldari missile launcher (starshot) 48" Heavy 1 8 -2 d6 0 Tactic 3 Fire and Fade Craftworlds Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
a model from
your kill team shoots in the Shooting phase. The model can immediately make a normal move of up to 7" as if it were the Movement
Warlock phase. Empower/Enervate 5 Choose a model within 12" If you chose a friendly model, add 1 to wound rolls in the Fight pha
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Storm Guardian Gunner 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ 7 Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties; Plasma grenade Avenger shuriken catapult 18" Assault 2 4 0 1 Wound 6+ at AP -3 0 Tactic 4 Matchless Ability Craftworlds Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase when a model from your kill team Advances. Add 6" to the model's Move characteristic for that Movement phase instead
of rolling a dice. Guide 6 Choose a friendly model within 12" of the psyker. You can RR failed hit rolls for that model's ra
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Ranger 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ 11 Cameleoline Cloak: Additional -1 to shooting hit rolls when obscured; Shuriken Ranger
pistol long rifle Bright lance 36" Heavy 1 8 -4 d6 4 Tactic 5 Phantasm Craftworlds Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
of the first battle round. Pick a model from your kill team and set it up again, anywhere in your deployment zone. Farseer Fortune 6 Choose a friendly model within 12" of the psyker. Until the next Psychic phase, roll a D6 each
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Dire Avenger 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 8 4+ 10 Defence Tactics: Overwatch hits on 5 or 6; Avenger shuriken
Plasma grenade
catapult Flamer 8" Assault d6 4 0 1 Auto hit 3 Tactic 6 Rune of Ynnead Craftworlds Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a model from
your kill team is taken out of action. Roll a D6. On a 4+ that model suffers a flesh wound instead. Farseer Will of Asuryan 5 Friendly models automatically pass Nerve tests while they are within 6" of the psyker until the n
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Defence Tactics: Overwatch hits on 5 or 6;
Dire Avenger Exarch 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 8 4+ 11 Battle Fortune: 4++; Plasma grenade Fusion gun 12" Assault 1 8 -4 d6 Half range best 2d6 D 3 Tactic 7
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Forceshield: 4++; Children of Baharroth: Requires wings, Set up in skies, C 63;
Autarch (1) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 3+ 55 Mandiblasters: Requires wings, Pick enemy within 1" and roll D6. On 6 mortal wound, Plasma
C 63; grenade Plasma grenade 6" Grenade d6 4 -1 1 0 Tactic 8
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Forceshield: 4++; Children of Baharroth: Requires wings, Set up in skies, C 63;
Autarch (2) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 3+ 70 Mandiblasters: Requires wings, Pick enemy within 1" and roll D6. On 6 mortal wound, Plasma
C 63; grenade Ranger long rifle 36" Heavy 1 4 0 1 Range, mortal p.137 0 Tactic 9
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Forceshield: 4++; Children of Baharroth: Requires wings, Set up in skies, C 63;
Autarch (3) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 3+ 85 Mandiblasters: Requires wings, Pick enemy within 1" and roll D6. On 6 mortal wound, Plasma
C 63; grenade Scatter laser 36" Heavy 4 6 0 1 2 Tactic 10
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Forceshield: 4++; Children of Baharroth: Requires wings, Set up in skies, C 63;
Autarch (4) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 3+ 110 Mandiblasters: Requires wings, Pick enemy within 1" and roll D6. On 6 mortal wound, Plasma
C 63; grenade Shuriken cannon 24" Assault 3 6 0 1 Wound 6+ at AP -3 2 Tactic 11
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Warlock (1) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 8 6+ 20 Rune Armour: 4++; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny; Shuriken pistol Shuriken catapult 12" Assault 2 4 0 1 Wound 6+ at AP -3 0 Tactic 12
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Warlock (2) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 8 6+ 25 Rune Armour: 4++; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny; Shuriken pistol Shuriken pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 Wound 6+ at AP -3 0 Tactic 13
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Warlock (3) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 8 6+ 40 Rune Armour: 4++; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny; Shuriken pistol Starcannon 36" Heavy 2 6 -3 d3 3 Tactic 14
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Warlock (4) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 8 6+ 60 Rune Armour: 4++; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny; Shuriken pistol Aeldari blade Melee Melee U 0 1 RR failed wound rolls 0 Tactic 15
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Rune Armour: 4++; Psyker: 2 Power, 2 Deny;
Farseer (1) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 2 9 6+ 55 Ghosthelm: Ignore mortal wound on 5+, 2+ if Perils of the Warp; Shuriken pistol Chainsword Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0 Tactic 16
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Rune Armour: 4++; Psyker: 2 Power, 2 Deny;
Farseer (2) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 2 9 6+ 70 Ghosthelm: Ignore mortal wound on 5+, 2+ if Perils of the Warp; Shuriken pistol Diresword Melee Melee U -2 1 Wound 6+ mortal wound 2 Tactic 17
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Rune Armour: 4++; Psyker: 2 Power, 2 Deny;
Farseer (3) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 2 9 6+ 85 Ghosthelm: Ignore mortal wound on 5+, 2+ if Perils of the Warp; Shuriken pistol Power glaive Melee Melee U+1 -2 1 1 Tactic 18
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Rune Armour: 4++; Psyker: 2 Power, 2 Deny;
Farseer (4) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 2 9 6+ 110 Ghosthelm: Ignore mortal wound on 5+, 2+ if Perils of the Warp; Shuriken pistol Shimmershield Models in 2" have 5++ 4 Tactic 19
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Cameleoline Cloak: Additional -1 to shooting hit rolls when obscured;
Amallyn Shadowguide (1)7" 3+ 2+ 3 3 3 2 7 5+ 30 Phase Crystal: 4++ and move across models and ignore terrain; Ranger long
Plasma grenade Fusion pistol 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 At 3", best of 2D6 D 10 Tactic 20
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Cameleoline Cloak: Additional -1 to shooting hit rolls when obscured;
Amallyn Shadowguide (2)7" 3+ 2+ 3 3 3 2 7 5+ 35 Phase Crystal: 4++ and move across models and ignore terrain; Ranger long
Plasma grenade Power sword Melee Melee U -3 1 0 Tactic 21
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Cameleoline Cloak: Additional -1 to shooting hit rolls when obscured;
Amallyn Shadowguide (3)7" 3+ 2+ 3 3 3 2 7 5+ 50 Phase Crystal: 4++ and move across models and ignore terrain; Ranger long
Plasma grenade Star glaive Melee Melee Ux2 -3 D3 -1 to hit 0 Tactic 22
Ancient Doom: RR Fight hits vs Slaanesh, Ld -1 near Slaanesh;
Battle Focus: Non-heavy weapons ignore movement restrictions and penalties;
Cameleoline Cloak: Additional -1 to shooting hit rolls when obscured;
Amallyn Shadowguide (4)7" 3+ 2+ 3 3 3 2 7 5+ 60 Phase Crystal: 4++ and move across models and ignore terrain; Ranger long
Plasma grenade Swooping hawk wings M 14", Fly 20 Autarch 1 The Path of Command
Autarch Aura TacticUse this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR hit rolls of 1 for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Witchblade Melee Melee U 0 D3 Wounds on 2+ 0
Singing spear (W) * 3
Singing spear (W) (Ranged) 12" Assault 1 9 0 D3 Wounds on 2+ 0
Singing spear (W) (Melee) Melee Melee U 0 D3 Wounds on 2+ 0
Singing spear (F) * 5
Singing spear (F) (Ranged) 12" Assault 1 9 0 D3 Wounds on 2+
Singing spear (F) (Melee) Melee Melee U 0 D3 Wounds on 2+
Power blade Melee Melee U -2 1 0
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Kabalite Warrior 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ 7 Power from Pain: p.142; Splinter rifle Blast pistol 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 d6 2 Tactic 1 Cruel Deception Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
a model from
your kill team Falls Back. That model can still shooot this battle round.
Kabalite Gunner 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ 8 Power from Pain: p.142; Blaster 18" Assault 1 8 -4 d6 3 Tactic 2 Fire and Fade Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
a model from
your kill team shoots in the Shooting phase. The model can immediately make a normal move of up to 7" as if it were the Movement phase.
Sybarite 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 2 8 5+ 8 Power from Pain: p.142; Dark lance 36" Heavy 1 8 -4 d6 4 Tactic 3 Pray They Don't Take You Alive Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic if a2 model
from Points
your kill team takes an enemy Leader out of action in the Fight phase. For the remainder of the battle, models in that enemy Leader's kill team must subract 1 from their Leadership characteristic.
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Dodge: 4++ in Fight phase;
Wych 8" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 2 7 6+ 8 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Splinter pistol
Hekatarii Plasma
blade grenade Phantasm grenade launcher 18" Assault d3 1 0 1 Model hit -1 Ld 1 round 1 Tactic 4 Torment Grenade Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to shoot with a phantasm grenade launcher. If an enemy model is hit by any attacks made with that weapon this phase, then, in addition to the normal effects, roll 3D6. If the result is higher than the target's Leadership characteristic, it suffers 1 mortal wound.
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Dodge: 4++ in Fight phase;
Wych Fighter 8" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 2 7 6+ 9 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Plasma grenade Plasma grenade 6" Grenade d6 4 -1 1 0 Tactic 5
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Dodge: 4++ in Fight phase;
Hekatrix 8" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 3 8 6+ 9 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Plasma grenade Shredder 12" Assault d6 6 -1 1 RR wounds vs Infantry 1 Tactic 6
Power from Pain: p.142;
Archon (1) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 5 9 5+ 56 Shadowfield: 2++ cannot RR, if fail, ceases to function; Splinter cannon 36" Rapid Fire 3 * 0 1 Wounds on 4+ 3 Tactic 7 Architect of Pain Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round. Choose a model from your kill team that has the Power From Pain ability. Until the end of the battle round, that model treats the current battle round as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what bonuses it gains from the Power From Pain table.
Power from Pain: p.142;
Archon (2) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 5 9 5+ 71 Shadowfield: 2++ cannot RR, if fail, ceases to function; Splinter pistol 12" Pistol 1 * 0 1 Wounds on 4+ 0 Tactic 8 Bloodied Grace Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a Wych from
Pointyour kill team would consolidate as part of fighting in the Fight phase. You may move them up to 6" instead of up to 3".
Power from Pain: p.142;
Archon (3) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 5 9 5+ 86 Shadowfield: 2++ cannot RR, if fail, ceases to function; Splinter rifle 24" Rapid Fire 1 * 0 1 Wounds on 4+ 0 Tactic 9 Hunt From the Shadows Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team is chosen as the target of an enemy attack in the Shooting phase and it is obscured. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to that model's saving throws.
Power from Pain: p.142;
Archon (4) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 5 9 5+ 111 Shadowfield: 2++ cannot RR, if fail, ceases to function; Agoniser Melee Melee * -2 1 Wounds on 4+ 2 Tactic 10 Hyperstimm Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round. Choose a model from your kill team that has the Combat Drugs ability. Until the end of the battle round, the bonus that model receives from its Combat Drugs is doubled. At the end of the battle round, roll a D6. If you roll a 1, the model suffers a mortal wound.
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Lightning Dodge: 4++;
Succubus (1) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 8 6+ 48 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Agoniser Archite
(COM) glaive Hekatarii blade Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0 Tactic 11 Lightning-fast Reactions Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team is chosen as the target of an enemy attack in the Shooting of Fight phase. Your opponent(s) must subtract 1 from hit rolls that target this model for the rest of the phase.
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Lightning Dodge: 4++;
Succubus (2) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 8 6+ 63 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Agoniser Archite
(COM) glaive Hydra gauntlets Melee Melee U -1 1 RR wounds, +1 attack 2 Tactic 12 Murderous Rivalry Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Hammer of Wrath section of the FIght phase. The first time it is your turn to choose a model that charged to fight with, you may instead choose two models from your kill team that ended their charge moves within 4" of each other. You may resolve both models' attacks before any other player chooses a m
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Lightning Dodge: 4++;
Succubus (3) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 8 6+ 78 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Agoniser Archite
(COM) glaive Power sword Melee Melee U -3 1 2 Tactic 13 Profane the Ruins Drukhari Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
of the battle round. Choose an Eldritch Ruin. Until the end of the battle round, models from your kill team treat the current battle round as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what bonuses they gain from the Power From Pain table whilst they are within 1" of that ruin.
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Lightning Dodge: 4++;
Succubus (4) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 8 6+ 103 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Agoniser Archite
(COM) glaive Razorflails Melee Melee U -1 1 RR hits, +1 attack 2 Tactic 14 Dark Majesty Drukhari Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round if your kill team includes a Commander. As long as that model is not shaken, models from your kill team within 6" of this model ignore the penalty to their hit rolls from one flesh wound they have suffered.
Power from Pain: p.142;
Haemonculus (1) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 4 5 5 8 6+ 30 Insensible to Pain: 5++; Stinger pistol
Haemonculus tools Shardnet and impaler Melee Melee U -1 2 1 extra attack 2 Tactic 15
Power from Pain: p.142;
Haemonculus (2) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 4 5 5 8 6+ 35 Insensible to Pain: 5++; Stinger pistol
Haemonculus tools Blast pistol (COM) 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 d6 10 Tactic 16
Power from Pain: p.142;
Haemonculus (3) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 4 5 5 8 6+ 50 Insensible to Pain: 5++; Stinger pistol
Haemonculus tools Agoniser (COM) Melee Melee * -2 1 Wounds on 4+ 0 Tactic 17
Power from Pain: p.142;
Haemonculus (4) 7" 2+ 2+ 3 4 5 5 8 6+ 70 Insensible to Pain: 5++; Stinger pistol
Haemonculus tools Power sword (COM) Melee Melee U -3 1 0 Tactic 18
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Lightning Dodge: 4++;
Vysa Kharavyxis (1)
8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 8 6+ 48 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Agoniser Archite
(COM) glaive Archite glaive Melee Melee U+2 -3 1 -1 to hit 0 Tactic 19
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Lightning Dodge: 4++;
Vysa Kharavyxis (2)
8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 8 6+ 63 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Agoniser Archite
(COM) glaive Huskblade Melee Melee U+1 -2 D3 0 Tactic 20
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Lightning Dodge: 4++;
Vysa Kharavyxis (3)
8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 8 6+ 78 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Agoniser Archite
(COM) glaive Venom blade Melee Melee * 0 1 Wounds on 2+ 0 Tactic 21
Power from Pain: p.142; Combat Drugs: p.142;
Lightning Dodge: 4++;
Vysa Kharavyxis (4)
8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 8 6+ 103 No Escape: Infantry within 1" roll off to fall back; Agoniser Archite
(COM) glaive Stinger pistol 12" Pistol 1 * 0 1 Wounds on 2+ 0 Tactic 22
Haemonculus tools Melee Melee * 0 1 Wounds on 4+ 0 Archon 1 Overlord Archon Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR hit rolls of 1 for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Ichor injector Melee Melee U -1 1 RR fail wound 6+ mortal 5 Succubus Bride
1 of Death Succubus Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Fight phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR hit rolls of 1 for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Succubus Acrobatic
2 Leap Succubus TacticUse this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a Succubus from your kill team to move in the Movement phase. For the duration of the phase, that model can move as if it could Fly.
1 of Pain Haemonculus Aura
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of friendly models within 6" of this model.
Vysa Kharavyxis
Bride of1 Death Succubus Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Fight phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR hit rolls of 1 for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Vysa Kharavyxis
2 Leap Succubus TacticUse this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a Succubus from your kill team to move in the Movement phase. For the duration of the phase, that model can move as if it could Fly.
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Player 8" 3+ 3+ 3 3 1 4 8 6+ 12 Holo-suit: 4++; Plasma grenade Fusion pistol (P) 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 d6 3 Tactic 1 Cegorach's Jest Harlequins Tactic Use this Tactic after
2 Command
an enemyPoints
model has Fallen Back from a model from your kill team. Provided no other enemy models are within 1" of your model, it can shoot
at the model that Fell Back
if itDreams
were the Shooting phase. 5 Select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. Until the start of the next Psy
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Troupe Master (1) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 5 9 6+ 50 Holo-suit: 4++; Plasma grenade Neuro disruptor (P) 12" Pistol 1 4 -3 d3 2 Tactic 2 Fire and Fade Harlequins Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
a model from
your kill team shoots in the Shooting phase. The model can immediately make a normal move of up to 7" as if it were the Movement
phase. Webway Dance 7 Until the start of the next Psychic phase, roll a D6 whenever a friendly model within 6" of the
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Troupe Master (2) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 5 9 6+ 65 Holo-suit: 4++; Plasma grenade Plasma grenade 6" Grenade d6 4 -1 1 0 Tactic 3 Mirthless Hatred Harlequins Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team is chosen to fight. RR failed hit rolls and failed wound rolls for this model's attacks that target Slaanesh models
until the end of the phase. Mirror of Minds 7 Select an enemy model within 12" of the psyker. Then both controlling players roll a D6. If t
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Troupe Master (3) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 5 9 6+ 80 Holo-suit: 4++; Plasma grenade Shuriken pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 Wound 6+ at AP -3 0 Tactic 4 Prismatic Blur Harlequins Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase when a model from your kill team Advances. That model has a 3+ invulnerable save until the start of the next battle round.
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Troupe Master (4) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 5 9 6+ 105 Holo-suit: 4++; Plasma grenade Harlequin's blade Melee Melee U 0 1 0 Tactic 5 War Dancers Harlequins Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Fight phase. Pick a model from your kill team that has already fought this phase. That model can immediately fight an addition time.
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Shadowseer (1) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 9 6+ 65 Holo-suit: 4++; Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Hallucinogen
grenade launcher Harlequin's caress (P) Melee Melee U+2 -2 1 3 Tactic 6 Warrior Acrobats Harlequins Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase when a model from your kill team Advances. Add 6" to the model's Move characteristic for that Movement phase instead of rolling a dice.
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Shadowseer (2) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 9 6+ 80 Holo-suit: 4++; Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Hallucinogen
grenade launcher Harlequin's embrace (P) Melee Melee U+1 -3 1 2 Tactic 7
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Shadowseer (3) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 9 6+ 95 Holo-suit: 4++; Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Hallucinogen
grenade launcher Harlequin's kiss (P) Melee Melee U+1 -1 d3 4 Tactic 8
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Shadowseer (4) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 9 6+ 120 Holo-suit: 4++; Psyker: 2 Powers, 1 Deny; Hallucinogen
grenade launcher Power sword Melee Melee U -3 1 4 Tactic 9
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Holo-suit: 4++; Deadly Hunter: Ignore obscure;
Death Jester (1) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 6+ 45 Death is not Enough: If take out enemy, +1 enemy Nerve tests this turn; Shrieker cannon Fusion pistol (COM) 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 d6 10 Tactic 10
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Holo-suit: 4++; Deadly Hunter: Ignore obscure;
Death Jester (2) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 6+ 60 Death is not Enough: If take out enemy, +1 enemy Nerve tests this turn; Shrieker cannon Neuro disruptor (COM) 12" Pistol 1 4 -3 d3 6 Tactic 11
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Holo-suit: 4++; Deadly Hunter: Ignore obscure;
Death Jester (3) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 6+ 75 Death is not Enough: If take out enemy, +1 enemy Nerve tests this turn; Shrieker cannon Harlequin's caress (COM)Melee Melee U+2 -2 1 7 Tactic 12
Flip Belt: Move through models, ignore vertical, never suffer fall damge, p.149;
Rising Crescendo: Charge 3d6" within 18"
Holo-suit: 4++; Deadly Hunter: Ignore obscure;
Death Jester (4) 8" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 6+ 100 Death is not Enough: If take out enemy, +1 enemy Nerve tests this turn; Shrieker cannon Harlequin's embrace (COM)
Melee Melee U+1 -3 1 6 Tactic 13
Harlequin's kiss (COM) Melee Melee U+1 -1 d3 9 Tactic 14
Hallucinogen grenade launcher
18" Assault 1 * * * Roll 2D6 >= Ld mortal 0 Tactic 15
Miststave Melee Melee U+2 -1 D3 0 Tactic 16
Shrieker cannon * 0 Tactic 17
Shrieker cannon (shrieker)24" Assault 1 6 -1 1 Mortal to nearby on kill 0 Tactic 18
Shrieker cannon (shuriken)
24" Assault 3 6 0 1 0 Tactic 19
Tactic 20
Tactic 21
Tactic 22
Troupe Master
1 of Troupe
War Master Aura
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Fight phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR failed wound rolls for friendly models that are within 6" of this model.
Death Jester
The1 Art of the Kill Death Jester Aura Use
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can add 1 to wound rolls for friendly models that are within 6" of this model.
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Necron Warrior 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 10 4+ 12 Reanimation Protocols: Injury roll of 6 restores one wound and removes all flesh wounds; Gauss flayer Gauss blaster 24" Rapid Fire 1 5 -2 1 0 Tactic 1 Disruption Fields Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to fight in the FIght phase. Increase the Strength characteristic of that model by 1 until the end of the phase.
Immortal 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 10 3+ 16 Reanimation Protocols: Injury roll of 6 restores one wound and removes all flesh wounds; Gauss flayer 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 -1 1 0 Tactic 2 Flensing Fury Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a Flayed One in your kill team to fight in the Fight phase. Until the end of the phase, each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for that model's flayer claws, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of the weapon for that attack.
Flayed One 5" 3+ 6+ 4 4 1 3 10 4+ 10 Reanimation Protocols: Injury roll of 6 restores one wound and removes all flesh wounds; Flayer claws Synaptic disintegrator 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Range, Mortal p.156 0 Tactic 3 Mindshackle Scarabs Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Shooting phase. Pick an enemy model within 6" of a model from your kill team and roll 2D6. If the result is higher than the enemy model's Leadership characteristic, you can immediately make a shooting attack with one of that model's range weapons as if it were a model from your kill team.
Deathmark 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 10 3+ 15 Reanimation Protocols: Injury roll of 6 restores one wound and removes all flesh wounds; Synaptic disintegrator Tesla carbine 24" Assault 2 5 0 1 6 to hit is 3 hits 0 Tactic 4 Overcharged Disintegration Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic in 2the
phase when you choose a model in your kill team to shoot with a gauss flayer or gauss blaster. Improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that weapon by 1 until the end of the phase (e.g. AP -1 becomes AP -2, AP -2 becomes AP -3).
Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round;
Overlord (1) 5" 2+ 2+ 5 5 5 3 10 3+ 86 Phase Shifter: 4++; Flayer claws Melee Melee U 0 1 RR failed wound rolls 0 Tactic 5 Prime Reanimation Protocols Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
an Injury Points
roll is made for a model from your kill team. Roll an additional dice and apply the lowest result.
Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round;
Overlord (2) 5" 2+ 2+ 5 5 5 3 10 3+ 106 Phase Shifter: 4++; Canoptek cloak Move 10", Fly 10 Tactic 6 Targeting Routines Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase. Add 1 to hit rolls for that model against targets which are obscured.
Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round;
Overlord (3) 5" 2+ 2+ 5 5 5 3 10 3+ 126 Phase Shifter: 4++; Staff of light * 0 Tactic 7 Assured Disintegration Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic before
1 Command
a Deathmark
Point shoots​. Until the end of the phase you may re-roll the dice to hit ​with that model.
Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round;
Overlord (4) 5" 2+ 2+ 5 5 5 3 10 3+ 151 Phase Shifter: 4++; Staff of light (melee) Melee Melee U -2 1 0 Tactic 8 Deathless Ire Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a model​ from
your kill team suffers a flesh wound​ as the result of an Injury roll. It is shaken instead.
Cryptek (1) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 1 10 4+ 44 Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round; Staff of light Staff of light (ranged) 12" Assault 3 5 -2 1 0 Tactic 9 Entropic Strike Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a mode​l in your kill team to fight in the Fight phase​. Until the end of the phase, if this model's attacks​ reduce a target to 0 ​wounds, add 1 to the Injury roll​ you make for that target.
Cryptek (2) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 1 10 4+ 59 Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round; Staff of light Voidscythe Melee Melee Ux2 -4 3 -1 to hit 0 Tactic 10 Resurrection Protocols Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
your Leader
is slain​. Instead of removing the model, place it on its side​. At the end of the phase, roll a D6​. On a 4+ the model is no longer slain​: stand the model up again as close as possible to its previous position but more than 1" away from enemy models with 1 wound remaining. If a model is still on the battlefield at t
Cryptek (3) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 1 10 4+ 74 Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round; Staff of light Warscythe Melee Melee U+2 -4 2 0 Tactic 11 Superior Inheritance Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
a model ​from
your kill team shoots with a gauss flayer or gauss blaster​. That model can immediately shoot again​ with the same weapon.
Cryptek (4) 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 1 10 4+ 99 Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round; Staff of light Tactic 12 Tireless Advance Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase​. One model ​of your choice from your kill team becomes Readied ​(even if it moved in the previous Movement phase) and may shoot in this phase​ as if they had not moved in the Movement phase. This Tactic may not be used on a model that is within 1" of an enemy model.
Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round;
Ankra the Colossus
5" 2+
(1) 2+ 5 5 5 3 10 3+ 86 Phase Shifter: 4++; Voidscythe Tactic 13 Grisly Trophies Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
of the Morale phase, if models from your kill team are the only models on an Imperial Defense Line model. Your opponent(s) must add 1 to any Nerve tests they take for enemy models within 4"of that Imperial Defense Line.
Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round;
Ankra the Colossus
5" 2+
(2) 2+ 5 5 5 3 10 3+ 106 Phase Shifter: 4++; Voidscythe Tactic 14 Enduring Will Necrons Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
battle round if your kill team includes a Commander, as long as that model is not shaken. Until the end of the battle round, reduce the damage that model suffers from each attack by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round;
Ankra the Colossus
5" 2+
(3) 2+ 5 5 5 3 10 3+ 126 Phase Shifter: 4++; Voidscythe Tactic 15
Living Metal: Recover 1 wound at start of each battle round;
Ankra the Colossus
5" 2+
(4) 2+ 5 5 5 3 10 3+ 151 Phase Shifter: 4++; Voidscythe Tactic 16
Tactic 17
Tactic 18
Tactic 19
Tactic 20
Tactic 21
Tactic 22
Use this Tactic at the start of the battle round. As long as this model is not shaken, you can add 1 to Advance, charge and hit rolls for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Overlord 1 My Will Be Done / Vendetta Overlord Aura Tactic
When/ Overlord
you add anTactic
CP / 1 CPto your kill team or command roster, pick a Faction keyword. Use this Tactic when you pick an Overlord to fight in the Fight phase. RR hit and wound rolls of 1 for that model's attacks when targetting enemy models with the Faction keyword you chose.
Overlord 2 Resurrection Orb Overlord Tactic Use this Tactic at 3the
end of the
Morale phase if an Overlord from your kil team is on the battlefield and not shaken. Pick a friendly model that is out of action and roll a D6; on a 2+ set up that model with 1 wound remaining and no flesh wounds anywhere within 3" of the Overlord that is more than 1" from enemy models. This Tactic can only
Cryptek 1 Chronometron Cryptek Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round. As long as this model is not shaken, friendly models within 3" of this model have a 5+ invulnerable save.
Cryptek 2 Technomancer Cryptek Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round. As long as this model is not shaken, you can ignore the penalty to hit rolls for one flesh wound suffered by friendly models within 6" of this model.
Use this Tactic at the start of the battle round. As long as this model is not shaken, you can add 1 to Advance, charge and hit rolls for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Ankra the Colossus
My Will Be
1 Done / Vendetta Overlord Aura Tactic
When/ Overlord
you add anTactic
CP / 1 CPto your kill team or command roster, pick a Faction keyword. Use this Tactic when you pick an Overlord to fight in the Fight phase. RR hit and wound rolls of 1 for that model's attacks when targetting enemy models with the Faction keyword you chose.
Ankra the Colossus
2 Orb Overlord Tactic Use this Tactic at 3the
end of the
Morale phase if an Overlord from your kil team is on the battlefield and not shaken. Pick a friendly model that is out of action and roll a D6; on a 2+ set up that model with 1 wound remaining and no flesh wounds anywhere within 3" of the Overlord that is more than 1" from enemy models. This Tactic can only
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Ork Boy 5" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 2 6 6+ 6 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb Big Shoota 36" Assault 3 5 0 1 0 Tactic 1 Dakka Dakka Dakka Orks Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
a model from
your kill team shoots in the Shooting phase. You can immediately shoot an additional time with that model.
Ork Boy Gunner 5" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 2 6 6+ 7 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb Burna * 0 Tactic 2 Gnasher Squig Orks Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Fight phase. Pick an enemy model that is within 1" of any of your models and roll a D6. On a 4+, that enemy model suffers 1 mortal wound.
Boss Nob 5" 3+ 5+ 5 4 2 3 7 6+ 10 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb Burna (ranged) 8" Assault d3 4 0 1 Auto hit 0 Tactic 3 Grot Shield Orks Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Shooting phase. Pick a model from your kill team that is within 2" of a Gretchin model. Until the end of the phase, while that Gretchin model is on the battlefield, any attacks which target the chosen model are resolved against that Gretchin model instead.
Gretchin 5" 5+ 4+ 2 2 1 1 4 6+ 3 Grot blasta Burna (melee) Melee Melee U -2 1 0 Tactic 4 Just a Flesh Wound Orks Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a model from
your kill team is taken out of action. Roll a D6. On a 4+ that model suffers a flesh wound instead.
Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls;
Kommando 6" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 2 6 6+ 8 Sneaky Gits: Additional -1 to shooting hit rolls when obscured; Slugga Choppa Skikkbomb Deffgun 48" Heavy d3 7 -1 2 0 Tactic 5 Krump 'Em! Orks Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to fight in the FIght phase. Increase the Strength characteristic of that model by 1 until the end of the phase.
Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls;
Kommando Boss Nob 6" 3+ 5+ 5 4 2 3 7 6+ 12 Sneaky Gits: Additional -1 to shooting hit rolls when obscured; Slugga Stikkbomb Grot blasta 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 6 Mek's Special Stikkbomb Orks Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a model from your kill team to attack with a stikkbomb. Until the end of the phase, change the weapon's type to Grenade D3 and add 1 to its Strength and Damage characteristics.
Burna Boy 5" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 2 6 6+ 12 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Burna Stikkbomb Kombi-rokkit (Nob) * 3 Tactic 7 Dead 'Ard Orks Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team suffers a mortal wound. Roll a D6 for that mortal wound, and each other mortal wound suffered by that model for the rest of the phase: on a 5+ the mortal wound is ignored and has no effect.
Burna Spanner 5" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 2 6 6+ 10 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb Kombi-rokkit (Nob) (shoota)
18" Assault 2 4 0 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Tactic 8 Ere We Go, 'Ere We Go Orks Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
making a charge
Point roll for one of your models. RR one of the dice.
Loota 5" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 2 6 6+ 12 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Deffgun Stikkbomb Kombi-rokkit (Nob) (rokkit)24" Assault 1 8 -2 3 0 Tactic 9 Indiscriminate Dakka Orks Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
firing Overwatch
Point with one of your models. You can immediately fire Overwatch again.
Loota Spanner 5" 3+ 5+ 4 4 1 2 6 6+ 10 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb Kombi-skorcha (Nob) * 4 Tactic 10 Itchin' for a Fight Orks Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to fight in the FIght phase. You can make one additional attack with that model for each enemy model within 1" of it.
Warboss (1) 5" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 4 8 4+ 62 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb Kombi-skorcha (Nob) (shoota)
18" Assault 2 4 0 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Tactic 11 Pyromaniak Orks Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
for a model to shoot with a burna. The burna makes D6 attacks instead of D3 this phase.
Warboss (2) 5" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 4 8 4+ 82 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb Kombi-skorcha (Nob) (skorcha)
8" Assault d6 5 -1 1 Auto hit 0 Tactic 12 Waaagh! Orks Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
it is your Points
turn to move in the Movement phase and your Leader is on the battlefield and not shaken. For the duration of that phase, add 1" to the Move characteristic of all models in your kill team, and add 1 to their Advance and charge rolls.
Warboss (3) 5" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 4 8 4+ 102 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb Kustom mega-blasta 24" Assault 1 8 -3 D3 1 to hit mortal wound 0 Tactic 13 Joyride Orks Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model from your kill team to make a normal move in the Movement phase, and that model is within 1" of a Galvanic Servohauler. When you move that model in this phase, simultaneously move the Galvanic Servohauler as if it were a friendly model. Both models are considered to have a Move characte
Warboss (4) 5" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 4 8 4+ 127 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb Rokkit launcha 24" Assault 1 8 -2 3 3 Tactic 14 Duff 'Em Up Orks Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round if your kill team includes a Commander. As long as this model is not shaken, add 1 to the Strength characteristic of friendly models that are within 3" of this model.
Big Mek (1) 5" 3+ 5+ 5 4 4 3 7 4+ 20 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Choppa Stikkbomb Shoota 18" Assault 2 4 0 1 0 Tactic 15
Big Mek (2) 5" 3+ 5+ 5 4 4 3 7 4+ 25 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Choppa Stikkbomb Slugga 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 16
Big Mek (3) 5" 3+ 5+ 5 4 4 3 7 4+ 40 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Choppa Stikkbomb Stikkbomb 6" Grenade d6 3 0 1 0 Tactic 17
Big Mek (4) 5" 3+ 5+ 5 4 4 3 7 4+ 60 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Choppa Stikkbomb Big Choppa (Nob) Melee Melee U+2 -1 2 2 Tactic 18
Painboy (1) 5" 3+ 5+ 5 4 4 4 6 6+ 20 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Power klaw
syringe Choppa Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0 Tactic 19
Painboy (2) 5" 3+ 5+ 5 4 4 4 6 6+ 25 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Power klaw
syringe Power klaw (Nob) Melee Melee Ux2 -3 D3 -1 to hit 4 Tactic 20
Painboy (3) 5" 3+ 5+ 5 4 4 4 6 6+ 40 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Power klaw
syringe Kombi-rokkit (WB) * 5 Tactic 21
Painboy (4) 5" 3+ 5+ 5 4 4 4 6 6+ 60 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Power klaw
syringe Kombi-rokkit (WB) (shoota)18" Assault 2 4 0 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Tactic 22
Gitzog Wurldkilla (1) 5" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 4 8 4+ 86 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb
(WB)squig Kombi-rokkit (WB) (rokkit) 24" Assault 1 8 -2 3 0 Warboss 1Mega-Waaagh! Warboss Aura
this Tactic at 2the
start of the
battle round. As long as this model is not shaken, you may roll 3D6 instead of 2D6 when making charge rolls for friendly models within 6" of this model, and discard the lowest result.
Gitzog Wurldkilla (2) 5" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 4 8 4+ 106 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb
(WB)squig Kombi-skorcha (WB) * 8 Warboss 2Breakin' Heads Warboss Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of any
phase. Pick another frienldy model within 3" of a Warboss from your kill team that is not shaken. That model suffers 1 mortal wound and friendly models within 6" of the Warboss are no longer shaken; remove their shaken tokens.
Gitzog Wurldkilla (3) 5" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 4 8 4+ 126 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb
(WB)squig Kombi-skorcha (WB) (shoota)
18" Assault 2 4 0 1 Fire both -1 hit 0 Big Mek 1Kustom Force Field Big Mek AuraUse
this Tactic at 2the
start of the
battle round if your kill team includes a Big Mek with a Kustom force field. As long as this model is not shaken, friendly models within 6" of this model have a 5+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks.
Gitzog Wurldkilla (4) 5" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 4 8 4+ 151 Ere We Go: RR failed charge rolls; Stikkbomb
(WB)squig Kombi-skorcha (WB) (skorcha)
8" Assault d6 5 -1 1 Auto hit 0 Painboy 1Dok's Tools Painboy AuraUse
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round. As long as this model is not shaken, roll a D6 each time a friendly model within 3" of this model loses a wound. On a 6+ that wound is not lost (if a model already has an ability with a similar effect, you can choose which effect applies, and RR 1s when making these rolls). In addition, as long a
Big Choppa (WB) Melee Melee U+2 -1 2 0 Gitzog Wurldkilla
1 Warboss Aura
this Tactic at 2the
start of the
battle round. As long as this model is not shaken, you may roll 3D6 instead of 2D6 when making charge rolls for friendly models within 6" of this model, and discard the lowest result.
Power klaw (WB) Melee Melee Ux2 -3 D3 -1 to hit 13 Gitzog Wurldkilla
Breakin'2 Heads Warboss Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of any
phase. Pick another frienldy model within 3" of a Warboss from your kill team that is not shaken. That model suffers 1 mortal wound and friendly models within 6" of the Warboss are no longer shaken; remove their shaken tokens.
Power klaw (PB) Melee Melee Ux2 -3 D3 -1 to hit 0
Attack squig Melee Melee 4 -1 1 2 attacks this weapon 6
Kustom force field Enable Aura Tactic 0
Kustom mega-slugga 12" Pistol 1 8 -3 D3 Hit 1 bearer taken out 4
Shokk attack gun 60" Heavy D6 2D6 -5 D3 Special C 80 27
Urty syringe Melee Melee U 0 1 Wounds on 2+ 0
Kustom shoota 24" Assault 4 4 0 1 0

Tactic 14
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Shas'la 6" 5+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+ 8 Fire Warrior Bonding Knife Ritual: -1 Nerve tests within 3" p.170; Photon grenade Burst cannon 18" Assault 4 5 0 1 0 Tactic 1 Breach and Clear T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic in 1your
turn in the
Shooting phase, when a Fire Warrior Breacher from your kill team targets an enemy model that is obscured. RR failed wound rolls made for the Fire Warrior Breacher against that enemy model until the end of this phase.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Shas'ui 6" 5+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 7 4+ 8 Fire Warrior Bonding Knife Ritual: -1 Nerve tests within 3" p.170; Photon grenade Fusion blaster 18" Assault 1 8 -4 d6 Half range best 2d6 D 4 Tactic 2 Recon Sweep T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase when you pick a Pathfinder from your kill team to shoot. Instead of shooting, that model can immediately make a normal move as if it were the Movement phase, but instead of moving up to their Move characteristic they move up to 2D6".
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
DS8 Tactical Support Turret - - 4+ 3 3 1 0 4 4+ 0 DS8 Tactical Support Turret: Set up within 2" of controller p.170 Ion rifle * 3 Tactic 3 Stimulant Injection T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team (other than a Drone) loses a wound. Roll a D6 for that wound, and each other wound lost by that model for the rest of the phase; on a 5+ that wound is not lost.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Pathfinder 7" 5+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+ 6 Pathfinder Bonding Knife Ritual: -1 Nerve tests within 3" p.170; Pulse carbine
Photon grenade Ion rifle (standard) 30" Rapid Fire 1 7 -1 1 0 Tactic 4 Uplinked Markerlight T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic after
2 Command
an enemyPoints
model has been hit by a markerlight fired by a model from your kill team. Place D3+1 markerlight counters next to that model instead of only 1.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Pathfinder Gunner 7" 5+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+ 7 Pathfinder Bonding Knife Ritual: -1 Nerve tests within 3" p.170; Photon grenade Ion rifle (overcharge) 30" Heavy d3 8 -1 2 1 to hit mortal wound 0 Tactic 5
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Pathfinder Shas'ui 7" 5+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 7 5+ 7 Pathfinder Bonding Knife Ritual: -1 Nerve tests within 3" p.170; Pulse carbine
Photon grenade Markerlight 36" Heavy 1 - - - Markerlights p.169 0 Tactic 6
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Breacher Shas'la 6" 5+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 4+ 8 Breacher Bonding Knife Ritual: -1 Nerve tests within 3" p.170; Pulse blaster
Photon grenade Missile pod 36" Assault 2 7 -1 d3 7 Tactic 7 The Baited Trap T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic before
2 Command
a modelPoints
from your kill team fires Overwatch. Until the end of the phase, that model's Overwatch shots are successful on rolls of 4+ instead of rolls of only 6.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Breacher Shas'ui 6" 5+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 7 4+ 8 Breacher Bonding Knife Ritual: -1 Nerve tests within 3" p.170; Photon grenade Photon grenade 12" Grenade d6 - - - Infantry -1 to hit 1 round 0 Tactic 8 Focused Fire T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
a model from
your kill team inflicts an unsaved wound on an enemy model in the Shooting phase. For the rest of the phase, you can add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by other models from your kill team that target the same enemy model, so long as the attacking model is within 2" of the model that inflicted the wound.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Stealth Team Bonding Knife Ritual: -1 Nerve tests within 3" p.170;
Stealth Shas'ui 8" 5+ 4+ 4 4 2 2 7 3+ 20 Camouflage Fields: Enemies -1 from all hit rolls; Fly: Move through models and terrain p.21; Pulse blaster * 0 Tactic 9 Mult-spectrum Sensor Suite T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model from your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase. Enemy models gain no benefit for being obscured against shots made by that model this phase.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Stealth Team Bonding Knife Ritual: -1 Nerve tests within 3" p.170;
Stealth Shas'vre 8" 5+ 4+ 4 4 2 3 8 3+ 20 Camouflage Fields: Enemies -1 from all hit rolls; Fly: Move through models and terrain p.21; Pulse blaster (close range) 5" Assault 2 6 -2 1 0 Tactic 10 Neuroweb System Jammer T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. Pick an enemy model within 12" of a model from your kill team. Until the end of the phase, that model's controlling player must subtract 1 from hit rolls made for that model.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Support Subroutines: No XP, cannot be specialist; Fly: Move through models and terrain p.21;
MV1 Gun Drone 8" 5+ 5+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+ 7 Saviour Protocols: May take mortal wound for Infantry within 3" p.172; Pulse carbine
Pulse carbine Pulse blaster (medium range) 10" Assault 2 5 -1 1 0 Tactic 11 Support Turret Replacement T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Movement phase. Pick a friendly Fire Warrior or Fire Warrior Breacher model whose DS8 Tactical Support Turret has been removed from the battlefield. You may immediately set up a new DS8 Tactical Support Turret within 2" of that model.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Support Subroutines: No XP, cannot be specialist; Fly: Move through models and terrain p.21;
Saviour Protocols: May take mortal wound for Infantry within 3" p.172;
MV4 Shield Drone 8" 5+ 5+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+ 7 Shield Generator: 4++, 5+ ignore wound; Pulse blaster (long range) 15" Assault 2 4 0 1 0 Tactic 12 Tandem Hunting Pattern T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Ready, Fire! step of the Shooting phase. The first time it is your turn to select a Readied model to shoot with, you may instead select two Readied models from your kill team that are within 4" of each other. You may resolve both models' shooting attacks before any other player chooses a model.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Support Subroutines: No XP, cannot be specialist; Fly: Move through models and terrain p.21;
Saviour Protocols: May take mortal wound for Infantry within 3" p.172;
MV7 Marker Drone 8" 5+ 5+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+ 7 Stable Platform: Ignore penalty for move and fire Heavy weapon; Markerlight Pulse carbine 18" Assault 2 5 0 1 0 Tactic 13 Inheritors of the Galaxy T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
of the Morale phase, if models from your kill team are the only models on an Imperial Defence Line model. You can subract 1 from any Nerve tests you take for those models in this phase.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Support Subroutines: No XP, cannot be specialist; Fly: Move through models and terrain p.21;
Saviour Protocols: May take mortal wound for Infantry within 3" p.172;
MV36 Guardian Drone 8" 5+ 5+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+ 7 Guardian Fields: 5++, T'au within 6" have 6++; Pulse pistol 12" Pistol 1 5 0 1 0 Tactic 14 Inspiring Sacrifice T'au Empire Tactic Use this Tactic when
0 Command
a Commander
Pointsfrom your kill team is taken out of action. You immediately gain D3 Command Points. This Tactic costs no Command Points, and does not trigger any abilities that allow you to gain Command Points.
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Support Subroutines: No XP, cannot be specialist; Fly: Move through models and terrain p.21;
Saviour Protocols: May take mortal wound for Infantry within 3" p.172;
MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone 8" 5+ 5+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+ 7 Gravity Wave Projector: Reduce charge by d3" if begin within 12"; Pulse rifle 30" Rapid Fire 1 5 0 1 0 Tactic 15
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Support Subroutines: No XP, cannot be specialist; Fly: Move through models and terrain p.21;
Saviour Protocols: May take mortal wound for Infantry within 3" p.172;
MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone 8" 5+ 5+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+ 7 Pulse Accelerator: Within 3" increase range of Pulse pistol, carbine, rifles by 6"; Rail rifle 30" Rapid Fire 1 6 -4 d3 Wound 6+ mortal wound 5 Tactic 16
For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170;
Support Subroutines: No XP, cannot be specialist; Fly: Move through models and terrain p.21;
Saviour Protocols: May take mortal wound for Infantry within 3" p.172;
MB3 Recon Drone 8" 5+ 5+ 3 4 2 1 6 4+ 7 Recon Suite: Pathfinder within 6" does not suffer obscure penalties p.172; Burst cannon Smart missile system 30" Heavy 4 5 0 1 Ignore LOS need 6s hit 5 Tactic 17
Cadre Fireblade (1) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 8 4+ 23 For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170; Markerlight
Pulse riflePhoton grenade Target lock Ignore Advance p.171 1 Tactic 18
Cadre Fireblade (2) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 8 4+ 28 For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170; Markerlight
Pulse riflePhoton grenade Equalizers Melee Melee U -1 1 1 extra attack 1 Tactic 19
Cadre Fireblade (3) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 8 4+ 43 For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170; Markerlight
Pulse riflePhoton grenade Honour blade Melee Melee U+2 0 1 0 Tactic 20
Cadre Fireblade (4) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 8 4+ 63 For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170; Markerlight
Pulse riflePhoton grenade Hover drone Move 8", Fly 5 Tactic 21
Ethereal (1) 6" 3+ 4+ 3 3 4 3 9 5+ 18 Kroot pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 22
Ethereal (2) 6" 3+ 4+ 3 3 4 3 9 5+ 23 Kroot rifle * 0 Cadre Fireblade
Volley 1Fire Cadre Fireblade Aura
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round. As long as this model is not shaken, friendly models within 6" of this model may fire an extra shot with pulse pistols, pulse carbines and pulse rifles when shooting at a target within half the weapon's range.
Ethereal (3) 6" 3+ 4+ 3 3 4 3 9 5+ 38 Kroot rifle (ranged) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Cadre Fireblade
Voice of
2 the Greater Good Cadre Fireblade Aura
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, all firendly models within 6" of this model can use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
Use this Tactic at the start of the Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, friendly models within 6" of this model can use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
Failure is Not an Option / Ethereal Aura Tactic/ /
Ethereal (4) 6" 3+ 4+ 3 3 4 3 9 5+ 58 Kroot rifle (melee) Melee Melee U+1 0 1 Ethereal 1Sense of Stone Ethereal Aura TacticUse this Tactic at 1the
/ 1 CP
of the Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, roll a D6 each time a friendly model within 6" loses a wound. On a 6+ that wound is not lost. If a model already has an ability with a similar effect, you can choose which effect applies, and RR 1s when making these rolls.
Use this Tactic at the start of the Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can RR hit rolls of 1 for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Quarry Can't Hide: Ignore obscure hit penalty; Fieldcraft: Additional -1 to hit if obscured; Storm of Fire / Ethereal Aura Tactic/ /
Dahyak Grekh (1) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 6+ 25 Concealed Booby Traps: Plant Traps in Scouting phase D3+1; Kroot rifleKroot pistol Ethereal 2Zephyr's Grace Ethereal Aura TacticUse this Tactic at 1the
/ 1 CP
of the Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can choose to RR any Advance or charge rolls for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Quarry Can't Hide: Ignore obscure hit penalty; Fieldcraft: Additional -1 to hit if obscured;
Dahyak Grekh (2) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 6+ 30 Concealed Booby Traps: Plant Traps in Scouting phase D3+1; Kroot rifleKroot pistol Shas'nel Vior'la
Fire Twinflame 1 Cadre Fireblade Aura
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round. As long as this model is not shaken, friendly models within 6" of this model may fire an extra shot with pulse pistols, pulse carbines and pulse rifles when shooting at a target within half the weapon's range.
Quarry Can't Hide: Ignore obscure hit penalty; Fieldcraft: Additional -1 to hit if obscured;
Dahyak Grekh (3) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 6+ 40 Concealed Booby Traps: Plant Traps in Scouting phase D3+1; Kroot rifleKroot pistol Shas'nel Vior'la
Voice Atsumo
of the Greater
2 Cadre Fireblade Aura
this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, all firendly models within 6" of this model can use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
Quarry Can't Hide: Ignore obscure hit penalty; Fieldcraft: Additional -1 to hit if obscured;
Dahyak Grekh (4) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 6+ 50 Concealed Booby Traps: Plant Traps in Scouting phase D3+1; Kroot rifleKroot pistol
Kroot Carnivore 7" 3+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 6+ 6 Kroot rifle
Shas'nel Vior'la Atsumo Twinflame
6" (1)
3+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 8 4+ 23 For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170; Markerlight
Pulse riflePhoton grenade
Shas'nel Vior'la Atsumo Twinflame
6" (2)
3+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 8 4+ 28 For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170; Markerlight
Pulse riflePhoton grenade
Shas'nel Vior'la Atsumo Twinflame
6" (3)
3+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 8 4+ 43 For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170; Markerlight
Pulse riflePhoton grenade
Shas'nel Vior'la Atsumo Twinflame
6" (4)
3+ 2+ 3 3 5 3 8 4+ 63 For the Greater Good: Models within 6" of charge target may overwatch p.170; Markerlight
Pulse riflePhoton grenade
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Termagant 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 5 6+ 4 Instinctive Behaviour: 24" Synapse or penalties against non-closest model p.178; Barbed strangler 36" Assault d6 5 -1 1 3 Tactic 1 Caustic Blood Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team loses a wound in the Fight phase. Roll a D6 for each enemy model within 1" of that model. On a 6 that enemy Broodlord
model suffers 1 mortal woundDominion
after all of its attacks have been resolved. 4 Select a friendly model within 18" of the psyker that has the Instinctive Behaviour ability. Until th
Instinctive Behaviour: 24" Synapse or penalties against non-closest model p.178;
Hormagaunt 8" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 5 6+ 4 Bounding Leap: Pile In and Consolidate are 6"; Scything talons Deathspitter 24" Assault 3 5 -1 1 2 Tactic 2 Feeder Tendrils Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a Genestealer
Point or Lictor from your kill team takes an enemy Leader out of action in the Fight phase. Gain D3 Command Points. Broodlord Catalyst 5 Select a friendly model within 18" of the psyker. Until the start of the next Psychic phase, roll a
Lictor 9" 2+ 4+ 6 4 4 3 9 5+ 25 Chameleonic Skin: Additional -1 to shooting hit rolls when obscured; Flesh hooks
talons claws Devourer (T) 18" Assault 3 4 0 1 3 Tactic 3 Hunting Roar Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a TyranidPoints
Warrior from your kill team finishes a charge move within 1" of any enemy models. You can RR failed hit rolls for models from your
kill team within 6" of that Tyranid
The Horror
Warrior in the Fight phase in this battle round. 5 Select an enemy model within 18" of and visible to the psyker. Until the start of the next Psychi
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Tyranid Warrior 6" 3+ 4+ 4 4 3 3 9 4+ 20 Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Devourer (TW) 18" Assault 3 4 0 1 0 Tactic 4 Lurk Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic in 1the
phase. Pick a model from your kill team that has not yet moved. That model may not move this phase, but for the rest of the battle
9 Tyrantis
if this model is obscured,
shooting attacks that target this model suffer an addition
4 Select
-1 to
a friendly
their hit model
rolls. within 18" of the psyker that has the Instinctive Behaviour ability. Until th
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Tyranid Warrior Gunner 6" 3+ 4+ 4 4 3 3 9 4+ 20 Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Flesh hooks 6" Assault 2 U 0 1 Ignore 1" restrictions 0 Tactic 5 Metabolic Overdrive Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic after
2 Command
moving a model
Points from your kill team. That model can move again. If the model began the Movement phase within 1" of an enemy model, it can
only Fall
9 Tyrantis
Back. If the modelCatalyst
has made a normal move or Retreated, it can make a normal
5 Select
a friendly
or make
of the
psyker.If Until
the model
the start
of the next
or moved
part of roll
a faile
Lightning Reflexes: 5++;
Genestealer 8" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 3 9 5+ 11 Swift and Deadly: RR failed charge rolls; Rending claws Fleshborer 12" Assault 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 6 Scorch Bugs Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a Termagant
Pointwith a fleshborer from your kill team is chosen to shoot in the Shooting phase. Add 1 to wound rolls for that model until the end
of the phase.
9 Tyrantis The Horror 5 Select an enemy model within 18" of and visible to the psyker. Until the start of the next Psychi
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Tyranid Prime (1) 6" 2+ 3+ 5 5 6 4 10 3+ 50 Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Spinefists 12" Pistol * 3 0 1 Number of shot equal A 0 Tactic 7 Adrenaline Surge Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Fight phase. Pick a model from your kill team. That model can immediately fight an additional time.
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Tyranid Prime (2) 6" 2+ 3+ 5 5 6 4 10 3+ 65 Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Venom cannon 36" Assault d3 8 -2 d3 4 Tactic 8 Implant Attack Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic before
2 Command
an InjuryPoints
roll is made for an enemy model that was reduced to 0 wounds by a model from your kill team in the Fight phase. Apply a +2 modifier to the Injury roll.
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Tyranid Prime (3) 6" 2+ 3+ 5 5 6 4 10 3+ 80 Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Acid maw Melee Melee U -3 1 0 Tactic 9 Legacy of Ymgarl Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a Genestealer in your kill team to fight in the Fight phase. RR failed wound rolls for that model until the end of the phase.
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Tyranid Prime (4) 6" 2+ 3+ 5 5 6 4 10 3+ 105 Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Boneswords Melee Melee U -2 1 1 extra attack 0 Tactic 10 Predatory Leap Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic before
1 Command
making a
charge roll for a model from your kill team. Treat that model as if it could Fly when making its charge move.
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Broodlord (1) 8" 2+ - 5 5 6 6 10 4+ 131 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charge rolls; Monstrous rending claws Grasping talons Melee Melee U -1 2 0 Tactic 11 Rapid Regeneration Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a model from
your kill team is taken out of action. Roll a D6. On a 4+ that model is treated as if it had suffered a flesh wound instead.
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Broodlord (2) 8" 2+ - 5 5 6 6 10 4+ 151 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charge rolls; Monstrous rending claws Lash whip and bonesword Melee Melee U -2 1 Fight after taken out 1 Tactic 12 Single-minded Annihilation Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic after
model from
your kill team shoots in the Shooting phase. You can immediately shoot an additional time with that model. This Tactic costs 1 Command Point to use, or 2 Command Points if used on a Tyranid Warrior.
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Broodlord (3) 8" 2+ - 5 5 6 6 10 4+ 171 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charge rolls; Monstrous rending claws Rending claws Melee Melee U -1 1 Wound 6+ at AP -4 0 Tactic 13 Dragged Into the Darkeness Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a model from your kill team to shoot with in the Shooting phase. If their target is within 1" of any Munitorum Crates or Munitorum Barrels any wound rolls of 6" cause a mortal wound in addition to any other damage.
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Broodlord (4) 8" 2+ - 5 5 6 6 10 4+ 196 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charge rolls; Monstrous rending claws Scything talons Melee Melee U 0 1 If 2 +1 attack, RR hit 1s 0 Tactic 14 Voracious Appetite Tyranids Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a Commander to fight in the Fight phase. You can re-roll failed wound rolls for that model's attacks until the end of the phase.
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Nemesis 9 Tyrantis (1) 8" 2+ - 5 5 6 6 10 4+ 131 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charge rolls; Monstrous rending claws Adrenal glands Advance and charge +1 1 Tactic 15
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Nemesis 9 Tyrantis (2) 8" 2+ - 5 5 6 6 10 4+ 151 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charge rolls; Monstrous rending claws Extended carapace Sv 4+, Lose S&D 0 Tactic 16
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Nemesis 9 Tyrantis (3) 8" 2+ - 5 5 6 6 10 4+ 171 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charge rolls; Monstrous rending claws Toxin sacs Wound 6+ Fight at D +1 1 Tactic 17
Synapse: Tyranids auto pass Nerve tests within 12";
Shadow in the Warp: -1 Psychic tests within 18"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Nemesis 9 Tyrantis (4) 8" 2+ - 5 5 6 6 10 4+ 196 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charge rolls; Monstrous rending claws Monstrous rending claws Melee Melee U -3 D3 Wound 6+ at AP-6 D 3 0 Tactic 18
Boneswords (TP) Melee Melee U -2 1 1 extra attack 5 Tactic 19
Deathspitter (TP) 24" Assault 3 5 -1 1 5 Tactic 20
Devourer (TP) 18" Assault 3 4 0 1 0 Tactic 21
Flesh hooks (TP) 6" Assault 2 U 0 1 Ignore 1" restrictions 2 Tactic 22
Lash whip and bonesword (TP)
Melee Melee U -2 1 Fight after taken out 5 Tyranid Prime
1 Warrior Tyranid Prime Aura Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can add 1 to hit rolls for friendly models within 6" of this model.
Toxin sacs (TP) Wound 6+ Fight at D +1 8

Tactic 14
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Acolyte Hybrid 6" 3+ 4+ 4 3 1 2 7 5+ 7 Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Cultist knife
Rending Blasting
claw charge Autogun 24" Rapid Fire 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 1 Density Analysis Lenses Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase. Add 1 to hit rolls for that model against targets which are obscured.Patriarch The Horror 5 Select an enemy model within 18" of and visible to the psyker. Until the start of the next Psyc
Acolyte Fighter 6" 3+ 4+ 4 3 1 2 7 5+ 8 Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Blasting charge Autopistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 2 Frenzied Hammering Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
an Aberrant
from your kill team armed with a power hammer attacks in the FIght phase. Increase that model's Attacks characteristic by D3
until the end of the phase, but
1 from hit rolls for that model's attacks until the6 end
of the
a visible
phase.enemy model within 18" of the psyker. Until the start of the next Psychic phas
Acolyte Leader 6" 3+ 4+ 4 3 1 3 8 5+ 8 Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Rending Blasting
claw charge Blasting charge 6" Grenade d6 3 0 1 0 Tactic 3 Industrial Brutality Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
making attacks
Point with a model armed with a heavy rock drill, heavy rock saw or heavy rock cutter in the Fight phase. Roll a D6. On a 4+ that
model may immediately fightMind
Control 6 Pick an enemy model within 12" of the psyker and roll 3D6. If the score is less than that mod
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Aberrant 6" 3+ 6+ 5 4 2 2 7 5+ 15 Bestial Vigour: Reduce damage of attacks by 1 to minimum of 1; Rending claw Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 4 Inhuman Reflexes Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team fails a Falling test. It deosn't suffer falling damage, and won't fall on another model. If it wound, instead placeMagus
this model as close as possible
to the
where it wound have landed. This can bring
6 itSelect
of an enemy
model within
model.18" of the psyker. Add 1 to the Strength and Attacks character
Neophyte Hybrid 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ 5 Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; AutopistolBlasting charge Demolition charge 6" Grenade d6 8 -3 d3 Use once per battle 3 Tactic 5 Strength of Faith Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team suffers a mortal wound in the Psychic phase. Roll a D6 for that mortal wound, and each other mortal wound suffered by that model until the end of the phase. On a 5+ that wound is ignored and has no effect.
Neophyte Gunner 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ 6 Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; AutopistolBlasting charge Flamer 8" Assault d6 4 0 1 Auto hit 3 Tactic 6 Unnatural Senses Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team is declared as a target of a charge. That model may fire Overwatch at the charging model; even if the charging model is not visible to it. The target is treated as obscured.
Neophyte Leader 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 8 5+ 6 Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Blasting charge Flesh hooks 6" Assault 2 U 0 1 Ignore 1" restrictions 0 Tactic 7 Acidic Spit Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
of the Shooting phase. Pick an enemy model within 1" of a model from your kill team and roll a dice. On a 5+ that enemy model suffers 1 mortal wound.
Hybrid Metamorph 6" 3+ 4+ 4 3 1 3 7 5+ 8 Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Blasting charge Grenade launcher * 2 Tactic 8 I Like to Keep This Handy Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Shooting phase. Pick a model from your kill team armed with a shotgun. Change the shotugn's Type to Pistol 2 until the end of the phase.
Metamorph Leader 6" 3+ 4+ 4 3 1 4 8 5+ 9 Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Blasting charge Grenade launcher (frag) 24" Assault d6 3 0 1 0 Tactic 9 Mesmerising Gaze Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
of the Fight phase. Pick an enemy model within 1" of a model from your kill team and roll a dice. On a 4+ subtract 1 from that model's Attacks characteristic (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the phase.
Lightning Reflexes: 5++;
Genestealer 8" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 3 9 5+ 11 Swift and Deadly: RR failed charge rolls; Rending claws Grenade launcher (krak) 24" Assault 1 6 -1 d3 0 Tactic 10 Raise the Icon Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Fight phase. Pick a model from your kill team equipped with a cult icon. Increase the range of that model's Cult Icon ability to 12" until the end of the phase.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Magus (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 30 Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
AutopistolForce stave Hand flamer 6" Pistol d3 3 0 1 Auto hit 2 Tactic 11 Seismic Blast Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a model in your kill team to shoot with the short wave profile of a seismic cannon. If an attack for the weapon hits, roll a dice for each other model within 2" of the target model. On a 5+ that model is shaken.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Magus (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 35 Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
AutopistolForce stave Heavy stubber 36" Heavy 3 4 0 1 0 Tactic 12 Toxin Gland Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you pick a
Hybrid Metamorph from your kill team to fight in the Fight phase. Add 1 to wound rolls for that model's rending claw or metamorph talon until the end of the phase.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Magus (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 50 Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
AutopistolForce stave Mining laser 24" Heavy 1 9 -3 d3 3 Tactic 13
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Magus (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 70 Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
AutopistolForce stave Seismic cannon * 2 Tactic 14 Unsettling Presence Genestealer Cults Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
battle round if your kill team includes a Commander. As long as this model is not shaken, enemy models within 6" of this model have -1 Leadership.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Primus (1) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 3 5 4 9 5+ 28 Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Needle pistol
clawcharge Seismic cannon (long-wave) 24" Heavy 4 3 0 1 0 Tactic 15 Blinding Acid Spit Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team is chosen as the target of an attack in the Fight phase. Roll a dice; on a 4+ subtract 1 from hit rolls made for the attacking model until the end of the phase.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Primus (2) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 3 5 4 9 5+ 33 Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Needle pistol
clawcharge Seismic cannon (short-wave) 12" Heavy 2 6 -1 2 0 Tactic 16 Corrosive Fuel Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
you choose
a model from your kill team to shoot with a hand flamer. Improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that weapon to -1 and its Damage characteristic to 2 until the end of the phase.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Primus (3) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 3 5 4 9 5+ 48 Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Needle pistol
clawcharge Shotgun 12" Assault 2 3 0 1 At half range S +1 0 Tactic 17 The Cult Innumerable Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
3 Command
a model from
your kill team (other than a specialist) is taken out of action. You can set up that model again, in your deployment zone and more than 9" from any enemy models. The model is still treated as a casualty at the end of the battle.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Primus (4) 6" 2+ 3+ 4 3 5 4 9 5+ 68 Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Needle pistol
clawcharge Web pistol 12" Pistol d3 3 0 1 S or T for wound roll 0 Tactic 18 Ensnaring Strike Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you pick a
model in your kill team armed with a lash whip and bonesword to fight in the Fight phase. Until the end of the phase, if that model scores any hits, you can pick one melee weapon their target is armed with. The target model may not use that melee weapon in this phase.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Patriarch (1) 8" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 6 10 4+ 131 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charges; Monstrous rending claws Webber 16" Assault d3 4 0 1 S or T for wound roll 1 Tactic 19 Messy Demise Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a model from
your kill team takes an enemy model out of action with an attack made with a heavy rock saw. Roll a dice for each enemy model within 3" of the model that made the attack. On a roll of 5+ the model you are rolling for is shaken.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Patriarch (2) 8" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 6 10 4+ 151 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charges; Monstrous rending claws Acid maw Melee Melee U -3 1 0 Tactic 20 Plant the Flag Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team equipped with a cult icon takes an enemy model out of action in the Fight phase. Friendly models within 6" of that model do not need to take Nerve tests until the end of the battle round.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Patriarch (3) 8" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 6 10 4+ 171 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charges; Monstrous rending claws Bonesword Melee Melee U -2 1 1 Tactic 21 Secret Lair Genestealer Cults Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase of round 1, 2, or 3. Pick a model from your team within 3" of a Ryza-pattern ruin hatchway and remove that model from the field. At the end of the next Movement phase, set up that model within 3" of any Ryza-pattern ruin hatchway and more than 9" from any enemy models. If you cannot
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6"; Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Patriarch (4) 8" 2+ 5+ 6 5 6 6 10 4+ 196 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Swift and Deadly: RR failed charges; Monstrous rending claws Chainsword Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0 Tactic 22
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Acolyte Iconward (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 4 4 8 5+ 18 Sacred Cult Banner: RR failed Neve tests within 6"; AutopistolRending Blasting
claw charge Cultist knife Melee Melee U 0 1 1 extra attack 0 Primus 1 Cult Demagogue Primus Aura Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can add 1 to hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly models that are within 6" of this model.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Acolyte Iconward (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 4 4 8 5+ 23 Sacred Cult Banner: RR failed Neve tests within 6"; AutopistolRending Blasting
claw charge Heavy rock cutter Melee Melee Ux2 -4 2 -1 to hit, Take out p.188 4 Primus 2 Meticulous Planning Primus Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
first battle round. Roll a D6 for each model from your kill team that did not move as a result of the Cult Ambush ability. On a roll of 5+, you can move that model as described in its Cult Ambush ability.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Acolyte Iconward (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 4 4 8 5+ 38 Sacred Cult Banner: RR failed Neve tests within 6"; AutopistolRending Blasting
claw charge Heavy rock drill Melee Melee Ux2 -3 1 Mortal wounds p.188 5 Acolyte Iconward
Nexus of
1 Devotion Acolyte Iconward Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can roll a D6 each time a friendly model within 6" of this model loses a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost. If a model already has an ability with a similar effect, you can choose which effect applies, and RR 1s when making these rolls.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Acolyte Iconward (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 4 4 8 5+ 58 Sacred Cult Banner: RR failed Neve tests within 6"; AutopistolRending Blasting
claw charge Heavy rock saw Melee Melee Ux2 -4 2 4 Acolyte Iconward
Rabble 2Rouser Acolyte Iconward Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, all friendly models within 6" of this model can use the Acolyte Iconward's Leadership instead of their own.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Inspirational Deeds: If enemy taken out by autostub, RR hit 1s within 6" until end of phase;
Kelermorph (1) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 25 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Liberator Liberator
autostubknife Lash whip and bonesword Melee Melee U -2 1 Fight after taken out 2 Kelermorph
1 of Glory Kelermorph Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you pick a
Kelermorph from your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase. Instead of shooting normally, you can make a single attack with one of this model's ranged weapons against each enemy model within 8" that is an eligible target.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Inspirational Deeds: If enemy taken out by autostub, RR hit 1s within 6" until end of phase;
Kelermorph (2) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 30 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Liberator Liberator
autostubknife Metamorph claw Melee Melee U+2 0 1 1 Ghyrson Starn
Blaze1 of Glory Kelermorph Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you pick a
Kelermorph from your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase. Instead of shooting normally, you can make a single attack with one of this model's ranged weapons against each enemy model within 8" that is an eligible target.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Inspirational Deeds: If enemy taken out by autostub, RR hit 1s within 6" until end of phase;
Kelermorph (3) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 45 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Liberator Liberator
autostubknife Metamorph talon Melee Melee U 0 1 Add 1 to hit 0 Crasker Matterzhek
Nexus of Devotion
1 Acolyte Iconward Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, you can roll a D6 each time a friendly model within 6" of this model loses a wound; on a 6 the wound is not lost. If a model already has an ability with a similar effect, you can choose which effect applies, and RR 1s when making these rolls.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Inspirational Deeds: If enemy taken out by autostub, RR hit 1s within 6" until end of phase;
Kelermorph (4) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 65 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Liberator Liberator
autostubknife Metamorph whip Melee Melee U 0 1 Fight after taken out 1 Crasker Matterzhek
Rabble Rouser
2 Acolyte Iconward Aura Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Movement phase. As long as this model is not shaken, all friendly models within 6" of this model can use the Acolyte Iconward's Leadership instead of their own.
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Inspirational Deeds: If enemy taken out by autostub, RR hit 1s within 6" until end of phase;
Ghyrson Starn (1) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 25 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Liberator Liberator
autostubknife Power hammer Melee Melee Ux2 -3 3 -1 to hit 4
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Inspirational Deeds: If enemy taken out by autostub, RR hit 1s within 6" until end of phase;
Ghyrson Starn (2) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 30 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Liberator Liberator
autostubknife Power maul Melee Melee U+2 -1 1 1
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Inspirational Deeds: If enemy taken out by autostub, RR hit 1s within 6" until end of phase;
Ghyrson Starn (3) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 45 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Liberator Liberator
autostubknife Power pick Melee Melee U -2 d3 3
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Inspirational Deeds: If enemy taken out by autostub, RR hit 1s within 6" until end of phase;
Ghyrson Starn (4) 6" 3+ 2+ 3 3 4 3 8 5+ 65 Lightning Reflexes: 5++; Liberator Liberator
autostubknife Rending claw Melee Melee U -1 1 Wound 6+ at AP -4 0
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Crasker Matterzhek (1)
6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 4 4 8 5+ 18 Sacred Cult Banner: RR failed Neve tests within 6"; AutopistolRending Blasting
claw charge Rending claws Melee Melee U -1 1 Wound 6+ at AP -4 0
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Crasker Matterzhek (2)
6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 4 4 8 5+ 23 Sacred Cult Banner: RR failed Neve tests within 6"; AutopistolRending Blasting
claw charge Scything talons Melee Melee U 0 1 If 2 +1 attack, RR hit 1s 0
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Crasker Matterzhek (3)
6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 4 4 8 5+ 38 Sacred Cult Banner: RR failed Neve tests within 6"; AutopistolRending Blasting
claw charge Cult icon RR fight hit 1s within 6" 5
Cult Ambush: Before first round on D6 5+ move 6";
Unquestioning Loyalty: D6 when use Look Out, Sir! On 2+ gain 1 CP;
Crasker Matterzhek (4)
6" 3+ 3+ 4 3 4 4 8 5+ 58 Sacred Cult Banner: RR failed Neve tests within 6"; AutopistolRending Blasting
claw charge Extended carapace Sv 4+, Lose S&D 0
Toxin sacs Wound 6+ fight D +1 1
Monstrous rending claws Melee Melee U -3 D3 Wound 6+ at AP-6 D 3 0
Force stave Melee Melee U+2 -1 D3 0
Needle pistol 12" Pistol 1 1 0 1 Wounds on 2+ 0
Bonesword (COM) Melee Melee U -2 1 0
Toxin injector claw Melee Melee U -1 1 Wounds on 2+, 6+ AP-4 0
Liberator autostub 12" Pistol 1 4 -1 2 0
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Elucia Vhane (1) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 45 Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle start of Fight, enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+; Disruption Field Heirloom
4++; Concussion
grenade Artificer shotgun 12" Assault 2 4 0 1 Half range S +1 0 Tactic 1 Combat Medicine Elucidian Starstriders Tactic Use this Tactic after
1 Command
using Sanistasia
Point Minst's
Elucia Vhane
Healing Explorator
Serum ability
(whether or
If your
not the
team is was
battle withuse
1 extra
that Command
ability for aPoint
for time
this phase,
on a different model or the same model again.
Elucia Vhane (2) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 60 Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle start of Fight, enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+; Disruption Field Heirloom
4++; Concussion
grenade Concussion grenade 6" Grenade d3 3 0 1 Within 1" terrain S, D +1 0 Tactic 2 Executioner Shell Elucidian Starstriders Tactic Use this Tactic before
2 Command
is chosen
shoot with
in the Shooting
1 to thisOnly
a singlecharacteristic
hit roll with his15artificer shotgun this phase, but add 3 to the result; if the hit roll is successful, the enemy suffers 1 mortal wound and the attack sequence ends.
Elucia Vhane (3) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 75 Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle start of Fight, enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+; Disruption Field Heirloom
4++; Concussion
grenade Dartmask 9" Pistol 1 1 -1 1 Wounds on 2+ 0 Tactic 3 Killing Strikes Elucidian Starstriders Tactic Use this Tactic before
2 Command
Knosso Points
Prond is chose to fight with in the Fight phase. Until the end of the phase, the Damage characteristic of her power blade is increased to D3.
Elucia Vhane (4) 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+ 100 Concealed Archeotech Weapon: 1/battle start of Fight, enemy within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds on 4+; Disruption Field Heirloom
4++; Concussion
grenade Heirloom pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 -2 2 0 Tactic 4 Priority Objective Identified Elucidian Starstriders Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
end of the
Movement phase if Larsen van der Grauss is within 3" of an objective marker and not shaken. Until the end of the battle round, add 1 to his saving throws and Attacks characteristic.
Specialist Retainer: Combat specialist but does not count against max number of specialists;
Zealous: RR failed hit rolls in a round this model charges or is charged;
Knosso Prond 7" 3+ 4+ 4 3 2 4 8 5+ 25 Uncanny Reflexes: 5++; Death cultDartmask
power blade
Concussion grenade Laspistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 5 Voltagheist Field Elucidian Starstriders Tactic Use this Tactic before
2 Command
Larsen van
der Grauss is chosen to shoot with in the Shooting phase. He can do one of the following instead of shooting normally: open or close a door as if he were within 1" of it, scan a terrain feature for traps (your opponent(s) must tell you if that terrain feature has been trapped or not)
Specialist Retainer: Comms specialist but does not count against max number of specialists;
Larsen van der Grauss 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 2 2 8 4+ 22 Voltagheist Array: Friendly Elucidian Starstriders within 6" have 5++; Voltaic pistol
Concussion grenade Lasgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 6 Voltagheist Transference Elucidian Starstriders Tactic Use this Tactic in 2the
phase before making a normal move with Larsen van der Grauss. Remove this model from the battlefield, then set it up anywhere that is more than 4" from any enemy models. He cannot move further this phase.
Specialist Retainer: Medic specialist but does not count against max number of specialists;
Sanistasia Minst 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 2 2 7 5+ 17 Healing Serum: If not shaken, charge, fall back, ready, remove 1 flesh wound from Elucidian Starstrider within 1" on 4+; Scalpel claw
LaspistolConcussion grenade Rotor cannon 24" Heavy 4 4 -1 2 0 Tactic 7
Voidsman 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ 6 Loyal Retainer: Ld +1 within 6" of Eludia Vhane; Lasgun LaspistolConcussion grenade Voltaic pistol 12" Pistol 1 5 0 1 Hit 6 causes 3 hits 0 Tactic 8
Voidsman Gunner 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 7 5+ 6 Loyal Retainer: Ld +1 within 6" of Eludia Vhane; Rotor cannon
LaspistolConcussion grenade Death cult power blade Melee Melee U -2 1 0 Tactic 9
Voidmaster Nitsch 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 8 5+ 6 Loyal Retainer: Ld +1 within 6" of Eludia Vhane; Artificer shotgun
LaspistolConcussion grenade Monomolecular cane-rapier Melee Melee U -4 1 0 Tactic 10
Aximillion 8" 3+ - 3 3 1 2 5 6+ 6 Loyal Retainer: Ld +1 within 6" of Eludia Vhane; Viscious bite Scalpel claw Melee Melee U -1 1 0 Tactic 11
Vicious bite Melee Melee U 0 1 0 Tactic 12
Tactic 13
Tactic 14
Tactic 15
Tactic 16
Tactic 17
Tactic 18
Tactic 19
Tactic 20
Tactic 21
Tactic 22
Use this Tactic at the start of the Movement phase. Elucia Vhane gains the followin aura ability until the end of the battle round:

Elucia Vhane
1 Auspicator Elucia Vhane Aura Tactic As long as this model
1 Command
is not shaken,
Point re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by friendly Elucidian Starstriders models within 6" of it.
Elucia Vhane
2 Laser Regalia Elucia Vhane Aura Tactic Use this Tactic immediately
2 Command after
fighting with Elucia Vhane. Make an additional hit roll against an enemy model within 1" of her; if the hit roll is successful, the enemy model suffers 1 mortal wound and the attack sequence ends.
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Leaping Insectoids: RR failed charge rolls, pile in and consolidate 6";
Vermin: Injury rolls for this model +1;
Cursemite 8" 4+ - 2 2 1 2 8 6+ 4 Mindless: Cannot be specialists, not part of fire team, gain no XP; Bloodsucking proboscis Acid spit 8" Pistol 1 U -1 1 Tactic 1 Corruption and Decay Gellerpox Infected Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Fight Vulgrar
phase. Thrice-cursed
Choose an enemy model
3" of a model from your
If your
is Battle-forged,
the end of the
start the
1 that
for Gellerpox
Infected Tactics.
Hatchlings: Injury rolls for this model +1, Never suffer flesh wounds;
Buzzing Swarm: Attacks against this model -1 hit, Auto pass Falling tests;
Eyestinger Swarm 10" 4+ - 2 2 1 D3 8 7+ 5 Mindless: Cannot be specialists, not part of fire team, gain no XP; Spawning barb Belly-flamer 8" Assault D6 4 0 1 Auto hit Tactic 2 Gellershift Gellerpox Infected Tactic Use this Tactic in 2the
before Thrice-cursed
making a normal move
with aofGellerpox
Vermin Mutant fromWhile
your this
kill team.
model Remove
is not shaken,
that model
RR hit
Mutoid Vermin
then set
it up whilst
they on
6" of it.that is more than 4" from any enemy models. It cannot move further in this phase.
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Gellerpox Mutant 5" 4+ 4+ 4 4 1 2 6 6+ 8 Gellercaust Mask: 5++; If 6 on save in Fight enemy suffers mortal wound; Frag grenade
Mutated limbs and improvised weapons Frag grenades 6" Grenade D6 3 0 1 Tactic 3 Machine Glitch Gellerpox Infected Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a player attempts
Point to open or close a door if a Glitchling from your Kill Team that is not shaken is within 1" of that door or doorway. Add 3 to your dice result when rolling off to determine if that door opens (or remains closed) or if it closes (or remains open).
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss; Daemonic: 5++;
Squishable: Only makes Disgustingly Resilient roll vs D 1;
Glitchling 5" 4+ - 2 2 1 2 7 5 Weapon Glitch: Ranged weapons -1 to hit this model if not shaken; Diseased claws and fangs Bloodsucking proboscis Melee Melee U 0 1 Hit 6 causes 2 hits Tactic 4 Rancid Vomit Gellerpox Infected Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
start of the
Shooting phase. Choose a Nightmare Hulk model from your kill team and then choose an enemy model within 6" of and visible to it. Roll three D6; for each roll of 5+ that enemy model suffers 1 mortal wound.
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Nightmare Hulk 4" 4+ - 5 5 4 3 7 6+ 31 Horrific Visage: Enemy within 6" are -1 Ld; Hideous mutations Diseased claws and fangs Melee Melee U 0 1 RR wound 1s Tactic 5 Twisted Blessings Gellerpox Infected Tactic Use this Tactic at 2the
end of the
Movement phase. Choose a Nightmare Hulk model from your kill team that has one or more flesh wounds and roll a D6; on a 4+ one flesh wound is removed from that model.
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Gnasher-Screamer 4" 4+ - 5 5 4 4 8 6+ 31 Horrific Visage: Enemy within 6" are -1 Ld; Hideous mutations
Plague cleave Fanged maw and stinger Melee Melee U -1 1 Tactic 6 Verminoid Infestation Gellerpox Infected Tactic Use this Tactic at 3the
end of the
Movement phase. Set up a Mutoid Vermin model on the battlefield anywhere that is wholly within 6" of a Gellerpox Infected model from your kill team and more than 6" from any enemy models. This Mutoid Vermin model is added to your kill team until the end of the mssion, but is ignored for the purposes of determ
Caustic Blood: If taken out in Fight, on 6 enemy model which made the attack suffers 1 mortal wound;
Vermin: Injury rolls for this model +1;
Sludge-grub 5" 4+ 4+ 3 2 1 1 8 6+ 5 Mindless: Cannot be specialists, not part of fire team, gain no XP; Fanged maw
Acid and
spit stinger Fleshripper claws Melee Melee U+1 -2 2 Tactic 7
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Horrific Visage: Enemy within 6" are -1 Ld;
Vulgrar Thrice-cursed (1) 4" 3+ 6+ 5 5 5 4 9 6+ 65 Bionic Abomination: 6++; Belly-flamer
Fleshripper claws Hideous mutations Melee Melee U -2 2 Tactic 8
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Horrific Visage: Enemy within 6" are -1 Ld;
Vulgrar Thrice-cursed (2) 4" 3+ 6+ 5 5 5 4 9 6+ 85 Bionic Abomination: 6++; Belly-flamer
Fleshripper claws Mutated limbs and improvised weapons Melee Melee U -1 1 Tactic 9
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Horrific Visage: Enemy within 6" are -1 Ld;
Vulgrar Thrice-cursed (3) 4" 3+ 6+ 5 5 5 4 9 6+ 105 Bionic Abomination: 6++; Belly-flamer
Fleshripper claws Plague cleaver Melee Melee U -2 2 RR wound 1s Tactic 10
Disgustingly Resilient: 5+ negate wound loss;
Horrific Visage: Enemy within 6" are -1 Ld;
Vulgrar Thrice-cursed (4) 4" 3+ 6+ 5 5 5 4 9 6+ 130 Bionic Abomination: 6++; Belly-flamer
Fleshripper claws Spawning barb Melee Melee U 0 1 Hit 6 auto wound Tactic 11
Tactic 12
Tactic 13
Tactic 14
Tactic 15
Tactic 16
Tactic 17
Tactic 18
Tactic 19
0 Tactic 20
0 Tactic 21
0 Tactic 22
0 Vulgrar Thrice-cursed
Insane Gibbering
1 Vulgrar Thrice-cursed Tactic
Use this Tactic at 1the
start of the
Psychic phase if your kill team includes Vulgrar Thrice-cursed. Until the end of the phase, subtract 1 from Psychic tests taken for enemy Psykers whilst they are within 18" of your Vulgrar Thrice-cursed.
Use this Tactic at the start of the Movement phase if your kill team included Vulgrar Thrice-cursed. This model gains the following aura ability until the end of the battle round.

0 Vulgrar Thrice-cursed
Lord of Resentment
2 Vulgrar Thrice-cursed AuraAsTactic
long as this model
1 Command
is not shaken,
Point you can RR hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Gellerpox Infected models within 6" of this model.
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium; Sigil of Corruption: 4++;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Obsidius Mallex (1) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 125 For the Dark Gods: RR
hit rolls vs
enemy Commanders; Plasma pistol * 7 Tactic 1 Veterans of the
Long War
of theUse
Tactic when a2 Rubrik
model from your kill team is chosen to attack in the Shooting or Fight phase. You can add 1 to wound rolls for the model's attac
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium; Sigil of Corruption: 4++;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Obsidius Mallex (2) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 140 For the Dark Gods: RR
hit rolls vs
enemy Commanders; Plasma pistol (standard) 12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 0 Tactic 2 Expendable Minions
Servants of theUse
Tactic when a1 Heretic
Command Astartes
Pointmodel from your kill team is picked as the target of a shooting attack. Pick a Servants of the Abyss model (excluding Heretic
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium; Sigil of Corruption: 4++;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Obsidius Mallex (3) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 155 For the Dark Gods: RR
hit rolls vs
enemy Commanders; Plasma pistol (supercharge) 12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 1 to hit out of action 0 Tactic 3 Blackstone Trinket
Servants of theUse
Tactic when an
2 Command
enemy Psyker
successfully manifests a psychic power within 6" of a Servants of the Abyss model from your kill team. Roll a D6. On a 4+ th
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium; Sigil of Corruption: 4++;
Transhuman Physiology: Ignore hit penalty for one flesh wound;
Obsidius Mallex (4) 6" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 170 For the Dark Gods: RR
hit rolls vs
enemy Commanders; Thunder hammer Melee Melee Ux2 -3 3 -1 to hit 0 Tactic 4 Fully ChargedServants of theUse
Tactic at the start
2 Command
of the Shooting
Points phase. Pick two Negavolt Cultist models from your kill team that are within 1" of each other. Add 1 to invulnerable saves m
Traitor Guardsman 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+ 5 Servants of the Abyss:
failed Nerve tests while within 6" of Heretic Astartes; Lasgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 5
Traitor Guardsman Gunner
6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+ 5 Servants of the Abyss:
failed Nerve tests while within 6" of Heretic Astartes; Flamer 8" Assault d6 4 0 1 Auto hit 3 Tactic 6
Traitor Sergeant 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 7 5+ 5 Servants of the Abyss:
Nerve tests while within 6" of Heretic Astartes; Autopistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 7
Servants of the Abyss: RR failed Nerve tests while within 6" of Heretic Astartes;
Chaos Beastman 6" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 1 6 5+ 7 Savage Charge: +1 Frag
S andgrenade
+1 A when charge; Laspistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 0 Tactic 8
Servants of the Abyss: RR failed Nerve tests while within 6" of Heretic Astartes;
Fanatical Devotion: Negate wounds on 5+;
Negavolt Cultist 6" 3+ 4+ 3 3 1 3 8 6+ 9 Voltgheist Field: 5++Electro-goads
and after charge roll D6 for 1 enemy. Mortal wound on 6. Brutal assault weapon Melee Melee U 0 1 1 Extra attack 0 Tactic 9
Servants of the Abyss: RR failed Nerve tests while within 6" of Heretic Astartes;
Rogue Psyker 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 4 2 8 5+ 20 Psyker: 1 Power, 1 Deny;
Power: RR 1s on Psychic tests, any double Perils of Warp;
Chainsword Melee Melee U 0 1 1 Extra attack 0 Tactic 10
Death to the False Emporer: 6+ hit make extra attack vs Imperium; Sigil of Corruption: 4++;
Black Legionnaire 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+ 12 Transhuman Physiology:
Frag grenade
for one
wound; Frag grenade 6" Grenade d6 3 0 1 0 Tactic 11
Krak grenade 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 0 Tactic 12
Electro-goads Melee Melee U+2 0 1 Hit 6+ is 3 hits 0 Tactic 13
Chaos stave Melee Melee U -1 D3 0 Tactic 14
Boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 15
Bolt pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 16
Tactic 17
Tactic 18
Tactic 19
Tactic 20
Tactic 21
Tactic 22
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Points Abilities Equip 1 Equip 2 Equip 3 Equip 4 Equip 5 Equip 6 Equip 7 Equip 8 Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Tactics Name Faction Text Cost Commander Trait Text Points Commander Psychic Power WC Description
Quarry Can't Hide: Ignore obscure hit penalty; Fieldcraft: Additional -1 to hit if obscured;
Dahyak Grekh (1) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 6+ 25 Concealed Booby Traps: Plant Traps in Scouting phase D3+1; Kroot rifleKroot pistol Kroot pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 0 Tactic 1 Agile Hunter Kroot Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a model from
Pointyour kill team moves in the Movement phase. This model can leap over gaps less han 4" across instead of less than 2" across until the end of this phase.
Quarry Can't Hide: Ignore obscure hit penalty; Fieldcraft: Additional -1 to hit if obscured;
Dahyak Grekh (2) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 6+ 30 Concealed Booby Traps: Plant Traps in Scouting phase D3+1; Kroot rifleKroot pistol Kroot rifle * 0 Tactic 2 Hyper-evolution Kroot Tactic Use this Tactic when
2 Command
a model from
your kill team takes an enemy model out of action in the Fight phase, and is not within 1" of any other enemy models. This model may not move in the consolidate step. Add 1 to this model's Move and Strength characteristics until the end of the battle.
Quarry Can't Hide: Ignore obscure hit penalty; Fieldcraft: Additional -1 to hit if obscured;
Dahyak Grekh (3) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 6+ 40 Concealed Booby Traps: Plant Traps in Scouting phase D3+1; Kroot rifleKroot pistol Kroot rifle (ranged) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 Tactic 3 Prestigious Trophy Kroot Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
a Kroot Carnivore
Point from your kill team takes an enemy Leader out of action in the Fight phase. That Kroot Carnivore automatically passes Nerve tests until the end of the battle.
Quarry Can't Hide: Ignore obscure hit penalty; Fieldcraft: Additional -1 to hit if obscured;
Dahyak Grekh (4) 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 7 6+ 50 Concealed Booby Traps: Plant Traps in Scouting phase D3+1; Kroot rifleKroot pistol Kroot rifle (melee) Melee Melee U+1 0 1 Tactic 4 Primal Savagery Kroot Tactic Use this Tactic at 1the
end of the
Fight phase. Pick a Krootox Rider from your kill team that is within 1" of an enemy model - your model can immediately fight again.
Kroot Carnivore 7" 3+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 6+ 6 Kroot rifle Kroot gun 48" Rapid Fire 1 7 -1 D3 Tactic 5 Tearing Jaws Kroot Tactic Use this Tactic before
1 Command
you make
an Injury roll for a model whose wounds were reduced to 0 by an attack made by a Kroot Hound. Roll two D6 for that injury roll and use the highest result.
Kroot Hound 12"3+ - 3 3 1 2 5 6+ 6 Voracious Predator: +1 to hit vs flesh wounded models; Ripping fangs Riffing fangs Melee Melee U -1 1 Tactic 6 Unfettered Aggression Kroot Tactic Use this Tactic when
1 Command
you choose
a model from your kill team to fight in the Fight phase. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to that model's Attacks charcteristic.
Krootox Rider 7" 3+ 4+ 6 5 4 2 6 6+ 27 Agile Brute: Advance 6" instead of rolling die; Kroot gunKrootox fists Krootox fists Melee Melee U 0 2 Tactic 7
Tactic 8
Tactic 9
Tactic 10
Tactic 11
Tactic 12
Tactic 13
Tactic 14
Tactic 15
Tactic 16
Tactic 17
Tactic 18
Tactic 19
Tactic 20
Tactic 21
Tactic 22

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