JASAAN NHS Interventions

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School: Jasaan National High School

Planned/Proposed Person(s) /Group (s)

No. Interventions/Initiatives Objectives Activities Target Learners Timeline Involved Expected Outputs
1 ACADEMIC BRIDGING PROGRAM Decrease number of students who Crafting of tools; Asessment; Grade 7; students May and June - Language, Math, and Instructional to
enters high school with low Remediation / Enhancement with failures; July at 3:00 - Science Teachers Independent Readers
comprehension skills and low Program repeaters; 4:30PM with improved skills in
mastery of required necessary balikaral Math and Science
competences in English, Filipino,
Math, and Science

2 LEARNING CHAMPS SUBJECT AREA Increase the Promotion rate and Crafting of tools; Asessment; Students with First Grading: All teachers, students Increased grade in the
MASTERY AND STUDY SKILLS BUILDING decrease Failure and Retention Rate Remediation / Enhancement failures every after Sept – Oct @ 3:00 – with failures next quarter
4:00 PM
PROGRAM by at least 2% each year Program grading period Mon - English Tue
- Filipino Wed –
Thur – Sci
Fri – AP/EsP/TLE
Second Grading:
Nov – Dec @ 3:00 –
4:00 PM
Mon - English Tue
- Filipino Wed –
Thur – Sci
Fri – AP/EsP/TLE
Third Grading:
Jan – Feb @ 3:00 –
4:00 PM
Mon - English Tue
- Filipino Wed –
Thur – Sci
Fri – AP/EsP/TLE
3 USAD (Uplifting School ACCESS for Home Visitations; Signing of SARDOs June to March Class Advisers, Guidance
Development) – MAG-AARAL Decrease SARDOs, Failure Rate, and MOUs / MOAs; Granting of Counselor, GPTA, HRPTA,
Repetition Rate by at least 1-2% Scholarships Barangay Councils,
each year and increase Promotion DSWD
and Graduation Rate by at least 1-
2% each year

Prepared by: Noted by:

Jo Ann Katherine Z. Valledor FLORENCIA D. BAANG

Teacher III Principal II

School: Jasaan National High School

No. Interventions/Initiatives Highlights/Milestones of the Interventions /Initiatives Remarks

1 WERPA (Word Enhancement in Zeroed the number of nonreaders. Got support from Reading program is still to be continued since non-readers have
Reading Power and Achievement) Retirees and alumni to sponsor the program moved to becoming extremely frustrated to frustrated readers
and needs constant follow up to sustain learning.

2 ImPressEd AKO (Improving Press Increased the number of wins and qualifiers to the National 9 students qualified for the NSPC 2020 and both school papers
Education, Achievement, Knowledge, Schools Press Conference 2020 from only 1 student qualifier in English and Filipino are national entries for the search for the
and Opportunities this year to 9 student qualifiers this year. Best School Paper. Program should be continued to boost
Filipino Category since only one from the Filipino Category
qualified for the Nationals

MATH-SAYA, MATH-DALI, MATH- Decreased number of failures in Mathematics; topped Math To be strengthened for increased mastery of fundamental
TUTO related competitions concepts, skills, and necessary competences in all grade levels
4 TARA LETS (Tour Around and Read Developed better speakers in both English and Filipino To be strengthened, enhanced, and modified since most of the
Aloud for Learners Efficient Thinking benefited are only the independent readers.
5 ASSAP (Active in Sports Sustains Increased number of qualifiers to higher meet 2 students qualifies for the Palarong Pambansa; 8 in the
Academic Performance) Regional meet; Program needs to be strengthened and
improved to allow potential athletes to develop skills and
qualify to regional and national level

6 KANDUYAW (Kanta Dula Sayaw) Staged variety shows To be expanded to cater to more areas of talents and skills
where students can channel their learning through their
different skills and grow and develop to become better

7 SMART (Socially and Mentally Active participation and collaboration of the DSWD, MCAD, Program needs to be continued since it is yielding positive
Attuned and Responsible Teens) PNP, LGU, Barangay Councils, and church for the intervention results as attendance of students in classes have improved.
of students in conflict with school rules and regulations as
well as prevent students from cutting classes and dropping
out of class
8 SALES (Students Active Learning & Students in the different TLE specialization has earned money To be enhanced and expanded as students are learning and
Earning in Schools) through different entreprenuerial activities exercising and earning scheme of their respective learned skill.
promoting their respecitve products and services according
to their specialization

9 PROJECT MO, INVESTIGATE MO Topped and qualified in the Regional Level Science To be strengthened to encourage more students to engage in
Investigatory projects research more seriously.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Jo Ann Katherine Z. Valledor FLORENCIA D. BAANG

Teacher III Principal II

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