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The Correlation Between Using Technology To Learning Strategies of Grade 9

Student of Upper Villages Christian Academy Inc.

A Research Paper Presented to the Senior High School Faculty of Upper Villages
Christian Academy

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research II


Guce, Deborrah Mae L.

Babatio, Cristine Athena

Tuluan,Angielyn D.

Baquiran, James Cedric D.

Asisten, Ian Christoper T.

Tigno, Mary Clarisse

Serenio, John Leo I.

Approval Sheet

A research entitled, The Correlation Between Using Technology To Learning

Strategy of Grade 9 Student of Upper Villages Christian Academy, prepared and
submitted by the group of Deborrah Mae Guce, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements in practical research 2, has been recommended for acceptance and was
approved by authorities.


Thesis Adviser

Panel of Examiners
Approved by the committee on oral examination with grade of

Tr. Allen Dan Joyce Lopez

Panelist Panelist

Rev. Ranny Fenis

SHS Supervisor Panelist

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of requirements in Practical Research 2.

Rev. Ranny Fenis Madam Carina Z. Dela Cruz

SHS Supervisor School Principal


Name of Institution : Upper Villages Christian Academy Inc.

Thesis Title : The Correlation Between Using Technology to

Learning Strategies of Grade 9 Student

of Upper Villages Christian Academy

Researcher : Deborrah Mae L. Guce, Cristine Athena Babatio,

Angielyn D. Tuluan, James Cedric D. Baquiran,

Ian Christoper T. Asisten, John Leo I. Serenio,

Mary Clarisse Tigno.

Adviser : Mr. Patrick William P. Gozo

Date Started : June 2019

Date Accomplished : October 2019

The researchers would like to acknowledge the help and support of the persons

behind this research study.

Giving also high acknowledgement for the help from above our Lord God

Almighty for giving us strength, knowledge and wisdom to finish this study.

By completing this study, we researchers give thanks to our beloved thesis

adviser Mr. Patrick William Gozo for being patient, for his guidance and for being a

responsible teacher.We researchers would also like to thank our school supervisor Mr.

Anjo Marcelo for the approval of our survey letter and also for the school principal

Madam Carina Dela Cruz for approving it.

And finally, we would like to thank our parents for their support and

encouragement for without them this research study would not be possible


Acknowledgement i

Approval Sheet ii

Abstract iii

CHAPTER 1- The Problem And it’s Background

Introduction 1

Background of the Study 2

Theoretical Framework 3

Conceptual Framework 4

Statement of the Problem 4

Hypothesis 5

Scope and Limitation 5

Significance of the Study 6

Definition of Terms 7
CHAPTER 2- Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature and Studies 9

CHAPTER 3- Research Methodology

Research Method 15

Subject of the Study 15

Research Instrument 16

Data Gathering Procedure 16

Statistical Treatment Applied Formula 17

Slovin’s Formula 19

CHAPTER 4- Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 21

CHAPTER 5- Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 28

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