Grade 1 CLE 2nd Quarter Reviewer

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2nd Quarter

A. Write the correct letter in each box. Read the word that you have formed. Choose from the
word box.

Mary Jesus yes mother will

1. God chooses to be the Mother of Jesus.

2. Mary followed God’s .

3. Mary said, “ , I will obey God.”

4. Mary became the mother of .

5. Mary is our , too.

B. Matching the following. Draw a line to the correct answer.

1. the mother of St. Augustine St. Augustine

2. the feast day of St. Monica angel

3. the event when the angel tells Mary that August 27

she is going to be the mother of Jesus
4. messenger from God

5. as a young boy he had bad habits, but he St. Monica

gave up his sinful life and became a priest,
then a bishop, and finally, a great saint
C. Complete the prayer. Fill in the missing words. Choose your answers from the clouds.

among sinners mother grace Hail

Holy fruit
womb pray hour

___________ Mary, full of ___________,

The Lord is with you

Blessed are you _______________ women

and blessed is the _________________

of your ______________, Jesus.

___________ Mary, ____________________ of God

______________ for us __________________

Now, and the ________________ of our death. Amen

A. Check the correct answer.

1. Where did Jesus grow up? In Nazareth in Peru

2. Why did the friends of Jesus enjoy being with him?

He knew many games He was kind and helpful

3. How did Jesus show His love for His parents?

He helped and obeyed them He played with His friends

4. In what way is Jesus like us? He belongs to a family He has bad habits

5. In what way is Jesus not like us? He knows more games

He knows more about God and men
B. Match the following. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

______1. The largest city in Peru A. Andes

______2. A great mountain in Peru B. Lima

______3. The real name of St. Rose of Lima C. Angel of the Andes

______4. The name given to St. Rose by the poor

people she served D. Isabel de Flores

______5. The feast day of St. Rose E. August 23

A. Draw a line from the beginning of the prayer to its ending.

1. In the name of the Father….. A. ….. I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
and if I die before I wake, I pray the
Lord my soul to take.

2. Now I lay me down to sleep….. B. ….. and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.

3. Angel of God, my guardian dear….. C. ….. from Your bounty, through Christ
our Lord. Amen.

4. Bless us, O Lord, and these Your D. … whom His love commits me here,
gifts which we are about to receive….. ever this day, be at my side, to light and
guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

B. Color the heart yellow if the sentence is true. Color the heart black if the sentence is false.

1. We talk with God when we pray.

2. We can pray to God in Church only.

3. We grow closer to God by praying.

4. The rabbi taught the Boy Jesus how to pray.

5. We pray to God only in the evening before we go to bed.

C. Draw a string from the blank to the star with the correct answer. Conception

1. Bernadette saw a vision of the Blessed ____________.

2. The name that the vision gave was ____________.

3. Bernadette lived in _____________ in the

country of France.

4. The beautiful Lady in Bernadette’s vision told spring

Bernadette that it was important to ____________.

5. Many people have been cured from the ___________.

A. Put a check on the blank if the sentence is true. Put an X on the blank if the sentence is false.

______1. Jesus invites us to be His friends.

______2. Jesus showed His love by giving many parties.
______3. Jesus made the dumb speak.
______4. Jesus made the poor rich.
______5. Jesus is always with us.

B. Identification. Identify what or who is being described. Choose your answer from the word box.

The Blessed Sacrament Poor Clares Francis of Assisi August 11 Saint Clare

__________________1. The feast day of Saint Clare.

__________________2. The poor looking man.

__________________3. The order which Clare joined in.

__________________4. The patroness of television.

__________________5. It was held inside the box.

V. LESSON 10. A. Who said the following? Draw a line from the sentence to the answer.

1. “Lord! Lord! Hurry to my house. My son is dying.” A> JESUS

2. “Go your way. Your son is well now.” B> SERVANT
3. “Master, your son is already well”. C> FATHER

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct word to complete the story of Saint Ambrose.
Choose your answer from the word box below.

Ambrose was born in _______________________. Ambrose was a good pupil. He studied his lessons

very well. When Ambrose grew up, he became ________________ of Milan. Later, he became

___________________ of the city. Ambrose died on ___________________. He was buried on

_____________________. After he became a saint, he was made the patron of

____________________. His feast day is on _______________________.

December 7 Easter Sunday Trier, Germany Governor

Good Friday Bishop candle workers

Match the definition to the correct word. Write the letter of your answer on the blank.
_____1. a messenger from God A. ANNUNCIATION

_____2. the mother of Jesus B. CANA

_____3. the town in Galilee where Jesus, Joseph and Mary lived C. RABBI

_____4. the Holy Family D. NAZARETH

_____5. in the Jewish community, the equivalent of a priest E. PRAY

_____6. to talk with God and listen to Him F. CONVENT

_____7. special friends of Jesus G. JOSEPH, MARY, JESUS

_____8. place where priests or nuns live H. APOSTLES

_____9. a city in Galilee I. ANGEL

_____10. the event when the angel tells

Mary that she is going to the Mother of Jesus J. VIRGIN MARY
VII. Draw a line to match the feast day of the following Saints and the names given to them.

Patroness of Christian Mothers > SAINT AMBROSE < August 23

Angel of the Andes> SAINT CLARE < April 16

Patroness of Television> <December 7

The Lady asked her to SAINT ROSE OF LIMA

scrape the Earth < August 27

Patron of Candle Workers> < August 11

A. Match the following. Write only the letter.

______1. Mary A. event when Mary was told she will be Jesus’ Mother

______2. Nazareth B. Jesus, Mary and Joseph

______3. Annunciation C. house of God

______4. Rosary D. where Mary lived

______5. Pray E. talk and listen to God

______6. Apostles F. a model of faith

______7. Holy Family G. tells about Mary’s and Jesus’ life

______8. church H. special friends of Jesus

I. place where Jesus grew up

B. Complete the following sentences. Write on the blank the letter of the correct answer.

1. Mary said, “ I am the _________ of the Lord.” a. Bernadette

2. Jesus never _______ God, His father. b. disobeyed

3. Mary and Joseph found Jesus in the _______ c. feast days
at Jerusalem.
d. grace
4. Jesus grew up in _________.

5. The angel said to Mary, “Hail mary, full of _______.” e. mind

6. The _______ tells about the life of Jesus and Mary. f. Nazareth

7. It was Saint _______ who saw Our Lady of Lourdes in g. needy

a vision.
h. poor
8. Celebrating her special ________ is one way of
honoring Mary. i. Holy Rosary
9. Jesus grew in both body and ________.
j. servant

k. temple

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