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29th March 2013 MRCPCH part 1 - expected questions

The pattern of question paper for MRCPCH part 1a and 1b is very clear

12 EMQs ( 3 questions in each ) total marks = 12 *3*3 = 108 ( almost 30% of all )

15 true or false ( 5 options in each ) total marks = 15 * 5 *1 = 75 ( 20% )

48 Best of five total marks = 48*4 = 192 ( 50 % )

1. We can predict the Questions in EMQ

2. True or false is a tricky one - dont spend too much time in true or false pattern questions preparation. because sky is
the limit for that kind of preparations.
3. Best of five is the most important part in this format of exam .

Extended MCQs ( not an exhaustive list )

Common Topics covered in Extended MCQs ( in both 1 a and 1b )

1. Inheritance / genetics - eg Digeorge - microdeletion, patau - trisomy,

2. Pediatric orthopedics condition - SCFE, Perthes, Irritable hip, JIA - Oligoarticular, Stills, reactive arthritis
3. Ventricular arrythmias management- SVT, VT ( Stable / Unstable ) , VF
4. type of seizure & DD - Absence, Febrile seizure, infantile spasm, rolandic epilepsy, Reflex anoxic seizure/ vasovagal
syncope , breath holding spell, pseudo seizure
5. Antiepileptic side effects
6. Most common infective organism in - VP shunt, arthritis , OM, chicen pox with arthritis, sickle cell with OM, urethritis,
Infective endocarditis, orbital cellulitis
7. DD for neonatal jaundice - G6PD Defficiency , galactosemia, biliary atresia, neonatal hepatitis, breast milk jaundice
8. DD for Rashes - measles, scarlet, erysipeals, SSSS, TEN, TSS , IMN, kawasaki, enterovirus, parvo, HSP, HFM,
Erythema marginatum,
9. GI bleed - HUS, crohns, ulcerative colitis, colonic polyp, cow milk protein intolerance, anal fissure, intussusception
10. DD for hemolytic anemia- G6PD, Sickle cell, thalasemia, h.spherocytosis
11. DD - E. nodosum, E. marginatum, E.migratum, E. multiforme
12. DD for malignancy - ALL, Neuroblastoma, wilms
13. best Choice of investigation for different scenarios - for different seizures, tumours, arrythmias, endocrine
14. management of atopic eczema
15. DD for loss of consciousness- head injury, aspirin, insulin overdose,
16. dd for headache- CNS tumour, migraine,
17. dd for stridor -
18. dd for TORCH
19. SIDE effects of antiepileptics
20. DD for bleeding disorders - VWD, HEMOPHILIA, ITP, HDN,
21. DD for diarhea - toddlers, milk prot intolerance, cystic fibrosis, celiac, giardiasis
22. age for consent
23. psychiatric behaviour - autism, dyspraxia, adhd, dyslexia
24. management of skin lesions - molluscum, hemangioma, dry skin ( eczema )
25. neonatal resuscitations- MSL, MORPHINE to mother
26. type of study - cohort, case control, RCT
27. Pain management - burns, neuropathic pain, metastatic tumors
28. dd for intestinal biopsy - celiac, milk protein intolerance, whipples, lymphangiectasis
29. dd for acid base disorders -
30. dd for electrolyte disturbance - barter, pseudobarter, gitelman,
Expected topics in true or false and BOF
To be continued ....... in next blog

Posted 29th March 2013 by Anonymous

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25th February 2013 FAQs in MRCPCH part 1

FAQs in MRCPCH part 1


Q: From 2013 what will the written examinations be known as?

A: MRCPCH Part 1a – MRCPCH Foundation of Practice

MRCPCH Part 1b – MRCPCH Theory and Science of Practice
MRCPCH Part 2 – MRCPCH Applied Knowledge of Paediatrics (from May 2013)

[] Q: Other than the change in names for written

exams are there any other differences in the examinations?

A: No, the structure and content of the examinations have not changed. For further information please see MRCPCH Written
Exam Changes 2013 [
examinations/examinations/written-exam] .

[] Q: What will this mean to my previous results/

exam sittings?

A: Any exams previously sat will be converted into the new format.

[] Q: What are the entrance requirements for written


A: Candidates must have a primary medical degree in order to apply for the MRCPCH Foundation of Practice and MRCPCH
Theory and Science of Practice Examinations.

Candidates applying for the MRCPCH Part 2 exam in January must have passed their MRCPCH Part 1a and 1b

From May 2013 candidates are able to apply for the written examinations in any order as long as they have a primary
medical degree.

Applying for the exam

[] Q: What proof of qualifications do I need to send?

A: Candidates applying to sit an exam with the College for the first time, who are not fully GMC registered, will need to send
an attested copy of their primary medical certificate. An copy can be attested by the issuing university or nortary/solicitor.
Candidates who have previously applied for a written examination with the College need only submit an application Form.
Candidates who have passed the examination for membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland pre-January
2010, Paediatric Option must send their original Irish pass letter and original primary medical qualification.

[] Q: What are the exempting qualifications?

A: To be exempt from MRCPCH Foundation of Practice and/or MRCPCH Theory and Science of Practice you will need to
have a valid MRCPI Part 1 qualification from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland; Paediatric option only. This must have
been obtained before 1 January 2010. Candidates who receive their qualification after this date will not be exempt from the
MRCPCH Part 1.

[] Q: What are the current written examination

dates and fees for the UK and Overseas?
A: For all written examination dates and fees in the UK and Overseas please seeExamination dates, fees and results
information [
examinations/examinations/examination] .

[] Q: How can I pay?

A: You may pay by cheque (drawn on a UK bank account), or by bankers draft or by credit/debit card. Please note there is a
4% surcharge for credit card payments. There is no surcharge for debit cards. We accept the following credit cards: Visa,
MasterCard. We accept the following debit cards: Switch. Solo and Visa Electron. We do not accept: Amex or Laser.

[] Q: Where can I can I find the written exams

syllabi and specimen papers?
A: For information of the examination structure, syllabi and specimen papers for all written examinations please see Exam
structure, syllabi and specimen papers [
examinations/examinations/written-ex-3] .

[] Q: What if I have recently changed my name?

A: Candidates who have changed their name by marriage, deed poll or citizenship of another country must submit original
documentary proof if they wish to apply under their new name. This also applies to candidates whose degree certificate
contains initials or abbreviations, e.g. Dr Mohd Hassan or Dr M Mahmoud Hassan.

[] Q: Can I change centres?

A: You must apply in writing if you wish to change centres, but requests may be refused depending on availability.
Candidates can no longer change centres once the candidate numbers/lists have been run.

[] Q: When will the admission documents/hall

tickets be sent out?
A: They will be sent three to four weeks before the examination for UK candidates, approximately four to five weeks before
for overseas candidates.

[] Q: What identification can I take to the

A: Passport, hospital ID card or driving licence (if it has a photo). Other forms of documentation may be acceptable, provided
it contains a signature and photo (excluding travel cards).

[] Q: I want to withdraw from the examination,

what do I do?
A: Withdrawals must be in writing. Withdrawals after the closing date may be entitled to a refund depending upon the
circumstances (e.g. medical, bereavement, etc). Evidence must be supplied if requesting a refund (e.g. medical certificate).
Candidates must apply within one month of the examination to have their attempt discounted and/or a refund. These
requests go to the Examinations Board for approval - they are not automatic.
Visa difficulties do not currently warrant an automatic refund this is at the discretion of the Examinations Manager. If you need
to apply for a Visa please apply for the exam at beginning of the application period and state clearly that you need a letter for
your visa application.

[] Q: Can I transfer my fee or postpone to the next

A: No. Candidates need to withdraw from the exam and request a refund.

[] Q: I need to inform you of a change of address;

what do I do?
A: If you have an online RCPCH account you are able to change your own address and contact details by logging into the
members sign in area click here.
If you do not have an online account please fax or write to the Examinations Team with the details below at the earliest.
Please include your full name, your six-digit RCPCH code number, which exam you are sitting, your new address and sign
the letter or fax.
Royal College Paediatrics and Child Health
Examinations Team
5-11 Theobalds Road
Fax number: 0044 (0)20 7092 6193


[] Q: When can I view my results on line?

The results will be uploaded onto your online account six weeks after the day of the exam.

[] Q: When will hard copies of the results be sent

A: Results are sent out six weeks after the examination. Please do not contact us during this time as we receive a great
number of calls and this will delay us sending out results.
Please note we cannot give out results over the phone.

[] Q: I wish to request for a remark against my

result. What is the process for remarks against the declared result?

A: If you wish to request for a remark you must do it within four weeks of the exam result being sent out. Remark requests
received after this deadline will not be considered.

Submissions to remark should consist of:

• A written letter requesting for remark. The letter must be typewritten, including your full name, which exam you are
requesting to be remarked and RCPCH code number.
• A cheque for the correct remark fee (currently £100) made payable to the 'Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health' or
supply your credit/debit card details. Request received without the correct fee will not be considered.
Requests should be sent to:

Written Examination Team

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
5-11 Theobalds Road

Outcome of remark
Candidates will normally be informed of the outcome of their remarkwithin 10 working days from the day request was
received. This may take longer depending on individual cases. Result of remarks will be sent by post only. Candidates should
note that this decision is final and marks the end of the process - no further correspondence will be considered.

Please do not telephone the College during this time; College staff are not able to inform candidates of the result of their
remark. In rare cases, successful candidates will have their remarkfee returned or refunded to them with their outcome letter.

[] Q: Do I have to wait for the results of the Written

exams before applying for the MRCPCH Clinical?
A: All candidates wishing to apply for the Clinical exam will need to have received a confirmed pass in all Written
examinations before sending in their MRCPCH Clinical application.

[] Q: Can I apply for all the written examinations at

the same time?
Yes. Please apply during the specified application periods.
[] Q. Who do I contact for further information?
A. Please contact: []

Source : RCPCH [


Posted 25th February 2013 by Anonymous

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25th February 2013 Changes in MRCPCH part 1 syllabi

Changes to the MRCPCH Part 1 and Part 2 examinations and

new syllabi for 2013

The MRCPCH consists of four sections:

1. MRCPCH Foundation of Practice [

2. MRCPCH Theory and Science [
3. MRCPCH Part 2 - Applied Knowledge [
4. MRCPCH Clinical [

From 2013 the Part 1A and Part 1B examinations will undergo minor changes with new supporting syllabi.

Part 1A will become the Foundation of Practice examination. Its format and content will be unchanged .
Part 1B will be redesignated as the Theory and Science examination. The emphasis of the examination will be to test the basic
scientific, physiological and pharmacological principles upon which clinical practice is based. The format of the examination will remain
From May 2013 the Part 2 examination will become the Applied Knowledge in Practice (clinical decisions and
management) examination. The format of the examination will not change.

Syllabi - 2013
MRCPCH Foundation Practice Syllabus 2013 []
(PDF, 31 pages, 131KB)

MRCPCH Theory and Science of Practice Syllabus 2013 []

(PDF, 22 pages, 175KB)

MRCPCH Applied Knowledge of Practice Syllabus 2013 [] (PDF, 26 pages


Source : RCPCH [


Posted 25th February 2013 by Anonymous

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19th February 2013 MRCPCH Part 1 Revision Tips

MRCPCH part 1 Revision Tips

1. "Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice make perfect." MRCPCH preparation is hard
work and requires as much practice as candidates can handle.

2. Early on in your revision, make a study schedule. This way when the MRCPCH examination is close,
you will know what yet needs to be accomplished.
3. Do not waste time in reading lengthy text books.

4. The following textbooks are really good for MRCPCH Preparations

1. Essential revision notes in pediatrics for MRCPCH 3rd edition by Mark beattie & mike champion (

2. Basic medical sciences for MRCP part 1 3rd edition by Phillipa J . easterbrook
9780443073267/ [

3. Pediatric exams - A survival guide 2 nd edition by Paul Gaon (optional )

4. Illustrated text book of pediatrics 4th edition by Tom Lissauer (optional / must for

5. For practicing MCQs the following are recomended

1. MRCPCH part 1 Paediatric MCQs with Individual subject summaries 3 rd edition by Maek Beatti
vidual%20subject%20summaries%203rd%20edition%20by%20Mark%20Beattie&f=false] e
2. Essential MCQs in Pediatrics for the MRCPCH 1 - volume 1 and volume 2 by Mark
id=spRW1enIF50C&redir_esc=y [

6. another option for solving the MCQs is online revision course for MRCPCH part 1 - like Pastest. [

7. First revise the MCQs for particular system and then go over that chapter in the book .

8. Last but not the least, try to update your knowledge for recent updates like NICE guidelines, law of

9. Try to solve the specimen papers posted in RCPCH site

professional-development/assessment-and-examinations/examinations/written-ex-3 [


Useful website for MRCPCH Part 1 preparation - [] [] [] [http://medical-]
syOTNEN3psNkhsQ0k [
syOTNEN3psNkhsQ0k] [
title=Developmental_Milestones] []
[] []

Specimen papers-
MRCPCH Foundation of Practice
MRCPCH Theory and Science

Answers - MRCPCH Foundation of Practice

[] ,
MRCPCH Theory and science

Posted 19th February 2013 by Anonymous

Labels: Dr Palanikumar

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