Review of Related Literature Research

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Review of Related Literature

The main attraction of classic children's games is that generally, you will not
need any equipment. Most of them do not require anything more than
imagination and a willingness to have a good time. It is also important that most
of these games are group games, which mean that as well as simple rules and a
fast pace, they allow children to interact with each other, by talking, laughing
and sharing experiences. All of these are essential to their growing up. The
following are the best traditional games that most of today’s generation are not
familiar about: Coppers and Robbers. This game is simple and really fun. It also
requires a lot of physical activity. The rules are as follows; you must split into
two groups. Hide and seek. If Coppers and Robbers is a classic, then so is this.
These are also simple rules, one of the children must count, with their eyes
closed whilst the others hide. Spinning Tops. This is a traditional game that
every now and then makes a return to school playgrounds, so maybe your
children have already heard of them or have maybe even already played with
them. Dodgeball. This game is very common in many schools in P.E. classes. Not
only is it fun, but it's also an explosion of physical activity. Traditional games
provide benefit to children by giving them more space to interact with the
environment. Children need interaction to understand and adapt to the
environment. In addition, traditional games require physical activity that helps
children to improve their sports skills.

With our advancement in technology it has allowed our software capabilities to

also increase. Today’s gaming industry is even large and than that of the movie
picture industry and with the new CGI technology it is even currently being used
in some of the movies today an example of this would be Beowulf a movie
completely done in CGI using avatar versions of the real actors (TJB, 2007). The
advancement of game technology has evolved to appoint to wear in cannot even
be compared to its earlier days.

Companies such as the Nintendo are developing new interactive software where
the user is truly interactive with a game they’re playing. Envision standing there
in front of your television set watching a pitcher throw a ball, and then you swing
do you hit, or are you struck out? They are even currently working on a new
controller that works off the user’s thoughts. This is a vast difference from their
earlier predecessors were user simply interacted with a controller and the screen
and very little movement on their part was ever needed other than moving their
In addition, games have also involved to include massive online games such as
World of Warcraft, Anarchy Online, and Tabula Rasa just a name a few. These and
other like them have involved from the old BBS server style games called muds.
Future Games We take the time to look into the future at what games may hold for
us what I envisioned is fully interactive games in a virtual reality. The users truly
become their character and fully experience the game not only in sound but also
with all the other senses. I also believe this will correspond into our ability to learn.

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