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(Requirement for Demonstration Teaching in SHS)




At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. describe various procedures of collecting data;

B. plan data collection procedures;
C. perform possible data collection procedures applicable to their research study.


A. Topic: Data Collection Procedures

B. References: Practical Research 1, Qualitative Research for SHS by N. Prieto, V. Naval, T. Carey pp.
148-155, Practical Research 1 by E. Baraceros pp. 104-118
C. Materials: Laptop, MS Power point, Bond Paper


A. Preliminary Activity

1. Review

The teacher reviews the previous lesson about data and the sources of data.

2. Motivation

Present a guessing game which is called 4 PICS 1 Word.

Let the students guess the word suited to different sets of pictures.
B. Developmental Activity

a. Presentation

Ask the students the relevance of the identified words to research and what could be the
lesson/topic for today.

b. Discussion

Discuss the various procedures in data collection.

c. Generalization

Have the students answer the essential question on what qualitative data collection procedure is
appropriate in their research study.

d. Application
Classroom Activity: Group the students into 3.

Let them come up with or plan at least one research data collection procedure.

Group 1: Interview Questions

Group 2: Observation Checklist
Group 3: Survey/ Questionnaire
Classroom Activity: Role Play

Using the planned procedures prepared by the students. Each group will simulate or do the

Group 1: An In-depth interview with the group who will pose as important persons in the chosen
research topic.

Group 2: Observational Evaluation or participant observation with the group.

Group 3: Focused group discussion which is videotaped.

Based on what you have learned about data collection procedures. Subject the following texts to
critical Evaluation. See Practical Research 1 by E. Baraceros, page 108.



The students The students The students The students fairly The students
excellently satisfactorily demonstrate demonstrate poorly
demonstrate demonstrate accurate, accurate, demonstrate
accurate, very accurate, extensive, extensive, and extensive, and accurate,
extensive, and very and deep deep deep extensive, and
deep understanding understanding of understanding of understanding of deep
of topic or concept. topic or concept. topic or concept. topic or concept. understanding of
The understanding The understanding The The understanding topic or concept.
and creativity of and creativity of understanding and creativity of The understanding
outputs are clearly outputs are quite and creativity of outputs are and creativity of
evident. evident. outputs are evident. outputs are poorly
evident. evident.

Prepared by:


Checked by:
School Principal


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. define data and data collection;
B. identify the different procedures in collecting data;
C. plan data collection procedures.


A. Topic: Data Collection Procedure
B. References: Practical Research 2, Quantitative Research by Rube E. Faltado III, Medardo B.
Bombita, Helen B. Boholano, Angeline M. Pogoy pp. 82-87
C. Materials: Laptop, visual aids, activity sheets, MS Power point, Manila Paper and Marker


A. Preliminary Activity

1. Review
The teachers will review the previous lesson about research instruments and instrumentation.

2. Motivation
The teacher will present a game which is called 4 PICS 1 Word. Let the students guess a word
suited to different sets of pictures.
B. Developmental Activity

1. Presentation
The teacher will ask the students the relevance of the identified words to research and what could
be the lesson for today.

2. Discussion
The teacher will discuss the primary and secondary ways of collecting data for research.

3. Generalization
What could be the appropriate research data collection procedure in a quantitative research?

4. Application
Group work:

Each group will be assigned a group activity. Every group should come up with or plan at least
one research data collection procedure and describe it.


Group sharing:

Each group will be given a research scenario and they would identify the appropriate research data
collection procedure to be used.


Make sample research instruments for observation, interview and questionnaire.

Pair work
Conduct observation, interview and make a questionnaire.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Class Routine
Let us all stand and pray. - Students stand and pray.

Good morning class! - Good morning, ma’am!

Before we start our discussion, kindly

pick up scattered pieces of paper and
arrange your chairs properly.

How are you today? - Students answer.


Goal Setting

Today, we will be discussing a very

interesting topic. In this lesson, you are
expected to unlock meanings of
unfamiliar words, make inferences from
the selected text, share your opinions on
how you view women in society,
compare and contrast views about
women from texts given, appreciate
literature as a tool for expressing culture
in society, and express appreciation of
the text through differentiated activities.

Class, I want you to hear two songs
which I know are familiar to you. - Teacher plays the first song.

Now, what is the first song about? - The song is about letting go of past
issues about one’s self and being
confident in doing what one can do.

Yes, very good! Your answers are on

point! Now let’s hear the second song. - Teacher plays the second song.

Who can tell me what the second song is

all about? - The song is about how women take
charge of their lives and how women’s
strength lies in how they balance love
and life, family and work.
Indeed, those are true. Your answers are
all very meaningful and your
understanding has shown me that you do
not only sing a song, but you also relate
to it.

Does this mean that you think women

nowadays are superior and confident - Yes, ma’am. They now can do what
about themselves? men can and they also excel in
whatever field they choose.
Do you see women as having their own
voice and identity in society? - Of course, ma’am. Women are now
showing their might and power. They
lead countries, advocate change, and
Wow, your answers are truly great! I can so much more.
see that it comes from the heart.
However, although your answers are
positive, there still are women who
encounter difficulties in society. Our
lesson for today has something to do
with the questions I have just given you
and the songs you have heard. We are
going to talk about the plight of women
in society.

Lesson Proper


To begin our understanding of today’s

lesson, let us first unlock some
unfamiliar words you will encounter in
the text. On the board are sentences.
Your task is to identify the meaning of
the underlined word in each sentence.

1. Rowena used to be chubby

when she was a tot. Now that she’s a. school girl
older and in grade school, she b. little child
eventually lost weight and became c. teenager

2. I gulped half of the bottled

water because I was so thirsty. a. to swallow something greedily,
hurriedly, or frantically, taking in
large amounts at a time
b. to drink slowly in very small amounts
c. to taste a sample
3. Kiana saw her brother sneak out
of the house to join his friends outside. a. to do something in an obvious manner
He managed to go out even without b. to take something secretly
their father’s permission. c. to move without being noticed

Thank you for your participation, class.

I hope your enhanced vocabulary will
help you understand the text.

Moving on, let us also trace and be

familiar with the author’s background.

Author’s Biographical Sketch

- She is a Filipina poet, essayist, and

journalist. She is a multi-awarded
writer, having won in the Palanca
Awards, Talaang Ginto, and Catholic
Mass Media Awards

- Her works are mainly about feminism,

the Martial Law period, profiles,
movies, and her life stories.

- Aside from writing, she also teaches at

the University of the Philippines
Diliman where she is a Fellow at the
Institute of Creative Writing.


May I request someone to please read

the first stanza of the poem?

As you read the lines, which pictures on

the board now match the description? - Ma’am, the first and fourth pictures
Why do you say so? match the description in the first
stanza. They show little girls being
very playful and energetic. On the
other hand, it also shows little girls as
How about the second stanza? May I being innocent.
request another one to read?
So, which pictures now match the
description? Why do you say so? - The second and third pictures depict
the second stanza, ma’am. They show
women as wives, entertaining guests.
Post-Reading/Discussion Women are also shown in their
moments of anger and rage.
- Judging from the matching of the
pictures and descriptions, I believe you
now have an understanding of what the
poem is trying to put across which is
about the sufferings of a woman.

- How many scenarios do we see in the

poem? What stages of the woman’s life - We have two scenarios, ma’am. One is
are shown? during childhood and the other is
during adulthood where she takes on
the role of being a wife.
- How do we describe the woman in both
stages of her life? Let’s complete the - Students complete the character maps.
character maps I’ve prepared on the
board. Little Girl/

- So, we see that the poem exposes the - The first and second lines in the first
sufferings of a woman from childhood stanza suggest suffering because it
up to her days as an adult. What details expresses that little children are limited
or lines in the first and second stanza in their actions and they must obey the
suggest suffering? authority of their parents.
- Lines 18 and 19 in the second stanza
also suggest suffering because it
expresses that women sometimes play
a role, like a wife, in which they search
validation for themselves or their
worth. This idea is further suggested in
lines 24-29 where women are
portrayed as unnoticed or placed in the

- What visual images or pictures does the - It brings to mind women who are
poem bring to mind? depressed, who cries in frustration and

- What particular symbolisms or imagery - The use of fishbowl is an example of

did the author use to further drive the symbolism which expresses the
point of a woman’s suffering during her confinement of women into particular
adult days? actions or roles. The use of doormat,
empty chair, wallflower or décor also
drives the idea that women are just in
the background.
- Class, the poem we’ve just read and
discussed is very different from the
songs I let you hear a while ago in that
the former addresses women’s suffering
and rights whereas the latter emphasizes
women empowerment.

- How do you view women nowadays? - Students’ answers vary.

Are you for the issues raised by the
poem or are you for the songs about

- Very good! Wow! Indeed, this topic is a

close one to your heart. I hope that you
appreciate how literature becomes an
avenue for raising one’s voice about
relevant issues in society.

How can you be a voice in society? As
a student, how can you raise social

Goal: Express appreciation of the poem through differentiated activities.

Role: Your roles are: actors and actresses, artists, song writers, and poets.
Audience: The expected audiences are the students, members of various clubs such as glee or drama club, and
Situation: The poem, “Wife” written by Marra PL Lanot, is a powerful literary piece that exposes the plight of
women in society. It further implies the rights that women should have. As students in the 21 st century, it is
important that you give importance to relevant social issues and you use your voice to show awareness of these
Product/Performance: Role play, poster, song, and poem.
Standard: see attached sheet

Group 1: Ready, Set, Act!

Dramatize the given scenarios:
A. “When guests arrived
She gulped down food
Slipped out of her chair
And floated into her room
Like a bubble and
Burst behind closed doors.”

B. “Now she’s an actress

In search of a script.
Sometimes she freaks out
Tired of her horns
Wings, tail, tired
Of bowing, smiling
For no one.
She still remembers to
Sneak out like a bubble
Float into her room and
Burst behind closed doors.”

Group 2: The Voice!

Adapt a tune of any song and revise the lyrics through expressing the challenges that women face nowadays.
Group 3: Let it out! Go write!
Write a 3rd and 4th stanza of the poem expressing empowerment and change from her sufferings.
Group 4: Maestro’s Piece
Make a poster that compares/contrasts the two scenarios in the poem.

Women aren’t always seen in negative light; some rise to the challenge and prove their worth, strength, and power.
Name three successful and powerful women you admire and give their best traits or characteristics. You should
also provide a picture for each admired woman.

Women you admire Traits and characteristics Picture



The students The students The students The students The students
excellently satisfactorily demonstrate fairly poorly
demonstrate demonstrate accurate, demonstrate demonstrate
accurate, very accurate, extensive, and accurate, accurate,
extensive, and extensive, and deep extensive, and extensive, and
very deep deep understanding understanding of deep deep
understanding of of topic or concept. topic or concept. understanding of understanding of
topic or concept. The understanding The topic or concept. topic or concept.
The and creativity of understanding The The
understanding outputs are quite and creativity of understanding understanding
and creativity of evident. outputs are and creativity of and creativity of
outputs are evident. outputs are outputs are
clearly evident. evident. poorly evident.

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