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Questions 1 – 3 refer to the following text!


To: The students of the 10th and 11th grades

We open for new members to join the English Speaking Club. The activities will start this week every
Sunday, from 09.00 a.m. until 10.00 a.m. interested in joining register yourself to Mr. Abiyasa

Thank You

Miss Sabrina Agustine

1. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?

a. To remind the 10th and 11th grade about their chairman of Poetry Club.
b. To show the extracurricular program to new students.
c. To describe an outdoor activity next week.
d. To inform about an indoor activity
e. To inform the 10th and 11th students about the extracurricular program
2. Who is the writer of the announcement?
a. The students of the 10th and 11th grades
b. Mr. Abiyasa Hendrawan
c. The englsih speaking club
d. Miss Sabrina Agustine
e. The school principal
3. Whom is the announcement addressed to?
a. The students of the 10th and 12th grades
b. The teacher
c. The students of the 10th and 11th grades
d. The teachers and school staffs
e. The students of the 11th and 12th grades

Questions 4 – 7 refer to the following text!

October, 16th 2019
The Manager of Berlian Hotel and Restaurant
Sanjaya raya Street No. 96-98 Semarang
Reservation Confirmation

Dear Mr. Agustaf Brawijaya

I would like to confirm my booking of your hotel this evening for a VIP meeting room on
October 18th, 2019. I also confirm our booking this morning for a presidential suite room with bath,
shower, private wireless telephone, internet network and small kitchen, for one of our marketing
executives, Mr. Arya Hendra Putranto. We also want your best service for us.
Please find enclosed our bank draft (No.8906 123 8779) for Rp 4.500.000,00 as a deposit.
The balance will be paid as soon as we receive the confirmation from you. We look forward for
hering from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Kaviata Anjasari

Kaviata Anjasari
Personal Secretary of Magenta Bank
4. Who is Agustaf Brawijaya?
a. The personal secretary of Diamond Bank
b. The manager of Berlian Hotel and Restaurant
c. The receiver of the letter
d. The manager of Magenta Bank
e. The sender of the letter
5. What is the text about?
a. An order letter
b. An application letter
c. A complaint letter
d. A reservation confirmation letter
e. An offering letter
6. “Reservation Confirmation”
The underlined word has the similar meaning to ….
a. Delivery
b. Send
c. Booking
d. Order
e. Asking
7. What is Kaviata Anjarsari?
a. The personal secretary of Magenta Bank
b. The manager of Berlian Hotel and Restaurant
c. The receiver of the letter
d. The manager of Magenta Bank
e. The marketing executive

Question No. 8-9 refer to the following!

Sri Mulyani received her Master and Doctorate in economics from the University of Illions at
Urbana Champaign in 1992. In 2001, she left for Atlanta, Georgia, to serve as a consultant with US
Agency. She also lectured on the Indonesian economy. She was selected as Indonesian Finance Minister
in 2005 by president and in May, 2010, she was appointed as one of three managing Directors of the
World Bank Group.

8. When did Sri Mulyani leave Atlanta?

a. In 1992
b. In 2001
c. In 2005
d. In 2010
e. In 2019
9. “… she was appointed as one of three Managing Directors of the World Bank Group.” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
a. Refused
b. Elected
c. Decided
d. Received
e. Allowed

Questions 10-13 refer to the following text!

E-mail is the abbreviation of the term electronic mail. It is a method of transmitting data, text
files, digital photos, or audio and video files from one computer to another over an intranet or the
internet. E-mail enables computer users to send message and data quickly through a local area network
or beyond through the Internet. E-mail, which first came into widespread use in the 1990s, has become
a major development in business and personal communications.
In addition to the plain text contained in the body or regular e-mail message, most e-mail
programs allow the user to send separate files attached to e-mail transmissions. This enables the user
to append large text-or graphics-based files, including audio and video files and digital photographs, to
e-mail messages.
E-mail has had a great impact on the amount of information sent worldwide. It has become an
important method of transmitting information previously relayed via regular mail, telephone, courier,
fax, television, or radio.
10. What is the text about?
a. The history of e-mail
b. The function of e-mail
c. The information about e-mail
d. The emergence of e-mail
e. The steps to use e-mail
11. What can we send along with an e-mail?
a. Text files, digital photos, or audio and video files
b. Text files, printed photos, or audio and video files
c. Text files, printed photos, or audio and video cassette
d. Text files, digital photos, or audio and video cassette
e. Text files, audio, and printed photo
12. “E-mail, which firs came into widespread use in the 1990s…” (paragraph 1)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
a. Worldly
b. Extensive
c. Limited
d. Incomplete
e. Appeared
13. “it has become an important method of transmitting information….” (Paragraph 3)
The pronoun “it” in the sentence above refers to ….
a. The impact of e-mail
b. The communication devices
c. The information
d. The e-mail
e. The user
Questions 14-15 refer to the following text!
Nusa Lembongan is one of the three sets of islands located in the southeast of Bali, Nusa
Penida, Musa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan. From those three islands, Nusa Lembongan is the
best one.
With Nusa Lembongan’s condition which is still beautiful and natural, this island is ready to
pamper you. If you like water sports, especially diving or snorkeling. It is recommended for you to
divide Nusa Lembongan as the next destination. There are several locations with underwaternatural
beauty which are not doubtful. Coral reefs and colourful fishes around the island of Nusa Lembongan
are so riveting. There are also some equipments for snorkeling and diving to rent.
Most residents of Nusa Lembongan are seaweed being spread out in the sun, because there
are also some villages where seaweed cultivation becomes the main commodity. Not infrequently
travellers rent a motorbike or bicycle to go around the island. Come and prove the naturalness of this

14. Where is the location of Nusa Lembongan?

a. It is located in the southeast of Nusa Tenggara Timur
b. It is located around Bali
c. It is located in the eastern of Bali
d. It is located in the southeast of Java
e. It is located in the southeast of Bali
15. How is the condition of Nusa Lembongan described in the text?
a. It is crowded
b. It is busy island
c. It is very complicated
d. It is still beautiful and natural
e. It is very dry and hot every afternoon

Questions No.16-18 refer to the following test!

The administration will ask the Central Jakarta Taxation and Fees Agency to validate the findings. The removal of
the billboards will be organized when the data is validated. The Public Order Agency will be ordered to prepare a
budget for the plan.
“Based on our initial findings, we found 115 billboards whose permits have expired. They will be removed.” Central
Jakarta Mayor Managara Pardede said on Tuesday as quoted by
(The Jakarta Post, Jakarta │Wed, March 1, 2017)
16. “ … when the data is validated …” (Paragraph 1)
The closest meaning of the underlined word is ….
a. Rejected
b. Refused
c. Authorized
d. Invalidate
e. Declined
17. To avoid their billboards being removed, what should the billboards owner do?
a. Validate the finding
b. Extend the license
c. Organize the billboard
d. Prepare a budget
e. Sell the billboard
18. The imply that ….
a. The government will remove expired billboards
b. The government will sell the project
c. Central Jakarta Mayor will validate the findings
d. Central Jakarta Taxation and Fees Agency organize the billboards
e. Central Jakarta Taxation ad Fees Agency prepare more budget for the project

The text is for questions no 19-21.

 Wash the rice in a separate bowl.
 Place the washed rice in the cooker pan
 Add water into the pan. Markings inside the pan show required amounts of water
 Be sure to wipe dry the outside of the pan. Then, place the pan into the body and turn it
 Slightly to thighs and left until it seats properly
 Close the outer lid. Make sure to lock properly until it clicks.
 Plug the cord to AC outlet. The “WARM” lamp will turn on
 Press the switch and the cooking process has started
 After the switch pops up, leave the lid closed for at least 15 minutes to steam rice
 When the rice is done, the switch will pop up into “WARM” lamp lights to show that the rice
warmer function is working.

19. What is the text about?

a. How to start a compact disc
b. How to install a CD-room drive
c. How to install a computer program
d. How to use a magic jar
e. How to remove a windows operating system
20. What is the magic jar for?
a. It is to pant the rice
b. It is to keep the rice
c. It is to make a sandwich
d. It is to wash the rice
e. It is to cook the rice
21. What is the first step to cook rice?
a. Wash the rice in the separated bowl
b. Buy the rice in the supermarket
c. Close the outer lid. Make sure to lock properly until it clicks
d. Be sure to wipe dry the outside of the pan
e. Place the washed rice in the cooker pan
22. Gfd
23. G
25. Gf



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