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Form works for the beam


L1 = 4.5 m; 4 beams

L2 = 2.6 m; 4 beams

L3 = 4 m; 5 beams

A. Solving for the Plywood form

1. Find the lateral perimeter of beam using the formula:
P = 2 (d) + b + 0.10
P = 2 (0.3) + 0.25 + 0.10
P = .95 m
2. Multiply P by the length and number of beams to get the area of the forms.
Area1 = .95 x 4.5m x 4 beams = 17.1l sq. m.
Area2 = .95 x 2.6m x 4 beams = 9.88 sq. m.
Area3 = .95 x 4m x 5 beams = 19 sq. m.
Total Area = 19 + 9.88 + 17.1 = 45.98 sq. m.
3. Divide this area by 2.88, the area of one plywood form to get the number of plywood required.
45.98 𝑠𝑞.𝑚.
No. of Plywood: = 15.96 say 16 pieces
4. Solving the 2” x 2” frame with the Aid of Table 5-1, page 184 (Simplified Construction
Estimate 2000 Edition by Max B. Fajardo). Under beam using 6 mm (1/4”) thick plywood,
multiply the number of plywood found by 25.06.
16 Plywood x 25.06 = 400.96 say 405 board feet
5. Order 16 pieces 1.20 x 2.40 (4’ x 8’3) plywood
405 board feet 2” x 2” lumber

Beam lateral reinforcement

Dimension: (0.25 x 0.3)

Diameter of bar = 10 mm

Cover = 70 mm at the top and 50 mm at the rest

A = 300 – 70 – 50 – 2(10) = 160

B = 250 – 50(2) -2(10) = 130

Length of stirrup, L = 2(A + B) + 20d

L = 2(160 + 130) + 20(10)

L = 780 mm

Using 10 mm diameter bar

Spacing of stirrups = 200 mm

Length of roof beams

L1 = 4.5 m; 4 beams

L2 = 2.6 m; 4 beams

L3 = 4 m; 5 beams

1. Divide the stirrups spacing from the length of the beam.

4.5 𝑚.
= 23 stirrups
0.2 𝑚

= 13 stirrups
0.2 𝑚

= 20 stirrups
0.2 𝑚

2. Find the total length of stirrups.

23 x 4 beams = 92 pieces
13 x 4 beams = 52 pieces
20 x 5 beams = 100 pieces
Total Length of Beams = 244 x 1.08 = 263.52 m
3. Refer to Table 3-8(Simplified Construction Estimate 2000 Edition by Max B. Fajardo). For a 100
m long stirrup the choice is either 6.0 m; 9.0 m or 12 meters long steel bar. For easy handling use
6.0 meters long. Divide:
= 43.92 say 45 pieces 10 mm diameter bars

Beam main reinforcement

4-16 mm diameter main bars


L1 = 4.5 m; 4 beams
L2 = 2.6 m; 4 beams
L3 = 4 m; 5 beams
1. Determine the total length of bars of the beam
L1 = 4.5 m x 4 beams = 18 m
L2 = 2.6 m x 4 beams = 10.4 m
L3 = 4 m x 5 beams = 20 m
Total L = 48.4 x 4 = 193.6 m.
2. Determine the number of bars by dividing the total length by 6 meters long steel bar.
= 32.23 say 33 pieces 16 mm diameters

1. Find the number of main reinforcement of beams multiplied by the number of intersections with
the lateral ties.
4 x 23 x 4 beams = 368 pieces
4 x 13 x 4 beams = 208 pieces
5 x 20 x 5 beams = 500 pieces
Total Length of Beams = 1076 pieces
2. Find the total intersections of the 13 beams
368 + 208 + 500 = 1076 ties
3. This 1076 is the total number of Tie wires. If each tie is 40 cm. long, multiply to get the total length
in meters.
1076 x 0.4 = 430.4 meters G.I. wire
4. One kilogram of No. 16 G.I. wire is approximately 53 meters, divide:
430.4 m
= 8.12 say 8.5 kilograms No. 16 G.I. wire

Concreting of beam (second and third floor) and tie beam

Dimension (0.25 x 0.3)
L1 = 4.5 m; 4 beams

L2 = 2.6 m; 4 beams

L3 = 4 m; 5 beams

1. Find the total Length of the beams.

Length: (4 x 4.5m) + (4 x 2.6m) + (5 x 4m) = 48.4 meters
2. Find the volume of the beam.
V = 48.4 x 0.25 x 0.3
= 3.63 cu. m.
3. Refer to Table 1-2, page 8 (Simplified Construction Estimate 2000 Edition by Max B.
Fajardo). Using 40 kg. cement class A mixture, multiply the volume by the corresponding
Cement: 3.63 x 9.0 = 32.67 say 33 bags
Sand: 3.63 x .50 = 1.82 say 2 cu. m.
Gravel: 3.63 x 1.0 = 3.63 say 4 cu. m.

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