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Vi Thi Yen
23 February 1994
Thai Nguyen
Going shopping
Playing tennis
Reading books
Well, I’m keen on computers very much because it helps me widen much knowledge in many different areas; for example, I can
discover by myself how to design some attractive videos by the pro-show producer or movie maker.
Hi, Jane! Let’s me see! I use my personal computer in many different purposes. You know, I’m often used to making use of my
computer to entertain, learn, and contact with my friends, my relatives as well.
Oops, I’m sorry I can’t remember the first computer I have ever used. You know, my parents have opened a computer shop since I
was a child. Hence, I’m allowed to use any computer I wish. Anyway, I’m very impressed by the pink color one.

Well, if I were an official computer club’s member, I would like to learn from the most basic IT skills to the most advanced IT skill
from our professional seniors especially in designing computer graphics.
Hey Sally, Did you get the email from the club about the delay of our next club meeting due to Ms Tasmeen? Oh really happy! You
know, we’re very busy with a ton of exercise in our class. Anyway, we should participate in the next discussion in either Jan or
March. Love, Yen

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I have just received the email regarding the cancellation of the next club appointment due to the absence of Ms Tasmeen
Mohammed. Therefore, I am writing this email to express my deepest disappointment about this dramatic change.
As I informed my schedule with you before, I would have to go on my business in Taiwan from January to May in the following
year. As a result, I will not participate in any club appointment among these months. Furthermore, you said that our schedule would
not be changed despite any circumstances.
It would be grateful if you could try to persuade Ms Tasmeen to engage in our initial plan. If not, you should invite another famous
computer expert instead of the former one.

I look forward to hearing back from you if my recommendations are acceptable.


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