Toblave Com Psycotiks Last Shelter Survival Doomsday Guide

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Last Shelter Survival Game Tips, Tricks and
L A S T S H E LT E R S U R V I VA L T I P S , T R I C K S & S T R AT E G Y F R O M
P S Y C O T I K I N S T AT E 3 7 4


PsyCoTiK’s Last Shelter Survival Doomsday Event Guide

 D EC EM BER 4, 2019


Written by PsyCoTiK in State 374.

Updating as I have time….

The Last Shelter Survival Doomsday event stretches over 45 days (a Season),
alternating between building and
combat. You can ght other alliances from within the existing State or other States
by attacking the Doomsday
Alliance Center (AC), Honor Structures (HS) and Territories and/or defend your own
AC and HS from attack.
Use the Doomsday icon on the right of the screen when in the World view to access
all of the Doomsday items and
structures. You can also access the Doomsday screen by clicking on Events and then
the Doomsday Event.

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Your Alliance will build 4 Alliance Centers (AC) for you to place your Honor
Structures (facilities, processing plant,
fortress, special operations command) around. These structures are used to defend
your Alliance Center, process
material, and earn Season Points.

is about winning Season Points by occupying tiles, donating stone, earning
Specialty Points, and scores

from the various Combat Phases. From the Game: Seasonal Alliance Scores are earned
when alliance members
perform actions, points can be earned via occupying territories, constructing
buildings, building the Garrison Bases
and building the Alliance Centers.
During the Doomsday Conquest Alliance Duel Phase, points can be also earned by
declaring war on other alliances
and plundering them. You can conquer your opponent’s tiles and structures, with
each earning a speci ed number of
points called Season Points. Occupying territories, building honor structure and
declaring wars will raise season
points. Declaring war on another alliance and win, you will earn season points. If
you lose the war, you lose season
points. (See Doomsday Scoring section below.)
At the end of the Season (45 days), the higher your Alliances Season Points, the
better ranking and rewards.
You can view your Alliances Season Points on the Doomsday / Season tab. You can
also view the rewards you will
receive at your current rank at the end of Doomsday.

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Your alliances begin the process by building an Alliance Center on the map and
having the members build their
Honor Structures around the Alliance Center.
One of the biggest bene ts of the Doomsday Event is the resources and money you can
earn from the tiles you
occupy and the experience you can earn on your heroes. Many players level their
heroes to level 50 just in a single
season. The end-of-season rewards are also really impressive depending on how well
you rank in the event. But you
can only distribute 50 rewards to players!

Building Alliance Center

The Alliance leaders (R4/R5) can build an Alliance Center (AC) from the Alliance /
Building screen. An Alliance Center
requires a 3×3 plot and they cannot place an AC on occupied Doomsday tiles, zombies
or the normal game
tiles. There must be enough stone block donated to the alliance to

build an Alliance Center. There are other requirements that must be met in order
to build Alliance Centers, such as the # of Alliance Members and Total Alliance
Power. You will need donated stone block from your members in order to build
Alliance Centers.
The more Alliance Centers you have, the more your Alliance Center score
bonus will be during the Doomsday Conquest Alliance Duels. You can see this
in the screenshots under Prepping Phase or Combat Phase below. The rst AC
is worth a 50% score bonus during the Combat Phase, the second is worth a
70% score bonus. I do not know the bonuses for the 3rd and 4th ACs yet.

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The rst Alliance Center can be placed on the outer band of the map (the sand),
along the edge of the map up to the
beginning of the grass. The second Alliance Center is placed in the next band of
higher resources inside the rst
band (light green). You can build up to 4 Alliance Centers, each can be placed in
each of the four bands heading to the
center of the map.
Once the Alliance Center is placed, the members build their Honor Structures around
it leaving no tiles open. The
only way the enemy can destroy an Alliance Center is by destroying the Honor
Structures to build a path to the AC.
There are multiple strategies for building Honor Structures and the Garrison
Buildings to defend the AC. These
strategies continually evolve so I won’t attempt to list them here.
You must place an Alliance Center 20 tiles from the walls of the map. The Honor
Structures can be placed 12 tiles
from the Wall of the map. Up to 21 Honor Structures can be placed outward from the
Alliance Center for a total of 441
You can place 1 set of Honor Structures around AC1 and 1 set around each of the
other AC2-4 for a total of 16 honor
structures. You will start out with being able to place 1 set of buildings at rst
and must use the Blue Specialty
points to unlock the other buildings.

The Guardian Fortress Honor Structures have the highest durability and make them
the hardest to destroy.
However, not everyone upgrades these soon enough and sometimes upgraded Processing
Plants are better
defense early on. Do not use Virus Labs for primary defense. You need these to
occupy higer level tiles. If
the Virus Labs get wiped out, you could nd a lot of players can no longer ght at
AC2-4. See the Guardian
Fortress section below for more detail.
Bases can be used to block an enemy’s tile occupation during the Doomsday Conquest
Alliance Duel. The
enemy cannot occupy your Base tiles and must go around it.
You can place an Alliance Centers 1 near the corners or close to the walls (20
tiles from walls for AC, 12 tiles
from the wall for buildings).

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You can place an Alliance Center 1 close to the 2nd band (grass), but don’t forget
to leave room for placing the
Honor Structures.
It has been very e ective to have another Alliance, such as a sister or farming
alliance build their Alliance
Center close to your AC and occupy tiles all-around your AC hive. Your opponent
cannot place their Rally
Point or Bases on occupied tiles, zombies and the normal game resource tiles. The
sister Alliance can
make a wall of Occupied tiles around your AC hive making it very hard for your
enemy to get to your hive
without losing a ton of durability. They will have to occupy these 500 durability
tiles in order to make a path
through. This is a great way to drain your opponent of durability and slow them

Note: An opposing state can destroy any Honor Structures or Alliance Centers during
the Combat
Phase. However, destroying another Alliances Honor Structures will NOT earn them
any points. Only
your Honor Structures will earn them points.

Use Resource Tiles for blocking teleporting bases. Placing Resource Tiles has been
used to prevent an
enemy from placing their Rally Point (3×3 space) or their Bases (2×2 space) close
to your Alliance Center.

leave any room for them to place or occupy strategic tiles. You can place Resource
Tiles in gaps,

preventing the enemy from placing their buildings. The Resource Tiles decay, so
keep an eye on them. But
you can build quick defenses by placing Resource Tiles for only 50 stones each.
See more about Attacking and Defending the Alliance Centers below.

Garrison Structures
1000 Stone / 3×3 Plot / 4 APCs (upgradable to 20 APCs I believe)
You can place 4 Garrison Base to use as o ense and defense. Only 1 person can be
assigned a Garrison Base and
they control the Legions inside the Base, so you will need 4 individuals to manage
the Garrisons. They do NOT have
to be an R4 or R5 to control a Garrison Base. The Legions can be sent out like
normal troops by the person who is
controlling the Garrison Base.

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Many Alliances place the Garrison Bases around their Alliance Center and ll them
with APCs by o ine players as a
defensive strategy. This is limited use of the Garrison Bases, as they can be
placed anywhere, stocked with 4 APCS
full of troops, and the person controlling the Garrison can send those APCs out to
do terrible deads just as if they were
his own APCs.
You can also build the Garrison Base in an opposing State next to a green tile your
Alliance occupies and send troops
from the Alliance Center to the Garrison Base. Once the troops are in the Garrison
Base, you can use them to
occupy tiles, attack Honor Structures, convert purple tile to green, etc. But
remember, they may not be YOUR troops
and if you kill them all o , the owner of the APC can’t re ll them until he recalls
the APC.
Make sure you trust the person who is controlling the Garrison Bases if you’re
sending troops as a Legion.

Doomsday Honor Structures

To start,
you will need to build the Last Shelter Survival Doomsday Laboratory in your Base
in order to participate in

Doomsday. You can access your Honor Points and Doomsday activities from
here. You cannot upgrade this building.
You will need stone block to build any of the Doomsday Structures. You can
buy stone from the Alliance Store to be able to build the structures. Each tile
will have a stone cost to place an Honor Structure. You build your Honor
Structures around the Alliance Centers placed by your Alliance leaders. Later
as you occupy tiles you will earn stone.
To place an Alliance Center, members must donate stone to the Alliance under
the Alliance / Building / Donate option.
Below are the 4 Honor Structures to be placed around the Alliance Center. Each
has its own purpose. As you earn you additional sets of buildings by opening up the
Blue Specialty, you will be able
to add 4 more buildings to AC1 and then to AC2-4.
Many defense strategies use the Guardian Fortress as the rst couple of rings around
the Alliance Center. They
have the highest durability against attacks.

Virus Research Facility (for occupying territories)

Starting Durability: 1000 Durability increase per level: 100
The Virus Research Facility (VRF) allows you to occupy tiles and upgrade to occupy
higher level tiles. Once you
have the VRF place, you can occupy territories (see Doomsday Resource Tiles
section). Each Doomsday resource
tile has a level. You start out a level 1 and as you increase the level of the VRF,
you will be able to occupy higher
level tiles and get larger rewards.
You can check the stats on each Territory by tapping it and selecting View. You can
see the Guard Power
(zombies), the In uence Value, the Infection Intensity, and your Immunity. You
can’t take a Territory if your
Immunity is lower than the Territories Infection Intensity. Technically you can
attack it, but you will lose troops.
The In uence Value of the Territory is used to calculate the Money Rewards you win
on the Doomsday / Territory
tab. You can see your total In uence values on this tab. The higher your in uence,
the higher the money rewards you
will receive. See the Rewards section for more detail.
You can
also view your infection immunity by Viewing the Virus Research

Facility. It will show your current immunity level, which will guide you to what
Territories you can occupy.
Each virus research level will add 100 points to your immunity, so as you
upgrade the Virus Research Facility, you will be able to take higher plots. Once
your immunity is greater than the infection intensity you can safely occupy the
plot. You can also try to occupy the plot before then but you will su er a lot of
troop losses and it’s likely you will fail.
Level 1 Plots have an Infection Intensity of 0 and an In uence Value of
Level 5 Plots have an Infection Intensity of 1000 and an In uence
Value of 600. So you will need to upgrade your Virus Research to Level
10 occupy these tiles safely.
The Virus Lab is where you heal your troops when they’ve been wounded when
occupying tiles or when in an Alliance
Duel. It takes time and resources to heal your troops, similar to the hospital. You
can use Regeneration Serum,
which you earn through occupying tiles to speed up the healing. 1 serum = 5 minutes
of healing. While the troops
are healing in the Virus Lab, they do not consume Food or Fuel.

Processing Plant
Starting Durability: 1000 Durability increase per level: 100
The Processing Plant allows you to process the raw materials harvested from the
territories into usable material
(Composite Material and Virus Samples), which can be used to upgrade your Honor
Structures. This is one of the rst
buildings to upgrade so you can process more material faster.
There is a Harvest button on the bottom of the Territory tab on the Doomsday
screen. Click it and you will receive the
harvest of materials from the tiles you’ve occupied. Then go to the Honor Structure
tab, click the Production icon to
the right of the Processing Plant, then select the material you want to process on
the bottom and click Start
Production. It tells you how long it will need to process those resources.
English Plant not only gives you Doomsday resources to upgrade your
The Processing

Honor Structures, but it also produces regular resources used by your base.
This is where you can earn a lot of resources for upgrading your base.

Special Operations Command

Starting Durability: 1000 Durability increase per level: 100
Upgrading this structure increases your Field Battle Might and Troop Might

Guardian Fortress
Starting Durability: 2000 Durability increase per level: 150
Upgrading this structure increases your Field Battle Resistance and Troop
Resistance. These should be the rst
ring or layer surrounding your Alliance Center. They have the highest durability
against attack.
The Guardian Fortress has the most durability of all the structures and is the
hardest to destroy. A Guardian’s
durability starts at 2000, while all of the other buildings begin at 1000. The
Guardian’s durability increases by 150 for
each level upgrade, so by the time you get a level 8 Guardian, it’s like having 3
regular honor structures sitting on a
single tile. The Guardians should be placed strategically so your opponents have a
hard time getting to your AC.
2000 -> 2150 -> 2300 -> 2450 -> 2600 -> 2750 -> 2900 -> 3050
The Guardian Fortress and Special Operations structures provide you with might and
resistance bu s.
However, if they are destroyed during a duel, you must rebuild them for the bu s to
be applied to your stats.
Building Honor Structures will increase your Season Contribution points. Upgrading
them will NOT give you
Season Contribution points.

Doomsday Resource Territories (aka tiles or plots)

During the Last Shelter Survival Doomsday event, new resource tiles
(territories) will appear around the map. The objective is to use your troops to
Occupy these tiles, harvest resources from the tiles, process the resources and
use them to upgrade structures. Upgrading structures enable you to make
stronger defensive structures, process more resources and occupy high-level
resource tiles.
Each time you send troops to occupy a tile, you earn Loot. The loot will consist of
various materials listed below,

stone block, honor points, and hero experience. Once you’ve occupied a plot, you
will continue to earn the materials,
which can be Harvested from the Territory tab and processed in the Processing
Plant. After the materials have been
processed, they can be used to upgrade your Honor Structures.
When you occupy a tile, you will lose troops, which need to be healed in the Virus
Research Facility. With the latest
updates, the number of wounded troops has been increased dramatically. For example,
occupying a level 10 resource
tile with T8 troops and level 40-43 heroes, I’m wounding between 6,200-8,200 troops
per attack. This will vary with
each player based on their skills. Attack bonuses help.
If you no longer want the plot, a few minutes after you have taken it (Protected
Period), you can click on Abandon
and in 30 minutes you will no longer have it in your inventory.
To see what a plot will produce, click on the plot and the View icon. It will
display the production, guard power,
in uence value, and infection intensity (see Virus Research Facility for details on
In uence and Infection).
Empty Plot: Diseased Crops processed to Food and Virus Sample
Oil Deposit:

Fossil Fuel processed to Fuel and Composite Materials

Mineral Deposit: Ore processed to Iron and Composite Materials

Forest: Mutated Lumber processed to Lumber and Virus Sample
Waste Farm: Diseased Crops processed to Food and Virus Sample
Polluted H20″ Polluted Water processed to Water and Virus Sample
The goal is to continually Occupy higherlevel resource tiles that provide more
resources to process. You must upgrade
your Virus Research Facility in order to
occupy higher-level resource tiles. See
Virus Research Facility for more detail.
You can occupy the normal game
resource tiles such as fuel, lumber,
food, and iron buy clicking on them and
clicking Occupy instead of Gather. Once
you occupy the resource tile, the
resource will disappear and an empty tile
You will not be able to keep any of the Composite Materials or Virus Samples after
the Season is over. They
will disappear, so make sure to use them up before the end of the Tally period.

Territory Capacity and Cross-State Territory Capacity

There is a limit to the number of territories you can occupy at once. You can see
the total count you have occupied
and can place on the Territory tab of the Doomsday screen “Territory Capacity“.
When you rst occupy a tile, it is in
a “Protection Status” for 20 minutes, which means you cannot Abandon it and no one
can take it from you.
English Capacity and Cross-State Territory Cap limit is increased by 1 every day.
There are also Doomsday
Your Territory

Conquest Quests, similar to the Main Tasks Quests that will give you Expand
tickets. The Expand tickets grant you
additional Territories you can take.
You can Abandon territories, which takes 30 minutes. Once you abandon a territory,
you no longer occupy it and you
can occupy additional tiles.
The “Cross-State Territory Cap” is the number of tiles you can occupy in other
States. You can occupy tiles in other
States during the Alliance Duels starting from your Rally Point. Once you have
tiles in another State, the latest
update allows you to cross to the other states at any time to occupy more
As you continue to take tiles and win Honor Points that can be used to earn
Specialty Points and you will receive
Expansion Tickets in your inventory. The Expansion Tickets are used to increase
your territory capacity.

Enemy Tiles (Purple Tiles)

When an out of State Alliance occupies tiles in your State, they will appear in the
Purple color. You can click on the
territory to see who has occupied it. This means they are using their Cross-State
Territory cap to gather resources
from your state. They also earn Season Contribution points by taking tiles in your
You should clean all of the purple tiles from your State if possible. It can take 1
or 2 hits with your APC to convert the
territory from purple to green.
Note: When I’ve used an APC with 3 fully opened orange heroes, 300,000+ troops, and
Fighters in the rst row I can
convert a territory in a single hit. When I use all Vehicles, it takes 2 hits. So I
always put a row of Fighters upfront
and have to wait for the APC travel time. It’s also more economical this way as
usually only the Fighters get wounded
and they are cheaper to heal.

Upgrading Facilities
These upgrade just like other structures. You need the materials Harvested from the
tiles you’ve occupied. The goal
is to upgrade these as quickly as possible so you can level up the defensive
structures such as the Command and
The following materials are required to upgrade your structures
Processing Plant:

Composite Materials, Fuel, Iron

Virus Research Facility: Virus Samples, Crops, Water

Guardian Fortress: Composite Materials, Fuel, Lumber
Special Operations Command: Composite Materials, Food, Iron

Reward Details
The rewards are calculated and given out every 8 hours. Rewards are based on your
total In uence Value and
In uence Ranking. I do not know the exact calculation, but a few details from the
game are below.
Reward = Base Reward x Bonus Multiplier
In uence Value a ects Base Reward
Ranking a ects Bonus Multiplier

Honor Points / Specialty

As you occupy tiles, complete Doomsday Conquest challenges, upgrade Honor
Structures, and kill Adjudicators, you will gain Honor Points. You can view
your Honor Points from the Specialty tab of the Doomsday screen. You will
automatically earn Honor Points by performing the task mentioned, and you will
also earn Honor Exp rewards that will be placed into your inventory. You can
click on the Honor Exp rewards from your inventory or go to the Speciality tab.
From the Speciality tab in the Doomsday Conquest screen, you click the +
sign and you can “use” any Honor Experience rewards you’ve to increase your
level, which makes Specialty Points available for you to use to create more
structures, enhance your capabilities, etc.
You gain Honor Points by:
occupying tiles
completing Doomsday Conquest challenges
upgrading Honor Structures
killing Adjudicators
You can
increase your Honor Level as you earn Honor Points (don’t forget to use the points,
sometimes they sit as

rewards in your inventory). Each Honor Level will grant you 1 Specialty Point that
can be used on the Specialties
There are currently 3 Specialties you can develop: Resource Specialty, Construction
Specialty, and Combat
Specialty. These Specialties can increase various skills and abilities.
The (Blue) Construction Specialty below shows the Construction Master specialty,
which allows you to build
another set of Honor Structures. I recommend working on this specialty rst as the
second through the fourth set of
structures really helps with processing materials and the virus research facilities
quickly let you occupy higher level
After you have earned and built your 4 sets of structures, you can redistribute the
blue points and move them to
another Specialty. Some recommend the Red Specialty to upgrade Immunity.
The (Green) Resource Specialty is for increasing your Territory Cap, the Honor
Gain, and Hero Exp Gain. This is a
great Specialty if you want to level 50 your heroes. But rst, get all of your honor
structures built!
The (Red ) Combat Specialty is used for being able to occupy higher level tiles,
such as going for the level 15 tiles.
These provide awesome resources and hero experience.
Read the blog on Last Shelter Survival: Doomsday Blue and Green Specialty Point
Tree Counts for more information
on Specialties.

Doomsday Conquest: Alliance Duel Phases

Below are the major phases of the Doomsday Conquest: Alliance Duel life cycle along
with more detail following the
phases about the various combat techniques.

Prep Phase (5 days)

The rst stage is a 5-day Prep Phase, where you build your Alliance Leaders build
the Alliance Center (AC) and you
build your Honor Structures surrounding the AC. To begin, you need to build the
Doomsday Laboratory in your Base
and then build the 4 Honor Structures around your Alliance Center (AC). You must
Occupy land and upgrade the Honor
Structures to increase your in uence and earn the specialty points to unlock
See the
additional information below about Doomsday Resource Tiles, Honor Structures,
Upgrading Structures, Honor

Points / Specialty, and Alliance Center. See Building Alliance Center section for
more detail. This initial Prep Phase
only happens at the very beginning of Doomsday. You will not see it repeated. The
repeated cycle always starts with
the War Declaration Phase.

War Declaration Protection Phase (18 hours and then until you Declare War)
As of the latest update, the War Declaration phase starts on Wednesday, Friday, and
Sunday at 00:00 game time.
The War Declaration phase is the next phase. The rst part of the War
Declaration phase is 18 hours where you’re Alliance cannot be attacked by
another alliance. During this time you can play as normal and rebuild and repair
your honor structures and prepare for another round of attacking and/or
Once the 18-hour protection stage is over, you can stay in “Awaiting War
Declaration” inde nitely, until either you or another Alliance declare war.
Below is a screenshot of the War Declaration page. If you have NOT battled
yet, you do not need to wait the 18 hours to Declare War. If your Alliance has
just come from a battle, you will need to wait for 18 hours (cool-down period)
before you can declare (or an Alliance Declare War on you).
If you see a “Declare War” button next to an Alliance, you can click this and
automatically start the next phase (as
long as you are out of your cool-down period or have not battled yet). If you click
the “Declare War” button, the War D
Protection will drop and you will move to the next phase of the Doomsday cycle, the
Battle Phase below.
The “War D Protection” button means the Alliance is still within the 18 hour
protection time and cannot be declared
against. Once the War Declaration Protection counter is at 0:00, other Alliances
will see the “Declare War” icon next
to your Alliance and they can declare war against you. You do not have to declare
war. But an Alliance may declare
war on your Alliance.
If you want an edge, then you want to immediately declare on an Alliance that you
think you can win against. The
sooner the better. Once you declare war, you will move to the Prepping Phase.

You can call a Truce when the War Declaration Phase begins once a week. You can
select times you want to have a
Truce 00:00 – 08:00, 08:00 – 16:00, 16:00 – 2400. During the Truce time you
selected, you cannot declare war and no
one can declare on your Alliance. However, you can be declared upon at any other
time. So if you select 08:00 –
16:00, an Alliance can declare war on you at any time during 00:01 07:59.
The Truce Timer can be found on the Doomsday screen, under Season tab, Alliance
Intel at the bottom, and then click
the Truce Timer.

Truce with Alliance (not a game feature)

If your Alliance wants to take a break for a Combat Phase and have 28 hours (4 for
Combat Phase + 18 for War
Protection Phase + 6 for Prepping Phase) so you can restock and resupply, you can
make an informal truce with
another alliance during the War Declaration Phase. If both of you agree, you can
declare war on each other, place
your Rally Points and do not attack each other. If any of your members take a tile
of the other alliance though, the
score will change and you will be a victor by accident.
Please note, if you truce and neither Alliance scores, the Alliance that declared
war wins.

Prepping Phase (30 minutes)

Once either you or another Alliance has declared war, you will enter a 30
minutes prep phase. This allows your Alliance time to place your Rally Points
and move Bases to your opponent’s Alliance Center hive in preparation for
attacking. An R4/R5 must place a Rally Point(s). They should place it as close
to the enemy’s Alliance Center as possible. You can place multiple Rally Points
and it’s better to place multiple Rally Points as you earn additional War
Declaration points for each Rally Point. (See Doomsday Scoring section below
for details.
You cannot place a Rally Point or Bases on occupied tiles, zombies and
the normal game resource tiles.
You can only place a Rally Point in the outer band of the map, where the
Alliance Center 1 is placed. Once you have taken your opponent’s Alliance
Center 1, you can then place a Rally Point in the next inner band in order to
attack their Alliance Center 2.
It costs
stone to place a Rally Point. The cost for placing each Rally Point increases for
each subsequent one, I

believe it’s 1,000 stone for the rst one, 4,000 stone for the second one, 9,000 for
the third.

Remember though, once you place a Rally Point, you can’t move it. So if you place
all 3 around you’re opponent’s
Alliance Center 1, then you won’t be able to attack their Alliance Center 2.
At this point, you want to move your Bases to your opponent’s Alliance Center 1
hive and get ready. But don’t forget
about the defense of your Alliance Center 1.
With any Base that teleports to the enemy’s location, all of your APCs / Trucks
will go with you. So if you Garrisoned
troops in your Alliance Center and you Teleport to the enemy location, then your
troops will leave your Alliance Center
and go with you.
Make sure there are people who can stay and defend your Alliance Center if you
think it’s necessary. Read the
“Defending Alliance Center” section below for more details. The best defense is a
good o ense!
You can cross States and then the teleport there is free. To teleport for free,
click on your Rally Point once it has
been placed, click on the List icon and then the Teleport button. You will then be
able to move your Base to your
enemy’s Alliance Center hive in preparation for battle. If you have 2 Rally Points,
both will appear in the List. You will
also be able to teleport back to your state for free. However, if you bounce back
and forth, the extra teleports will
cost. If you are doing a battle in the same state, you can teleport to your Rally
Point for free, but it will cost
you an Advanced Teleport to move back.
Once you have moved your Base, you can attack Territories, but you will NOT receive
any points until the Combat
Phase begins. You can build a path from your Rally Points to the enemy targets, but
you will not gain any points
until the 6 hours is over.
Once the 6 hours over, you can begin the attack.
Combat Strategy:
If you have a secondary farming account (that has been added to your Alliance) or
players who won’t be on for the
Combat Phase, you can teleport these accounts to your Rally Point and begin the
process of building the path to their
Honor Structures. This will save your main accounts that will be ghting in the
Combat Phase durability. They will
be able
to immediately begin attacking Honor Structures if you have built the pathway ahead
of time. You will not get

points for any occupied tiles during the Prepping Phase.

Combat Strategy:
If an Alliance has battled you or another Alliance in your state before, and they
have occupied tiles near any of your
Alliance Centers 1-4, they can start building a path from those tiles and do NOT
need to use the Rally Point to start
occupation. Traditionally the game says you have to conquer AC1 before you can
place a Rally Point near the AC2.
But if an Alliance has occupied tiles near an AC2, they can skip AC1 and attack AC2
using those occupied tiles. So
the rule of thumb is not to leave any other State’s tiles near your Alliance

Combat Phase (4 hours)

During the Combat Phase, both you and your opponent’s objective is to earn
War Declaration Points by occupying enemy Territories, destroying Honor
Structures and destroying their Alliance Center. You can see the War
Declaration Points you’ll earn on the screen below and in-game. Earning War
Declaration Points is the way to win. The durability of your APCs / Trucks is
vital, as you will have to stop occupying enemy plots once you are out of
durability. Think of this event as expending durability for points.
You cannot attack your opponent’s Base during the Alliance Duels held on
Wednesday and Friday. So you do not need to shield during the week.

However, they allow for complete attacks on everything during the Alliance
Duel on Sunday.
You can use Missiles against enemy Bases, but you cannot use it against
them against the Alliance Center or Honor Structures.
During this phase, you must create a path (green boxed tile) from where you placed
your Rally Point to the Honor
Structures you wish to destroy. So you start at the Rally Point by occupying tiles
and move outward toward the
enemy. There is a Doomsday Scoring section below with how points are awarded.
Note the “Cross-State Territory Cap”. This is the number of tiles you can occupy in
another State. You occupy
other State tiles during the Alliance Duels.
attack on a tile using your APC will cost you 10 durability! I recommend using your
lower level APC’s where
possible to occupy tiles and save your larger APCs for the Honor Structures.
Each resource territory has 500 durability. Each Honor Structure starts at 1000
durability and increases depending on
other aspects of the game. Taking a level 3 tile could require anywhere from 6-12
attacks depending. An Honor
Structure could take much longer. The enemy may also have troops garrisoned in
their Structures, so you may end up
with a ght. You can attempt to attack these by yourself or create a Rally attack.
To destroy an enemy Alliance Center, you must clear a path to the AC by attacking
the individual structures. You
cannot attack the next Structure until you’ve defeated the one before it. Everyone
should be working together on a
focused attack. I recommend appointing a person to regularly calls out the next
Honor Structure to attack and
everyone follows this person’s instructions.
The victory is really about who earns the most War Declaration Points overall. So
durability on your APC’s is vital.
Use as many APC’s as you have since even the smallest APC can be used to occupy
enemy tiles. It can take 2-5
attacks on an enemy’s Territory in order to occupy it. And once you’ve taken the
Territory, there is a 30-minute
cooldown before they can retake it.
But what it really comes down to is your Alliance’s APC Durability vs. War
Declaration Points. This means that you
must expend Durability (and sometimes troops) to earn War Declaration Points. For
instance, to occupy an enemy
Level 1 territory during the Combat Phase, it might cost your Alliance 30 in APC
durability to win 1 War Declaration
Points. Whereas if you occupy a Level 1 Honor Structure, it might take you 150 in
APC durability to win 500 War
Declaration Points. The game formula is based on spending APC durability to earn
points. So it is important to
ensure you are focusing on occupying the correct items if you are in a time-limited
situation where you are unable to
regenerate durability to win.
One important note is that the War Declaration Points do NOT equate to Alliance
Season Points displayed on the
Season tab. The War Declaration Points are used in a nal calculation (currently
unknown) to calculate the nal
Season Points your Alliance will or lose after the duel.

Combat Strategy:
Make English
sure to purchase Attack and Defense Bonuses from the Alliance Store before
teleporting to your enemy’s
State. Once you leave your State you will no longer be able to access the Alliance
functions such as Researching

Alliance Technology and the Alliance Store. Stock up on what you need BEFORE you go
to another State.
Combat Strategy:
Good opponents will make it di cult for you to place your Rally Points and Bases.
Any Occupied tiles (green),
normal resource tiles (Farm, Lumber, Fuel, Iron) and zombies will block you from
placing a Rally Point. However, you
can place it over any unoccupied Doomsday resource tiles. If you have a good
opponent, they will have occupied
enough tiles around their Alliance Center forcing you to place your Rally Point a
good distance away.
This causes a problem as you have to occupy a path from the Rally Point to their
Alliance Center hive. If you have a
long-distance, it will be very expensive in durability to make a path. Any tiles
that you need to convert from their
occupation to yours (meaning you have to steal their tile from them), it’s even
more costly as a tile they own is 500
durability instead of a normal 1 durability for an empty tile.
In order to avoid expending all of the durability of your main account, some
players use secondary Farm accounts
(that have been added to your ALliance) or players who cannot join you for the
Combat Phase, to build the path.
Using Farm accounts stocked with vehicles makes the process faster. You can
teleport them in for free during the
Prepping Phase and they can build a path from the Rally Point to your opponent’s
Alliance Center’s rst row of
Honor Structures. You can build this path either during the Prepping Phase (but you
won’t get any points ) or wait
until the Combat Phase to begin.
A good opponent will try to block your forward progression by actively occupying
tiles in front of you. If he takes a tile
in your path, you have to wait 30 minutes before you can occupy it. A good opponent
will continually occupy tiles in
front of you, forcing you to nd a di erent path. This is why it is a good idea to
place 2 Rally Points and build a
second path if the rst one is being blocked.
The path-building process can take 30-60 minutes by itself if you have a good
opponent, so sometimes it makes
sense to build the path during the Prepping Phase and ignore the small points you
would receive.
What you will need for Combat:
Durability on all of your APCs. Very important! Durability is what Doomsday is all
Lots of Hospital Space – at least a 3rd of your troops should have a hospital room.
Extra Troops to swap into the APCs.

You may be ghting other troops garrisoned in Structures or the Alliance

Speed-Ups and Resources to Heal Troops in the Hospital. Lots of Speed-ups and
Resources will be required
for large battles. We’ve seen battle resource spending upwards of 5m-10m of food,
fuel, and iron during these
battles and hours of speed-ups used.
If you teleport more than 2 times, you will need Advanced Teleports.
If you lose the Combat Phase, you can replace your Alliance Center. You will not
lose the Territories you’ve occupied
and now the Honor Structures will remain as well. If you lost an Honor Structure
during the battle, you can rebuild it
after the Combat Phase (requires stone) and it will still have the level you had
before it fell. In other words, if you had
a Level 10 Garrison, and the enemy destroyed it when you rebuild it will be a Level
10 again.
(See the additional Attacking and Defending the Alliance Center sections below for
more details.)
The cycle of War Declaration Phase -> Prepping Phase -> Combat Phase continues to
repeat during the Doomsday
event. The cycle will start back to the War Declaration Phase, where you will have
to select an Alliance or wait until
you are declared upon. If you want peace, you can always make a deal with an
Alliance in your State for a NAP and
declare on them. You can also not declare war on an alliance while waiting in the
War Declaration cycle and hope no
one declares on you.
The Alliance Duels will eventually end (I didn’t pay attention to the exact daye,
but I think it’s around day 38?) and
then the Tally Phase will begin. See the details below.

Doomsday Missiles
Doomsday Conquest Missiles can be used to any base in a single shot. Shielding or
relocating your base to
another state (purple bubble) does not protect against a Doomsday Conquet Missile.
Your Alliance must occupy an
adjacent territory next to the Base you want to hit with the Missile.
Doomsday Destroyer Missiles can be used to destroy a 5×5 plot of tiles.

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