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Pupils'problern not
literacy but reading
By Leila B. Salaverria "ior all our talk of the ide- standing of reading materials is
and Meg Adonis mographic dividend,' if young appropriate to their grade, ac-
@Team_Inquirer Filipioos .a.u not properly cording to Briones.
skillecl and properly educat- she said the DepEd assess-
The problem in Bicol is not ed, if they cannot apply what's ment was conducted not iust in
about literacy but about read- in their books in practical ev- Bicol, but in the entire country'
ingcomprehensior! Education eryday life, then we shall have The collected data are still be-
Secretary Leonor Briones said failed-as a country" he said in a ing analyzed, she said.
on Monday, as she sough! to statement.
corlect and clariry an Inquirer ' "Wewill not be able to com- 'Difficult' to release results
report saying that some 7o,ooo pete in the next generation," Nepomuceno Malaluan,
students in the region could not said salceda, the chair of the education und€rsecretary and
read in both English and Filipi- House ways and means com- chief of staff, said it would be
no. mittee. "difrcult" to release the results
Briones said this did not Briones said the use of the of the pretests administered
mean that the Bicol learners words "do not know ho$' to by Phil-IRI, as the study did
were illiterate or were "no read" did not mean no read, not use any standardized tools
read, no write." no write. "There are those who to measure \ ' students'
"Not knowing how to read can read but could not compre- abilitles.
is diferent from being illite- hend. There are difierent lev- DepEd ofrcials clarified,
rate," she said at a press brief- els," she explained. however, that they were not
ing in Malacaiang. She said the statement that withholding information from
Of the "nonreaders" in Bi- the 7o,ood students who suP- the public in'their refusal to re-
col, r8,r43 are pupils in Grades 3 posedly could not read in Bi- lease nationwide results.
to 6, according to data released col was "exaggerated" because "Thi3 is a teacher-'adminis-
last week by Grace Rabelas, ed- they included those having dif- tered test, unlike the standard-
ucation superuisor for curricu- ficulty with English and with ized National Achievement Test
lum and learning management Filipino. that students are required to
director of the Department of There are students who can take ... The pretests in schools
Education (DepEd) Bicol. The readbut not understand certain are all different that's whY
rest are in Grades 1 to 2. ' wor'ds, she said. while we do have the data, it
. The data were based on re- would be difficult to put these
sults of pretests administered 'Insult to Bicolanos' (results) out," Malaluan told re- '
in July and Augustlast Year bY Briones noted that the porters.
thd Philippine Informal Read- number of nonreaders was less He added that DePEd did
ing inventory (Phil-IRI), an than 5 percent of the student not feel confident in releasing
ihitiative of the department's population. the information because the
Bureau of Elerirentary Educa- "As I said earlier, itwas a bit lack of standardized measur-
t.ion. of an insult to Bicolanos to say ing tools meant that the results
that there are 7o,ooo illiterates could not be used for analysis
"ficking time bomb' walking around in Bicol. I don't and future policy implementa-
Albay Rep. Joey Salceda ex- think that's totally accurate be- tion.
pressed alarm at the report that cause we're.looking at different
tens of thousands of elementa- levels," she said. Staggering economic cost
DepEd's annual assessment Salceda said the economic
ry students in his region could
not read, calling the situation a of students is meant to test cost for every nonliterate learn-
"ticking time bomb" that would the level of comprehension of. er could be staggering.
have wider implications on the what they read and to find out "On average, the rates of
economy if left unchecked. whether their level of under- return to education go as much
{IpAG€ _ &&,
says her department's annu-
READING COMPREHENSION Education secretary Leonor Briones
,t of is meant to test the level of their reading comprehension and- u-nder-
""a"""r"n, "tudents materials appropriate to their grade' "Not knowing how to read is different
irorn "it"rJi"g
U"ins itliter"t!," she said at a press briefing in Malacafiang on Monday' -JoAN BoNDoc

, p".."rr, per year of high world. "Too many subiects' Too which showed that the Philip-
", many activities' ilot enough re- pines scored lowest in reading
school, and up to 22 percent per
ofcollege," he said, sults." comprehension' and second to
is pushing
cannot nnisir The lawmaker the lowesr in math and science,
,.n*t- u"."ur" they are not for a package ofbills, inctuding among 79 countlies and econo-
ilr".iio"afy [terate:will likely those that empower teachers mies-
;;;;;.;"t;ent of what a by reducing thelr workload.' es- Briones said the review was
io1ege degiee:holder earns, on tiblish a u-niversal free school
accelerated because of the Pisa
hi said. meal program, and bolster.ed- results'
- -;,d"'irr"
aggregate, if the ucation i-nfrastructure and fi- one of the findings was that
rate of latent illiteracy were nancing. the curriculum was too con-
ih" ru-" for all regions, we gested' meaningtoo many com-
could be forgoing up to 2 per- K-rz curriculun review petencies were being taught to
cent of national income every Briones said DepEd's re- the students' she said'
year by the time these stu- viewof the K-rz curriculumwas Education Undersecretary
i"ntr i,u.t working. This is expected to be completed by Diosdado San Antonio said the
rJgg"ti"g," said s;lceda, an Mirch 3o' The review was con- number of subiects would not
---lr" ducted amid concerns that the necessarily be trimmed'
,,be_ curriculum was not responsive what would be reduced
lr"ai DepEd for
"o ithe reading
ing non".i ufoot to the students'needs' would be the competencies
aimensi'oos." height- within a certain subiect, he said
The concerns were
said Filipino stu- ened by the release of results "This would be sothat we coulc
tlle most overworked iq the al Student Assessment (Pisa)' -wlrH a REPqRT FRoM Dr YAP INa

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