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General Introduction
1 Please Explain your Previous
Projects details and its related
specific design problems etc?
Clearing and Grubbing, Top soil, sub
surface Drain
2 How to restore the pit created The excavation done due to removal of trees,
by removal of stumps or electrical poles etc be filled in layers with suitable
Electric poles? material (sand, dust) and compacted thoroughly with
the help of Mechanical Plate compactors/ rammers
3 Up to what depth Top soil The top soil should not be removed more than
striping is required to be 200mm or as directed by the Engineer, and should
removed ? be deposited in stock piles for its later reuse on the
embankment slopes.
4 Design of road in These roads were proposed as elevated road with
environmentally sensitive re-plantation of disturbed Mangroves areas with
areas having Mangroves provision of additional Buffer zones etc.
vegetation in coastal areas etc
5 Up to what depth the material Max. 150 mm.
is to be removed for C&G?
6 PFV drains in water logged Trenches of sub soil drains shall be excavated not be
areas etc less than 0.5m or the outer dia of the pipe plus 0.3m
which ever is greater. These drains are backfilled by
clean hard crushed rocks or gravel. Permeable filter
membrane is used as encasing these where
Material Control for Embankment / Subgrade (MoRT&H Specifications clauses 903.2 &
6 What are the Environmental Before using the borrow area we shall make sure the
mitigation measures to be clearing grubbing and that the top soil is removed
taken before removing the before the selected material is loaded on to the
Borrow area material for use trucks for storing in stock piles. The Top soil to be
on the Project? stored for its reuse in separate stock piles not higher
than 2m high.
7 As per Quality Assurance Plan To observe the dumped soil on site. The material to
what checks should be made be free from any top soil / overburden material, clods
towards the Borrow material? etc. In case of presence of few lumps, the same shall
be removed on site manually from the heaps as well
as during grading of the material.
8 How to Identify the type of soil Visual Identification of Soils:

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on visual basis? The particles of sandy soil can be seen without
magnification. When rubbed between the fingers,
sandy soil has a gritty texture.
When the individual particles can’t be seen, the soil
can be clay / silt. A sticky texture indicates the clay
and a smooth texture indicates silt. Silt particles are
very small.
9 What is the maximum particle The maximum particle size in the Embankment and
size allowed in the Subgrade soils are 75mm and 50mm respectively
Embankment and Subgrade according to clause 305.2.1.4 of MoRT&H
soils? Specifications.
Control of Moisture during compaction of Embankment and Subgrade layer
10 How to verify the percentage The values of the MDD/OMC for the alignment /
of compaction with respect of shoulder soils and borrow areas soils is made
labarotary MDD value at OMC, available with the field staff. This information is
for Embankment and subgrade supplied by the Materials Engineer to the respective
layers with borrow/ roadway staff on site.
excavated material. And what
The moisture content in the soil is checked by using
precautionary measures be
a speedy moisture meter (pre-calibrated in the
taken for any variation as per
laboratory) to ensure that the moisture content is
Quality Assurance Plan?
within the specified limits (tolerence permitted is -2 %
to +1 % of OMC)prior to compaction. In case of
deviation from the range specified, either sufficient
water to be added when the moisture content is
below or the soil is allowed to dry when the moisture
is in excess of the specified range.
It should be ensured that the water is mixed
uniformly throughout the depth of the layer.
Field Verification of moisture content:
Drop Test: - Remove sample of soil from the bed and
roll into ball of about 2inch diameter. Hold the ball
above the flat firm ground about 60 cm high and drop
it. The following shall be observed
If the sample breaks into three or four equal size
pieces – indicates the moisture is close to optimum
and ready to compact.
If the sample breaks into much number of small
pieces – indicates the moisture is low or dry and
water to be added.
If the sample doesn’t break at all – indicates the soil
is too wet and need to be dried up.
Compaction of layer

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To ensure that the required number of roller passes
were given to the layer. In general, 6 roller (8 - 10 T
capacity) passes comprising of two plain and four
vibrations must be sufficient for achieving the
compaction. However, to be verified on site, based
on the soil type.
The max. compacted thickness of the layer – 250
At the joint laps at least one third of the roller drum to
be overlapped.
As per the good industry practice, the edges shall be
widened by 0.3m from the required width to ensure
proper compaction along the edges.
Level Tolerances
Each compacted layer shall be finished parallel to the
final cross-section of the embankment. After
completion of the top layers, the top levels of
embankment / subgrade shall be in accordance with
Table 900-1, Tolerances in surface levels of
MoRT&H Rev. 5.
Specified tolerance in subgrade – (±)20 mm.
Compaction Requirements (Field Density)
One measurement per 3000 sqm of compacted area
of embankment and minimum ten in a section.
Specified compaction for OGL/Embankment - 95 %
of MDD (MDD by IS 2720 Part – 8).
One measurement for each 2000 sqm of compacted
area of subgrade and minimum 10 in a section.
Specified compaction for subgrade and shoulders -
97 % of MDD (MDD by IS 2720 Part – 8).
11 What is the max layer Not more than 300mm layer, and percent finer than
thickness for rock fill 125 not exceeding 10%
12 Can Subgrade be placed Rock fill should not be used at least 500mm below
directly on rock fill the formation level, there should be 500mm earthen
embankment. fill below the formation level.
GSB, Drainage Layer (MoRT&H Specifications Clause 400& Table 900-3)
13 Please explain step wise the Crushed material as per the requirement of the
methodology for laying GSB special Technical conditions of Contract/ MORTH
layer and its quality assurance rev-V

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plan? To co-ordinate with the laboratory to ensure
approval of the material. The gradation should meet
the limits specified under GSB Gr-V of Table 400-1 of
MoRT&H Rev. 5.Considered to act as a Drainage
Max. Particle Size
75 mm
Grading Envelope

Thickness of the Layer

150 mm.
Control of Moisture
Water to be lightly sprinkled and compacted with two
passes of 80-100Kn smooth wheel roller on the
approved sub-grade surface before dumping the
GSB material.

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The approved GSB material shall be thoroughly
mixed with water preferably in Pug mill or any other
suitable mechenical meeans and evenly spread
along the full width (extends from side slope to side
The moisture content shall be verified using the
speedy moisture.
Limits - + 1% to -2 % of OMC.
Compaction of the layer
To ensure the compaction factor, the number of roller
passes as ascertained during the trial stretch for
achieving the desired compaction be checked.
In general 6 roller passes comprising of two plain and
4 vibrations (low and high), with pattern of
1P+2LV+2HV+1P are required for achieving the
desired compaction. However, minimum roller
passes should be as per the trail stretch. Materials
Engineer will update the field staff about this.
for effective compaction at least one third of the roller
drum to be overlapped on the previous roller path.
Sufficient additional width of material should be laid,
to ensure the compaction along the edges.
The compacted surface has to be well closed, free
from movement under the construction equipment
and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose
Any segregated patches observed shall be corrected
to the full depth of the layer.
Level Tolerances
After completion of the GSB layer, the top levels of
sub-base / drainage layer shall be in accordance with
Table 900-1, Tolerances in surface levels of
MoRT&H Rev. 5.
Specified tolerance in subbase GSB – (±) 6 mm.
Compaction of layer
One measurement per 1000 m2 and minimum 6 per
Specified compaction for GSB - 98 % of MDD (MDD
by IS 2720 Part – 8).

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There is a possibility of getting a higher compaction
which results normally upto 104% due to the
presence of coarse crushed material. However, in
case of abnormal results, the density test shall be
repeated or the proctor value to be rechecked as the
case arises.
14 What is the maximum and 1. For GSB for drainaige layer gradding II and IV min.
minimum thickness of GSB 200mm and other layers grading I and II max 200
and WMM layer min. 2. For WMM not less than 75mm and not more
than 200mm if compacted with Vibratory rollers
15 What is the minimum value of 2.50%
camber provided for the
bituminous surface of hill
16 Whis is the IRC code adopted IRC:38-1988;IRC:5P:23-1983
for Design of horizontal and
vertical alignments super
elevation, sight distance and
17 The wall constructed for the Breast Wall
stability of an excavated
portion of a road on the hill
side is known as?
18 When a single lane 1:15 to 1:20
carriageway merges to two
lane carriageway, what is the
Taper of adopted for
divergence/convergence ?
19 What is IRC code for 2 lane & For 2 lane – IRC – SP – 73 and 4 lane IRC – SP - 84
4 lane road work?
20 What is safety code of IRC? IRC – SP – 67 for sign board and IRC – SP – 35 for
road marking.
21 What is minimum radius of Minimum radius is 350 m in plain terrain.
design for National highway at
a speed of 100 Km/ph?
22 What is the minimum lux light 30 lux.
for highway road?
23 What is design PCU for two Minimum PCU 10000 in plain & 8000 PCU in rolling
lane with paved shoulder? terrain
24 What is minimum ROW for NH 60 m as per IRC – 73.
in rural areas?

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25 where is the utility corridor In the last 2.0 m of ROW i.e. at boundary line in 2.0
provided in ROW? m width.
26 What is minimum design 100 Km (ruling) & 80 Km (minimum where site
speed in plain area? condition restricted)
27 What is camber for Bituminous Bituminous – 2.5% and Concrete road – 2.0%
and concrete road?
The camber in earthen shoulder shall be 4%
28 What is maximum super Max. 7%.
29 What is minimum desirable 360 m & absolute minimum is 230 m.
radius in plain terrain?
30 What is minimum sight Stopping sight distance 180 m, overtaking 640 m for
distance for 100 Kmph? 100 Kmph speed.
SSD – 120 M & OSD – 470 (m) for 80 kmph speed
31 What is the limit of gradient for Plain terrain = roling – 3.3%, limiting – 5%
vertical alignment?
Steep terrain = roling – 6.0%, Limiting – 7%, if more
then climbing lane be provided
32 What are Grade Separated
Junctions and to draw a layout
of ‘Grade Separated T-junction
and minimum turning radii’
33 What is lateral & vertical Lateral – Full roadway width as of the approach
clearance at Underpass?
Vertical clearance for VUP – 5.5 m
For PUP & CUP – 3.0 m
34 What is kerb shyness It is the extra space provided from carriageway edge
to Kerb stone road side edge
35 What is standard width of 3.5 M
36 What is minimum PCU for a Should be more than 15000
37 Capacity of two lane highway? 1. With 1.5 m paved shoulder = 18000 PCU
2. Without paved shoulder = 15000 PCU
38 What is minimum height of Min 0.6 m – in non-flood area. Subgrade bottom shall
Emb. in non-flood area above be min. 1.0 m above the HFL.
39 Minimum quality of fill soil. LL. <70%, PI< 45%, FSI < 50% free from organic,
free from leaching
40 Maximum size of lump / In Subgrade < 50 mm

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oversize in Emb/ Subgrade. In Emb. < 75 mm
41 Minimum compaction in Emb EMB. > 97%
& SG.
Subgrade > 98%
42 What is trial stretch? After finalization of the Mix design a trail patch to be
laid and demonstrated the methodology for approval
43 What is the max. permited The maximum permitted impact value for DBM is
Aggregate Impact value and 27%, BC 24% and for BM 30% and similarly
Loss Angeles abrasion value combined Flakiness and elongation for DBM and BM
for DBM, BC and BM . Stone is 30%, Loss Angeles Abrasion value for DBM is
polishing for BC 35%, BC 30% and for BM is 40%, water sensitivity
for both to be minimum80%. Stone polishing value
for BC min. 55%
44 Mix design for DBM should be If the thickness of DBM is more than 80mm MS-2
done as per which code? method of mix design to be adopted for finalizing the
optimum bitumen content
45 What is the max and min.layer The maximum and minimum allowable thickness in
thickness for BC a single layer for BC is from 30mm-65mm
46 What is the max and min.layer The maximum and minimum allowable thickness in
thickness for DBM a single layer for DBM/BM is from 50mm-100mm
47 What is the temprature of Hot mix plant Bitumen temperature - 165 – 170°c
Bitumen and aggregate
Aggregate temperature- 165 – 185°c
temperature at hot mix plant
for modified bitumen and at Mix material temperature at plant - 150 – 170°c
laying and compaction of the
Laying temperature - 130 – 150°c
Rolling at laying side- 90 – 150°c
48 What is the temperature of Bitumen temperature - 150 – 165°c
Bitumen and aggregate at hot
Aggregate temperature - 155 – 170°c
mixes plant of VG – 30?
Mixing temperature - 165°c maximum
Laying temperature - 125°c minimum
Rolling temperature - 90°c minimum
49 What are properties of Absolute viscosity at 60°c poises min. - 2400
Bitumen VG-30?
Kinetic viscosity at 135°c Centistokes (cst) min. -350
Penetration at 25°c 100g 5 second 0.1 mm - 50-70
Softening point- 47°c

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50 In EPC mode of project in the The Project report and other information provided by
Schedule-B specifically the Government shall be used by the EPC Contractor
mentioned Slab culvert, but only for its own reference and for carrying out further
the contractor wants to investigations. The EPC Contractor shall be solely
execute Box culvert will it be responsible for undertaking all necessary Surveys,
allowed, how you could investigations and detailed designs in accordance
decide, whether to go with with the good industry practices and due diligence,
Slab culvert or Box culvert. and shall have no claim against Government for any
loss, damage, risk, costs, liabilities or obligations
arising out of or in relations to the Project report and
other information provided by the Government”.
“Alternative designs and specifications for Pavement
and Structures (Bridges, Culverts) may be adopted
by the EPC Contractor in accordance with design
“The requirements stated in the manual for the
design of the Project highway are the minimum. The
EPC contractor will however be free to adopt
alternative specifications and standards to bring
innovation in the design and construction”.
Advantages in case of Box Culverts
It provides monolithic construction and offers safe,
easy and speedy execution.
Due to shallow foundation with protection works, the
working is easy, safe and economical.
It reduces differential settlement and best suitable for
low SBC and disintegrated rocky areas.
Design is Economical
51 Use of RE Wall and Retaining RE wall is recommended for use where height of
wall? filling is more and there is land constraint particularly
in cities. Whereas the construction of retaining wall is
advisable for height of filling up to three meter.

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52 What are the Health and 1.The Diversions are to be made and retroreflective
Safety measures to be direction signs, Stop signs etc. at both start and end
adopted during construction of of diversion road to be provided. Flagmen should
two lane widening roads and guide the traffic movement.
Bridges? 2. Water sprinkling shall be done at least three times
a day or as required.
3. Work zones of max. length of 500 m have to be
adopted. If traffic has to be stopped in emergency
situation it shall not be stopped for more than half an
4. Barricading and cordoning of work areas, Men at
work, speed limits etc. have to be placed.
5. Solar charged yellow flash/blinking lights be
provided in night at dangerous locations (blind
corners deep valleys etc.).
6 Staff and labour to have safety boots, jackets,
Helmets, gogles, masks etc. Harness belt to be used
by Labour while working at heights.
7. Clean drinking water and Toilets to be provided at
work stations.
8. The candidate should be well conversant with the
provisions in SP:55-2001. Project Specific safety
measures be adopted at the construction zones good
traffic control devices and traffic management system
be used.
53 What should be depths of As Per IRC – 78 The Depth of The Foundation is
foundation in various types of based on the Bore Log Details.
strata. The Depth of Foundation Should be formed 1.5
Meters inside the weathered rock and 0.6 meters
Inside the Hard rock.
54 How to check the concrete As per IS and IRC Codes Workability of Concrete
workability work? work Needs to be Checked by Slump cone at site.
55 What is the Maximum curing 14days
time Period of concrete at
56 Permitted variation in Cube ± 15 percent of Average
57 What is free fall allowed during The permissible free fall of concrete may not exceed
the concrete pouring? 1.5 meters.
58 What is slump required in I) Plain cement concrete - 25mm
different parts of structure?
II) RCC structure - 40-50 mm
III) RCC, Pier, Abutment, Box Culvert, Well Cap, Wall
with Thickness greater than 300 mm-75-125 mm
IV) Under water concrete - 150-200 mm

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59 What is the tolerance limit for I) Measurement of cement + 3 percentage of the
cement, water, aggregate & quantity of cement in each batch.
admixture during plant mixing
II) Measurement of Water + 3 percentage of the
of per batch?
quantity of cement in each batch.
III) Measurement of Aggregate + 3 percentage of
the quantity of cement in each batch.
IV) Measurement of Admixture + 3 percentage of the
quantity of cement in each batch.
60 What is a deleterious material Mica, shells, silt, clay and organic part.
in sand?
61 Which codes are used for IRC:15-2015,IRC:78-2014,IRC:112-2011
concrete design?
62 What is counterfort type of It is a concrete retaining wall provided for retaining
abutment Retaining wall higher depth generaly above 6m high. They consist
of support fins perpendicular to the cantilever
retaining wall.
63 Purpose of providing Weep To reduce the saturated earth pressure by draining
hole? out the water behind the retaining wall.
64 What are the types of Open, Well, Piles, Raft types
Foundations for bridges
65 What are friction and load Pile transferring the load by friction between the
bearing piles surface area of the pile and soil. The load bearing or
end bearing piles transfer the load from its end
directly to the support at its base
66 What is Afflux? It is the surge in height of water from u/s and d/s
while flowing through the bridge abutments
67 Grade Separator V/s
68 What is Dirt Wall?
69 What is Approach Slab and its
70 What is river training works?
71 What is Importance factor of
72 What is the purpose of
grouting the cable?
73 What are the types of
Expansion joints?
74 Which are the Code of For flexible pavement – IRC – 37

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pavement design? For overlay – IRC – 81
For rigid pavement – IRC – 58
75 Roughness index for new Shall be less than 2000 mm / Km for each lane.
flexible pavement
76 What is minimum density of MDD > 1.80 KN/m3
SG soil
77 What is minimum CBR of SG It shall be based on design but generally for SG >
& GSB? 5% and GSB > 30%.
78 What is width of GSB drainage It shall cover the entire formation width.
79 What is thickness of profile It shall be based on design but if less than 40mm,
correction? shall be laid along with strengthening layer.
Maximum thickness of strengthening layer < 100 mm
80 What is min. compaction for Shall be more than 98%.
81 What is IS code for aggregate IS 2386 part I to VIII.
82 What is lux of interior light in Between 200 to 300 lux
cabin of Toll Plaza?
83 What is code of Km, HM and Code RBS – IRC – 25
road boundary stones?
For Km stone – IRC – 8
200 m stones – IRC – 26
84 What is height of (pedestrian) It is 1.2 m from footpath level – IRC – 103.
guard rail)?
85 What is spacing of plantation? Between Rows – 6 m
86 Between trees in a row – 10 m
87 What is vertical clearance of 6.0 m in rural & 6.5 m in urban areas.
tree branch from road level?
88 What is general height and 200 mm above road level and minimum width shall
width of footpath? be 1.5 m.
89 What is TMT bar? Thermo Mechanical Treated.
90 What do you mean by a) Improper handling and placing of concrete.
segregation of Concrete?
b) Improper grading of aggregate.
c) Over Vibration
91 What is pre-stressing? It is the permanent stresses given to a member of
structure before the full dead and live loads are

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92 What are the advantages of a) Thin sections and Elegant appearance
b) Lighten foundation due to less dead load
c) Greater durability and load taking capacity
93 What is the dia. of pre- 12.7mm
stressing strands?
94 In pile foundation what is the 200mm
dia. of tremie pipe (DMC)?
95 What is the rate of placing 6m/hr.
concrete in pile shaft?
96 What is deference between In a nominal mix ingredients are controlled by
nominal mix & design mix? volumetric method but in the design mix they are
controlled by weight.
97 Definition of quality control? It is the continuous improvement of quality control
98 What is LRPC Strand used in Low Relaxation Pre-stressed Strand.
99 What is minimum frequency of Quantity of concrete in work, M3 No. of samples
sampling and testing of
For strength of Concrete: 2 cubes and 2 Beam for
Concrete, strength:
1-15 2
16-30 3
31-50 4
51 and above 4 plus one sample for each
additional 50 M3 or part thereof.
100 The drawing shows certain Calculate the areas of steel bars available at site
bars and their spacing. against the area of steel bars on the drawing by
Suppose that particular bar equation; N2 =N1(D1)2 /(D2)2 ,
size is not available at site,
Where D1=Dia of steel bar on the drawing,D2 =Dia
what will you do?
steel available on site, N1= Nos of bars required on
the Drawing,N2=Calculate no of bar using steel bars
available at site
101 Do you recommend the River No, as for the concrete it will create compaction
Bed Material to be used for problem due to lack of bond and interlocking and for
concrete and bituminous bituminous work it will not only reduce the strength,
work? Increase the striping, which will lead to distress in the
102 How do you define Atterberg The Atterberg limits are basic measure of the critical
limits and what role they play water content of fine grained soil.

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in selection of earthwork The liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit of soil
material? constitute to form Atterberg limit.
a) Liquid limit (W L):- The liquid limit is defined as the
moisture content at which soil begins to behave as
liquid material and begins to flow.
b) Plastic limit (W P) :- It is the moisture content at
which soil has just begin to crumble when rolled in to
a thread of 3mm.
c) Shrinkage limit:- It is a limiting moisture content
expressed as percentage of dry weight of soil at
which the further reduction in moisture will not cause
any further decrease in volume of soil mass, but at
which an increase in volume of water will cause
increase of volume of soil mass. Evaporation of
moisture in soil will result shrinkage in certain
103 Is extra width of road way Yes, up to radius of 300m.
required in carriageway?
104 What is ruling gradient? 2.5% and not more than 3.3%.
105 What is Design life of rigid 30 years.
106 What design life of flexible 15 years.
107 What should be minimum dia 1200 mm.
for pipe culvert?
108 Cushion over pipe culvert? - Minimum 600mm.
109 What is the capacity of Semi-automatic – 240 veh/hour & Electronic Toll
individual toll lane? Collection (ETC) – 1200 veh/hour.
110 What is the difference between Penetration grade classification based on penetration
penetration & viscosity grade? value (degree of hardness) & VG system is on
absolute viscosity (degree of flow resistance).
111 What are benefits of VG It takes care of both low and high temperature.
bitumen over Penetration
112 What are limitations of It does not control temperature susceptibility.
penetration Grades?
113 Can VG-30 bitumen used in - Yes, it has good thermal susceptibility.
high temperature?
114 Can VG-10 bitumen used in No, as it not provide good rutting resistance so VG-
hot climate areas? 30 should use in hot climate areas.

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115 PCOD can be issued, if Yes, as it is for 75% length of total length, which can
completed up to required 75% be in gaps.
length in gaps?
116 Draw Typical Cross Sections
of Four lanes & Six lanes
117 What is differences between Earlier Penetration grade classification was used
bitumen being used now and which is based on penetration value (degree of
earlier, having grades now as hardness) & now VG system is used and is based on
VG 40/VG 30 etc. and earlier absolute viscosity (degree of flow resistance).
80/100, 60/70 etc.
118 Types of cracks in Bituminous Longitudinal cracks, Transverse cracks, Crocodile
Surface/Pavement and their cracks.
remedial measures.
119 Design of Bituminous mixes
using VG 40, properties of VG
40, percentage of Bitumen in
the mix and how it may vary
with the specific gravity of
aggregates being used in
Bituminous mixes.

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