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Lesson Focus Outline/Notes

1 The Role of Music in Watch: Star Wars Minus Williams - discuss what’s missing.
Film Watch: Tony Blair Videos – different Moods.
2 Musical Elements Musical Elements Matching Task - Suspense
3 Lights Camera Action Musical Cells, Repetition, Ostinato. - Stravinsky
1. Give out music parts (on cards) in groups.
2. Students learn these and quickly perform back.
3. Then watch Star Wars video - hold up parts when they
hear each one.
4. Given James Bond video – using the Star Wars parts they
must create the soundtrack.
4 Mickey Mousing +
Foley Project
5 Motifs, Cells and
Melodies -
6 Character
Development –
Wagner’s Ring
7 Hors Piste Project –
Teams of 4/5
8 Hors Piste Project

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