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Q1. How technology is shaped by physics?

Ans: Technology is shaped by physics in many ways. Like physics provide basic
understanding for developing medical applications such computed tomography (CT or CAT)
scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) etc. and also improved the standard of
communication such as mobile cellphone , internet etc.
Physics contributes to the technological infrastructure and provides trained personnel needed
to take advantage of scientific advances and discoveries. Physics is an important element in
the education of chemists, engineers and computer scientists, as well as practitioners of the
other physical and biomedical sciences.
Q2. Physics and biology are considered different branches of science, how physics links
with biology?
As: Biology is the study of living organisms. Physics is the study of matter and the laws
of nature to understand the behavior of matter and the universe. Biophysics explains the
functions of different organs such as ear, eye heart. It also deals with the implementation of
different laws of physics in investigations/diagnosis of different diseases such as x-rays,
ultrasounds, endoscopy and centrifuge etc.
For advance level students
Areas of specialty
 Medical imaging physics
 Radiation therapeutic physics
 Nuclear medicine physics
 Health physics
 Non-ionizing Medical Radiation Physics
 Physiological measurement
 Healthcare informatics and computational physics
 Areas of research and academic development
Q Why is a measurement important?
Measurement provides a standard for everyday life. The weight, temperature, length even
time is a measurement and it does play a very important role in our lives.
The money or currency we use is also a measurement. And think of the rumble that can be
caused if it wasnt there. We would have been living in the age old barter system days and all
these technological advances wouldn't have been made.
Thanks to these measurements present with us is the world is the same as we see today.
Coming to the maintainance of standards all the physical standards are built up of materials
that wont change their weights up to the millions of decimal places in years to come. And
there are 5–7 copies of the same for redundancies. And that is how they have kept them fair
for all these years.
Q Why area is a derived quantity?
By derived unit, it means a quantity cannot be measured directly with any device (common
lab instrument). ... One has to measure the substance's mass, then measure its volume, before
one can calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume.
Q Why in physics we need to write in scientific notation?
By derived unit, it means a quantity cannot be measured directly with any device (common
lab instrument). ... One has to measure the substance's mass, then measure its volume, before
one can calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume.
Q what is least count? How least count for vernier caliper and screw gauge are defined?
The smallest value that can be measured by the measuring instrument is called its least
count. Measured values are good only up to this value. The least count error is the error
associated with the resolution of the instrument.
Vernier caliper least counts formula is calculated by dividing the smallest reading of the main
scale with the total number of divisions of the vernier scale.LC of vernier caliper is the
difference between one smallest reading of the main scale and one smallest reading of vernier
scale which is 0.1 mm 0r 0.01 cm.
Vernier caliper is an instrument used to measure the length, diameter, radius etc. It can
measure up to 1/10 of mm (or 0.1 mm 0.01 cm) which is called at least count of V.C.It is
used by the lathe mechanic for making metallic cylinders of different sizes.
A screw gauge of 100 divisions will move the cap scale along the main scale by 1/100 of
mm-0.01 mm. This is the minimum value up to which a screw gauge can measure and is
known as its least count. Or it is defined as the ratio between the pitch of the screw and the
number of division on the circular scale.
Q How can we find the volume of a metallic pebble with the help of measuring cylinder?
First put water in measuring cylinder and note the volume of water. Next, put thepebble in
it. Again note the water level. As the volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of the
dropped pebble, the difference between the two water levels will be the volume of
the pebble.

Q Give an exteto the following questions

Define physics. How physics play a crucial role in science technology and society
What is S? Name Sil base quantities and their units
Q What are physical quantities? Distingutsh between base and derived
physical quantities
O What s standard form or sclentific notation?
9 What are prefixes? Explain with examples
O Describe the construction and use for measurement of the following
b. Screw gauge
a. Vernier Calipers
What is meant by the significant figures of measurement? What are the
main points to be kept in mind while determining the significant figures
of a measurement?

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