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Republic ofthe Pppnes DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROVINCIAL DIRECTOR PROVINCE OF SOUTH COTABATO ‘arrotcanpouno,abinan aE tau sw iow oe) sae 336 Te No TMA aD atgweaheasn To: ALL CITY/MUNICIPAL LGOOs This Province DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 2020 Please find attached issuance/s for appropriate action: ___ISSUANCE/S REMARKS ‘Advisory dated February 3, 2020 Re: DOH| o For information and immediate Updates on 2019 Novel Coronavirus Acute dissemination to all concerned. Respiratory Disease (2019-nCoV ARD) Best regards. ee ROCHELLE D. MAHINAY-SERO, EnP Director , ie Regen Xt, intued ah neg, compete an ptcontnn ig Upto Pact Acero ed Dir ‘2 deter amity src ig rot on cyt Selene md ews ta anak el otis mas ssi serfs San ey Raa om bay ah Bosse SOSSERSAN EN EES gh OF ry rw Republic ofthe Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA Comer Quezon Avenue, Quezon City “ Sr OFFICIAL %, Trunkiine Number B76 9438 Ee DE www OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY ADVISORY February $, 2020 FOR ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY MAYORS, MUNICIPAL MAYORS, THE BARMM CHIEF MINISTER, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS, AND OTHERS CONCERNED ‘SUBJECT : DOH UPDATES ON 2019 NOVEL CORONAVIRUS ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASE (2019-nCoV ARD) ‘To keep the public abreast with accurate, relevant and updated information, and to facilitate dissemination of official 2019-nCoV ARD information materials and health advisories, all Local Government Units are encouraged to access the official website at of the Department of Health (DOH), the lead government agency in protecting the Filipinos from Various diseases, in close coordination with the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases. Further, Local Chief Executives are advised to inform their constituents to access the said official website for guidance and refrain spreading unofficial information or fake news to avoid confusion and public panic. All DILG Regional Directors and the BARMM Minister of Local Government are directed to cause the widest dissemination of this Advisory. For the information and guidance of all concerned. ,C. SACENDONCILLO, CESO IIT tary for Local Government ELGSPCMD MRENF bee 20. 9-4 433 Republic ofthe Philipines Department of Health OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 29 January 2020 SECRETARY EDUARDO M. ANO Secretary Department of Interior and Local Goverment Antonio Villegas St, Ermita, Manila Dear Secretary Afio: The spread of the 2019 Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) from Wuhan, China to multiple countries around the world have caused distress and panic among Filipinos. As the lead government agency in protecting the Filipino people from various diseases, the Department of Health (DOH) wishes to provide the public with the right information about 2019-nCoV. ‘The DOH has activated the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases to provide guidance to the wholc-of-government response. All updates related to this response has also been posted on the DOH webpage dedicated for 2019-nCoV updates. In view of the need to keep the public abreast with accurate and relevant information, we are seeking the assistance of your good office to facilitate dissemination of official 2019-nCoV information materials and health advisories to all attached agencies, offices, and other clients under your jurisdiction, which can be accessed at Rest assured that the ‘website will be regularly updated with factual information for public consumption. For any inquiry or concern, please do not hesitate to reach us. ‘Thank you for your usual support and cooperation. ‘Yours truly, ‘Biking | San azar Corpo Rial Avene, Sa Cra 1H Mania « rn Linc 657900 cal HOR TTT TATE TTS Dist Lie: 711-950; 7-950) Fax 743-1829 « URL pv doko ph eal Based gv ah

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