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Learn and Talk II

Achievement Test 2
• In this lesson, you will be given a test on what you have been learning in the previous 10 lessons.

• You will have to answer 20 questions in total.

• You have to get a minimum of 15 questions right in order to continue on this level.

• If you make more than 5 mistakes, your tutor will have to repeat the specific areas where you have difficulties.

• Your tutor will read to you the questions once.

• If you are not sure about the question, you can ask your tutor for clarifications.

• Always answer in complete sentences and be aware of your grammar.

• By the end of the lesson, you will be told by your tutor whether you have passed or failed this assessment.

Question 1&2

1. Add “due” into the sentence “After consideration it was decided to send him away to live with his
foster parents.” to show this decision is proper and reasonable.

2. Make a sentence using the phrase “make every effort”.

Question 3&4

3. The agency will make travel arrangements for you. , you can organize your own
A. Alternatively B. Therefore C. In addition D. Thus

4. It is possible to combine a career being a mother.

A. for B. between C. and D. to

Question 5&6

5. She is not as mad sport as I am.

A. of B. with C. at D. about

6. Which of the following sentences contains the word ‘force’ with a different meaning from the rest?
A. To force this agreement on the nation is wrong.
B. The force of the wind had brought down a great many trees in the area.
C. Teachers aren’t allowed to use force in the classroom.
D. She slapped his face with unexpected force.

Question 7&8

7. “I felt sorry for him and his colleagues --- it must have been so frustrating for them.” Can you
replace the underlined word with a different word or phrase?

8. “The wind was the boat further and further out to sea.” Fill in the blank with the correct
form of “push”.

Question 9&10

9. Researchers are trying to get at the same information through other .

A. route B. routes C. root D. roof

10. Is there a lot of effort and money this sort of research?

A. go into B. going into C. gone into D. go in

Question 11&12

11. Which of the following sentences contains the word ‘go back’ with a different meaning from the rest?
A. When you go back, would you take a message for me?
B. Everyone thought I was mad to go back, but I wouldn’t be moved.
C. The alarm did go off but I turn over and go back to sleep.
D. The misunderstanding with the Catholics (天主教) goes back to the 11th century.

12. He delighted in sharing his love ____ birds with children.

A. of B. to C. with D. about

Question 13&14

13. “I referred(介绍) clients to him regularly.” Can you re-write the sentence using the word “now
and then”?

14. it’s up to the Germans to decide.

A. In the end of the day B. At the end of the day
C. On the end of the day D. For the end of the day

Question 15&16

15. I knew I needed a __ of luck to win.

A. bit B. bite C. biting D. bide

16. There is nowhere to hide when things , no organization to protect you from blame.
A. went wrong B. go wrong
C. goes wrong D. going wrong

Question 17&18

17. “India and China account for about half of global consumer demand of gold.” What does
“account for” mean in the sentence?
A. to form the total of something
B. to explain the reason for something
C. to kill, destroy or beat an enemy or opponent
D. to explain something to other people or be punished if it fails

18. Their development had proceeded _____ since the war.

A. steady B. steadied C. steadily D. steading

Question 19&20

19. Things are changing so fast, it’s hard to keep __.

A. up B. with C. in D. on

20. How much time can you afford to devote to ______ English?
A. learn B. learning C. learnt D. learned



1. After due consideration it was decided to send him away to live

with his foster parents.
2. We're going to make every effort to define literature as carefully as
we can. (sample answer)
3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A
7. annoying (possible answer) 8. pushing
9. B 10. B 11. D 12. A
13. Now and then I referred clients to him. (sample answer)
14. B 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. C
19. A 20. B


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