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Safdar munir

The term tannin was first time coined by Seguin in 1796. This
term was used to denote substances present in plant extract
which react with protein of animal hide, prevent their
.putrefaction and convert hide and skin into leather
Complex substances that usually occur as mixtures of“
polyphenols that are very difficult to separate since they don't
.”crystallize, are called tannins


.”Tannins are polyhydroxy phenolic compounds“

Structure of tannic acid
They are commonly found in gymnosperms as well as 
The best known families that contain tannins 
Localization in plant organs
Tannins are found inleaf,seed,root.bud and stems.They are 
often found in growth areas of plants like secondary phloem
and xylem and layer between cortex and epidermis.They help
.regulate growth of these tissues
Cellular localization 
Tannins are manufactured by chloroplast derived 
organelle the tannosome.Tannins are physically located in
the vacoules or surface wax. These storage keep them
active against predators.They are called ergastic
.substances the non protoplasmic materials found in plants
Presence in soils Water and
The decaying of tannin rich vegetation causes leaching of 
water slouble tannins to rivers and produces black
water river.The presence of tannins in well water causes bad
taste and smell but it is safe to drink.Soft wood of plants have
less tannin than hard wood.As tannic acid are brownin colour
so white wood has less tannin.Wood that have yellow ,red or
.brown colour has large quantitiy of tannins
Tannins in drinks.
The best known human dietry sources of tannins are tea and 

Wine;Most wines aged in charred wooden oak barrels 

possess tannins absorbed from naturally occuring tannins in
wood which seep in wine.This concentration gives wine its
.signature bitterness
Effect;the tannins draw residual proteins from tongue and 
mouth which gives wine its aftertaste
Tannins in fruits
Persimmons;These contain tannins in high quantity when 
are not ripened makinf them highly astringents and cannot be
.eaten.When ripened they contain less tannins
Berries;Strwberries and blue berries contain both 
.hydrolyzable and condensed tannins
.Nuts;like almond ,walnuts contain tannins in less quantity 
Herbs and spices;Clove vanilla,cinnamon cumin have 
Chocolate;It contain about 6% tannins 
Physical Properties
Dark brown or reddish brown
Puckering taste
.Soluble in water, alcohol, dilute alkalis, glycerols and acetone
Chemical properties

i) Precipitation)
ii) Anti-oxidizing properties)
iii) Astringent)
iv) Carcinogenicity)
v) Reaction with salts)
vi) Reaction with potassium ferricyanide and ammonia)
i) Precipitation)
;Tannins have ability to precipitate solutions of
Heavy metals

ii) Anti-oxidizing properties)

Because of accumulation of OH group on small size nucleus,
. these agents have anti-oxidant nature
iii) Astringent)
Tannins have property to react with protein of mucous
.membrane and cause precipitation

iv) Carcinogenicity)
Prolong use of tannin containing plant material is hazardous
because it causes cancer. Habitual use of Areca catechu can
.cause oral and esophageal cancer
v) Reaction with salts)

vi) Reaction with potassium)

ferricyanide and ammonia
Importance of tannins
:Medicinal Uses
:Biological Activities
Inhibition of lipid per oxidation
Decrease in blood urea nitrogen
Anti-carcinogenic content
Inhibition of plasmin
:Industrial Uses Lipolysis in fat cells
Ink manufacture
Vegetable tanning
Chemical Classification

Based on identity of phenolic nuclei involved and on the way they

.are joined


Hydrolysable tannins Condensed tannins Complex tannins

i) Hydrolysable tannins)
.These tannins are hydrolyzed by enzymes or acids

(Phenolic acid (Gallic acid, Ellagic acid
Glucose residue
Between phenolic acids and glucose sugar, there is
ester linkage


Hydrolysable tannins

Gallitannins Ellagitannins
Gallitannins Ellagitannins

Occurrence Rhubarb Pomegranate

Clove Eucalyptus

Hydrolysis Upon acid hydrolysis Upon acid hydrolysis

of Gallitannins, Gallic of Ellagitannins,
.acid is produces Ellagic acid is
Properties Rapidly soluble in* Slowly soluble in*
.water .water
Free Gallic acid, in* Present in plants in*
plant, is converted to open and ring forms
.gluco Gallitannins as Hexa hydroxy
.diphenic acid
ii) Condensed tannins)
These tannins are derivatives of Flavonoid, catechin, flavonol-

When heated with acids, these are self condensated,
polymerized and converted to insoluble red colored
.complexes, called Phlobaphenes

iii) Complex tannins)
These tannins are mixtures of both, hydrolysable and
condensed tannins

2nd Classification
Tannin is a substance which is detected qualitatively by tanning
test (The Gold beater’s skin test) and quantitatively by its
.adsorption on standard hide powder

;Depending upon this, tannins are of two types

True tannins
Pseudo tannins


True tannins Pseudo tannins

True tannins Pseudo tannins

Polyhydroxy phenolic Phenolic compounds of plant

compounds which convert origin that don't convert animal
animal hide to leather by hide to leather but do give
precipitating proteins and give positive Gold beater’s skin test,
positive Gold beater’s skin test, .are called pseudo tannins
. are called true tannins

Molecular weight is 1000-5000 Molecular weight is less than

.true tannins
Identification tests
:Color reaction
.Tannins give color reaction with iron
Identification tests
:Matchstick test
.Dip matchstick in plant extract
.Dry it
.Moisten it with hydrochloric acid. And warm near flame
.Wood will turn pink or red in color due to phloroglucinol

:Gelatin test
Solution of tannin (0.5%-1%) precipitates 1% solution of gelatin
.containing 10% sodium chloride
Identification tests
:Phenazone test
.Take 5ml of aqueous extract of drug
.Add 0.5grams of sodium acid phosphate
.Warm it and cool
.Filter solution
.To the filtrate, add 2%solution of Phenazone
.Tannins will be precipitated
.Precipitates will be bulky and colored
Identification tests
:Gold beater’s skin test
Gold beater’s skin is a membrane prepared from intestine of Ox
.and I behaves similarly to un tanned skin

Soak a small piece of Gold beater’s skin in 2% hydrochloric

.Rinse it with distilled water
.Place it in solution to be tested for 5 minutes
.Wash in water and transfer to 1% solution of ferrous sulphate
.Black or brown color of skin indicates presence of tannins

It is a quantitative test and +ive only for true tannins

Identification tests
:Catechin test
Catechin when heated with acid produce phloroglucinol.
.Phloroglucinol can be detected with matchstick test

:Test for chlorogenic acid

Treat extract containing chlorogenic acid with aqueous ammonia
.and expose it to air. Green color will appear gradually
Uses of Tannins

Natural tannins are used to Get leather from animal skin in: 1 
(.tanneries.(now a days synthetic tannins are used

Tannic acis is used as clarifing agent in alcohlic drinks: 2 

tannic acid is used as aroma ingredient: 3

. Tannins are used in wine industry: 4
tannins produce different colours with ferricchloride according to:5
type of tannin.Iron gall ink is produced by treating solution of

.Tannins are components of industrial particle adhesive: 6 

Tanninsa are used for production of anti corrosive :7 

.primer,for rusted steel surfaces prior to painting

Immobilized tannins have been tested to remove uranium: 8

.from sea water
;Medical uses

When incubated with red grape juice and red wines with a; < 
high quantity of condensed tannins the Polio virus,Herpes
.simplex virus and various enteric viruses are inactivated

In tissue cultured cell assays tannins have shown <

; 
.antiviral,anti bacterial,and anti parasitic effects

Tannin rich food can be used to treat HFE hereditary < 

hemochromatosis ,a hereditary disease that causes excessive
absorption of dietry iron resulting in pathalogical increase in
.total body iron stores
a) Hamamelis
:Botanical origin
Hamamelis virginiana


:Part used
Dried leaves

Leaves are collected throughout
summers. Drying is done in
open air, preferably under
shade to preserve green
Free gallic acid

b) Catechu
:Botanical origin
Uncaria gambir


:Part used
Dried aqueous extract from leaves and
young twigs

Boil leaves and twigs in water.
Evaporate to a pasty consistency.
Paste is put in cubes and dried in
Catechutannic acid
Catechu red
Gambir flourescin

Tanning industry
c) Nutt gall

:Botanical origin
Quercus infectoria


:Part used
Galls obtained from
:Formation of galls
Galls are pathological outgrowth formed on twigs of tree. Galls
arise due to deposition of eggs by small insect Adleria

;Steps are
Early summers, insects lay eggs on twigs
.Larvae come out from eggs and enter soft epidermis
Larvae secretes enzyme that stimulates abnormal growth around
Starch in the tissue gets converted to sugars and stimulate cell
.Disappearance of starch causes cell shrinkage
. Central cavity is formed in which larvae and pupae grows
.Larvae remains in gall for 5-6months
.Mature insect bores the covering of gall and escapes away
.Galls are collected before escaping of insect
Tannic acid
Gallic acid
Ellagic acid
Roburic acid
Syringic acid
Calcium oxalate crystals

Antidote for alkaloidal poisoning
The end

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