Chapter 11 Vocab AP Psych

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Accommodation- The incorporation of new learning into an existing schema that requires

revision of the schema

Adolescence- A period of development beginning at puberty and ending at young adulthood
Assimilation- The incorporation of new learning into an existing schema, without the need to
revise the schema
Attachment- Emotional bond linking an infant to a parent or caregiver
Concrete Operational Stage- Jean Piaget’s stage of development beginning at the age of 6 years
and ending at the age of 12 years and characterized by logical reasoning
Conservation- The ability to understand that changing the form or appearance of an object does
not change its quantity
Conventional Morality- Lawrence Kohlberg’s stage of moral development in which moral
choices are made according to law or public opinion
Egocentrism- Limitations on the ability to understand the point of view of other people
Embryo- The term used to describe a developing organism between 3 and 8 weeks following
conception in humans
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)- A condition resulting from alcohol consumption by the mother
during pregnancy that produces physical abnormalities and cognitive and behavioral problems in
her child
Fetus- The term used to describe a developing organism between 8 and approximately 40 weeks
following conception in humans
Formal Operational Stage- Jean Piaget’s stage of development beginning at age 12 and extending
through adulthood and characterized by mature reasoning capabilities
Identity- A consistent, unified sense of self
Insecure Attachment- A pattern of infant–caregiver bonding that can take several forms but is
generally characterized as less desirable for the child’s outcomes than secure attachment
Menopause- The complete cessation of a woman’s menstrual cycles
Object Permanence- The ability to form mental representations of objects that are no longer
Postconventional Morality- Lawrence Kohlberg’s stage at which moral choices are made
according to personal standards and reason
Preconventional Morality- Lawrence Kohlberg’s stage at which moral choices are made
according to expectations of reward or punishment
Preoperational Stage- Jean Piaget’s stage of development beginning at the age of 2 years and
ending at the age of 6 years and characterized by use of symbols, egocentrism, and limits on the
ability to reason logically
Puberty- A period of physical changes leading to sexual maturity
Secondary Sex Characteristics- Physical changes occurring at puberty associated with sexual
Secure Attachment- A pattern of infant–caregiver bonding in which children explore confidently
and return to the parent or caregiver for reassurance
Sensorimotor Stage- Jean Piaget’s stage of development beginning at birth and ending at the age
of 2 years and characterized by active exploration of the environment
Teratogen- A chemical agent that can harm the zygote, embryo, or fetus
Theory of Mind (TOM)- The understanding that others have thoughts that are different from
one’s own
Zygote- The term used to describe a developing organism immediately following conception
until the embryo stage, or the first 2 weeks following conception in humans

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