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|) INTERNATIONAL - BOOKOF IAMILY THERAPY Edited by = ILORENCE W. KASLOW, Ph.D. Chapter 1 History of Family Therapy in the United States: A Kaleidoscopic Overview By Florence W. Kaslow ‘eet py os ene ning nat rs ne cal + oe ‘a atcha ‘en lw ly ear ceva are unger ung ged a= ereeticapct in cane 1 och the rer oly Ce sees rahe ie the pay afte wth ance 190 Ae whence prseretors, Paral works eae ramet devel to tne te Th arice steps replies een ol ery “Te history of amily era 2 ga of coral personalities ites act Start and poate way generating te sparks tat would JERE Roeoreea conceptunzatons and theropeati pprooches of ee nena hen spenty, Originally, sme ste prac Seer et emmre mn te one-one ma payctherapy, Dt "epee a oie ene nh as ——— yee weno mre gy pb Marg oy . ‘he Iran Bok of Fay Thr sn partlthei originals, Whether fama therapy a separate Spulaleson ran approwt ed wt Se anal Sings caesty cieia payholoy, aca wrk, rd counseingand gu oy ent conten 197, the Department of Heal Ea ares a clare rcogreed the American Assocation for Mariage aa ay Therapy as ee obo acredng agency for marl ard a ay Py eng programe, In January 1981 ere wer ive ac aay eer ane bing progr a7 mer eeu wine SGU Gduote programemary of which lad fo speci degrees So ae dle fey eoueingorherapy Gosmal of Mastaland Fury Therapy Jaary 398) pp. 12-11) i Tt om stout Given the space restrictions, ll ight eff provde an depth stay ofthis histor development, The aaa ne rere eee ne than exe Because i ‘pamigy berths decades sine hen fed made ts debut and Secs ute te journals and books, the amount of published Sega i tan cope ae parla dasing the 1970 tnd 1980 9 ae covers) the Wstry of he fi 2 the fly of amily ap ey ain of therapists 4 Ue major scoot of tough ae ga plempee a ature developments. Who the prac ae amaly hetapy ae and why they chowe to become family ome are ben dscassed sate in the here 0 23 ot {heraPi ther desanuon bere (Commatee on Ue amy, 197, pp Sposa, Feber ea 1973 stony A Confaeneof Foes ‘one ofthe rst ates which conics pychitic developments in fal Gapsonta an tary therapy mas writen by two of the feld's eritkica omeers Don D. Jetson and Vigne Sai O96, pp. 31:37 Freee Re mumeroas acters teinginfoenta in contbuting tthe re ie a anil oented cae than Individually bent poy CAE ervasan and tenent” Ther debs ae elaborated upon See wth alton dstais supplied by the current autho. ee und othe 1th cent, here has beens gradu ovement of ity sway tom 2 sticly mesial specally toward being closet we eyehegy,sollgy, ane anthropology Te trend hasbeen toward Miaay of ay Therapy i he United Ser 7 4 more paychotact] and les Wolo interpretation of data on the {estogy a emetionl nese The fomaly os abasic primary system be ine» unit for analysis ar tetnen "Rnotherfaaly therapy root was the evolaton ofthe dhl guidance movement. It began in 199 withthe creation ofthe vende court to Tea deinguent children who wee considered tured. Clinic sas (ndually relied tat treating the child alone was isuficet ince rh ofthe patestogy had edo we lly ld ering nd conic Fly chotoyesCrenonnt atl included the moter, and sb ‘gun the father, i he nae wing snd aval. The usta model faa the poyehintsttrating the chu while a socal worker saw the parents), Suggestions st fo how to understand und manage the cid [rere ven witout actualy tenting family pathology. This model was Tovefunnerof fam testnen tang two diferent therapist Tersly sean oppure hfe wes to node wera paves in weumen, sinks would have aller hours beyond the wel nine {Stive worky. The unwilingaess of parents oak me of rom work lrtakecldrenoutfachoelwasal to often interpretedasresistance™ 1S therapy. Aculy, this wae smnetimes goo sell testing pt such {ames vere foe sickly Inbled "reachable or “utsestafle” Un {bvtunatly, this problem inadequate service delivery oneverings and ‘wechonds sil plagues many dines and socal agencies, yet ofering, Tlnuly therapy neesiiater ety in appeintnet scheduling. Being, Joented in "dangerous neighborhonde makes holding evening Hows problem Tk tied stor force was an remains the psychoanalytic movement ‘som which eame pressure forty diagnoses. Ascot os 1921 Pll forte ite probable that the cet patil gin that tay est from Ube stady of fe payhology ofthe amu wil ensue =. rom the mere Increae fv understanding the nature of, and interacions between, the ‘epost yo ge 12 pa Nurnerous concepts have been derived rom the psychoanalyst, even ‘hough ther pety concer has traiionlly een the individ ps tnt or istine, in Freud eck case of ite Hans (08), he makes FRequen reference to the oy fay and hov their etc and ade Imontion elcid their sen The Osdpal comple, “eriginly at trapyenicconsruct”Qachson& Sai, 191, p. 8), hasbeen nceasingly recognized aa interpersonal and tansacional Phenomenon ith Feet comprehension ofthe pregentalnluence of parents. In adton thject relations theory and the concep! of object constancy (aban * The enatanl Bok of Fay Thay 185) ae interactive in nature and hese have been incorporated bythe Pojchonalycaly ented wing of oly therapy. Sallan’s materia Pot meng person and sigan others (195) has been adapted SE Re er concepts om ln interpersonal aspects oferty {om Hatly (san, and the ego and is mechanism of defense (ret Anna Frond 0946) Much of airs werk on symbio and seperation ‘ivan 1958 198) spears partclry pertinent t the work of ‘ny Bowen and hs asezater Be iscunsed ner Clery then, he Meer tholgis and nco"Feaane are lso part he tary these te ances ‘Comverse wasdsenchantient wit the show and fen ineffective resels of pejchoanalyes and pajehoarlyay onented ini “reapy thi ed some ofthe store sdventtesome ue less Koetound {eraples to esperinent with new approsdes (Koslow, 1973, . 190. eta nceded some casa aie cbt eras who Thed become discouraged bythe relization that fo w five hours of es pis pr weok and procon frm the parents, who had perhaps ‘Muelle lady, wae not slficiento ffet the continuing impoct ‘alte ther ow the eh patents spent under fem ence. ‘They found Sigman Freud bse tance that relatives of @ potent Thodidbe exc fom the tetmen latonship on te bas com ‘Bbtauaby and potent ntererece withthe wansesence and tether peutic allan an unnecessary extreme poston. "Some esoned hat call rom rentves could be perceived apo concer, not m nepative mnpulacn, and decied 10 invite fal Sresitretoparicpete in therapy sessions: Thisapproach, when vious eters anglican norelves aerated along withthe pent, fs ben nbeled “conc faraly therapy” = designation mast fen ‘Mita to the ea Palo Alto group. With te induction and i cnSdtdiston ef onjoot eset» sl oecured ava rm the ‘Shatycemphas on unconscious itapsyehieproceses nthe symp ‘Ganoogy af these hidden fore The shut wast concer fr com ‘Raniah snd he interpersonal prams in he hese and nov, oF 9 ‘eSaepeieton erconpasingtestment of bo intapaychic and {ntepenonal difieaties TN Natal deveripon would be complete withost reference tothe ‘work in undersancng and eating sctuzophreia Much tein w ‘ovted on thi syndrome Carag the 108 and 1940 Several seminal {Binders moved beyond the theory ht it was purely an inapaychc [Inlorbodhemc cease Sulvan (195) pointed tothe tmprtance of ay Pani hg ee Uae ies ’ focising on elle experince andthe patient’ pesent station He SEF at thn tne patents dlsional thought sytem eat lee ste antsned. Theapealenlenion of Sulvar’steas was ele Tete contact with the patients experince within his family con (2Stahon Sinar eas wee rtiated leganly by Fromur-dchmann 359. Metnrous sal members of inpaint paylines observed ‘nat on vtng day te teltives of stuzophvenic patents abo appeared ‘ibid aylancuons, or dstured. They reaied tha! the previously {tle conversation of some ofthe changes seed mich more mean~ {af inte conteat ofthe famly’s ned up communication pattern. Reta. duo buerved tha when many paints were dcharged they veel wel: but tat within 90 daye of bing ease, Paving ‘Seed ftv with hie psonts, hey weze brought bck 1 tbehowptl TeMelang the sume “erey” thought ad bunting pater. Tis be cme ite poll here mum te nao facta in he ‘ly eyter tat entvated the fess. This was ler subtaated BER Marat Brown (199, Intestingy, “ila manfed patent was ‘uttoretur to hisspouse and resin ote ofthe hospital over tree wee fha he achieved higher level of soa adjstment han any ofthe ‘Sher schizophrenic sted,” partly hase whe returned to het fy homes Jachaon te Sut, 1981, p25 “Suny then the acesng evidence indented that to tea” schizo- pent th he pss of an eeiveoatcne one mise wii eal wih fami factors snd perp even ee the fay ogee 25 i The intent sto gun ater dagrostc understanding ofthe Lu Meaton newer snd ones, interpersonal reaionship, wy ‘ie poralr person became the ined patent, and intervenor Sekigls to tnprove the functioning ofthe entire group. The need to EGER aluoes sport ofthe thempeute proces and to ai het ‘Ssiatance became acceptable ‘The work of te communication tori and social scientists had abo begun to be publabed [Rosch & Bateson 151; Parson, 1951) atthe {ike poyhnate such a Sulivan and Promsrfeichinan were prowess Be Fe leas on family communion patterns. Some cro-polin 5 'ctured. One of Pusonts mort provrative conttutons tothe ron pea Toncional eal of the so system is fs desapion of {ve pater variables fr dco) hat Fepresent the predisposition EPSB pec soa ste toward certain bask cies. Ine. these pate arable re a ‘he ttrnationa! Book of Family Therapy aletvty v. affective netraty Specialy ve dlfsoness tives va. porsulris . (Qualiy ve performance Saiovientton ve ealectivity orientation ‘Parsons wed these pattern variables in histheer of soiliation and rat ntrpeaona! rations win te omy scial este. te cutalyea by Paros eval ting asc re eaaeavos SASS Kite group! terapits began to view the amy unin terms Rear eectt Stems concept aestrutare and function, dosed vers pens and permeable verwss impermeable boundaries rc ona ew references in the erature tam service agencies, yetea}onnclnealexperence with several during the ei 1950s atest ‘Hrecaive cnc. There weve merger of amy and chile sagencies eerBrcriuoners recognized that ifthe goal of such federal programs as Pieibependene chen was to keep fares together, efering sen Ae Rebate spencer was key to farther fragment rather tan to ‘iy. Ly tamly service agencies were mostly sae by social workers grounded in he teanon Mary uchmond (1917, they sae the fea Fees eae way of aculrng = uber pictare ofthe fom ints Siavenvironment Thcugh such wists, they conveyed eal concer Srp isgnen todo some reaching out t troubled, malk-problem, ‘Ties ofan deemed incense by therapists who nase they could ‘Sify teat dose who came voluntary to thei oes aie ey 1950s an important confoence of free cccured “those working eld guidance cnes with averile delinguents had ‘rane thot te make any long-sting progres, the child's parents aso FediStcinvotved in ander to creste amore nurturing emotional imate TEMS ERI a simarreaeain evolvean the thsi of psychi (eT ottent stings wen they sw schizophrenic patient inthe com sare nico seange faces Fara service agency satmembers Peied andsecourted na he way spouses and parents described bow TR aitede each ther and to hee chulren was quite ferent han toh the terpit setaly observed ‘ine ihrapnts teed to do Individual peychotherapy were dis: couraged mil te slowness of thei method and fe frustrated by Feuer ses abraged by other family members who did not Tithe changes that were oscursng due 1 the therpy. The ideas ea coming from the communication and systems theorists proved the Fan for reconcepusizing Paychopatholngy inter of nde eating the lamly wn, the intreinal nature of dysfunction, and sarge one enue patent asthe symptom bearer forthe ene sy These were provrsive and diaguietng ideas and became the faeamehourd forthe emergence of amy heap “THE FAMILY OF FAMILY THERAPISTSA GENEALOGY “rhe date usully given asthe beginning of family therapy = 1950. “riutathe ent Acheran and Soe! sary Disgaosis: An Approsch Tees pre chol Chil appeared in the Ameren Jura of Onopsy| Moon Ther istence hat aerstandingo fal processes fried ‘eeaterstanding the cd was nitvetl tothe typkal dul guidance testo Kucera fain were nearing completion of er ina Ebmunatiow DheSocl Nata of Pechitry (155) which was ones the therapeutic rth» new language, tat of senders and eccivers of messager, ondbuck loop, and commurication networks Shan the els of Acer and hs coworkers on the east coast i ‘Now Yorkand Bateson and hs cllepucs on Un west coast in Carns ‘Nate al pre ofa guest for 3 ler understanding of nina in TEE Reondups the comanicton potters tough which hI {ay lings re conveyed, and the rian by whch these elements ‘verge te cause persanay disturbances and poychopatoloy. in Geers infra chapter, Fauly Deapy Te Fst Deety- Fee vars (1976 pp. 222) be chronic the histor ofthe fel! manly by Sacilng whe wos working logther in vaious geographic locales. He ‘acest moto the dats Represents is someone's particule ver ‘on of fatal cress, and should not be construed represent the ‘Suste wath. My own investigative work onthe pioneers of family ierapy substantiates fs rendition (Kasow, 1977, pp. 204-208), Some Lin ft generation are sive and wel, and lady rete tls about ‘fe heady dine hat masked the bel inception. Given that themsajosity them are aong-willed, innovative, charismatic and bila, each ‘aborates sow sole a cetral~severl even aluing te themselves ‘Shoei fate of fmy therapy analogous to Freus pivotal position ‘S the lather of poychomalyi. Ts Hearty breed, who bucked the ‘repeat esablshment, were nol renowned for thr modesty. ‘ete the story willbe setched by wang the treasured seal of the “tay of fay therapst,” whichis now spawning te fourth 2 ‘he tern! Bok of Fay Tarpy generation of practitioner, asthe vehicle. The periods subdivideroughly From 1950 to 1960 1960 to T97 1970 o 80" and 158 othe preset ‘Sour 1960, practiéoners om ll three generaions are active. Some recent graduates of samly Ssttat, university, medial school and ‘pen honed tring and estion programa are now ony in their ‘Mcvaenies and those inthe grandparent generation aren theirs, ‘Seventies and eating eight raking» irae ln expe: gsr format ac cexensive family wee (Guerin & Fogatty, 1972, pp. $38467)—U had 0 Sfandon i'as too cumbesome, Ts ore tool for helping fall {Berapy tainees and patents explore thelr fame of engin seemed Uigely suitable for depicting the genealogy of the fil. Thi protes- ‘Sel ly, like moet heathy fais that thrive onan infusion of ‘Quota eortwere, has gon no ee Alo, neal Me™ {ans sa hy woody unig not el show the ‘actors funiona‘and mergers, Nort pease to inde everyone ‘ho has made’ significa coneibotien, and 50 the flowing eterna Torselction were devise tha the persons 1. ie ften refered ton te erature; 4 has published books andr ales on fal therapy topics: 5b trequent presenter at profesional conferences at a keynote Speaker, workshop lender and guest lecture 4.22 mehr of ene er more edteal boards of journals devoted to tani and fay therapy ‘The hey people in the fe gonertion are cases to identity sine the ext books in the field sere forthe most par, etd collections f0| “chith fey asked one anahertcontbute (oe for sample Ackerman, Besiman and Sherman, 1961; Borzrmenyiagy and Framo, 196) ‘Gants (1976 history ofthe eal period is adequate. Thereore, twill, Summarse hs materal bel, eaborate now point, and concentate nowt on the activites ofthe 1970s and eary 1960s Tne cary 1980e, Bateson, Jackson, Weakland, and Haley joined toputher in California to do research onthe lal ofshizophrenis. ‘Tiey mere intersted in commuricason pattems and induced an- {hrepslogical methods and soll ystems theory fo tet work Jackson {ounted'the Mental Resear state n 152, and Haley joined him in 62 when the Bateson projet eed Sr, socal svorker, cme fo Manta Reearch Insitute in 1999 and ily moved ln te center ofthe fy therapy moverent. In 1964 She popularized their brand of amy therapy inher exsy-torend book, sey of Fay Thera eh Ses rs Conn Fay Therapy Many therapist were magnetized by her vitality, ‘Garona, and creative theapeuticmethodology, whic included fall ‘Ring Some dinars decided o become funy therapists because Tere mos an appronch tht was engaging, excling, pacha elie, 2a rewarding, "To ths groupe attabuted the founding of one Wink, The communications schoo o ay therapy. "One of the dens forms roc her Feearch was the concept of fhe dvcts sinks Thea cugal pup, Toward « Thay of Shp (9856s casic and wae the focal point of Fecent (1977) conference tied dB" 9 coc oe ‘Sates work anal mje subeequetcontbutons to double bind the- ‘ry (Berger, 1978). Ackerman (97, pp. 2938), in a crtque of the Gluten deliberations lade the theory of log types which fbrme the corveston tthe ble = hypothesis Te ces the ‘Souncton beiween single etence double bindsand hose whichevolve from coningousinteracion Ackeroan redefines metacommuniaion {uuastent wih logeal type theory. He shits the feus of metalevel ‘Scmmuricaton, "from the messages ofthe sender to the ares of the ‘Smmunicant's interaction” (1909, p29) ln bel the double ind si- ‘Son tn which the whe develop schiznphvenis have often een Dlsed contains the flowing necesary ingredients: 2) two oF more ‘ersons; 2) contcadictory messages sch a5 "Tint you make your own ‘enna’ asa repeated huppeung inte experience ofthe Vins 3) ATpeimary negate inaction such a “do not do so, or T wil punish yucrer"W you donot dos, Iwi push you"; 4)awcondar injunction Zaneing withthe stata more abstract level, and Uke the fist forced by Punishments cx sigal which threaten survival. This i= Jnctn is tstally comanied non verbally Uwough gesture, postare br facal expression andi mpabons are concealed inte verbal mes= Sogeand Sa ertiary negate injunction forbid he vic Geipient fie message) fom eaapng the eld or example, the rater who {ivelope heson in an allconuingrlatonahip communicates “you ‘tnnotgo away to cllegetecaute wil not be able fo survive if You feave Tis ene set of ingens eno longer necessary when the ‘ei hes learned to perce his word in double bind pattems any eg ees ic gegen an ta, ntson divided the cet for the concept of the double bind (1972) tetwean Haley and hull He ceded Haley with rcogizing that the symptom of scizopieia suggest an inability to discriminate the logical type, He eeited mec th determining that etolgy and “ ‘he taxrnana Bok of FanlyTherary yriptoms could formaly described tems of continuously receiving CRE canaaitory messages the doukie bind hypothess eee: Stnmne was developing his sexs on fry homeostasis od Sine promise thatthe Tam system seek to maintain ls ee TEtRia adi rest fo change (1959). Because of this patterned and were havi the heaps net comprehend he complextarly FMS RsS and penetrate he aly system if desized change 6 0 Osu. arrree aiRalopudiy cow ofthe leaens of foxy they 2a ‘Remnrbus wings on tama homeostasis anc conju dherapy (1795 Sasha Terb) atest Along wth Nathan Ackerman, he co-founded the ‘eli Ars journal Ful rs, in 1962 Hiscolleague, Jay Haley, was thelist etor . Tiny deparied from Fao Ato forthe Phadelphia Child Guidonce cua inb ea 1960s, Jon’ death in 1969 caused mach grief 2 the enended lana new and ei oa aia Reach ‘Mfc depicted. From the onal group, Weakland tll active. Otber Pettis Renal Research litte are Pech, Watdawick, and Boon (0972 and carrer duetr, Carts Sluzk Za iit MRI in the mid Tet Dacone she fst Director of salen, “shelter beeame reengaped infamy therapy andes continued io wet Seed morkhopron this fopc throughout the 1970s and sto the {Sop 1973 1975) She ha been nena inthe career of some of het aa eer oat nobly, Lathman and Kirschenbaum (1979), now Oops Manin County Pandy Inet, and Grinder and Bander, whose Saar MaicTand Il (57, 1970) appel to those who like 10 use arechc reprenntatons fe epiin communications and transactions, Tresor branch of the faaly therapy movement developed tthe ‘Moats Clin in Topeka From 1989 to 1954 Murray Bowen partic RSIS ge year stayin whch various schizophrenic patents and Teeny tcmivers were ested, Once family members were incied, the Felauonchip sytem assumed new prominence, and atetion bese cee naatiesymbioue molschld tachment. The clans were Fees OF peng cyt tue ofthe slo relationship in which areas Ponohers and pte could at times be vo cose that they Soot Enon Samess twine, orarother times, o stant and hose {iy reeled ech othe (Bowen, 196, p. 2). These data on symbiotic RRL were gradual incorporated into formulations onthe etiol Sty of sehinophven chen leh Topeka fo contin his studies in Bethesda, Maryland andes NIM auspice fom 195401958. Bowen believes (1965; p. 215) ‘aetahe most important steps inte development of famy theory were Wty of Fay Therapy nthe Une Stats is made during this family search study when schizphveic patents escent eldnee ov & pepsi werd aly, ‘Beervation focused on ie nother relabonhip excuse 1 300 ‘in edent tot he ne amy played apart nthe ess (Bowen SFaltss9y A study of 250 opie fame, some judged normal snd serena ve aie dy Sri continues 10 be a kading fad theopy tot and prac sce Thos lomulted sh Scopes "oa eres oF Flow of family member, and the et ofan “undiferentated famaly ‘Spe macs” 0965p 219) um which al members have emendoos Hiciyndvsatng-n ne the schizophrenic one who cen never Sten rhe ey cer Boer ae cate Atavn he “analy projection pecs in scizoptrens (965, pp. 225 130) Tas the mojr mcm by which parental problem wane Zita to the cust In sone way te Gh sees ae aero he ‘uage who becomes angle rlasonsp. The anstabe Sashes iiher dyed becomes depen! oo the chi, who must hecome meshed inorder to anti te fay equim. Thus, fr Bowen, {enters valves heping fly members diferente om theory cpp mass (5, p57 Soe’ own June) t rvs members of his family of ogi 1971 tus ben ena by any the oly epi rm hse deve {he concept fhe vit hones partotndentading one's eg aed fatter nthe mullgenrs tal andy. and rewarding untiished Bus ‘isto the pst Thee fhe genogram mao deed er ts {Seative man's work. The eveliton and progeson of his work is Pee Selim Ty nina em mn has taught fr many Yeas at Georgetown Unies exh tee then he Foy Gon nde as tert uly Crocs. eo ht own dey i Guerin, whe is now athe Center for ning New Rachel, New York ae "When Bowen eft NIMH, he was else by Lyman Wynne another peyhiatist witha deep incest in achzophtena. Among conceptual Entuton whch Wye hs made me sides one mata, {Eats the ag appearance oy harmony and poate lal, 1955 The ber ence’ ieanother Wynne notin A ey Sr te nia nde natn, bt aly ane Smpenneble fence,» tundary that extends oly sar nd then Kearuu bs inne yr ny dp eb pte ine remained at MI tl th cary 1s when he moved New 1 Te tenant Boa of Fay Therapy York to assume the chair of the Department ofPychiaty a the Un versity of Rochester. He and several caleages recently pubtohed new Teak on schzophvenia (Wynne eal 1928). inthe 950 another andy tes stambeganin Ant. Whitaker, Warkentin, and Malone, who wee treating peste inpatient, arte experimenting with acing patents mht fais and bo sr dong cethonpy (956) ara way tinea therapeutic compre Tension an impact inthe Hts Whake ete south foro pra: sini in payin the Unverty of Waco, Whitaker werk Ion Intersting blend of warm responsiveness, ands questioning. tuning intone sown and the pallens “craaness witha vero fan {S wellas patho, and ating of perkins! puadones He ene “paychotherapy of the Absurd (973) 1 MR of Iwo experentil fey terpy""A welrknonn second geerton Whitaker protege, ‘Atgtius Mapu, hae sesey let Wastuuan for Ala. boone de patting, he cosuthored The Femi Cracie with Whitaker in 1978.19 istotching book enefindsa senatve amalgamation of any ames into one. Thy ae followed fom the Inept of therapy ugh the fumultuous snd unpredicable cope of the extent proces, ot rmination. Gusand Can, athe palit cl them emerge as an exceben Serheapy team, each of whom knows inary and intellect Shen to play melody and ten to ply harmony, when to respond Captive and when to interac emationaly. The therapy chapters ae Iitzropersed with theory whch provides te reader wi ao fone ‘Gao for understanding what tnspting and why. This excellent took evidence tha arly therapy aus el now hes ach beer sense of ts Kent and dection, “Another sigulican early contort amily therapy was Nathan ‘Ackerman, paychonelyt an poy when iret in th ty tetsu ea Binh ty fay.” ‘Hie was then onthe sa ofthe children's me ASlemnap ner ered Jewish any Seren Rew ord ugh i} Cotumbla Univer. He was reper fori compeion, wider, {nero ands undersaing ofthe ama which cls n= timate Telatonsipe: He ceded the ed guldan® movement with ‘roving the “ral bing of orl they and therapy (Guerin, rep. a, in Bs Ackerman established the FaniyIatite of New York asa [lace to tnt fais ato tain cans in aly heap a wor, ‘redcaed on paychounalyti foundatons, fas been able! pychoan- [Byam terapy. It war concerned sallneouly wih inapayehc I sry any Perey he Unie Sas ® 2d interpereonal processes; the mac of the past on the present and {he complex web of reladonships and feelings Wt charocterze lay si "A indented err, Ackerman and Jackson joined in 1982 to foun Fanily Pras. Jackson's cele for fst eater, Joy Haley, served for ght yeas As legend has Ackerman chose Haley’ssacessor, Donald ‘Bloch who serves ctr om 19701982 He has been sucneded by Caving Sha erent Dizecor ef the Mental Rescnch Institute i Pale [Ato wtih Jacaon found, probably im accordance with the orginal ‘eprint forte Journals edsrshipas well ain secgrton of husks intre and sl. Blot ato replaced Ackerman as Decor of the New York Fama Insite, renamed the Ackerman Instat ater the death sits founderin 1971. Under lots leadership thelnaitte has become {tar ainingenter which provides ntershipe and eternahipe and ‘ends larly members to lend workshops tnoughout the weed Tsadl Zweig, a poychiaist pea inlunced by Ackeran, and ‘Mariya Mendelson eho had been alyzed by Jackson, organized the ‘aly Stade Section st Alert Einstein Collegeof Medicine and Bron Sate Horta Andrew Ferer was named Director the sexton 1964 Gucin let Washingion ard Bowen to join the rons Sate unit ane became director of training in 1970 Fora fe years this cre group, jolned by Chvs Boks, Bety Carter, Monica Orlanii, Peggy Papp, an ‘Tom Fogarty, ran a song extanra ining progam i addon to ur contibution 1 the psychiatry tesideny einige {gam (Guerin 1975, pp. 1313). Phadelphis hasbeen another ub of fay therapy acy. Ae chat san of Temple Universi’s Department of Psyehaty in the 150s, . ‘Spurgeon English encouraged the work of Jon Rosen a dvect analysis and the work of A Schellen in communications andthe stucute of ‘ly therapy. In 1960, when the East Fennsyvanis Pehl stat (EPP was Housing, Shel ined Ray Brdwhiete who wa Analyzing body language By then, Bonsormenyt Nagy had organised {tetereh project on schizophrenic amis at EPPL (1958) His stall Jnluded Jun Fram, one ofthe few paychoogiats inthe early family therapy ladersup, David Fbinstein a paychiatis who has remained atthe Temple unt at EPP! and conduct separate amy therapy rain ing program; Gerald Zu, a psychologist and theoretic (197): and (Geaiine Spa (MSW) Bosormeny Nagy and Spark were cocire® tory ofthe ut for many years, worked 362 cotherapy te, and co- authored the provocative book InasBle Lealies (1979). They foc On lnterpeneratinal ledgers of balances and enlilement, and ste tht Pe aril Ba of Pty Tey Ahere ave song, although often hidden, layaies and obligation to he's bloga eines. RourSpeck whodio Ns eidenyrsiningat EP, along wth Carolyn Althea ater forged the way for network famly therapy (peck ‘Atneae, 1978, pp 897-658). Tis san approach ined ot olen ‘rth shizophrenogenic amie where everyone connected to ceo ed wih then ncading end ond eiphers, aough cers inv the convene’ home, The therapewtc processes of networs are ‘ual conducted in thre hour senons By a minimum of vce here ‘pists who elt thea of everyone present on Beal te dentine patent and hose who are nor involved in and sfc by iso her {ness ts eminent of an extended fay coming together asa Supporting mutal asd society Speckandhiscoleapues, day ncading Ite Tou, and Un Revers (099), ne teal tale hehe the group's ent de corps, sere of opin, and willingness pa te espn, contating to the far ight fr healt, ‘Anotier group came together at Philadephia Paychiate Center it Induded Al Finan, jack Pedra, John Sonne, Geraldine Linn, sind Oscar Weiner (Ksiow, 1977, p28) Tel cna concernsincaded ‘he schzophrens fay, the plas of home vistn wentment, cote apy Gonne tino, 1966), estent of aes wth dure Bd ‘lecensiedman es, 1973) and with an ait member. Tn 1964 howe at EPPT and PPC bane together o form he Fanily naitst of Phiadelphin. It now has about 180 members and rane fou year nan degree evening tating instal for chicas ile nother ascpins who wish 10 become fay therapist At the end ofthe course wack a spervised cna prac, graduates receive et Tnirducng a dierent orientation and much controversy tothe Phi adelphs scene was Salvador Minchin, eho came to the Philadelphia {Ghd Guidance Cline in the Inte 190 from Wikwyce Schein New York (Minuchin eta, 1967) binging with him Broilo Montalvo and ‘Bernice Rosman. They were joined by Jay Haley and togeer tang formed the in frm 2 sreitonal Gil guidance cht tos wor: ‘renowned ary terpy traning ud teatent enter Tet approach [Scaled strata’ focuses on Bereand-now tanwacons wine once fr causes of dysfunction or amy history. Generational bound fies are cal dencted and fais are taught no to cross these inappropestely The therapist. who plays a strong and divecive ee Srenes hat parents should not abate ther ey oe athe earetves inthe family and chdren shou not be prentied Paley & Hotton, eects meee eat unaiestaiesetann ny of any Tray ih ie Se » 1967). The structure ofthe family central and restructuring isunder take then necessary ab stntepciterventon Tasks may te agned to help larly members assume Ue fclonal and egeappeoprate robs bates, Oflen behnvior therapy sales are incorparsted The methods used by ts greup in weting "Paychosomati aie (Min thin etl, 1979), parclry with an anerect, asthmatic, or aetc Young ener are being wed incessngly in therapy throughout the foun. "The structural apprsach, like the fowen approsch, can be dssifed under the rub ofthe asters soa of tay therapy. There 00 Imsjr wigs share an emphasis onthe lm as patent, aed share oncern for the sjstems properties of the fay ae these contbute {ectacalir'fnchuning,eldmage, ana teinteracion ofthe group ‘They fer on other important acts notably Bowen's empass oo he {amily of cgi and one's perianal hry a ate current behavior snd elatonships, and thercorethe importance ofthe intrgeneratona feage and reworking unishedtutnes from the pest inorder fo prove the present. Ths cons wth the srtuali concern with the preening fay’ current symploms and lemmas a eye expressed tote therapist in the pret and therefore te portance ‘of interwning to restructure the caret fay tap npeove Hs fanconing and reduce the datunctonal oe Symptomatic bear of the idetited patent ae “The Minuchin group, who kad writen Fie o te Sums based on thei experiences wih deingsent boy t Wiltwyck School (98, has Ihade major commitment treating tenner iy poor ae has eined Indigenous werkers aswel as profesonaa wo serve this population. AL the Child Guidance Cline they have an excellent ne fait with out standing udovisl eapabiy ta they we in eaten and a Ingactvites Tn 1973, eae Zweig et rns State inten to become chairper- senofthe Deparment of Mental Health Sciences at Hahnemann Mechel allege and Hospital in Philadephia. Aeady on the facut teaching {aly therapy wher he rived wore several well tenned snd respected {aly therapists including Jenn Bar ds Fisher, PooeSholevar, Joh Sonne andthe curent author Determied tna Hahnemann naj teaiing enter in fal therapy. Zwerng asked Boszonnenys Nagy To ‘become the (urtsme) chit oe fanly therapy secon, In P02 ‘woryear masters in fanly therapy progam ws begun ner the sestahip of Robert Galland wa theft such degree panting progam tobe funded by NIM. Sethe incision of fay eapy » “he Iarnatonl Bok of Ply Theva jn many ofthe deprtnent’othe teaching progams—psy clog ary therapy, ment! hel technology, and residency taining —is SSSyplcal devepment ina medical sched, its worthy of mention. SEARScrapy hatale become an vega pat ofthe eatment services ieee atthe Hahiernann Commaruty Mental Health Center, anther seat unusual occurrence attributable tothe chaiperion’s cme ‘Stent and the fc’ vlvement in talning actives nena cher whe eve mae noteworthy eotebutions doing the saat ovo pertods oe John Bl such areas as ay group therapy Br Shocporating concern for fales of hospitalized patients (00m SN dine at well as pape) into hespital structure and function, BOG: tors) Bred and Bunny Dah and David Kantor (Duh, Kantor, Eta 1975) athe Boston Fel nate (paral in family scalp awandl other spat fechnisuesof eaten), Norman Pain cross par tston approaches, pe! and mourning es wel a ne use of EST eeShunction vet fay therapy and Eagar Auerowald i ex05ys- ' UsLECTIONS From 1950 to 1954 mach workin family therapy took place under ground The idea ie lades were considered heresy anno platform is resdly avaiable tothe + major professonal conferences. Ther ‘lungs were not welcome inthe standard journals. The family move- MREat Raced nationally at the 1587 meeting of the American Ortho- Puychistrie Ascovaon when John Spiegel chalted» panel on family Pech in schizophveria owen and Theodore Lide were two ofthe panclsts They were oie several months later on anaer panel, or ranged by ©, Spurgeon English, by Ackerman and Jackson a the 1957 ict of the Ameren Paychtric Association. A loose network of achiguirts im fay therapy energed. Twenty eas Inter, 13977, the Petworth was formalized wi he organization of the American Family ‘Piopy Ansoation (APTA) with Bowen as President and Spiegel Vice Besident APTA hei ite Girt membership meeting, attended by \eSeamy thorapint monly poy by Walring—in Apel, 1973, in Chicago. Ste. ue membership of AAMFT begun as AAMC in 1942s netiasiplizary and comprised of poyhelopists, sal workers family rete pusorlcounclos, a well os psjchintri. It cucrealy Fee one? B00 enembers, Ii too cay to predict exacly the lary of Fay They in the Unie Sater * ncn AFTA wl ke but reports of thls medting and of eecuve ten ii tht ihe cao efor growth uke pe soy etre ain purpose be ie change oes regarding theory nd snag eke level of» scenic sooty. The antl spring a ner lhe mae ofthe el. AMET pans eanE ccs tani ahis of) edvnon though i ane 1 aed egal enfcunes and fs nest 2 seeing of Meare and apes panting ining and eucton progam? 3 ra eating of lnesng and sean ef a states at do nat ern iceeangorcersicrion we; duet nateraliepion ethan poly Ende eburement for maria an fal) erpy Ses} apcoing th ural of alan oly They. “Ce fy therpte wn sone patchy ia ju tat gerraton,Vetuny al thc leader were mae ppc he Haren iguice yemunisy on the nator ste was Sat ‘ee lea wat ii ncn to patente other that he ‘iden were male apd the ole hep Mis of Me How mech ‘ES perpoute hauvanm n the profession and serve fo enorce SLRUiy patent are parry 2 peat del One ned oy See The of Contre the eed clecons ef important BOUTS fanay therapy oe Se and ear es ace tat te male ‘Sheree the mal aca herp be fe cotours.Aecaar esr eof partpute cv panels profes conderences ad un ndings fet acid cozy oetechng pa waar cic an gata satoahi for pases when «aeqely ana nhcetealnuph uch aay dosnt always ac ‘ey frre edu ive ie seme ti lear walang the nator and cue sts dt nded tule ther £55) cual tok the dinar He was oe pNY seed eikasine “door and experts was not bene emai met {eet tt les beng sea who were nang oad the subse ‘Set taes and bo locked to emule therapies for sdatn of thes Mpretone Tithe second generation, some women with doctorates have become ‘amy therapist Among tne best oven ar: Katy LaPrire, Director Train st Ackerman insite (Carver, 1979); Rachel Hare Misr ty particadrly qeabe in advancing equa fr women, Sandra Cale ‘marin vesearch a testent of act ais (Coleman & Stanton, 197; and the author in eating famlles where one member as 3 [eam debit (978), tating prisoners apd thes reatives (1978), ‘ing Photographs in therapy (Katlow and Friedman, 1977; Kaslow. 2 ue eration Book of Fay Thersy 192%) supervision and taining of amy therapists (197), and as etor ofthe Joel of Maal an FemlyTherpy ‘Westen terapiste without ar Dc Ph.D. such as Pesay Pap, Lene Fllitan Monica Oriaids, Digs Siversein, Betty Cater, Ger ‘Sian Spun and Marianne Walter haveallbecome well respected yet, cee Br cnunual rough the Inte 170s tose major conference pres ‘Stns by mele panelists only, sad commentary om the role and ‘tats of women ithe fae of amily thers ny wives well-known therapists Ravebeen motivated to obtain reduce waning to serve a2 cosherpists with their husbands, Such aeons ier begome competent in ther own right, snfrtnatl reralbe viewed ss spouse-assistons, with deletecious effects on ther aaesesentand on fecr patient’ quer for maximizing their wn potential ally Coterepy Teams were toenter family systemsin order to change them, the message ayn avthrapy ru in which the male herp Is chery the FERN be eeruteized. Conversely is importa o understand ati pucofs dominant female therapist whe overshadows her male rae Coa tary in which the hustand-father is very weak it Sea gota sale airing ofc herpy teams requires artistry SACRE ER igher than mee assignment scoring fo convenience aac ass main contr he ets the fly nd at he aaa setges or power ness of tare enbes (Rusa & Russel, 1975, pp 228), Tee ine lanes seen are large and ehatic with numerous serious pete cotherapy may be advisable. The fam shuld be well ba Breed hsve rope for one anther, and be presented a co-therpits 2e thoy ee Coequal lanes. wanes andthe oer 2 alee, this Gikkrnce in levels ef Knowledge and experance should be communi se eit pouent so they nadestand erat ase forthe disequal Dept the team relationship (aslo, 1977, Jat x cotherapy Sareea sadl of parenting, of Rely communications, and of arSpleunion so low canit crv as2 mode fr authentic andethical Ser patents of information about the therapists which Per TREE tha rentment (Kaslow, Cooper, & Linsenberg, 1979, i i sini iro Paty Tarp he ne Sat [TRAINING AND EDUCATION IN FAMILY THERAPY ‘oily in the traning of therapists, an apprentice model eral oe eang in india hrpy bean o best abot te ie Pee ree the practioner of conor therapy, they Became edt observe tun. Since vera family membersatiended cos and ce» coche wr spt be preset CON ae ee van nol observed, Therspiss explained fo paint, partic seen tenngand taining insttons, that colleagues and student a ed bering tee work and obtained permission or the rere wach site rough a one-way mizTr oon iota Fear herent inthe proceso famly therapy itself end the ir i Sboyence of some ofthe therapists made viewing a wert an enon ard peopl oie view and stad with the experienced Pre ar of wlning has shied fom the preceptor model ofthe 198 totimud sed edition and taining pater which now inlades GANEsearve coment reve, ce pracicm, ad various meth Sie Geil and group supernn, Although orginally most of $e Shing ocrured i erie agencies and inwttasions, he prepare Be BeaB canny mow bsed in Fey Insitute, in graduate de Serenis af amy studies, ome economics or maria and fly ‘Bieropy univers, and moe rece, at medial cobege. serena typical model oftaninghasemersed. Whether oneatends a AES SIune atte afer eingadepee, ener a twoeae Ba see ty couacting or therapy o tine fora doctorate in ts prsig ir comport av nd al programs. Teach, oek Palate tone Lnowldge of individual and fay dyer ‘Bottand development in thins and famly hfe cy healthy SeyGpsunctoral fray ect and fonctoning, diferent theses ‘Tins and oalyteapy, human sexual techniques of iterver Sonin mural vex tnd fay therpy ad gal vars of once 1 ‘Sn ard er patent Sl waged though cal praia ‘tial programs oqoing simam of ne eo of supervised Tihuhipin Bening ple and fomien Most programs conser Jars lca enfersce ret Techig and superion maybe 1UStetuh deuce tres, hing stents vew the work of ‘evened praconen trough onesay mirror on videolap, Othe seinen a The Imation Book of Foray hens teaching echniguesindude ign readings which are discussed _SSEaEtone oy nees sang wton record, sudtapes cr veo Pre her wry having toes serve th he supervisor 36 pak Hee cant andcving students conducting terepy Sess le sang in inarecone by prone or bugin-eea device or By ‘Traayentng the sendon ae interviewing dec. “Sth some programs eq hot rains ee maa ox ay ee anes 998 mest snpysecommmend vay. Mans ase re ees to make a eyage home fo reconsider th ew relation Soe tian Sespurof thc londyefonginin oder to fish incomplete ePedelm the pat end monaco sn adult in the ay beeve SEER elie in prepaing vie family thera to help Pitch nseworking thar own aly riatonshpe. For comprehen Pa frusions on tang aa nd aay seri see Kalo py op TS 38e, peal Malad Fray Therapy ly 197%; ad Lic Halpin, 1978). “the prc of lay therapy bas become nena in the 1970s ana ply sates fe test an ting have Began any Sodas Ineding Argento, hasan, Egan, Germany, rel $5 sean Sa iif eee oa ey ae ‘Ring pbc in Spanish taken, German, Norwepian and "C5 ntl cnkences ave teen Meld al. AL Ue one ine the won of Man Sed Passo ander callagoes frm Nulur ontystmts hypothe pradoxes and itaized prescriptions {Sev Pacsl et 1994 17), was feted. The Thi Interna Geese of Fan Tovpy ashen tcl n July 1979 and ming hese who presented wee) Howells tom England M Ando sera ahe Prtoes andthe sr from the Une Sate, Jith {Sela fom South Ati, and Chaony A. Bel and 8. Doviion came incre omtncstobe soso acessinteational tetany therapists gu! cre, sponsor workshop, and tend tances hen thy ebargeisewih and demonstte the Work, ‘Sone another scHoots oF THOUGHT ‘The varios theoretical approaches which under treatment have slicady been mentioned in the Histor Seton ofthis paper. Ths the faoming wil bea bel sumenaton expanding the scheme recently de- (ined oy Carman (979) and extending trom the dad tothe larger thence ib sorenttneeonovieneiinceerne 950 iy of Fam Tap the ied Ses 3 amily system, The reader can fi the week af the dierent aders di ‘tl carlir in this pape info thi taxonomy. Gurmaneategorzes the ‘SeEtun ecole according to thee perspectives: 1) Peyhoanay tic 2) $friems, subdivided ite two major approsces: Bowente and Com- ‘munications: and 3) Behavior Interac the role ofthe part andthe unconscious,” the psychoun- italy rsented Meropet riders ayprtant to help members of Wrrsuplerndeesuns ssn il wneenicous ean forcheice ‘mute. The therapist paye attention to the unconscious dynamics ‘hain he relationship and iconcerned about the Mtr ofthe far Uh post conic in Sth spouse's amily of origina thee are ma {ested inthe fay of creation Systems theorists general concur, with {he exception tha, although they verbally acount the snportance of PSE St Ste tegen Deas ep in ares hem ne ‘pond to the diagross: Tew ofthe commaniasens school deer ecm an eget en rt. Te be orate diverge in beeing tht knowledge of unconscious reasons for chole of ate and ote hrtery ofthe frais relevant t tea tment, They ae alo nt concerned wth unconscious dynamic OF past Enis ancl experiences (Gurman, 197, p. 8) “al eonsder the nature snd meaning of presenting problems and the sole of assesment in therap) important, with communication and be Faviral therapists eraphasing fat fs most etal during the fst hace of tretinent, For thre ofthe analyte group asbessment reflects Ee idiosyncratic iterate of he thera. For stems practioner, lssessment also relies onthe therapit claa dgment bat centers ‘On key themes in all amie. Behaviors follow a standardized pro- ‘cedure and utlize careful tested and researched instruments. Among the eter diferences in assesment i that pajehoualyeal rierted Uterapats believe that exc ember of the fay a well a the rel ‘onchipe between then compriv elements of "the patent.” Only the {laotahige are conta fo systems nica, and behaviorist fos ‘nthe relationships andthe sls Geis of tay menbers ‘rom the treny-one meciting goals in therapy that Garman s- ‘uses in terme of comparative iiportance, afew have been selected Tere os ilustative. Therap of al perreasons conser specication ‘of protien) tobe cea. The communications group sesesclari ‘on of attempted sluens most the Bowerites lest and analy Sand behavioral linans corde this of moderate import. All see the Tellowing ee sllen:reelning or eraing the protien recognition that each person conte tothe difcles danbeabonof each Mem

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